berry' · sap .west issth ^t. iirclmso or siile of , _; grain, cotton ent. a veak on your...

I .,• I I IS1IEI) 1S93. N o 716 CRANFORD, UNION C9UNTY. JC.- J. TUESDAY,,MAY 20, 1902. PRICE 2 CENTS. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LINE OF LADIES' WAISTS, 5OatO;2.98. W d ITi LAWN WAISTS! GARDEN IIOSB,Scents per foot and npvud. A liui Ts\Ts, $.1 cich nml u|>»&nl. ' IKON ami -MACHINERY bought and sold, WALSH'S SONS & CO.,>^~ Newark, N. J. '" " 2!Ti Pa-niuc t»t. 2l>U WmluDgton St, ; Never was there such a line of Waists opened in Cranford. Also full lines of , SUMMER ; :'^/;.v.;--. S AND ajl at Elizabeth prices. BERRY' OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, CRANFORD, N. J. THt\ SHOPPING .CENTRE OF NCW SATIN FOULARDS—VALUES AS HliAS85eaTD.F0B49e . This is Getting .the. most desirable of 1 Summer Silks just when you want them and how you want theni at such a saving'. Pure Silks, Satin Ljbcrity and Satin Twi)l. 24-inch. Qray. Tan, Cadet, Royal,Navy, Pihk, Old Ro^.ilelioirojx:, Hro\vn,.Vvh ! ile, '' / f\ \'1 Dark Brown and Black in the best of. ., .new patterns. " Merely a case of who gets ^herein time to buyfroma lot ofrj-oooyards' •**»«;**« ******** 39c Value Habulal Silk 29c 20 IIIPII.- Piniii Wliitp."L ''Stripe (,'oriln. I n t lic QQp most cliORPti slindoa «OC70 75c Valne Natural Shantung-59c '1'heintoat niMitinn of Impnrtpc] 'I'oiiirp*^. Soil rnpiilly nt tlio rpgn- lurpriiM!.- Wi'boujtlit tliem clicnp nml youcnn.Iiayc your K 69c Value TaHcta 59c Only 2(li)ii'crs BOyou'll liavp to Hurry. 21inch liliick, l!}-incli whitn. Until nil silk, of Eft- conrso - - , «Ji7O 89c Values—Tatldas and Satins 65c I.'otli liiHtrnuo lilupk. Kitlipr27-'. Inch.- (iuurnritiwl 'rfllTotn, nnd Sntin Punlipssi 1 , jnirpsilk^\, fliiply fliiiHiri'ir" \otr." 2,000 Yards $1 and •1J-J^%25LMB^ Taffetas 75c Maiiufacturer coveted our ready cash therefore choose from.17^nth Taffetas—old rose, pink- green, cadet,.garnet, ravender, brown, nile, helio- trope, ivory, light blue, royal, reseda, white. Plain-or fancy weaves". (Post Of lice-Store.) NO AGENTS. 707 to 721 Broad Street, Newark, N. J: NOBR4NCHES. •...: ; . FREE s. PLAUt & CO., ELIZABETH. 3ST- J- "Capital $200,000 J Surplus $100,000 Pajn 2 per cent, interest (in accounts itliorc ?">00 00 «nlijtcl to cl eck piutilile in New York fund*, if desired. Accounts of Corporal urns, Finns nnd Inilmilimis *oluitcd. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. The Company pays interest nt the nitc. of 1 per cent on sums of S1.00 and upwards. O|H!ii Monday evenings from 7:110to9 o'clock. 5afe Deposit Vaults. _ Boxes, to rent from Js a year up Acts«s Executor, Adininiilmtoi'-inii Trii'tcc nml issues IctteY- of credit. Banking House, Broad and West 'Grand Sts. OFFICERS: ' TnOMAS N. McCARTEU, President; •--, 'FRANK BEltOEN, Vieo Fnnidont; —7 . C. II. K. IIALbEV, Scc'y andTreas. The Eoval Arcanqm mill bold n . SomelioJy must hnvp givprf uuthoritu* tlK" GEORGE \V. PEEK, JR., ^n ELECTRICIANI Office, Standard Buildiof, .,'. V^estfldld, - 3ST- 3 PECK LUMBER AlFG, CO. Contractors & Buildqrs \\f luiili] lioinc'H ami fai'toriif. ' C. L. BELL,', CllAXtH)III). N'KW English &Knox, Sanitary Plumbing, Steam-*and Oas" : Fittinjti Tinning Sheet rietal Work. JOBEINI5 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 20 North Avenu. 1 . •• c'rantord. N. J. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished^ JOHN DOYLE, Sanitary Plumbing Qas Fining, Stein, Hot Water and Hot Air Heatinr, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wotk. Afr^ntH for Kiclianlmin & Co.,'PurnacpR nnd Telephone ao-A. Cranford, N. |. PRIVATE SALE Fine Household Good*, Furniture, >Carpets, Bedding, Iron Bids, etc ^ at Quclion Prices; N. ).l AUCTION CO. | \ 55 DiioAu STUKKT, LD Tel. 2173. We Bay, Sell or Exchanje. LEARW4IOW TO GET IT AT TirK Bnsiqess _ College, ELIZABETH, N. . . A General Favorite. $3.00 "'lact Rtprodudlon cf tins Style Shoe. EVERY STYLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS. They have that sly 1(5 and up* to-datencss that is demanded by the fashionable dresser, and are the EASIEST shoes ever inade. The most popular and satisfy- ing woman's footwear obtainable. THE PIKER SHOE CO., Broad Street, Weslfleld, N. J. Scarlet k\rr b.u sticks .< Marshall of 11 •.!!>- <invt. Mr-. Tiliiuan or \ at the [ii>m>' i>f W*. V <!r.»». Mrs. J.i*[>"r I" Iliinl Mijuuriiih"' SiJnev Bls>vumW W*uiTrrin^ with fl 8er^r^ c*i.*^ \>%ivy |w«i5itnin£. ll.t- :i.l,'- i».n>i! iif Xi'ii York wrus in lt»»» «>% - T Sniiilii.v. Mr. nrnlMi>. lK*rii:)r «illt4t£<'t'n'ir hbnaal trip tn IMT-.II; ny in Jimi'. ywitfrilay ff»»m i-ju-[ni:in i»tni't to .WoixllUflfll »*rtiu**. - ' * . " ' ' ' Mr*. I'.nijtiirvl anil,'lli<" I'lircclln chiMn>n rf t>:nt«l ytrt>l*nl-iy- from n Tisit oh Ijm^ «l»" oir<il nitnipy 111 Miilm tl»> for un orili'r HimriTi'iitl^ ri'inoMuj; Hit' ri'sinetH'inB ou n>^ Hd lo >^ us no £unit>liti£ or iinK<'iitK'iiitTiiK I'Dinlnct iu iiulu'g- •',] in, Tht 1 'Jorsi'y (.'cnl nil ftjrrylmnt Miiuill Cliiiiik 1IIIIII|)I'(1 into a In-i^'lit Ji^hliT voi-li'rilnv iiinniiil);, with the ll'rtult tllllt '.Illll! llf till' CIII-8 (111 tllO lifrlitii- ftll over on.IlicMiuuliChiink'a li'tkjriniling the Uto bmtts t«jj;« T«II hoyi's Hori' rl'iiuiri'd to si _ i.lii'tn. Xu onu was.hurt... Tlio Itroiiklvil Kii(;li' IUIH issni'il n tisi-fui.miii liiiiiilv littii' book I'liiitli'il Trolli'y Kxplorin;;, which ^ivi'siicpin lifi'Ii-list of the irolli'y trips uvuil- ulil.o to the ri'oiih'iitH of Ni'\v Vork mid ilji HUIIUIIIH lOjji \hi rwithj iliso/ fTiri", i'li i pust Wotepsnn.» iirriyViia'Fe. . Weekly ihiucei «il! be bt-ld at tin 1 Mannattitq llotrl,, Cnruinid, lir^in ning^next Tt«ars»l?«y-jii^ht.. A t>niMiu£ f«»rr»vrvativ»n finrpopos is to b*t eivcCtl ill K3it;i!M*lh on the property «>! timcv Churrli. The Vrn^r»»* lliib will lioli' Hieif naiiual r«?vv|>lion li«ni>rroiv at the htiiiie i>fMr»- Joiia UtMxlr. went i*rir«!>"nllvii*«]til li.-re. '. Mr. X'. Culin an<l family "ri'turni'i from AtlfinttcCity on Sancl:i,v, h:iv In;* »[)>'ni scriral wivis tlii'ris Mr». Funnit- IS.ilcj and i\m. 1C. W*oo»ter Irfl l«wn y»Vti-nln_v for Syracuse, tn h-niain :i OR<I.I_VI?. Mr.timl MrW. Tli..m:is, It. Alilrirli left on iKilanlny-fitr W«n llnniptnii, 1^ I., wlii'iv lli>-y nil! n'qiuiu for tiin' IlKHltti. " -Mr. ami Mrs. (i«jr}r' 1J. JOIRH ami tlieir son Kennel Ii i«aili-il on Sntur- •lay For Nora S o t i a , to Ucabscnt for a iDontb. - ..'.'•'• Clarence Sesanl li:i« liivn appoint' edc6!t4ctoro(jtlie New Jcr>ry Iluilil injjaml Loan .Jiwiiciaiiiiii <if Tren- ton, to SUCKV^J Ji>bn U'utf n*«n. . Assessor r>lnardS. Cnuit- is bu^y countiujrilo^s IIIHT l.¥tvniii-r to tin- •talr»-ofr|)rop«Try7BjrjH i ir»;""fi« i arly."air of wboni an' iivrrlnn^l—<o tlii'y HIV, Mis* Stone's I.TIunp in aid of. tlio CbililrFii's l»<iy Nurwry of ]>iizubi-lli, will be- ili'livrtvd.;j IL JV«*tiIiui»ti''r'' Chiin-li of ttiat csiy uu TliuraiJny nigbt. . -..-•• ' The WestHvM ntur foiunl an ensj mark in Hie O . X . T,"« pitciii'r 011 tNltanl.iy n:nl li:iiuin<-nii out six runs. Tlteir op]>uuculti «<TI-ubk- to l'rn;Tis«np IIK hrr WIT pllnoil li\ the Indies nt thoCiiSinu on Sutiir- ilny (•('••iiitif;. Mrs.'-Jolm Momly nml Mrs. Oiiliriiian -heiug tiod for tlrnl liliu'i 1 , thi'y n'laj-i'd offfor tin' piini-— u H't'rlni^ olmi fork, .AH a nwilt Mm. Mooil.v liLvniiii! th'i' winner." . ThevSt-ZAjrui'S Cuilil held a HIIJO. ol limiii' tiimlo cuiul.v nt Helen .Wilbnr'c on Siitnnlu.v. Missos 'Willfiir hnil •SliarpSviTK ill i-lmrni! of tlio HweelH. Six (Jiilliirti.u't'ii 1 theri'by enrneil for' i.lis.Liuic'Motlii'i'H' liny Nursery. : I'oliui'iiiiin IIi'hni'Hsi'y jj;,itln'ivil in iliivi'onl-oftown whl'i'lini'ii on Snn- iluy wlioin lie lounil riilinffoii the "aliiI lifruingi'ti them 'fid' Menilell. Timlatter let thrill <>11" witli a I'i'jiriliinnil, " Ttii- l'rotfirss Club IUIHWiilliiicil its Work for I ho HCIIHOU bi'^innin^ iii Oelohcr next nml - emlirij; in -,\lnj-, l!Mi;i. The priiieipnl it'opirs to be siuilied. r e l a t e to the I'liiiippine IMIHIIOH. ilapaii nml AliiNku.- , ! . The Keho bA'SC bull teuin fouiiil theni!<elve» it when they y laiklfd the Ulmyooil'u on tjaturday, but miinxj;c(] to Heoro Ti uit-u, while the (jurtviioil'i) were senilin({!ioniol 1. l.Vial nilvmiceil in price to ftl a ton ywttcrday, I hanks to tho strike. Aflernoon Reception at Woodcrcst. . A conipetititc fx.-numutiuA for the the Cranfonl post o'ffilif. will bv held Jane 11. Application Uauta may be obtaiueJ »f Mr. joiin C. Crane a{ the post officv. . ' < •The St. Agues (iaild will huh! a sale of candy at Mes I,-iL<.v'•< on \I113 :il T MIH. Sylvester Scott, WHS- "At llonni" on l-'riduy nflcrnoon f.'Oiu Ti lo 7 o'eloek, at her bemitifiil reoi- deiiee "Wooih-reH" on llrooksiilc I'liice. Mrs.--Scott was iiH8inU'ir in recetvinj; by MrH. Khiiwn'.iif i'liiludul- phia, who him been IHT guuHt foi two weeks. " The roouiH were prettily ilceorntcil willi-feinH Mini llnwers.' Kirs; L. ('. UIIHH anil .Mrs. (I. II. JtineB serveil chocolate nml bouillon. Severn young wonien UBI toted in serving (hel collmiaiir''n'W on^-"\vh'oW'' r w'oi-e'friF Misses llrotvji and SlepheiiH of Klizii- "Misses .M., l^otlie Vera Merrinni. Marjnieritc and Mis The last Fn-h Air ttljikt tif this season aill b » ^ M on Frid.i* ufler noon at Hunipton Hall. Ing priznt have been ilqnah*! by Mrs.' Hedcn berg. All person- in!rrt>-t<'(3 are re qutsted nt nttenj. CrnnfDnl"* )rn\st Sunday hchoo) excursion for thoyew li>f}2 »jli tiike Bty-I^T, '—r place-onja, St. Paul's VI. E., 1'irst^VI E. and tianrood Ch.ipd schools w ill kel, KlizhMh Grab.- sod M. Timber atteode<l tln'CKtiinirtjcement fierciscn at the Sew V«rt Diitil Collfge last night. Itobfrt \V:iL*fi<]d is a dent there. There are some old fogira-jn tottn silry enough to contend that making a sixteen year old girl «it on thefloor fo view oi her classmatw is an urf dignified medipd of enforcing disci pline. Sarely". tbe alternative of keeping her in Bilerscbool incustodj of the janitor e moth to bepreferredf DB. CHARLES FEEDEKIOC JONES, Dori*. VXI1E. Jeoej-St., cor. Tfartwon Avenue, mabtih 5. J, belli, the. Miller aud Vera HookhiMit, Merrinni of Sallie Clan- ford.. About two liqnilred quests wen- present,many being from out ol town ' g. _ "~ - Obituary. - • ririlinand Ditzel, jr, of Ilinnili Mills, dull on Silurdiii uflci » loii^r illneHfl. '('ousiiinptioii WIIH tho causi ttf bis d<nth 'I he fum-nil HIIUU were held jiHt^rdiij inthe ehupil nl llramh MIIIH, l l n . l : Snlti r olliciul ing. liiUrment uiiHiiinileiill aimcn _'Xhodii > i'ii8i'd ttua-nniuubu of the L'pchurch Lodgn of Aridenl Oidir of L'nitul Wnrknif II, mid si'iir^l npie sentiitiuM of the iirdi r wi ie in aiti n ilanu'iil the 'J he dint I) of Mr. Dif^el is peculiarly sad, lining lo the huge faiml\ he liwnes, ami Tho Merne \Vm>H held' their J a a t . r (hcseiisnn at the home" of Mr".-It. J.Mix nii~Friday. The dining roam^niiH docorutecl with brunches of dujjuund, forns nnd oTlu>r .^priii(f blos,suni8. A largo ceiiteipiice of Sprinuf 11L»HT8 and ferns formed tin- tablo decoration. A May pole stood with twelve.satin streamers each a • lifTerentj c o l o r j i whieli extended to the pbitt-s of the ofeiiclr'sTrenniiT i'iid nii iiiatiire bisque KiiestH.. -At.time WHS plused u l!«uriM\4iieli held tht>.ribbon in posi- tion, '••• The place rarda were dnint.\ iiHuirs of wnter color pnper, with violets, tnlipH,- wild roses, etc., painted on tliem. ; ' The menu consisted ofutruwborriea, creamed asparagus, soup, soft Bhell i.intw, mushrooms stnfl'ed witlievvect- piIII, toniafo siilnil, fnncy eiiken, in- triiiin witli striiwberrli'B, lion bons nnd eoll'tv.' Those pivseni were: Mfodiuues It. J. .Mix,f. S. Utti'll, I,. Coudert, C. S. .Slmtton,.I,..Miitliey,, AiiKUatUB lily, A. llitueoc.k. K. !•;. jleston, It, 'Julian of New York, ,1. LV-WirRMtnff, W, Sjierry mid Allen Maddoii. ~ ; Board ol Health. A spediil I'niH!t°iii{;' of tbc'lluultli lloiird win held nil Siltiirday to C(OHI) •up the .business incident to this »nmll pox case, but.some other matters also receiveil'olliciul attention.- - One of these was i>-c'oiuniuuivntioii from the Kahwiiy llourd,Statin);Unit ithad employee) men. to patrol the river with a view of discovering sources of pollution, and requeotiin} similiir iiction lij- Cninford-H board, llrciiiiiplinnce, K:'S. (.'ratio UIHFA. t). Hopkins were em ployed to look for wnli' a feiiof^.'l a dii'y each for not exereilini; live days, Vio- lutioua of law, if fotin 1,AVJH bo re- ported tothe t;ru.nd.Jury. The nuisances previously com- pluiiied ofiitj Ivlts atiited, would' bo speedily abatejl, nsLiJanccs to that having |)i'oii receivedlrom tlm owner of the dniiii on illooiningdola ulveii'ue, and from' thu Central Hiiil. road Company. In. the latter caoo, llielatiil-onHoiitlrirveniienrjwdottctl with pools of >vdter. will bo ditched nml thereby rendered healthful. The following Ijillu for !>nynienl: •', John Murii'ii .... - ,"•;'•••,. II. K. l-'ru'st 7:..., .... .). X. Irviiiu'. ...... ; 1. Itmi-ii'h.,t W. Klrinfi'liler ..... ,... •M.. S. tVniiu II. M. &J.K. I'oriimis ivero approvud - ' -. .' ..... ,'. .| 44.RO .......... ' .350.00 '••:.:...t. T.ltK ,..'.,, !13 ,.,.. ,'J,2, r > ,5(l,B0 ..... r ... 3 ,|(j Pinx Pong in the Chapel. \ The fjiimii witli 11 iianiii Ihatsoundg liliu n Chinese IniiiiilryiiilTirii, not con- lent with invading tin- dwi'llings and clubhouses of Cmnford, made its way last iiight hitn the 1'reflhj ti'riiin chfipi'l, nnd for the'nimcu tho house nf nrn^ii biLiime Hie houso Of ping.. pmiftr Kor Iht; amusement of tho Men's Ijiiijue, the inlerliuninent commit- leu had piiiMilul Ilirietablcs.solhat tixioiild pla> nt one timr* Thorn Hire also two (rokinole tables foi I He dmiHion of less mM\e fun wooers. i:\ii\tliiug s.iwinng of fnrniiility niiH liariul out, and e\iT_\lmily had it goo I tune b\ following tlio rule of dci as ton [illriHI . „ -Cooking-Season-£losed- 'ibe IIIMI (ookiiig ih'inonHtriitnin' VI\P him, IIIHO bis fiitln i nnd ninthir who lime been nsiih nts on tin Hontli Hide fur over t\wnl\ >cnr.« Special Noliccg. Vosh) To I.IIVN un first iiior^iigp, Ap- l>lj ItooiiH 1' I, Mnr-Ii llniHwg I'liiinfliM, X. J. Y / L'IIT—'ioniiK miltiMi ml, «ith nil cul- l»r, finikr nliiin to J L IlntiiLeh nml rcctncrewiinl. To LKT—IIOIIV>, 8 P)OMH, cltj water, afli riioou UJSS .Ii IH!I< Doliiuinn of \i« )ork piepind and hon to ninke HiKdfsfull^ (iiiiin, IIOZIJI jilimi pudding, rnitt'.'d en am, IK i He cioipiettia, anil tlmui- late Holillle 'iho Iliivuiuill treiiui 1-OUSALK—(otUiKC tops, 2 liniiKiiiR lumps HIS AUeu atixtt. * Neapolitan biuk of ite creriin Itcoti" tniiieil Htiu%\ lifir_v ,\ aniltii and choco- late Hie plum pudding was simply chocolate ice iruiim, wirh candii'd biiitB frozen through it, and was dolicioiiH The remaining desserts, chocolateBOUIIIO nnd nutted crenm, Mini.0. r. CBANK, I war0 unl11 ''S 1 '* aD<i "eliwite In subs- 17 tance und flavor,

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Page 1: BERRY' · sap .West issth ^t. iirclmso or siile of , _; GRAIN, COTTON ENT. A VEAK ON YOUR MONEY in (siiy 48} rai ! 1 per cent, mi Common Steel Coin moil r i'/-. $.'1110.00 - ... This

,.1'tw.g ltn-.ll*. t>y whieli Hie . H ' | , , . ' , * U

(ifti'll k™»n, IK I1W ttlllyu , | , [ l l t ' ' '•»«hllmltipliul. it is hki^iH.. *|>,,, -v l"

Elizabeth, N j .

; Saturday II P. M.Drd«r»FMI«d. — - * r ._ _ , „

WHITE OATS, 10 Stamps FreT

andard of expectations;ry6ne believed what soare the Hest and Cheap."buy your groceries andices for arguments, andes. . • ' • . • ' • • •••••-

nailed in flav.or, Vegetable,ery, per can - , ~7C

AM CHOWDEH, ~Uurnhatn's, large curia ] ; | f

re.Old Fashioned New OrleansMOLASSES, per enn l ( | c

ip ioca , fjsuri S a g o , box 7c

EEDA BISCUITS,er : box - - 4C

IIKIE I 'PWDEH, Im-ported, per bot t le KiL.UI1ASCO P B I T E U SAUCE,perbottlo - - ;iric

New .West issth t.

iirclmso or siile of , _ ;



in (siiy 48} rai !1 per cent, mi


Steel Coin moil

r i'/-

. $.'1110.00 -1N.0M

•I 00.00.



; ?4(io.6o

Store,Enormous Notion

id shades ill the newest ribbons,Smin UroB Orniii, plain (iron

I fancies. For instance, nh all'r d . ' . - • « ; . • -."

i'. Misses' nml (Jents1 (ilovcs,

ssaryr'^"1*^""^-!' * -r;'vi~'f-*iv- -- •• • '*-.-


<, dresses, t l io.grcn't and only(lief. • • -: . . . •'


Jest Mtjles, such us the mo»t


Siiirts.'Tuc,$1.00, $1.25, $1.50. "

as Store,•&t, Elizatoeth.

nienl without considering MVailramvwyiug tluit we fully lwlievu this slink

"MARKET.7;" ~of oiio of tlio tilirecnt bull mnrk«» tte

O«te» U backed b y . pool of »jSo,ooo,i«,ohn J. Mitchtll, Pruldent Illlnuli Tru.fli«. Minxnir of iiiitihiit iri im vi-ry much-•.I «ll good dividend paying atucU. m.linon, Steel and People! Ua«.


see us. - We have thei .


lay night. ""

ats' All.">AD STREET, ELIZABETH.(Next to Mendel's.}

I .,• I





GARDEN IIOSB,Scents per foot and npvud.A liui Ts\Ts, $.1 cich nml u|>»&nl. 'IKON ami -MACHINERY bought and sold,

WALSH'S SONS & CO.,>^~Newark, N. J. '" "

2!Ti Pa-niuc t»t. 2l>U WmluDgton St,

; Never was there such a line of Waists

opened in Cranford. Also full lines of

, S U M M E R ; :'^/;.v.;--.S AND

ajl at Elizabeth prices.





This is Getting .the. most desirable of1 SummerSilks just when you want them and how you wanttheni at such a saving'. Pure Silks, Satin Ljbcrity andSatin Twi)l. 24-inch. Qray. Tan, Cadet, Royal,Navy,Pihk, Old Ro^.ilelioirojx:, Hro\vn,.Vvh!ile, '' / f\ \'1Dark Brown and Black in the best of. .,

.new patterns. " Merely a case of who gets^herein time to buyfroma lot ofrj-oooyards'

•**»«;**« * * * * * * * *

39c Value Habulal Silk 29c20 IIIPII.- Piniii Wliitp."L

''Stripe (,'oriln. I n t lic Q Q pmost cliORPti slindoa «OC70

75c Valne Natural Shantung-59c'1'heintoat niMitinn of Impnrtpc]

'I'oiiirp* . Soil rnpiilly nt tlio rpgn-lurpriiM!.- Wi'boujtlit tliem clicnpnml you cnn.Iiayc your K

• 69c Value TaHcta 59c

Only 2(li)ii'crs BO you'll liavp toHurry. 21 inch liliick, l!}-incliwhitn. Until nil silk, of E f t -conrso - - , « J i 7 O

89c Values—Tatldas and Satins 65c

I.'otli liiHtrnuo lilupk. Kitlipr27-'.Inch.- (iuurnritiwl 'rfllTotn, nndSntin Punlipssi1, jnirpsilk^\,fliiply fliiiHiri'ir" \otr."

2,000 Yards $1 and•1J-J^%25LMB^ Taffetas 75cMaiiufacturer coveted our ready cash therefore choosefrom.17^nth Taffetas—old rose, pink- green,cadet,.garnet, ravender, brown, nile, helio-trope, ivory, light blue, royal, reseda, white.Plain-or fancy weaves". (Post Of lice-Store.)


707 to 721 Broad Street, Newark, N. J:NOBR4NCHES. •...: ; . FREE

s . PLAUt & CO.,

E L I Z A B E T H . 3ST- J-"Capital $200,000 J Surplus $100,000

Pajn 2 per cent, interest (in accounts itliorc ?">00 00 «nlijtcl to cl eck piutilile inNew York fund*, if desired. Accounts of Corporal urns, Finns nnd Inilmilimis *oluitcd.

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.The Company pays interest nt the nitc. of 1 per cent on sums of S1.00 and

upwards. O|H!ii Monday evenings from 7:110 to 9 o'clock.

5afe Deposit Vaults . _ Boxes, to rent from J s a year upActs«s Executor, Adininiilmtoi'-inii Trii'tcc nml issues IctteY- of credit.

Banking House, Broad and West 'Grand Sts.OFFICERS:

' TnOMAS N. McCARTEU, President;• - - , 'FRANK BEltOEN, Vieo Fnnidont;

—7 . C. II. K. IIALbEV, Scc'y and Treas.

The Eoval Arcanqm mill bold n . SomelioJy must hnvp givprfuuthoritu* tlK"


ELECTRICIAN IOffice, Standard Buildiof, .,'.

V^estfldld, - 3ST- 3


Contractors & Buildqrs\\f luiili] lioinc'H ami fai'toriif. '


English & Knox,

Sanitary Plumbing, Steam-* and

Oas":Fittinjti Tinning

Sheet rietal Work.


20 North Avenu.1. •• c'rantord. N. J.

Estimates Cheerfully Furnished^


Sanitary Plumbing Qas Fining, Stein,

Hot Water and Hot Air Heatinr,

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wotk.

Afr ntH for Kiclianlmin &

Co.,'PurnacpR nnd

Telephone ao-A. Cranford, N. |.

PRIVATE SALEFine Household Good*, Furniture,

> Carpets, Bedding, Iron Bids, e t c

at Quclion Prices;

N. ).l AUCTION CO. |\ 55 DiioAu STUKKT,

LD Tel. 2173.

We Bay, Sell or Exchanje.


Bnsiqess _ College,ELIZABETH, N. . .

A GeneralFavorite.

$3.00"'lact Rtprodudlon cf tins Style Shoe.



They have that sly 1(5 and up*to-datencss that is demandedby the fashionable dresser,and are the EASIEST shoesever inade.The most popular and satisfy-

ing woman's footwearobtainable.

THE PIKER SHOE CO.,Broad Street, Weslfleld, N. J.

Scarlet k\rr b.u s t i c k s .<Marshall of 11 •.!!>- <invt.

Mr-. Tiliiuan or \at the [ii>m>' i>f W*. V <!r.»».

Mrs. J.i*[>"r I" Iliinl i« Mijuuriiih"'

SiJnev Bls>vumW W*uiTrrin^ withfl 8er^r^ c*i.* \>% ivy |w«i5itnin£.

l l . t - :i.l,'- i».n>i! iif Xi'ii

York wrus in lt»»» «>%- T Sniiilii.v.

Mr. nrnlMi>. lK*rii:)r «illt4t£<'t'n'irhbnaal trip tn IMT-.II; ny in Jimi'.

ywitfrilay ff»»m i-ju-[ni:in i»tni't to.WoixllUflfll »*rtiu**. - ' * . " ' ' '

Mr*. I'.nijtiirvl anil,'lli<" I'lirccllnchiMn>n rf t>:nt«l ytrt>l*nl-iy- from nTisit oh Ijm^

«l»" oir<il nitnipy 111 Miilm


for un orili'r Him riTi'iitl^

ri'inoMuj; Hit' ri'sinetH'inB ou

n> Hd lo > us no £unit>liti£

or iinK<'iitK'iiitTiiK I'Dinlnct iu iiulu'g-

•',] in,

T h t 1 ' J o r s i ' y (.'cnl n i l ftjrrylmntMiiuill Cliiiiik 1IIIIII|)I'(1 into a In-i^'litJi^hliT voi-li'rilnv iiinniiil);, with thel l ' r t u l t t l l l l t ' . I l l l l ! l l f t i l l ' C I I I - 8 ( 1 1 1 t l l O

lifrlitii- ftll over on.IlicMiuuliChiink'a• li'tkjriniling the Uto bmtts t«jj;«T « I I hoyi's Hori' rl'iiuiri'd to si _i.lii'tn. Xu onu was.hurt...

Tlio Itroiiklvil Kii(;li' IUIH issni'il ntisi-fui.miii liiiiiilv littii' book I'liiitli'ilTrolli'y Kxplorin;;, which ^ivi'siicpinlifi'Ii-list of the irolli'y trips uvuil-ulil.o to the ri'oiih'iitH of Ni'\v Vorkmid ilji HUIIUIIIH lOjji \hi rwithj i l iso/fTiri", i'li i


Wotepsnn.» iirriyViia'Fe. .

Weekly ihiucei «il! be bt-ld at tin1

Mannattitq llotrl,, Cnruinid, lir^inning^next Tt«ars»l?«y-jii^ht..

A t>niMiu£ f«»rr»vrvativ»n finrpoposis to b*t eivcCtl ill K3it;i!M*lh on theproperty «>! timcv Churrli.

The Vrn^r»»* lliib will lioli' Hieifnaiiual r«?vv|>lion li«ni>rroiv at thehtiiiie i>fMr»- Joiia UtMxlr.

went i* rir«!>"nllvii*«]til li.-re. '.

Mr. X'. Culin an<l family "ri'turni'ifrom AtlfinttcCity on Sancl:i,v, h:ivIn;* »[)>'ni scriral wivis tlii'ris

Mr». Funnit- IS.ilcj and i\m. 1C.W*oo»ter Irfl l«wn y»Vti-nln_v forSyracuse, tn h-niain :i OR <I.I_VI?.

Mr.timl MrW. Tli..m:is, It. Alilrirlileft on iKilanlny-fitr W«n llnniptnii,1^ I., wlii'iv lli>-y nil! n'qiuiu for tiin'IlKHltti. "

-Mr. ami Mrs. (i«jr}r' 1J. JOIRH ami

tlieir son Kennel Ii i«aili-il on Sntur-•lay For Nora S o t i a , to Ucabscnt fora iDontb. - . . ' . ' • ' •

Clarence Sesanl li:i« liivn appoint'edc6!t4ctoro(jtlie New Jcr>ry Iluililinjjaml Loan .Jiwiiciaiiiiii <if Tren-ton, to SUCKV J Ji>bn U'utf n*«n.. Assessor r>lnardS. Cnuit- is bu^ycountiujrilo^s IIIHT l.¥tvniii-r to tin-•talr»-ofr|)rop«Try7BjrjHiir»;""fi«iarly."airof wboni an' iivrrlnn^l—<o tlii'y HIV,

Mis* Stone's I.TIunp in aid of. tlioCbililrFii's l»<iy Nurwry of ]>iizubi-lli,will be- ili'livrtvd.;j IL JV«*tiIiui»ti''r''Chiin-li of ttiat csiy uu TliuraiJnynigbt. . -..-•• ' •

The WestHvM ntur foiunl an ensjmark in Hie O.X. T,"« pitciii'r 011tNltanl.iy n:nl li:iiuin<-nii out sixruns. Tlteir op]>uuculti «<TI-ubk- to

l'rn;Tis«np IIK hrr WIT pllnoil li\the Indies nt thoCiiSinu on Sutiir-ilny (•('••iiitif;. Mrs.'-Jolm Momly nmlMrs. Oiiliriiian -heiug tiod for tlrnlliliu'i1, thi'y n'laj-i'd offfor tin' piini-—u H't'rlni olmi fork, .AH a nwiltMm. Mooil.v liLvniiii! th'i' winner.". The vSt-ZAjrui'S Cuilil held a HIIJO. ollimiii' tiimlo cuiul.v nt Helen .Wilbnr'con Siitnnlu.v. Missos 'Willfiir hnil•SliarpSviTK ill i-lmrni! of tlio HweelH.Six (Jiilliirti.u't'ii1 theri'by enrneil for'i.lis.Liuic'Motlii'i'H' liny Nursery. :

I'oliui'iiiiin IIi'hni'Hsi'y jj;,itln'ivil iniliivi'onl-oftown whl'i'lini'ii on Snn-iluy wlioin lie lounil riilinffoii the

"aliiI lifruingi'ti them'fid' Menilell. Tim latter letthrill <> 11" witli a I'i'jiriliinnil," Ttii- l'rotfirss Club IUIHWiilliiicil itsWork for I ho HCIIHOU bi'^innin^ iiiOelohcr next nml - emlirij; in -,\lnj-,l!Mi;i. The priiieipnl it'opirs to besiuilied. r e l a t e to the I'liiiippineIMIHIIOH. ilapaii nml AliiNku.- , ! .

The Keho bA'SC bull teuin fouiiil

theni!<elve» it when theyylaiklfd the Ulmyooil'u on tjaturday,but miinxj;c(] to Heoro Ti uit-u, whilethe (jurtviioil'i) were senilin({!ioniol 1.

l.Vial nilvmiceil in price to ftl a tonywttcrday, I hanks to tho strike.

Aflernoon Reception at Woodcrcst. .

A conipetititc fx.-numutiuA for the

the Cranfonl post o'ffilif. will bv heldJane 11. Application Uauta maybe obtaiueJ »f Mr. joiin C. Crane a{the post officv. . ' <

•The St. Agues (iaild will huh! a saleof candy at Mes I,-iL<.v'•< on \I113 :ilT

MIH. Sylvester Scott, WHS- "Atllonni" on l-'riduy nflcrnoon f.'Oiu Tilo 7 o'eloek, a t her bemitifiil reoi-deiiee "Wooih-reH" on llrooksiilcI'liice. Mrs.--Scott was iiH8inU'ir inrecetvinj; by MrH. Khiiwn'.iif i'liiludul-phia, who him been IHT guuHt • foitwo weeks. " •

The roouiH were prettily ilceorntcilwilli-feinH Mini llnwers.' Kirs; L. ('.UIIHH anil .Mrs. (I. II. JtineB serveilchocolate nml bouillon. Severnyoung wonien UBI toted in serving (helcollmiaiir''n'W on -"\vh'oW''r w'oi-e'friFMisses llrotvji and SlepheiiH of Klizii-

"Misses .M., l^otlieVera Merrinni. Marjnieritcand Mis

The last Fn-h Air ttljikt tif thisseason a ill b » ^ M on Frid.i* uflernoon at Hunipton Hall. I n g priznthave been ilqnah*! by Mrs.' Hedcnberg. All person- in!rrt>-t<'(3 are requtsted nt nttenj .

CrnnfDnl"* )rn\st Sunday hchoo)excursion for thoyew li>f}2 »jli tiike

Bty-I T,' — r, St. Paul's VI. E., 1'irst VIE. and tianrood Ch.ipd schools w ill

kel, KlizhMh Grab.- sod M. Timberatteode<l tln'CKtiinirtjcement fierciscnat the Sew V«rt D i i t i l Collfge lastnight. Itobfrt \V:iL*fi<]d is adent there.

There are some old fogira-jn tottnsilry enough to contend that makinga sixteen year old girl «it on thefloorfo view oi her classmatw is an urfdignified medipd of enforcing discipline. Sarely". tbe alternative ofkeeping her in Bilerscbool incustodjof the janitor e moth to bepreferredf


VXI1 E . Jeoej-St., cor. Tfartwon Avenue,mabtih 5. J,

belli, the.Miller aud Vera

HookhiMit,Merrinni of


ford.. About two liqnilred questswen- present,many being from out oltown '

g. _

— "~ - Obituary. - •

ririlinand Ditzel, j r , of IlinniliMills, dull on Silurdiii uflci » loii rillneHfl. '('ousiiinptioii WIIH tho causittf bis d< nth 'I he fum-nil HIIUU

were held jiHt^rdiij in the ehupil nlllramh MIIIH, l l n . l : Snlti r olliciuling. liiUrment uiiHiiinileiill aimcn_'Xhodii>i'ii8i'd ttua-nniuubu of theL'pchurch Lodgn of Aridenl Oidir ofL'nitul Wnrknif II, mid si'iir^l npiesentiitiuM of the iirdi r wi ie in aiti nilanu'iil the 'J he dint I) ofMr. Dif^el is peculiarly sad, lining lothe huge faiml\ he liwnes, ami

Tho Merne \Vm>H held' their Jaat .r (hcseiisnn at the home"

of Mr".-It. J.Mix nii~Friday. Thedining roam^niiH docorutecl withbrunches of dujjuund, forns nndoTlu>r . priii(f blos,suni8. A largoceiiteipiice of Sprinuf 11L»HT8 andferns formed tin- tablo • decoration.A May pole stood with twelve.satinstreamers each a • lifTerentj colorjiwhieli extended to the pbitt-s of the


nii iiiatiire b i s q u e

KiiestH.. -At.timeWHS plused u

l!«uriM\4iieli held tht>.ribbon in posi-tion, '••• The place rarda were dnint.\iiHuirs of wnter color pnper, withviolets, tnlipH,- wild roses, etc.,painted on tliem. ; '

The menu consisted ofutruwborriea,creamed asparagus, soup, soft Bhelli.intw, mushrooms stnfl'ed witlievvect-

piIII, toniafo siilnil, fnncy eiiken, in-triiiin witli striiwberrli'B, lion bonsnnd eoll'tv.'

Those pivseni were: Mfodiuues It.J. .Mix,f. S. Utti'll, I,. Coudert, C. S..Slmtton,.I,..Miitliey,, AiiKUatUB lily,A. llitueoc.k. K. !•;. jleston, It, 'Julianof New York, ,1. LV-WirRMtnff, W,Sjierry mid Allen Maddoii. ~ ;

Board ol Health.

A spediil I'niH!t°iii{;' of tbc'lluultlilloiird win held nil Siltiirday to C(OHI)•up the .business incident to this »nmllpox case, but.some other mattersalso receiveil'olliciul attention.-- One of these was i>-c'oiuniuuivntioiifrom the Kahwiiy llourd,Statin);Unitithad employee) men. to patrol theriver with a view of discoveringsources of pollution, and requeotiin}similiir iiction lij- Cninford-H board,llrciiiiiplinnce, K:'S. (.'ratio UIHFA. t).Hopkins were em ployed to look forwnli' a feiiof^.'l a dii'yeach for not exereilini; live days, Vio-lutioua of law, if fotin 1,AVJH bo re-ported to the t;ru.nd.Jury.

The nuisances previously com-pluiiied ofiitj Ivlts atiited, would' bospeedily abatejl, nsLiJanccs to that

having |)i'oii receivedlrom tlmowner of the dniiii on illooiningdolaulveii'ue, and from' thu Central Hiiil.road Company. In. the latter caoo,llielatiil-onHoiitlrirveniienrjwdottctlwith pools of >vdter. will bo ditchednml thereby rendered healthful.

The following Ijillufor !>nynienl: •',J o h n Murii'ii . . . . - ,"•;'•••,.

I I . K . l - ' r u ' s t 7 : . . . , . . . .

. ) . X . I r v i i i u ' . . . . . . . ;

1. Itmi-ii'h.,tW. Klrinfi'liler.....,...•M.. S . tVniiu

II. M. & J . K . I'ori imis

ivero approvud• - ' - .

. ' . . . . . , ' . . | 44.RO. . . . . . . . . . ' .350.00

' • • : . : . . . t . T . l t K,..'.,, !13

, . , . . ,'J,2,r>,5(l,B0

. . . . . r . . . 3 ,|(j

Pinx Pong in the Chapel. \

The fjiimii witli 11 iianiii Ihatsoundgliliu n Chinese IniiiiilryiiilTirii, not con-lent with invading tin- dwi'llings andclubhouses of Cmnford, made its waylast iiight hitn the 1'reflhj ti'riiinchfipi'l, nnd for the'nimcu tho housenf nrn^ii biLiime Hie houso Of ping..pmiftr

Kor Iht; amusement of tho Men'sIjiiijue, the inlerliuninent commit-leu had piiiMilul Ilirietablcs.solhattixioiild pla> nt one timr* ThornHire also two (rokinole tables foi I HedmiHion of less m M\e fun wooers.i:\ii\tliiug s.iwinng of fnrniiilityniiH liariul out, and e\iT_\lmily hadit goo I tune b\ following tlio ruleof dci as ton [illriHI . „


'ibe IIIMI (ookiiig ih'inonHtriitnin'

VI\P him, IIIHO bis fiitln i nnd ninthirwho lime been nsiih nts on tin HontliHide fur over t\wnl\ >cnr.«

Special Noliccg.

V o s h ) To I.IIVN un first iiior^iigp, A p -l>lj ItooiiH 1' I, Mnr-Ii l lniHwg I'liiinfliM,X. J. Y /

L'IIT—'ioniiK miltiMi ml, «ith nil cul-l»r, finikr nliiin to J L IlntiiLeh nmlrcctncrewiinl.

To LKT—IIOIIV>, 8 P)OMH, cltj water,

afli riioou UJSS .Ii IH!I< Doliiuinn of

\ i « )ork piepind andhon to ninke HiKdfsfull^(iiiiin, IIOZIJI jilimi pudding, rnitt'.'den am, • IK i He cioipiettia, anil tlmui-late Holillle 'iho Iliivuiuill treiiui

1-OUSALK—(otUiKCtops, 2 liniiKiiiR lumpsHIS AUeu atixtt. *

Neapolitan biuk of ite creriin Itcoti"tniiieil Htiu%\ lifir_v ,\ aniltii and choco-late H ie plum pudding was simplychocolate ice iruiim, wirh candii'dbiiitB frozen through it, and wasdolicioiiH The remaining desserts,chocolateBOUIIIO nnd nutted crenm,

Mini.0. r. CBANK, I w a r 0 u n l 1 1 ''S1'* aD<i "eliwite In subs-17 tance und flavor,

Page 2: BERRY' · sap .West issth ^t. iirclmso or siile of , _; GRAIN, COTTON ENT. A VEAK ON YOUR MONEY in (siiy 48} rai ! 1 per cent, mi Common Steel Coin moil r i'/-. $.'1110.00 - ... This




EUzabethtown Gas l ight ConipanyTheCranfordChrc»nicle








~" TIT





L special*.'

«u) Colon Amines .

' JO W ALFBSD POTTEH. , iWifor a

T«rsa*: Stric'Jjr Cuk la

* Adra'tfstnlc rates furnished upon application

'The Cbronlcle mar be found onr s*Je at ttie

Cnlon Xews SUIKS und'at the Chronicle Office

.When the czar wai on Ills recentvisit to France he had the felicity ofridlnfr tiine jnNuN lwtwpen two stacksof champagne-bottles six," fret high,«ny» Heicrapi-fi. This experience felltu hi* ninjrsty in the vaults of Fom-mery anil Oreno/ Each g-ollerj in tlieVaults in marked "With" a name/ The


ALMOHT everybody iu town iacither a commuter or a frequent ,pas- "|^1

•enger on tlie Jersey Central Hail-road. Hence it in important thatattention be dru*n to the fact thut '<>•"*a new schedule went into effect o;-Sunday, in order that anunyancinod inconvenience may bo avoidedThe new arrangement, we areftlud tcnote, increases materially the trailservice, and thereby makes Cranfortn better place than over to live inPerhaps the most important'addtion» are theinarketmen's train, lea vingjiero for New York at ii:5il a. mnnd the owl, leaving Liberty stree

. . .^ork


It is not to be wondered at thaMr. James'/.. Smith !u the course oIlia witty and wise speech at tinfiremen's- banquet on the 15th inst,should liavo censured the Cranfordtaxpayers for their nifqrunHy treattnent of tho department.' Mr. Smitlis a newcomer,and likcall newcomersla liable to draw erroneous conclusions from lailure to know all lhefiict'8which should form tho premises innny given process of "reasoning.

- -The flro hqus&'iB-boyomi -question. totally inadequate in respect of size

and cbnvcniouco to tho-needs ofCranlord^and nnyono with lialf aneye cad soo tho unfltnces of the building, and tho contrast it presents tothe splendid companies and the fine.apparatus that occupy it. liut itdoes not follow that tho' taxpayersof the town have refused to housethe department properly. As a mut-ter of fact, tho firemen havo never asyet asked for better quarters. It istrue, furthermore, that every re-quest made BO. far for tiro appro-priations has been cheerfully grantedby tho voters, and it is only reuson-ablo to conclude that the samespirit of liberality will obtain in tho

future as in the past.'"—.— • ~_ We.huvo not the slightest doubtthat if tho need of u now fire heud-quarters is properly prencntod to thoparty primaries next spring, togetherwith a plan that commends itself totlie rotors, they will do their part byproviding the funds needful to currythe plan into effect. Cranford kickers,who object to ovcfythiqg..ijsjpd, budand indifferent with their voices,have neyor yet obstructed with thoirvotes anything that mudo, for real


The individual who is authorizedby custom to speak of himsolf as weor us is neither a census-taker or alife-insurance agent; and therefore,vfheri.a tiny miss tripped into thesanctum otrFriadyfwith" iyer'sliBf £fling and a mysterious roll ol manu-script in hand, ho was estopped fromasking the question that iu mosteases has a great deal to do witharriving at u true estimate of achild's literary work—How .old are

y o u ? . ' .•• ; • . ' •'.•'.'-

But in this particular .case no ul-lowance (or .extrome-youtli-is neces^

' sary/.Tlio pOem in our opinion inone which would do credit to u writerof mature years, and we gladly plaoit where it will impart fragrance to ucolumn »hich too_oftenj we fuur, isstony and dust riU<)en.

s*»-lTltTt tllC 0HKU9C1 JVCCp UJ1,

Then the lilies white,Next the Molcts show their heuls

Anil the jiausHS bright

Tliat.'s the wny Spring flowers come—f. OlxMliclit. 0110 anil all,Wft'hen they hear tho kiinlly voice

Ultf other Nature's call.

tatcr-come tho (UndclionaAnd the dainty rose*,

Thin the cherry blossoms mliitc—Each ouo pretty jwelca.

Children all cf Mothtr Xnturc, t' llarkcnipg to her imce,Come let's gather pretty flowers

And we, too, shall rejoice 'L. D. W.

T h u a k j j o u , little fnend.. Gather-=.«• many posies in tho fielil of lett-ero

as you can, and may every boquetbe as beautiful as this I ' of them nearly 100 feetJnLthe-bowe)«;roti4Jae; earth,

Tlfe vaults occujiy 180 acres',nnil arebuilt In an old chalk quarry'outrid*nf lUieiinH, nmr the Church of 8 |Iteml.. There are 450 hands era.ployed ilmvnln the vnultx, of whomsome 50 are women,'wh(ine work con-

the most part-In labellinglc« mid lwl»tin(- the wires

for. the corks. Each hand employedqunfT.s n tumblerful1 of Pomraery be

ntnlrlTiffn. « a i wvmvi maj «sUieaieloeaWspeenliactoyoiiriexr If JioBnme»t. ana I I^ U. . . . * for cmeu^eo, send your address to Dr. j t o l d L , , , ,Kennedy Corporation, Bondrrat, N.Y, jand they wiU aend you absolutely to*a trial bottle of


clintain ~12,0O0#00 buttle* of

yp Into the"cold; •elec-

trically lighted' vaiiltK, where thework in done, linjl nlno reserves twobottled of ^iJri^red wine, per'duy, sothat 1t IH not altogether-a-bad; game.


la tncoDKcnUl la II. gall That tha; Hodrnl. Will Kul Ur-

maln' I'lian It,,' . . ,


In a recent article a prominent physiciannaTK,i"IiJ' next to impossible for the phTBi-cinu to get hia patients to curry out antprescrilied course of hygiene or diet to thesmallest extent; he has but ono resort left,the drug treatment.*' When inedioines


Peter Markusson,

niee as desired. ' Auhes for sale.

Reasonable Prices._ . L

x H. L. FINK,T H E

. ' —Dealer In • •'. '


A discount of -twenty-five (;s) cer

thousand feU, jvill'be allowed on j^as bilft

1,000 feet and over used per month, if pain at


are used for'chronlc countipatioirr tl>«—"loutmild and gentle obtainable, siicli as Cham-bcrluin's Stomach &• Liver TublotH, should

There h a biuull U'lund named PaLittle 'that lien in St. Mugh'ua bay, onthe wi'ii.t Hide of Shetland.. Jt et» its"iame tin ttrt)n'tf!rdi»tinctibn"'"to'.'Papa'

t h i^ t' h I lin tlie same bay. llotli names ure ufXdrse orlfflnniiil signify l'riest Islands,from the fact that they were colonized

.by the Irish Catholics wht> first jntrordured ChrUtlanity.'snys the LiverpoolDaily 1'iiKt. There was u Kolltary-crnft on this ihliinil nt one time. but allthat now' reuiallm is a' rulneil home-steml, for the place Is used purely for(rrn/iiifr purposes. A striking fentureif the Me is the fact that no nilcc.cimIve there; nnil nn viirioiis occasions,in test the I rut h of thlK, mice linve beencaught.mill.slipped on.the isle,'but soincon/renlal iliil its soil prove to theirxistenre that -In a short while they

were dead. There are insinnces ofcrofters »n the malnlanil, whenroublcd with mli'P,gning the lenpth of

fetching-earth from this Isle andsprlnklinfr It on the prounil luefore'building their Mneki. This Is snliltohave had the desired effect In nil cases.

bo employed. Their use is not followed byconstijiation as ifioy leave the bowels in annturul and healthy condition. For sale bjall druggists. • ' •

VE. W.lIADPKJf—Hoofs' felled, palnte4,ami rejraiifd; metiil ceilings and side wallsput on at lowest prices. Tel. 3201. 1177Kast Grand Strce'. Elizabeth. :-~ -


•he (lilorlfrri>n» <lumlrnufi! Summ n i AiiNlatancc Wlirn If* Dnir- Krlrnil Knll. Info • Urll .

Farmer Wnlnw-right, o fns a pet gont anil a pet puppy that,re great friends,' Bays -a : Suiiqne-innnii (l'n.) report.. . Together they'amble through the neighborhooduring fhe groat'* jipnrot. momenta,

when there ure n'o oyster enns, iloorrnpers, or other edibles for If ' to

ibltie.. . , . j iThe singular brhnvlort of the goati a recent Sunday nfte.rnon-n nt*

racted the nttention of the. farmers.t ran to nnd fro, blcntlng'pltenunly,ind Bcenied hnlf dlstrnctedi- . Rome-;ne suggested that * the _ nnlmnl

oilld bo followed. The gontlemed* to npprecinte the fnct that

WHS understood, nnd led the wnyo'the rear of tho yard, where thenippy was found In a pit ten feetrrp.nlmost in It8 InRt struggles.Tim puppy WIIH ri'sciird nnd re-

tored to the giuit, whlrh'jrrceted Itlth fond carcHHCH nnd bleated Itsinnks to the rescuers. •

Dual Qtmlllr for SlarrUne.Norwrglnii.legislators propose thnt

iris who do-not know how. to knit,icw, wash nnd cook should >be - re-'uBeiI"*iVer1riii8"Blon'""tVi'"mnrryT Daugh-1

rs of wealthy men nre not to beixcepted.. ~ • . -

E'ennomr. Itt tbe Automobile.After, n two yenrs' test of nn au«>moblle for ii'rmy line In Austria

here was n snving of $2,915 pver.theonveyance drawn by horses.' . \

;The proverbial'tenacity of cntMlfj

was.Illustrated anew In the pise of •eline nt Flushing. Jf.y. WhiUj bulid^

Ingoporatluns were In progress on.the'csidejicc of Dr. E. A.Ooodrldgo, about

month a(fQta_cat got under the floorhat was being laid at the tim*. Theobr In one of the-rooms was board-d'oveTfaTOl'the eat n u imprisoned be-ween the beams; and'the flooring,

^herplt remained.fprncarljii Jmonth,rialntivc mewing attraoted the atten-ion of Dr< Goodridge, and, upon tenr*

Ing up one of the boards the cat madea appearance.. The animal was In aerrlblc state, it having eaten oil thelesh of Its fjire feet and was nlrcotlitnrved ThS"doctor bandaged the af-tcltA Jlinhs 4 h

Thnt old joke about "a lire In aitono yard" must be called In.' A re-ent conilngrntion in a I'liilndelphla

narble nnd granite plant caused aoss of $50,000.

Tom and Tom.I thought of the good old question

hat Motors ui,cd to ask the bthoolhen 1 was n boy"Which wilghs more, a pound of

enthers or a pound of lend?" said I,":They weigh the name. A pound Ispound," snld the children. -"Correct," snid I; "Xow, whicheighs more., n ton of feathers or •

on of coal?""\ ton of fentl-ers." chorused they,

ihow Ing-that the innocent nre notecesfurilj undiH.crning—Town Top-



A Urje-MetropotlUnNewiplixr WhlchliHelplnjt the Summer Kcsortl.

The Brooklyn E»glo screral years agoestablished »' Iluri'au of IufornmUoii inllrooklyn, where tho puliliu could, freo ofcharge, socuro details of hotels and board-inp houses for tflo summer. The idea atouoabecamo poiiular, and branch bureauswire ojiciicd in Manhattan and other cities.Country hotels nnd boarding houses bysending to this llureau. can secure, a list-ing blank, fill it out and return it and thenbo represented free of. cost, and send theircirculars and cards for freo distribution.

Tho llrooklyn Kaglo has also been con-sidered for years thf Iwst medium for sum-mur. boarders iu New York" City

Tho Itocky l>,,int lun. in the Adiron-dack*, said: "Wo uro giving, tho Kagle alarger share of advertising than most otherimpers, as cjeperiencoiias demoustratod itsvoliio to us in'nast seasons."

Chauucey .ll.-Newkirk of Wnrtsbotp;Sullivan County, said: "Last saisou onesmall adr. brought me live guests." **' . ~

liii Huo Bros., proprietors of the Amori'can Hotel of Sharon Springs, N.-t.,w.rote:

Our houso is full and. mostly by lirooklrn•oplo. llaily wo rceeivo applications for

rooms, and alt on account or.our standingiul. iii tlioEaglo;"' ' ", For Listing Blanks, Adv. Itato Canltmid other information, address •.

EiULE I.VFOHJIATION liUUIAU, •' . " • ' . Hrooklyn, N . V,

Custoinirs of 20i years standing in

dranfonl who will vouch for satisfaction

received." KopairiiiB nniT'pnlnflng


140 Elm Street. - Westfielti


Tlie old. est^tilislaeci business of"

R. WAL fl & CO., Newark,

J. N. IRVING,—Dealer In—'

Pork, Corned Beef,Ham, Shoulder, -

Poultry, Etc.


I 1111 tlie corner of West Park. We will ri'niiun {about Jfny 15th, at No 08:1 JMipiwl by lkirtdugen tho Jeweller.

The Popular Ice Cream o( the State.WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

United EleetHe O p p y of New Jersey

Electricity for Light and Power,INCANDESCENT


Offioe: 2 i V Froad S t 3 6



. 4sW«tl0th8tri<t,N<wYgrK.Vhet mm oth 4res. 16th St. Blev«.81».

tiinchcon Strvcd from l a t o J \ p mLocation '.rantral for Btiepptrs.-Keceptlou room, ' for tlie oonvenfenw, at patrons.

Alternoon Tea 3 to a P. fit

. r Denier In. _,



OKi»rcK Clironloli- 111 itk.

V'AKD, CKNTlftlNI*l.

.CMA1TFORI); - _


jjarpenter and

Dealer In

p1nt.1i' jAnN.

House, Sign and Fresco Painting.

Plain and Decorative

Paper Hanging,AND nEAI.EIl JB ; .

SlasF, Qil, Point,- )cr.nlsljcs anS ©all Paper.



D. A. EVERETT,* formerly Everett & Plerson.)

Mason and Builder.

Reliable work done at shortnotice.


Rosedale and Linden Park Cemetery,-

.Jk'Si'?J™L^JulPKR:l?rJB?P^tJ!>n);.largc«t'arid best cquippod oemotory lodgo in thecountry, freo transportation to prospectivolot buyers; carriages moot all trains W take-»isitors-ov«r-tho-imi]tngos now, nffnrnd i0 chufchc", Ktcrpalorganizations and. individual lot buyersOfflci»t10.^cst<TweiityJ'liir4 St., N ^ Y ,




is oncof. the first tilings a vvoman asks nbout andand generally insists upon when'she goes tolook at a house .for rent. You may be thinking •of putting one in your .house. Then call and sec -the models in Working operation at our store.You %vi|l get new and practical ideas.


Need a New iSidewalfp

Office and Store,



Wines, Ales,Liquors arid Cigars.


Ordari (or Buttled. Becr\D<llvereil.

N«wly furnlshod Rooms. . All Improve

ments. Bath,' electric frins, laillei

Bary for the comfort of guests\ Board

at Reisonable. Hates. \ .


live booklets and full information can lieobtajucd of William N. Gray, FuneralDirector, Cranford, N J.

. B. and ibrclgn





;' If so, get the BEST. . Flag walkslast a life time

and are no trouble to keep An order; They; .are, also thel

cheapest. Let us convince you by furnishing an estimate


' - • " , - ' • " ' v \ • , : ' • • ' . " • • / ' ' • " • • • • • ; • • . • • ' . - .

TO LET-Assembly Hall3 U n i o n A v e i i u e

• rpr Dances, Entertainments;- Meetings,, Fair? and pub-

lic gatherings. Floor space C1X24.; Seating capacity-250

Dressing rooms and kitcken. Terms moderate/

T o Curt ComtlpuMon Foreror.TakeCIUICUIels CuuUvCiil1 jri lc . lOooriSlo.

Jl a C. a lull to cure, ilruitBlsts ratuui monoE

:H31i2£Lbetli,85.) 5 1 1 , 0 4 7 711 740 Hftl Hir .R in

And send to us your soiled laundry.

Toucan not get better satisfaction

than in our establishment. Wo have

not only tho largest establishment

of Its kind in the State, but we have

also the best facilities to do good


Send a postal card and we'll send

oar wagon.

American Steanv and Hand Laundry.

MOREY jc URUE, Proprietors

liand WWesUerMy SJ., ELIZABETH,

Telephone£146 Mutual.Wagen In Cranford Mondayit Thunrfa*

. " Readl* Tundty and Friday


•Wal( Papers. >Picture Framing.Artist's Materials.

Cirrectedto Tlsy 18," "tgoir"



Kiirl-luliillilil I V Ml- «',.' »oi 11 Ji i o n M |)

tor riillmlelpliln—5U3 IISJ 8 01 1121 A M1844, 1 it 8 10, b 10, 7 IN T 61, 0 J|, 1..J1 „.. ,

. . . - r. anil Iliirrlshiirit-E (f/ mn 0 >i

ilS)S101A M 147 V M ' • ' • " ' ™ SUUHur Enstim, llvihlilium Alknto

t-liinjk-ll(K,[li01 to Ilithltlicm]|B J^ 47 1,5 4« to KtutUIl| 1* M

H J?" * • A

1 n

tur Atlnntlo (Ity—0 02 < Jt 1 B.'. 1" vFor Jjow llranoh. Asburr I'ark I'ollt Picas

nuiml sciuhoro polnts-hao, 11 41 X..11 0 10

-'El1i,W, O1.

Ueu ^Manager. <5 M DCBTT•UeD. Pass. AgenL

If interc8U'd:in_%i)ypf the above,

call at '•• :


v 5 ^lley cars stop at tlie door.




mvontlnn [• protoabljUoD"ilrlctjrconfident•oni ITM. uidMt AMUII

Pntonu taken tES

SitifiScientific Jhncrican.

S ^ ^ ^

Page 3: BERRY' · sap .West issth ^t. iirclmso or siile of , _; GRAIN, COTTON ENT. A VEAK ON YOUR MONEY in (siiy 48} rai ! 1 per cent, mi Common Steel Coin moil r i'/-. $.'1110.00 - ... This

• < t-"r


-five (25) ccrfts],tr

id on &as bili\, of

nonth, if pain at ihjs


)., Newark,1 ami 1,'iT, Tliu lat in itt l icol iUi M,icurnef of MID alley, next, to II,,,,,1 my other stores 011 7,!ui-|;W Sir,, t"\ ccks to lillov alterations m our ,,|,i1 {about JHiy lfltli, lit No tfttj lir.«ul,


of New Jersey

t and Power,

3 8


an asks nboutanden she goes to

u may be thinking ; .Then call and sec ,

ition at our store,ideas.


walks last a life timer>',.. They: .are, also the-

furnishing an 'estimate/


tibly Hall

etings,, Fair? and pub-

Seating capacity-250

s moderate/

P a p e r s . ? •'.''

cturc Framing,

rtist's Materials.

•8t«l in my of tin; above.

sy cars Btbp'a't "tliT-'door.




ntarlrpnlantabTei ConiDianlcA-inthL.Hjuidbaok on ratenu

BHndlnsaatatchandlicwtalii f nr opinion I

ctir SonSden'tfil.'Hind• Oldest anoior for seeortnYpaieiuJh1 taken tEronih Hunn * Co. recoiltM. without cb«nre, In tbo

eniificjrTmericam>nel7 Illnitnted weeklr. Jjinrert i-lr.

I ? . 1 ? * * New York

Two of *otir eminent "men I}'1 •<*•Aa.te..llf eg foreu iiratinir into. tb«

i---— -h.*ft—.Jfpno ping-pong- ensxy- A-fcuod ping-pong set is hard

t>> boj because the demand'is farahead of the Supply," anil one enter-prising' Sew Yorker is trying tq getup a corner on ping-pong ball*, statest ie World.

fn England there U a regnJaT Table«w£«ito^*£fMMtuU)^^fmHBot«H*h«

for cliampion'-liip meetsThe htaidest of Xe» Vork'a clubs

are-girm oier to pmgjxing. }x wasanrermt at at flrer. \cnr those »hoeome to scuff remain t<> pljj Ping-pong parties for valuable prizes arebejd :n dozen;, of fashionable hum.eseier\ night.

The Crocvnt ''Athletic club ofI!nHil l\n rlaimb the honor of having

P'ng-pohg. H lias someprrackping-poCalumet dubTwentT-ninthits dignified 'l

g p gverii in its ranks.of Fifth avenue


j ^ g j r e m l e r e dtmnsphere to. the de-g p e e to. the de

lights of pin-J-ponp. It is paid thatthe best platers in New York, gottheir skill there. -

At the h\g Yale club an entire room• •* given over to Kir"plnjrrpung tables.. Attendants serve the tables just as'they <lo in the billiard, rooms, and a•• regular charge t« made fiir-playing.—

The big theater at the Strollers'new clubhouse is inlleil with ping-pong tables, and the click of tlie lit-tle lialls hopping back and forth isbeard till late at night. ; •

'played-inert"..ilim t know get ping^

prriir Kills fast''ennii'gli to fill ourorders." said a sporting goods dealer.


( • e r r » f a l Oprrallon of InntllOllon' for- FrrdlMic. the Poor in ' '

AiiKtea, Fmner.

The city *if Nantes, France, haBrvolved an inexpcn.-he method forsupplying f.iml to the .destitute. Forseveral years the city has nmiutainetlkitchens where persons without.nmncy may prcKcnt tickets and pro-cure a warm weal. A-.-donhitory Imsbeen ndded' to one of. the buililihgH

. where alMrtit 50 |K*ople can be uceom-PUHlatetl. * For three nights thesebeds are: free to tlie same persons,

,'wlieh they mus t muke wny. for oth-ers. During the stay-at. the dormi-

t o r y earn one ui given two meal -tick-." ets n (lay..' '' -•- .

.'The kitchens themselves nre only'open .from October 15 to April 3.1

i. rnch .year rouh'.L_.Tifket» ...cniitliug.the holder. t<i anything on the bill of

- fare arc, placed in the bakeries andtobacco shops. throughout the city,where they ,cau be .piirehnKed bycharitably inclined persoim to , b«tiniided to the applicants ' for nld.Jlents. flsh and egg* on tho bill of

.. fare cost two .cents, a plate. J!cuns>" rice, etc.. are one cent. . -.- ' . -

The expense |>f tlfe*c kitchens has- been growing. l£fs each year, fays the

§1 Municipal Journal and Knginper/.Thetotal'expense f«r lasliyeaT wn»'nhoii.t$9,264, and the. receipts $7,720. Tlieprivilege of taking meuls at then;kitchens is not restricted to thedesti-

~-tute, vbtit-mony wiirkmen^ take their"meals there-on account of the mod-erate prices. ..A, moderate substantial-meal can be obtained for'-flv-e cents.


~ i Doakthi T h i n n XVho Would Volnellev-e In Tbplr EilMrnreO ' M»te» Inquiry.

To decide a wager a Frankfort manwrites to the Philadelphia llecord ntfollows:" "Editor uf liecprd Diear Sir1 noticed in lasl Sundays paper an ac-count of n young nian and wriinan'irat

• -west he p..foot fall and she 8 foot 2r inches "and weighir-40(MbK.-Iw!rs tell-;; Jng a -neighlwr and old mpn and one

tuppoted to be well booked up in mnt-."'ters and things and he, said It was a

lie and a fraud then I told him 1 sow\ •'• young lady in Barnams Museum N.

Y. some.years ago that was 8 foot':• and he said that was-a lie too then .1

told him I sa.w'onein the dime imu-e.mnI,..]_..In_Ebjl & foot and he said that was a

'-'lie, al?b. Then 1 toialiTra'I^'wTnTli'e'. Beford a few, years ago of a young

man from out west 25 years old 8 foot2 inches and weighed 3C5 pounds namedLewis Wilkins who lias now grown tothe-height_of_I0; inches % of. an. inch •less than. 9 feet, then he said he didntbelieve a word of it then 1 nsited himIf he yrouM bet money on it an,d he said

. yes any anynint up to $100. . . >"Now which is right he or' me. lie

_ laid thf re^ hai; j i e i W j i e e n . a nmn or. 1 woman born this last 100years8foot."

Blrda for Faafclon'a Sake*.I^st Tear in Venezuela alone 2.000,-

gpof only u i years;

but, acLordins to recent English sta-tifct*cs. that ^im represents the ialueof the lnir*e« exported bj the UnitedStates to l, Hritain from i>35~tl>1101 Xnd'thi-s has no reference*touur shipiniuts of mUks to the l i l t e dKn gduni.iy,ta.ich, from *)eptciub! r, 1

enuin,,' »i h Jinn, luui, 1:1 ]jnd re-ceneil from tin- uniii ln tL«-tH.ioril--bu-^.u;;, u.ljL uf Tolk,u bucsila. uniLour enure i\|>nrlt. of burn- [rrr-iliiit\ c i r aiiiimiitiLl ti> m.iitv $9(Hti(H)UIhese hguro art all the mini rmiirU-able. n/n-uW ring thut ubolit tea»iigo, or in 1M>1. the exports uf htir'-ei.frtuu thi Luitiri ' tatt-» aiiiotinttil toless tliun $1.0W,0(K)., .Thefc" eXpnrta-tions begun on a large scale \i) 1895,when over 10,000 hordes were tent toEngland.- l-Voin that-t!iuv-«>ii-tl;v->liip-

luents inerea'sed uttlil, i« 1901.the'recoril .wai- its-fi>]li>ws: South Afrieif.'ilTT-405;' (Trent ilritaih.aVias;" fanuila, H,-43S; Cuba, 4.4:iii; Chinn, 2.317; l'hilip-pine. ,' 1,57S; Japan, 1,,V15; llrilish Co-lumbia. VJ5; and the .llritUh WetOIn-dies, lUD^Siure ls'.)j(ircat Itrilain alnnehas received .from the United Sttltesan average of 50,000 horsi-h nimiiuHv.Our exp.'irta have ineluiluti, t'rotlers,-pavers, roadsters, ruunerst draughthurseti, ami, in fac t, h-nrst's of a]} sorts *L.,Which were capable eiljier of rcliil.elilig

' " *" seri-ieeor of boing'UHed'ad-iy -for lirt't'itiiip^tnrpqsesr

Our exportation of trotting "IIOFKCSduring t'lie.Iast ten yeurk hns bVcn c*-pei-iully notable. There is n-ai'cel.v u

It is not unusual for persons in-dicted for crime to plead guilty, but*ery rsefdnm does it happen that aprisoner udji-its that het has beenTight fully aiciiBtil is compelled toenter a plea of not guilt} buch aniniiilent <iecurre«l in Washington re-«cntl>>.

^wffirTii^sKure^^mflipTTbn-rfli* ^'^uppelLite court on a knntty legal ' '!*"PP1

propuMtum A iert.Mii culoriil indi-ridual wlio wax in the. lulls t w «e-Iectcd to furni>ih frnniavforU f<ir theishiie. He wns escorted into court/or imaignim-nt 1'rior to that for-rnnlit\ r hout ier . Ihe prosecuting of-fi(tr took the ]ire(uulion to rimurk:*'0f tour-e. \011 me going* to pleadnot guilrj." iMieli a pica was essen


titil in order tfore tile ldglie

The gFilhicWllTIT Ilif'ctnl-lley's. 1-11:1 Ito go. 111-.-;:,'.In?. ' •'Tin- !•!•'!g u i l f v , mi' *!right, lii-r.' p j

edlvJ - • • ' . 'It r«»','.|---.- V -••'and t!'i' i:<"-"sent tin- 1! •!••

ptake the matter be-

VVIl KVi'e.r'l

1 surprise andi;r. for tlie ' t -

were anxious,I'.Hi !

r ilwliircd: "l'ses tn . lm.sentenced'»v." ' .This1: dlsar-,•..line u-ry dcejd.

-**< .iliim'rl persna-

couutry in Kuropc whii-h Jras faiU'il to.appreciate the superior i]iialitics ofthe" American-bred.trntter. (Jcnuiiny,France, Ittlssia ami Austria :i!l luivebeen large buyers of Au(L'i-it*;iii thor-oughhrtul*-, antl, in many instaiu-cs,American tniiners have lit-cjl fvlec4ciltosu]>eriiileliil tlte stajilcs of thi'> e for-eign puri'hai.t'i-s. Tin1 deiiKimt forAmerican parcris is ulmosl nli«illy i"ou-fiui'd ti>. lCiigl'aud, and thi.s ileinuniliie\er*hus lieeli-; very, ucllse. - OILUIIKracetracks of Italy and Dcniiuii-k, andaven of -Australia and .\l*\v /I'lilsui'l,are tu b,e ftituid represenlutivcK of theAmerican tl'Kirnitglibi-e^fa, and yi tliosecountries iis well as'eUewlien.' tlie s'ter-

\S quajitivs of these uiiiinuls huvebeen de-iuoiihf rated..:

J IHMI to rcpre-v.-iys the Wash-:ii-, the latter tc.1 .guilty. • As' he

liiis'lv iinil liiiVr-'

wll'ill up to. MOM! 1don't."


i l re nihu- i int The fol» n- * n\e bt en rait-td b\ the-

i r w Mu*t phx'-uliii'* uuU irn t l e - c i -* lit o of meduiy^ a- it nun 1- .md I e-gin d r 1111 * Mu t He le iru fond wilues/»M« frmlia rai lujj l ; I'liTinut i-t.indpoint1 Mu»*»i throw into the HJI^I

—iia tiii

"OtironicleApply to J.,A. POTTER.

e' pnpii! ,r Aft1 mlih ptic UIa\ v -njs u<k t o e m h nf l l i p s . i | i i i v

hi i \ t l l II'til H in U 1 l l i h ill plr\">n]i l^v

l i t n u t o n i n t s t n Hie w i r'tl 1)1 i t t K c -

t r u il a m i n u t t i n D I M ! ( n u ; \ IS t l i e

1 I M * n f n i l i n u - i u | tr m i\\i\\ n n d w-

u i l | ir i )u"-- . t s - I n n t ! 1 r won1** t i e

".PLt lKI .1 4pl l i l t IV •* nf f j i u N l l l l l i n t

"Ilie ( l y i i i in iu 1 fitri-t* r t ^ u l ' t i n i f f r m n lu-'a^','

i* t h e b n c i s u f a l l h i i i u i i n lift*. M u r e

* I m p l y s t i l l , P r o f . L n c b ' s d i i ' t u m

t h i s : I iK'ctr . i i - i ly . n o t j u ' i i l . U Hie v i t a

f o r c e ; n f ut ir b t ' i n p . S.iipi)tt>ti lieni

J>rof, Lnei)'s (liscnvery'' irmnrs" Prof-\lheft i'. Mathcws with the (iiinmnjprpiit. tlinl the basis of luTit-'ai'iIs' also electrical. The pi*in*nil. piir-pcirt of the results n/his rxjirrinuMits1s that ji nerve.Is a pehitimms solu-tion, the atoms of which lire chartYith-electricity. The-ntoius c»uniik-ate their charges to un'e anotli.erand thus n current^nf ue.rvti fnroe is set

motiun. ., ' ' ; • . ' . • ' •


More Thlnklnir.'

Vnrlouit ^llHilctitrniinrn fnrAVIilfh Ihi

,\Vhen 0'('t cuinihitt-- i<n infrac-tiun uf t he en 111 p rules, Kjiyh II. V. lllaclc-btini, in writ IIIH" t»f thf (.enrfiin rimvict.camps in Kr.iak !.*•»• lie's 'P tpiiltu

Andrew Carnegie, talked about hookgiiii-iibrnries to ;a librarians' confer*

.New YorkUuuka Afe (iiiud eiH-y

with e and a fa-

. 000 binis- wrre killed for fafhion'isnke. One I^inilon dealer admitted 12years tfjrn. long- beforertht?—fashionwas so pi tile1-? as now, thnt he sold

jIncluded 10.000 birds of paradise, near-ly .S00. packages of osprey feathers,6.700 crested pigeons. 5,500 ImpeynnpheananU. 500 bird rkinn, 270 cases ofpeacock feathers. 1,100 Arfai pheas-ants and 500 various other.small hirds.

"5rw Style of Dallaon,' A Parisian aeronaut, is building aballoon whWh-is to carry bath a re-frigerating and a heating1 apparatus,By pressincf a leierof the rtfriperator

—lie^wiIPdecrea^e'irje teinperafilre~bfthe gas, condensing it find tanking-theballoon to descend. I!y healing thehydrogen gas it exjiaeds and the bal-

.loon rises.Coat •« A«i»i.»lllon.

The quarterly target practice of theKorth Atlantic squadron costs $178,000

** inilinrily with Mich•me* that show he is a ir.iui of wide

tTyiupalUles. lie agreed wiili UeutiSwift that the lineal -furnllure for u

mi 1B bookx. ~**Kvt'n if ><>u never•it a book it is ^c,('il to_ luive it

urouml. I tee someof yuti.lau^jh. , Hutthink a mihtile. We luive; pii-nire* luour huiifcea.,.\Vt.'.open tlie.m nut.',. We,have flowers. We open them not. Weread.tliein not. If you merely see out"

life a volume, nil-which Js"Tl.u nameBhakespeare, Milton,l*luto;iloiiinigne;Mure if * Aurelius, yuii caniuit but real-ize that these are the evcrluhtint' flow-ers of the1 htiiuun rave; U'hy blioultlyou smile when 1 bay a book is goodto huve uveu if it is never opened?Vou're.Jn g^uotlleoinpany-^ver^ goodconipany-r-if ymi only look ut thebooks. The lover.;f»lf boohs—when hehas trials, let him walk urotimlibis li-brary, ii ml before he's got all tlie wayle imist feel goud,M

In rhiladciphia tliere -are' 083 gar-dens, operating on what -were.fiu-iner-lyjvacautilotii,-liy_pe,uplc^»xho^,H6eitP,be unable- to earn' their uwa living.Five years ago ihe Tiiiladeliihiu Vu-caut L.ot association vvas orgiiui/ed..Twenty-seven acres, altog-ether, weresecured, and 10U gardens started, ' l ie:ulllcers of the society found u hig de-mand for the lots by the pour people,^nd they have gradually iutreased

i j l iduns are in operation. The lirst ytarproducts to (the value of S)i,ouo'we'reraised, Last year "the value of. theproducts anioiiutcij to over tllO.OOO.

Five "salts" were given a rare treat-by u naval board which sat the otherweek to decide on the brand of'to-bacco to furmsh the nicn the cuuiingyear. There wan to be ordered 20O|-000- thp ^ ;board, -not: hayjug ;chcW4.'d inu'eh ; to-bacco since their young days, feltthemselves incftiupeteut to juiige.. Soroluntccrs were askt'd from the"sirlts" themselves. The teat took tev-eral da^s uud great (iii.mtiueb of to-

A conductor on a western railrua~d!recently received u legacy of a thou-sand dollars ,from ti rielr old gentle-

an wlro.liad "always' fouiid- hiiucourteous and ready to unswi-r ques-tions patiently." The. incident isnoted not uo much for the encour-agement of t l i i t large umiibcr ofconductors who come if}i to the oldgentleman's requirements as for thebcuellt of i the few who are not atpresent in uny~dangcr ufTi-CiinliTg"legacies.

An omnivorousrreader down, in Ken-fucky wrote to Senator Debtie for acopj of ever} public document iktuedsince the government was cxtaLlUhed."I'm sorry," answered Deboe, ^but all'the fteUrht cars hereabcuU a.ra huut."

^ l y , he is punished with a It:.iithei-Mrtip on tlie-linre body, hent over I)barrel. 'I'his* ftnip is about twoir.chesWide and eighteen inches long, made ofbell ing. The punishment is'fron' one

.to twenty-five lashes. About.20 percrnt. of the. crowd require f f k ^ j rrai'h month, and 15 lashes to the'*«b-;jw:f Is a rather full estimate; The covpred by nH'h~|iiinishmentsnre gambling;, suenring, idling, insub-ordinntion and ftp-htliip.

f 1 IK proneKs tfI h

IK ns grent asp ^ gIt Is to ppftv^iheft—^vvlieth'erinimpiln-

t j l f d d )onment orp

freedom—and )j y pdoubt, the jinttiee nf piiiiislunent inr<such iiifraetiiinn. There nre someamiising incidents of gamblinjj'ln theramps—crap» ntiil skin gamp>beingthfrule. Hut n negro will bet onanytlilng—from which torn fly will light on firstto whu will be the first to catch nn In-sect in anotiicr'V woollly hehd. Theyj;ei their inoney for. extra w|irk,.dorjfnt will, fortljey nre paid on n free laborbnsjs. Thi| per capit.H-^*iteul«tion In't!ie oamps willnv'prnpe ?n.


Of popular i

hi.. H,a.ll*n«, '•"•^..ex.Tpt tip.mtlielivpiitlu'H'sHiatrending', it to lul

-time, divert thouphl and provide teni-poruryjileaMiire. The viiKt inajoril.v ofconteuipornry novels, like si> manyother prod net ions of the dity.nrtu tsell tn a eluits thnt demands its lit-erature wet from tlie press. ' Fairly"'good w'riterKennheiuuiied liy the Fen reand it in ]irolialil,v beenu>'e there areso many, of tliem tiiat so fe«- ntli'iiito real dUtinelion, just ns-ive inournthe alisenee of Wetisiers iind-Clfiysbeeanse there \a HUCII u multitude ofaccomplished fitiitcs.uicii lhtitpronehnble dlBtinetion is h't'ldnm pos-sible, lint the eurse.-of tlie sltiintio'nlies In the inljjlil.v InKioiiK nt iiicdibi:-rity, nnd worse. They turn out honkta» the modern press showers its tlel-MRI1 of dally papers. The seasoning Ishigh; Jhe'Kiilistniiee Utlle 11 nil iluliliyThe a venire novel render of the nfreIs ii "sklniiiier."* lie waiits"Hotliiii|j(irKiifReiited thought, philosophy, ethicsor even deBeription. Ho enlls out thetnle proper and reaches for rtilotliervolume. He IK the victim of inciitaldissipatliin. He eiitliers 'nothing Hintlants und- hU jxiwers iif reeetv{uf( imriresslnns'prow eonKtiintly weaker. Itwould be ;m liU'stiiiiiiblj' boon tu, tillsnnd succeed ing- (feiierutions If thereivertf far less, rending", more carefulsclectiun, and -far'imire thiukin ...U|iMUwhat Is read. .—* .... -

In rhlnn n "Weitrtlnir PriireNnlnh la •HIUN of thp One-Color '

_ " ThrouKhottii,

lied is the nuptial color In China.The coolie* thnt enrry the-bride Inher litter nre dressed in red, and thevlie'ar ir~dwatf "orange lreirli>aded'wltllfruit and co|iu. The bird's compart-mentH are tinf^lied in red trimmings,presents arc. carried on red trays, thebanners borne in the procession areorlg.innlly .crimson, which are.bright-enpd by the rosy glow of the lanterns.Red umbrellas nre carried,' and illu-minated signs blaw-ln color. The can-.opy-.l.tselt.iSiJlRPf?rats(l j>cconUn|;.totl)e wealth and tlie taste of the bride'sfamily, says Woman's Home CompnnIon. A poor vrnmnn Is onrrled to herwedding, fenst in a plain chair palii-tedred-. If the family tins wealth or rankthe. very ornate, dec-orated with .drngon-hends. The Chi-nese skill in working silk or gold" cordis displayed In an artistic manner.

h b i d l\ \ T i e h t p p ^ a T i ired veil, and the letters to her ances-tors, whoso- blessing is -invoked, arewritten'on red paper. The.bride gen-erally wears a crown adorned, withtinse]jind nuick jewels—an Idea whichis much more prevalent in Sweden.

A'lrnnun* Cow Siorr. VXpnr CofTeyviUe, Kan., a .straw

stnek-'hcnvlly.lhilen. with, snow fellover,on-ii ciiw thnt was feeding from•!{r'"%ie"'fnTriicr'''"\vh*iTnv'h'eTJ"''tKe:'"cos£tliouglit .she. hnd been killed..and so..he mhrte no effort to dig her out.But . 22 driva Inter he detected nmovement In tlie stack1' and forkedthe straw away with . the result offinding -the cow- very—much—alivewith a ni'vt-born ralf by Jier side.


Rhe was l.i^''forp she got thereand was then given wnrmvi-hter Invery small (|iinntltifsi. In a few daysshe was unwell ns-CTer.

Tnhnccn nilndticiia.

Tobacco blindness is becomingquite-a comniun udllotion. ,and- abhort,thne ngo several persons werebeing' treated for It, says Londonllenlth. I f fiftit .taken the form ofcolor blindrifss, the.'-sufferers) vrh o

re" smoked tliPinHchcf Into tjifacondition bein(f quite unable to dis-tinguish the color of a piece of red(•loth held up before them. Thnt inthe popular medical test, thmfghthere is also a more Bcientlfic one.hventuully thp viitlm to tobnecoblindness sometimes loses hU eye-(ilfht_alto^;cth_er. f

A few days ago u correspondptitasJct'd" tlieTribune how one could bear tho biir-ilens of othprs without tending toother people's" business. The solui i htion is -not hard. 'imHnc nnd

Rentlnient nre-mlxed 'In the ques-tion. A proper friendship Is theVichrer~<>f~Tjiff(!eiiBr~''t VIouiileH ~ jnnd dirijlw-jrrIef.--.Aji.'nri oM-timorwrittr Haiti, name we knownot, "Friendship hath the skill andobservation', of the best pliyxieinn,the diligence nnd vigilance of nurse, with the tendei-iiesa• IUIIIpatience o f the best, niothur. ; inthiit--Hentiment-comesx*thc-benrini^of'otherB* .burdens. .Never" stnnd backbecause of the fear you nre interfer-ing In the business of others.

William Plant, of Lint i^o, hus con-structed n no\(.l iiiairle Hliiminr inwhich he and hit, family will t n n t lacross the. eountij to San Iraiuis<othfs^silnHrier, flir-rlir purptue of liv-ing in the opt n ail and improving- MrsPlunt^s. health 1 lie ' t-t hooner" ion*tulns,. a parlor, a bedroom, a dining-room, n kitcliLii .md a li.ith loom withhot~nnd-cold water Juil^ing fiinn u~description of the big loutrhiimt hehas failed to ttiUc into (oiisidLintionthe fuct tlmt tht country lond^oftbeffnr west are not .ik will p i m l no Hit

Awell-known iitut-iiapt'i writer haspublished the folli|»ing iimlmsci m e,which reminds onp of Hip rpclwil cun.

tentlon that nligion is on Ilie i«ullnein the colleges of the dn^ "More than30 yeurs agp; during tliL ro^sttruig

one present could k.iJ I la 1 in (um-inanrimeiits and tin Lord's I'r.ijtr,mrdtay them cormtl.v I nou.iiul it thetame time a < I IT-III ite, nun tin mostcelebrated bridge builder In the world,recited both without u (law.'1

The Atlanta (onstliutjon, snjs .'TKere ^re' great opportumtips llow-ngdown our siruthtrn unteis , 'whiih,, quite true, and tin mini in i\ lit is,-•erted'of ncnrly all the; Ktatei*. Har-"aessing the striams for jioucr will tin-iergo a great dcvclopinmt during thepresent- century

Some idea'of New York's immensitynn be gained frttm the number of

f feai 'flres^ in the town, with no ap->arent effect oa the toUL

, Rrcefvo Ofroslt'i 5uWrd fa ttiixk jiriir Atlu« < Inlerfl on l)«lly U*r.nccs t l iuti Tim* '• nd UtnlanJ Ortifli.iilef <(f llcpo«U« lliarlnc Interest

I M P O R T A N T N O RENTERS OF SfcFE DEPOSIT BOXES IN N. Y1 " I I , l i ^ a i j a i d I n h r t r m i ' i T i n 1 i « n> , t>»i M l mi l l , r tlu< l » » « o f H i * - t W i f .

N i » \ , iK - n i l » > i l i i i t i r in i t M uiii' ic I U I M I U , , r i in (> . f n V u U t n < x UIUIII> Hit) '' , H I M , I - i f i > I'M " I t It x, •!!! Ih i ' Hi m l r n n t , r In i r t, r I . it , Ii i m l i i , H i , u n i o u n t .

Ill t IS t I t l , \ l ) l l I III, l - l i t , '

, M I M . » H< l . K M H f l i M ; . , .ml I n J i>l U , u A S M M. .



STERNBEPQ'S! - - . 224 West Front Sired, PlalnflcW. • ' ... •

j Main Store 130-234 MjrKtt St., Newark. |


with us-=aind are our firm friends, because

we've given them £ood treatment and good

value. If you are in need of ,

Clothing, Either Men's or Ladies'FURNITURE AND CARPETS

or any article for person or house we'llextend credit to you.and make as firm afriend of you as all our customers are.We pay your fare if you'll call on /


• (A>



""rL'r ","V — -" '?" - - , "•^'"



Carpets of all kinds,

Furniture, Bedding and Stoves.

' Which we have put in the best

sh.ipq _wc.- Could,_ under _the



' fea*t

continue until the *20,000 worth of

damaged goodb is entirel/ disposed of.

It'. "No 7B " and you « t the «r«t n u l l '• Anlot" biforo enuring our .lore


Near Plans Street, Welt of Broad.A Prltralc Dellrerj W.jor. (lent on JUquea.1. "Telepboni 080,"

Send for New 43-Pagi Cata]ogtMv

Car fart paid looSPififrim Buvtn, ,

Page 4: BERRY' · sap .West issth ^t. iirclmso or siile of , _; GRAIN, COTTON ENT. A VEAK ON YOUR MONEY in (siiy 48} rai ! 1 per cent, mi Common Steel Coin moil r i'/-. $.'1110.00 - ... This


festtttdem^tauTlesaemaClhe» » Trade.- i» s> recast laws.'* tta


This iijHigh-Gr

are now at our Mow Wareroomm.1B4-.nHh i, between ;mt and aud streets, /four York, where we

invite inspection of an unuiual a^ortment of

FISCHER PIANOS-Grand Bad Urn-li**

At more moderate prices we have the FRANKLIN and otherPianos, and. a varied display of ^Ughtly used ,_an&, second-hand-Hallos of our owiTanel other niates." In this new departure we areprepared to meet the demands of any purchaser.


A call otour NEW WARKROOMS from those interested,will be appreciated," and we extend 4 cordial invitation to all.

164 FIFTH AVENUE,Oarfalsg—a> Tarmm. *o.,









SUflMER FURNISHINGSOften Summer Requirements.

Varictyof Floor Coverings almost innumerableChinese and Japanese Mattings, 'Sanitary Mattings,

Fibre CarpctingvXIorclcnAn -Filling, liag.Carpet,. Ingrain- - -Carpet, &c. — - - _ - - — _

TAMI KLJGS—9x12 Tami Rugs; 6x9 Tami"Rugs;3x6

•—^1 •" M«!7_tto paasloator ucnrinr « « fan into « W d menare sometimes drawn. V.The Boat ex-pert collector In the country is Sir.James J. BUI, whaseeoUcetlo* Is bothfKt finest and the largest tipoav thecontinent., Fur dealers are Terr cer-tain- that Mr. 4IU1 takes more pleas-ore la discovering a ifc sable or black

O A U F O B M A . ^ndtripticfctfstol

^ -r-a/W -ass

Ideal VacationJEfcursiojti

San Jo Rugs.

18x30.Fibre Carpets and Rugs

36x36. 36x48. 36x60.

Tami,San Jo and Fibre Carpeting—washable and fast colors.PORCH ROCKERS, $1.00, $1.25, $2.25, $3.oo

Curtain ^Swiss, Uobbinet, Point D'Esprit, Curtain Grena-dines, etc. * Silkalines, Cretonnes, Denims, Canvas Cloth,etc., fo"r draperies.

Bagdad.Curtaining special at 50c. per yard.

"Williams Store,N. D. WILLIAnS,

No. 136 Broad Street, EHizatoeth..GLnney, 27 ®«st Grand Slrcef.

millionaires; it is not unusual for menof small means to yield to the fascin-ation. 'Some-years ago af storekeeper;'

ing Jn the great "coon district" ofMinnesota, chanced to seenre la thecourse of a barter a remarkably lineakin. lie immediately determined tohave a coattof sMns like the one thathe bad found. Year after year he vi»ited the fur home at St. Paul when

the harvetts.were brought in. search-ing for pells to match his rare SnJ.At lust, at the end of ten year* he iadsecured the 30' coon skins, and hadthem mitde into a coat which U knownas one of the finest in the state. ThereIs no harm in collections; on the con-trary, they often give genuine pleas-ure and impart knowledge which could>e won in no school. The coon-akin

collection recalls another nan's in-vestment of his time and money. lieis a physician in a western atate—the other man—and his collection is—boys. One after another—seven inall-— he-'tias latest - Infill"1 his ~homr;(ruined and educated and sent outintothe world. To-day three of "the doc-tor'i boys" are foreign missionaries,one a minister, one a physician, one alawjer and one an engineer; and thedoctor himself, no longer young, is"giving a chance" to yet another littlefellow. To know what he has beenand is to his boys one has only to bearthe way in which they speak of him.Love and honor are returns made bjfew collections. It is not strange thatthe lnan who invested in bojs is wellcontent. Yes, there- is much to begained from collections, but it is odd•what different things people chooseto collect. '

within two mbnth.; stop-over J\ KoFfolk.tbenoeacrOMthB Jllneltadj" " • rooming.! b , t rf o f d Virginia to Natural Bridge, returning I

Br " g to' ShenTndoah VuHey. far famed lor iu picturaque BC ,t 7 l , X l S X a v e r n M l i e most wonderfully U u t i f J . n the ,

White, D»t: Pass. Agent, AAury Part Gett/«burg Baltinwre and Ptatadrtf!**S. / „ or C. M Bint, General Passenger Kithmond, Pe.ter

,'isited en rouThe trip can be made very


X. / „ or C. M u ,Agent, Sew ¥orlrCiiy.

Besides the]

h &. PLAUT 8, CO..coa t_m , t

(JRADUATIONT>xiwdiBfC »43 00

pp qFo* MISSIS—Diipaaa and Dress k^

Materials, EaiisyParasols, Veilings,. Neck Chain .

Books, Slippers, Ribbons,wear, Shoes and th ' 'a wardrobe. HOBbom bead to foot,and whatever clse'yon iraiv need. O radiiales pan will gue u[i all their Inno to pre-paring th' ir theses, for outfit cost lut-d KIICthem no concern. IJ. S. I'luut & Co oIK'ievery essential in melrojiolitiiii assortment'and at decidedly low pric-ts- quality considirod To the fimiiiiin

go» n

Admission to Luru) L'mmis, nightlloul mti


S2 00 to $3 50 |>cr diiy.

Tickctufor tlna'-Iileiil Vacation Kxciirsniu"'arc on mile <MIM i l , 1 V l l

•' ilif i ear a t the office of the Norfolk & Western Itmlroiid, No !I!J« llro,,,|nn''•! NV» York. Tuketn UPU limited t o M o y S l H l uml October .'IIMI, UUUKI,,",;

' ppimit s t o p o v e r ut pit-name, n t iin.y point ( l l l ,1,7,

their "co-eds" us »< II, pneu will IK- Mib-mitted gladly JIutli pliusiirci mil cuinufrom a personal intcstigntioii of thi> stocksbat tlie next liest tiling n a rcw t to tinexcellent mail w:rvico of the store.

AN I.VV1TATI0NIs eitendnl to all ]«rvins ik-siring to

Buy, Sell or KxchiiNge an) thing in theway-of fine household L-oodrt, etc., to visitthe salesrooni^ of tho New Ji'rsty AuctionCompany, 55 Ilronil street, Kll7al>i'tli The;carry in stock a full line of new iron bods,bedding, rangos, chair*, laUf, etc., aniltheir pnees ttn»-poritiVclvJttirl««r«frto I*found anywhere. Mr. (froj It. Li'stcr, themanager, has a repuUttmn second lo noneas an auctioneer throughout tl c entirestate, and he guarantees fiurniid honimtbludealings at all tunes, t ine him u call amibe cqimnccd. • i

So He Wilt.Ttie sir Is ilovly n-urmlnff up.

Spring poctnr. nre on tap once more.And toon the fi-rllvv mfffictiKcr buy

Will begin to phut the iloor.—Chicago Daily News _ «


HilltlUKIII', I'lllllllJt'll . . .Knr (l(wiii |iliii iiuiitiir,.lii>ki'lH, unil for Miiiuns tri|m hy

cull on , or ihill,

L. J. ELLIS, .Eastern Passenger Agent,

J. E. PfilNDLE,- Traveling, Passenger AKm,

No. 398 Broadway, New York.Tickets sent by mail or - . . Telephone:

messcpjer to'any aJdress 2907 FKANKLIN.




Hardwood Refrigerator,Golden Oak Finish, * 4 . 2 9

T H K caBttnctlra of oar refrigerators Insures abjolnt9_jui<ty* aai tletnUncm for your provisions. Tn« perfwt luulatloa

anaalMlilit loon mean ice economy; lowoat timperature witheconomy; lowoat timperature with

"' ' " e x c i p 0 ( ) n * U 7 ""*•



Ma: !:;i £L,Opp. Court House, Newark, N. J.


A mooting in tlie interest of tlio• Teochors' ltotiromcnt Fund of

^eddlo^Memorial Cuiirclf, iNevmrk. onFriday evening nt 8:15 p. m. lion.CliOB-E. Hill, of tho Newark schoolboard will preside, and among thespeakers will bo Clias. 13. TSuydam olthe state board, llmry Bnyder, uupt.

- of the Jersey City achools, ElitabotliA. Allen, secy, of tho Teachers' Uctire-ment Fund, and Addison B. l'oland,

apt, of the Newark _public_8choole.



(JCAilit UxBtTAini BknviCB >/, PM0KSLOW.

_ii_uitCxsixo,—IIa\o-you notlaed-that-otir pinno is nlwnys in good tnne lately?—lea, Hint's N'IICO Henry Honibeck of D»Rroad Btlxft, Eliziibeth, has had charge" ofit.

for i Satisfying Dinqerat themoderate price of 25c

(Jo to J. D. Hyers RESTAURANT,Fctt Bulldine. Crantord.



Udira Sua>pji«d with Rcllabl*Halp, and employment found for (Iria•pply. at

1Q4 Histi Btroet,

Modern newspaper enterprise givesrise to curious embarrassments' sttimea. Some time ago C'ongressmsnCochran, of Missouri, determined toexpress himself on the Iioer war. lieprepared u Speech In which he twistedthe lion's tail until it resembled m pieceof "ilanllo cable. He gave advancecopies to all the nertspnpercorrcspond-euta from his atate and theterritoryaurrounding, with instructions to re-lease the speech when he began talk-Jng._ -Mr. Cochran aecured the floor afew days later for a three-minutespeech on some other topic. Every-body thought, according to the XewYork World, he hsd began his Boerspeech, and the newspapers were in-structed to ppint. Cochran had tomake the speech, anu he rattled it off asrapidly as he could, while colleaguesyawned and inquired from time to timeif Vbey hadn't seen that speech some-where in print.

It seems hardly credible that UnitedStates congressmen could be so ig-norant as the follow ing tale aeemi toImply, but the tale ia too good to missfor a little thing like-that: It wouldnot be fair to tell which one. but oneof the representatives from Xew Yorkcit} vrasshonring tome friend* throughthe capltol the other afternoon, re-ports n Washington correspondent.The strangers examined the statuesIn Statuary hall with great interest.When they canie to Itulwrt Fulton,who stands with the model of bis firststeamboat in bis band, one of the la-dies said: "And n ho is that 7" "That,"replied the representative, peering atthe name on the baie of the statue,"isPulton. Be was an inventor of—theInventor of the roller skate, lie hasthe model of one tn bis hand. Crude.ailair In those days, as you can tee." -

Now that the warm days are near athand, says the Ladies' Ilome Compan-ion, "Strollingclubs" will again becomepopular. Last fall this pastimemuch enjoyed, particularly by the girlsof Baltimore and Boston. And thisthe plan: A party- of girls, in numberfrom fonr to ten, agreed npon someplace, generally the home of a friend,as the objective point for their stfoll,and in the early afternoon walked aev-tral miles out into the country. Alight luncheon, prepared by the hosle

WRIGHT & GARFIELD,Bankers and Brokers,

46 Broadway, __ - , New York.Branch Offices: 30 West 23d St. 210 West 125th St.

_ Ordtrs solicited for thr i>urclin«o or xnlouf



in nny ninotmts for cnsli or on modcrntcr marginHOW TO MMCE MORE THAN 50 PER CENT. A YEAR ON VOUR

EXAMPLE:liny 100 Slinrcs United Slut?* SlM'l Common (sny.43) on II per tout, nun gin.


Mnrjjin ilopoHiti'd - - • - - ,Intercut on ilcjinslt ill 0 prr rent ~ • '4 percent. Ditiilcmi on 100 Hlinrcs Stifl Common

i s mi•1(1(1(1!)

LPBH 0 per cont. iiitcrrnt tinDEBIT.

100 Rliriri'B Sti-ol Cnnimon

•Tlim-oierM pi'i IOIII nje.itin tho slot k ut nil, uml no lime miHilliiil i, GREAT DEAL ln-licr.

*'J5H (HI


_ , Tim Indication* nrc, that Vic an) on I ho ..She—Do you folkl boa.l of a ct l f co»"'n hmojorknonn It l« rumored tli,,t John w". <l,i«,j. backed by"s"i>i'oi'oi*«o ooo «o

Xo;l we used,to boast nf one,but vte lime to apologize for it now.—Detroit Free Prcst.

or cawied out by the girls, was-served,and the party waited back again to thecity in time for dinner.

play it to use their hands and arms toan unusual degree, with the result ofmany lame arms and shoulders. Themedical men are coming to recognizethe symptoms of the dlsesse, and theycall It the "ping-pong arm." There•re a good many ping-pong arms iaNew "York now, where the game is saidto have become very popular.

•oon be able to add another half-hourto their business day. The proposi-tion has been made to put* breakfastcars on auburban trolleys, railway andferry lines.

There are nearly 2M,00O.000chick«B«» t h e United States aa reported by the

Belf-Cbnndenne.TL» m*n»ho thlnkn thuthe lig-rrat ' -

And thlnki II, too, with all hlj heart,Itsy claim to hftve'orie 'roun convinced,

Andjhat la something of a start.*-Wasblnston Star.

He Stood Qorrrcted."But you hare nothing old—noth-

ing of historic interest—in this coun-try," protested tho eastern visitor tothe western mining town. •

"That's where you nre mightilymistaken, stranger," replied n resi-dent. "Down nt th» Ited-Eye snlonnthey have some sevcn-yuur-old rye."—Indianapolis News.

A Mri|. FMlow.Clara—Of all menn, SCIHHII, worldly,

"despicable creature*, 1 think Mr.(tuggem is the worst. T

Dora—Why,..'what has he done?Clara—When I refused him,, he did

not commit suicide," or go to n moun-tain cove, or anything. He's engagedto a g-irl I hate.—N. Y. Weekly.

! • • • CaaioliMiaa."Ah!" Bighed

"no other man pJohn't place. I loved him .from thobottom of my henrt."

"Of course," replied the sympa-thetic friend,'''but you know there isalways room nt the tup."—ChicagoDaily News.

AM VKreaaonabl«"Co^plalut.Young Husband — I'm just about

dead, putting down this carpet.1'Wife—The carpet it not heavy."No,* but I hare to work in sm

cramped position.Xonsenbc. Just Iinng-lne you 1

on your bicycle."—N. Y. Weekly.

the young widow,,can e\er fill 'poor

ucS a

icy in NIJ ing Hint wo fully brjiVto tliH sink

BIG BULL MARKET.ono'of'Ihn Ilium-si brll mnrki"

n W. (late< la backed by spool 01*150,000,000u " ' ""!:— —:•":." ••—'-•'•" « J«'o» John J. Mitchell, Prtfidoitt Illinois Tm*lHroi. andMvcral other opllallsts, for i lip purpose ut nulling iric!" ii rv miiil

""X* £**!"» *'!? '""""'•"> P««h«« •< ill good dlvlicni pajlng stolk., Ml, Kock lalatnd, AtchlMn common, Sleel and PcopUiO«".SPECIAL LETTER QIVINQ FULL DETAILS.


Pointer.Carton—How can you spare the

time to W constantly iecturlng onliterary topics?

any ingr-K!likngo"Trib-

Calllns His ninH.He—Would you be angry If I stole

• kiss from those ruby lips?She—Actions • speak .louder than

words. Try it and see.-ChicagoDaily News. - „ - - - ' - 5 -

Aad Anybody's.She—Miss No»zy talks as If she

may_ «raa4n-trade^I didn't knovt-shermMinterested in any business.

He—Yes, she's Interested In anybusiness.—Philadelphia Press.

Ol Jlore importance.Inventor—I have just succeeded in

perfecting a new fertilizer.Friend—Will it enrich the soil?Inventor—Can't say; hut I expect

It to enrich me.—Chicago Dal); News.

L. LEHHAN & CO.,Slore Closes at 6:30 I*. H.; Saturday II P. M.

Mall or Telephone Orders Filled.

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- Fish almost given away Saturday night.

SEA FOOD, "Thats' AIL"

BROKAW'S, 115 BROAD STREET, EUZAIIETII._ (Next t6 Mendel's.)