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Upgrade Your Pump Rehabilitation measures for power station pumps

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  • Upgrade Your Pump

    R e h a b i l i t a t i o n m e a s u r e s f o r p o w e r s t a t i o n p u m p s

  • 21 32

    R e h a b i l i t a t i o n t h e m o r e c o s t - e f f e c t i v e s o l u t i o n

    I N C R E A S E E F F I C I E N C Y

    New hydraulic systems and targeted engineering optimize pump performance

    I N C R E A S E O P E R A T I N GR E L I A B I L I T Y A N D P L A N TA V A I L A B I L I T Y

    New designs and new materialsminimize wear.

    E X T E N D M E A N T I M E B E T W E E N M A I N T E N A N C E

    Parts made by KSB and preci-sion matching of componentsreduce the need for maintenance

    U p g r a d e Y o u r P u m p

    M a k e p o w e r g e n e r a t i o n m o r e e f f i c i e n t

    Supplying power reliably, cost-effectively and with economical use of resources is and will continue to be

    a global challenge and something we must all work to achieve.

    Upgrade Your Pump is our economical concept for the rehabilitation of installed pumps. This extensive

    action plan includes all the necessary measures to bring your pumps up to the state of the art. Customized

    rehabilitation also saves you money, since fully functional old components, such as for example founda-

    tions, barrels and piping, can be re-used.

    The starting point is a detailed on-site pump diagnosis by our team of experts. After that, everything hap-

    pens very quickly: engineering, design, production of the upgrade components, installation, the test run and

    start-up experienced KSB specialists ensure that the project is completed conscientiously and on time.

    And once your installation is up and running again, all work performed and all upgrade components are

    covered by the comprehensive KSB warranty. Go for rehabilitation now with the assurance of KSB.

  • 4 5 63

    E X T E N D R E M A I N I N G S E R V I C E L I F E

    The extensive diagnosis and systematic elimination of weakpoints increase the service life ofthe entire machine

    Power stations

    Rehabilitated pumps

    P E R M -S K A Y A G R E S

    S U R G U T -S K A J A G R E S

    N I S H N E V A R T O W S K -S K A J A G R E S

    S Y R D A R I N S K -S K A J A G R E S

    R E D U C E M A I N T E N A N C EC O S T S

    Longer service lives of componentsextend the mean time betweenmaintenance

    S A F E G U A R D S P A R EP A R T S S U P P L Y

    Standard components are availableoff the shelf. CAD archiving allowsrapid production at any time

  • P o w e r w i t h K S B s a f e t y

    R e h a b i l i t a t e d p u m p s f o r P e r m

    Power generation at Perm is reliable and efficient again.

    The three units of the gas-fired Perm power station at the foot of the

    Urals are now working at full capacity again, each with an output of


    The situation used to be different. Antiquated boiler feed pumps badly

    affected operation of the plant. Modernization was absolutely essential.

    Following an extensive on-site diagnosis by a KSB team of experts at

    the power station, a comprehensive rehabilitation programme was

    drawn up for the installed pumps.

    The scope of supply comprised six cartridges for barrel casing pumps,

    two reserve cartridges and six new booster pumps. All measures, from

    engineering and new design through dismantling, transport, conversion

    and the test run at KSB right up to installation and acceptance testing

    at the power station were carried out or supervised by KSB specialists.

    Back in top form:

    Rehabilitated boiler feed pumpwith booster pump at the gas-firedPerm power station

    Boiler feed pumpperformance data:

    Q 6000 m3/h

    H 322 bar

    T 165 C

    n 4665 rpm

    P 17150kW (turbine drive rating)


    R e h a b i l i t a t i o n a t t h e P e r m p o w e r s t a t i o n

  • Vibrations, specified values

    Vibrations, measured values


    V i b r a t i o n s , r e t u r n o n i n v e s t m e n t

    Vibrationmeasurementsdemonstrate theexcellent vibra-tion behaviour of the rehabili-tated pump

    100 %





    0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

    Veff when operating at characteristic boiler values


    Q/Qopt [m**3/h]

    Veff [%]

    R e t u r n o n i n v e s t m e n t

    C o s t s f u l l y u n d e r c o n t r o l

    Rehabilitation yes but not at any price.

    Perm shows that all the modernization and optimization measures for power station pumps can pay for them-

    selves after a short time. In other words: rehabilitation makes economic sense. At Perm, investment costs were

    recovered after less than two years.

    Do you want to know how this would pay off for you too? Just ask us. Well prepare a customized return-on-

    investment analysis for you, taking into account all the cost-relevant data. To provide a sound basis for this,

    our specialists will meet with you to identify all the factors we need to know for proper analysis.

    In this way, rehabilitation remains clearly in focus at all times, and you keep a firm grip on costs.

    I n v e s t m e n t

    P r o f i t

    Life cycle

    Return on Investment

  • P [kW]

    eta [%]

    CHTD8/7 (KSB)


    T e c h n i c a l d a t a i n c o m p a r i s o n









    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

    Q [m**3/h]

    Q [m**3/h]

    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Q [m**3/h]







    H [m]

    The steeper H/Q curve meansstable parallel operation of thefeed pumps

    Duty point

    Enormous improvement inefficiency means cost-effectiveoperation

    Lower power input meanshigh energy savings

  • Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


    P e r m b o i l e r f e e d p u m p s d i a g n o s i s a n d s o l u t i o n s

    C o n d i t i o n o f t h e p u m p s

    b e f o r e r e h a b i l i t a t i o n

    The old pumps had the following problems:

    Unstable operating conditions caused thermal deforma-

    tions which, in turn, affected the pumps balancing system

    and shaft seal.

    Thermal, mechanical and hydraulic influences led to high

    vibration amplitudes and wear.

    High barrier fluid consumption of the shaft seal

    (inflexible throttles).

    C o n s e q u e n c e s

    High wear and high repair costs

    Unplanned downtimes

    Unsatisfactory plant availability

    Shorter mean time between maintenance

    High energy consumption

    Design safety: new balancing system

    Avoid barrier fluid losses: efficient shaft seals

    This is how fast it can be: rehabilitation time management for Perm

    Inspection visit and diagnosis by KSB

    at the power station*

    Conclusion of contract

    Design / engineering

    Materials procurement


    Pump assembly

    Trial run on KSB test rig witnessed by customer

    Piping, final assembly of cartridge

    Transport to the destination (ex works)

    Barrel casing: adaptation at the power station

    Installation of the cartridge, pressure test

    Tests and start-up

    *The diagnosis need not be done immediately prior to conclusion of contract. The actual timetable begins with conclusion of contract.

  • 8R e h a b i l i t a t i o n m e a s u r e s f o r b o i l e r f e e d p u m p s

    B A L A N C I N G S Y S T E M

    Double drum:

    Maximum operating reliability

    Fail-safe mechanism prevents total failure

    Minimizes thrust bearing loading even when there is internal wear

    Stable performance under transient operating conditions

    E X T E N D S E R V I C E L I F E

    Main assembly studs with special tensioner:

    Minimizes stud loading by tighten-ing without exerting any torque

    No special design can also be used on existing mainassembly studs

    No special tool required

    E N S U R E I N T E G R I T Y

    Casing seal:

    No bolting forces required to achieve the sealing effect

    High elasticity makes for good adjustment even to transient operatingconditions

    G R E A T E R S A F E T Y

    Thrust bearing:

    Defined axial clearance of the drum

    Additional safeguards under transient operatingconditions

    P R E V E N T O V E R L O A D *

    *Additional measure

    Thrust ring:

    Ensures uniform, concentricthrust bearing loading

    Extends service life

    Well-adjusted elasticity protects thrust bearingagainst overloading

    I N C R E A S E R E L I A B I L I T Y

    Efficient shaft seal:

    High reliability

    Low losses thanks to cartridge design

    Easy to maintain

    Optimized protection prevents thermal deformations

  • 9P R E V E N T C A V I T A T I O N *

    *Additional measure

    Inlet casing:

    Hydraulically optimized geometries ensure uniform, concentric inflow

    High level of cavitation prevention

    Smooth running, low vibration

    O P T I M I Z E D L I N E S O F A C T I O N O F F O R C E S

    (Green markings)

    High rigidity

    Excellent vibration behaviour

    Minimized deforma-tions under load

    R E D U C E V I B R A T I O N S

    Modern coupling:

    Precise and lightweight

    Compensates for misalignment

    Long service life

    Suitable for all types of drive

    Simple assembly

    Conventional casing wear ring

    O P T I M I Z E D A M P I N G

    Cellular surface wear rings:

    Smooth running

    Good damping behaviour

    High efficiency

    Good anti-seizure properties

    Cellular surface wear ring

  • 10

    Lippendorf power station

    R e h a b i l i t a t i o n m e a s u r e s f o r c o o l i n g w a t e r p u m p s

    C U T C O S T S

    Back pull-out coolingwater pumps:

    Rotor assembly can bereplaced

    New hydraulic systemimproves efficiency

    O P T I M I Z E I N T A K E C H A M B E R S

    Vortex-free conditions by:

    Fitting pre-swirl control equipment

    Structural changes in the intake chamber

    R E D U C E W E A R

    Impeller, elbow, shaft protectingsleeve etc. are replaced by new,more wear-resistant components

    R E S I D U R S H A F TG U I D E B E A R I N G


    Maintenance-free and low-wearing

    No need for additionallubricating and coolingsystems

    Resistance to hydroabra-sive wear

    S A V E C O S T S

    3 impeller types permit selection of a cost-efficient,optimized pump for any operating point

    Pump control by bladepitch adjustment /control

  • 11

    R e h a b i l i t a t i o n m e a s u r e s f o r c o n d e n s a t e p u m p s

    I M P R O V E R E S I S T A N C EP R O P E R T I E S

    Replace first-stage impeller by model of higher-gradematerial:

    Copes better with cavitation

    Lower maintenance cost

    I N T E G R A T E D T H R U S T B E A R I N G

    Fitting monitoring instrumen-tation for oil lubrication andcooling systems:

    Longer service life

    E X T E N D S E R V I C EL I F E

    Hydrodynamic bearings:


    Replaceable casing wear rings

    C U T C O S T S

    New pump cartridge withnew hydraulics:

    Improved efficiency

    A D D S A F E T Y A N DR E L I A B I L I T Y

    Shaft seal:

    Replace gland packing bymechanical seal

    Greater reliability

    Safe operation

    Heilbronn power station

  • 12

    E n g i n e e r i n g s e r v i c e s

    M o r e t h a n j u s t a p u m p . . .

    What we have to offer you is a complete engineering package

    comprising everything from customized inspection of your pump,

    through upgrade component manufacture, re-assembly and test

    run, up to and including re-installation and commissioning

    on site:

    Efficient pump and upgrade component selection

    Selection of accessories, e.g., instrumentation,

    minimum-flow system, oil supply, cooling water supply, etc.

    Engineering of the complete pump set, incl. drive, couplings,

    gearing, variable-speed couplings and booster pumps

    Calculation of, say, foundation loads, strength analyses

    (finite-element method), seismic tie-downs

    Sensor equipment design, e.g., for pump diagnostic systems

    Tests and analyses, e.g., of vibrations and noise

    KSB engineering teamFrankenthal, Germany

    Engineering services Boiler feed pump Cooling water pump Condensate pump

    Minimum flow system Drives Gear / geared variable-speed coupling Pump diagnostic system Remaining lifetime calculation Payback analysis Vibration analysis Cycle calculation Optimization of process parameters Optimization of intake structure

    Engineering services at a glance

  • 13

    W i t h K S B y o u c a n r e s t a s s u r e d

    R e s p o n s i b i l i t y a w a r e n e s s

    Your task as a power station operator is to continue to provide

    power safely and cost-effectively. The decisions you make and action

    you take today pave the way for power supply tomorrow.

    We are there to help you in this task.

    So why not rely on over 125 years of experience and know-how in

    pump and valve engineering for fossil-fired and nuclear power sta-

    tions. Why not benefit from the manpower of the worlds leading

    manufacturer more than 12,800 specialists cater to your needs

    wherever you are.

    Our ongoing product research and development, systematic quality

    management and global service network provide you with the neces-

    sary certainty for today and the future.

    Feed pumps being tested under operat-ing conditions on KSBs own test rigs(top photo)

    Research sets standards:

    Only continuous research enables us tokeep improving our products

  • art













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    KSB Aktiengesellschaft67225 Frankenthal (Germany)Tel. +49 (6233) 86 - 2135 Fax +49 (6233) 86 - 3462 www.ksb-energy.com

    Y o u c a n r e l y o n s u p p o r t f r o m K S B

    a r o u n d t h e w o r l d

    As a global player, we feel at home anywhere in the world. Our inter-

    national presence enables us to provide intensive local customer service.

    More than 1000 KSB service employees worldwide are there to make

    sure that your pumps, systems and facilities keep working reliably and


    Responsibility for the future assured by KSB.