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Advanced Biogas Advanced Biogas Cogeneration CHP Technologies Cogeneration CHP Technologies We provide Value and Economical Benefits We provide Value and Economical Benefits

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Advanced BiogasAdvanced BiogasCogeneration CHP TechnologiesCogeneration CHP TechnologiesWe provide Value and Economical BenefitsWe provide Value and Economical Benefits The current CHP Project Process in the U.S. The current CHP Project Process in the U.S.FormanyYearsCHPCogeneration haseenacomple!"ssuethat involvesanArmyofEngineers# Consultants#$uppliers#Contractors and $ucontractors%Every"nstallationisindividually specified# designed# engineered#and Componentsaregenerallyinstalled and first&time tested 'ointly on&$ite% EventhoughFunctionalityisased onthesameCHPPrinciple#the (a'orityofallCogeneration "nstallationsaredifferent%)The Wheel is invented again and again*%+suallythisresultsinlong Planning#slo,"mplementation# e!tended-eadTimes#higherCost# Prolems#andmuchlo,er functional .eliaility%Engineering Office Engineering OfficeSpecs &OrderingGensetCooling SystemExhust HE!" HEPumps#lex & $ufflerChillerPipingGsTretm.GsTrinGs%egultorsControls & S&itchgerTrnsformers & C'lesSupply of mny indi(idulComponents from (rious )endorsGenerl Contrctor for On*Site +nstlltion Generl Contrctor for On*Site +nstlltion Third PrtyThird Prty ContinerContiner Pc,ging Pc,gingGenerlly noGenerlly no Experience in CHP orExperience in CHP or -iogs -iogs$echnicl$echnicl Su'contrctor Su'contrctor)ery often)ery often supported 'ySu'* supported 'ySu'*Su'contrctor Su'contrctorElectriclElectricl Su'contrctor Su'contrctor)ery often)ery often supported 'ySu'* supported 'ySu'*Su'contrctor Su'contrctorTheindividual0esignProcessofCHP $ystemsre1uirescomple!technical -ogistics#,ithmanyPeople2Entities involved% The current CHP Project Process in the U.S. The current CHP Project Process in the U.S. . smrt/ less complicted . smrt/ less complictednd much more Cost*Effecti(e Solution nd much more Cost*Effecti(e Solution 3ur $olution3ur $olutionOur CHP Cogenertion Technology Our CHP Cogenertion Technology3ur CHP E1uipment is supplied4All "nclusive 5 3ne Pac/ageFully Factory TestedConnection .eadyFor "nside "nstallation For 3utside "nstallation 3ne $top 5 3ne $ource6o 6eed to invent the Wheel again Proven 0esignFunctionality is guaranteed(ore than 7888 +nits in 3perationPrcticl/ #unctionl/ nd Stndrdi0ed Prcticl/ #unctionl/ nd Stndrdi0edEasy to Transport 5 Easy to "nstall 5 Easy to (aintainA complete)All&"n&3ne* Pac/age (odule ,ith one general consistent Factory 9uality $tandard%Our1#ctory Pc,ge2 Project .pproch Our1#ctory Pc,ge2 Project .pprochChillers 3 TrigenertionSpecil Gs Trin &%egultion %e4uirementsGs Tretment#uel Processing 3 Tretment 5) & H) S&itch GerControl Systems +nstlltion Ser(ice $intennce ContrctsWe are speciali:ed in offering complete Factory Pac/age Cogeneration $olutions%Cogenertion $oduleSpecil Cooling %e4uirementsTrnsformers The -se CHP $odule The -se CHP $odulePump ; CirculationCompartmentElectronic Control$ectionHeat E!changerCompartmentHeat E!changer Compartment includes G Engine Technologies mored(nced nd perfectly suited for -iogs A d(nced nd perfectly suited for -iogs AGs #lo& Optimi0tionOptimi0ed ThrottlePosition Optimi0ed Exhust $nifold +mpro(ed +ntercoolerSpecilly designed.-- Tur'o"hy re >G Engine Technologies more "hy re >G Engine Technologies mored(nced nd perfectly suited for -iogs A d(nced nd perfectly suited for -iogs A"hy re >G Engine Technologies more "hy re >G Engine Technologies mored(nced nd perfectly suited for -iogs A d(nced nd perfectly suited for -iogs AEspecilly de(eloped for &e, nd corrosi(e -iogs oftotal arometric Pressure# 78@ relative Humidity ,ith 8# KC@ Fuel Tolerance%Emmissions4TA&-uft D88B 2 Euro Tier C and A $tandards =D88B2D8?G>+%$% EPA Compliant Ser(ice & Product Support Ser(ice & Product SupportWeareproviding$ervice;(aintenancethroughour6et,or/ofFactorytrainedandauthori:edD