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Primagama Halaman ~ 1 TRYOUT SEMESTER 1 NASKAH TPS 1 – TP 2010/2011 BIDANG STUDI : BAHASA INGGRIS J E N J A N G : SMA K E L A S : XI JUMLAH SOAL : 50 Soal Text 1 : for questions 1 - 3 1. The text is a kind of … . A. brochure B. advertisement C. vacancy D. application letter E. recommendation 2. The qualifications for male applicants are for the position of … . A. Receptionist and Public Relation B. Duty Manager and Sales Executive C. Duty Manager and Asst. F & B Manager D. Asst. F & B Manager and Sales Manager E. Sales Executive and Guest Relation Officer 3. “Experience is more preferable. The antonym of underlined word is … . A. important B. capable C. unable D. unnecessary E. principal Text 2 : for questions 4 - 5 WHY WAIT FOR A BETTER JOB Get a great job now! National Air Is looking for a full time representatives for HOTEL SAHID RAYA MAKASSAR Dr. Sam Ratulangi No.33 Makasar WALK INTERVIEW On July 21 st – 22 nd , 2010 at 10 am until 5 pm We are looking for a new position a new team For the following position: 1. Duty Manager 2. Asst. F & B Manager 3. Sales Executive 4. Guest Relation Officer 5. Receptionist 6. Banquet Waitress 7. Public Relation Qualifications Points 1 & 2 male Max 35 years old Points 3,4,5,6 & 7, female single max. 26 years old Height min.165 cm for male & 160 cm for female Weight Proportional Good Performance Education min. D III Fluent in English Experience is more preferable Send Application letters & CV Human Resourcess Department Cp: Mr.Edward Telp. 875756

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Primagama Halaman ~ 1



J E N J A N G : SMA K E L A S : XI JUMLAH SOAL : 50 Soal

Text 1 : for questions 1 - 3

1. The text is a kind of … .

A. brochure B. advertisement C. vacancy D. application letter E. recommendation

2. The qualifications for male applicants are for the position of … . A. Receptionist and Public Relation B. Duty Manager and Sales Executive C. Duty Manager and Asst. F & B Manager D. Asst. F & B Manager and Sales Manager E. Sales Executive and Guest Relation Officer

3. “Experience is more preferable.” The antonym of underlined word is … .

A. important B. capable C. unable D. unnecessary E. principal

Text 2 : for questions 4 - 5

WHY WAIT FOR A BETTER JOB Get a great job now!

National Air Is looking for a full time representatives for


Dr. Sam Ratulangi No.33 Makasar


On July 21st

– 22nd

, 2010 at 10 am until 5 pm

We are looking for a new position a new team

For the following position:

1. Duty Manager

2. Asst. F & B Manager

3. Sales Executive

4. Guest Relation Officer

5. Receptionist

6. Banquet Waitress

7. Public Relation


Points 1 & 2 male Max 35 years old

Points 3,4,5,6 & 7, female single max. 26 years old

Height min.165 cm for male & 160 cm for female

Weight Proportional

Good Performance

Education min. D III

Fluent in English

Experience is more preferable

Send Application letters & CV

Human Resourcess Department Cp: Mr.Edward Telp. 875756


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sales and reservations. Talk to our employees And discover why we are the best thing in the air

OPEN HOUSE National Air Headquarters Southeast Regional Airport Thursday, June 15. 7.30 pm

4. What is the purpose of this advertisement? A. To meet new people B. To sell tickets C. To find job applicants. D. To find a good job. E. To show off the new headquarters

5. What job does the airline have available?

A. reservations and sales B. operation and managements C. pilots and copilots D. sales manager E. mechanic

Text 3 : for questions 6 - 9


The Niagara Branch of the Canadian Authors Association is pleased to announce the finalists of our Ten Stories High Eighth Annual Short Story Competition. We would like to thank each and every one of our

entrants for making our contest such an ongoing success! We will be officially launching our latest edition of Ten Stories High

in the Mills Room at the Public Library on Saturday, September 29 from 2 to 5 p.m. This gala event will feature readings by this year's winning contestants as well as refreshments. We will also be offering copies of

our anthology for sale at that time. The Niagara Branch of the Canadian Authors Association wishes to

congratulate the winners of our Ten Stories High Eighth Annual Short Story Competition. Our top ten winners are:

First Prize Colette Maitland

"Until Death Do We Part" Second Prize Ruth Taylor

"At the Corner of Petapa and Thirty-first" Third Prize

Alison McCabe "Until Recently"

" Once again, we wish to thank all the entrants who participated in

our contest this year and congratulations to our winners! Taken from

6. What is the announcement about ? A. The Niagara Travel. B. The Canadian Authors Association. C. The Short Stories Competition. D. To announce about the finalist of Ten Stories High Eighth Annual Short Stories

Competition. E. Ten Stories.

7. What is the event of the announcement?

A. The public library. B. Refreshment. C. The Canadian authors association.


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D. Copies of our anthology. E. Short stories competition.

8. Whom do they want to thank ?

A. The Author B . The winners. C . The finalist D . The entrants E . The refreshments

9. What do they think about the competition? A. Wonderful B. Challenging C. Successful D. Satisfying E. Pleasing

Text 4 : for questions 10 - 14

Legal Education Seminars Presents ... . Workers’ Compensation : ISSUES & STRATEGIES Thursday, Descember 1st, 2010 The Platinum Hotel Omaha Nebraska Our Experienced Faculty will

• Alert you to key changes in legislation, regulation and case law

• Take you from the basic through advanced areas of worker’s Compensation law

• Show you how to anticipate new trends in defense

• Give you many practical strategies

10. The purpose of the text is ………

A. to announce readers about the seminar B. to persuade readers to practice their new skills C. to inform ways to communicate with employees D. to explain how to anticipate new trends in defense E. to inform readers how to apply many practical strategies

11. The text is about ……… A. How to influence the law. B. How to advance your carrier C. Where to practice your new skill D. How to argue the defense your policy E. Seminar on worker compensation

12. The seminar would be likely attended by ……… A. doctors B. lawyers C. workers D. legislators E. employees

13. “ … show how to anticipate new trend in defense”. The italic word means …. A. let down B. foresee C. forecast D. avoid E. hope

14. What is the most valuable advantage in following the seminar? A. Having new practical strategies. B. Able to anticipate new trends in defense. C. Knowing the changes in legislation. D. Understand the regulation and case law.


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E. Increasing position from basic to advanced area of workers.

Text 5 : for questions 15 - 17

An airport is an interesting and busy place. It is located several miles from the city. The first thing you usually see is the passenger building. On the top of it is the control tower. It dominates the skyline. Along the side the passenger building are several low buildings used for storage and repair of airplanes. Beyond these buildings is the airfield itself, a maze of cement runways. On these runways, resting like a giant birds, are the airplanes. Everywhere there is a rush people, buses and airplanes. 15. What is the text about ?

A. The explanation of an interesting and busy place. B. The description of an airport. C. The description of passengers in an airport. D. The location of airplane in an airport. E. The location where the airport is located.

16. “On these runways, resting like a giant bird, …. “

The underlined word means very … . A. thin B. hard C. soft D. thick E. large

17. What is the main idea of the above paragraph? A. An airport is located miles away from the city. B. The first thing we usually see in the airport is the passenger building. C. An airport is an interesting and busy place. D. Everywhere in the airport is a rush people, buses and airplanes. E. On the airport, the airplanes are resting like giant birds.

Text 6 : for questions 18 - 19

This story is about a dog. It happened that a dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat in piece. Now on his way home he had to cross a plank lying a cross a running brook. As he cross, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mine to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth piece of the meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen any more.

18. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. To describe the greedy dog B. To tell the past event C. To tell the readers a story D. To explain about the dog E. To discuss about the dog’s character

19. Which statement is true according to the text?

A. The dog was hungry B. The dog was wild C. The dog was bad luck D. The dog was tired E. The dog was gluttonous

Text 7 : for questions 20 - 23

An old and rich lady was hurrying through the crowd of people. She tried to save some of her wealth from fire. She saw a little boy about eight years old and called him. “Take this small box, my boy. Do not part from it until I come and take it back!” The boy took the box and kept it under his arm. Then sat down at the corner and


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waited. He waited until the night came, but the lady didn’t come back. The lady took refuge with her friends outside the city. She was so in great panic that she forgot the boy and the box. On the following day, she cried aloud, “My boy, my box! And where is the boy now?” There were some diamonds and precious jewels in the box. The lady was in great distress at losing them. She rushed back to her burned house, hoping to find the boy around. Suddenly a policeman caught her arm and said, ”Mom, there is a boy who has been asking and waiting for you.” “Where is he now?” asked the lady. “There, … at the corner!” replied the policeman. The poor boy had been there all through the long hours, without food and drink. He was almost died with fear and hunger. The lady’s box was still in his hands. 20. The communicative purpose of the text is … . A. to inform the readers to believe in the story. B. to inform the readers about the fire. C. to explain the readers about the lady and the boy. D. to describe the condition of the burned building. E. to entertain the readers with the experience of a rich lady.

21. “Do not part from it until I come.” (paragraph 1) The underlined word can be replaced with … . A, leave D. lift B. break E. keep C. run

22. Why did the lady go back to her burned house? A. To keep the box under her arm. B. To call an eight year old boy. C. To find the boy who brought her box. D. To save some of her wealth from fire. E. To meet the policeman and ask about the boy.

23. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. The boy kept the box well. B. The lady was so lucky as she found a good boy. C. As she looked for refuge, the lady left the box. D. The lady was arrested. E. The lady could posses the diamond and jewelry back. Text 8 : for questions 24 - 26

A razor is a tool which is found in nearly every bathroom. A man who has thick hair on

his face may have to shave twice a day. It is a habit which can be dangerous. For many years a razor was a handle with a long piece of steel which was sharp and flat at one end. These razors had a long open blade. But today’s razors are safer and more convenient to use. The thing which makes today’s razor safe is that the blade is a small thin sharp piece of steel. The person who invented razor blades was a man called King Gillette. He was a clever man who had many ideas for new inventions. He wanted to make a blade that was safe and which could be use several times. In 1891 he invented a new type of razor blade. It was short and it was held in a special handle. The sharp edge of the blade didn’t stick out very far. It was a razor which was safe to use. It was more difficult to cut yourself than with the older type of razor. Gillette’s razor blade became popular. It was an invention which worked well and which everybody needed because each blade only lasted 8 to 10 times. Gillette sold many of his new safety blades and soon became a millionaire.

24. The text tells us about the invention of….

A. a razor B. a sharp Gillette C. a new type of razor blade D. a thin steel razor blade E. a razor’s long open blade

25. Today’s razors are more convenient because….


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A. they are very sharp B. they were invented by Gillette C. they are new types of razors D. they have special handles E. the blade is small, thin and sharp

26. Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A. Today’s razors are inconvenient. B. A long open blade is safer than a short one. C. The part of the razor which cuts hair is called the blade. D. Gillette was very rich because he was a King. E. Gillette became a king because he was clever and had many ideas.

Text 9 : for questions 27 - 30

15 Sentosa 9 January 2009 Kota Banyan The Zoo Director Roemingham Zoo 1 Wild Street Freetown 30780 Dear Sir, I am concerned about the animals kept in zoos. I think all the zoo in the world should be shut down because they are a terrible place for animals to live in. Animals should be free to run in the wild and not be kept in the zoos. It is very disturbing to see animals crammed up inside cages too small for them. The enclosures are not very exciting either. They do not like places animals came from or can be comfortable in. For instance, animals like tigers, elephants and penguins live in enclosures with concrete floors. Animals get bored in their enclosures or cages as they have nothing to do. They are so distressed; they walk up and down the same path or round and round inside cages day after day, looking dreadfully sad. Animals in captivity cannot behave as they would in the wild. It is unnatural for wild animals to have food given to them. Animals kept in zoos are deprived of their natural behaviour of chasing other animals for food. Some animals are in danger of becoming extinct. As zoo animals are not living in their natural environment, many of them have difficulty in reproduction. Even when their young are born, they do not always survive. This comes an even greater risk of some animals becoming extinct. I believe you wouldn’t want your family to be locked in a cage for the rest of their lives. Therefore, please do something about the zoo animals now- set the animals free! Yours sincerely, Ivor Lee

27. The writer of the letter suggests that … . A. Animals should be kept on concrete floor. B. Animals should be locked in a cage. C. People should keep zoo animals. D. Zoos should be closed. E. Young animals should chase other animals for food.

28. Which one is not the reason to persuade you that he is right? A. Animals are now set free. B. Animals get bored in their enclosures. C. Animals have difficulty in reproducing. D. Animals cannot behave in zoos as they would in the wild. E. Animals should be free to run in the wild.

29. Some animals are in danger of becoming extinct.


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What is the meaning of the underlined word? A. no longer active. B. continue living C. send away D. no longer in existence E. beyond what is expected

30. This text presents arguments to … . A. show pros and cons of an issue. B. persuade the reader to build a good zoo for animals. C. explain the process of animals extinction D. entertain the readers with zoo animals. E. convince the reader to do something about the zoo animals.

Text 10 : for questions 31 - 34

A farmer had three sons. They were strong and young but never agreed with one another. They often quarreled among themselves. The farmer had given them a lot of advice. But they always turned a deaf ear. They dislike advice. The farmer felt very sad about it.

The farmer thought a lot and then he thought up a good plan. He called his sons and ordered them, “bring me a few sticks”. The farmer tied the sticks into a bundle.

“Each of you, break this bundle of sticks” said the farmer. They did so but they could not break it. Then, the farmer untied the sticks and gave each of his sons a stick. Each of them broke the stick easily in the twinkling of an eye.

“There you are, my sons!”, shouted the farmer. “If you remain untied, you are strong. But if you quarrel with one another, you will be broken one by one easily. Do you understand what I mean?”

At least, the advice worked out. They lived in harmony and united even after. The farmer felt relieved. ”Now I can die peacefully, “he whispered. 31. What does the text mainly tell us about?

A. The rich farmer B. The three sons C. The farmer’s naughty sons D. the importance of being a farmer E. The importance of unity

32. Which statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The farmer had many sons B. The farmer’s son were sad C. The farmer’s son like being advised D. The farmer’s son never helped one another E. All his sons didn’t quarrel with one another

33. “They often quarreled among themselves.”

What does the underlined word mean ? A. helped B. fought C. stayed D. gave E. asked

34. The last paragraph shows us that the story has …

A. A disappointed ending B. A confusing ending C. A endless ending D. A sad ending E. A happy ending

Text 11 : for questions 35 - 40

Long long ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz. They talked and talked. One day, a mosquito was talking to iguana telling him about every minute of his vacation. Mosquito would not let iguana say one word. Iguana was so annoyed that he walked


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away leaving mosquito still talking. Iguana grumbled and waved her tail. She was still grumbling when she passed her friend snake and forgot all about saying hello. Snake was feeling hurt. He felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit hole.” Help!” yelled rabbit. She scurried out of the hole, terrified of snake. ”What’s wrong?” cawed crow. Monkey heard crow’s warning and took off through the treetops leaping branch to branch when monkey landed on owl’s branch high up in a leafy tree. Owl’s nest tipped off the branch and fell to the ground breaking owl’s eggs. Owl was heartbroken so much that she didn’t hoot for the sun to come up and when it did mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in every one’s ears. Zzzzzzz is everyone still mad at me.

38. The main idea of the text is ……..

A. Why owl didn’t hoot for the sun to come up. B. Why the rabbit yelled. C. Why iguana grumbled. D. Why monkey leaped from branch to branch. E. Why mosquito didn’t talk.

39. Which statement is not true according to the text? A. Mosquito was happy after his vacation. B. Mosquito was happy after losing his voice. C. Iguana was annoyed with mosquito’s attitude. D. Snake was disappointed after being ignored by iguana. E. Rabbit was afraid of snake.

40. What did iguana do after meeting mosquito? A. She told mosquito about her experience. B. She felt annoyed and walked away. C. She listened to mosquito’s story till the end. D. She left mosquito and found rabbit. E. She grumbled and greeted snake.

38. Rabbin : Hi, Firda. What are you doing here? Firda : Hi, Rabbin. Will you come here, please. Rabbin : What’s up? Firda : Well, I lost my money. Did you see it around here? Rabbin : … . But I didn’t see anything around here. How much is it? Firda : Twenty thousand rupiah. Rabbin : Well, let me help you find it. Firda : Thanks, Rabbin.

A. That’s great B. How do you do? C. It’s nice to know you D.Wow, that’s amazing E. You must be very upset

39. Eva : … unplug electronic devices when they are not being used? Fais : In my opinion, that does make sense.

A. Do you think B. Do you should C. Do you think I should D. What do you think I E. Do you feel like to

40. Dona : What do you think of the carbon credits? Yesi : I think that is an unnecessary action. From the dialogue we know that Dona … .

A. asks for an information B. asks Yesi to have carbon credits C. asks agreement D. asks for opinion E. gives a test to Yesi

41. X : What do you think will happen if we don’t stop global warming? Y : _______________ sooner or later the world will be destroyed.


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A. I don’t think B. I think C. I will believe D. It must be E. I don’t know

42. Tika : How was your vacation? Rona : It was OK, but every time I lit up a cigarette, someone asked me to stop

smoking. I got sick of this restriction. From the dialogue we can conclude that Rona feels … with his vacation.

A. disagreeable B. dissatisfied C. uncertain D. worried E. bored

43. Hendra : How was the seminar? Riska : Great. I feel contented with it. It presented the new trend in marketing. The dialogue shows that Riska is … with the seminar.

A. disappointed B. unsatisfied C. satisfied D. unwilling E. unhappy

44. Anna : Oh, thank goodness, we finally pass the exam. Our parents won’t be sad. Eny : Yes, you are right.

A. pain B. agreement C. relief D. sympathy E. sorrow

45. Agung : .... Candra : I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.

A. Thank goodness! B. What a relief! C. Whew! D. Terrific! E. Mind you

46. Tora : How do you see about the program on the tree planting action? Sari : ___________ it is a brilliant idea and we all should do it.

A. Sorry, I don’t know B. I don’t think C. I should think D. Let me think E. It seems to me that

47. Boni : How was your trip to Nias? Yudha : ... with it. I want to go there again next year. A. I’m very pleased B. I’m really disappointed C. I’m very displeased D. I’m very unsatisfied E. I’m not happy

48. Aida : You know what? Indah has lost his mobile phone. Rinda : … .

A. What a great moment. B. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. C. How are you. D. How dare you. E. That’s great.

49. Ratih : What do you like to do on holidays? Bardi : I usually go swimming with my younger sister.


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Ratih : Do you like swimming? Bardi : Of course, … .

A. I hate swimming B. It is not my hobby C. She likes swimming D. That’s not my interest E. I’m fond of swimming so much

50. Shopkeeper : What can I do for you, Sir? Customer : Yes, I need … .

A. a nice leather brown small Italian shoes new B. an nice Italian leather brown small shoes new C. a nice small new brown Italian leather shoes D. a brown new nice small leather Italian shoes E. a small nice new brown leather Italian shoes