biologia para polacos, ecosistemas copia 4

The Pine Forest They consist of a single tree species, the Canary Island pine tree (Pinus canariensis).The Canary Island pine is the most abundant tree of the archipelago.

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Page 1: Biologia para polacos, ecosistemas   copia 4

The Pine Forest

They consist of a single tree species, the Canary Island pine tree (Pinus canariensis).The Canary Island pine is the most abundant tree of the archipelago.

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Insects that live in the pines are the primary consumers and birds like the blue chaffinch (Fringilla teydea), which feeds on pine seeds.

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Pinzón Azul (Fringilla teydea)

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There are also insectivorous birds, as the Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major). Among others, the hawk (Buteo buteo insularum).