biological basis for the surgical treatment of …...fractory to existing therapies. for these...

The Importance of a Biological/Mechanistic Approach to Surgery for Depression The successful application of DBS to the treatment of movement disorders 24,26,68,111,127 has renewed interest in the surgical treatment of depression. Although the field of psy- chosurgery has its roots in anecdotal experience as opposed to hypothesis-driven experimentation assessed with vali- dated outcome measures, a new era is fortunately emerg- ing. Advances in the field of neuroimaging have allowed the use of human participants for testing hypotheses about the mechanisms that underlie these disorders. In addition to higher expectations and greater scrutiny placed on investi- gations in this arena, the advent of DBS technology has provided investigators with a tool that is nondestructive, modifiable, capable of being turned on or off, and more fo- cal in its effects than psychotropic medications. Depression is now viewed as a neural “network prob- lem,” as opposed to dysfunction in one particular neural structure or neurotransmitter. 75 This network (or networks) can be regarded as a collection of interconnected gray mat- ter nodes and white matter pathways. There are as yet no careful clinical trials published that would enable a rational decision to be made regarding the optimal DBS target with- in this network for the treatment of depression. The pur- pose of this review is to highlight the existing clinical and imaging data, the current disease models, and the results of recent case reports and patient series that together may inform the construction of appropriate clinical trials. The Clinical Picture of Depression Depression is estimated to affect 121 million people worldwide, ranks among the leading causes of disability worldwide ( ment/depression/definition/en), and is increasing annually in terms of its contribution to the global burden of disease. An estimated 850,000 patients annually commit suicide. The mainstay of therapy for severe depression has been a combination of pharmacotherapy and CBT, with ECT reserved for those patients who do not respond to med- ication and CBT. The medications used to treat depression result in the manipulation of neurotransmitter levels throughout the brain, often leading to unacceptable side effects and difficulty with patient compliance. 60 Although the majority of patients with major depression respond to medication and/or psychotherapy, 20% of patients are re- fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto- ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera- pies include vagus nerve stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, and DBS. This review will focus on the ongoing work in DBS for depression, and the reader is referred to other sources for reviews on vagus nerve stimu- lation 87 and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation 29 for the treatment of major depression. Depression is now increasingly regarded as a “systems- level” disorder, as opposed to a disorder that results from a single neuroanatomical structure or neurotransmitter ab- normality. 75 The mechanism or mechanisms that drive this system dysfunction are as yet not well characterized, but are likely to involve developmental insults superimposed Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 25 / July 2008 Neurosurg Focus 25 (1):E2, 2008 Biological basis for the surgical treatment of depression A VIVA ABOSCH, M.D., PH.D., 1 AND G. REES COSGROVE, M.D., F.R.C.S.C. 2 1 Department of Neurosurgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota; and 2 Department of Neurosurgery, Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts An estimated 20% of patients with major depression are refractory to existing therapies. The purpose of this review is to provide a theoretical and neuroscientific framework in which to interpret new work in the field of surgical treatment for depression. This review focuses on existing clinical and imaging data, current disease models, and results of recent case reports and patient series that together may inform the construction of appropriate clinical trials for the surgical treatment of refractory depression. (DOI: 10.3171/FOC/2008/25/7/E2) KEY WORDS deep brain stimulation depression functional imaging 1 Abbreviations used in this paper: ACC = anterior cingulate cortex; CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; CGPS = Clinical Global Psychiatric-Social Status; DBS = deep brain stimulation; DTI = dif- fusion tensor imaging; ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; FDG = flu- orine-18-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose; HRSD = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MADRS = Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; OFC = orbitofrontal cortex; PD = Parkinson disease; SSRI = serotonin- selective reuptake inhibitor. Unauthenticated | Downloaded 06/28/20 06:07 PM UTC

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Page 1: Biological basis for the surgical treatment of …...fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto-ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera-pies include

The Importance of a Biological/MechanisticApproach to Surgery for Depression

The successful application of DBS to the treatment ofmovement disorders24,26,68,111,127 has renewed interest in thesurgical treatment of depression. Although the field of psy-chosurgery has its roots in anecdotal experience as opposedto hypothesis-driven experimentation assessed with vali-dated outcome measures, a new era is fortunately emerg-ing. Advances in the field of neuroimaging have allowedthe use of human participants for testing hypotheses aboutthe mechanisms that underlie these disorders. In addition tohigher expectations and greater scrutiny placed on investi-gations in this arena, the advent of DBS technology hasprovided investigators with a tool that is nondestructive,modifiable, capable of being turned on or off, and more fo-cal in its effects than psychotropic medications.

Depression is now viewed as a neural “network prob-lem,” as opposed to dysfunction in one particular neuralstructure or neurotransmitter.75 This network (or networks)can be regarded as a collection of interconnected gray mat-ter nodes and white matter pathways. There are as yet nocareful clinical trials published that would enable a rationaldecision to be made regarding the optimal DBS target with-in this network for the treatment of depression. The pur-pose of this review is to highlight the existing clinical and

imaging data, the current disease models, and the results ofrecent case reports and patient series that together mayinform the construction of appropriate clinical trials.

The Clinical Picture of Depression

Depression is estimated to affect 121 million peopleworldwide, ranks among the leading causes of disabilityworldwide (, and is increasing annuallyin terms of its contribution to the global burden of disease.An estimated 850,000 patients annually commit suicide.The mainstay of therapy for severe depression has been acombination of pharmacotherapy and CBT, with ECTreserved for those patients who do not respond to med-ication and CBT. The medications used to treat depressionresult in the manipulation of neurotransmitter levelsthroughout the brain, often leading to unacceptable sideeffects and difficulty with patient compliance.60 Althoughthe majority of patients with major depression respond tomedication and/or psychotherapy, 20% of patients are re-fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto-ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera-pies include vagus nerve stimulation, repetitive transcranialmagnetic stimulation, and DBS. This review will focus onthe ongoing work in DBS for depression, and the reader isreferred to other sources for reviews on vagus nerve stimu-lation87 and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation29

for the treatment of major depression.Depression is now increasingly regarded as a “systems-

level” disorder, as opposed to a disorder that results from asingle neuroanatomical structure or neurotransmitter ab-normality.75 The mechanism or mechanisms that drive thissystem dysfunction are as yet not well characterized, butare likely to involve developmental insults superimposed

Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 25 / July 2008

Neurosurg Focus 25 (1):E2, 2008

Biological basis for the surgical treatment of depression


1Department of Neurosurgery, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota; and2Department of Neurosurgery, Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts

An estimated 20% of patients with major depression are refractory to existing therapies. The purpose of this review isto provide a theoretical and neuroscientific framework in which to interpret new work in the field of surgical treatmentfor depression. This review focuses on existing clinical and imaging data, current disease models, and results of recentcase reports and patient series that together may inform the construction of appropriate clinical trials for the surgicaltreatment of refractory depression. (DOI: 10.3171/FOC/2008/25/7/E2)

KEY WORDS • deep brain stimulation • depression • functional imaging


Abbreviations used in this paper: ACC = anterior cingulate cortex;CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; CGPS = Clinical GlobalPsychiatric-Social Status; DBS = deep brain stimulation; DTI = dif-fusion tensor imaging; ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; FDG = flu-orine-18-labeled fluorodeoxyglucose; HRSD = Hamilton RatingScale for Depression; MADRS = Montgomery-Åsberg DepressionRating Scale; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; OFC =orbitofrontal cortex; PD = Parkinson disease; SSRI = serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor.

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Page 2: Biological basis for the surgical treatment of …...fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto-ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera-pies include

on genetic susceptibility and affective temperament.77 Awealth of functional neuroimaging data has contributed tothis framework for conceptualizing depression and led tohypothesis-driven approaches to the treatment of refractorydepression. In addition to the possibility of elucidating theunderlying mechanism of depression, functional neuro-imaging holds the promise of identifying biomarkers thatcould be used to guide therapeutic interventions in differentsubpopulations of depressed patients.

Converging Lines of Evidence

Historical Human Ablative Limbic System Surgery Data

As noted above, the history of psychosurgery is one ofappropriate public and governmental concern. Studies pur-porting to demonstrate the efficacy of the various psy-chosurgery techniques are mostly retrospective and open(noncontrolled) in nature, and lacking in appropriate con-trol arms for comparison.72 Despite these caveats, there areample data to support the efficacy and reasonable side-effect profile of the more limited ablative limbic systemsurgeries for patients who have exhausted other treatmentoptions. Psychiatric diagnosis has improved considerablysince the early days of psychosurgery, with the standard-ization afforded by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders and the adoption of validated and objec-tive rating scales for tracking improvements in psychiatricsymptoms following therapy.85 Although interest has shift-ed substantially away from lesion surgery and toward neu-romodulation procedures—such as the implantation ofDBS devices—ablative limbic system surgery is stillperformed.74,118 The ablative procedures currently in useinclude anterior limb capsulotomy, anterior cingulotomy,118

subcaudate tractotomy, and rarely, the combination of cin-gulotomy and subcaudate tractotomy, known as limbicleukotomy.130 Although varying methodologies for patientselection and postoperative assessment exist in the report-ed series, it is interesting to note that the standard lesioningapproaches—anterior capsulotomy, subcaudate tractotomy,and cingulotomy—all result in comparable clinical effica-cy,22 although the white matter tracts severed in each pro-cedure are different. These results are briefly summarizedbelow.

Anterior Capsulotomy. Anterior capsulotomy involvesthe generation of a lesion in frontothalamic fibers that passthrough the anterior limb of the internal capsule, ventral tothe putamen and the head of the caudate nucleus, and im-mediately dorsal to the nucleus accumbens.74 Anterior cap-sulotomy has been associated with a 70% success rate inpatients with OCD.14 Although this procedure continues tobe used for the treatment of major depression,105 the prima-ry indication for anterior capsulotomy is now OCD. Inter-estingly, adverse effects of capsulotomy include depress-ion, which is reported to resolve over time.83

Cingulotomy. Cingulotomy, initially performed as astereotactic procedure by Foltz and White38 in 1962, in-volves the generation of bilateral thermocoagulation orradiosurgery lesions in the ACC as well as the fibers of thecingulum.23,28 Lesions in this region are believed to result inthalamofrontal pathway disruption, pathways that are in-volved in the mediation of anxiety and depression. Also

arising in the anterior cingulate region are extensive pro-jections to amygdala, periaqueductal gray, and autonomicbrainstem motor nuclei, connections that are involved inthe mediation of emotion and autonomic responses.27 Ball-antine and colleagues6 reported significant improvement in64% of patients with major depression treated using cingu-lotomies. Patients were assessed using the CGPS scale,which measures functional outcome following therapy. ACGPS scale score of 3, 4, or 5 is consistent with responseto treatment. More recently, using the same outcome crite-ria, Spangler and associates115 reported a significant im-provement (CGPS scale score of 3, 4, or 5) in 60% of pa-tients undergoing cingulotomies for major depression.

Subcaudate Tractotomy. Subcaudate tractotomy, whichinvolves the generation of bilateral lesions in the substantiainnominata of the basal forebrain immediately ventral tothe head of the caudate,63 has been used for many decadesto treat refractory affective and anxiety disorders, includingdepression and OCD.74 In a study published in 1975 byGöktepe and colleagues,46 68% of patients with depressionhad “recovered” or were “much improved” after subcau-date tractotomy. The Wakefield Depression Inventory114

was used to rate patients’ symptoms at the time of review(2.5-4.5 years postoperatively), but no comparison preop-erative data were provided. Other reports cite outcome aftersubcaudate tractotomy for depression as “good” in 34-56%of patients.54,120 More recently, Poynton et al.101 prospec-tively studied a cohort of 23 patients (70% with majordepressive disorder and 30% with bipolar disorder) under-going subcaudate tractotomy. Testing at 6 months follow-ing surgery disclosed significant improvements in depres-sion, with a 54% improvement on the HRSD.50

Limbic Leucotomy. Limbic leukotomy combines lesionformation in the ACC with subcaudate tractotomy, and wasintroduced as a means of combining the therapeutic effica-cy of the individual procedures.61 Limbic leukotomy hasbeen used for the treatment of refractory major depressionand OCD. Montoya and associates85 reported their resultsusing limbic leukotomy for the treatment of 6 patients withmajor depressive disorder who underwent operations be-tween 1993 and 1999. One patient committed suicide post-operatively. Of the remaining patients, 3 (50%) demon-strated significant improvement on the CGPS rating scale,consistent with treatment response.

Existing data thus suggest that the lesion proceduresdescribed above—regardless of whether the anterior cap-sule, cingulum, or subcaudate white matter is severed—offer benefit to a large proportion of patients (35-70%) withintractable depression.48 This finding provides support forthe idea that a network, rather than a single neural target,underlies the mechanism as well as the successful remedi-ation of major depression.

Evidence From Central Nervous System Injury Literature

There is mounting evidence from the clinical literaturethat discrete lesions—whether from stroke, tumor, or toxicexposure—can induce neuropsychiatric disorders such asdepression, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and Tour-ettism. The evidence for an association between the ana-tomical location of a lesion and the onset of depression isless clear.

A. Abosch and G. R. Cosgrove

2 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 25 / July 2008

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Page 3: Biological basis for the surgical treatment of …...fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto-ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera-pies include

Depression following cerebral infarction is common,129

with an incidence rate of 14–47% depending on studymethodology.56 Surprisingly, though, the level of debilita-tion resulting from the infarct does not necessarily correlatewith likelihood of depression.129 This observation suggeststhat depression might be a direct biological consequence ofthe infarct rather than a reactive depression.129 Some inves-tigators believe that infarct location in the brain is correlat-ed with the likelihood of poststroke depression,106,116 al-though this is controversial (see below). Robinson et al.106

reported that patients with anterior infarcts in the leftfrontal cortex or within the left basal ganglia had the high-est frequency of depression, with the severity of depressioncorrelating with how far anteriorly the infarct was located.Starkstein and colleagues116,117 reported a greater incidenceof poststroke depression following lesions of the left frontalcortex or left basal ganglia, and more recently, Barker-Collo8 noted that depression was more likely to occur inpatients sustaining left versus right hemisphere strokes.These observations support the hypothesis that damage inspecific locations results in disruption of the neural circuitsinvolved in mood regulation.10

In contrast, Fure et al.44 published a study of 178 patientswith strokes, demonstrating no relationship between infarctlocation and likelihood of poststroke depression. Also, ameta-analysis of reports published between 1966 and 1999on the association between poststroke depression andstroke location by Carson and colleagues21 found no sup-port for an association between the risk of depression andlocation of infarct.

Mood and Behavioral Effects of DBS for MovementDisorders

Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of movementdisorders has been reported to result in a variety of moodchanges. It is important to remember that levodopa, byitself, can have psychotropic effects43 and that most patientswith PD who undergo surgery for the implantation of DBSelectrodes are also taking levodopa. Furthermore, subthal-amic nucleus DBS and levodopa have synergistic effects,often requiring titration of medication dose and/or adjust-ment stimulation parameters immediately after surgery.86

This manipulation of drug dose and stimulation parameterscan confound efforts to determine which effects can beattributed to medication, stimulation, or both. Manypatients also take dopamine agonists such as pramipexole,which has been implicated in compulsive gambling inpatients with PD. Nonetheless, changes attributed to DBShave included depression,66 aggression,11 hypomania,42,73

mania,122 apathy,31,110 and inappropriate laughter.65 In aprospective study of 20 patients with PD treated with sub-thalamic nucleus DBS, Houeto and colleagues55 reportedan improvement in depression severity of 21% at 6 monthsand 33% at 24 months. In contrast, a recent report byBerney and colleagues12 found that acute DBS in a smallseries of 15 patients did not result in clinically significantmood alterations. Additionally, globus pallidus internaDBS for the treatment of generalized dystonia in 22 pa-tients resulted in no significant behavioral or moodchanges.97 However, Kosel and colleagues64 described apatient with neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia andcomorbid major depression who underwent DBS. For the

treatment of her tardive dyskinesia, the patient underwentimplantation of bilateral DBS electrodes within the globuspallidus internus, at a location 2 mm medial to the targetgenerally used for PD. Following 18 months of nonblindedstimulation, the patient’s dystonic symptoms had improvedby 35%, with improvements occurring primarily in thelimbs and only minimal improvements in her disabling oro-mandibular dyskinesia. Interestingly, her depression hadimproved significantly, decreasing by 50% on the HRSD.50

Physiological Models of BasalGanglia Function and Disease

In 1983 Penney and Young96 presented a model thathighlighted the importance of the cortico-striato-pallido-thalamocortical feedback circuit as the major extrapyrami-dal influence on the motor system in man. A revolutionaryapproach to thinking about basal ganglia physiology waspublished in 1986 when Alexander et al.2 proposed the par-allel pathway hypothesis. Building on rapidly accumulat-ing evidence, Alexander and colleagues proposed 5 paral-lel, segregated cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits(Fig. 1), with each circuit (motor, oculomotor, dorsolateralprefrontal, lateral orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate)engaging specific regions of the cerebral cortex, striatum,pallidum, substantia nigra, and thalamus. Hypokineticmovement disorders were proposed to result from overac-tivity of the globus pallidus interna, and hyperkinetic dis-orders from decreased activity in the globus pallidus inter-nus.124 The model put forth by Alexander and colleagueswas subsequently modified to include connections betweenthe cortex and thalamus through 4 parallel loops, includingmotor, spatial, visual, and affective loops.82 A recent meta-analysis of PET and functional MR imaging research100

indicates that the functional connectivity between the cor-tex and the different striatal nuclei are broadly consistentwith the predictions of the parallel pathway model.

At present, on the basis of anatomical and physiologicalstudies and the success of surgical interventions, bothmovement disorders and neuropsychiatric disorders (suchas depression, OCD, and Tourette syndrome) are nowviewed as circuit disorders resulting from pathological dis-turbances in neuronal activity within specific cortico-sub-cortical loops.25,76 A review of the relevant anatomical re-gions and pathways follows below.

Anatomy of Depression

Serving as the link between the frontal lobe and thala-mus, the anterior limb of the internal capsule contains theprefrontal corticopontine tract and the anterior thalamicradiation. The anterior thalamic radiation interconnects theprefrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus with the anterior anddorsomedial thalamic nuclei.95 Although the precise func-tion of the anterior nuclear group in humans remains un-known, both the anterior nuclear group and dorsomedialnucleus are densely connected with cortical and subcorticallimbic areas.95

The nucleus accumbens is located in the ventral-mostaspect of the medial striatum49 and is heavily connected tolimbic areas of the brain.53 The nucleus accumbens receivesprojections from a large number of brain regions, including

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Biological basis for the surgical treatment of depression


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Page 4: Biological basis for the surgical treatment of …...fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto-ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera-pies include

dopaminergic projections from the midbrain and projec-tions from the OFC, medial prefrontal cortex,49 and amyg-dala,84 all regions involved in the processing of emotion.The nucleus accumbens also receives projections frommotor control centers such as the globus pallidus and fromregions involved in memory such as the hippocampus.40

The nucleus accumbens sends projections to midbraindopaminergic neurons within the ventral tegmental areaand substantia nigra pars compacta, as well as the medialprefrontal cortex, ventral pallidum, lateral hypothalamus,amygdala,89 and subgenual cingulate. Based on the distrib-ution of various neuropeptides, the nucleus accumbens isdivided into an outer shell and a central core that surroundsthe anterior commissure.18,81 The core projects primarily tomotor-related regions of the basal ganglia, and the shellprojects primarily to limbic structures.53 The reward effectof cocaine has been associated with the release ofdopamine in the nucleus accumbens.99

Situated on the medial surface of the frontal lobes, theACC is composed of subdivisions that play critical roles inemotional processing, cognition, and motor function.19 TheACC has direct limbic and paralimbic connections and

includes Brodmann areas 24, 32, and 25.49 In subhumanprimates, Brodmann area 25 (subgenual cingulate), whichunderlies the genu of the corpus callosum (along with thecaudal aspects of Brodmann areas 32 and 24), has projec-tions to the medial caudate nucleus, amygdala, insula hypo-thalamus,92 midline and mediodorsal thalamic nuclei, andthe periaqueductal gray, as well as widespread projectionsto subcortical structures that, in turn, project to widespreadcortical areas,39 including the OFC, medial prefrontal cor-tex, and cingulate cortex. These projections suggest a rolefor the subgenual cingulate in the control of visceromotorfunction. The interconnections of the subgenual cingulatewith the OFC, medial prefrontal cortex, and cingulate cor-tex suggest a role for the subgenual cingulate in circadianregulation disturbances (sleep, libido, and appetite) and inthe behavioral disturbances of depression (motivation, re-ward, learning, and memory). Two other regions of interestin the prefrontal cortex believed to function in the media-tion of depression are the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex andthe OFC, both of which are believed to be involved inreward response, cognitive flexibility, and executive func-tioning, respectively.107

A. Abosch and G. R. Cosgrove

4 Neurosurg. Focus / Volume 25 / July 2008

FIG. 1. Diagram of the parallel circuits of basal ganglia processing. ACA = anterior cingulate area; APA = arcuate pre-motor area; (b) = body; CAUD = caudate; cdm = caudal dorsomedial; cl = caudolateral; dl = dorsolateral; DLC = dor-solateral prefrontal cortex; EC = entorhinal cortex; FEF = frontal eye fields; GPI = internal segment of globus pallidus;(h) = head; HC = hippocampal cortex; ITG = inferior temporal gyrus; l = lateral; ldm = lateral dorsomedial; LOF = lat-eral orbitofrontal cortex; m = medial; MC = motor cortex; mdm = medial dorsomedial; MDmc = medialis dorsalis parsmagnocellularis; MDpc = medialis dorsalis pars parvocellularis; MDpl = medialis dorsalis pars paralamellaris; pm = pos-teromedial; PPC = posterior parietal cortex; PUT = putamen; rd = rostrodorsal; rl = rostrolateral; rm = rostromedial; S.= substantia; SC = somatosensory cortex; SMA = supplementary motor area; SNr = substantia nigra pars reticulata; STG= superior temporal gyrus; VAmc = ventralis anterior pars magnocellularis; VApc = ventralis anterior pars parvocellu-laris; vl = ventrolateral; VLm = ventralis lateralis pars medialis; VLo = ventralis lateralis pars oralis; vm = ventromedi-al; VP = ventral pallidum; VS = ventral striatum. From Alexander GE, Delong MR, Strick PL: Parallel organization offunctionally segregated circuits linking basal ganglia and cortex. Ann Rev Neurosci 9:357–381, 1986. Material in thepublic domain.

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Page 5: Biological basis for the surgical treatment of …...fractory to existing therapies. For these treatment-refracto-ry patients, novel therapies are being sought. These thera-pies include

Functional Imaging in Depression

Major depression is characterized by affective, cogni-tive, motor, and neuroendocrinological manifestations. Im-aging research aimed at elucidating the mechanism ormechanisms underlying major depression has focused onthe limbic component of the parallel cortico-striato-thalam-ocortical circuitry described above, in addition to the roleof the hippocampus, amygdala, ACC, and hypothalamic-pituitary axis. The involvement of these various structurescould help to explain the heterogeneity of the symptomsmanifested.104

Rauch104 segregates the implicated anatomical structuresinto a “dorsal compartment” (composed of the anterior, lat-eral, and dorsal prefrontal cortex; dorsal ACC; and premo-tor and parietal cortex) and a “ventral compartment” (com-posed of the subgenual cingulate, anterior insular cortex,and OFC). Interestingly, major depressive disorder can becharacterized, in general terms, by hyperactivity in the ven-tral compartment and hypoactivity in the dorsal compart-ment, as described below.

Structural MR Imaging

Morphometric MR imaging studies of major depressivedisorder have variously demonstrated smaller volumeswithin structures of the limbic-cortical-striatal-pallidal-thalamic network. Conflicting results are likely a conse-quence of the methodological and clinical heterogeneityacross studies (see Sheline112 and Campbell and Mac-Queen20 for detailed reviews). For instance, studies havefound reduced volume in bilateral anterior cingulate graymatter,7,15,35 but no volume differences have been demon-strated in depressed patients who are in remission or inpatients with mild depression.16 Reduced volumes havealso been noted in the subgenual cingulate,35,93 in the hip-pocampus,88,125 and in the striatum of patients with majordepressive disorder, but again, other studies have failed tosupport these findings.69,108 Interestingly, postmortemanalyses of patients who have died with depression havedocumented decreased volume in the hippocampus,119 stria-tum,9 and OFC.103 Methodological issues related to post-mortem tissue processing and significant confounds associ-ated with premortem medication history and symptomsmake such studies difficult to interpret.

Positron Emission Tomography

The use of PET to measure resting-state glucose metab-olism—a surrogate for neuronal activity—in depressed pa-tients has most commonly revealed abnormalities in frontaland cingulate regions. Abnormalities have also been notedin limbic and subcortical structures, but these findings havebeen more variable. Differences among disorder subtypes-for instance, bipolar versus unipolar depression—and theheterogeneity of symptoms and variable presence of psy-chiatric comorbidities (such as anxiety), combined withtechnical differences between studies, presumably accountfor the variability in imaging findings (see Videbech128 forreview). A sampling of PET studies highlighting abnor-malities in these various structures is detailed below.

Decreased lateral prefrontal metabolism and increasedmetabolism in the medial prefrontal and subgenual cingu-late regions have been noted in patients with depres-

sion.34,62,77 The severity of depression has been shown tocorrelate with the degree of hypermetabolism in the sub-genual cingulate region.94 Moreover, the increased subgen-ual cingulate metabolism normalizes in patients with majordepressive disorder who respond to treatment.62,77,79 Also,induced sadness in nondepressed control participants hasbeen demonstrated to result in increased cerebral perfusionin the subgenual cingulate region (Brodmann area 25).71

Finally, Dougherty and colleagues30 performed preopera-tive resting-state FDG-PET imaging on 13 patients whothen underwent an anterior cingulotomy for the treatmentof major depressive disorder. The authors found that thedegree of preoperative hypermetabolism noted in the leftsubgenual prefrontal cortex and in the left thalamus corre-lated with a greater percentage of improvement on theBeck Depression Inventory at 12 months following sur-gery. Together, these findings support the role of the sub-genual cingulate in the modulation of depression and led tothe trial of subgenual cingulate DBS for depression80

described later in this review. Various investigators have noted increased resting-state

activity within the ACC in imaging studies of patients withmajor depression.17,78,98 The increased ACC activity hasbeen noted to normalize with treatment response. Mayberget al.78 found that metabolic activity on PET in the rostralanterior cingulate (Brodmann area 24a/b) could differenti-ate eventual drug treatment responders from nonrespon-ders, showing that responders were hypermetabolic andnonresponders were hypometabolic compared with healthycontrols. Hyperactivity in the resting state has also beennoted in the OFC of patients with major depression duringdepressive episodes.33,36

Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Diffusion tensor imaging is used as a noninvasive meansof investigating connectivity as well as the microstructureof white matter by measuring the diffusion of water mole-cules. Diffusion tensor imaging is subject to a number oflimitations; for example, DTI cannot be used to determinethe direction of pathways (retrograde vs anterograde) or todetermine whether connections are direct or indirect.59

Furthermore, DTI is better at detecting large fiber bundleswithout complex crossing patterns. Even with these limita-tions, DTI studies in elderly depressed patients have dem-onstrated white matter abnormalities in the frontal and tem-poral lobes.90,121 In a large study comparing 106 depressedelderly patients and 84 age-matched healthy controls,depression was associated with a significantly lower frac-tional anisotropy in white matter lateral to the right ACC,bilateral superior frontal gyri, and left middle frontal gyrus,supporting the hypothesis of altered connectivity in brainregions implicated in depression.5 A recent DTI analysis oftreatment-naïve young women (mean age 28.1 years, range20–41 years) with major depression compared with healthycontrols found significantly lower fractional anisotropy inthe white matter of the superior and middle frontal gyri,regions traversed by fibers of the dorsolateral prefrontal cir-cuit, suggesting that prefrontal white matter abnormalitiesare present early in the course of major depressive disorder.70

Functional MR Imaging

Functional MR imaging uses blood oxygen level–depen-

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dent contrast as a surrogate for neural activity. To date, pub-lished investigations using functional MR imaging toinvestigate depression have been performed on small num-bers of patients.

George and colleagues45 reported relative hypoactivationof the ACC (but not in the subgenual area) during theStroop test in depressed patients relative to healthy con-trols, and increased activity in the left dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex. Subsequently, Kumari et al.67 reportedreduced cerebral response in the rostral anterior cingulateduring a cognitive affect processing task in patients withtreatment-resistant depression. In another study,113 unmed-icated depressed patients and control participants under-went functional MR imaging during performance of anemotional information processing task prior to initiatingCBT. Patients whose pretreatment emotional reactivity wasdecreased in the subgenual cingulate cortex and high in theamygdala relative to healthy controls showed the mostimprovement with subsequent CBT. Abler and associates1

used functional MR imaging to study depressed and non-depressed patients who were instructed to anticipate andrespond to positive, negative, and neutral images. TheHRSD scores of depressed patients were found to correlatewith activation of the left and right ventral amygdala dur-ing expectation of negative stimuli; that is, greater amyg-dala activation corresponded to a more severe depression.

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used to detect dif-ferences in tissue concentrations of various neurochemicalsby the analysis of spectral-specific peaks within a region ofinterest on MR imaging. A meta-analysis of 1H MR spec-troscopy in major depressive disorder by Yildiz-Yesilogluand Ankerst131 noted that patients with major depressionhad levels of N-acetylaspartate, a neuronal marker, thatwere similar to those of nondepressed healthy controls inthe basal ganglia and frontal lobe regions of interest, sug-gesting normal neuronal numbers in major depression andcontradicting the hypothesis that depression results in neu-ronal atrophy and loss.37 Choline, which is prevalent inoligodendrocytes, was noted to be elevated in the basalganglia of patients with major depression, raising the pos-sibility of an abnormality in glial function.37 The results ofthis meta-analysis thus support earlier studies that reportedsignificantly lower glial cell numbers in postmortem stud-ies of depressed patients but no alteration in neuronal num-ber.37,93,102 A significant limitation of this meta-analysis,however, is the small number of studies that were included.More recently, Hasler and colleagues52 used MR spec-troscopy at 3-T field strength to study brain metabolites inthe prefrontal cortex and found that, relative to nonde-pressed healthy controls, unmedicated depressed patientshad significantly reduced levels of glutamate/glutamine and(-aminobutyric acid in the dorsomedial, dorsoanterolateral,and ventromedial prefrontal areas, although autopsy find-ings have both supported37,93,131 and refuted51 this finding.

The temporal and spatial resolution needed to preciselydefine the altered activity within the functional networksthat mediate depression may not be possible given currenttechnology used for the study of human study partici-pants.57 Nonetheless, taken together, the imaging findingspresented above provide cross-modality support for the

growing evidence implicating dysfunctional nodes within acomplex network that mediates depression.

Current Case Reports and ClinicalTrials of DBS for Depression

Psychotropic drugs, such as SSRIs, work by adjustingbrain neurochemistry in widespread regions through thealteration of neurotransmitter levels at the synaptic cleft.The alteration in function of a specific neural network—ifthis is, in fact, the mechanism of action of DBS—wouldallow a more precise intervention and, therefore, the possi-bility of a more specific and effective therapy.

Information has been emerging from recent experienceand ongoing trials of DBS for the treatment of OCD,Tourette syndrome, and treatment-refractory depression.From the ongoing trial of DBS for the treatment of OCDduring active but not during sham programming,91 bothimproved and worsened mood responses have been notedfrom DBS in the anterior limb of the internal capsule/nucle-us accumbens.

Depression can be viewed as a complicated network ofinterconnected white matter pathways and gray matternodes, similar to OCD or Tourette syndrome. When viewedin this fashion, the finding that lesions or stimulation of var-ious targets have been effective in ameliorating symptoms isnot surprising. The question remains, however, as to whichtarget constitutes the optimal site for DBS. Although theexisting data do not yet answer this question, the results ofrecent case reports and clinical trials of DBS for the treat-ment of depression are described in greater detail below.

Inferior Thalamic Peduncle DBS

Noting that hypermetabolism has been documented inmidline thalamic nuclei as well as in the OFC,32,126 Jiménezand colleagues58 published a case report in which a patientwith treatment-refractory major depression underwentimplantation of bilateral DBS electrodes in the inferiorthalamic peduncle, which connects the OFC with midlineand intralaminar thalamic nuclei. Significant improve-ments were noted on the HRSD following insertion of theelectrodes and during chronic stimulation. However, whenstimulation was discontinued in a double-blind fashion, thepatient’s HRSD scores did not return to preoperative levels.Thus, it cannot be concluded that electrical stimulation ofthe inferior thalamic peduncle was responsible for theobserved improvement in depression.

Nucleus Accumbens DBS Trial

Schlaepfer and colleagues109 chose to target the nucleusaccumbens for the treatment of depression. Noting that an-hedonia is a prominent feature of major depression,109,123

these investigators based their target selection on the fol-lowing observations: 1) the nucleus accumbens—indeedthe entire ventral striatum, of which the nucleus accumbensis a component—is involved in the processing of reward;2) the ventral striatum, by virtue of its connections, is welllocated to control other portions of the putative lim-bic/affective loop; and 3) animal and human data supportthe hypothesis that the nucleus accumbens serves as a linkbetween motor control systems and limbic control systems.

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Three patients with treatment-resistant depression, whohad not responded to ECT, CBT, and adequate trials of morethan 4 antidepressants and augmentation with multipleneuroleptics, underwent bilateral nucleus accumbens DBSimplantation. Electrodes were turned on or off in a double-blind fashion over the course of several months. Patientswere not aware of the stimulation and experienced noadverse effects from stimulation. Using the 24-item HRSDand MADRS, the authors found acute stimulation-inducedchanges in motivation and documented significant im-provements on HRSD and MADRS scores within 1 week ofstimulation onset (Table 1). Sustained improvements in theHRSD scores of the 3 patients of 38, 66, and 83% werenoted after a mean of 7 weeks of stimulation. Turning offstimulation in a double-blind manner resulted in a returntoward prestimulation baseline HRSD and MADRS scores.The FDG-PET scans obtained after 1 week of DBS of thenucleus accumbens disclosed decreased metabolism in theventromedial prefrontal cortex, ventrolateral prefrontal cor-tex (both areas noted to be hypermetabolic in depression),thalamus, and dorsal caudate nucleus, but increased metab-olism in the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens, dorsolat-eral prefrontal cortex, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, am-ygdala, and cingulate cortex.

A different group of investigators used nucleus accum-bens/ventral caudate DBS to treat a patient with OCD andcomorbid major depression.4 The authors noted that thispatient’s depression did, in fact, respond to antidepressantmedication prior to surgery. The patient’s depression wastherefore not treatment refractory. Nonetheless, within 6months of stimulation at 4 V, the patient’s HRSD scoredropped below 7, meeting criteria for remission (Table 1).

Brown University/Cleveland Clinic/University of FloridaDepression Trial

Greenberg and colleagues47 began studying the effects ofDBS of the anterior limb of the internal capsule in 2001 forthe treatment of medically refractory OCD. This target waschosen because of the historical results of anterior capsulo-tomy for the treatment of OCD. These investigators noticedconsistent and early improvements in comorbid depressivesymptoms. Over the course of the investigation, the targetwas modified to a more ventral location, in the underlyingdorsal ventral striatum. This new target, the ventral cap-sule/ventral striatum, has now been used to treat 6 patientswith treatment-refractory major depression. Interim resultswere published in 2004, with 5 of the 6 patients demon-strating improvements on the 28-item HRSD at 3 months

of stimulation while patients and raters remained blinded tostimulation condition. Three of these patients demonstrated. 50% improvement on the HRSD at this time point. Theauthors noted that transient reversible hypomania, the mostsignificant adverse event,47 became much less frequent withchanges in stimulation technique. A Phase III multicenterclinical trial is currently underway to more fully explore theuse of ventral capsule/ventral striatum DBS in the treat-ment of depression.

Deep Brain Stimulation Study for Treatment-ResistantDepression

Noting that the subgenual cingulate was involved in themediation of acute induced sadness and implicated in thesuccessful treatment of depression with antidepressants,Mayberg and colleagues80 focused their attention on thisarea in patients with treatment-refractory depression. Hy-permetabolism in the subgenual cingulate was observed tonormalize in patients with treatment-refractory depressionsuccessfully treated with SSRIs, but to persist in cases thatwere refractory to standard therapy. Recognizing that path-ologically overactive circuits in PD normalize with clini-cally effective DBS of the basal ganglia, Mayberg and col-leagues conducted a pilot study of DBS for treatment-refractory depression. They hypothesized that the subgenu-al cingulate hypermetabolism in patients with treatment-refractory depression would normalize with effective sub-genual cingulate DBS and that remission of depressionwould be accompanied by normalization of subgenual cin-gulate activity on cerebral blood flow PET. Six patientsunderwent surgery for the implantation of bilateral subgen-ual cingulate DBS. All 6 patients met the Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth Edition,Text Revision) criteria for major depressive disorder; had aminimum score of 20 on the 17-item HRSD; and wereidentified as treatment-resistant after undergoing unsuc-cessful trials of a minimum of 4 different SSRIs, evidence-based psychotherapy, or ECT administered at adequatedoses. Chronic bilateral subgenual cingulate DBS resultedin sustained remission on the HRSD in 4 of the 6 patients,with PET cerebral blood flow evidence of normalization ofactivity in the subgenual cingulate at 3 and 6 months ofchronic stimulation (Fig. 2). None of the subjects experi-enced euphoria or symptoms of hypomania. Interestingly,blinded discontinuation of stimulation in 1 of the 4 respon-ders resulted in a recurrence of behavioral symptoms suchas loss of energy and initiative, impaired concentration, andreduced activity level, all of which returned to prior, pre-

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TABLE 1Published studies of DBS for depression*

Patient DBS Respon-Authors & Year Target Diagnosis (V) ders/Total Overall Response Mean FU

Schlaepfer et al., 2008 nucleus accumbens TRD 3.5–5.0 3/3 38–83% decrease on 24-item HRSD 7 wksMayberg et al., 2005 subgenual cingulate TRD 4.0 4/6 $50% decrease on 17-item HRSD 6 mosJimenez et al., 2005 inferior thalamic peduncle TRD 2.5 1/1 81% decrease on HRSD 1–8 mosGreenberg et al., 2006 ventral capsule/ventral striatum TRD unknown 3/5 $50% decrease on 28-item HRSD 3 mosAouizerate et al., 2004 ventral capsule/nucleus OCD/ 4.0 1/1 remission on 17-item HRSD 15 mos

accumbens MDD

* FU = follow-up; MDD = major depressive disorder; TRD = treatment-refractory depression.

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discontinuation (baseline) levels with the blinded resump-tion of stimulation.

Bonn/Cologne DBS Trial

Schlaepfer and colleagues86,109 recently reported the re-sults of DBS of the nucleus accumbens in 3 patients withtreatment-refractory major depression. Noting that the nu-cleus accumbens plays an important role in the rewardresponse and is interconnected with brain areas involved inthe mediation of emotion—such as the subgenual cingu-late, medial prefrontal cortex, and amygdala—these inves-tigators targeted the nucleus accumbens in the hopes ofmodulating this emotional “network.” Patients and raterswere blinded to stimulation condition. Significant improve-ments in depression scores on the MADRS and 24-itemHRSD were noted immediately in all 3 participants, with areturn toward baseline depression scores when stimulationwas discontinued in a blinded fashion. No side effects ofstimulation could be detected by patients, and none werenoted by investigators. Interestingly, given the role of thenucleus accumbens in motivation and reward, no signifi-cant change was noted in those items on the MADRS andHRSD, believed to assess anhedonia. A comparison ofFDG-PET scans acquired 1 week prior to implantation andfollowing 1 week of stimulation disclosed significant acti-

vation bilaterally in the ventral striatum, including thenucleus accumbens, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, anddorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as well as the cingulate cor-tex and amygdala. Deactivations were noted in ventrome-dial prefrontal cortex and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex(regions shown to be hypermetabolic in depression) and inthe thalamus and dorsal caudate nucleus. No significantchange in metabolic activity in the subgenual cingulate wasfound. It is important to note that these results representonly 1 week of follow-up.

Animal Models of Depression

Because the diagnosis of depression depends almostexclusively on observed behavior and interpersonal rela-tions in conjunction with patient self-reports of feelings andbeliefs, the development of an accurate animal model ofhuman depression has thus far been elusive.41 Animal mod-els to date have included externally imposed stressors (suchas restraints), social dominance models (such as rearing inisolation), and genetic susceptibility models (such as hypo-thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis transgenes). Given that neu-robiological, hormonal, cultural, and environmental factorsall contribute in some fashion to the expression of depres-sion, there is unlikely to be a single best animal model forthe human condition of treatment-refractory depression,which is, itself, likely to be heterogeneous in terms of un-derlying pathophysiology. The reader is referred to An-isman and Matheson3 and Fuchs et al.41 for excellentreviews of this topic. A fascinating study on the potentialgenetic underpinnings of depression was recently pub-lished by Berton et al.13

Summary and Outlook

Mounting evidence from the central nervous system in-jury literature, lesion surgery, functional imaging, and nowDBS for treatment-refractory major depression supportsthe concept of depression as a network disorder rather thana perturbation in a single neurotransmitter or anatomicallocation in the brain. Functional imaging is providing anoninvasive means of beginning to elucidate the underly-ing mechanism of depression and responses to therapy.

There is substantial interest in exploring DBS for treat-ment-refractory depression. So as not to repeat the errors ofthe past, and to enable critical appraisals of future trials, itis essential to abide by certain fundamental guidelines forthe conduct of clinical trials. These fundamental guidelinesinclude the following: 1) establishment of rigorous inclu-sion and exclusion criteria for trials; 2) implementation ofvalidated rating scales for pre- and postoperative assess-ments of disease severity; 3) using a multidisciplinaryapproach to study conduct, involving psychiatrists, neu-ropsychologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons; 4) stan-dardizing protocols across treating centers to facilitatecomparisons of results; and 5) continued investigation intounderlying mechanisms of depression and its response tointerventions, so as to determine which therapies should beimplemented and how these can be optimized for patients.

Further studies using DBS in combination with neu-roimaging, as well as the development of better animalmodels for depression, should further our understanding of

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FIG. 2. Regional cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes on PET inpatients (PT) with treatment-refractory depression at baseline, andafter 3 and 6 months of successful treatment with continuous DBSof the subgenual cingulate (Cg25). Baseline CBF abnormalities aredepicted relative to age and sex-matched healthy controls (NC).Significant CBF increases are noted in red, and decreases in blue(p , 0.001). Increases in Cg25 and decreases in dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex (F9), ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (F47), and ACC(Cg24) cortex CBF relative to healthy controls are noted at base-line. Decreases in Cg25, hypothalamus (Hth), anterior insula (ins),medial frontal (mF10) and orbital frontal (oF11) and increases inprefrontal (F9/F46) and F47 CBF are noted after 3 months of stim-ulation. This same pattern is maintained at 6 months, althoughadditional increases are noted in the brainstem (bs). Numbers rep-resent Brodmann area designations. sn = substantia nigra; vCd =ventral caudate nucleus. Reprinted from Mayberg HA, LozanoAM, Voon V, et al: Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistantdepression. Neuron 45:651–660, 2005, with permission fromElsevier.

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this disabling condition, as well as improve our ability tointervene therapeutically.


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Manuscript submitted March 24, 2008.Accepted April 15, 2008.Sources of support: none reported.Address correspondence to: Aviva Abosch, M.D., Ph.D.,

Department of Neurosurgery, University of Minnesota MedicalSchool, D429 Mayo Memorial Building, 420 Delaware Street SE,MMC 96, Minneapolis, MN 55455. email: [email protected].

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