[biology f4 chapter 3]

 Movement of substances across the plasma membrane

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 Movement of substances acrossthe plasma membrane

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Structure of the plasma membrane

• composed mainly of ▫  phospholipids and 

▫  proteins

• The movement of substances

in and out of a cell occursthe plasma membrane

• The fluid-mosaic model

▫  proposed that 

membrane proteins aredispersed throughout and inserted into the

 phospholipid bilayer

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• Phospholipid molecule▫  polar head - hydrophilic

 property and

▫ a pair of non-polar tails-

• Phospholipid bilayer acts as

▫ a barrier

▫ isolates the two sides of the membranes

• Cholesterol molecules▫ stabilize the structure of 

the plasma membrane

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• Pore protein▫  protein molecule that 

 forms a channel or a pore

• Carrier protein

▫  protein molecule that acts as a carrier• glycoproteins

▫ membrane proteinsthat have

carbohydratesattached to them• The phospholipid

 bilayer, proteins andother components

▫ not rigid or static

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• Selective Permeable / Semi Permeable


• Carrier Protein

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The permeability of the plasma

membrane• Selectively permeable/semi-permeable

▫ some substances can move across the membrane

• Factors that determine permeability 

▫ the size and 

▫  polarity

• pass through the phospholipids bilayer freely ▫ Lipid soluble molecules

▫ Non Polar Molecules

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• hydrophobic tails - prevent polar molecules topass through it,▫ but because of the small molecular size of 

 water - it can slide between the phospholipids bilayer / move through the pores

• Pore proteins▫ allow small water-soluble molecules and ions

• Carrier proteins▫ Used by large water-soluble molecules such as

amino acids and glucose to pass through theplasma membrane

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The movement of substances across the

plasma membrane : passive transport

• Simple diffusion▫ Net movement of 

articles (molecules )

▫ from of  higherconcentration to aregion of lowerconcentration.

• Expenditure of energy -not required• continue until -

dynamic equilibrium is


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• Example of processin living organismsis the diffusion of 

oxygen from thealveolus into theadjacent blood


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• Net movement of water molecules

• from a region of higher concentration of water

 water molecules

• through a partially permeable membrane.

• Eg.

▫ reabsorption of water molecules from thenephron into the blood capillaries

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Facilitated diffusion

• The passivemovement of molecules or ions

gradient.• involves

▫ pore proteins(channel proteins) or

▫ carrier proteins

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• The particularmolecules combinewith the specific active

site of the carrier protein.

• The carrier proteinchan es its sha e 

•  After assisting themovement of moleculesto the other side of theplasma membrane, it isfree to bind with othermolecules

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• Example- thereabsorption of glucose and amino

acids from the villiinto the bloodcapillaries

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• Active Transport

• Definition :


• Energy Involve


• Concentration Gradient :

• Name of energy :

• Source :

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The movement of substances across the

plasma membrane : active transport

• The movement of substances (ions) acrossa cell membrane

• from a re ion of lower

concentration to aregion of higherconcentration,

• against a concentration

gradient.▫ requires expenditure of 

energy from ATP

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• particularmolecules/ionscombine with▫ specific active site of 

the carrier protein.

• carrier protein changeits shape▫ when the phosphate

group from ATPmolecules binds to it toa ow t e mo ecu es/ions to pass throughto the other side of theplasma membrane.

•  After assisting tomovement of molecules

to the other side of theplasma membrane,▫ it is free to bind with

other molecules

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•  Active transport▫ result in the

accumulation of orelimination of molecules

▫ Carrier proteins are oftencalled pumps as they actlike water pumps whichuse energy to move wateragainst the gravity 

• Example-

▫ the absorption of mineralsalts into the hair roots

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• Isotonic :

• Hypotonic :

• Hypertonic :

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The movement of substances across

the plasma membrane• Movement of substances across the plasma

membrane is necessary :a To su l nutrients to the cell 

 b) To allow exchange of respiratory gasesc) To remove waste products• Substances may move through a membrane by 

simple diffusion, facillitated diffusion, osmosisand active transport

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Movement of substances across theplasma membrane in everyday life

• Isotonic solution – asolution that has the sameconcentration of solutes asanother solution

solution that has a lowertotal concentration of solutes than anothersolution

• Hypertonic solution – a

solution that has a highertotal concentration of solutes than anothersolution

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• Crenation

• Haemolysis

• Turgid

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Animal and plant cells in an isotonicsolution

• Water moleculesmove into and out of a cell at the same

rate and the cellretains its normalshape (normal

concave disc shapered blood cell andplant cells)

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Animal and plant cells in anhypertonic solution

• Water leaves a cell by osmosis causingthe cell to shrink loose water . The

cell shrivel and theplasma membranecrinkles up of red

 blood cell known as

crenation and inplant known asplasmolysis

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Animal and plant cells in anhypotonic solution

• Water enters a cell by osmosis causingthe cell to swell. The

 bursting of red blood cell is knownas haemolysis and in

plant known asturgid

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Generate ionic

Gradients essential

For muscular and

Nervous activities

Secrete useful


To remove toxic



Maintain a suitable pH

And ionic concentrationInside the cell

Obtain certain

Food supplies


across membrane

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 Task :

1.  Activity 3.4 (Page 48 Biology Text Book)

2.  Visualizing Main Idea (Page 54 Biology Text Book)