biodentine: from biochemical and bioactive properties to ... · in restorative dentistry, and...

LITERATURE REVIEW/REVISIONE DELLA LETTERATURA Biodentine: from biochemical and bioactive properties to clinical applications Biodentine: dalle proprieta ` biochimiche e bioattive alle applicazioni cliniche Imad About * Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, ISM, Inst Movement Sci, Marseille, France Received 15 July 2016; accepted 13 September 2016 Available online 20 October 2016 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia (2016) 30, 81—88 KEYWORDS Biodentine; Tricalcium silicate-based material; Dentin substitute; Bioactivity; Clinical applications. Abstract Biodentine is a tricalcium silicate-based material designed as a permanent dentin substitute. It is biocompatible and bioactive material. Its interactions with both hard and soft tissues lead to a marginal sealing preventing marginal leakage and provide protection to the underlying pulp by inducing tertiary dentin synthesis. Unlike other dentin substitutes, Biodentine application does not require any conditioning of the dentin surface and the restoration sealing is provided by micromechanical retention as Biodentine penetrates into the dentin tubules forming tag-like structures. After setting, Biodentine can be cut and reshaped like natural dentin. It can also be bonded with different types of adhesives before finishing the final restoration with composite resin. Published clinical trials, histology of human teeth and clinical cases show that Biodentine has a wide spectrum of clinical applications as a permanent bulk dentin substitute in endodontics, in restorative dentistry, and pediatric dentistry as a possible replacement material of formecresol. This review brings a comprehensive understanding of Biodentine composition, preparation properties and the mechanism of interactions with hard and soft tissues. It explains the scientific mechanisms of the induction of these specific functions and illustrates the scientific basis beyond their clinical successful use. The article provides an overview of Biodentine clinical applications summarizing published clinical trials and reporting published clinical cases with this material in restorative and pediatric dentistry as well as in endodontics. ß 2016 Societa ` Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer review under responsibility of Societa ` Italiana di Endodonzia. * Correspondence to: Institut des Sciences du Mouvement (ISM), UMR 7287 CNRS & Universite ´ d’Aix-Marseille, Faculte ´ d’Odontologie, 27 BD Jean Moulin, 13385 Marseille cedex 5, France. E-mail: [email protected] . Available online at ScienceDirect j our na l h omepa ge : w ww.e lse vier. com/ loc ate /g ie 1121-4171/ß 2016 Societa ` Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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Page 1: Biodentine: from biochemical and bioactive properties to ... · in restorative dentistry, and pediatric dentistry as a possible replacement material of ... the development of Mineral


Biodentine: from biochemical and bioactiveproperties to clinical applications

Biodentine: dalle proprieta biochimiche e bioattive alle applicazioni cliniche

Imad About *

Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, ISM, Inst Movement Sci, Marseille, France

Received 15 July 2016; accepted 13 September 2016Available online 20 October 2016

Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia (2016) 30, 81—88

KEYWORDSBiodentine;Tricalcium silicate-basedmaterial;Dentin substitute;Bioactivity;Clinical applications.

Abstract Biodentine is a tricalcium silicate-based material designed as a permanent dentinsubstitute. It is biocompatible and bioactive material. Its interactions with both hard and softtissues lead to a marginal sealing preventing marginal leakage and provide protection to theunderlying pulp by inducing tertiary dentin synthesis. Unlike other dentin substitutes, Biodentineapplication does not require any conditioning of the dentin surface and the restoration sealing isprovided by micromechanical retention as Biodentine penetrates into the dentin tubules formingtag-like structures. After setting, Biodentine can be cut and reshaped like natural dentin. It canalso be bonded with different types of adhesives before finishing the final restoration withcomposite resin. Published clinical trials, histology of human teeth and clinical cases show thatBiodentine has a wide spectrum of clinical applications as a permanent bulk dentin substitute inendodontics, in restorative dentistry, and pediatric dentistry as a possible replacement materialof formecresol. This review brings a comprehensive understanding of Biodentine composition,preparation properties and the mechanism of interactions with hard and soft tissues. It explainsthe scientific mechanisms of the induction of these specific functions and illustrates the scientificbasis beyond their clinical successful use. The article provides an overview of Biodentine clinicalapplications summarizing published clinical trials and reporting published clinical cases with thismaterial in restorative and pediatric dentistry as well as in endodontics.� 2016 Societa Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open accessarticle under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Peer review under responsibility of Societa Italiana di Endodonzia.

* Correspondence to: Institut des Sciences du Mouvement (ISM), UMR 7287 CNRS & Universite d’Aix-Marseille, Faculte d’Odontologie, 27 BDJean Moulin, 13385 Marseille cedex 5, France.

E-mail: [email protected].

Available online at


j our na l h omepa ge : w ww.e l se v ier. com/ loc ate /g i e� 2016 Societa Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND

license (
Page 2: Biodentine: from biochemical and bioactive properties to ... · in restorative dentistry, and pediatric dentistry as a possible replacement material of ... the development of Mineral

PAROLE CHIAVEBiodentine;Cementi a base ditrisilicato di calcio;Sostituti della dentina;Ricerca;Applicazioni cliniche.

Riassunto Biodentine e un materiale a base di silicato tricalcico progettato come sostitutopermanente della dentina. Si tratta di un materiale biocompatibile e bioattivo. Le sue interazionicon entrambi i tessuti duri e molli portano ad una sigillatura marginale in grado di prevenirel’infiltrazione marginale e forniscono una protezione alla polpa sottostante inducendo sintesidentina terziaria. A differenza di altri sostituti della dentina, l’applicazione di Biodentine nonrichiede alcun condizionamento della superficie dentinale e la tenuta della restaurazione efornito dalla ritenzione micromeccanica in quanto Biodentine penetra nei tubuli dentinaliformando strutture di simili ai resin-tag. Dopo l’indurimento, il Biodentine puo essere tagliatoe rimodellato come dentina naturale. Puo anche essere trattato con diversi tipi di adesivi prima diterminare il restauro definitivo. Studi clinici pubblicati, istologia di denti umani estratti e casiclinici dimostrano che Biodentine ha un ampio spettro di applicazioni cliniche, come sostitutopermanente della dentina in endodonzia, in odontoiatria restaurativa e odontoiatria pediatrica.Questa review si propone di descrivere in maniera completa la composizione di Biodentine, leproprieta di preparazione e il meccanismo di interazione con i tessuti duri e molli. Essa spiega imeccanismi scientifici che caratterizzano queste funzioni specifiche e illustra la base scientificadel suo successo nell’utilizzo clinico. L’articolo fornisce inoltre una panoramica delle applicazionicliniche di Biodentine riassumendo gli studi clinici e riportando i casi clinici pubblicati con questomateriale in odontoiatria restaurativa e pediatrica, cosı come in endodonzia.� 2016 Societa Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. Cet article estpublie en Open Access sous licence CC BY-NC-ND (

82 I. About

Table 1 Biodentine composition: two components: liquidand powder to be mixed with an amalgamator for 30 s at4000 rpm.9

Powder Role

Tri-calcium silicate (C3S) Main core materialDi-calcium silicate (C2S) Second core materialCalcium carbonate and oxide FillerIron oxyde ShadeZirconium oxyde Radio-opacifier

LiquidCalcium chloride Setting acceleratorHydrosoluble polymer Water reducing agent


Over the past decades, search on restorative materialsfocused on replacing amalgams in small anterior restorationsand on posterior restorations of moderate size by directcomposite restorations. Opposed to amalgams, a micro-mechanical retention of resin composites can be achievedwith these materials by applying different adhesives. How-ever, some drawbacks have been reported with resin-basedmaterials such as wear resistance under high stress, shrink-age upon polymerization leading to microleakage and toxicmonomers release.1,2 In order to protect the pulp from resin-based materials toxic components, Calcium hydroxide-basedmaterials have been widely used in direct pulp cappingprocedures. In spite of a highly alkaline pH of this material,a dentin bridge can form within 3 months providing a protec-tion to the underlying pulp with mild or moderate inflamma-tion. However, several studies demonstrated a partialdissolution and that this bridge has tunnel defects.3,4 Therecent focus on biocompatible materials such as Portland ledto the development of Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as aroot-end filling material and direct pulp capping. This mate-rial is mainly composed of tricalcium and dicalcium silicates.5

When applied for pulp capping, it induces reparative dentinproduction leading to a regular tubular dentin bridge forma-tion within 2 months with no signs of inflammation.4 How-ever, some shortcomings have been reported with thismaterial. These are related to its long setting time of 2 h45 min, weak mechanical properties and difficult handlingproperties.6 Additionally, tooth discoloration has beenreported when this material is used for revascularization.7,8

Biodentine is a recently released tricalcium silicate-basedmaterial developed as a permanent dentin substitute toreplace the damaged dentin.9

In this review, the material composition, preparationmethod and application, mechanical and physical propertieswill be described, its interactions with the soft and hard

dental tissues will be explained and finally, Biodentine clin-ical applications based on published works will be reported.

Biodentine composition

Biodentine is a two components material. The powder ismainly composed of Tricalcium silicates. It also contains Di-Calcium Silicate as a second core material and CalciumCarbonate and Oxide as filler. The powder contains Zirco-nium oxide as a radio-opacifier. The liquid contains CalciumChloride as a setting accelerator and a water reducing agent(Table 1). The presence of a setting accelerator allows thematerial setting in 12 min and the presence of a waterreducing agent avoids the formation of cracks within thematerial. Such cracks are usually observed after setting ofcements containing high percentage of water.9 The materialis prepared by adding 5 drops of liquid to the powder presentin the capsule. These components are then triturated withan amalgamator for 30 s at 4000 rpm leading to the forma-tion of a paste of creamy consistency. The preparationmethod and proportions between powder and liquid should

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Biodentine bioactive properties 83

be respected and applied according to the manufacturer’sinstructions as these proportions greatly influence the mate-rial’s setting and mechanical properties. This is of particularsignificance mainly for applications under mechanical loadssuch as applications in Class II cavities.

The setting reaction is a hydration reaction

When Biodentine powder and liquid are mixed with an amal-gamator, the setting of the material is a hydration reaction.While Calcium silicates partially dissolve by adding the liquid,a hydrogel of hydrated silicate is produced. This will pre-cipitate on the remaining Silicate particles’ surface and in thespaces between the particles leading to a significantdecrease in the material’s porosity and an increase in itscompressive strength over time.9


Like any other restorative material, Biodentine Biocompat-ibility was investigated to ensure its safety when applied ontothe cells. Evaluation of its genotoxicity on bacteria strains bythe Ames test and its effects on the formation of micronucleiby human lymphocytes demonstrated the absence of anymutagenic effect of the material. Similarly, when testedon target human pulp cells, no DNA breaks or damage wasobserved with the Comet assay. These results demonstratedno genotoxic effects of Biodentine in vitro. The biocompat-ibility of the material was also investigated through its directapplication to human pulp cells simulating the direct pulpcondition and indirectly through a dentin slice to simulate itsindirect pulp capping in vivo. Under both conditions Bioden-tine was not found to affect target cell viability under in vivoapplication conditions.9 Additionally, when Biodentine wasapplied onto human pulp cells to investigate its effects ontheir specific functions by studying expression of odontoblastspecific functions such as expression of Nestin (a humanodontoblast specific marker) and Dentin Sialoprotein, Bio-dentine was not found to inhibit the expression of theseproteins but rather induce their expression and the cellsmineralization capacity.9—11 Further investigations demon-strated the absence of toxicity of Biodentine to human MG63human osteoblast cells with the MTT assay with propertiescomparable to that of MTA.12

Interactions with hard tissues: no surfacepreparation is needed to apply BiodentineTM

Clinical application of Biodentine in restorative dentistryimplies an intimate interaction with hard and soft tissuesas well as with other restorative materials. This should leadto a marginal sealing in vivo which provides pulp protectionand marginal sealing. Thus investigating these properties inex vivo is of prime importance.

An experimental work using third molar teeth was used toinvestigate the marginal sealing of Biodentine alone or incombination of other resin-based materials using the silvernitrate penetration method in Class II cavities. No marginalleakage was observed at the Biodentin/dentin interface or atthe enamel/Biodentine interface when the whole cavity wasfilled with Biodentine alone as a bulk restorative material

replacing dentin and enamel without any conditioning treat-ment. No leakage was observed when Biodentine surface wasprepared with the total etch technique and resin compositeapplication. The results of this investigation demonstratedthat the results obtained with Biodentine were similar tothose obtained with resin-modified glass ionomer cement(Fuji II LC) considered as a reference material in this typeof indications.13 An interesting study compared the shearbond strengths of different adhesive systems to Biodentine.Adhesive systems such as Prime & Bond NT: etch-and-rinseadhesive system, Clearfil SE Bond: 2-step self-etch adhesivesystem and Clearfil S3 Bond: 1-step self-etch adhesive systemwere applied onto Biodentine discs for 12 min and 24 h then aComposite (Clearfil Majesty) was applied. Data showed thatthe shear bond strengths were the same for different adhe-sive systems to Biodentine.14 This confirms that the marginalsealing of Biodentine is equivalent to that of RMGIC (Fuji IILC) and that Biodentine can be etched and treated likenatural dentin. Different restorative materials can be suc-cessfully applied on top of Biodentine. Whatever the surfacetreatment used on Biodentine, this material can be used incombination with composite resins.13,14

Biodentine interacts with hard tissues bymicromechanical retention

Interactions of Biodentine with the dentin provided cues tounderstanding how this material provides a marginal sealingwithout any dentin surface preparation: no etching and nobonding. In an experimental work performed ex vivo, dentinslices were prepared and Biodentine was prepared and mixedwith a fluorescent dye before its application onto the dentinsurface. Confocal laser scanning electron microscopy andscanning electron microscopy were used to study the inter-face between Biodentine and dentin. Confocal laser scanningelectron microscopy revealed that Biodentine penetratedinto the dentin tubules forming tag-like structures into thedentin tubules. Scanning electron microscopy revealed thatthe dentin tubules appeared with plugs of mineralizationcrystals just beneath the interface obliterating the dentintubules. These results explain the micromechanical reten-tion of the material on the one side and the marginal sealingon the other side.15

Bioactive properties in vitro

An entire human tooth culture model was used to investigateboth the material hydration when placed for pulp cappingand its effects on the pulp response. The tooth culture modelprovides a useful tool to investigate the initial steps ofdentin-pulp regeneration and the consequence of applyingpulp capping materials. Since the teeth used are immatureimpacted third molars, they also have the advantage of a highregeneration potential and not to be in contact with the oralflora. Biodentine was applied into pulp cavities then anadhesive resin was applied onto Biodentine and overlayedwith a composite resin. Hydration was allowed to proceedunder conditions similar to those in vivo by incubating teethin culture medium. After 14 days, back-scatter scanningelectron micrographs revealed that the material was homo-genous and appeared completely hydrated at all areas

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Figure 1 Biodentine direct application onto human pulp in human entire tooth culture for 4 weeks. Biodentine induced odontoblasticdifferentiation and reparative dentin secretion. Mineralization foci containing sequestered cells are observed in the dental pulpbeneath Biodentine. The sequestered cells express odontoblast markers such as Dentin Sialoprotein (DSP) and nestin.10

84 I. About

examined: within the material, at the Biodentine/dentininterface, at Biodentine/composite resin interface and atthe Biodentine/pulp interface. The hydration of this type ofmaterials leads to the release of Calcium ions which arenecessary for the mineralization. X-ray diffraction analysisof the material after setting demonstrated a significant peakof Calcium hydroxide formation which has long been used forpulp capping with a well demonstrated ability to inducedentin bridge formation.16

This culture model provided valuable information on theresponse to Biodentine application directly onto the pulp.

Figure 2 Effect of Biodentine on TGF-b1 release from humanpulp cells. Biodentine induces release of TGF-b1 from humanpulp cells. *Significant as compared to the control.10

Indeed, after application of Biodentine and culture for14 days, mineralized structures appeared in the form of fociin close vicinity of the material. This mineralization seemedto be directly linked to Biodentine as some cement particleswere seen within the mineralized structures but not in theneighboring pulp tissue. This mineralized tissue correspondsto an early form of reparative dentin as cells sequesteredwithin these mineralizations express odontoblastic markerssuch as nestin and dentin sialoprotein (Fig. 1).

This mineralization seems to be due to the release of agrowth factor, namely Transforming factor beta 1 (TGF-b1)from pulp cells incubated with Biodentine (Fig. 2). This factorhas been shown to be involved in odontoblastic differentia-tion and recent investigations revealed that this factor isinvolved in the recruitment of pulp stem cells to TGF-b1pro-duction site17 which is related to Biodentine application.Interestingly, increase in TGF-b1 was significant whateverthe ratio between the Biodentine surface area and cellculture volume.10 This has a clinical significance as it indi-cates that this cement can be applied onto the pulp whateverthe injured pulp surface area (Fig. 2).

Biodentine interactions with soft tissuesinduce tertiary dentin synthesis

When Biodentine was used for vital pulp therapy in vivo,investigations carrier out on different animal models showed

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Biodentine bioactive properties 85

that this material can be applied for both pulp capping andpulpotomy. Indeed, Biodentine induced tertiary dentinsynthesis when applied as direct or indirect pulp cappingmaterial in rat teeth.18,19 After direct pulp capping, thedentin bridge observed after 4 weeks in rat teeth was tubularand its porosity was similar to that of MTA.19 Similar resultsdemonstrated in miniature swine teeth. Indeed, after pulpcapping with Biodentine, no pulp inflammation was observedwhile a thick dentin bridge formed after 3 and 8 weeks.20

Similar results were reported in primary pig teeth after4 weeks and 90 days. Application of Biodentine in pulpotomywas also investigated in primary pig teeth and compared toformecresol and white MTA (WMTA). The results with Bio-dentine showed no inflammation and a thick dentin bridgeformed in 90% of the cases.21 These data were comparable tothe results obtained with WMTA and indicate the biocompat-ibility of these materials and their suitability for pulp cappingand pulpotomy.

Clinical applications

Although Biodentine is a recently developed material as it hasbeen released by the end of the year 2010 in Europe,different clinical applications have been so far publishedwith this material. These include applications in restorativedentistry, pediatric dentistry and endodontics. Although itcan be used as a temporary enamel substitute for upto6 months, Biodentine is mainly used as a permanent dentinsubstitute. It can be used to replace the missing/damagedbulk dentin volume. It can also be used as an alternative to

Table 2 Biodentine clinical applications and type of clinicalworks published on each application. Biodentine can be usedin restorative dentistry, pediatric dentistry and endodonticsas a permanent dentin substitute. It can be used to replacethe missing/damaged whole dentin volume. It can also beused as an alternative to formecresol in pulpotomy.

Application Type of investigations/references

CrownTemporary enamel restoration Clinical trials 22

Permanent dentin substitute inDeep/large carious lesions Clinical trials 22

Deep cervical/radicular lesions Case reports36—38

Indirect pulp capping Clinical trials22,23

Direct pulp capping Clinical andhistological studies25,26

Pulpotomy Clinical trials27,39

RootRoot canal/furcationperforations

Case reports 40

External resorption Case reports 41

Internal resorption Case reports 42

Regenerative endodontics Case reports 43

Apexogenesis after traumaticexposure

Case reports33,44

Apexification Case reports45—48

Retrograde root canalobturation

Case reports49,50

Formecresol in pulpotomy. The major clinical trials andhistological studies in human teeth are detailed below andreported (Table 2) while the clinical case reports are onlylisted in the same table.

Indirect pulp capping

A randomized clinical study was performed in the restorationof posterior teeth with Biodentine. 397 cases were includedwith a three years follow-up. Biodentine was applied as a bulkrestorative material in deep dentin cavities in replacementof both dentin and enamel. The scoring scales includedconsistency, working time, adhesion to instruments, easeof handling, anatomic form, marginal adaption, quality ofproximal contact, marginal discoloration, surface roughness,secondary caries and post-operative pain. The results of thistrial reported that Biodentine was easy to handle, showed, a,excellent anatomic form, marginal adaptation and very goodinterproximal contact. During the follow-up, the restorationwith BiodentineTM in comparison to the composite resin Z100was well tolerated in all cases with no post-operative pain.The anatomic form, marginal adaptation and interproximalcontact started to deteriorate only after 6 months. Due to thedeterioration, a complementary treatment was performed.Biodentine was kept as dentin substitute as the pulp vitalitytest was positive. Biodentine presented a good resistance toburring and the composite Z100 was applied onto Biodentinesurface and evaluated for up to 3 years. The conclusions ofthis study is that Biodentine can be used as a posteriorrestoration material for up to 6 months as a temporaryenamel substitute. When covered with Z1001, it is a well-tolerated permanent dentin substitute. Additionally, Bioden-tine can be cut and shaped like the natural dentin.22 Inanother clinical study, the efficacy of Biodentine as an indir-ect pulp capping material was evaluated and compared to aglass ionomer cement (Fuji IX) in irreversible pulpitis. 36restorations with Biodentine and 36 Fuji IX were placedrandomly in 53 patients. The clinical efficacy at 12 monthsrevealed no statistically significant differences in clinicalefficacy between Biodentine and Fuji IX.23

The reported absence of post-operative pain and post-operative sensitivity in the clinical trial22 may be due at leastto 2 factors:1) The infiltration of Biodentine into the dentin tubules15 due

to the precipitation of crystals within the tubulesdecreases the dentin tubule permeability and fluid move-ment which may decrease post-operative sensitivity.

2) The reduction odontoblast pain receptor expression andfunction and the reduction of the secretion of pro-inflam-matory cytokines. Indeed, odontoblasts express painreceptors of the transient receptor potential family ofion channels (TRP) namely TRPA1. These receptors play asignificant role in nociception and neurogenic inflamma-tion. When extracts of Biodentine were applied on odon-toblast-like cells, expression of these receptors decreasedtogether with their functional activity as measured by anintracellular calcium level increase. Additionally, Applica-tion of Biodentine decreased the pro-inflammatory tumornecrosis factor secretion (TNF-a) from odontoblast likecells24 as measured by Enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay (ELISA).

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I. About

Direct pulp capping

Pulps of 28 non-carious molars scheduled for orthodontictreatment were exposed mechanically and pulps cappeddirectly with Biodentine or MTA in class I cavities. 7 patientscomplained from mild pain on the day of surgery. 4 of thesepatients were treated with Biodentine and 3 with MTA. Nosymptoms were reported in the other patients. Teeth weretested before extraction for cold and electro-sensitivity andall confirmed the pulp vitality. The absence of periapicalpathology was confirmed radiographically before the treat-ment and just before the tooth extraction. The histologicalexamination of the pulp state and response after direct pulpcapping with Biodentine as compared to MTA in human teethrevealed an absence of pulp inflammation and the formationof a complete dentin bridge beneath both materials after6 weeks.25 Tomographic data evaluating the density andvolume of reparative dentin revealed that these values werehigher for Biodentine.26 These results indicate that Bioden-tine can be safely applied directly onto the human vital pulp.


Clinical application of Biodentine in pulpotomy has beeninvestigated in few clinical studies as a pulpotomy medica-ment. A randomized clinical study was performed in childrenof 4—9 years of age. 84 pulpotomies were performed andattributed to MTA or Biodentine. All teeth were restored withstainless steel crowns. Clinical and radiographic evaluationswere performed after 6 and 12 months. Data showed that onemolar of the MTA group had an internal resorption while 1molar of Biodentine treated group had internal resorptionand another showed a radiographic radiolucency. Over all,both materials had a very high clinical success rate27 and theoverall clinical success after 12 months is reported (Table 3).Another study evaluated Biodentine and compared it to MTAin a short term clinical study. Biodentine was applied inpulpotomy in 20 teeth followed by restoration with stainlesssteel crowns. At 3 and 6 months, patients were recalledand Biodentine was shown as equally efficient as MTA withsimilar radiographic success.28 A similar study was performedcomparing Biodentine to MTA and Propolis as pulpotomymedicaments. After 9 months, Biodentine and MTA showedcomparable results with a high radiographic success rate andmore favorable than Propolis.29 Finally, a confirmation of allthese data reported no significant differences between MTAand Biodentine used as pulpotomy medicaments even after18 months with clinical success higher than 95% for bothmaterials.30 Taken together, although longer term clinicalevaluations are required, these data indicate that Biodentine


Table 3 Evaluation of Biodentine as compared to MTA inpulpotomy after 12 months. Clinical success rates arereported in number of cases and percentage showing a highclinical success rate of both MTA and Biodentine in pulpotomyafter 12 months.27

Success/total number of cases Success (%)

MTA 36/39 92Biodentine 38/39 97

has the potential to be used as a substitute for formocresol inprimary molar pulpotomies.

Case reports on the other clinicalapplications

In addition to the above detailed indications, many casereports have been published with Biodentine in differentclinical indications. These include deep cervical/radicularlesions, root canal/furcation perforations, external/internalresorption, regenerative endodontics, apexogenesis aftertraumatic exposure, apexification and retrograde root canalobturation. These applications are listed and correspondingcase report references are provided (Table 2).


Although Biodentine is among the most recently developedtricalcium silicate-based materials, a significant and increas-ing number of investigations have been published on thismaterial. While many studies reported its biocompatibilityand Bioactivity in vitro and in vivo, preclinical investigationsshed the light on the mechanisms of its interaction with thedental hard tissue. Indeed, many investigations performedboth in vitro and in vivo demonstrated that the interactionsof Biodentine with both hard and soft tissues provide ahermetic seal protecting the dental pulp by preventingbacterial infiltration. These studies demonstrated that,through its interactions with the hard tissues, Biodentineprovides a micro-mechanical retention by infiltrating thedentin tubules. On the other hand it induces the targettissue specific functions by inducing tertiary dentin synthesiswhich provides further protection to the pulp. These twocombined effects might be responsible, at least in part, forthe absence of post-operative pain and hypersensitivity.Another important investigation reported that the applica-tion of Biodentine reduces both TRPA1 pain receptor expres-sion and function. More importantly, when applied onodontoblast-like cells Biodentine decreases pro-inflamma-tory TNF-a secretion. This indicates that, in addition tothe abovementioned roles of Biodentine, its application ontothe dentin/pulp reduces the inflammation and consequentlythe post-operative pain.

How does Biodentine compare to otherwidely used and common pulp cappingmaterials

When compared to Calcium Hydroxide, Biodentine is strongermechanically due to its composition and low porosity. It is lesssoluble and the produced dentin bridge shows no tunneldefects as compared to that under Calcium hydroxide thusit has a better sealing ability than Calcium hydroxide.19,31

When Compared to MTA, Biodentine is easier to handle,22

stronger mechanically and has a shorter setting time.6 It canbe used as a temporary enamel substitute up to 6 months andin different applications as a permanent dentin substitutewithout any surface treatment. Additionally, while discolora-tion with MTA32 and its derivatives have been reported inregenerative endodontics and seem to be mainly due to the

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Biodentine bioactive properties 87

presence of Bismuth oxide as a radio-opacifier,7 no discolora-tion of tooth crown has been reported after 48 monthswith Biodentine which does not contain Bismuth oxide butZirconium oxide as a radio-opacifier.33—35


Taken together, through in vitro, in vivo, clinical trials/reports, this review shows that Biodentine is biocompatible,has strong mechanical properties and can safely be applied inrestorative dentistry, in pediatric dentistry (as a possiblealternative to formecresol) and in endodontics. It is impor-tant to know that Biodentine does not require any surfaceconditioning treatment. It can be cut and reshaped likenatural dentin. It can be used as a bulk permanent dentinsubstitute to replace the whole damaged/lost dentin and notonly as a pulp capping material. Biodentine surface can bebonded like the natural dentin with different adhesivesbefore final composite resins application.

Conflict of interest

The author’s original works on Biodentine were partiallysupported by Septodont.


The author thanks Dr. Jean-Charles Gardon for his support byproviding the teeth used in the previously published works,Septodont for the continuous support/collaboration and Aix-Marseille Universite and CNRS institutional support.


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