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  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Corporate Banking

    The bank ofinternational businessFacilitating global trade since 1870

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Commerzbank is one of Germanys leading corporate banks.

    It is not the many awards we have won for corporate banking

    that justify that claim, however satisfying it was to win them.

    It is the fact that we are the market leader in German foreign

    trade. In 2012, no other bank settled more foreign letters of

    credit opened in favour of German exporters.

    If you want to build

    a strong position inGermany, you needa partner who isstrong in Germany.

    The bank of international trade

    since 1870: laying the foundations

    of sustainable growth


  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    That leadership position involves handling hundreds of bil-

    lions of Euros of international trade transactions every year.

    Even in the face of growing global competition, Germany

    hovers between being the largest and second largest export

    economy on the planet, as well as the worlds third largest

    importer. To be the business bank of choice in that context is

    humbling. Particularly as we are very aware that the com-

    panies who entrust us to look after the intricacies of their

    day-to-day international business would not stay with us if

    we were not good at what we do.

    And stay with us they do. We are proud to have client rela-

    tionships that stretch back not just years but decades, involv-

    ing companies that are household names across the globe.

    Loyalty has something to do with this. But loyalty can only

    flourish against a background of unbroken trust. Our trust in

    our clients. Their trust in us.

    If the German market and the markets to which Germany

    exports are important to you, no one has a more intimate

    knowledge of their workings than Commerzbank. We would

    be delighted of the opportunity to show you what that know-

    ledge might mean for your business.

    The importance of strong

    relationships: business is a

    people business

    06 Because the world is gettingsmaller: we continue to think big

    08 From Germany to the world:local presence in regional markets


  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    150 branches and offices for mid cap and larger companies ( )and seven large corporate centres ( ) demonstrate Commerzbanksproximity to its clients in Germany.

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    The bank of international trade since 1870Laying the foundations of sustainable growth

    Commerzbank was founded in Hamburg in 1870. We were

    relatively late starters, as the city had been trading for around

    1,000 years by then. But our timing was good. Between 1850

    and 1900, the population of the city more than quadrupled to

    800,000 inhabitants a little under half the current popula-

    tion fuelled by a prodigious increase in international trade.

    It made Hamburg Germanys wealthiest city, a title it retains

    to this day, with the countrys highest per capita GDP.

    Originally known as Commerz- und Discontobank,

    Commerzbank was set up to provide Hamburg traders with

    new funding and to facilitate trading transactions. That has

    remained a core business ever since. The knowledge we candeploy on your behalf today is the direct product of partner-

    ing with international trading companies every working day

    for over 140 years. We are intimately connected to the heart of

    German business and, given Germanys position in the global

    export and import markets, to the heart of international busi-

    ness as well.

    The 1950s saw the worlds economies becoming increas-

    ingly intertwined, and Commerzbank began stepping up its

    international activities. At first, the focus was on representative

    offices and participating interests. In 1961, we became the first

    German bank to open a representative office in Tokyo, whichbecame a branch in 1977. Today, Commerzbank is directly

    represented with branches, group companies and major hold-

    ings as well as representative offices in all major business and

    financial centres in more than 50 countries worldwide. We also

    have a well-established network of links with around 5,000 cor-

    respondent banks globally.

    In 2009, the takeover of Dresdner Bank AG took place, includ-

    ing its investment banking subsidiary, Dresdner Kleinwort.

    This made Commerzbank a leading bank for corporate clients

    and private customers in Germany, with around 56,000 em-

    ployees and nearly 15 million private customers as well as

    1 million business and corporate clients worldwide.

    Demand German engineering for your next

    financing solutionOur award-winning DCM loans business combines focused and

    intelligent structuring expertise with global distribution capa-

    bilities to deliver tailor-made solutions across all loan classes.

    This has been recognized by both the international finance

    magazine Euroweek and by our clients.

    The Euroweek Awards are the only syndicated loan market

    awards voted on by market participants themselves

    comprising investors, borrowers, private equity houses,

    and banks active in the market. This makes these awards

    particularly prestigious.

    Commerzbank has frequently won awards in the past and was

    awarded Best Arranger of Mid-Cap Loans in the 2012 cere-

    mony against strong competition.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    The importance of strong relationshipsBusiness is a people business

    Classic corporate banking, innovative financing solutions us-

    ing corporate finance products, or drawing on the capital

    market? Which route is best going to suit your needs? Based

    on our detailed knowledge of the market and outstanding advi-

    sory expertise, we work with you to devise the ideal solution.

    Professional analysis, close cooperation between corporate and

    investment banking and specialist expertise in global solutions

    are just some of the competencies that help us give you the

    competitive edge.

    At the core of our corporate banking services lie the close rela-

    tionships we develop with our clients. We appoint a single re-

    lationship manager to oversee all your banking business. This

    person acts as a conduit for all your transactions and planning,

    and also oversees interactions between your Commerzbank

    business and any third party banks. This integrated approach

    is based on two-way communication regarding the focus of

    your companys financial strategy. We conduct an individual

    analysis, setting out how we see your company in terms of

    your business model, development, strategy and sector envi-

    ronment. We then discuss with you the future challenges as-

    sociated with the banks different proposed solutions. The

    aim of these discussions is to reach a mutual, in-depth under-

    standing and come to an agreement on how the proposed

    tasks can be most effectively implemented.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Recognising opportunities, tapping trends

    High-calibre advisory depends on a detailed knowledge of the

    sectors and markets in which you operate, as well as a close

    understanding of your value chains. Within Commerzbank,

    the intimate working relationships between your relation-

    ship manager and our sector specialists ensure that detailed

    and relevant knowledge is regularly fed into the advisory

    process. This approach is a defining characteristic of the

    Commerzbank client relationship model, in which compe-

    tence, transparency and reliability are combined with short

    decision-making processes.

    Clear structures

    Your relationship manager will proactively contact you to dis-

    cuss current developments and to receive and respond to your

    comments. This information is then passed on to our Client

    Service Team, where specific solutions can be mutually cre-

    ated. Clear structures, target-based cooperation and the direct

    collaborative exchange of ideas across borders are hallmarks

    of Commerzbanks relationships with our international corpo-

    rate clients.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Because the world is getting smallerWe continue to think big

    Cross-border business is one of the core focuses of

    Commerzbanks international activities. Our client rela-

    tionship model is designed to provide the best possible

    support for your business within Germany and in your

    international markets.

    The larger the stage on which we operate, the more knowledge

    and transaction security we can offer you. In addition to our

    leading position in relation to mid-sized and larger German

    companies, Commerzbank has branches, group companies

    and major holdings as well as representative offices in all the

    worlds main business centres. In addition, we have close work-

    ing relationships with around 5,000 correspondent banks world-

    wide. As a result, we have developed an excellent understanding

    of all the worlds major markets. We are firmly integrated into

    local networks and can support you in all your financial trans-

    actions, both domestically and anywhere your global business

    might take you.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    In view of their specific requirements, the service Commerzbank provides to companies operating internationally has

    been integrated into a dedicated model, fully tailored to their needs. All customer-related activities across all customer

    locations are centrally coordinated by the home relationship manager of the parent company.



    Cross-border cooperation, with your relationship manager as coordinator







    SubsidiaryParent Company

    Home market International markets

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Global insight on demand

    Commerzbanks International Desk in Germany is a rich

    source of financial and market knowledge and country-specific

    information, with relationship managers who are all specialists

    in particular regions. Their knowledge comes from direct expe-

    rience in the field, living and working internationally in their

    chosen regions for many years. Their technical skills and local

    insights combine to ensure a smooth exchange of information

    between the domestic and international Commerzbank units

    involved. In addition, our International Desk team will be

    happy to pass on contacts or make introductions to coopera-

    tion partners and business development agencies, as required.

    They can both support you in setting up your German subsidi-

    ary and help smooth the path to opening up new markets in

    new territories, actively contributing to the success of your

    investments worldwide.


  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Because your needs areunique, so are our services.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    There is rarely a single answer. Often, the solutions we devise are a

    combination of several potential options or combinations of services.

    As your needs develop, both strategically and on a day-to-day basis,

    we will work with you to design the solution we believe best responds

    to your specific circumstances at any given time. We will also make sure

    that you fully understand why and how we reached our conclusions.

    Commerzbanks comprehensive range of corporate banking

    services includes:

    Corporate Finance

    Corporate Finance Advisory

    Foreign Business

    Structured Export & Trade Finance

    Cash Management* and Payments

    Liquidity and Asset Management

    Risk Management

    * Please be advised that in Asia this service is currently not available to its full extent. Please speak to your relationship manager to find out how Commerzbank can assist you locally in your

    own home market or in your cross-border business with Germany.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Corporate Finance

    International competition demands increasingly

    short product development and launch cycles. Or-

    ganic and external growth depends on complex,

    innovative and rapid financial solutions, particu-

    larly for large, capital market oriented corporates.

    Financial instruments for securing liquidity are

    becoming increasingly varied and challenging

    from traditional working capital credit to invest-

    ment loans and capital market financing. This

    means that getting the right advice when choos-

    ing individual financing solutions is becoming

    increasingly vital.

    From individual components, Commerzbank

    structures a convincing overall solution for our

    clients and then works closely with them to imple-

    ment it.

    Large corporates are offered the entire range of

    Commerzbank products and services from a sin-

    gle source. The senior relationship manager, sup-

    ported by the Corporate Finance Advisory Team

    within Corporates & Markets, the Commerzbank

    Investment Banking division, in Germany and

    worldwide, identifies all possible impacts that the

    various solutions may have on the overall situa-

    tion, and on the plans and requirements of the

    company. Close cooperation between Corporates

    & Markets and corporate banking ensures expertknowledge in all markets that are important for

    our clients.

    Corporate Finance Advisory

    As a member of the Client Service Team, the

    Corporate Finance Advisor provides strategic

    advice on financing. His or her role is to analyse,

    structure and prepare individual solutions tailored

    to the clients precise requirements. With cross-

    product advice, the Corporate Finance Advisor

    targets solutions in particular from the corporate

    finance areas of debt capital markets, equity

    capital markets, mergers & acquisitions, project

    finance and securitisation. During implementa-

    tion, he or she coordinates the involvement of

    product specialists who bring specific know-

    how relevant to the current requirements of the


    You tell us what. We suggest how.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Foreign Business

    Commerzbank is the market leader in German

    foreign trade. In 2012, no other bank handled

    more letters of credit opened in favour of German


    Documentary Business

    Based on our recognised expertise,

    Commerzbank offers professional support

    using settlement instruments such as docu-

    mentary credits, documentary collections and

    guarantees. Specialists in the relevant fields

    prepare customised solutions to suit our

    clients individual requirements. Electronic

    solutions are available to support efficient

    handling and we also offer clients the option

    of issuing documents for them.

    Structured Export & Trade Finance

    Company financing solutions tailored to individual

    trade activities (import and export) will enhance

    competitiveness in international business.

    Commerzbank maintains a clear overview of the

    entire supply chain and we provide reliable fi-

    nancing solutions all the way from the order to all

    aspects of import and trade business. Risk insur-

    ance and liquidity optimisation provide additional

    room for manoeuvre.

    Export Finance

    For worldwide export transactions, our

    Structured Export and Trade Finance experts

    recommend and structure optimal financing

    solutions. Buyers credits, forfaiting of export

    receivables and purchase of ECA-covered re-

    ceivables to ease balance sheets are just a fewexamples of the services Commerzbank offers.

    Structured Commodity Trade Finance

    Within our Structured Commodity Trade

    Finance division, we provide tailor-made trade

    finance solutions for the import of commodi-

    ties and goods along the entire supply chain of

    importers. Such solutions include customised

    security structures, using underlying com-

    modities or sales transactions as collateral, for

    example. In this way, Commerzbank contrib-

    utes significantly to the supply of commoditiesto German industry.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Cash Management* and Payments

    Large corporates in particular are faced with the

    challenge of managing their payment transactions

    securely, quickly and reliably, in Germany as well

    as worldwide. Commerzbanks multi-bank appli-

    cations enable companies not only to settle their

    domestic and international payment transactions,

    but also provide support in day-to-day arrange-

    ments and liquidity planning. This process is

    made more efficient by updating account informa-

    tion several times a day. Effectively carrying out

    tasks of this nature requires the highest quality

    data and adherence to standard processes, as well

    as reliable planning and control.

    The flexible and diverse solutions provided by

    Commerzbank in global cash and treasury man-

    agement are adapted to the individual require-ments of large corporates. From the sourcing of

    information to the management of cash pooling,

    we support key financial employees at all stages

    of a companys value chain.

    Liquidity and Asset Management

    Nowhere is globalisation more natural and rou-

    tine than on the capital markets. However, the

    larger the available universe, the more important

    it is to know where you stand. What makes sense

    for your portfolio? What returns can be realisti-

    cally expected and at what risk? Our investment

    specialists can answer these questions and use

    tailor-made instruments to meet your needs.

    Commerzbank also possesses advanced skills in

    the supervision of actively or passively managed

    special fund mandates or ETF solutions.

    * Please be advised that in Asia this service is currently not available to its full extent. Please speak to your relationship manager to find out how

    Commerzbank can assist you locally in your own home market or in your cross-border business with Germany.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Risk Management

    The high level of internationalisation in business relationships creates new

    challenges for the management of interest rate, currency and commodity

    price risks. We can provide innovative solutions for companies that already

    prepare their financial statements according to IFRS, or will do so in future.


    Companies with a large number of investment and lending transactions in

    their portfolios need to be aware of unexpected swings in profit caused by

    money market and capital market volatility. Commerzbank specialists pro-

    vide advice on the use of derivatives plain vanilla or structured with

    which companies can actively manage their interest cash flow.


    Commerzbank has a leading position in foreign exchange trading in

    Germany. As a significant market player, we offer prices in line with the

    market and provide well-researched market information, as well as a time-

    saving and clear online trading system. Through active risk managementof foreign currencies, from renminbi to dollar, you can help to protect

    your profitability no matter what happens to world currency rates.

    Commodity prices

    Whether industrial metals such as copper, aluminium or nickel, precious

    metals like gold or silver, raw materials like crude oil and its distillates

    or carbon, emissions certificates or agricultural produce such as wheat,

    maize, cotton or even cocoa, many commodities are characterised by a

    high level of price volatility. Corporates can protect themselves by using

    suitable financial instruments, resulting in better planning of their ex-

    penditure on materials.

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    Commerzbanks international presence has a long tradition,

    dating back over 135 years. In 1873, we were one of the

    co-founders of the London and Hanseatic Bank. In 1894,

    Commerzbank and other institutions founded Banca Commer-

    ciale Italiana in Milan, while in 1923 we established ourselves

    in Amsterdam, taking a stake in Kaufmann & Cos bank.

    Commerzbank has been present in Asia for over 50 years. In

    1961, we became the first German bank to open a representa-

    tive office in Tokyo, which became a branch in 1977, and we

    have had a presence in Singapore since 1970 and in Hong

    Kong since 1979. Commerzbanks interest in China has seen

    us establish branches in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and


    In Central and Eastern Europe, our representative office in Rus-

    sia was set up in 1976 and established as an operational unit in

    1999 (named Commerzbank Eurasia SAO). This was followed

    by further branches in Prague in 1992 and Budapest in 1993.

    We have the track record, technical expertise and global reach

    to strategically partner with you in any market in the world.

    Whatever business you are in and however that business may

    develop over the medium or long term. With Commerzbank on

    your side, you have the power to achieve more.

    From Germany to the worldLocal presence in regional markets







    Almaty Beijing

    Tianjin SeoulTokyo


    TaipeiHong Kong


    Kuala LumpurSingapore


    Ho Chi Minh City






    New York


    Panama City

    So Paulo

    Buenos Aires

    Santiago de Chile



    Addis Abeba













    Saint Petersburg







    International branches

    Group companies and major holdings

    Representative offices

  • 7/29/2019 Bfb International Outbound


    More information?Were happy to oblige.

    If you would like more detailed information about any aspect of

    our international corporate banking services, please get in touch.

    We will be happy to discuss your needs with you.

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