biochemistry exam 1 review

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  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Biochemistry Exam 1 Review

    Intro to Biomolecules:

    Evolutionary Timeline:

    Energy Charge:

    High = anaerobic (all ATP)

    ATP generating pathway isinhibited and ATP utiliing pathwayis activated

    !ow = catabolic (all A"P)

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Salivary Buffering:

    pH = #log$H%&

    Each increase in ' unit o pH is '#old dierence in H% concentration

    Henderson Hasselbalch:

    *soelectric Point: (p+' % p+,)-,

    ./ ml saliva produced daily

    o 0ubmandibular: 12

    o Parotid: 32

    o 0ublingual: 4/2

    5erostomia: dry mouthgingivitis % caries


    o Contains amylase % lipase

    o 0ecretions stimulated by sympathetic and parasympathetic

    o 667/2 water with electrolytes

    o "ucus

    o Anitmicrobial compounds (lactoerrin8 *gA8 lysoyme

    o 9piorphin: pain#illing protease inhibitor

    0aliva ;uering:

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Amino Acid:


    o !eucine

    o *soleucine

    o Phenylalanine

    o Tryptophan

    o "ethionine

    o Proline (pyrrolidene ring)

    ?ncharged Polar side chain:

    o 0erine

    o Threonine

    o Tryosine

    o Asparagine

    o lutamine

    o Cysteine Acidic 0ide Chain:

    o Aspartic Acid

    o lutamatic Acid

    ;asic 0ide Chain:

    o Histidine

    o !ysine

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o Arginine

    Hydrogen ;ond can be ormed by:

    o 0er

    o Thr

    o Asn

    o ln Cysteine orms disulide bonds

    Amino acids and glucose are transported together with

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o mainly glycine and proline that are stabilied by h bonds

    o reverse direction o polypeptide bacbone

    Gotation can occur between peptide groups in proteins

    o Gotated around alpha Carbon

    o Phi angle has nitrogen

    o Psi angle has carbonyl Protein olding promoted by chaperone proteins Hsp.8 Hsp6 (heat shoc)


    o * protein damaged8 ubiBuitin helps with proteolysis

    o Damaged protein is labelled with ubiBuitin

    o ?biBuitin allows proteasome to recognie misiled protein

    o !abelled protein gets cleaved into smaller peptides

    0eBuence o amino acids o a protein will determine how it will old7 Iill go towards native

    state (lowest ree energy)

    "isolded Protein Diseases:

    o Alheimerso Prion (mad cow disease and Creuteldt#Jaob)abnormal prion protein

    Enyme !atalysis:


  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o ' atm

    o pH .7

    o *nitial concentrations o '" or all reactants and products

    Geaction rate increases linearly with temperature until certain point8 then decreases

    0ubstrate binding in active site o trypsin#lie serine proteases:

    o Catalytic triad: A0P#',8 H*0#/.8 0EG#'6/o H*0#/. deprotonates deprotonates serine

    o Hydro@yl group o series mediates catalysis

    o 9@ygen rom serine attacs peptide bond

    o Aspartic Acid stabilies peptide with negative carbo@yl group

    o Iater comes in and hydrolyes peptide bond

    o L0peciic site is only or !ysine or Arginine

    Enyme "inetics:


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    >ma@ is proportional to enyme amount (more enyme8 higher >ma@)

    +m = substrate concentration when reaction velocity is M >ma@o Does not change with changing enyme

    o 0maller +m = higher ainity or enyme

    !ow concentration o substrate$0& 4 +mirst order reaction

    High concentration o substrate$0& N +mero order reaction

    !ineweaver#;ur plot: (double reciprocal plot)

    o Competitive *nhibitor:

    >ma@ doesnOt change (y intercept same)

    +m changes (@#intercept changes)

    Drugs: statin8 pravastatin

    o ma@ changes (y#intercept changes)

    +m stays the same (@#intercept same)

    Drugs: Etravirine (H*> reverse transcriptase inhibitor)

    Enyme Inhi#ition and $rug $iscovery:

    luoride concentration too high = dental luorosis

    o Changes in cosmetic: whiteyellow

    He@aluorosilicic Acid: commonly used or water luoridation

    9ptimal luoride !evels:!

    luoride has , mechanisms to prevent caries:

    o *nhibits Enolase:

    Geduces lactate ormation by mouth bacteria (less


    o luoroapatite (Ca/(P9)3) is teeth e@posed to luoride ions

    Prevents decay

    Does not dissolve in acids produced by bacteria

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    Aspirin: (acetylsalicylic acid):

    o *rreversible inhibitor o Cycloo@ygenase (C95)

    o ;locs synthesis o prostaglandins % thrombo@anes

    o *nhibits: *++Q

    o Activates: A"P#activated Protein +inase

    o Antithrombotic: prevents platelet ormation8 treats blood clots ;orteomib (;T)

    o Anticancer drug or multiple myeloma % mantle cell lymphoma

    "ultiple "yeloma: hematological neoplasm derived rom plasma cells that

    prolierate into bone marrow

    o Geversible Proteasome inhibitor

    ,1s proteasome has 1 catalytic Thr residues on Q subunit

    o Causes accumulation o misolded *g in "ultiple "yeloma cells

    Cell cycle is arrested

    *nhibits activation o pro#survival transcription actor:

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o .thmost prescribed

    9mepraole (Priloec):

    o Antacid gastric proton pump inhibitor

    o *rreversible inhibitor o stomach parietal cell H%-+% ATPase

    o ?sually acidic in stomach due to proton pump

    Protons (H%) in cytosol comes rom dissociation oH,9

    H% pumped against gradient into stomach lumen

    +% pumped against gradient into cytosol

    9H# o dissociation o H,9 binds with C9, and

    orms HC93# (bicarbonate) by carbonic anhydrase

    o *rreversible b-@ orms disulide bond with cysteine in ATPase

    Pravastatin (Pravachol) % 0imvastatin

    o Competes with H"#CoA or active site o H"#CoA reductase

    o or high cholesterol levels


    o Derived rom codeine

    o Agonist or opioid receptor


    ' reactions

    Aerobic: pyruvateacetyl CoA

    Anaerobiclactic acid

    *nsulin regulates !?T8 which taes in glucose to adipose-muscle

    ' o@idative step where

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    o Primary enyme or irst step

    o High ainity or glucose

    o *n !iver-pancrease8 glucoinase has high +m (low ainity)

    Gate !imiting 0teps:

    o 3 reactions involving He@oinase

    P+ (most important)

    *nhibitors: ATP8 citrate

    Activators: A"P8 ,81#;P

    Pyruvate +inase: activated by '81#;P

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  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    , pyruvates (3 carbon compound)glucose

    Gate !imiting 0tep:

    o Pyruvate Carbo@ylase

    o PEP Carbo@yinase

    o '81#;P

    o lucose 1#Phosphatase GeBuires energy8 unlie glycolysis

    9ccurs in !iver and +idney8 whereas glycolysis in all cells o body

    Pyruvate Carbo@ylase is in mitochondrial matri@:

    o GeBuires coenyme ;iotin

    o Activated by acetyl CoA (regulatory mechanism)

    o Turns pyruvateo@aloacetate

    o 9AA"alate (leaves mito into cytosol)9AAPEP


    o !ots o beta#o@idationincreased acetyl CoA

    o Acetyl CoA activates pyruvate carbo@ylaseincreased gluconeogenesis Energy GeBuirement:

    o 1 ATP

    o ,

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Phosphorylated (phosphatase activity)V ,81#;P


    o Type ': low levels o insulin

    o Type **: resistant to insulin

    o 0tarvationincreased gluconeogenesisincreased glucose *nsulin cannot stop this

    o "uscle-adipose insulin dependent

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Pentose Phos&hate Pathway:

    #1#P has 3 pathways:

    o lycogen

    o PPPo lycolysis

    o luconeogenesis

    unction o PPP:

    o Provide

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    lycogen unction and !ocation:

    o *n well ed person8 concentration highest in !iver

    o !iver storage depleted within , hrs o ast

    o "uscle storage is less readily depletedo "ore total storage in uscles

    o ;rain has low glycogen concentration

    lycogen 0tructure:

    o lucosyl residues Woined by glycosidic lins

    S '# are main bacbone

    S '#1 are branches at every K#', S linage

    o Q '# are seen in cellulose

    o * Wust S '# linage than it would be starch

    lycogen 0ynthesis:

    o #1#P is initially used to become lucose '#Phosphate (reversible) Enyme: phophoglucomutase

    o #'#P becomes ?DP#glucose with addition o ?TP

    Enyme: ?DP#glucose pyrophosphorylase

    o ?DP#glucoseglycogen

    ;acbone ormed by lycogen 0ynthase

    S '#1 branches ormed by Amylo '#8 '#1 Transglucosylase

    o ormation o glycogen rom ?DP#glucose releases ?DP (uridine diphosphate)

    lycogen ;readown:

    o S '# broen down by lycogen Phosphorylase becomes #'#P (' per glucose)

    Phosphorolytic cleavage

    o S '#1 broen by lycogen Debranching Enymeree glucose

    Hydrolytic recation

    Has transerase activityoligosaccharide near branch point to S '# chain

    Gegulation o lycogen "etabolism:

    o lycogen 0ynthase (build): (dephosphorylated orm is active)

    Activated: Protein Phosphatase:

    *nsulin activates

    *nactivated: Protein +inase

    o lycogen Phosphorylase (brea): (phosphorylated orm is active)

    Activated: Protein +inase

    lucagon: activates rom liver

    Epinephrine: activates rom muscles

    *nactivated: Protein Phosphatase

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Epinephrine and lucagon use PCG Pathway:

    o Adenylyl cyclase

    o cA"P (degraded by phosphodiesterase to /A"P)

    Phosphodiesterase inhibited by caeine

    /A"P can activate glycogen phosphorylase without phosphorylation

    During ano@ia or depletion o ATP

    o Catalytic subunit rom cA"P can activate lycogen Phosphorylase +inase

    Ca,% can activate by binding to calmodulin8 a subunit o glycogen

    phosphorylase inase8 which then activates glycogen phosphorylase to causeglycogen degradation

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    'ricar#oxylic Acid !ycle:

    9@idation o carbs8 ats8 and amino acids via acetyl CoA


    o C9,


  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Comple@:

    o *nhibitors:

    Acetyl CoA (end product)

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    Anaplerosis (illing up):

    o Pyruvate Carbo@ylase occurs in gluconeogenesis in liver-idneys

    o Pyruvate Carbo@ylase catalyes reaction between pyruvate and C9, to mae

    9@aloacetateo Thus8 high levels o 9@aloacetate in !iver % +idneys

    o Pyruvate Carbo@ylase is used to 9AA concentrations high

    Gegulation o Tricarbo@ylic Acid Cycle:

    o Pyruvate DH:

    *nhibitor: ATP8

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Allosterism and Regulation of Enyme Activity:

    0ubstrate Concentration vs7 Geaction >elocity

    o Enyme ollowing "ichaelis#"entonhyperbolic curve

    o Allosteric Enymesigmoid curve

    0hows cooperativity


    o Tetramer (,S8 ,Q)

    o Heme molecule noncovalently bonded to each subunito Heme allows o@ygen binding

    o Allosteric

    0ingle o@ygen molecule bounded = easier to bind more

    Ainity or last 9,is 3@ than ainity or 'st9,

    o Can bind o@ygen molecules

    o Carries o@ygenunloads o@ygen8 taes up C9,

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o P/ value: ,1 torr

    Partial pressure o o@ygen that will cause /2 saturation

    Higher partial pressure in lungs than capillaries o muscles

    E Hand

    o 0tructure o enyme than binds Ca,%

    o Calmodulin: ;inds calcium ions

    Calmodulin#dependent enymes:

    cA"P phosphodiesterase: degredation o cA"P

    "yosin light chain inase: smooth muscle contraction

    Calcineurin: phosphatase that taes phosphate o protein

    Calcium-calmodulin depended protein inase **

    Plasma membrane Ca,% ATPase


    o "onomeric guanine nucleotide binding protein

    o N/2 chance o cancers have mutated Gas Activated XonY state allows unregulated cell prolieration

    o TPase switch:

    *nactive Gas: bound to DP

    uanine E@change actor (E) allows TP to replace DP

    Activator Protein

    TPase Activator Protein (AP) allows Gas to hydrolye TP to DP

    *nactivator Protein

    Enyme Gegulation: phosphorylation %


    o +inase puts phosphate to target protein (active) through hydrolying ATP to ADP

    o Phosphatase taes o phosphate (inactive)

    eedbac inhibition:

    o ?sually end product o reaction acts as inhibitor o previous enymeo Gate limiting enyme oten aected

    o E@: P+#' and Citrate:

    Citrate is inal product o glucose metabolism

    Citrate inhibits Phosphoructoinase#'8 which converts #1#P to '81#;P

    ATP is also a eedbac inhibitor (high ATP = no need to metabolie glucose)

    Enyme Gegulation: Hormones

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o *nsulin:

    0timulates glycolysis

    Geleased ater meal

    Geceptor: tyrosine inase receptor

    o lucagon:

    *nhibits glycolysis Geleased in starvation

    Geceptor: #protein coupled receptor

    o ;oth *nsulin and lucagon act on:



    Pyruvate +inase

    Enyme levels oten elevated in plasma levels ater damage to tissues

    "arers o !iver Disease:

    o Alanine Aminotranserase (A!T)

    o Aspartate Aminotranserase (A0T)o *ncreased ;ilirubin = liver disease

    "arers o Heart Disease:

    o Creatine +inase *soyme: rise ater myocardial inarction

    o *soyme can be placed in electrophoresis:

    *soyme has , orms: muscle and brain

    , b subunits and , m subunits

    o ;oth Creatine +inase "; and Cardiac Troponin are

    increased in plasma ater myocardial inarction

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    (eta#olic !om&artmentaliation:

    0eries o Centriugations: (each round at aster speed)

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  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o 0mall molecules can use simple diusion (urea)

    o Amino acid transport can be either acilitated or active


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    Zield o ATP rom 9@idation o ' lucose:


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    ,xidative Phos&horylation:

    Taes place in mitochondrial matri@

    Taes H% rom

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review



    concentration accumulates in intermembrane space

    9n inner membrane:

    o ATP synthetase

    H% goes bac into matri@ and ATP orms

    o ATP-ADP antiporter ATP out

    ADP in

    o Phosphate Transporter:

    9H# out (combines with H% in intermembrane space to orm H,9)

    HP9,# in

    *nhibitors o 9@idative Phosphorylation:

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o Comple@ ': Gotenone

    o Comple@ ***: Antimycin A

    Comple@ ' % , are reduced (upstream)

    Comple@ c % 3 % are o@idied (downstream)

    o Comple@ *>: Carbon "ono@ide % Cyanide

    o Comple@ > (ATP synthase): 9ligomycino ATP-ADP Translocase (antiporter): Atractyloside

    ?ncouplers o 9@idative Phosphorylation:

    o Dissipates proton gradient across inner membrane to prevent ATP synthesis

    Protons are still moved into matri@ by uncoupler protein

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Hormonal Control o !ipid Digestion:

    o 0tomach:

    Cholecystoinin (CC+):

    *hibits gastric motility

    0timulates release o pancreatic enymes to release lipids

    0imulates gallbladder to release bile

    o ?pper 0mall *ntestine:


    0timulates pancreas to release bicarbonateincreases pH o lumen

    enymes more eective

    o CC+ and 0ecretin both released by gut endocrine cells when dietary lipids enter small


    atty Acid Abosorption:

    o *ntestinal mucosal cells absorb lipids

    o ,#"onoacylglycerol gets reconverted bac to Triacylglycerol (TA)

    o !ipids go into Chylomicron: TA

    Cholesteryl ester

    Apolipoprotein ;#K


    o Chylomicron goes into lymphatic system which eventually enters blood

    atty Acid 0tructure:

    o ,# Carbons: short chain

    o 1#', Carbons: medium chain

    #' carbons seen in mil

    o '#, Carbons: long chain atty acids have at least '1 carbons

    o N,, Carbons: very long#chain

    o Palmitic Acid is written as '1:'1 carbons with unsaturated bonds

    o 9leic Acid written as 'K:'(6)'K carbons8 ' unsaturated bond at 6thcarbon

    o Essential atty Acids: !inoleic acid % S#!inolenic acid

    o ormic Acid is simplest with ' carbon

    Cis vs Trans atty Acids:

    o Double bond = unsaturated at


  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o 3 enymes responsible or breadown:

    Adipose Triglyceride !ipase (AT!)

    Hormone 0ensitive !ipase (H0!)

    "onoacylglycerol !ipase ("!)

    o Enymes initiate ree atty acid lu@ rom white adipose tissue to liver

    o AT! removes one acyl group rom TAo 0uccessive removal (TADA"A)

    o ree atty acids go through receptors on liver into liver and activated with Acyl#CoA

    o TA is reormed in liver and is hydrolyed bac to ree atty acids by the 3 enymes

    o ree atty acids in liver go to nucleus or gene e@pression

    #Protein Coupled Geceptors:

    o Activated when alpha subunit dissociates

    o Eector protein is usually adenylyl cyclase

    "aes cA"P rom ATp cA"P rises in response to epinephrine or glucagon

    o Turn o: hydrolye TP to DP

    o cA"P:

    , regulatory subunits % , catalytic subunits

    cA"P binds to regulatory subunitsdissociates rom

    catalytic subunit catalytic subunit phosphorylates protein substrate to

    activate protein (P+A)

    To inactivate protein8 phosphatase

    dephosphorylates protein

    Hormonal Gegulation o at ;readown in Adipoytes:

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    o Epinephrine increases cA"Pactivates P+Aactivates

    hormone sensitive lipase

    o *nsulin reverses epinephrine eectstimulates phosphatase to

    inactivate H0!

    Carnitine 0huttle:


  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    0teps o Q#o@idation: (or even \ carbons)

    o X9H9TY (o@idation8 hydration8 o@idation8 thiolysis cleavage)

    o Taes , carbons o during each cycle

    o Energy is created by ormation o ADH, and

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    o , Acetyl CoA orms Acetoacetyl CoA

    o "oved bac to muscles and reverted bac to , acetyl CoA

    o ?sed in starvation8 brain also uses etone bodies

    +etone ;odies produced e@cessively in Diabetic patients

    o *nsulin decreases

    o Epinephrine-lucagon increases

    "ore lipolysis

    "ore ree atty acid in plasma

    "ore hepatic output o etone bodies


  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Fatty Acid Synthesis- ,#esity- and !ancer:

    Carbs and proteins in e@ess can be converted to atty acids stored as TA

    atty acid synthesis occurs in liver and lactating mammary glands

    o *n cytosol8 whereas beta#o@idation is in mitochondria

    o rows , carbons at a time

    o ATP and

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    Acetyl CoA Carbo@ylase:

    o Gate limiting step in atty acid synthesis

    o *nactive orm: protomers

    o Active: polymer

    o Activated by Citrate


    *nactivated by end product: !ong chain atty acyl CoAo orms "alonyl CoA rom Acetyl CoA (adds C9,)

    o Allosterically regulates malonyl CoA

    Gegulation o Acetyl CoA Carbo@ylate:

    o Done by covalent regulation (phosphorylation) by A"P +inase


    o *nsulin activates protein phosphatase to activate acetyl CoA


    o A"P+ inactivates acetyl CoA carbo@ylase

    o A"P+ is increased during starvation by glucagon and


    ormation o cytosolic acetyl CoA

    o 9AA not permeable out o matri@gets converted to Citrate

    o 9@aloacetate % Acetyl CoA = Citrate in mitochondrial matri@

    o Citrate transporter moves citrate into cytosol

    Especially when ATP levels high ater a meal

    o Citrate in cytosol is reconverted bac to Acetyl CoA and 9AA

    9AA!#"alatePyruvate (

  • 7/25/2019 Biochemistry Exam 1 Review


    During synthesis:

    o +etone groups reduced to hydro@yl groups by