bill projet de loi - university of new brunswick · cours de rci1cmce. conlorml'mcnt ;1u...

hi """ion, 5lnd '"" Brull.SI< id. 41 Dir.ab.Ill II. 1991 , ,. ib\i<ln. 52' '"u'Uu· 8nul'I" lei. .ii Llinbdh II , llJ9'l l T i BILL t1 I\ 01 !>A IN r JOH1' l'H'I ION Af I PROJET DE LOI 1. 01 SUll Lb Rt:C;tJllE OE RETRArrt: Of;, LA CITl. Ut SAINT JOlli'I \,

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hi """ion, 5lnd utloJ~lutt

'"" Brull.SI< id. 41 Dir.ab.Ill II . 1991

,,. ib\i<ln. 52' ~W111urr '"u'Uu· 8nul'I" lei.

.ii Llinbdh II , llJ9'l l T i =========================== -~========================


t1 I\ 01 !>AI N r JOH1' l'H'I ION Af I


1.01 SUll Lb Rt:C;tJllE OE RETRArrt: Of;, LA CITl. Ut SAINT JOlli'I


Cil) or Saint John Pens.ion Acl


\\ HOtf":.AS Utt C11y of Sault Jolln pra;• Iha! it be cuaacd •• hemu:illn sei fonh:

Tllr Rff-ORE. Ila 'ia]ICll)', b} nnd .. ilh !he liJ>ltC ~ comcn1 of the lqN&ti\~ \>~bl~ uf New Rrnn,, cr1.1L~' :is '°""" 'S:

1111 In th" Act

"ncm-c mihlllry ~l"tcc" mrnru full 11me s.:rvi<c 1n tbc armed fOT<o of Can.alia or an> ol Het alliC$ d"nn' \\orlJ \\:u II~ umc bcraftTI Sqtlcmbn IO, 11119 nnd ~f'l~m~ 30, I ~17, or durinio 1 he """"'" c:ampai1n an\ 1i111c l>el\\cen Jun JO. 195-0

.d JJlt&W") I, 19~:

"DC1oarilll cquw11lcn1 •vluc" means dn lKtuarl · an, rqu;,,.1c111 \"!llue .. tl(fl cnmrutcd on an urtu

>ru1I ba5n "°""''° b)I the l~uon Board un tM n:co111mtndn1ion ur the actunr y fnr thr j)<lrµO>C'S ot thr plan, u.:h basil. bein1 romi\lcn1 \\ith gtn• cr~ll> .... cricJ rr-•rles·

"u<1un1)•" mi:an• 4 fclluw n( 1hc Canndiun In· ~dlUIC of ·\..lldlk< &Pf'<'lnlal "' the f"'tl<lon lloanl:

Loi ~oT le ri¢me de rrlruil e de ht ciLi de uin1 John

ATfE'\Ol. QCE la me de $aim John a dc­mande l'i>dOlll'<lo da dtspu<i11oru qur sw\all;

A CEl:i CAU!:iES. Sa \bjotC. ror I'll\ 1> cl du CUl...cntemcnl de l'A•)C!lli>Uic ltt?•Wu.ive du Nou­•cau-BruruwtcL, dttrCtc

1(1) I.cs lkfinllrOltl qui "11\COI aM'liqucnl .i la prbentc 101:

«01auaU.• l~nnt qw dc111:n1 le litre de M­low de l'ln .urut amdocn de 3•lllllirrs d qui c.i nn111m« p;ar It con1C1l <k mn111.-:

~ 4l1cien f'l:Rcmn.- Jam I' nnrlo1 ou la 1">•tk1pa11nn au rqtimc tlJ•bli m "•'llU de la prtsentc lol uu tk la loi pr&Xtttnlc a ce16t ct

aJ qui 1~011 unc rc111r p.wablc p:u In cimc tk rct1211c en vatu de ill prt<ctttc IOI OU unc rc:ntt d'in•lll1d11c ou unc alll'Clloon de rctnmc Cl1 \'eTIU de la loi prr..'Cl.lemc. OU

fl) qui :i Jro11 a unr tdllC drffktt pa}:iblc p111 la masc de rcmallc en •ntu de la JVtsentr k\1 ou llr la lol p~,;dmlc,

•anns:J rurces • mean, the 'ID""· Army or Arr Fom:;. of Cllna1fa or •n~ u( f !er 1\llio;

"a•-.:r.IJ:1' "'1ary" means lbc :r>~ annual '31 JfY =~cJ II) • member dunng 1bc perrod or three conxcu1nc )<::!rt in tuU·t1mc employment wlrh rbc Cit> during which tb:ll member's ""lury W3.> h1i;haJ,

•\;mada Pemion Pt.m· mcun' the pcll\iM pfun rm>viJcd l>y the Cu11ad11 Pen<ifl11 1'/011, chap. tcr <Al of tW, tw.ixJ Sututes of Canada. 1985 '1t>d Ille tqul:llklll5 cn.t<lal thcn:u111kr-

·child" mcfudes • namml child. step-child or .tdopted child;

•(;ny• mc:am The cuy of s..inl John, :i mumc-1pah1} in the County of S.1in1 John;

""cvntinuous· in rclntton to employ~!. m<'tll­benhlp 4ll .cn·k.e, tnc.IM .,. i1hoort R:PN to pcii­ods ol tonporary '"'~nsion or the cmplo>mtttt, 111cmbcrshir or 1enicc und nnho111 regrutl IO peri­ods or lay-(lff frl)m ~11111toym•m.

•t.011net1• mmns the Common Council ol \he C 1r)•;

"ctedito:J inten::it•, 111 rnpc..!J. ol cuntrilmt"""' m.catl\.

(a) for f'<'riods pnnl I<' Jnnunry I, 19<)1, J111er· esi compounJcJ nnnually "1 a nuc or 6 ""' cent .:omputol an tbc wt.J amounl ..r amtributlnn\ ;u or J11111iary I. I 97S and on Jubsoinro1 con­tributions wheu mude.

/b1 on and :ilter J.i11wu~ l, l~J2, the r.ue ol inlc1es1 for an) ycar Is tbc d•~~· durln~ rhc 12 month ~nod nulin.i: Octi>ber 31 of th.- preccd­ine yc;ir ur 1hr y1tld< •Ht fi11:-)'t81 f'CT'C111ai fli«'l.I tum dtnrtl'ft'll bm1• detw<il l'llle~ ruh· lisbrd in the &nl uf Can:ul:. R""IC'o'o .•s CA '-I­SIM i<:m'1 1'1140-IS and <hall ho! credited

(I) u> I Ire Jl<'OS!Oll fund In each plw1 )Cnr at the rate Sj><'\."1fiol in du~ (111 h<:rcin 011 chc

«rai~\c tk tttr.11Cc» t"nis'• ciubht en •cnu Jc l'o1rticlc J;

•rue La cue ~ ~mt John. murucipelnc du comtr de !>:11111 John:

•conjmn1, Un hommc ou unc kmmc

II) 1111is PM un matiu~e onnul:iblc qui n'a ra< nt Ja:wt nu!;

r/ qm, de bonnc fo1. om conclu rn-crnbk un 111armi:c nul e1 om cohnb11~ nu cours d< l';mnec pr«tdcmc. nu

111 qui n~ "''"' f'J' mano cn"'1llblc. ntom q111 nm cuhnhut

liJ CC!fltlnurllcmcn1• au moim ''°" illl' Jan. une union L"Uniup!r ou l'un :a Cle •uln1an11clkmcrn dcpenJ.1111 de l'au11c r.iur S(lll .,011tlcn, OU

1· 11 d:ins um; .uwit o.. J. qi1~·: 1 -~ nrncc. k>1.q11'1l 1· •cu n~1<s.inu J'un cnlnn• dont 11.\ ;om le• rnrcnt< ntuurcl\, et <I"' 0111 .:ohubiJt •lU C<!Uh de l'3JlllL"C ptt<CdCll!C'; · "'' :illilttr p<nt1.11lt'11lc lt>Uk lkhtt\em :~• "un ri;in~rp;.111, ell\! J' rh1·•11.111< ou menMk cmp«h.tttl de IJ~n 1ltfrnl11•e le parlicipntU tl'o<cupe1 1111riosic1mur kquel II t:" ruhtinnllbltmcn1 qurull1c, rnmptc tenu ti• ... eo. f.tudt... ou lie "On O.l'C'rifttc<.

.. consctl» Ii: Con)eil 11111111c1pnl tk la cite:

o0(:00""'I de n:!rallC• Con.eil Ila liduCllllle> CU• hh en \mu Jc l'af11dc '.!.

~co111lr111>• I 11cc11111 concernc l'emplol, ho pM Cictp,uion 011 le ien>1cc. \l~nilk qu'1I n· ... 1 f'Cl\ 1cnn comr•< J,., 1mcrur11.,n' l<mror .. irn J. «1 cm pkd, de o:cttr p.trtlc11..,tiun ou de u•' ice, m J1·• r>~dc>ck' do u1i•c ii pt~d;

... -....... . ~- --. ..

totttl cPn1tibu1iom., IO(cther ,,.;11t intef\5!, tu the ucdit uf the nmnbcr 31 the bcgin111111 ol 1 be \~r: and

\II) 10 coninh11110111 made b~ the member durmn 1hc pln11 year a1 nnc·hR1f the nuc 'I"'· ci f IC(f •O diw>.: (iii beJno,

•curmu ><'l'lkc cost" meims. for nny plnn >c::tr, tbc am®m 1cqu1m.t ID lull) frmd 1hr N:nefill k·

cmlni; lu member\ m IC'J'«1 ol lh.11 :rt"~• in ,i.­conlnnce with the :1<:111nrial vnh1~1i11n rcp<>rl 01 cost cenlfkrue tCSJ'CdUll! !hi- plM most rccclllly llkd '""" lhe Sup:f1Jltcndt'll! or l'en<iOM in com­plrnncc wnh the Pfm.11011 8enefi11 .·kt:

·onplc>>"- 1maiu a pcncn Clllpki)~ by 1hr Cit);

"cl<a:ss ,nru 1 ihww:1n• - Wcllll>. in 1orc.:i of > mcmbn "llh at lea•! ,.,.o )nr\ ol ron1i11u"'" <'111 rloymcm, 1hc 11111011nt, If un)·, b~ which 1hn111\('tn· bet'< ce>nrrihu1i1>111 le> 1he plm, made nn nr •Clri fanu.aJ'\ I. 199~. to£etbc "illt croll1ed tntcreu, exceed< 50 fl<'I ctnr- ur the nchmnnl •'<lU";t\~I .-3lue 01 the 1ncmhcr·, pcn'ton acer ued bcr Men J.lllua1y I. 1m :ind 1hc e:ariiffi or 1tit- mcmbu'• d11tc ol temnnilhon ur tmpluyn1cl)I, dn1c of r.iirc· tntnl or Jaic ol dou1h;

•rorm""' 1nr1nba .. mean,. • ptnou wha ILt' ter mlnn1cd empluyn1er11 ur mcmlx-r>hlri In lhr 11lnn CU&bllshed under thi• l\ct or the r1n lou' Act aml

(<1) is 1n r~"rip1 or n pen .. on pmrnhk from 1 he pension (und under 1 h1~ l\C1 or u peni.ion disrt• bdiry alt..,.~ncc"' ram1111: allo,.-:ina: undt:T the rm1mn A..1, \JI

lh) ~ cmnlcd lu .1 dcfcrml 11<n>iu11 ri:1)-ablc frl>I'> lhc r<&i•trl htnd wider lhn \.:I (If lht J11'1Mom Ac1.

•(uJl-tlmt cmplo•-ma11· me.ins t'tnplO)'ITICRI l'C•

qu1r1t11t cantt11u'w' 'IC.":t'-•et: iu am rnnsnncnt fJO"~· 1ion "bere 1hc emplO\'l:C 11 rcqu1rci.I 10 wmk ~• fcasl ~2 I : houn per •ttk. but ~udet anplO) • ccs who :in: co!Agcd in SCIK'ruil. tam;il, bol~

n"01i>.111on ~tauc• o1 un par1u.:lp:1ut ieon1pt.ant uu mclu\ de-u<t un~ Jc lliC'r · \.11.;c cont111u 1 le mnnuant. Jc ca~ c ... h~nl. dL, (Otl• urion! •tr>tt> J'llf cth11-a 11u rCJimc de rc11u11c le I" jall\icr 19?.? ou a11res """r d:ttt. l comprl\ lcs m•~rcts cumults, ..-:u.'tdam SU ro11r cmt Jc h1 ,;i. !cur de l'(qu1•alcn1 nm1i11icl .10:-. Lln>tl• con•lihib. du l"'nt'lp;int cn1rc le I" jan>1c1 I W2 et '" pro:­mittl' cnuc lo J~I< de a•\dtinn d'cmrlo1, la dale Ile rc1ra11c 1111 la datt de Like\;

•'t:OUI dC\ <ervi~C\ tJc l'nnuet> en "--oun" t>uur loul ~~d« .. le montanr 1cqui• P<•ur flnnncer rn-1~rmcn1 '"" Jroit• m1~1111t-. Lies pankiJMIU• uu cours de rci1cmce. conlorml'mcnt ;1u rnppon d't· \aluminn ncmnnclle ou nu <crnfkot nctmtricl rt'·

la11•(mcn1 011 r~•mc le "'"~ •=1 del'o~ nupres Ju •nnn1md~n1 dc-s pcn•t<>n• en '~'" de la wr /,., 11tt•s11111unv tlr /'<:IU1<111;

<d•U< Jc rct11111c nonnalc" 0.11c .1 l•11111ellc le 1K1llki11an1 1111dnt l'Ri:c de M ""';

•droll Ii rctrallcN VJIC'\lr Lie tu rtlllc don' unc ,inn~ avik donnec. caS.uJC.. confom1cmcot • la l.01di'1'11111161 mt I<• mw111. 11ou1 ilc1erm111cr. .luX lin• dc l'im1>c\1 1ur le menu. le locrcur d'tq111•'1· kntt du p11111clp;1111:

<•ctllplOI A lcmp$ rldnu lmplc>I G\l""ant un >er· >kc rofllinu JX111r IUUI f'<>•lt' j'Ctma1m1t llll le ..:! • hlrlt ln1'l11llt au moln' U.,5 hcurcs p;i1 <cm~me, ~ l"o;cep1lon de$ emrJoi< llll\•11111irn. 1cmpom11cs, de1 re111placcmen1s LI• •.1.:011<~ nu dCl c11111lul• ti letnps p,1mds delet1n1n(i p.;r lo c1tt;

.. cmploi 1110111drt' qu•un crn11lo1 3 rlcin rcmP>• Ell\ploi qui n'~ pas un <mrlo1~temps11ldn;

... cnltlnt ' l:nlunr lc-all1mc, benu·flh, bc'llc-llllc <IU cnfan1 odopur:

uC.<it:!lit:t' du rtpUllO f'~ll1>1k de LlOUIC lllVll dibu1Qnl lt I" j~n•lcr ti -e 1n111l11nn1 le 11 dkt."m· brc;

r~liei or p~rt-timc empl())'mcnt n.' dettrmlned by the City;

"llmdmg ugcm• 1nc.m1 the cu~1oJia11 maimaln­in; .:U\lody uf the fund~ which an\C from cqnlri­l>mion\ IJ\llile hcminckr .ir any :1Uo:.asor 01 aildi· 1io1wl custodfan,

"/n,,omt' To.\ .•lrt" mc:ins the lnC'OITt" Tw. A<1. dtupic:r 1~8 of the Re\1scd Statures of Cnnada. 19~2;

•t.,..,; tlutn lull·timc omploymmt" mcaru cm· ploymcnt th31 l\ no1 lull-rime cn1plU)m~nt;

•member" menM ~n emplo)« \\ho i' contrll,. mlna tu the pen<ion fw1d am.I indud~ a J'Cf"S()n llhu h no1 fl'<tulr.-d In ronhlbulc undet •ub>t•ctfon 6(3);

"normal IL~il'1'mcnl d.'1e• meaM 1J1c dnte on which " member 3Jmlns nee 05:

"rw:ru.1on· mean' u pc11111on bcnefl11hn1 "being Jlald;

"A·1w01111 .. ntfi1s 1c1• man~ the fkn· <'/II& 11<-1, dmp1et p.s.1 of the St~rn1c' of N<"w 1lru11Swk~. 1981, :mil the f't!gulnli(llU ennctal theicundcr,

"f'ci:ti.IOn Tlounl" mea115 Lhc bourd Of ltU~ICCS tsuibl~hcd 111tdcr scc11on 2;

·pen~m111:red1t" rucuns the •11luc or tl1t pension m a ptvcn Clllcndar )'l:llt, ddtrmlned in ncrmdruu."< with rhc /n.-mn£: 71u .-kt to akul111c, for inblmc rn..• JllltpCh<!>, tbc J>Cll-uun 11iljm1men1 of rhe m<m· bcr,

"'ptmlun fund· m.:an~ the funil C'ftablW!cd un· d~ <n:tlon .3:

'pensionahlt'. =vi.'c" m~ra the pcnod ot con­unuous cmploYmcm m res~ or wh1cb rhe mtm· her ltas m;ide con I nbuuon• ru r ht pluJ1;

~Foi.-es 'umtes» l.c5 for= uav:da. !es f01C1:S de l"arn:i~ OU le forte\ UCrlCOile> du Qu1,ada OU

ccllc• 1k SC! allies:

•"1"\ltonnalrc , Le dqxxit..1rr a)?inl LI ;:ank Jn fon1h Jtl'tl\'C'llUnl des •oti,auon• ''Cf'S~ etl Hnu 1k la pr~~me Joi 011 111111 •uL-ccs.seu1 ou lltr•"itnlr< supplbnenwlre;

«mtereu cumuh!s» Kelat1\tn1c111 3ux coo>:.· 11ons.

"' ih'llnl le l~ Jilm•tr 199l, lo intmh c1>m· pu•~• nnnudli:mcm au tnu~ dt l:l polar cent. cnl· wlh .ur ~ 11111ntam 1otal dQ co1bal1on• \'Ct­

.ca dcp11n le I"' 1am1n 1975, It.- -.Ai\ Cdltlll\t

Ii) 1' c.1mp1ci du I" Janvi<:r ICJ9l, I~ lau~ d'ln· tClrtorutudot~ .. 1arn~=dman1 la I~ mou •c lcnnin.1111 le 31 ocwb1c 1lc l'un.11(.-.: pr1'· c-l-dentc. du 1tndtmen1 tic.-. rau• .run <161161 a Lcnnc de cmq rutS de pamculicr dtiru une b3n· qUt: • mllJle. puhhh dJins la Rc--uc dr I.I a;w quc do C.lnad•, ~crie Coru1m 814045, c1 dniT cue lmpu1e

Iii II la cal>..., Jc rcu:anc 4 chaquc acrdtt au Jnux llrt•-i<;e i\ l'nl1n~11 ill p1 ~1>1:111 cs ~ur k lnUll ties ~nti ·:uktt1• <4' 11~11kip~n1 nu JC. ln11 Jt' l'=rcicc. ; ,-omPfil. In inctriu.

liiJ aux cousa1ion.s vcrs~ par le parilci· patU dumn1 1·~ ii la dcmk du iau' ('CCCJSC t l'almcu b) d~ p1C,..,,1tcs;

.. 1m·.tliduc ll'!flmmcntc t(IUl!e• Rdlll\l"Ctncru ~ "" paniclpanr, clJlf d'1~ phy."lut ou mcn­l3le emri~h11111 Jc fa,'no dHiniti\•c le p;rrtlctfl'llll ll'0<.:up~1 un po~r~ pour lcciucl 11 c.i ral\onnabk· mo11 qualm~. c!>mptc 1ei111 <le ses cu.ks 1..u lie "'" ~en«c,

«U>i tic 1·1111JHil .uir te 1tt•vr1ttJ• Lu I J)t d.• 1·;111 • p6t sur ft' n:icn11. chap1LR 1'18 ilcs ::.llillllf m·uo du Ci1na11n de 19S?;

.. joi pf~ed<:ntc-- Cit)' o} Sa1trt John l'folrSiotr .-1'1 chap11re: 63 ill:) Lois ilu Nou'~~u-liru11~"'~~

"plan• meam th" pcrl\ion plwr c:illlblished un­der lhi> Act;

"plan )ci11 " rn<-an' a l\\clve-month period com­ml'ndn~ on January I and cndinl[ on December 31;

"previous Ac1 •· rncans 1he "Ciry of Smm J11h11 Pension Act", chap1cr 63 or 1hc Acts of Ne" Bnrnswrck, 1970, "th~ City of Sarni Jolrn P1m­sion 1kr. 1947", chap1~1 t.i~ of lhc Act~ llf Nt\• Brunswick, 19~7 ;mil ll1c Civic Employees Super· snnuation Pln1111dop1cd b) 1he City on lite 1'1 day of February, 1932;

.. salary" mean~

(0/ lhe carruncs or a member ror 1he pcrfor nmncc of his rcgulnr duues, or dutrcs lx1n1_1 temporarily performed, i.lurlog an) period of service, 1ncl11di11g wages, and snh1ry or wuges paitl for ovc1'tin1e, l>u1 does not include pH} in lieu Of Vt.IC1t1ic1n, rcLirt1Ucnt aJJO\\IRrlCe or iClirc• menl pi1), gra1 ullics 01 honnrarla, a11d

(/J) •uch nmoulll of deemed co111pe111n1ion permitted under the 111come Tax Act and the Rc~ul111iort\ thcrcu11dcr. related 10 lca\es ol ab­sence. disability. periods ol reduced pay a.nd temporary suspension of. and la)··offs Imm, cn1rifo)-1uc111.

"SpOllloe'' mcunS cilhcr Q( a 1111111 ou1cJ 8 \.\'OUIUl1 whn

(11) arc mnrilcu 10 each mlie1,

lb! me married 10 cndo ouhcr by a 11Hlrringe 1hn1 1; vo1d:1blc and has 1101 been avoided by a declaration of nulli1y,

(C'/ hav" gone through a form or m~rriage woth c;ich 111her in good fai1h 1ho1 i~ vnid and ha•..: coh.1bi1cd within 1hc rreccding year, or

(d) 1101 being married to each other. have co· lmbi1ed


de 1970, I he C11y <>/ Sai111 Joll11 Pr1u11111 Act. 1947, dm11l11e 143 des Loi~ du N011\c;111-Bru11•· wick de 19J7 cl le Owe £m11/m·ees S11f)<'ro111111u· li<Jll f>/1111 ndople par la cite le I" JOUr de revner 1'>32;

«l.m vur /es wesratiorrs de pcnsiom1 Ln Loi .rw /es pres11111011.r de pensi<>n, dianil re p . ~ . I de> Lois du Nnuvcau-Bmnswick de 19A7 ct de> 1CJ1lc111crH> 11111 en Jl:coulcm;

«n1ax.hnum des gains annuel~ nuvrnn1 droit 3 f'C!0\1011» S'enlend au sen< de la dtfi111tion du Re· /11111•' tie 1nmsio11s du Ca11ado.

«participant» Salarie qui come 3 la caisse de rc1mile. ~ compris les personnes qur nc ~onl pa.\ obllgees de cotiser en vcnu du PRrnQmr>hc 6(.l);

«r~gimc» R~gime de retraitc tmhll cu vertu de la presente loi:

«Regime de pensions du C:111nda» Le lli'i,;imP tie pemiuns 1/11 Ca1111tl11, cha(lilre C-8 des Statuls 1evise• du <:unatla ilc 1\183 el des rcglemen1~ qui en Mcoulent;

«rente» l'resmuon de rctrnue ,·ersec;

<<'ralauc » S'emend

11) du rcvr:Jm du 1mr1idpn111 (10Uf l'e!lercice de SCS fonclions rcguli~rCS OU pour l'execuliOO de tikhes 1co1pomin:s dnmrlf 1ou1c periode de ser­vice. y comrri~ le~ ill&c< et lo remuneration des h~ure$ suppl~memaircs, niais e,xcluanl les paic' de vacanccs, le..; nlloca1ions de retraite1 les pour­l>oires ou lcs honormrcs. e1

/.J) du 111onrn111 de la remuneration rCJ>u1ee en ven u de In Loi <It• / '/mplJt sur le l"f'l'ellll el de~ reglemcm\ quo en dccoulcnt, a l'egard des con­ges aurorises, d'unc mv01lidi1~. des pbio<lcs de rCdu~1ion de •alaorc ou de suspensio11 tempo· r.Urc et des ouhe.s ii pied:

«salarie» l'ersonnc crnrlowee par In cite;

(i) coniinuou,ly for • period of 001 less lhllJl Litre.: years in a conjugal reln1innsl1111 111 which one person has been •ubstaniinll> de 11~11den1 upon 1J1c olher for >lll'fWfl, or

(ii} in a relaiionship of soine permanence where 1here Is a child bnr1111f whmn thc'Y ;ire the na1ural parems.

and have cohabited wuhm 1he pre<:edintt year;

"101ally and permanently dl,,,.bkd" means 1n rela1ion to 3 member, suffering from n physical or mental impairmem 1ha1 prevents the mrmbcr from cnaaaini In any t'.lllploymcnl for "hich 1 he mem­ber is rc3sonabl) sui1ed by vinuc or lhe member's cducmlon, uaining or experience and 1hat cim be rcn,onably eJ.pec1cd IJ) Jas1 for 1he re111a111dcr uf the member's Jife1i111c;

"\'e11r's M;1ximum Pensionable Enrnin~s· ha~ the same meaning •~signed 10 ii by 1hc C(lntrda (.1(!11sUJll f>/un.

1(2) Words or terms used herein that are delincd In 1hc /'t!11.,w11 8e11i'fi1:, Act nnd 1 he rci:ut~1lora !hereunder, unless otherwise defined lw-cln, olmll h;ivc 1hc snme menning as ln that Act :\lid 1hc rc11· ula1io11,.


2(11 A board of 1tll!i1ees 10 be known as Inc Pen­""" Uuunl co11>1s11ng ol 1wch·c members ts hereby es1ablished.

(11) the Moyor of 1hc City,

(b) two trust cc~ uppointed by and being mem­bers of 1hc Council,

/<'I 1hc C:omn11ss1oner ol FtnllJlce crr' lhe City,

(d) the Common C:lerk of the City,

«salairc moyen» Le ~lane annucl moycn du parlmp;mr duram la perrodc de lrOIS annees con­SCCU1ives de 1ravall a IClllp> rlcm pour la cne OU son salaire ernil le plus clwc:

«Serl'ice rniliruirc ll~ l ir» t c ;crvicc mililaire a plein temps druts lcs Forces nnnccs du nu dans celle' de ~C\ nll lcs u11m111 la Seconde UlLerre mondialc, soil du 10 sep1ernbrc l 939 au JCJ i;cp­lcmbrc 1947, ou dunml In aucrrc de C:orec, du 30 )uin 1950 au I" jauvicr 1954:

«>t!f\"l<-.:S validablcs» Penodes d'cmplor con-1in11 pour lesquellts le par11c1pant a co1ise au re. gjme;

«v,1leur de l'equivalelll ac1ua1ich1 Vulcur eqm­\'3len1e, seloa lcs calculs ac1u.1ricl>. ;1dt>ptcc par le ~onseil de rc1rai1c ~ur la rccommantlation tle l'ac-­tuaire ;111x fins du rej!ime de ICI l'llllC, CCS Cnic11ls e1:1111 conforrnes aux prJnclp~> 11uuurlcl~ gcncrnle­n1c11t rcconnus;

1(2) I es tcrme> dHlnis t.lans la Lui 111r ks 1m•s-1111ions de pension, el les r~glcm~nl> qui en decou­lc111, out le mcrnc sen> dan> la prcsemc ll)i, II moms qu'ils ne soient dCfini> au1mncn1


2( I) Es1 co11s1ituc uu corL<cil dC> fiduc1<urcs. ap­pete «conscil de rcir:utc». compose de JouLe IHl.'IHhrcs.

2(2) Le conseil de rc1rai1c comprcnd

a) le mairc I.le la cite,

/iJ Jc1" ficl uciairt."< nnmrnes rm le Conseit el mcmbrcs de celui-cl.

<') le co111mi'<.<uirc anx finances de la cue,

d) le sccre1aire municipal de la cue.

tr/ lhc (ii) MDn.i~cr ur •ud1 01hcr cml'lc>wc .1ppolmed b~ th~ <"<HIMil,

(fJ <Hie uu•I« ~fll'<'Hllcd h~ and being a mt"tnhcr or thr <,.aim John I ue I •!h1cri • ,, \St'

cu111<m, I.A-al mt,

r,1 one '""'« Af'l'VUllC\I "' D1ld bctllf -» mcrnb<:r of lhc ~alnt Joho l'llli.:cm<n~, Proia.:· li\c ''''°"tallon. I l"-"' #61

Iii) ""< r1 ustet ppp111n1ed l1y and hclns u mL"ll\l>cr of the°''''"' lohn Cl•t~ l 'mrl"J'~C. Un· inn. lo al MIS.

Ill one lna.sltt '1f'l'<Nnkd b) :md bring a mcrn· l><t .. r the S;.1111 •rmu o" H.tll f"fTililo>=· t..o­cal •Jll6,

fJJ 11110 lniJ.lee 11pporntcJ b} and bcrna o lllCll\OCr Of lhC llOIHllliOn emplovees of the <.:11 y,

/~) on~ truucc ;appomud by """ hdna o m<'lnhc1 or the ,.,,, ;;if ~int Johll Rcured \fcmbn~ .U5"'Cb1i<111, proo.-..kd that 1hc' ~ ci.t1ln111CJ>~U ill lcasi SI pct <:enl or 10f11lef memmn.

2(3} fattl\ trmtee of the T\:11,ion Bonr(t mtn· 11oncd In paragraph' to Lo()/ l11dusivc shall be r111 cmplnH~.

~I \\'11h the cccqicoon of 1bc M")ur. the Com· mi.-Qonn al f°Ulllft« •nJ the Common <.1c:k

'"' the 1crms of <>ffttt of lnHIC'Cli an ) )'t~n :uuJ ""' rir:u ""''"" ·ball be ''" Pf bcto~ the bl lilly of Dc.:cmbn uf the 1cur uf Lhc commg into rotcc of lltl• l\cl,

(Ill the 1erms (\f (\ of 1ru,t= ~all "'"" on the Lui da)' of ~membfr m 1br third )'IC:lf

!i:llJlw; l"J comutt inl11 forte <>f rhi1 •"-'t. •nd on 1hr hu1 c!ay nr :-:<"'m'bcr m C\'l'fl 1h>rd )

1br1Qftc:r. no1,.il1Nandin1 th< J•tt of thrir ~P-


.-) k dlm.1c11: ~emrul uu ;amre -alanc nomme !Xlf le Cn11~cll,

lJ un fiJu.,111~ nommt par l:s Saint Jn/111 Firr Frg/lln1' o·lncJC'1'1tic>n. ""Ctit>n loc.llt" -1. <I •11CUJbf<, <k ccllc ... i.

II WI fioduciaan: nommc p«1 b Sam: John Pf>. li<T•nnt ·s Protn:IHV: A»«Wuon. sa;1ion IOC3le 61. cl mnnbre de cdk<1,

Ii) lUt Oducmirc nommc riar le Smm Jolrn CT-1·11· £mpliJ)'l!tlJ Unmn, >e<.:li(ln '"'"It IS, ct tnnnl>n" de cdul-:i.

II un Odu:Wre oomm~ par It- ,'kt111t John Cit• 11"11 Emr/•"'ttS. tttilCll• i.. ... .,ie J~6. <1 mcmhrr Jc cc rei;muronem.

JJ rm f1d1mDirc 11t11nmc ~~r !es cmploycs non synd1qucs tic In cue Cl mcmbrc de cc 1c11roupe nlcn1.

/tJ un fidlKlaln: nomme p;ir la C11y t(f .<;n1111

l<•lm Ri:t'"'1 Mnni>rn !luociatmn <1 mrmt>r• Jr cdk-d, .i o:indilio1t '1"" l'tisQCu1io1; >oll •'On~ d'~u mom• !I puui '"'" d'1ncicn\ pnnkrp311u

1(3) Chaqu~ 11tiucialn: llu lu11w1I de rctrolle me11tknint 311X 111i11c1is C) 1\ j) dolt etrc Ull rnluri~.

1(4) A l'o.1....:1,.H•R du m;,o~. du comm1''~1rc au~ I inat>rtJ a du l«f'fUJrt' n1111ndpal

o11 I a durtt du m.tndiu d~' fid1JC1alret es1 lk 1mi\ :rm, It'> rmn1el\ flJu~iaile' Kmnt num· me. le I" Jmu J~ dtccmbrr •le l'nn11k d'<111rcr ~11 vigucur uc lu pr~~~lllc lol uu uvn111 crue date.

/tJ le mandut des fidu<111res sc 1cnnmc le dc:t­noer jour de n,,.·cmbrc de la 110.1ilmir l'nncc ..,,. , .. n1 rmtrtt ('II '1f;.Ut1.lf , .. f'fntntc 101 "1, ~recs <drt 11.i•c. le Jcrnl<Y JOUT ck no.anbtT. "'"' lcs "'"' aa~ qudlr 'I"" 1<>11 l.l J~lc de no-

!'l)lnunaa, mil uu>irt> att eligible fol rup­pu1111 mcnt.

to lhc tru~lca &l'f'"llllcd the J'fO\ 1011• A.i hulomg olficc nu 1hc duac uf 1hc c.>mmc 11110 force O( th" \<1 >hall COOIUlUC 111 orfice 111111! 1hc 11ppo1111mcn1 of anmco 1111dc1 p:lr:t· smph lb) hcrcol

l <S1 A nuuee m<rulontd 1n rafllcnrh' 11111>1 •"J IC) IU (jl mdu1hT lll.1Y be l'Clll"'cd (rorn ort.:r rn.x 10 1bc c•rm11ion or 11t:u 1nn:rc't = aml olM! llf'p<>1med in 1luit 1nn1cr-. '!cal b:,> lhc N>Jr lw•tna 1u11hont) to Jl'l>Ofnt such 1ru>1tt. ~ ~-1110-111 hJ f;ik cffc..t rm • ., lhc 11;,tc ol th< mrctinr or tho Pnmon Uo3nl •I "hkh ,.11ncn noi1fk:auoa ot 1hn1 1rm1cr·~ mttO\JI '' r=i•'Cd. and 1he pcr­'on np1m1111cd sholl h<1ld ufncc fur lhr biil;in~ of 1hc un~\p1rcd 1crm of ah• tr11>1ee .o r<nu,,.·,1

2(61 I he utricc nr .1 '""Ice 'hall bl: •':ICDlcd

(IJ/ in rho U'IC uf the nuncn nu:mloncJ in 11•rnerapb$ !ll(at ;and (bl ,.hm 11~ mlll= caw! tu hold lb" olli~< ol \lll!Of and Cuundl­lof IC'\ptahdi.

tbl 111 ahc a... 01 :all ocllrl IJ1UlCCS •·hen ah~ <c:uc to tK emplU)-.:c<. or

(ti 11)' nnflcc in wntlna t>y IM trustee "' th.11 ltt•llcc\ res1gnati•l1I

2(7) A 11y vnc~ncy uccu rrlng in 1 lw l't'nsion Uoard muy be filled b~ 1111· lmd)' hm·in11 .1u1hom> lu ~l>J'Olnl ou.:h uu•ttc :ind the P"l'SOll '" ;ip­pum1~ 11w.JJ ltold om.:.: f(lr the billancc "' lhc nn C'<J'.'lml le ·m of lhc \'llCQllRf lJ'USltt.

l lllJ The 01iiccn or the Pension Board ~I be

(11) ;, Cll:u:rman, wit<> .!Qll be tltc Ma~.Jr o( the (II),

till ,, 'Trc&urc1 who ,1,..11 t>c 1hc C'o111mi~­,1011cr or Flnam·t uf lite l.'it), am!

mina1loi;: la ficluamn oru le rtru.1 d'et~ ~ 11omrnc..

1 J 1~ fiduc111J~ no111mes w •ctlu de la lol p1cccdcll1c qui M:Jllllt en pO>IC ;I la dAlc d'cn tr~ en "'~ucur de la pre.cote 101 poursuil'l'Onl l<1ir mand31 Juwn'A lu nom111ntim1 de' fldu ct111rc, t.:onf(lrmtmcut .l t'31inea bJ ... 1 .. Jc"~us.

!ISi lln fiJuci.un:t!Mt au.1 ~.1im1 cl (~>cl 3 JI l"°'hsshcmcn.t J"CUI lire :C-U<juC l•:utt b rm Jc to:i mand.111 ct mnpbcl 11:11 l'orpnhmr au1Nist t llllllmKT lo r aducl.tim: la '"'~ mi rem 'i­CUftlt i (Omptcr d.- b d.tlc Je b riun:""' du mn­wl de rttr.tilc au COIJI'\ de bqudlc l'a•n ~ Tt'\~ ca1>011 du c..a siptifk. k rnnpi;aC<Un a<111mm1 lcs ioncuont ~ ce dttn1cr Jusqu'a la un du mamlat

!(6) l '11 po.\tc de lidudalre ~1 •'ll<Gnl

llJ clan• le t':ll de. liduciaircs d.!..T1n AITT a11-nb.o 1211t) a bl, 1unq..., tftll-ci 0111 1erminc rcs-1"'.:mutttn t trur nw;d;lt Jc m:u~ ct lk COlt­teiUc:r.

01 d:lm. It en ck 1""3 ks iorun:tL 1iduciaires. k>f"IU ·,1. Dt: SOIU plus "'1bno. OU

Cl ,11r prescnt.ttron de l:t J(m'''"'" .!..Tltc du liJudllilc.

2(7) T11111e vac:mcc .111 ~cin du con<c1I J, rc1mi1c ~= ~omblee r•r l'1>rµu11i.•mc auaort.t .I n<1mrncr un fidud:tlre mnplacam, lequrt 1,rrnin<ra lc anan dal Ju fiJuci:Iirc ""tam.

111 k prCWknl, lcqud C'U k nuim de ~ Cilt,

bJ le t~oricr, lc1111cl l!!I le rommMJJr-t ""' 111111111.d <k I~ ell~. cl

(•I a ~crct3ry, "hn shnl1 b< 1 hr Common <1rrk or 1hc Cit);

and the ~1loa Uami ~ :tri""ftl ~" \.\li$!;.lnt T•u•urcr .lllJ "" >,uiu:uu Scacarr lt0m 11mC10' the frll'1tn or the P\'n~;f1n Ra1ml or 01he1 rrnplo) . cc' ur the Cit).

TRl'Sl u ··o; PO\\ LRS

)111 Thu. "-.1 sll.i. . "" .,dm le-red , the l'l:n · bC'a Bo;ud ,.1'ose ~en and 1hulft :irr

(al I<' e>labh<h O rcn,1on rund ~nd ftttl\C pavnm1h imo 1ht J'<'n,inn lund,

(hi l•l 1'3~ rnuion> and 4•1} .. 1htt J"lYlll<"llU au1bl'lflnd.,... this .\ct "' lite l'f'C'inw acs.

(CJ ID ID"6t lhc mnncv of ~ JICnUOD IUtld ond the intcrcsr I hereon in OL'\.urdan.~ "uh the l't:11swn /Jene/Its Art.

(di 10 main o ou!lidcn1 Bmrnm1 of C:l<h "" lwid lo !ttttl C'\lrtml rcmlon p;ll"mmi• rr­lbc paa1on fund,

(~I to cmpl<>r "'IC .,, m. ,,... a~t • 111 carry 1u1 Oil)' a~r required lo be d11nc ln the 3•hninhlr.1· tlon of lhc pensio11 plan OllU In lhc 111h11inlwo lion 3nd ln\c<Jmcnt or the r•n•it111 rund and 10 cn1cr into contraCI .,,h ud1 DRCIU. tor tltt gar.ym1 ""' ol •uc:!t scn"·e>.

(/} lo or<nd no::h m<mo~ iu m•) l>c n«n· ~r> (Qr lhc proptr .1dmlr11>11n1icm of the pen· >1vn l'unLI, 11rovhle1i 1h:u 110 monic~ rnuy tl': c~ f1cndcd for rhc ru11w\e ol pu~lna ony 'nlnry or UlmJ'l'CUiltlon to .1111 lfU>lcr or lhr J'cn•itm Board

llfl 10 enter into '"nn1,..tts wuh b:¥nk -.>r tru ~1 compJmn r.1 ~imy nn bu<tnc'' 111 Conad" for the lending o< •ccurltic' or the funt.l 10 ~Udi l•unk' Ut lfllSI C:OlllJllllliC' for \ llCh kcN and undet ruch 1r1111~ aniJ rnndlrlon• n~ au1h11 nnd It) lhc Prn wn &r:c'/il' ·1(1, aml

<'/ le >«1<'111111; kqud ~SI le •cnc1mrc munici­p:il de la drc

Le ~I J• rtit;i.:c J'l'UI nu111111rr un unctri..~ adjotnl d un IC\:l'tlanc •d 101nt J"lmt• k< nJuciai­m du cons.:11 de tctmilc c1 lc:s 11111rn salttrlk de la cht'.

11.lTlUDl TIOJlilt Ill'..!> Flllt CIAIKI-.'>

J(l 1 la r1e> 1tdo1 C' I .dmuumor J"ll le ~OOsciJ II< ~1:i11c d1"11 Jt:, aun~utcon~ wn1 les .. manic:<

Ill crC.:1 unc """" <le ~tr.tile et > •er-er ks ('llie111 Cl! I&;

l•I '~ le1 1cntet "u wut outrc palrmcnl 1u1cm.c ~ i. J'lnctllC loi OtJ IA 1<>1 iftei!datt<':

' ' n1Ci11r 1·~ deb caw<: de ~lie et In 1111trds ) afftrcntJ conlormcmcnt a 111 I.ct sur Ir• 11res11111011s d<' f'l'llmm;

dJ cotuC"n~r wflu.ammetU de llquldnt• dan• La can-c de m11111r !'OU' pau•01r ~ In prcs­tatlons de mtlUtc llt l".anntt c coun.

r) mg:l&t'l' un "" pluJ!am m.11><Ltlai1c rour Cllklltcr 1ou1c fonLllon reqw•c dan< l'atlmtnis· Jrurion Ju rtglmc oJc rctrrutc cl b J!<:>tlo11 des rlnrcmcnts llr la a"<C de rctnitc cl MSJler des .ontrah a'a. ~<• i mtr On:

JI Clli"llCf la ><>mmct ni'ocu.lim. pour adml­murcr 13 ..,,,,, .. de rcmutc de r.~un adCQu:uc, a ~'Or11h1i1111 qu'nurnnc '"mmc flt roil dc•tinc\t a '""" unc rtmomi:mtlon quclco11quc ""~ fidu· ellllrcs clu u>n<cil de rctr.aitc.

Cl con.:lurc des e111cn!C'.( a•~ de !wlQoc< oa dC1 ;;oc1<1ti de lidcmc ~uUlnltt' a ca:r.:cr tcun •1C1h11b uu Canadn Jfin de pr~tcr a ~•k~d ,.,. I It r•~ de rl;ircme111 ti~ l:t crussr de rctm1tt •clnn I~ hor1urJlrf'o cl lei mndalith au1ori1t' 1= la /Ill >!Ir /O J'fntat/UtU tfl! fl<'tl""'1rr,

(/t) to mah m:u1111n('ndatiM< rmm lime to time tu Ille Councll .,hh "-"fl«I 10 :u11cntlme1m IU tlus .'1.:1

Jl1l lbc l'l:n.unn ~ mall. on oc Mione Ure lair tl.&y of r~tmrat) Ill ..,~di )'C.'lt, make ··~1bble 10 tht Common C.:mu .. 1t <'f the t:n) olnd h> ti" member> of Ille plan ,I rcpon of Hll f1T'OL,,rdlnJ') <>f tilt l>t1;1rd durlnll 1hc prc'<:edina .:akntl111, 10-g.:1hcr 1<i1h " ,o;ucmc111 1l10,.i11 the conJlnon 111

''"' fond

JUI Tilc r.:""011 llo.11tl Ila!' be (ul'1U\h(\I t-> the romml\Sionet of ruuin,.., "" "' hcfurc the 1.u1 do) of Jan11.11 y in cadt year a complcie h>I of mc111hc1s.

R\-1 \\\ '>

(II) 1cgul111l11~ 1hc rime nntl pince 11f llA meet· ln11~. the .:olllng ot 111ccli11g-. tt1c quuru111 aml the procedure m all 1hi11LU 111 wch nm:tinrs.

(bl 3ppo1mon1 m<mhu'> <'I the !"en> nn Roan! or cmpl.J)~r' u "'"'"' offi,..,., r..~ the purro.c O! the l."'tCCllHClll llf CilntlllCU, d.XUffiCllU <>tall) ln•ln1mcnu In wrillll~. cheque>. drnh\ "' or• dcrs fpr 1hc paymc111 M JlhlllCY aml 1111 11otc; llllll h1Jb ()f c\<hall»<',

(<I p1ao:1il•ing lhr n&turt of the aider>« CC•

1.1u1ml 10 Hubli•h pro.•r of •re. .ttru.h, m.triuoJ ~lltlw or tllftlblhty or Q non-m.tmt:d Jpoll~ ro1 1hc l"''l'l\"I!> or thi• Act.

(di nre~crlh111~ the rrmnner und l1111Q or pay· 111c111 by mcmbc" "'' the puich11.1e or rcn,;on. 4hk '4:014C..

frl rr-r11icu1 th.- •alt' aruJ m1uu11:r nf ak1t­ln1111g int<"' r whcrr under thi. A~t or the Pen .11m1 1Jc111:/111 Art lntcrei.t is pnynhle, unil


II} ~ l'oc..-a,inn, faire des r«n111111.111clarloM nu Cor .. c!I f\'.l~tl\cmcm au• mod1l!ClUforu J< l.i rr~ntt lui

)[~I I..: dcn11a JOW- de r~ nn ou ... 'alll ccrc dine, k i'O!l\Ct! Je reua11· dc-11 picw:iuc. •" 1;.. n ..:al mun1<rpal ,\c la .:nt c1 au• f!o\n1C1p~nl\ .111 ,. .• iUmc de 1c1r.111c 1111 r.1ppcr1 \UT ic, J<hbcrallun' du con....:11 1k n:1rahe ~u cullh de l'nnoec clvi11· prt.:t J"'lltc, ,._-.;01111•.ig11t d un brlan Je la au • J n:· 1raitc

3131 l.c ll&L\ fmana:s OOit 1nnn111: dv "'""'''de 1C1n111c unr. ll\l< •ompktc Jo p:trl1-''par11' 11u rCjlllllt le ck1111rr )Qur de 1~11>1ef de dinquc CXCJCICC (lll avant CCHC d;llc

~ I~ corucs < ~ nut. a .c """'"'" d'cublir da rqh11ct1h

u) 1duri~c111cr11 11 l'hrur<, au lieu, 11 In cori•O· cutlon . .iu 41mruni cl uu' proctdur.:s Jc k' 1e­unLOOs.:

hJ R'1~11•nnm1 a la aomma1tcn de mnntm:s du tun.ell de rnrai1e"" dr "1la•ic• A trff\'. de ii· llll•lt•m. autorr'e<> a t::.C'\.utcr le> c<>nua!• .io­~umc11I> ou tnul .1utne clf<I a:r11, n11\Sl qu'll >1· u11cr k> cli~quc>. le\ 1r11ifes, le& niandor,, lcs blllc:I• ct le.\ ktttes de ~h.1ng~

.-J rd.Ui\-ctnctll" I.a "-o UR de> pttu\e> eUttts ronuru: a1.1ot.11ton dc 1'5!tc, Ju J.b..'l!s. de l'ct111 ci•il ou de l'a1hnibibflnr d·un ro11jorn1 non mnole 3llX fllti cit l:t p!t>;Cnle IOr:

d) ~lativCJllCnl a lu fr>rme Cl J la dole J,'S pafmm•l.!I do portiti"3nh en • ue ck sou•crine do •:~ko "ll1d;iblt>;

c) ri:Lllh'Ctllrlll llU UIU\ dln!Cttl Cl .JU 11~""1: de 01kul de u:luj;:; lcm.quc l'lmml csr p:i)"ablc Cll WI 111 Uc In llfCsl'lllC lnl OU tie In Loi .\llr les prt·.r1ut1011s ''" JH!JtSio";

(/} gcntnll! I~ l'lll'T}"ing 0111 l~ ~ anJ rm-. " ,, ,; \U


S<IJ ~ub1ec1 10 1h1~ sc.:11011 <'W:ry cmpl())'tt who Is employed m fnll-umc cmploymcm $holl become ., mrmt>cr on 1bc 1st WI} of t~ m""'" fc>rtowing commcnC't'mtnl or rull-tuuc =rt<>ymai1 1>1her tlulll

I"' • penoa .. w. on 11: d:nc or bo:iocning an mirl••"'" i• 63 ~an of ~ o• ooer ~ ..-ho <Ot.Old llOl tum. purdiunl or due. llOI cone 10 rut< sufliciclJI pcmimcbk ""'°''e, ,.hkh 1hc pcB<>n Is cnllllcd 10 pun:baK under 1tus 1\u. 10 ha'-e acquired :!. years pcruionnblc scr­vltc by 1hc 1u11c "'"" person auains bS )-C:atS nf ·•1\C. und

(b) ,, cnn1tlb11mr 11111kr 1he Cou111 y Plw1 who wa• ~O i= ol' .s~ or over on 1 he d<11c of hc­commr a con1ril>u1u1 1n 1ht Coun1~ rfan

S<n 1'\'C'I; empltl\ce of &n)" cla.« .. ho ll =­plu)"ed on kss than fu!t·limc rmployln<'ttl ma~ be­"1111< 1 memba UPon complclmg 14 months or lrsc 1h:m furt-umc cmr~mem 1f 1ha1 empl~u "·" c.1111ed not IC\> 1fum J5 per C'C111 ul 1l1c \ear'• \l,hnnum Pen!liun .. l·tlc 1· ... rnirt&• ln rn.:h or rbc '"'" u11N~•:utl\-,: calcndRr )Cl\01 ln1111cdl111cl) her.ore hc.:"111l11s" mcrnb<:r.

5()) Wh~re a 11 empll>)ec I• emplo)'cd In IC'-' than iurt-uurc m1ploym1:111 for ADY ~riutl

(11/ 1be pcm10W1Me ~itt of 1loar cmplO}tt for 1h;u pmoJ •i>all I><: :>djlr!lrd by the 12110 "'hida th:lt dllpl.•1tt'• s;sbry hc:<D lo 11>< •-abry 1h.:a1 =r!o!ft wnut.I It~~ re.....,,,tal haJ tltt cm· rl<'l\tt bo:n crnpl~ In full-trmc cmrlu)mcm • .. uuJ

(bJ tor the purpo•~ or subs.-ctlnn 10(2J, the il!lary of such cmfl)Oytc for thn1 period shnll be such amouni as de1em11ned bv the f'eMion


/) .!!! h(on ~k. rcbti'anent A l'appia. lion do W\ '°' It O"'' dC l:t "' oC 'OI-


51 I l Sous rt!senc du present nruclc. diaque s,nl:i· o 1t tm,-aillam n temp• plein adhere ,,111 r4imc de rctmi1.: le prrmic:r JOUr du mni' 'uavnnl '<'In '"'"'_, en I .m"uon 3 temp> rlelll. a l'=q•hon

"' Je toutc rmoanr qui, le j<lUr Je 50ll cau« m IOo.."'tioo. a 6~ am ou plas rt qul oc p<IU1ntt OU Dr •'Olt.Jr.'iil J1ti adlelCT ks ttt>i,~ \-:llwb hie. qa'clle ;aur:ail le drool iJ':ad1dtr m .-enu de 111 prbcn1c loi m q11nnm~ 5ullis.an1e pour ol>tc• mr 2 ans de \Cr•,lcct '"'"llhln d'i<, l'Asc de 6' ~ln'-. e_(

/I) d'un pa11klp.1111 a11 Cmml) /'10115gc1k <(l ~'"cl pl~ ii I• <Lile de so11\t'Tip1io11 •u Co11n11· Nm

$l~I Un salari~. qucllt quc ... .i1 •~ uic•or•c. ·~-:ant un tmploo m111nJ1c qu'un cinplOl a IC'ln!" plcin m ndrnu.•thle au tC1!llllc dr rc:111111c aprCJ 1~ mols d'emplo1 mo1ndn: qu'1111 anrloi "' 1c.-mrs plcm .1 CODdlllOn J ' l\OA' angnc ~II mOllU )~ f"IW ~I du ma~nnurn do salns annnd• "'''ram droll ~ 1•cn<ion pour thll•nnc 1fc, dCU\ ann~~ tl\ilr­~0111~n11l•c1 l'll~r<!tflllll l lllm~dtUIClllClll ~Oil ;itlht ~1 11 11 au I e11lmc.

5()) I Ll1'5QU'un 'nlan~ cxrnpc 1111 ""'f' ful moln, d1-r qu'un cmplut ~ rrml" plcin, qucllc que <oil In ptft<><lc d'cmpl'"

"' In ii°rv''""' 'altobbtt' de ~ ~abrit po11r m•c: rtrii>dc \CTOnl redn:-.'lb •nron le r.ulll du SAbrn Ju \alJr~ un k 1o.1llll1t 11u'll ~ur.ut fJ . rrli \ii l\~11 lla•alllt Ii lrm11' rlc1n, Cl

//) llUX nn, du f'llllUl!fOphe fi1(2J , le Salrtire tJu dh salarlc 1m111 (Cll C pcrlodc ~011 e1ponclm 011 111on1.an1 ~rnbll rat le con1e1I Lie 1cttaJte quc le

llllard a> !ha! emii~ would M\C r~ bad the empl~-er bftn onpllJ)'al In fuJl.tiJru' cmplO)>~u:nL

CON I lllllll'l lOl\-S

6(J) A member shall connibute rn rhc 1wnslon 1'1111<1 ~ 1/2 )let cc11t ol the member's on 1111ul ~:ii· •r)

6(21 1\ tnnnbc•" cunmlxuions in ;tit) ~c-41 ihllll r>ol ==I Sl.tx.IO 00 phu ~ll ra am ol th<- mnn· l>cr'• peu·ic>n aalit In respect of thiu ~'Cir.

6(3J A member i• '1<11 r..qurml to ronlrtl>utc to 1hc pcttilon fund afld" th:u membo lh.'CI 11.s th< ma~nmnn J>rnSIOll under ;cctlon n but II lhc mu•imum pension 1s 1ub~m:ntly mcn:ascd ~ucli member

(11) mny elect lt> count ull or any por1lo11 of the periud duriny which 1hc member cc:isW to romrlb111e br payt1111 In reipect uf 1tr.t1 11uriod i>f \Cf\lltt ru1 :tJth)11111 cqu:il in lhc amo11111 thru the nwubcr ,.ould b.11~ h«n requital t..1 con­tr1butc h.o.;I lhr rnembo dm~ Iha! fl(rlod b«n ;a mnnbcr, r:•>:lbk In a lump .um oc- b)· •lllitilllmcru.i IO(ctha With uucesi. and

(/,) 1h:lll remmt contriblllJons Ill uccord:mre "'11h ,"Ubsccilon (I) '°rnmencing with the cff..0-11\-c dutc 111 the c1111<1mc111 m•7ea51JIA the m"~i-11111m p~mlon.

6(-tJ Au cle.::1io11 und~r pumgraph ( l)(a)

(UJ •h11!1 be ln wrlllt•~ '1!,!JlCd by the r»emhc.r whffr >1111 M. rntpfO)<C.

(bl ilulll i,., in 1bc form prcscribo:I by tile Pen-11on llo:!nf. :and

(rl 'h:tll !'<' fon.ilfdcd tu the l\ension f:lc:ml .. ,thin ,,..,he mQnth\ or 1bc effo:11"" darr Df 1l1c en11r1111011 mrrc:;urn~ the: rn11.'tlmu111 p<U•



\alw aumit r«u •'ii a•ait mmli!U a ~TDJH l'ldn.


(/(I) l.e •alunc dol1 verser clans lu rmsse de re• rrnlrc 8,5 pour cc111 de >On salair< 11111111cl.

6(21 Lo C01ili111lom du ~ dwanl l'o..t:ttic:c no: doi<fflr pas o.cCdc: I 000 S plm ill f'llar cmr de sea dtl>it• a rcmion rcbui.-en1ci11 ta al oati..:c.

00) Le p;utlcrp:int n"CSI pas obll~ <fr ~Oliscr a Iii a1.sie de "'1Illltc: Wlc foo. qu"U J M.ll<it11 la mnc: m:uunlllc cn •i:rru de r~nidr :n: routcfois, si Is rcnlc mwmale csr hanssee par lu suhi:. le paruci­r:1n1

rt} pcm .:holslr d 'lnclutc h1 1n1:1lltu 011 1111e par­t k de la perlodc t.luram lnquclk ii 11 .-.:s.1~ lie cn­tuer en, rclathemcnt ;\ ccttc 11cnodc de "'"'Ices. an m.i111unr ~ui•alant JU monram qu'U aurait <:t~ obli11e ck pa).:r •'ii ll'Jll lkihett au r~ i atlt paiode, kqud 1110CUJ1nt ser.ri1 11•101bk en 1111<: wmmc forfn'IAlrc uu crt plu­\INl'I •'13Srnldlls ••'C>: mtecu. oet

/1) doit uxl(•rnmcnw .i coriscr ronfr>rmbncm au pllrnY'!Jlhe (I) a wrnpter de la .U.1c d'cru.rec ~" "S11~nr de la h~u,,... de lo f1!111C mnKimalc.

6('1) I Ju choi' en venu ti<: l"ulini:OJ (3)al

I/} 11011 etre Lilt pilJ Cctll et •iitne rr.u k panl­cipalll nlors qu'il <$1 salMie;

b1 dan ttl? tan dam la ronnc prncruc par ~ t:01-l di: ramie:. .;

~1 dMt ii11? n:mli ,1u '°'1sOl de dans le• dout.c llli"' "'l\;1111 b dare d"cnttfr •'11 vi­au~ur Jc la tww.•c de lu rent<' 111ndmule.

f>(~I lhc pcrtod du11Jll; which 11 membtr h:\$ .,.,..,.,(J to c<>mribute under this seclinn .Jmn not crnm1 '" rcn•ionul>lc >C'nire under thh 1\ct ~I f~u lhc r>1:riod thrtt the t11cml>er luu clct1cd to pur· tht1..c under par.igrnph (ll(a).

6(6} The Cin ls author lieu l!I tlcduct I rotn the s:ll11ry pa.ill ti> u nicmber. no amounl c'1uJl 10 the cuntribu1iui1$ miuir<d 10 f)., p:tid b) • mcmber un­der 1lut ,\ct. anti 10 pay 'lllCh arnoum 1mo 1hc pen­sK>n lund .-iih1n IS 114)" :U1cr 1hc 1&51 d~> or the mooth m wbkh lilt .. -omnllmion .. .u ,.;,hm,ld from the mmibcr'l filllAn

11 I I Tm- Cit) iluall contnl><M Ill 11.., pe115i(in


fctl nit amount Uttitttl 10 the c'c.."' o l the H>tal currc111 >crvicc cos1 uf lhc pen$ion plan f6r 1hc year over the a~a1·cpmc contributions mndc by niemlx:rs for 1hll1 ytu.r;

(/I/ "Id! oddtnon.'11 llllUlDTIU 115 an: ~quired 10

\II amonlu an) unfu11Jol liab1h11 Of~ om« def.ncnc, in ~ .annual irwall­mmts O\'l'f ll p:tiod oi OOI m"re than fiftttn !l('aR L"Dimncnan; on the bta of .Lunury I, 1992 nod lhc nf the :tctWll'llll \':llualio11 winch establlshc~ 1hc 1111funtlctl hnb1lhy or experience dcrictcncy. and

(II) ' " anmrll1v 1111> soh·cncy ctcnd¢ncy in .:1111111 month ly lns1allmcnh nvtr a period or not mm" lhan n1e )C3T'i eommc11dni: 1•n the later of JnnuJr) I. 1992 Md '™'cl.ire or tilt' ACllW'ial -alu11do11 '"hlch ol<lhli>llC" the sol-1wc1 lier tcicnc) .

f(I subJ..:1 10 sub>tcUon 7fJl lhc ug;rqaie of 11Je annual comnb\Jnons by 1bc <."ny 1mdCS' 1U1t11P111'hs 1 l)(al and lb) ihall 11111 be I~ th<rn 7t·n Of the B!l!l'q;dlt or the saJancs <lf the mem­h"I> for 1h;i1 )'C"r rr<11lclcd thni ••J~h w rnribu-11011~ b} tlic Chy nrc eligible •"Onirlhutlons ua­u~r the /11~1um• 1li.1' A~I .


6(S1 ta rcnodc Junmt !aqudlt le p:ir1JOf'lilm CC$.~ de COii~ en \crttl du p~t ilr1 lclc RC" doil I'"" enc incl~ di\ns 1C$ scr~1«$ 1 ahdable1. m 1~111 dt la pr6.c111c lni, \ltuf 1111111 It c:u de la f*· 1 i<'llc de servlc~ quc k 11artki1•an1 i.Jetltle tl'achc· 1c1 c"11for111/:111tj11t h l'allnea {3)n).

6(61 La cite ~t Jutorisee :J iJcduire .tu safairt 1er.<i! ii un parlicrpMt un monttull ~jlnl aux coiisa· uons ~ee; en 1-cnu de la p<cscnic IOI er a le \'Cf·

Kr dJns la cats5C de n:lmiu: dilus lo IS joun ""' •'1m le danlcr J<'l'J du mois ou lcs CQUs;llu>lt$ on1 tk rct~ >llT k >alairc du partlcipoml.

l/J un monrnot O:!!nl a l'ext~d~nt du coOc 101111 tics service~ tic l'nnnee en cl'Htr~ t.1 11 n:.~ilnc lie m rn1Lc sur ICJi cmisnlions wcnil'5 ' 'ersees par lcs p;1r11op:mts duram ceue anrtl"C;

l;J lout mont:uu .willtionncl rcquu pour

Ill amonir 10111 1kKI car1i;aTiS.: ou mme pn1c ac1uaridfc O• •<"nemcnr:s annutls ~ \alt UM ~o& n·~iani Ph qulnn :im a campier clc Ill Ible b plus 13f'dh.., entR' k L" Jan•·tci 1992 rt l3 i.l.atr de l'~'llluatiort neiuaricllc eJnbllss:int lo pac<lf ll<>ll <'11pitali.\l' OU la petU aOtuOncllc, Cl

(ii) amorllr 111111 deficit CJ1 vcmmems men· 'llUIS ~l!HUJI "" tine perfl1dt rt'C'!t~~dam Jl:U dnq an.1 II cmnpcer de w Lfa1e la iitu> trudh,. COile k I" jon•lcr 1992 c,,l la d•~ ~ l'C\'Q lu:11ion aauaricllc erabliuant o: Jl!ficit;

r1 sous ~,..., du p-.tra~ it)), le llTOG­

lllOI fiobill des OlUSllltODS annucflcs de la ct1c

en •"Crtu des alrnb• <IJal t'I b1 11c doi1 pas cu~ mferfrw a 7 '·'t du moni:uu 1lob11l du 511fairc d., nat1itip~111s pt11U oct em:rclcc, a condition que lcs cotl•11llrllh Ile la dte \ok111 11dmissihl"' ijtl \•crw de In lo/ tl1• /'lm11ri1 ,mr /(' rvve1111:

7(!) Tht Cll) !Jlall 1>.1• the C\l'nLMbullom rc­rcrrcd to 111 t111s s.ction In tlie lunulng agent w1I hin 1hc j)Cl'iods prescribed under the Pe11sio11 1Jr11efl1s Ac·1

7<3) Any •UTPlus dt:~1o'<d by llTI llCtWITTnl '11111·

ailon of 11>c pliau , be applial '"' folio~~

(11) <lllc·h:alf or 1he •urphl> •h11ll be allo.:ntcd to the City which m11y cllher \\ilhclraw or ~flfll~ such amount lo tuture .:011irlbuilon$ In aecotLI· 0ncc witli umiUcabl~ lt:~ation; 011LJ

(DI onc-b!itr oi 1hc .urplus shall be ;illoc:ual ~ the l'cn'UOfl Board 10 it11J)(O\'C hcod"ns oc- re­duce cbc u.anbcr'> cnnuiuution. unda the pbn;

7(4) Af1c1 .dhxatlon "' •urplu• in acrord.111C'C whh rara11r.111h~ .l(a) .incl (b) h=ln. Ir the remain inc ~urplu&, II' any, u.":ccdl I he lcs~t1 or

((1) W P<"f cent ol ot:tlll1J'ial Unnllll~ or

tbl 1hc srema of 10 pct """1 of tJu- aCtllSrul rmbilitia Of IWO Ullla lb<" CWlCtll ~ice cm!.

the Board ~h.111 ta~c ,uch funhu u1:t111n as may be requirctl 1111eJ11ce or ~hmlna1c 1hc c~ccss surplitb 111 eccordonce with t h~ 11r111Hc~bl< 1novisions 11r the /J1to1111 Ill.\ A('I

l 'URO l Mili Of Sl:ll\'IC£

8( 1) A niembtt INho b«amc 11 member prior 10 Janunr) I, 1992 and did no1 bo.-ooic •member Rt the rime of commamng full-<imc cmpfoymcnr, nrny cJccJ to ~ounr a> pcnS1onable >crvice such pc· rlod of full·llmc cmploym~nl bcfon: hccoming n m.:mbet, 11pon paying 11110 the pmi.lon rum! 1h~ r11rr1rihu1lo11~ sucli tnC'ml>c:t "'ouhl llll\'C been re· qwrcd w fl~\ had the mcmbt'r b.-.:11 a member dunns tlwl period. IC>ftther wilh inieri&-

llQ) A member ,.ho b«amc 11 mdllba pnor to la.nllill'j I, 1991 anti lh1tl been cmpltl)~ ln run.

7(2} La dtt t.lolt rcmctnc lei u1tisatiam dkrilC$ danJ le p1csent urticlc au gesuor1naJIC dltlb lcs tle­lais p1cscrits en vor111 de la Loi .1111· l.:s p 1·e$/UJl01is de pension.

7(31 ro111 oudcnl rclc.< dam w~ e\':lluaJlon a•· lUdtlellA: Ju rq;imc dnit ctn- uuhst de la m~ntere illi"•.antc :

a> I» moilk <le l'~en! doll CIK a111ihuer ~ la ci1~. qui pc111 '"ii re1ilcr lo monr:lnt uu l'im­tmter nu~ cotl!iatlons ru111rcl, conformu111v111 a 111 tut up11lic11blc; cl

bJ 1'11urre mo111t de l'CXllctkm doi1 Eire uJi1i· stt pm le- romdl de reiranc pour rcha11SJ<r lcs l'rmAllOl!S OU ""'" raiuirc lo COl&j;l!IOIU d~ p.tlllcip;mu ill! ~lmc.

7\.1) line fois l'=cdcm illtrihut .::onfNtn~lllCOt lllL\ allnb~ (3)11) 1.'t bl f.i 111~se111c !Di, •i It mon· tam 1 6~lduel . le caA ~chtant. c•~d~ le 1111>1 ntfrc <le

aJ 1.0 pour CCIII du pas<if U~luruiel. cl

1>1 k phn tk\·t emR 10 pour cenl du pitSSll amaricl ei cinn lo1s le ;;oii1 des SU''tC:S de l'an'*'= "" conn.

le rnm;dl de tet.rallt cloit prcnllrc lcs mc-1um n~­,'Cl>,nirc.1 pour r~dul~ 011 ellml11er ce monmnl re­sidue! cu11l'on11cmc111 aux dl~po~ltinn• a1111fkuble1. de b1 J t1l ti<' l"imµ"t Stir It' n·1·~1111.

ACfl \1 Ut:; SEil\' ICES

8(11 Un pan.apan1 :1}'31ll 11.dbttt au r~me a•';Utt le l' 1mv1n l~l. mni> 11011 au moment o\1 ii a ~on1mco.:c •un 1:Jnplo1 11 temps plein. pcUf choi51r d'lnclnn: " hue de S('rvkc5 \'llhdnhle> ceue perimlc cl'tmpl<1I h tt:mps 11M11 precedn111 ~tltl ad­hi!.lcu1 011 regime: en vc1s11111 <Jun; l:i mis•c tic re· m1ile lcs cotis;uinn• qu'il aur.ilt tic oblige de payer ~·il 1md1 particlpe ~u rCrimt .i Cdk p~odc. ) romrril le:s imhet~

8(21 Un Jlilr1klpant '1}'1!nl D~ :in rqjme B\-:tnl k I"' jan.,cr 1W2, 3\.lnl lr:J>mllc a 1~111ps

1tmr mirlo)'mrtll r11or I<> lhc lhc tll«ml>cr w31 la•I <utplo)'CJ .111J tml 1ttc11·,·J J rc111111 111 <1111111h111lun1 ... ub '"'~' 10 illdl rnur tmplo) mcnt. ""'' cl«I l'1 COUnl II\ rornl.iona'>I< ~'"" SU•h J>CTllid OI p,;~. full-lime e1npl1"~' upon ,,.,1nr lnll• lh~ ~11\lt•n rum! the cunlrlbutu>n• \U(h mcmb•r lrntl rro.iJc llurir•ti lhru pcrlud. IU· Qcthcr .. 111o intcrc<I

11\31 \ n cmplo)'CC v.ho "'"' nnt a member. but ""' clislhfc to tx-.:0111t u 1110111->cr, un and nfrcr 131111.11) I. l'.1'1~. 11\3} clc.:1 '" counl a.1 pcn<10o .. bl• "T'lc( •m- rnfod nf foll-lrm- cmr(.))mcnl. In

IC"•> lh.all f1tll·lllllC Clllpl~lllCnl, \J<tT.ttll blULlf\ I, 199(1111111 lhc mrhcr of lhc d11tc u l lhc cumm¥ ln111 fon:c or thl' A.·1 nml !Xccmber 31, I 11112. ufk>n p:ivlns mto thc pct\\tot: lun.S Iii< C011tr1bu· hot" •urh mcmber "ould h~"- bttn trquircd 10 r•11\ had thr mcnlbc1 been :1 member dunn& thilt PC11od. rngcihc1 with 1mcrn1.

11(4) ,\ monl'<r m.y ""' • ·>uni .th) rttlad <>I cm pll))'ll,.,nl .mdn '""""'"""' 111. 1!1 ;inJ 13) uuic)• nn d~i:0<111 h nwdr In \Hllmit 10 1hc l'tll\ic111 Uo.ud by Junc 30, 11/113 1~..:irying Ute porlion ol thr ~od uf cmpl1'1)1nw1 the member detiies m .:OWJt

8fSJ Nomllt1s1:1nd11111 subscctlnn (~> n member ma} llOI ~OUOI any 1..:nod of cmploymcm under w~110n tJJ lui 31\> pcnod of emrloynm11 t.c­n•mi lanultT) I, 19\1? :>nd l>cttmhcr 31, 1!192 un-1.,.., 1he 111cmbcr hn>. on or before Dcocmhcr '31, 1992. paid imo lhe pcn•ion hmd tile ro111 ributlnm m rnpcd "' 1hJ.t pniod ol c:mplO)'mcm. loll\'fbcr 'Aith int.,,...,!.

816) l'erui<lo, of teml'"111Tl suspension of e111ploy. mcn1 dur inc "hid1 no conu ibut iuns ".:tt mnlk b) u IP<'.mbcr ma)' not Ix: counted•• ~on:?t>lc: sc:r-'"c WI) A J'C'™l" who ~c.:ome> a memhcr after the coming into fe>rce uf 1his llCl ma~ clea tu rowu .i• !'<'flsion;abk !ia''KC ;utJ reno.! of mnc mill !my scr-1<c with the Armed fMcn UJ!<lo p;oyinp into lite pcn!iion ftmd for cocb year ol active mil­llJU) ='·kc 12 per cc111 of the annu31 qlllfy being


rl"1" l\lnt Ii<: fa d:Ut Jc Cf"o,;l!IOI\ de ""' emrloa 111ectt.lc111 ti n}<llil IC\•l ttn mnho11rst'll1c111 d~ ... rn-1u.1tk•ns 'Ct~ 1cl.atl\rn1C'lll ol ~ cmploi. reut • hcu'1• d'mdutT ;a litre ok I/If."·""' "llichl-lo b ~· rl<'de Jc cct t:mrloi a icmrs pk1n pt«rdcnt "" =· •.mt Jon• la(=•• de 1c1m11e les co1isa1ions qu·n "' pa~~ dura111 <-Cllt ~riodc. ~ compns lei m-1crCt i..

II<'> Un >11larn: <1111 nc pamc•(1<111 pa~ :111 r<'gimc. m.11• )" ~tt1i1 ntlml.)•ihlc. le I" j11h\lcr 1992 <1u urn:' • ..-tic JJtc pcu1 dk>i•u d'inclurc il line lit "'n co -.ltJ.ahlC'lo 1,,u1c rn-Jc J'emrlc>o & 1nnps :-'<in. "" d'nnpl1>1 moinclrc qu'un cmplot • tcmr- plcin. ontre le I" lnnvlcr 1990 cl In dale I• plu• hdti"c cutrc lu d;uc u'cn110, en •~cur de la pn:smlc loi d k ll dtt'embrc 199!. en •'C'fs:In• dim• I!! aaillt: Jc <ttr.IUc la coluati.>n• qu"il aw1111 de otili;t de p3~ ~·u "'"311 auhcre au n!11mc dumm ceuc ll•· node. l e<111111m lei 1111ori1>.

• ;.t) l n f'·lllicip.>ni nc peut indurc unc pe.ioJc J'mtrlol en <cnu dt> p.uagmphc< ti). t1) ct {3) san; 111csc1icc1 1111 d1L'L' kril ,111 CUll.'ICil de n:lmitc d'ici le 30 jum 1'>'13 prb:isanl la f"lrtic de la ~­rk>dc d'mip!Pi qu11 dhirc lnclwe

8(S) Nonobs111111 le pnml!mrhe l4J. un particl· pane nc ~u1 mdurc unc period• d'cmploc en '""" du ~phc Ill .-on1prisc: mm: k 1•· µn"a 1992 Cl le 31 d«embre 1991, 11 mom; d'&>n1r '~ dl!ns Jn .:ai;.,~ de rclmrlt', le ) I tl~,cmbrc I 9'l2 11u

avalll ccue Wile, i... .. «• rdJUl\-0 n ccuc ~ 1k>de d'cmrloi. y cmnr1n it. mttlcn

~(Ii) us p6rlod~ de o,u1pcmlo11 lcmpurnir\' uu rour. dcsqudli:s k n'3 ~ WL;uuc eo1isluon nc pcu\cnl cur mcht'in 11 111 rc de Kr­\'t<-o •11hdablcs.

?1 II lJnc JICl'IOlllM: aoJheran1 au rigimc nrr~ l'cmrbr cn \'llllCUf •k I.I rrft<11lt' lot pC111 cho lt d'tndurt' a 1111<' d~ >t'1\ICC:S .. 1u1Ahle< l<lllle f*· rn•ole Jr ~ervic:c tnlhl.oltl" aull tlao" 1~ 1111\"\'\ nr• mecs en veJ'\n111 dam t.1 cni~,• de mrnilc. Jlllur clt:iquu anncc de '""'a! milll;ilrc. Aellr, 11 pour

ruiJ 10 the mnnba on the .b1c the mmiM d«"!s to «1ut11 •uch ~c l"l}.t-le in a lumr ium "r by il1~1allmc11h, roi;ethcr "nh 1111e11:•t.

"~I ' nx:mbn who den• lo cwnt • parod of ;,,"ti\e m1litar} ICf\ i.;e mull

fa/ nmkc Jn clt'l:th>n 111 wmm~ In Ilic """""" Bo:Ird •11hln ~ ~ or bo:orn111g a mcrnbn specl)mt the pc>n1on or 1tc rcriod l'I a;;11"' military W\lcc Ilic manba Jnam 10 cnum. .md

/bl \uhmat 10 lhc Palsion ll<>ml C\iden« or o>eti\C mrh1.v• '1<:1\1.:e 1n I rl>I r!\ of~ crtlllr;.£1c of d"<hnrgc or ~1111cmcn1 1cmn~ forth the f'C" rau<l of ~et\ kc i-Mml by the Dc1>Urlllltnl uf Vet cram AfT""'''" 01 "iKh cttJ et n Jtnl.r 'fl the J'en· ,;on u. urtl ma} rtt1u If•

NOl<MAI IU. I 11!~.l\lt:f\iT l' t:NSl01'

10(1} SUbJC.I tta .uttttttmn ll{I), ni:ry member ""° re...:"'°" nonn~I rctironcnl date •hall rctuc ~lld b cnlltkd 10 • 11e1rmal n.1trcnlt'nl pcn"1<111 ,

IUl!l The •mouni ol 1n •unwaJ pm•la11 to .,hicli ~ memi..t "''" l>c:••11ne cndrloo under !ht• \ecuon '' dll amoun1 •"!Ua.I 10 2 pi:r ccnl of "'cruge ~31ury 111 rc$J'ltLI 11f ~nch y,:ar 111•lunublc ~er \'KC..

I ll()) A pn!>JOD under lhn >«trOI> ,. l'il\':lbk IO

~ mcn11>c1 lua hie an equ~I mt•nthl> lnstJlmmh •ommcnong ''" 1hc llr<>t dn> ,,r 1hc month tollow· •n& tftc l()Ql "' ti~ 'll• nbcl '• 1ctirc:1 mu

11 \ member mu\ clat In n:11rc :tntl N:«!hi: an c::irl) f'Ctirmlcnl pawon 1<1 b< cakW..tC'd Ill rite mannn pro.:11bcd 1n Sllbtcc1""' I01::?11! the mcm· btt

(al has .11 IC'J~L IO \<Jn. rcniion~hle .crvicc, and

CCIII de ...:•u ~ire annud i !2 date oil dlt cllObll d'111durt <0c» lt'fva= •~.ables. toll '"' un moo­ll1llt rorrnu~irc. son JlJlt ver-emcnl\, y compri\ le> imttEI\.

91::1 lh1 J'Ult'1lWll .iw choi;:t tl'indun: unc re· rat>l!c .le -'"'-.i;c miliuurc aaif tluat

o I ' 111111 fiCJ )QQ dlDtx par cent ilU ,·~m>etl 11< rclra.Uc dim ks dau :ln• ..,;,3Jll <o" adl.e.loo au rerlme. tn pteusatu qudk panic: de .cue [lttlotlc de .cn'la mthuaan: acuf ti dCSlfr m· \:lure: ct

hJ l'fbe:>la au cuma1 Jc tdtallC unr JlfCU•c de >Ct\1Cc miJtwn: ii<lff, wJt 1111 •<'hfK~ Jc' \Ct~ICC OU UR< dr:d~r.uiDn uufo1u.in1 '·' pCTlt>dc tlt sct\ICC tmi~ pnr le minl\~n: Jc.. \ndcn\ comb .. m111l5 ou tout< auue prcu\-c ""iacc ,,.., le

>G>c•I d~ mrairc.


11)\11 '><•11> rcstrvc du p~rn,ml'hc 31(11, ch10<1uc: p.1rt101'.tnl aucm1 I' .iE'C de: n:tr.lllc normlllc: d,•h prrndrc w m111th.- ct <$1 ~dmh•1bk a unc rc111c clc mrnltc nornrnle.

IO!l) Le murmml tic ht 1<111<' <1nnucllc ii l.1<1uell: wi p;ntidp;iut pcut tl""1llt ndmt•<lbk en "'"II du pr..cnt arudc est epl •• 2 pout .:cm du ~ moyen rclnlivcmcnr .l daaquc anncc de \crvacr< ,.,.. lid~blci.

111(3) IW..\ tcrmc. du prt:icnl rtick llilC 1"1\tc '••gen: C$1 p;i~-;Wk 11u pilrltcipant en prctt.llaon\ mcnsucllcs /:ilulc:. A .:omrttt .111 pn:ntl(I jl\ur du naoi• •Ui>'llnl le nu>•> de La rcm1J1t du flUll<11'0nt

11 Lin p;rructpaot pcul chosm J~ p1t11d1c: w re· t~1tc d ik tCCC'\'OIT U™" rentc nnticipt~ c.askultt ...,Jon l.t m:imctte indlqucit IU p:l~ llG)

a/ sl k panidpgm a .m moin• Ill :an• Jc .er. 'ia> ~dat.lo, cr

(h) &h.; IOtal years or pcruro<1•bk ..,,..-icr and ~ ol the member = equal to Of iircar..-1han 8S, or

(~} bclns .1n m1rlo)i:c- or the t'Oria: or Frrc Depamncnu h.Mng 3(1 \c:ll\ or pensionable ~mh:c rn lhnl Deµanm~11 Clf "'hklr n mini· 1110111 ot JO )'cnn pt:rt~if>n~blc se"lcc nccurrcd on OJ before Jmiuury J, 197~, L"

1d1 being a rc111 nlc employee hos nu11incd che age ot ~S ~nrs und wos ad mm cd co c he plan establr~hcll by 1he prC'¥10"" /\cl 11nc>r to April 16, 1!170 .

.\CTI :\Rf.t,l.U R.EDIJCUl Pl- 1' ION

la/ "'ho K not di190lc 1(1 t«enc" pc:mion un­dn- ~•oni 10 or II,

(fl} luis !WO Or mcm' years or full·limc :mp!oy mem, ond

(c) j~ wichln ten years or 11nrm·1l retircmenr dnce, 111

(ti} i< mu wichln 1en y(llrs or ruHrnal n:rin:· mem dwc 11rttl i• n:rired on inc nl'th:r nf che Cou.ncil.

may mire :ind rt:C'CJ\'t an aawrrtally miuctd 9(11 ·


12(2) The amount of an rurn1J;tf JlCIUlOD la .. iridi o1 inembcr nuiy btt"omc am1ltd uod..- tbi­•«tloa u Che peru;o~ !2l0£1~ced umlrf 1ub=tion IOC) talnccJ b\• 5 ~r crn1 foi ud1 )'CIU cir lhc diffetttM:c bct "'ttll lhc mcmb<T'• nurmal reriJ?. menr dnlC, ur tbc cnr~ dlllc .U whkh tlie mem. bcr could l1nvc rcrncd had rhc member ~onlinuc-d 10 be an cmplo~e. and the tlnrc or rhe membcr·s actunl J4.'lln .. •111cnt


b1 ~ b SOllllm: do ldln= dt sen,..~ '"Ilda· h~ d de J"ii¢ Ju ratl"11"1Dl"" ti;ak <111 .u­rctia= a 65, OU

rl ~i le partkipoini c.i un s:ilat le du ~'ICC t.k roll«:: ou du iel'\'KC d"inU'l\dic comp1w11 JO am tk -<rvlo:s •nlitlable-., Llont au moin~ Ill nru .Ir >i:r"lcrs vaUtlablC'I le I" jntrviet 1974 ou J\Jnl

celle date, o u

di si le parnc11111111 esr u11e rcn1111c bJ lnnee J}'<llll .urc1nt 1'4~c de SS ans er ~yanr adMrt .u1 n'.111mc de mraitc ~rnhll pur !.'l lol prc!Xllcnt< "'"Ill le 16 :ivrll 1970.

a> qm n'cst P"" <1drmssible a unt muc m \'<Ttll des amcles IO ou II

b/ qui comp1c dcu• mu de .en m: ~ ll'lllP> rlcin OU pl~, et

<') qui dcvrnh prc111.ltc sn reLraltc n1.1rrn11k Llnru til t\ an!'.1 ou

d) qui n'esr plU u di~ nn• tie >'li I.hue Lie rctmlle rtPrmnle ct a pris sa retmitc irur J'ordrc Liu Cun­.di.

pcu1 prendn,, s;i mrauc ct: n:tt'<'Olr unt rcmc tt· d11i1c.

12.(2> L: montmtt de I;, ll:lllt .:.nnnrllc :wqucl L: palllap:uu el i\dmi.,rblc en •n1v du ~I ~t­uclc corrapc>nd a lu l'Cll•c alculee oonrmrncmclll •u 1>411lgr.iphe 10l2l cl rtduirc dc 5 pour Cl'nf pour t1111qlU'. annec de diH~rcncc crure la &!Jlrctlc mrnile normnle Ju pnrtidp:1111 ct w plus ball,.., enue l.i thuc ~ laquellc le t):U ticirJnl nnntit ru prcndr~ s:a rermll• s'i l uvau con1i1111c i• tmvaillcr er 111 <lnrc de rcm111e reelle.

IJlll 1\ nmnbct nlll) ck"Cl 111 tt<:rive ~n mlJLhlcd p<:11niu11 d11rf111.t the memli(t'\ llretimc 1111<1 1 he ~O lllC r,e11slo11 llll'f'CaflCI 1'111 the llfelime 01' lhl' llletttl>e1'<; \lllYlving <;pOU.St In Jku nr 8 rrcn~ti111 to whkh the member or 1hc membe'r'> surviving ·rouse mlJ} """11111e on1itf.,d uodet A't

1.312 E•'CQ c!tl."llon undct •ubJ«UOlt (I)

'"' .ibJJU Ix m .. citing And "gned by rbc mem­ber rmor to the dntc the memw nxtl\"Q "' bt· 'ome. enrnktl to recehc u pi:n'<lon under this /\cl,

(ii) shall be In 1hc form prc.1crlbed t>y 1hc Pcn­'1<111 ilo;rnl, nnd

rel is lfTr\<lUbk :iftn the! dale rh.aJ ~vmnm of the retluccd J)eRS!Oll h.1•~ c:ummma:d

IJ(3) Th" amounl or 3Jl ~d1ut«:d pct1•ioo under '"" ~,IOTI dmll be Ille- Ui."1.Ufllll eqimaltnl lilht.: 11r tilt pension to which lhc member is ~tlrlcd atl­culntctl wln11 nn11ui1y f90on thnt do 1101 dHfel'CJ1-1lmc by'~·'·

l.l(J) Upnn the ll~atb of dtllef 11 member, who ha.• dcctcd urukr this i«tlon, or the membct"s ~'°use bcf111c the rcclu~ pc:ruion b«omn 1'3)11-l>k. th<' dm1oa nude by tiu. n1<11t~ IS dtcmcd 10 be r..-ok::d. ~ncl the Pl'0\1SIOni of tlm Ad i.liall Qf}­

ply t<> the mcmbtr ar the 1nembo-'s suTVl'ing \JlQU3C in 1 ht Slllllc mm:ncr ;u 11 such cl«tlnn ti..d not been mttd~

IJ I\ member hnvmg ten 01 more ~en" uf pw­'ion3hfc ..c1 \ it..e

IOI who ho• rcacbed the qi: of fiilr )UIS.

fh) ..rho " ""' •li!:lbk 10 rccehe a pctl•mn wi­der :.tt1 i"n Ill 01 LI •• 111,1


l3( I j Un partktrinm pcul ,ho,.1r, rrour h1i d 'on conJainl >11r\li\11tUl, Jc 1e<.-.:volr u11c remc '"'llt!rc lt!V:dt11 l~ee 3U lieu Jc In rente ,i lnquellc lh 111i u1-rnlen1 111J111mibles nu~ l•nne.' d~ In 11rfr. ""11!C lui.

11/ dail ~re P<C'CUJI.' mu cl ~""c p;ir le pmndpant annt '" date nu t"duk:i ~Ir ou a le clroit de ~011 une n:ntc en \Crtu de la 11rc· scntc Loi,

/1) doit '11n· rrhcme tlnu\ lu forme prc~cri1c pur le conr.cil tie rcu-altc. e1

t:J ttl irrc•oaiblr npn\s le lkbul do """iL'<" de la rmtc rtcbme.

13(~) Le OIOOIMOI de la rcruc fr-'110nitt en \'CtlO

du rm!omt nnick co~porul :i lo <.1lc11r de l'tquf­•·d~m nnuancl de la m11c ii luqudle le ~nk1pn11t " drnil, <:akul~c 11u moyen d~ fnc1cur. ne fni\11111 1111c1111c dlslinc1lo11 fo11tlec ~11r le'"'" 13fJ) SI le pattlclp;mt a).tnl r~lt un ch1.1l~ en •'Cttu du pr=t 1utkle nu •on con1ruru di!:cttl.:111 n~nt quc la rcntc rblultt ~ tfC\>ennc p8)'1hlc. le cho1t du p:m1t1~1 al repute 11.'\llQuc, ct ~ du· Poc111wtu de la ,,,.,..,nu: IOI s'Aprllqucn1 "" NU•>­c:ipant OQ '311 COlljo!Jn .uninnt de b mime ma· ni~ quc si C\' chul• n'a-ail 1"11 ti~ fnit

IU-:NTF. ,\ I.A SUITE lll!. L'A IJOJ.TTIO l>'UN POST !':

I~ Un f13rti.:1pnnt comp1nn1 tlh nns au pluc de >L'hl<ti r.ilidliblet

bJ qui n'C\I J'3l iadinNibk' i unc 1cntc ''° <cttu de> anlclo Ill ct 11, <1

((') whose empluymcm I~ 1erm1111111:d by 1ea­ uC aboluwn uf 1llc member' position b~ 1hr Council

i> cntitlcl 10 RttJ't an lmmetfilllc pension t:Jiku­httcJ In .i~ordBnL'l: 11 uh \11bse..1.lun 10(2J

11ISAJll1.ffi' l'l-:NSI ON

lst 11 Subjt,;1 to tli•• 1\ct. " m<tnbct whO h.!' uot rcactiro rtumnco1 llfc :ind ,;:ascs 10 be an cm­plO}tt b) reason 111 llavmg become 1omlly and J><:• mencnlly d1Anblou, 1s c11111Jed 1\> 1cce1vc n11 on­nunl (lisabllhy 11e11~tun for llfe CTllrolntcd In lhc m11nnL'T Kl l•irlh 111 wlr..ttllon 10(2).

l~ZI In c-.ckubun, thr ji...mfit) rmsio" undn "1bocc1ion 111. pc11• lt1nablt' \CrTJL-c shall Include the number ur )'t'an from rhc tbrc of the dl5nbllily ul the m~mbcr to tbr nouuul rellrcmcnt dolt of •11ch mcmbrr, cxcepl tb<il 1he nggtt~nh: of such pcns1unablt icmcc 'liall n111 exceed 30 )"Cat'.

ISO) I\ d1;;ibdity pension undct lhu ~•Oil >hall not e ... ttd the grc:nei- nf

(u) lhc ''ear's Mtuimum l'eJJsiC111Bbk enrn· Ines for 1hc ~c"r in which the former member's Jhal:>il11~ pemfon ~omm- to be Jlllid, .iJ

(bl ~ pct crnt of the "'-mti;e ~ ol 11Je former mtmber mullipliod by the 9Clull1 num­ber ot )-tars or pensionable service of such former member lu the dale of Ilic disab1lhy:

16( l l No dHnbilit> ~0t1 JltalJ bt. p.lid un~, th< Pen.inn lkurd

(uf hu ~<i:d Jll applianion for a <fual'>tllly pen5lon ,,111ned by tlie 111t!1nber tn n fon11 rire­~cribctl bv the BOllJ'd,

1bl h1u rcxi,aJ :i wnnen •1'rtil1C>t1on from a nietfic:aJ docwr, "'"°is llC'enl<:d tn pmctltC Ult• dCT the ru ... or l'il:I" Brun• .. id: OJ of lhc pllll:c \\here the mcmhcr re$idl:';, thn1 the member i's tnrnlly a111I pcrrnu11cn1ly tlt~abkd, und


c) donl l'c111plo1 a rrl• fm en nu.son •k l'nh(l liriun Jc son £i0Rc par le 0>

a le- droll de m:c-·ou une r11ntt 1mm•'tliate ..;ikul« ctinform~menl ;ut rmrauniphe 10(~).

RF1'TE 0 '1'\'A l.Tflrft

150 I Sous rcftt\l' th: I• prCsmtt loL WI .,amct· pant n'itraru r•s l'igc de la retnute e1 <t'S$llllt d'c· Ire 11n .alluw en raison d'nne lnvahd11c pcnna· ncme tohlle a le droit Jc 1 ~cevoir une re11t< vtuger( d'imalidilt iltlnuclle c;1 lcuJce ronrorrn~mcnt .1u pnl':l!J1lphc 111(11.

ISr;!) O~n< 11: c:alnsl Ile b m!IC d~mnl1Jlti:- m '-cnu Ju 111, lcs JcrHce> "lllitlablo compnmncm Jc nombrc d'onneell cnln- Jn 1fntc de l'mvalldi1t et Jn llutc de rc1rai tc r1or111nle ch.1 parti· cip:int, ~ conditinn quc ll1 somme de ces scrvic~ \a.lldablcs n'Ctttdc P3l JO nm..

1513) f:n •al.ti Ju prC:scnr amclc, um rentc d'm· ,;ilidile n'o.ccde flllS le 11lt1< dC'\~ en1re

tJ) le maxl111um de• gains nnnuel:. mivmnt c.troir • peinloo pour l'anlltt u1i Ir se1'•kc de lll reme d"in,-aliJllC .i ti&!~. 011

bJ :'. pour ~ du awrc mo•~ de r a.nciei• paTllclpant ntulliplie p11r le nombrc •~•I d'an­nces de services validablcs du pnnicrpam a lt1 date de l'invalidhc.

16( II I\~ f"Clllc d'11n.iJUhtc n·~ l'il);oblr i n <>ins quc le con1oC1l de lt'.tnlite

a) n'ait 1"'11 unc dem.u1uc tlr ien1c d'in1!3ll t.lit~ \IQnec pnr k panlclpanl Anlvanl hi fornic >1res.:rl1c par I~ eonscll cl~ rumite,

bl n'Ait ~· u11e n1tc>1J11io11 c.:•11~ J'un 11\Cde­Dn, 1) ... 1 It droll d'oa= en ""nu da lc>ts du hOU\'C3u-Brun•"'l(;l; ou du bcu ou ii r«1dc. ecr· 1ifinnt que le t>nrtic1pa111 csr lmpJ?I' d'111v~lidne pennnnc11tc 1ornlc, e1

Ir/ ;, •011.r..,d 1h111 1h~ member '' 1<>1~lh .111J r<•m3n(ntl) Ji...,likd v.i1hin lh( rnr.111lni: of lhli "',

I t.f~ I \\ hctt. due 10 A d1sabil11 y. a mcmbct Is un­:allle 10 .-,1rnri. "'di p;aragnirh 1NI uat. 11tc I~ '""' Board mJ• c1lhc1 JC".1~natt a pcrwn 10 m;ikc ch< npph~.1tmn on l>chntf ol the mo:mlxr or muy "'"''' chc 1cqu1remcn1 "'Jn "l'rhc:idon

1711> In ll:tcrmiruns ••lmlm 1 pu<e11 '" •• coolmlie\ IC1 be. IOI.Ill) and rcnrw1anl• tlHahlcd, I~ ~' 'o:- 11. oanl Ill.I)

/lli rcu11n ph}~tct.111• and 011Kr ron,1~1Bn1• to ''"i<t them in mnkin@ lhnl dc1crmi11n1ion, and

ti>) r<QUllT il tDCP!t><f Qt fmmcr Olmtbcr ID be cWllmal IT) on: at 1t101T rh>S>OAnS and 01hrt uinwllanl• aPJklutl<d i,, lhon. ocq>1 lh:u 1r the ca..c 111 J former mcmt>.:r, 'u~h cwmtna111111 \ lmll nm he required mmc frc.1ucml1 1h1111 on<e In cud• 1-cur. -..lllulul 1hc '"""'"' llf 111<' lom~1 mcmoo

111:1 The plrftic"''" mil ollin .. -oasul1'lllls •ho hu•c cond~lcd CUllWtlJJJOlll undlO' p!1r.W2J'h I 7(11lb1 •hall ~ubm11 wrinm rq>arts ol thctr find 111~s 10 the Pension lloard.

171 )) t\ member " 10 be 11.11alh and ptt• n1.1ncJUJ) d1\.lhlcd under tbi> \a if th<: mcmbti b In ICCcipl of• di\:abili1, p<'thJOn undtt !Ix C~ Ptt1\lon Pi;m

1811) ll ti member or lormtr mc..,ber fail• wilhlJI 60 d~ys uflc1· o request lo submit 10 an e\·

nminauon under pt1.ra11r.ipb 17(1llbl, 1hc dlsabih1) pcm.ion paid or par;tblc 10 <uch member <lull ti« ,U'lj1("nd~ umil 5uch llmc iu the mmil>et submit• 10 a meJ1c:il .,,. 01h'C1" CQm11 .&1mn..

18(2) /\ r<1rmcr member Ill tt..cipl nl n d1sat11l1t) ~115!011 \hhll ~'tlpply 'l•th inf\JrmarJon ,1.\ lhe Pl:n 'Inn BMrd 1~quln:• 111 1hc for111 uf n •olemn dl!c­l:uullon "' u1hcn-il.e and uplUI nay f11.1huc lo sup pl) ..udJ nlonn;11aon tbe B< :ird rrr.J• Jjrra lh.11

.-J 11c , .. 11 cm1vni11c11 quc 11· r1ur1i~l11n111 e~1 rmrr<! J'ln•ahduc 11c1mu11c111< tollllc .1u ~•m Jc la rr<v111c lo

lllCJ l..onqu'un pilftlOJ1lllll oi 1nc.,pabk. en rai­son d"unc in•~hduc. de "' c011fon11er 11 l'ahnea If>( Iµ), le •"lltisctl de mnli1c 11CUI des1sncr unc pcnnnne pour r16.ent<1 la demnndc co '"" 1100) ou rcul ""'"""'' d ctlQer uno <lcmnndc.

171I1 P<wr dnamrncr .51 anr l'Cf"8lllC est, oo conUIWL' d"Ctn.. f~ d"m~l!Juc pcmwicuu-

11.1U11c. le .:oo"'il Jt mr•itc pcw1

u/ rain: arnct a dc:o 111.!dccm• ou :I u·autrc. cnn~illcrs qui ra1d.ron1 h effcc1uer cc11c C-·~· luauoa. c1

bl dcm:landct a 1111 ;wtlciranr ,,.. a un :mcim pan a: q iam de sc f:un: CllilUl n1er p;ir un ou plu· .;cun ~'"ct J"autns coru.cdkn nomme" ccm<i, ,;i.uf da1u. le ca• J"un an.:ien pant· cir.1111, qui 11r peut ~Ire tcnu Llr 1ub•r pt111 d"un C\4rn<.ll f'llf nnner COnlTC <.oJ1 llfC.

1711) ct lW1rCi C<>n>oJlrn Ol)";Ull d imw ua ~ m •mu de l"altnca l70lbJ dOe· •-.:m pnscnlcr les n:sullAu au conseil Jc rcmn1c dan, uo rapport ccnr .

17(31 Un rarucipan1 ~1 rq1111c 112111'<' d'im·· Jj1~ l'CJlilAllClllC IOlalc en \'"CttU <le la f'ltietllc k>1 ' ' wu.d1e uoc mllc d'hmallditc en •mu d11 Rt· ~ .... t!r ""~ "" c: "-"'· I Ht I J Si un p.1rtic1p.1111 ou un ;irk:1t.n J\.'\: I h.::tplnt nc subu pas d"r'Ulmcn tn 1-enu de l':ihnc:1 17( llhJ dan• lei 60 Jnurs <ul\anr sa drmandc. hi rcmr d'i1,,·abdJtt f"l)tt 0t1 1•ar~ n1 •u~duc ju< Clll"• CT qu'1I ~ WI c:umm m<dle".tl "" UQ

aulr ·"PC d 'n21m'11.

111121 lln .... "'" p;lt11<1p:1n1 11111 t"C\"Oll 1111<" ICtllc d'in•uhdil~ don rournir l'mfllrm.uicm <111c le con · sell de rc1mhc cxlgc dan< unc d~lara11on wlcn• ocllc llU amrc do.-umcnt ct, advcnanl h>ul dH:nu lk fourrur ,·cue mfot m~tiOll. k "'~' de tctr.111c

1he disal>illl> rm:<io11 pay.i:blc to 111.u form...- mct11· ba !)., ~u~perukd UllilI the lnfonrmUon ~ "im:nidcd

HI A mmibcf" 11 not enmlcd 10 n d15llbil11y pen· won ii the member t> cl1giblc for u 1..:n•il>n urulcr sections 10 nr II nn 111< date of bc.:qmlng totally and pcmmnrntl)· dlsahlcd.

20 A dhubill1y pcniitm sh~ll c1:i1>c l'lll the date nl which 1hc$ublcd person cctt~c\ l(l be 1orally ancl pcrm.111c11il) dhuhlcd.

2 l l 11 Wl1crc a person ceascs to be: totally and pennancllll) lf1111bted under .sc:etkin W Uta! per$0n shall ~ cnlnlcd 10 a pensum upon =thing tile G!rlil:M rcurcmcnl 2gc wukT JC'Ctlon II alculatcd rn the miUlllCr kl forth TO subsection 10(2).

?lt!) Where 1 l'<fSOll oea.a 1u ~ h>i:illy and f1C11JlllllCIUI) dlUblccl by muon nl hcin.i; nHm­

rlored I>)- &he Cit>· and s11bqq11cnlly t>«onus c:n 1itkd 10 " renwon urultt ~im1 Ill <11 u, 1hc pe­riod Llurl1111 "'bkh lhal person w:u ll1 rt!t'clpt of a tlisnbility J'l('ll!iOM sh311 counl u• f!rn•il'.lnablc ser , ice.

SUIWIVOH um11m"l1'S

12 Upon the tlauh of 3 rnrn1bcr whu has less &luin 2 ).:.Ir. or continuous cmplO)'m"1lt. the .Xln•

tribution' of ,uch monbc.-r 1o~hcr "ith cn:dircd lru.etc.1 .hall be: paid tQ the: suni>dn1 ~pouo;c of tlK member, or If th= is no uuvlvln1 tpallSC, lO 1bc mmrlk."1'• Jdl,rn3tcd balcficmry, or \f lb= .is no ~eel bcncflcinry, 10 tltt mmtbtt•a t>IJUc.

23( II l:f'C'n the dca1b or a member who b3S more th'1n l ~n o( conrlnuou• employment, the ~UJ'\'tvlng Sf'OUM: or &hat mmibct .. i:n1i1led In "" annual pcrul1111 "'l"al LO 60 per ccm of 1h• anmml f"'tl~ion 1ha1 would !"""' been payable to the mem­ber hall th~ rnemhcr been en1l1 lcd 111 u nnrmal re Liremcnl pt11~h~11 fll !he tlml: or !ILUI inernbcr'• death .

23(2) Upon 1hc deatb oi ~ rormcr member who WllS in rc~ctnl o( ;iny pemion under Ibis ,\!:\, C\'.-


pcu.r ordonncr quc l.t ~ntc d· pa•-:ibk soil lLISpmduc 11D<1u•a 111 pr...,,u.ttion dr l"infM m1tion~.

!'I Un pamapam n·a pas le dmi1de1oud11:1 11JK rcn1c d'imaliditc ~·11 est adm.ltSiblt b unc rmte en "'"" JC> articl"' 10 C1 II il tu date ou i1 dt'l IClll r111r11e c1·in"a:lidi1~ pc:rmunc;1~ 1.01ulc.

211 l.c service I.le ht rcnlc d'invnlidit~ prtnd nn ~ 111 l111Lc oil le rnrtl¢lpn111 cc.~~c i.l'eue t'ra11pc u'in· v;ttltlhc pcmmncntc 101nlt.

21( LI Lorsqu'unc pcrsonnc C<!SSe d'tltrc frnpre;, d•in\':lhdh<o pemnmeme 1otak 01 ''ertll de l'anlclc 20. cllc dc\'1ef1L ndmmiblc i unc runic cakul& t0nfountmcnt au paraglWPhc 10(2) A l.i .WC de re rrutc: la plU$ lmnoc en >mu dc l'anidc II .

11\ll !Arsqu'unc l>CIWl\OC = d'Cuc: (rapptt .S'ln•ahdirt pcrmancnlc tOOtlt~ rali.r:in ck'°" t<'· 1w1oiu1r.1•'8il pour la Ole Cl qu'ellc dak'nt J1at 13 sulle atlmissiblc 11 une muc en \ICl'IU .tr !'ankle 10 nu 11, ht pCriode dumnt lnquclle IJliliic pc1'°111tc 11 1c-;u wlc rcntc d'iJwali~ilc foil rartie des servlc"'~ vnhllnbles.


l? Au dfr~ tl'11n 11antdpam a)~l rnoin• dt 2 ""' d'cmrloi cominu . .1e> .:01i.aJio11i e1 b 1n1trm cumula .crom (lll>~ au conjoint survhanl 1111, •'ii n'J a pas decon1oin1 ~lll'\1\":1111. :ru b~nff•:fain: de­~e on. s~d n•y a PA• de brnnu:iairr ~. i IA ~ d11 p.ltlidpanL

D(ll An d<ces d'un p1mapam. ;zy;mi plu; .!.: 2 llll• tl'cmp!Ol continu, le ronjom1 Sllf\·wan1 de tc· lul·d c:>1 o:dmiSSlblc a unc rcn1e aonudk c-gnt.. a 60 pum ~nl de la rcme annuelle qui numh tlt puyuhlt! 11 le parikfpnnt avull cte udm1ssfblc .i Un( 1cnlc de rctmlrc nr.>ruwl~ A 1un dece•.

23{2J Au <kces d'un 1mdc11 panicirunt qul rcc•­•«it unc n:ntc en •cttu <le ht pr=llte lot, ol l' e'lttp-

""?I ar. a.ljw1al pcn>lon ~ tC<.l.lon n. tllt ""'" l.'Jt •rouu ar the fonnn ml'.:l'.lbtr u cnulal ID .i:i llnnsul rcmion tq1Dl 10 Nl rr: w11 o( lb( ~ l'Cft'Ull1 of ....:ts rorfll<'t mcml>a

!3 31 Up<>n lti.. dn•h of 11 member "hilc nn plO)N. :.; a t<-.uh of att1den1 :irtt1ni out or or 1n the cou1>c or tha1 mnnbcr's cmplll\'mcnt. 1he •ur­,;vm5 sp<.•usc ol tlm1 mcmhcr i• cn111led, subJ«:I 10 secti<>n 26, 111 un annunl f'Cn~ton equal to 60 per cent .1r 1hc -.Jlnry of such member ~• the date ol 1he meml;i<:r' de:ith

!3(.ZJ Not•11lmanding a11} e>1hc1 rrll'\i<ions of thn A.:t, a •ur•l\mJ •pou.11e ol • foimcr mtmbcr is no1 <"llrtlnl IO a pension II the JUJ•r•ln~ •rum<' b«amc a wauw: .U1cr th< fonnn mc:mbct com RKW:ed tn.-n"n" o pauion.

?.4{11 \\ h""'. pul"'U:tnl 10 Kll•Oft ~l, tbc ''""'' mg •!'Oii~ t>f > mo:mb.:t or fonncr mcml'Cf ,. m tirled to ;a s11n,.1n1 ~1e·s pnuk>n. JQ)'lllcnl ol t!MJ rcn•1on •-C'1>C> o n the •k~th ur •uch •pc>U'IC

?4(2l Whcr~ a member '" ror111c1 member men 1io11ed In •t1b'~~1lon~ 2l(I) 1>1 (3) dies wilhu111 lcaviu" o \UI \11ving. spousC" nr \vlu.He o ~urv1vi11p: spo~··~ 1>cn•ion ce;t«S l""•uu111 tu subscc11on rn • .i chllu'i rcrmon. equal ro thr ~urvi"nJ Sp0u~·1 J'ICRilon lh3r was ti.:111~ 11ard or could ha•-r been r3td under .C.:liCIO ?3, '' to ~ paid ro me ilq>cod.:01 d1ild ol the mnnhcr nr rouncr mmrt-cr, or If 1hrrt n m<>R' tlum C111< child, ro 1l'IC i1q)cru!cnt , hdit,.,n in eqll.\I \ltatn. for 11!< rcti1>J ~runi 11111hc ftnl d.l) ot ll'IC month folll>'Aml the d.:iy or'"" '1c:11h ..,r the member, fort11"t rmrn · ~ or •ruuw:. 1u Ille ClllC llQ\ ~. •nil tnJlni on rhe = lict ol

1u1 lk.:c1nh~ JI of the c:ilentlcr vcur 111 which th~ dc1xnckn1 'hild n11mn< I H )tnrs ot nsc. 01

thJ lht <Iii ) or de:uh "' th• dcrentknl chlltl

H (l 1 Where a clltl.J'~ rcn•i••ll I• p.1yabk umkr wt-..e..110!1 t~I. h 1> lube (Wd Ill t!K I'<"''°" ha\ll!J

11on d'UGI:" rcnlc m ~lurn&: mnforrnbticnt 11 l'lll·

rod.- 11• k '""''''""' \unh·ollll cit «lui-a 01 admh..\lbk .i WJC remr annlll.'llc <r.11<- A "11 "'"'' <rnt de la rcnu 1umucll• Jr 1·imaa. pat11cirru11.

!JOJ 1 Of'W!U'un ~1 llciJ1;L11l salanc: d..C.:d(. en '·""'" d"un a.:c1Llcn1 \Ul\tnu dans tr cadre <>U hn"' du e:tdre de i;on cmrfot, son conjo111t Sllf\ l\tllll ot .1dm1s.1blc. sou, rc,cC\c de l'aruclc ?6, II unc rcnic .u111uclle ~gale II (.0 pour cent du salnlre du pnrll· cl11an1 j la dare de •nn dccc\\.

23(41 1'onolntan1 mute llll1l"C cllif!O\Ulon Jr I• ptMltc loi, Ir c.onJ01n1 \uoir.1nt d'un anacn par­tlcit'Gnt n·oi pa> allmiuibk ;i 1mC ""''' ,·,1 ot de· .. nu Ir c:ooJoinl d.i rertlcipam aplft Q<tt crluk:i a commcnci a tf:«\OU unc ~e

H ( ) i.or-quc. ta •crtu ck l"anldc :..!. le COG·

•In! ;um,am du ,,.VUCJP8.lll OQ ck l'.mcten i"l'· t :i....,U t"'I "'1mi»ll>lt ;i unr rmt.c de C<WIJOint !\IU"•

•t\JRI, le >CIHCC: Jc «!IC rent~ prmd fin ~u tlCc"5 JuJ11 .:onjoont.

24(21 lcil"'quc le rm11c111ant 1lu l'anctcn ranko­panr vi"' aux 11aru~ruphes ll(I) ou (31 tlhrdcm 'Inn~ loi.sser de couh>hU \t1t\'i\'3nt nu qur la r(ntc lJU <Olljtlllll ~UIVl'JIU f'l'CRd ftn en \·cnu du pdfw ar:11ihc I I l. unc mnc rour c:nram. rgalc 11 la rcrue de COTIJ~llnt \Uf\ l\UOt CJUI CU11i \ustt PU QUI 11ur.ut

r•1 J'i1rt C1l >etlll de l'amcfc ::!J, ~.>CT\ IC ii l'en­l>nl A ch.lrcc du l"'rhcipolll "" ck l':urdrn rartJ­<•r•m1, ou. i'1l > a plus .J'un cof.m1. •un co(.anu • tlu\f!C tn p.uts tplo, rour la reriodc ~ k r1m11cr jour tlu 111oi• JUrr.II11 It" ~ du p;m>­Cll"'l•I, ut l'andm p.itti.:1;>.inl o.u du <onjuiiu, .,,_ Ion It CIU. ct K tcrmin.rnt • b plus lclu~ •le\ <blei '\Ul\i.101~ :

a1 le 31 de«mhh: tk l'annce CJ•rle duram ~,. <111dlc l'cnl"nnt (I d1ntgc atteonl l':igc de IK uu,., (>II

/Ji le jouT du i.l~c~s 1k l'cnfo111 •l drnrae.

1.Z(l) Lorsqu'une rt'nlc pnur cnr11111 "'' puyul>le rll "'f1U Ju pamprurhe (2), eilC doh e1tt \Cntt S

cu't<kly and conl!ul uf the child. and where there i> no such l'Cf'OD, It 11 to he patd '" Ille chiltl hlm­~u or U> ~uch °'~ ~ a. 11ic ~~ion s ..... 11 J·mct\

24141 \\'here th~c is no rimon to 11.llom a pct1-\icm cs pa•~ble, the Pe1i.iun IJoord ncov !'niot coo dcpend;im or the m=ba or former member 3 po:ntion m ;an ;unoum nm c=lmg tht amount (lf the: ~ur.1>1DJ; •p<>llic:> IlCllSiOn th.II ,.,.. bci~ p.i"1 oc '""W hu•c bttn fQW panuiant 10 ,utt.c<-­"""' .:::IC 11 ar 01 l<'f ..uch f'C'iod of tmtc "' the l'c11>1nn lloard d11ttl\ bm nm aCcL'<ling a period ~,11111i11g un 1.h,· tlay or tku1h ol the 1ucmbcr or former mcmt>et a:uu crulina on the J.1y on which 1bc Jepc'lld.'1nl ce:uc.10 be lnrlflll, or If thctt it no su;:)i d:I), Ill(' d.3) «l dC31h OI L~ drrcmbnl

!-ltSI In 111'~ sccuon. "dcpe11don1· or a mcn1bcr 11r fNmer member mc:ms a l'llrem, smndparcm. h1111 her, sc11cr, d1l1Li or yrnndcltlld o( the member nr foTJTicr member "'ho r< holh dqicndcn1 on the mcmhef or fc.)nnct nu:mbef for •lll'f'<"1 a:nd

(11) umlrt 19 )':Ill• of use and "Ill nm ~nllin I 'I yco1~ <•f age in the colcntlcr yc~r In which the pc mi on to I he dcpc:ndact became< f'll}'llblc, or

(111 depcnd"'1t l'n lhc member or IOl'lnCr mcmhc1 hy ira«'n of mental or rht>otClll ontn­rnuy.

l5 Whnc n m1inber or former mcmbcf Jc· icril\cd in oc..-iiom l l ,,. 24 <l«S 11<ll lc:l'C • 1<tr­

•i •1n1 'l'O\.dt; o• child or ,. ~ 1h« mr•ivtng <pocow:'s P"UIOR UI th•ld" J1Cll.>>Un = !<) be f1.1\'.1blt und•-r Lh" 1\ct. ""' .lmount h~ ,.h1d1 the amouni ol the member or rllnncr member'• cc)11-J11hution• with cmhtcd mtcrc1110 1hc date ol 'uch mcmhcr's death c""eed' the liJTrl;>tc 01 the l'd)-1n<t1h ma.Jc "1 the mnnbcr or formc:r mcmh<or, the \Un. !'Ill; ljl(>U~ llt<' childrm 3nd !ht J'CflCU< mr111inncd m •ul·~11cn 1Sl·O, !Juli~ iuid to 1hc .:h1J.lrc:n nf rn<h rncm~ on equal .J1.11a. Jud ir


L1 pcrs1111nc uy;ini I~ gal\lc Jc t'tnl.lllt uu, sl rcr­·ionnc n'a Cit d ·•line ~ ccuc Im, • l'cnfJnl lul mane au i unc per<onflc n001mte pn Ir rort=I Jc rrua11c.

24(4) j.orsqu'il n'e><ISIC f'Cr\O<lOC n QUI \Ct,Cr i~ 1cnte, le con~cll de re1ru11e peen uccordcr Ii 1111< pcrsonnc 11 chu18• J.u J'loUllcipJnl 1111 tic 1'1n.:1m 1111111C1pJ111 une mile n't11,c:J..tn1 JU• le de La rCJUc de ccm101ns ~·~ qui cuu l'-')tt ou qu1 aum11 f'U ;,re pa~cr en •mu de\ 2-\Cl) O<I (3) pour llnc f"!riod.: IJ(IC1'111111CT J'M k' consc1I de tttr.d1c mnis n'c\Cro11111 ria.• u11e ritm'lllc: ~omm<t1~1m1 le juur <111 •1~-CS WI ranidp:m1 ou Jc l'ana.:n ranidp.>nl c:t "' U'1'll'l11WU le jour OU l:l pCf'Unne .!. ~ ccs11; d'Cuc: in•~ 1100n le lour du deco de b pn>OnDC a <haflt-

l-if5j Dans le rrcscmc arudc. «pcr<onnc 11 'hargc» d'un pan11:1pan1 ou a'un anc1en pnmc1 pant tlc\lgnc un plllCTll. un cmnd.parcnt. un frere. un.o socur. un cn(:mr ou un pctl!-<:nl:m1 du p;tr1 cip;ml OU .k, 'llJ>Ol:SI polf1 IOp;iJll qw <lCpm.j Uc'" lul-ci cs

u) qui est la~ de mDin• de 19 ~n< (I qui n':u­teindru pas I~ ans durom l'annte <Mic ou la remc pour pcr10nnc .1 dw!c daicnt ~le. OU

l:>J qui dtpc:nd du pan..-tp;wt Oil de ranacn part1ciparu c:n nusoo d'une inaapaatt mcmak OU ph}<IQUC.

15 lo!'l<luc le p;aniopant ou l';andcn ~11UJl"TII mo '"'" .mido !} Cl :.i "" lai .. cnt p;&> Ck :nci­,oint .unh1llll w d'oifa111 -quc la rar.c Jc Ulfl.

lom1 sun"3Jll ou b rmtc rour cnfam 1i'c\l f'lu• parable co •-enu •le la prcRmC lo•. mill montanl de co1halions llu participant nu de J'aJ1cicn parti ~1pam. y compm lcs mttrlt.< cumules., acednnt In .cmmc da p;ucmen1s •e~ 311 p.inicspam ou m l'E>CJm pamap.1111, "" <'.otlJOml Sllf>,.111U, au>. cnfant• n am. l'C'llO!Ino •'5Ca an rantP31'hc ~S(4J ~ ~e o1u• cnfant• dod11 ran1,,ra:m rn 11o1ns t11alo ou, • '11 n')' Jlll' d'cnJums. ~" l>Cn~fi.

1hc:rc are ITT• children, to the mstgiU1tcd bcnellci· .uy, or if rhcrc" no wch hmc:llci:n), r... the~~ oi ""'h member

26\1 ) The rcn.sio11 paynblc untlcr scrnon 2' shall nm <"lCCed 66 213 (Wr cent nf lhe grcalet nr

1111 the leucr of

(1) ll1t· 11nnm1I 1mll'Ht0t or 1:teiu1on ro which 1he member WQ\lld hnv~ been eruhled nt nor· mAI rtttrc:mcnt date had stKh -ntba ron-1inual rn C'lllrk')"mcnt tu 1hlll d111C '"1th m>!!¢ in sahar}, or

(li) I.SO ~r cc111 of the Y~r·, l\lndmum r~nslonabk i!nmiugs ln llic year ot the dcaih .. r such inmibcl', 01

1/11 tilt illltlua! amoon1 ot accrued pcllSlon to which 1hc member "·~mid ha'" bttn cn1ilkd..,.. dcr ~ubsc.:ilon 10(1) 1( ~uch mcmlieT had been t llgiblc to r<litc lmmedlotdy nri\1r to lhc daic or dC'31h

26(11 Tb.. lduari:ll cquw .. latt •-aluc o' the pm­sion bcndit p;i}uble In .i sunivins •powt. <i dcs­h1n~1cd bcncOciary u1 to th~ e.\lute of 3 mcmbet or forme1 111cmbtor Sb.all not be less tho.ii the greater of

(aJ 1hc former •llCill~·s ~ a:HUrlbU1J0n"> plus 60 per cait of 1hc adu~rlill cquimknt vnlnc of thnt fo1mcr mcmt>'1r's attTued f"..'llslon <Ill lhe unte of thtl l meml,cr·s dcntlt, or

(b) the r()l"t1lcr rmmbcT'• (TCIJtl rontribulluns in 1~pcc1 nf ~ice prior«> De.:emba JI, 1991 h>tecthcr wltlt mdiLcd lnt.cttst lo Lhe o( mcm~r·~ dt::tlh

MAXl,\IUM l'E"'SIO:-.:

27( I) SnhJm IQ lhl• scaion. no ;annn;il pcmlon J'>1r.abh: under th~ \.:11han OiClCl"<l t~ lokf ono pe1 .:c111 nl "~cragc •alaT) nr S40.00(l.OO.

cmlre design-' ou, ,·;1 11'y a I'll' dt bcndicia1rc .i.;. ·~· A la .itcc:ic:ssion druht JlillticiJ'l}ITI

26( I) La n:ittc µ11yohle en 'CrlU de l':mklc 2J nc doll pa~ e<CCUCI 66 2/3 pour tent du l'lu~ CIC'\/~ cn­ir<

u1 le moindn:

fl) du mo rll!lnt m11111cl de la nmtc 4 lnquell~ le pnr1ld 11ant oumi1 eu drnil ti lo date de re­tmlte n(1fflll]c i'U a,,.;, c:untlnuc ;\ tr.l\Dilll!T

Jusqu'i <UIC 11.uc i"IW modificalian Jc m laiR. ....

(ii) de I iO nvin CCIII du 1m"imu111 de< auins annucl~ ouvmnl dmil ti pension po111 l'ann~ du db:C< du pa.rlktpaJll. ou

bl le !llOnllmt oll1llUd de la rente wnuhm....- a lnqudlc le 1KU1•c1paru cwrau cu dmi1 en •mu du paragml'lhc 10{2) s'1I 11vnl1 cu le droll d~ prondre· 111 retrnitc inimi!dintcmcnt avi1111 son d~ts

16(2) L:a '~km de I' eq111<~ .1u11ancl Jc la pttitation cL: n:amitc- payaM .. .u1 conj11im uni­"11111, nu b~uffa.:i:tlrc dklguc 011 ti tu sue.:i:••l1111 du participant ou de l'1111clen paitlcirr1111 11e pcut ~lrc inf~ricurc nu plU5 Cleve em1c

OJ Its rnlisa.tion' ~c.111aun de l'µnacn panlcipam phis liO pour CC:ITI dt la \11lt:ur d" r~ quivnlem :.en.arid de la rcme <lltt,mut.: dudit nncitn pnrticlpn111 A la dnl• de ron d~cb, ou

It) le< p1opne< <oli~tlo1u di. l'anticn panici­JllUlL rclati''Cllfen1 a.tu ..,.. ias ~nu!:ricun ;lll 31 tica:mbn- t •191, ~ rornprl! l~ lntna~ comulb ii IQ date du d.!cOI du p3.rticipa111

ru;:i-n~: MAXIMAi i,;

?7t l 1 Sdu• ~c du pre'lalt '111idc, .iurvnt rotlc ;nmudlc Jl'l}-abic t:tl \'CftU cit l~ p<Ocntc loi nc pcul c.•ctd~ le molndrc de 70 fWIUr cwt du sn­lnirc moyc11 11u de ·10 1100 S,

27(2) Nu pc11sio11 pay3blc undc.r l his Act on re­tircnicnt, termination or cmpJoymen1 or Oil tcrllll• nation of the pension plan estaWi~hed by tbis /\ct, l11clutling aJllCllll llJi l)f p.:nsion Ultributable 10 dis· I ribution O I' ~ surplus, in m;peo1 or pensionable service af1er December 31, 1991, shall exceed the les.~er or

(11) the tlefined benefit limit a~ llcfine<I under I he /11e/1111e 7i1x At;/ f<ir the calendar year of re· tirement muhtphed by the number of years or 1>cns1onablc service. or

(Ii} 2 per cenr of average salary indexed to re· nc.·t change~ In th~ lndustrinl aggregate wage imlex ru> calculated by Statislic5 C~ntida multi­plied by Lhe number .if years ol" pensionable -liCl'\'iC~.

27\3) The pension p;iyable lo a member who re· mes pursuant 10 parngraph Jl(dl and sections 12 nnd 14 sball not exceed the lesser or

(a) the maximum pcn$ion under subsectiou (2), or

(bj the pension computed undet suhse.:Lion (2) rcducctl by .25 per cent mullitllicd by the nwnbcr of months by which the member's re· ti rcmcnl date precedes the Carliest of

(i) the member's a11a111mem ol age 60.

(ii) the dutc the member would ha'" com­pleted 30 years of continuo11.~ service.

(iii) the date at which, had the member continued to be an employee, the 1.otal uf lhe membet's ugc plus 1.he number <>f yei1rs of conunuous service, \VtHtld hc.1ve bei!u equal tu 80. or

(iv) in 1he of men1ber \\•ho tvas en1 · ployed 11.\ a firdighter, polkc officer or cor· m:tlon> officer, tl1c number 55 is substituted


27(2) Aucu11e reme payable aux 1ermes de la pre· scn1 c lot. A la rctrnhe, a la ccssa1m11 de l'cmplo1 oit a la cessation d11 regime de rctrai1e crnhh par la prese111.c loi, y am1pri> les montants de la reme a1 tribuahb :I la c.limibuuon t.l 'u11 cxcei.Junt. rcla· 1ivemc111 aux service~ valic.lablc5 pOstcrieurs mt 31 decembre l 991, ntc dolt excwer le moindre

IJ) di! plafo11d des prestat ions cle1em1it'u!e1 au sens de la Lal de l'lmpol sur le t't!Ye1111 pour l'annce civile de la retraite. muhiplie par le nombre d'an11<!<:s de services validablcs. ou

b) de 2 po11r cent du salalre moycn indcxc afln de lenir complc des ''llfintions de l'indice de la remuneration pour l'ensemw~ des ac1lvile~ eco­tlOltLiqucs calculi: p!II Sta1.istlquc Canttdu, mul· tiplie par le nornbrc tl'anni:cs de ser,.icc~ valida­bles.

27(3) L.a rcntc p3}'Uhk a un participant qui prcnd s11 retraite en vertu de J'alinea JI d} et des articles 12 a 14 ne cloi1 pas excedcr le moindre

u} de la rcntc ma~1mak en vcrlLI du paragra· p]Jc (2), Olt

/JJ de la rente calcu lee en vertu du pnragrnphe (2) redulte de 0,25 po11r cent. multiplicc par le aombrede mois par kqucl la date de retraite du rarlicipant pr~ccdc la plus hiitive entre le~ dates suivantes :

(i) In <la1e a laqucJJc la partlclpnni anein· dra 60 ans:

(ii ) la date a laqncllc le pardcipa111 aurait cu 30 ans de service coutmu;

(iii) la da1.e it laquclk In srnnm~ de l'ai;:e du [>arLicipa111 ct du nombre d'anuees de service concinu aurnil eLe egale :i SO. sl k p'1rlicipam U\.'ail ~ontlnue a Cl rl! Lrn sa larlC;

(iY\ dans le cas d'u11 pnrtici1}a11t 1ravaillanl rnmme pornp1er. comme policier ou con111tc gardieu de pnson, le nombre 55 remplace 60

fpr lhc 1Unnt.:1 CIC\ in sut>p:itllJ(llpb lb)li). 11.c nwnber 23 1~ 1utimnned for th.: nwnbei-111 tn '1lhµM;lgr.tph (lll(ii) ;md Ilic mnnller -s u )Ubsl11utol for the number 80 ln subpma­~rnrih (b)l iii).

21(·1) The l1Cll11l l inl ~quivnlcnt value or 1 h~ pcn­•in11 fl<lytlble 10 u member unclei \cd lun~ JO, II, 12, 1,1 ttn11 15 shllll nm be less ll1a11 the gmUcr of

fa) tht ru:ruan:al cq1u\1llenr '11lu.- of 1hc man­bnt ;<CQUcd pension oa the dau of R'tircm.:nJ rlu; I ht mcmb..-.. CM:i:ss comributkuu, or

(f•) the mrmbcr'> '"'" conml>iuloru In n.-specl o>f ~'I"\ ice prilll '" 0<'\."elllbt°r t t , 1991 " ilh ~•cll ltcd in1erc.u 10 1llc Lint" of rhe nmnhcr·~ re· llft!lncnl.

l7(5J l11e amount uf n llenslon jll\'M up by n mcmbe1 ;ii. " remit ol n sea lemem on mnnia~ t>milldown shall t>e lkcrn\'d In bc 1hc ('t"ns11>n 1101yablc 10 1he mmthcr for tile PDTJ'Osc-> <>f lhe op. phca1i<m of snbsa:tion ~11'.!J.

?1(fll !De amouru of benrlit> It.' be l"•rclmscd umk• t«lioM S and o In ~ uf ~onable -er~la: bcfo~ 1990 •hall not e11:ttd '"'~lhittb 11( the 11n;cuer of

rnJ $1,725. 01

lhJ rhe dci1ncLI bc nclil lim11 as 1lcl111cd 1111cJc1 111<· /nrnme Ta> .-lt'I (or 1he )'1:>11 in which lht bcncH~ romm~ncc to he paid,

?lit 11 i\ m..-nlw:r ... 110 bas bten rmploicd fur .1

<<lnJ\lllltlU\ period Of fOSS than ~ )1':l<'o. "filch pc· 11od tncludes employnu:m berorc rhe commcnce­mc111 or 1h1s A' I 1md 1hc PeNSWrt /f11111:ficy 1k1, nnd I~ llOI otherW1bc cnlh ied IO n 11~1\Slon Of pen· ~ion lic11cri1 11111.t.1 lhl' Act or the pri:vkm1 A, L. lo

au sou~linca b)il. k nomt>rt i; r=plmcir .Ml '.l1l $0115-idmta bllil c1 It- nrnnbn: 15 mn­place "JI :no .au~alrnea bJiiil

2i (4) Ll! valc111 de l'equivatcni no11111ricl de In rcnic payable nu pnr1idpau1 en "CrtU des ank les 1 0, Jl.12. I~ cl IS nc tlalr pas i!tre 111rtrteure a u p lu• tlMmtre

ul !a •-aleur de l'equh'alrnt 3Cluarld de bi rcmc COlliilUUff du 1W110pw11 • la d;uc de b rctr.IJ'le plu~ I~ •-otisatkms C'lecdcntlllf'5 de re· ful,'"i, OU

bJ Jes pmpro catilatioru J11 1•11rtiapant rcla­llvement nu' ll11•kr• M lerlcu" nu ll tltccmbrr 1991 . y c.imprii le> ln1crei£ uumutc, ,\ 111 1.lnrc tk la retmilc cJu pankipanl.

27(SJ le monrnni d'une rcntc ccdec pJr le pnnl opnni a la 'iunc d'un rc.,,lcmem en MUson de l'c· chtc du m:uiarc ~ rei)u1< n:l'fbc.rucr la remc 1"1)-.blcmi !lllrtiop.urt ;nu fi:m de l'llPlllicaiioo du rnrav.iphc ?11~1.

?7(6) le m1>nu1nt des pr~ion• ~ ad1r1cr en •crlu des m1dC\ R fl 9 rclat1''CR'1Cnl aux Rnicn •':tlidnblcs antirltun it 1990 nc "'1i1 pa~ e<J:MB dcu\ lien du plU) cl"'11: l'Jltft

a/ 1 725 S, 0 11

b) le plaforid ~n rrc.-;u11ons d~!cru1111ees con fonnemi:iu u In /111 d<' / 'rmpclr s11r Ir ""'""" pour l"anntt uu dclmrcnr ,,.. rratullunl..

CESSATIO" o · t:.\IP l-01

28111 Un pan1np.in1 rnoml Lnl\llill~ ~t une pcrlodc contmuc de moms de 2 nn.•. laqucllc com· rircnd lOUI cmplu1 ay:u11 r rcc(dc l'cmr~ en v1g11cut de la prl:iic111c fol et de I~ Lui sur /es Pn!S• 111/fr> tJs de f1UtJ,;/em, cl n'i!rant pns µ111rcmcn1 nd­ml ~~lble ;i unc rc111 c ou 6 une 11rcsrn1 io11 de n:tmuc

cntillcd, upon 1ennina11on of employment, 10 a refund of rhe member's coninbution> wi1h cn:t.f­ited imeresr m the dale or tcrrninatlon.

2R(2) A member wh o ha; been employed for a oonrrn111;11• pel'iod or 2 year' m mo1e, wh'icl1 pe­riod includes employment before lhe cornmcnce­menl of thls Act nnd the f'r!11siorr 8e11eji1s Act, and is not 01he1 wise enrnlcd 10 a pension under l11is Acr , 1s en111!ccl. upon 1ern1111m1on of employ· m.ent. 10

(a/ a ddcrrcd p.:nslon pay;1bk from normal retircmclll d31t cukulared in acconlanct" "il11 subsection ICl{~) •• mtl

(bi a rerun,J .,r the member'• c.'cc.<S conrribu· 1ion>, ii' uny.

28(.l) The bcne111 ro which n member is entitled under subswion (2) shnll be ndiustcd so thHI the acnrnriul cq111valc111 value or the bencl1t ls nor Jes~ thH11 1hc member'' contribuuons m respect of ser­vice prior 10 December Jl. 1991 wirh croditcd ill· lcrc>l lo J111c ur lc1111i11Jtio11.

29( I) 1\ member who ;, not within IO ~ears of normal rciiremcnt date may, upon wri11cn nohcc given 10 the Pcn>1011 Roartl "ithin ninety days af. lcr rcccipl O( !he \Hillen noti~ prescnb<d by SUb· sec11on 26(1) of rhe Pr!ns1on Benefits At't, cm"'lcr the uciuuriol ~uivalem •-alue of the member's pension under subsection 28(2) or (3)

(u) 1~1 another pension plan wilh the cm1•c111 of the 11d111 i11i"nuor or thru plan ,

(b) lo a prcscrihed retirement savin~s nrran~c­mem. 01

(") fo1 rurchasc of a deferred life annuuy \•irh pnyments commencmg nol carher 1han 1cn )cJrs 1irior t<) normal retiremem date and not lmcr than the end or llit year in which the member auai"' 11 ycan or age.


en Vl."TIU Ile la presenic 101 ou de la Joi precedent<. a le uro11, 6 In .:cssation 1k >Oil e11111lui, Lie Jeman­(ler le rembo11rscn1e111 de ses cori>ations, y compris le> i111ed:1~ cun1uJl:s a la date de cc.m1tion.

28(2) Un p11r1idpa11L aya111 travaill~ pendam unc pcri•>dc co1u11111c de 2 ans 011 plus, lnqudlc com­p1e11d 1011t em11!01 ayaOt precede l'enir~c c<t v1gucur de In prc>c111c IOI ou de 111 Loi sur le~ pres· 101;on.\· ,Je 1Je11slon 1 Cl n'Ctan1 pas autnm1c1u admls61blc ~ unc rcntc en vc:riu de la presentc Joi. • le droll' a la cruatio11 de son i:mploi. de recevoir

a) unc rcmc diffcrce payable a comp1cr de la date de rel ralle norrnak, calculec conformt· mcnt au pam@raphe 10(2), et

bJ un rcmboursemem de ses co!lsauons exec· clc111ulrc:., le cas C.:heam.

28()) l .c> prestatlons nuxquelles I< pnrticip;1111 u d1oit en wrtu du pnragraphc (4) doivcnt crrc r:ij11~-1ces a fin que In V<llcur de lcur equivalent tlCIU:U icl nc ~oil f}a; lnrerieure aux co1.faatlons du punici· 1rnnl rcl:i1i .. c111cm aux servicel< ;int l:rlcurs nu 31 di!· ccmbre 1991. y compris !es interc1s cu111u lcs am druc tic cessation.

29(1) Un panicipam qui n'est pas a 10 ans de la date de tetraile nonnale pcur, en preSt"nianl 1111

ov1s ccnr au ronseit de rc1mi1c dau\ les quarre­vinat·di< JOllr.i smvanl fa reception de la declam­llOn o:crite prevue au paragraphe 26( l) de tu /.m sur lt!s prf'Staunru de pttnsu111. 1roi1~f~rer la \•;tlcur de l'c!quiwlem actuariel de la rcntt en verlu de~ paragraphes 28(2) ou (3)

u) Ii w1 autre regime de rclmilc. ave<: le con­scntemcnt tle J'adn1inlscratcur rlc ~c rC1".ii11~

bJ :\ un plan d'cpnrgne-retm1tc prcscril . 011

c:) aux fins de l'achat d'une renl< viagere d1f­fcrec dont k scf\•ice commenc.:rai1 au plus tot 10 ans la date de mmitc nonn;ilc ct au plus UrU a la fin de l'annee dll 71e ollllll•l:rnJJrC

du participant.

?9(2> lhc a.;1u:mal ~1•2kn1 •-alur •hiclt =­toe tr•n>fnnd m arrcmf"'°" ,.1th 1h1> 1a.11on shall toe l1m11cd to lbt mJ:a.lmum amounu pt'T1llllleJ bi ":\,'1nn l.&7 l 11 cMr- /nc(J•tfL'" Ta:i ,,.,

30(1) Ir 1hc nc1u111inl c11ulvHlc111 " ' luc of 1hc de· f(rrcd f11:n~1on 10 "hlch o1 n1•'111bc1 1' c111irlctl un­der •ub...,;111•11' lR12J ur (JJ as less 1h;i.n IU per «m ol IM '•ar's \hu1111u111 J'cn,l<>Mblc btmlfli5 in the )cat of 1enrun.u1on of emplOJttlC1'1 or 5uJi 0th<'r am1>um a• i1 ~·bal ti) al)C'Uabk ~ La1lvn.1br l'tmlon Bc>Clrd may r<qarltc rhc member ID dca one of lhc OpCIOOi spcaflcd lft Ill~ !'If II

30f:?1 If 1hc pm•t<m 10 .. lucb o1 mnnl>cr "cmi· rl<d on 1hc dale of hi• rn11cmcnl i• lei.> thlln 2 Jxt ~cnl of ,c,ir's 111;1.,lmum ~ioaablc Fu1n111i-.. or nl \11th uthrr .1111011111 n\ rtllly be cstnbll~hcd tmm 1lmc IU 11mc by n11plk11hlc lcyi<luiton, nnd !hr tn(mh.:r i~ wi1 hln 10 )1'af\ of normal retirement dn10. lltt l'cruion Bo;11\J ma\ pay the pen.ion less f~ucnlh llutn m1>nlhly but 1101 It:<• lrcquftUJ~ 1hu11 1111nu;sU,·. or In a •ingle lump sum "'luch B 1ht m ;1111mal C'Qu.i''&lcnl value o: wi;b pc:11>mn.

)I f II \ nmnbo.'T Im) OJntimic in cmpla-,mem "'''" lhc l.11) ~onJ the aiu- ~I ..-Inch l~ m=h<:r rouhl da.110 10111: hut In noC\'ml bc')f'lnd 1Ji<, car­llc1 or ll1r lllth d;1~ or June or the Jiu .la\ of IX­CC'mlm nc•I folhl'• hl~ rnch metttl>et'• norm.d ...,. 1 lrcma111 i.lulc.

Jl(l l Subject ltJ lhh \ect lon, a r1i r111cr member is 1u11 c11ti1lcd to accrue addl11011al bencfhs If the runner mrmbcr ,, rc-nnploycd by 1hc City

J h )l Where a fonnct mcmba ~~ucntl~ be· LVmt•an~tt

fal lltt' m1i1kmc111 10 ~ rcnmm h 'u~ tlurm' 1lic perioJ nf tc~ph>' mcm • ..,,J

(IJJ 1r Ilic fof111cr 111cn1bt'I' is cl!prbk Ill become " 111cr11bcr anti resume& con1ribu1 io11~. the pe. riod ol re-employ111c111 ~hull be counred as pen· •lnu;1hle service 111 the <"ll!nt thol ncr11on rnbse­quc111I) hcu;1mC\ ~ntlllcd 10 a pcnslnn


! 9(:J la •°3kur de: l'equh'llkt1! •••wu'ld i;-ou•'1nt (I~ lr.lDSltttt l!ft ml U da prdielll l!Oi<.k DC IJClll ~ ·~ ..,ptncu.., ;au• nwnmunu rrt•·u• l l'anidc 1~7 ~ de la Im 1k 1'1mp01 mr It,.., ... ,,"

.10( I) Si la \'3Jcur de l'~q uhnknl 6~t11;1ricl de In rcntc differclc ti ld11uellc un partlcl1•a111 r$1 adrn i\· •Ible'"' •·aru dn ra1upaphc. :!1!121 ou (3) n1 111· fcticurc a ID .,.,ur ta1t du mllimum d.,. pin.. an­num 00\Ul\I drool I poision durant l''11U1tt de C<Ualfon d"cml)loi OU 3 loul 8Ul1'1: llkvttm! pra­m& r.u unc loi lof'l'lb.ble. k romcil ~ rctrailc JXlll i!enanctn au pamcip:ma de dlo&&u p;uml le ""'""" supulecs a.a iw;t;;rlll'hc: ?9\ 11

Jel:?> Si la rente ~ bqodk k ~tticipiltll a droit ll f• thttc Jc "1 IClr.lllt e-1 tn!ftiC\llC a : f""UT CClll du m:urmum des pin• annueb <>u• rant droll • rwn~mn , ou ~ 1ou1 au1re montarll f'l'C\ml par unc lol npplicahlc, cl 1111c le partkip:1111 ,.,;, a moin\ de 10 am de 13 date 11< rctr.iile rulrm:ilt, le ronseil de rctruhe peul -~ I.> mue a """""'llel- de plili d'un mois mai\ n'o.c.:d:utt p:zs un 11n, ou en un moota111 torfllltaltt corrcspondAn1 " LI '~ de l'l:q1m;dm1 <IC!uand lk bdltt n:mc.

J ll I) lin p;mJQpam J)<'"Jt ('Qtllmlln de ltar.tillcr il la cite: au.&la dt l'lt~ ~II roura11 Jmdcr Jc pn:ndn: .a mr.utt. nm.• non au-deli de bi d.ut l,1 rJ11t hiiolht' rnl11' k ~ jour de juln ou I~ ;1• )<lur .tc: d«mlt.rc All\':lnt la dll1c Jc~, r~raitc nor­muk.

J I r21 Sous rescrvt du pr=m :truck. un ancicn pnnlc1pan1 n'a pM le droi1 de co1umuer des prn­lat ions addmonncllc:s s'tl rerommcn« II 113.-a1lltt "°"'Ill are.

aJ mt1 dmi1 -~ unc lmk ~ •u'f'Clldu Jtmmc Ll ruum<Jlc pi1iook J'anploi, ct

bJ s'il a le d1011 d'uuhercr a nou.-nu au re. uime ct de verser dc1 cotisa1ion>. In nou\'ellc pt· dode tl'cmplrn rent par11c de~ 5CfVil'ti vahdu· blcs lonqu' il •cro adml55iblc a unc rrn1c.

·-· _,._,._ ..... ····- "•·-·· . ... . ........ ........ ..

lit~) Where a pcil<tn " <nrisled 11.1 a dd'crrcd l'ICaSion ID ~ or \Cr<Kc f"ll>r 10 Jaruia•~ I, llfl2, <> rc-anplO)al 3nd becomes a mmthrr, 1he pC!riod Of ~eh pri()r 'l.l"fVi~ •llall ~uum QS pen­<lounblc service in the cl'enl tl1t11 such 11e15011 !Jc­eome> cmhkd tn n iun•ion under d1i1 ;\cl.

32( I) bcep1 "' 0 1 hcrwlse rnovlded '" the f't•11-•/IJ•1 ll1·1wfits .•kl nnd lhc 111c:c111te au ,1.-1

(aJ 11 11:tnt.:l>.1lon 1hu1 pur. Ofli 10 :tSSit;n, •ur· rcmJcr. ~hnrgt, 11nl'lctra1c 01 Ill"• n;. •ecurltv any interc<I in 01 1111dc1 the plnn csl.lli>lhhcd under 1hu Ac1 or nn)' money l»}nblc under 1hc 5nid p~n •~ \'Otd, and

(Ir) ~ny lnlm:st m or under the wld plan ,1nd ;rny 1111111~y puynbk 11111.kl I he p ion :ire <::<empt frnm c.....:uiion ,i:;r.u,... 01 u1101ci1111e:111 01 ocher ptCX'C-\ a[ w.

Jlt:?J Sub5«1ittn (I) tl<lo<s not apply 10 llD aui;n-1ncn1 p1il'!lua111 10 " dei:m!. 1mkr or \udg=nt of :l coufl or :1 y, ritren ugr~crncn1. in sell lcrucHI of 1iglm nrismg mu of n marnaue or other coo]u!!l'I rdatJ011>b1p l1t1 WttD ~ member or former mc:mbu ilnd rh.d pcnoo"< ~>e or former •l"JUSe on O< aria 1he h-="4°"'11 of tbnr rnatn"i• or ~ha ,,,.,JUIPll n:la1lo1uhl1' "' PfO\'•dcd ror umkt 111': Pims/1111 JJe1wji1.1 Art.

33 The divtliOll O( Che bcncfil~ ot I mcmb.."r un­der !he phin rMoblishcd by 1 h1~ Acl or rbe prcviovs Ao on morrtai;c breakdown shi1ll be In 11cco1d1mcc wilh the l\>nrum IJem'fhs Au, ond upon sucll d1-•iwn lhc J>con~wn e.Mrd .1ui11 rc-.ula1e tht pen. ,;.,u "' pcn•icm l>cndi1 of U\c member


31(4) l.Pn.qu'unr pn1illnnr ~I admr"ible .l unc rmtc Jirtt-rtt 1d31in: i ~ w•x~ 1.nrcrku. 11u I" jan~h:r 1992, <t qu'dl• """"ient un tt un parri~lpant uu regnnr, o:ttc pdrlock 1k sen I•~ nnterlo11r~ doll fuire fllll lic des sorvkc> vnlldnblcs lur;.q11r et:Ue pcrsonnc de"1c111 ndm1~slblc • une l'CIUC en \CflU de la prCKtllC lor

J2[ l l So11> r<!>ervc 1lc dlsl'l"~ilion~ •'OllU ~'""' Juno la /..di s11r /es pn:.1101iu11.1 tlr Jlf!/1111111 cl dun~ la l.m Jt /'m1pdt rn1 It tr\'i'IUI

J} ICWIC operallim visant i1 .r.:ttt . .1 alimn. :i gl'C\'tt, ;l nntkiper ou ~ dormer en pnunlc 1uu1e parl 1cipaliQ11 dart$ k r~slmc rtabll p:ir In pre­senrc loi 011 en venu de cclui-cl ou 1ou1c sornme raynblc en \'Cft.LI dud11 rqµme esi nulle er = dfct, Cl

bJ toutc p.1rtlcip1111on d~n• ledll ~i>tmc au en vcr111 tk celui-ci cf route ~ommc pnynbk en .. , w dudil 1 ~wmc ~1 011 ex.cnt[llcc de 1011lt' aurn: h-ilon judld.tirc.

32r-l Lr p.ll'ura:pbc 111 nr 'i'C p:u un .u:lc de l'CSSIOP t1ttJS confomtcmcnl It l'an(I. a rotJOn­nnncc uu nu Jusument tJtun tribLn1BI Clu d'unl! c11-1eme kruc en venu du rculenmu dei dro11s de­couhr111 d' un iruiria,c ou d'unc Qlllrt rclntlon CWJiuaolc cnrtt 1m rat1icrpan1 ou un 1u>e>01 P"lli­cipmt ct le ronjoml du p;Jrtidp;rn1 Oil de ronocn pnnicipant i'lll mQnn:nl de l'cch« du mllriogc ou d.- t:i rclath•n •"0Ujug11lc 011 ••l'•c!s cenc dmc, aux 1ermc\ Jc la /.u/ s1Jr '''·' f're.rtnr/011s tl1• p~11sir>11

33 Lr panagc des ~muon.' d'un txtnicip3nt crt YCflll du rc~1me Cl(lbli dans la prcscnte lot Oll dons la loi precedcnic en n11son de l'echc~ du nmnoge doir s'11frectue1 coofonnc!mcm :1 ~ lex J11r /t:J. pn!Utllm"' de prns:ron er. ad\'ClUUU ''" l"lflilfc, le am.ol ck mnme Joli r~;alui:r I) to11e .-.u la 11rcsi.11111n di: rctr.Ult du pallk•l"'fil ,

l4 On the wind·u11 or the r lan, the mrplu\ 1hnll ~ distnllutro m ••Hh amuitM the: mcmben. l(irmo mrotbn~ • .mil ·~ rnhcr penon• mrukd w ~ menl under !he [lLin. ill Ilic effmh" dale uI the 1<md-ur. 111 tJti: proporltOn tlw the actwu1all) equivalent \'9lue or lhe pension, l'<llSion bcntf11 n11<l pay111cnrs ot cnch member. rormcr me1111tcr or other pc:ISOO bi:ars 10 me Qggrega1e of the: QCIUar. 111lly equh-:ikm '1llw: ol tb.e llilll\iruis.. prnsion t>cnefiu .lfld p;iymcnn ol .. n mcmbcn, fonnc:r tnc:mhcn and \"II her pcnon. mtldctl In r.i>mrni. undcr the pbn

TRA.'11 nlONAt

35(1) Tiu: fund eirnhlWIC'd urukt lb!: fll'C\CIOU> i\d ill oonnnual undt1' 1hls ,\c1.

J!j(::?J Lh1lcss otherwise '""' ided In thi} Act, .111y pcr,.m who -.~ 1n nn>pl of a pc:mion, dh.tbllit) <lllow.mtc or miring :iltowanu.. '" .VI) ochtr bdl· cln uruJcr rile pz~11HU Aa. 1ha1l C'<'lrui~ io re­C:Ch1' 'uc:h rco~1on. dlsabtluy atlo•11nc:c. ""'""' alluW11ncc 01 uthcJ bcncm under 1he tcnm nnd p1twislmi> or 1he prcvlo<O ML

J5(3) All ~~ .... .,, IM l'm5oon BG3ld enacted unda" the PR""'"' Aa in tOftt Ul'<!ll tile CUOllRE <Oh> fo1«: of th1) ""' arc c..~1nmrued u-n1il Tt'l)Clkd or nmcndcd.

')(, Thi! Cf1,1• o/ Saini lf>hn ~fun - lei. dlilfJ16 6.1 of tilt 11'b 11/ Veil' Brun..<w/d, 1910. L1 re-11m1/etl

3• Srib«<t1ma 11JJ 1111d 6(1). -1lon 1. nrl>sn· tlnn.r 8f~J and l {)(JJ, Yclfan> U 10 :!7 indu1frz. ~t'C'.lltm• .iv. J I , J] n11d 1/lr appllCtJhlr tlrfln/tinru 111 r11h1u1/u11 1(1), ,1/tnl/ l1c deemed'" lzm•t came /nu1 ft1rc• 1111 lat111ar1· f, 199].

34 A In liquldltion du regime J~ re11aitc, le. •ur­plus ooi1 &n: rtp:mi en C'•Po-'<:~ cntre 1,,.. rarncl p:;um., k's :rn.:"'"' p;anicip;im • et come .iu1rc per q;inne droit • un paicmcfll en 1mu du regime a la dorc dt' fjquiJmfon, ~Ion 13. IJ.kur oJc l'equiwt len1 aernaricl tie In rcn1c, de Tu µrtstnlin11 de rcrrnllc ec des paiemc111s de choquc pnr1idp:u11. allCICll purtlclj'lllnt OU IOUle Dlllte penonn<' Jl;lr rappun a lu ,3(t'lll de l'eq1w~ .. 1t1u "'1uarid 110-b:;ilc QC> tca1n. da prc<1auom ck mnit1c O' dts p;aicmcim de 1014 lo p.'!Itictpan1-. dc:J .mdcih P'\U. Cl Jc lOUIC DU!Tl' J>Cf10MC 3)'llnl dro11 ~ de~ paicm1rn1 ~ co 1·c11 u du r~~lme.


35{1) l...t cal~ de rctmllc ct.ihhe co •ertu de la lol pr~c est tn111nrcnuc en ><mu de In p~. semc 101.

35(2) Sous rci.crvc d'lme dl~po,ition ronunln: dam ta prCsctllt lot, toule pcnonne qu• rttl:'ltll WM: n:n1e. t111t mite 11·1nr.alidik ou unc .1lk!a1fon .I-". n:lfll~ ou 1ou1e am~ fomic de ptoalliion en •flltl Jc In l<li rr<ddcntc am1 mu cm a r...-c.-oir !:.· d11e rcme, lntllic rent< d'inv:illuhe, ltllllW nlll>l:a· tltm tfo rctrnitc ou toutc uu11·c presuuiali co vcrlu ties d.upo•iLion• tie la lol precror111c.

:i:sc:r1 1'1>11.• lcs reglmicnts qut' le comcd de ~· l<aJI<' ~ 11dop10 t<W< •er~ de IA lo1 pri«dauc en V'lglle\lt n !'emree C'll 1 lguc:nr de la rrC..c-ntr lol <>on1lnuo:n1n1 ~~ ~·appllqucr l11,c111'a leur abrulJll· 1io11 011lrur111odllica1i1111.

J'6 La wi /nJltllltt Cit)' uf .'\a/Jll 10/111 J'nniOtl Act. thnpfff't! 6J d•s Uili du NfJm'l!m1-llrrmswfcA lie J?71J. est o/Jro11ee.

t:N l 'RF.F: b' \ ' IC,;UHfR

:t7 ( .u pwu11uphes $(}) ct 1>(J1. /'artMt ;. lo paraxrop/tn 6(61 ct l()(JJ. ltt arrlrW. /.I rf ll In· t'lusfiocmtm. /rt arlitltr 19, .II. J.1 tt /rs llifl11I· lllml 11/l{lllro/J/e.1 tlu ptiragrap/it /(I) SOii/ tepu/C,\ itre '""i' "" 1•fx~1" Ir I" jam•/" 1991.