beth adams 1, clive e adams 2 1 minster school, southwell, uk 2 university of nottingham, uk search...

Beth Adams 1 , Clive E Adams 2 1 Minster School, Southwell, UK 2 University of Nottingham, UK Search Engines People Trials Loaded terms Google. “Andy Murray” “Lelia Duley” Randomized Randomized and schizophren ia Abortion AK 47 Islam Lenin and Mao and Trotsky and Marx and Engels "Political Dissident" Revolution Afghanistan 76% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 63% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% American Samoa as 76% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Anguilla 76% 99.7% 8% 12% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Antigua + Barduda 76% 99.7% 100% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Argentina 76% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Armenia am 76% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Australia 76% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Azerbijan az 77% 99.7% 8% 17% 97% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Bahamas bs 100% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 74% 100% 99.8% 52% 92% Bangladesh 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 99% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Belgium be 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 91% Belize 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Bolivia 76% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Bosna ba 75% 99.7% 100% 13% 28% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Botswana 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 67% 30% 6.5% 52% 100% Brasil 76% 99.7% 25% 16% 95% 78% 29% 99.8% 52% 25% British Virgin Is. Vg 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 93% Bulgaria bg 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 46% 52% 25% Burundi bi 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 25% Canada ca 75% 99.7% 25% 13% 93% 74% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Chile cl 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 93% Colombia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Congo cg 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Cook Islands 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Costa Rica 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Côte d'Ivoire ci 77% 99.7% 8% 15% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Croatia hr 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 93% Cuba 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Denmark dk 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Djibouti dj 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Dominica dm 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Dominican Rep. 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Ecuador 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% El Salvador 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Ethiopia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 85% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Fiji 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Finland fi 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 97% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% France fr 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 79% 5% 99.8% 52% 92% Gambia gm 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Germany de 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 94% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 25% Gibraltar 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Greece gr 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 94% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Greenland gl 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Guatemala 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Guernsey gg 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Honduras hn 77% 99.7% 25% 12% 98% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 93% Hong Kong 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 24.9% 52% 92% Hungary 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 87% 29% 99.8% 52% 93% Iceland is 75% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.60% 52% 89% India 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Indonesia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Ireland ie 67% 99.7% 8% 17% 98% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 25% Isle of Man 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Isreal 77% 99.7% 8% 100% 92% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Jamaica 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Japan 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 5.7% 52% 92% Jersey 77% 99.7% 25% 12% 98% 81% 29% 99.6% 52% 92% Jordan jo 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 62% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Kazakhstan kz 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Kenya 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 100% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Korea 77% 99.7% 25% 25% 98% 80% 30% 4.3% 52% 93% Kyrgyzstan kg 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% latvia lv 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 24% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Lesotho 76% 99.7% 25% 16% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Libya 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99% 52% 93% Liechtenstein li 77% 99.7% 25% 12% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Lietuvos it 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 93% 81% 29% 99.60% 52% 92% Lithuania lt 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 94% 99% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Luxemburg lu 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Malawi mw 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Malaysia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 20% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Malta 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 94% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Mauritius mu 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 91% Mexico 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 74% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Micronesia fm 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Mongolia mn 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Montserrat ms 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Namibia 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 94% 80% 29% 99% 52% 25% Nauru nr 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Nepal 77% 99.7% 25% 16% 95% 81% 29% 99% 52% 92% Netherlands nl 67% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% New Zealand 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Nicaragua 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Niue nu 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Norfolk Is. 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Norway No 75% 99.7% 8% 16% 95% 99% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Oman 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Österreich at 76% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Pakistan 76% 99.7% 8% 15% 20% 74% 29% 99.8% 52% 93% Panamá 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Paraguay 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Perú 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Philippines 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 95% 78% 4% 99.8% 52% 92% Pitcairn Is. pn 77% 99.7% 8% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Poland pl 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 84% 29% 99.8% 52% 91% Portugal Pt 77% 99.7% 8% 16% 33% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Puerto Rico 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Rep du Congo cd 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Romania Ro 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 78% 4% 99.8% 52% 92% Russia ru 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 91% Rwanda Rw 77% 99.7% 8% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Samoa Ws 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% San Marino Sm 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Saudi Arabia 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Sénégal Sn 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 92% Seychelles Sc 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Singapore 77% 100% 8% 14% 95% 78% 24% 99.8% 52% 92% Slovakia Sk 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 24% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Solomon Is. 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% South Africa 75% 99.7% 25% 17% 95% 79% 4% 99.8% 52% 92% Spain es 67% 99.7% 25% 14% 94% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 93% Sri Lanka lk 77% 100% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% St Vincent + Grenadines 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% St. Helena Sh 75% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Sverige Se 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 94% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 90% Switszerland ch 74% 99.7% 8% 14% 24% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 93% Taiwan 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 17.3% 52% 92% Tajikistan 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Thailand 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Timor-Leste Tp 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 8% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Tonga To 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Trinidad + Tobago Tt 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 95% 81% 29% 99% 52% 93% Turkey 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 99% 4% 99% 52% 92% Turkmenistan Tm 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% UAE ae 76% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Uganda 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% UK 66% 99.7% 25% 13% 99% 64% 4% 100% 52% 20% Ukraine 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 93% Uruguay 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% USA com 71% 99.7% 25% 13% 99% 83% 24% 6.7% 52% 93% Uzbekistan Uz 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Vanuatu Vu 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Venezuela 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Vietnam 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 78% 24% 99.8% 52% 92% Virgin Is. 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% Zambia 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 94% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92% China 5% 3.8% 1% 6% 3% 0.03% 0.4% 100% 6% 0.1 % Google searching: a consistency test Values keep repeating Lone Values rare China (does not use Google) Israel considerably more results for " Randomized and Schizophrenia " Values fairly consistent for " Political Dissident” Values fairly consistent for " Lelia Duley” Approximate number of results for word 'randomized’ Google. 7 th July 2013 8 th July 2013 9 th July 2013 10th July 2013 35,800,000 11,700,000 32,400,000 32,900,000 Data from Google trends Choice of phrases We chose three types of phrases – people, searches for trials, and some random phrases that we thought may have controversial connotations People – we chose Andy Murray as he had just won Wimbledon , and Lelia Duley because she is a researcher with an unusual name The simple searches for randomised trials were both general and specific to a sub-speciality Background Google is used across the world as a major source of information. It remains the top search engine by some distance. It is often used as a source of studies in reviews. 'To google' was added to the Oxford Dictionary (June 2006), and was said to be the most useful word by the American Dialect Society Aim To investigate yield of search terms across all Google search engines. Results Although there is an impressive amount of consistency in the results there is also a great deal of regional variation within Google Methods Definitive list of Google engines downloaded Phrases chosen for relevance, currency, potential controversy Searches of each phrase undertaken on same day (7-8 th July* ) Total hits recorded and comparative percentages calculated * Days after the Andy Murray Wimbledon victory Over time We are also aware results change over time, for example: Conclusions We are unsure why this variation occurs, perhaps searches are more popular in certain countries and so there are more results for that search in that region regional Google sites may update faster than others information may be differentially filtered (this is obvious in China) Certainly, Google seems a fickle source of information if a researcher's aim is to identify all randomised controlled trials. Contact: [email protected]

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Page 1: Beth Adams 1, Clive E Adams 2 1 Minster School, Southwell, UK 2 University of Nottingham, UK Search Engines PeopleTrialsLoaded terms Google.“Andy Murray”

Beth Adams1, Clive E Adams2

1Minster School, Southwell, UK2University of Nottingham, UK

Search Engines People Trials Loaded terms

Google. “Andy Murray” “Lelia Duley”

Randomized Randomized and


Abortion AK 47 Islam Lenin and Mao and

Trotsky and Marx and


"Political Dissident"


Afghanistan 76% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 63% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

American Samoa as 76% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Anguilla 76% 99.7% 8% 12% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Antigua + Barduda 76% 99.7% 100% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Argentina 76% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Armenia am 76% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Australia 76% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Azerbijan az 77% 99.7% 8% 17% 97% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Bahamas bs 100% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 74% 100% 99.8% 52% 92%

Bangladesh 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 99% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Belgium be 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 91%

Belize 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Bolivia 76% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Bosna ba 75% 99.7% 100% 13% 28% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Botswana 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 67% 30% 6.5% 52% 100%Brasil 76% 99.7% 25% 16% 95% 78% 29% 99.8% 52% 25%

British Virgin Is. Vg 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 93%

Bulgaria bg 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 46% 52% 25%

Burundi bi 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 25%

Canada ca 75% 99.7% 25% 13% 93% 74% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Chile cl 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 93%

Colombia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Congo cg 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Cook Islands 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Costa Rica 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Côte d'Ivoire ci 77% 99.7% 8% 15% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Croatia hr 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 93%

Cuba 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Denmark dk 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Djibouti dj 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Dominica dm 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Dominican Rep. 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Ecuador 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

El Salvador 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Ethiopia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 85% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Fiji 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Finland fi 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 97% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

France fr 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 79% 5% 99.8% 52% 92%

Gambia gm 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Germany de 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 94% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 25%

Gibraltar 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Greece gr 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 94% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Greenland gl 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Guatemala 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Guernsey gg 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Honduras hn 77% 99.7% 25% 12% 98% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 93%

Hong Kong 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 24.9% 52% 92%

Hungary 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 87% 29% 99.8% 52% 93%

Iceland is 75% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.60% 52% 89%

India 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Indonesia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Ireland ie 67% 99.7% 8% 17% 98% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 25%

Isle of Man 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Isreal 77% 99.7% 8% 100% 92% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Jamaica 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Japan 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 5.7% 52% 92%

Jersey 77% 99.7% 25% 12% 98% 81% 29% 99.6% 52% 92%

Jordan jo 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 62% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Kazakhstan kz 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Kenya 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 100% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Korea 77% 99.7% 25% 25% 98% 80% 30% 4.3% 52% 93%

Kyrgyzstan kg 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

latvia lv 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 24% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Lesotho 76% 99.7% 25% 16% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Libya 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99% 52% 93%

Liechtenstein li 77% 99.7% 25% 12% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Lietuvos it 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 93% 81% 29% 99.60% 52% 92%

Lithuania lt 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 94% 99% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Luxemburg lu 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Malawi mw 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Malaysia 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 20% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Malta 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 94% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Mauritius mu 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 91%

Mexico 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 74% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Micronesia fm 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Mongolia mn 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Montserrat ms 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Namibia 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 94% 80% 29% 99% 52% 25%

Nauru nr 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Nepal 77% 99.7% 25% 16% 95% 81% 29% 99% 52% 92%

Netherlands nl 67% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

New Zealand 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Nicaragua 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Niue nu 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Norfolk Is. 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Norway No 75% 99.7% 8% 16% 95% 99% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Oman 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Österreich at 76% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Pakistan 76% 99.7% 8% 15% 20% 74% 29% 99.8% 52% 93%

Panamá 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Paraguay 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Perú 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Philippines 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 95% 78% 4% 99.8% 52% 92%

Pitcairn Is. pn 77% 99.7% 8% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Poland pl 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 84% 29% 99.8% 52% 91%

Portugal Pt 77% 99.7% 8% 16% 33% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Puerto Rico 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Rep du Congo cd 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Romania Ro 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 78% 4% 99.8% 52% 92%

Russia ru 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 91%

Rwanda Rw 77% 99.7% 8% 17% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Samoa Ws 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

San Marino Sm 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Saudi Arabia 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 100% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Sénégal Sn 77% 99.7% 25% 17% 98% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 92%

Seychelles Sc 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Singapore 77% 100% 8% 14% 95% 78% 24% 99.8% 52% 92%

Slovakia Sk 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 24% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Solomon Is. 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

South Africa 75% 99.7% 25% 17% 95% 79% 4% 99.8% 52% 92%

Spain es 67% 99.7% 25% 14% 94% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 93%

Sri Lanka lk 77% 100% 25% 14% 95% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

St Vincent + Grenadines 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

St. Helena Sh 75% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Sverige Se 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 94% 86% 29% 99.8% 52% 90%

Switszerland ch 74% 99.7% 8% 14% 24% 81% 24% 99.8% 52% 93%

Taiwan 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 17.3% 52% 92%

Tajikistan 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Thailand 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Timor-Leste Tp 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 8% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Tonga To 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Trinidad + Tobago Tt 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 95% 81% 29% 99% 52% 93%

Turkey 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 95% 99% 4% 99% 52% 92%

Turkmenistan Tm 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

UAE ae 76% 99.7% 8% 13% 95% 79% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Uganda 77% 99.7% 25% 15% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

UK 66% 99.7% 25% 13% 99% 64% 4% 100% 52% 20%

Ukraine 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 99% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 93%

Uruguay 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

USA com 71% 99.7% 25% 13% 99% 83% 24% 6.7% 52% 93%

Uzbekistan Uz 77% 99.7% 8% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Vanuatu Vu 77% 99.7% 25% 14% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Venezuela 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 98% 80% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Vietnam 77% 99.7% 8% 14% 95% 78% 24% 99.8% 52% 92%

Virgin Is. 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 98% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

Zambia 77% 99.7% 25% 13% 94% 81% 29% 99.8% 52% 92%

China 5% 3.8% 1% 6% 3% 0.03% 0.4% 100% 6%0.1%

Google searching: a consistency test








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Approximate number of results for word 'randomized’Google. 7th July 2013 8th July 2013 9th July 2013 10th July 35,800,000 11,700,000 32,400,000 32,900,000

Data from Google trends

Choice of phrasesWe chose three types of phrases – people, searches for trials, and some

random phrases that we thought may have controversial connotationsPeople – we chose Andy Murray as he had just won Wimbledon , and Lelia

Duley because she is a researcher with an unusual name

The simple searches for randomised trials were both general and specific to a sub-speciality


Google is used across the world as a major source of information. It remains the top search engine by some distance. It is often used as a source of studies in reviews.'To google' was added to the Oxford Dictionary (June 2006), and was said

to be the most useful word by the American Dialect Society

AimTo investigate yield of search terms across all Google search


ResultsAlthough there is an impressive amount of consistency in the results

there is also a great deal of regional variation within Google

MethodsDefinitive list of Google engines downloadedPhrases chosen for relevance, currency, potential controversySearches of each phrase undertaken on same day (7-8th July* )Total hits recorded and comparative percentages calculated

* Days after the Andy Murray Wimbledon victory

Over timeWe are also aware results change over time, for example:

ConclusionsWe are unsure why this variation occurs, perhaps

searches are more popular in certain countries and so there are more results for that search in that regionregional Google sites may update faster than othersinformation may be differentially filtered (this is obvious in China)

Certainly, Google seems a fickle source of information if a researcher's aim is to identify all randomised controlled trials.

Contact: [email protected]