big 4 interview guide - learn exactly what big 4 employers want to hear


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Page 2: Big 4 Interview Guide - Learn Exactly what Big 4 Employers want to hear

Top 10 Big 4 Interview Tips

Learn exactly what Big4 employers want to hear from you!

“I wrote this quick and handy guide because I feel that most accounting students

go into accounting interviews unprepared and botch their chances of success

before the interview even begins. Nothing will beat hard work and preparation

but hopefully this guide can point you in the right direction” -TheAccountant

1. Do your Research

Research something different and unique about each individual firm. You won`t

believe how many times knowing the unique aspects of each firm can help you in

your job interview. There are tons of people who treat an interview with

PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) the same as an interview with Ernst & Young (EY).

Ernst & Young (EY) and PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) may have many

similarities but they also have many unique factors. Treat each interview with

equal respect as if you were doing interviews with different companies in

different industries. Do not fall into the trap of thinking each Big4 firm is the


Big4 Firms especially love candidates who have done their research into finding

out what exactly differentiates their firm from other firms. A great way to do this

is to go through each of the company websites and their social media pages,

which a Google search can easily help you find.

One Big4 firm might specialize in telecommunication clients, which is a field you

are extremely interested in, and another Big4 firm may have a large consulting

practice. Do your research, and during the interview make sure that it’s clear to

the interviewer that you’ve done this extra research. Ask the interviewer

questions about the unique aspects of the firm that you researched. This really

shows that you are engaged in the interview and want to be a part of the


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2. Refer to someone you know at the firm

You should at least have a few people from each firm that you talked to who you

can refer to in an interview. By referring, I don’t mean someone is giving you a

reference. What I mean is that you can tell the interviewer that you talked to

someone who works at the firm and you want to learn a little bit more about a

recent question or conversation you had with them.

This shows the interviewer that you have really done your homework and that

you have been networking with people who work at the company. Even if the

interviewer doesn’t know the person who works at the firm directly, they will

appreciate the work you are putting in to get to know people there.

Remember to be genuine. The interviewer knows you are not a rainmaker or a

partner favourite. Making the interviewer feel like you are buddy buddies with

the partner or senior manager when you aren’t makes you look bad.

Rather, focus on genuine conversations you had with people at recruiting events

and connections that you made.

Here is an example of some great references that you can use when the

interviewer is asking you if you have any questions. This is also a great time to

refer to people that you worked with.

“I heard from John Smith who works at the tax department that people who

choose tax also have lots of opportunity to gain their audit hours. Can you tell me

a little bit more about the firm’s policy in helping tax personnel obtain their audit


“I spoke to Jane Doe, a co-op, at the last recruiting event. Jane Doe mentioned

that your firm allows first year co-ops to gain a broad variety of experience in

different fields before choosing to specialize in one. Can you tell me a little bit

more about this?”

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3. Practice Behavioural Questions

Practice behavioural-type questions. Big4 firms love to throw behavioural-type

questions at candidates to see how they react. In an interview, you will often get

a mix of traditional and behavioural-type questions. Behavioural-type questions

require you to think fast on your feet and they really show if you have done your

preparation. If you do a simple Google search on behavioural-type questions, you

can get many helpful practice questions. Practice in a mirror as well as with a

friend. Big4 firms love people who are able to think quickly on their feet and give

good responses. After all, in the Big4, sometimes you have to sweet talk your way

out of an angry situation with the client.

Traditional-Type Questions

e.g. Would you say you are a good person at solving conflict?

e.g. Do you have good listening skills?

Behavioural-Type Questions

e.g. Tell me of a time when you had to apply your listening skills to solve a


e.g. Tell me of a time when you had to utilize your leadership skills to solve a


A good strategy that I would take when I go into a Big4 interview is to have a

personal story memorized for each of the following topics. I almost guarantee

you will get hit with one of these topics in some form or manner.

a)How have you demonstrated leadership skills or went above and beyond what

was expected of you?

b) How have you demonstrated conflict-resolution skills?

c) How have you demonstrated teamwork skills?

d) How have you demonstrated ethics when confronted with a situation you did

not agree with?

e) How did you respond to stressful situations to meet deadlines?

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4. Dress Good

Dress professionally and look good. This one may seem obvious, but I really need

to stress the importance of dressing well for an accounting interview. Dressing

well for an IT interview is not the same as dressing well for a Big4 Interview.

Big4 accountants are known for dressing very well when going to see clients or

when they are in the office. You want to show you have the potential to shine

when meeting clients and look like an all-star. I would invest in a very nice outfit

for a Big4 interview if you don’t have one. You don`t need to reinvent the wheel,

but you should look sharp and professional.

Most people who go to Big4 interviews look good, but they can look better. By

making sure you dress like a star, you have already one upped them and made

sure you got bonus points. Interviewers care. Get this in your mind.

I really want to stress the importance of paying attention to every little detail for

accounting firm interviews. Make sure your nails are cut, your shoes are clean

and shiny, and you have a nicely fitted outfit. You should be going to every

interview dressing business professional. For women, do not go to a Big4

interview wearing unprofessional attire. Remember, Business professional,

Business professional.

Get some good, nice-dressing friends to give you some pointers if you are not

usually fashion-conscious.

Do not glance over this tip lightly! While it seems obvious, the most obvious

things are often missed, and you cost yourself big point deductions by dressing


By dressing well, you also ensure that you have an edge over the other

competition and will perform with more confidence in the interview.

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5. Dominate the First Impression.

The decision as to whether a company will hire you is often made in the first two

minutes of the interview. Big4 employers are often no exception. The minute

you walk into an interview room, you should be shining with confidence,

brimming with a big smile, and glowing with enthusiasm.

Make sure you prepare for small talk in case the interviewer decides to open the

interview with some small talk.

Remember, Big4 firms also want to test your social capabilities and see how well

you interact with clients. I would make sure I keep up with current events in the

few days leading up to the interview and have some personal passions and

interests to talk about.

I once actually spent 15 minutes talking NBA basketball in a Big4 interview. It

was a passion of mine which made it very easy for me to talk about. I also used it

as an opportunity to refer to a manager I knew at the firm (Pointer number 2) who

I also had a great basketball conversation with at a recruiting event.

If the interviewer hits you with the behavioural question,

“Teach me about your passions and hobbies”

You better have something interesting to say and teach them something. Big4

firms love people who can speak clearly, confidently and explain well to others.

Big4 firms are not looking for doorknobs! They also want social people who

possess social intelligence.

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6. Make sure you are very self-aware of your strengths and weaknesses.

When Big4 hire, they want to know they are hiring a person who is very self-

aware of their strong points and know how to improve their weaknesses.

They also want to hire a person who has an agenda and who knows where they

are going. The question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” is a common

interview question.

When you have to answer a question about weakness or failure, always try to spin

it into something positive at the end.

e.g., what you learned from it, how you used the failure to motivate you to


If you get a question like, “Give me an example of a time you failed,” you should

have a story prepared of a time you failed, the resulting lessons from the failure

and how the failure helped you become a better person.

When you are asked to talk about your strengths, make sure that you talk about

your actual strengths and show how they are relevant to the job. Always make

sure everything is relevant.

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7. Answer the question being asked.

There is nothing that Big4 interviewers hate more than for you to give them a

response to something that they didn’t ask. Even if your response is perfectly

prepared and structured, if it isn’t what they asked you, you are going to lose

some major points. Many students lose out on their potential job offers for this

reason alone.

Why is this? It’s because you don’t show listening skills.

Many students fall into this trap because they are nervous or stressed and ramble

on forever without ever answering the question.

If you don’t listen to the interview questions the interviewer asks, how do they

know you will listen to the client’s demands?

How do they know you will listen to firm instructions? Make sure you ALWAYS

answer the question they ask. Never forget this point.

Do not run ramble on with stories that are not relevant and always structure your

response so that the interviewer’s question is answered.

A strategy to ensure you don’t lose focus is to summarize the question at the end

and give a nice wrap around conclusion.

By Practicing behavioural questions (Pointer number 3) with friends, you will

ensure that you master this skill.

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8. Ask questions to the interviewer.

In almost every single Big 4 interview, they will often ask you at the end of the

interview, “Do you have any questions for me?” By not asking any questions, you

are going to miss out on some major brownie points. By asking questions, you

once again show that you want to find out more about the firm and that you truly

are interested in the firm.

Here are some sample questions you can ask your interviewer(s). Now is also a

good opportunity to refer to someone you know (Pointer Number 2)

a) What is your favourite thing about working at KPMG?

b) What are the opportunities for personal growth and development at the firm?

c) What personal advice would you give to a new hire at the firm?

d) I heard from James Jones, a co-op, about a potential rotation program at your

firm for working in China. Because I can speak Mandarin, I am extremely

interested and am wondering if you can tell me more about it.

e) I heard Deloitte has a great consulting practice. What are the opportunities for

auditors to move into consulting after they get their audit hours?

You should always ask questions, and always in such a manner that shows you

have done research on the firm.

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9. Close off an interview strongly.

What exactly does strongly closing an interview mean? A strong interview close

means you should have a big smile on the face, a strong handshake to both

interviewers, and a very nice but short closing argument for them to hire you.

Here is a sample strong close.

``I just want to thank you very much for taking the time to see me. I`d just like to

reiterate my interest in working for Ernst & Young. I really think I can align myself

to EY`s corporate culture, and I look forward to hearing from you.”

Say that with a big smile on your face and brim with confidence and you will leave

a great, lasting impression on any big 4 employer.

Remember, Big4 firms are competing for the best candidates to hire at their firm.

Put yourself in the perspective of Big4 firms. They are trying to recruit the best,

so present yourself as the best.

I know some people are very modest people, and I am myself. I really don’t like

to boast.

But in Big4 interviews, you need to be proud of yourself and your


You shouldn’t lie about things you didn’t do, but make people believe in you as

the person. Sell yourself.

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10. Be yourself and radiate confidence.

Relax. It’s okay to be nervous in an interview, but try to let the inner you shine.

This is the most important part. If you got the interview, it means you’re good

enough to get the job.

Relax, be yourself, and have fun.

Remember, Big 4 employers are also trying to recruit you and see if you’re a good

fit for their firm.

Don’t be cocky, but at the same time, know that you will bring very high value to

the firm and sell yourself.

Also be prepared for the unexpected. Interviewers can go in many different

directions and no two interviews are the same. As long as you practice, you will

ensure success.

You should study for an interview like you would study for a final exam.

On interview day, listen to some motivational music or whatever it is that relaxes

you before the interview.

When you get into that interview, show them why you’re the best!

I wish you the best of luck on your Big4 interview! Remember to always stay

positive and learn from your failures. I personally messed up on two Big4 job

interviews, before nailing my third interview! It takes time and do not be

heartbroken if you screw up! The most important thing is practice. The more you

practice, the more you ensure success.

The Accountant, IwanttobeaCA