blanked family code art201-233

Art. 201. The _____#of _____, in the cases _____#to in Articles _____#and _____, shall be in _____#to the _____#or _____#of the _____#and to the _____#of the _____. (296a) Art. 202. _____#in the _____#_____#to in the preceding article shall be _____#or _____#_____, according to the _____#or _____#of the _____#of the _____#and the _____#or _____#of the _____#_____#to _____#the _____. (297a) Art. 203. The _____#to _____#_____#shall be _____#from the _____#the _____#who has a _____#to _____#the same needs it for _____, but it shall not be _____#except from the _____#of _____#or _____#_____. Support _____#_____#may be _____#in accordance with the Rules of Court. _____#shall be _____#within the _____#_____#days of each _____#_____. When the _____#_____, his _____#shall _____#be _____#to _____#what he has _____#in _____. (298a) Art. 204. The person _____#to _____#_____#shall have the _____#to _____#the _____#either by _____#the _____#_____, or by _____#and _____#in the _____#_____#the _____#who has a _____#to _____#_____. The _____#_____#cannot be _____#of in case there is a _____#or _____#_____#thereto. (299a) Art. 205. The _____#to _____#_____#under this Title as well as any _____#or _____#_____#as such _____#shall _____#be _____#upon on _____#or _____. (302a) Art. 206. When, without the _____#of the _____#_____#to _____#_____, it is _____#by a _____, the _____#shall have a _____#to _____#the same from the _____, unless it _____#that he _____#it without _____#of being _____. (2164a) Art. 207. When the _____#_____#to _____#another _____#_____#or _____#to _____#_____#when _____#_____#by the _____, any _____#_____#may _____#_____#to the _____#_____, with _____#of _____#from the _____#_____#to _____#_____. This Article shall _____#_____#when the _____#or _____#of a _____#_____#the _____#of _____#_____#_____#to _____#or _____#to _____#_____#to the _____#when _____#_____. (2166a) Art. 208. In case of _____#_____#or that _____#by _____, the _____#in _____#_____#that _____#for _____#_____#shall be _____#to _____#on _____#or _____. Furthermore, _____#_____#shall be _____#to _____#whenever _____#is _____#_____#to _____#of _____#_____#beyond the _____#of the _____. (n) TITLE IX PARENTAL AUTHORITY Chapter 1. General Provisions Art. 209. Pursuant to the _____#_____#and _____#of _____#over the _____#and _____#of their _____#_____, _____#_____#and _____#shall include the _____#for and _____#them for _____#_____#and _____#and the _____#of their _____, _____#and _____#_____#and _____. (n) Art. 210. _____#_____#and _____#may not be _____#or _____#except in the cases _____#by _____. (313a) Art. 211. The _____#and the _____#shall _____#_____#_____#_____#over the _____#of their _____#_____. In _____#of _____, the _____#_____#shall _____, unless there is a _____#_____#to the _____.

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Blanked Family Code Art. 201-233


Art. 201. The _____#of _____, in the cases _____#to in Articles _____#and _____, shall be in _____#to the _____#or _____#of the _____#and to the _____#of the _____. (296a)

Art. 202. _____#in the _____#_____#to in the preceding article shall be _____#or _____#_____, according to the _____#or _____#of the _____#of the _____#and the _____#or _____#of the _____#_____#to _____#the _____. (297a)

Art. 203. The _____#to _____#_____#shall be _____#from the _____#the _____#who has a _____#to _____#the same needs it for _____, but it shall not be _____#except from the _____#of _____#or _____#_____.Support _____#_____#may be _____#in accordance with the Rules of Court._____#shall be _____#within the _____#_____#days of each _____#_____. When the _____#_____, his _____#shall _____#be _____#to _____#what he has _____#in _____. (298a)

Art. 204. The person _____#to _____#_____#shall have the _____#to _____#the _____#either by _____#the _____#_____, or by _____#and _____#in the _____#_____#the _____#who has a _____#to _____#_____. The _____#_____#cannot be _____#of in case there is a _____#or _____#_____#thereto. (299a)

Art. 205. The _____#to _____#_____#under this Title as well as any _____#or _____#_____#as such _____#shall _____#be _____#upon on _____#or _____. (302a)

Art. 206. When, without the _____#of the _____#_____#to _____#_____, it is _____#by a _____, the _____#shall have a _____#to _____#the same from the _____, unless it _____#that he _____#it without _____#of being _____. (2164a)

Art. 207. When the _____#_____#to _____#another _____#_____#or _____#to _____#_____#when _____#_____#by the _____, any _____#_____#may _____#_____#to the _____#_____, with _____#of _____#from the _____#_____#to _____#_____. This Article shall _____#_____#when the _____#or _____#of a _____#_____#the _____#of _____#_____#_____#to _____#or _____#to _____#_____#to the _____#when _____#_____. (2166a)

Art. 208. In case of _____#_____#or that _____#by _____, the _____#in _____#_____#that _____#for _____#_____#shall be _____#to _____#on _____#or _____.Furthermore, _____#_____#shall be _____#to _____#whenever _____#is _____#_____#to _____#of _____#_____#beyond the _____#of the _____. (n) TITLE IXPARENTAL AUTHORITYChapter 1. General Provisions

Art. 209. Pursuant to the _____#_____#and _____#of _____#over the _____#and _____#of their _____#_____, _____#_____#and _____#shall include the _____#for and _____#them for _____#_____#and _____#and the _____#of their _____, _____#and _____#_____#and _____. (n)

Art. 210. _____#_____#and _____#may not be _____#or _____#except in the cases _____#by _____. (313a)

Art. 211. The _____#and the _____#shall _____#_____#_____#_____#over the _____#of their _____#_____. In _____#of _____, the _____#_____#shall _____, unless there is a _____#_____#to the _____._____#shall always _____#_____#and _____#towards their _____#and are _____#to _____#them as long as the _____#are under _____#_____. (311a)

Art. 212. In case of _____#or _____#of either parent, the parent _____#shall _____#_____#_____#_____. The _____#of the _____#_____#shall not _____#the parental authority over the children, unless the _____#_____#another _____#to be the _____#of the _____#or _____#of the _____. (n)

Art. 213. In case of _____#of the _____, _____#_____#shall be _____#by the _____#_____#by the _____. The Court shall _____#into _____#all _____#_____, especially the _____#of the _____#over _____#_____#of _____, unless the _____#_____#is _____. (n)No _____#_____#_____#_____#of _____#shall be _____#from the _____#unless the _____#_____#_____#_____#to _____#otherwise.

Art. 214. In case of _____, _____#or _____#of the _____, _____#_____#_____#shall be _____#by the _____#_____. In case _____#_____, the one _____#by the _____, _____#into _____#the same _____#mentioned in the preceding article, shall exercise the authority. (355a)\

Art. 215. No _____#shall be _____, in a _____#_____, to _____#against his _____#and _____, except when such _____#is _____#in a _____#against the _____#or by one _____#against the other. (315a) Chapter 2. Substitute and Special Parental Authority

Art. 216. In _____#of _____#or a _____#_____#_____, the following _____#shall _____#_____#_____#_____#over the child in the order indicated:(1) The _____#_____#, as _____#in Art. _____;(2) The _____#_____#or _____, over _____#_____#of _____, unless _____#or _____; and(3) The _____#_____#_____, over _____#_____#of _____, unless _____#or _____.Whenever the _____#or a _____#_____#over the _____#of the _____#becomes _____, the same _____#of _____#shall be _____. (349a, 351a, 354a)

Art. 217. In case of _____, _____#_____#or _____#children and other children _____#_____, parental authority shall be _____#in _____#_____#_____#to _____#of _____#_____, _____#and similar _____#_____#_____#by the _____#_____#_____. (314a)

Art. 218. The _____, its _____#and _____, or the _____, _____#or _____#_____#in _____#_____#shall have special parental authority and responsibility over the _____#_____#while under their _____, _____#or _____._____#and _____#shall _____#to all _____#_____#whether _____#or _____#the _____#of the _____, _____#or _____. (349a)

Art. 219. Those _____#the _____#and _____#under the preceding Article shall be _____#and _____#_____#for _____#_____#by the _____#or _____#of the _____#_____. The _____, _____#_____#or the _____#_____#_____#_____#_____#over said minor shall be _____#_____.The _____#_____#of those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall _____#_____#if it is _____#that they _____#the _____#_____#_____#under the _____#_____.All other cases not covered by this and the preceding articles shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Code on _____. (n) Chapter 3. Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Persons of the Children

Art. 220. The parents and those exercising parental authority shall have with the _____#to their _____#_____#or _____#the following _____#and _____:(1) To _____#them in their _____, to _____, _____#and _____#them by _____#_____#and _____#_____, and to _____#for their _____#in _____#with their _____;(2) To _____#them _____#and _____, _____#and _____, _____#and _____;(3) To _____#them with _____#and _____#_____, _____#in them _____, _____, _____, _____, _____#and _____, _____#their _____#in _____#_____, and _____#in them _____#with the _____#of _____;(4) To _____, _____, _____, and _____#their _____#and _____#_____#at _____#_____.(5) To _____#them with _____ and _____#_____#_____, _____#their _____, _____#and _____#with others, _____#them from _____#_____, and _____#them from _____#_____#_____#to their _____, _____#and _____;(6) To _____#them in all _____#_____#their _____;(7) To _____#from them _____#and _____;(8) To _____#_____#on them as may be _____#under the _____; and(9) To _____#such other _____#as are _____#by _____#upon _____#and _____. (316a)

Art. 221. Parents and other persons exercising parental authority shall be _____#_____#for the _____#and _____#_____#by the _____#or _____#of their _____#_____#_____#in their _____#and _____#their _____#_____#_____#to the _____#_____#_____#by _____. (2180(2)a and (4)a )

Art. 222. The _____#may _____#a _____#of the _____#_____#or a _____#_____#when the _____#_____#of the _____#so _____. (317)

Art. 223. The parents or, in their _____#or _____, the _____, _____#or _____#_____#parental authority, may _____#the _____#_____#of the place _____#the _____#_____, for an _____#_____#for _____#_____#over the _____. The child shall be _____#to the _____#of _____, either of his _____#or _____#by the _____, and a _____#_____#shall be _____#wherein the _____#and the _____#shall be _____.However, if in the _____#_____#the court _____#the _____#at _____, _____#of the _____#of the _____, or when the _____#so _____, the court may also _____#the _____#or _____#of _____#_____#or _____#such other _____#as it may _____#_____#and _____. (318a)

Art. 224. The _____#_____#to in the preceding article may _____#the _____#of the _____#for _____#_____#than _____#days in _____#or _____#_____#in _____#_____#or in _____#_____#_____#_____#by the _____#_____#_____.The _____#_____#_____#_____#shall _____#_____#with the _____#of the _____#whenever _____#but shall _____#for his _____. Upon _____#_____#or at its own _____, the court may _____#the _____#of the child _____#_____#and _____. (391a) Chapter 4. Effect of Parental Authority Upon the Property of the Children

Art. 225. The _____#and the _____#shall jointly exercise _____#_____#over the _____#of the _____#_____#_____#without the _____#of a _____#_____. In case of _____, the _____#_____#shall _____, unless there is a _____#_____#to the _____.Where the _____#_____#of the _____#or the _____#_____#of the _____#_____#_____, the parent _____#shall be _____#to _____#a _____#in such _____#as the court may _____, but not less than _____#_____#(10%) of the _____#of the _____#or _____#_____, to _____#the _____#of the _____#_____#for _____#_____.A _____#_____#for _____#of the _____#shall be _____#in the _____#_____#of the place where the child _____, or, if the child resides in a _____#_____#, in the proper court of the place where the _____#or any _____#thereof is _____#.The petition shall be _____#as a _____#_____#_____#in which all _____#and _____#_____#the _____#of the _____#_____#to in the second paragraph of this Article shall be _____#and _____.The _____#_____#on _____#shall be _____#_____#except when the child is under _____#_____#_____, or the _____#is a _____, or a _____#has _____, in which case the _____#_____#on _____#shall _____. (320a)

Art. 226. The _____#of the _____#_____#_____#or _____#with his _____#or _____#or by _____#or _____#_____#shall _____#to the _____#in _____#and _____#be _____#_____#to the _____#_____#and _____, unless the _____#or _____#_____#otherwise.The _____#of the _____#over the _____#and _____#of the _____#_____#shall be _____#_____#to the _____#_____#and _____#to the _____#_____#_____#of the _____. (321a, 323a)Art. 227. If the parents _____#the _____#or _____#of any of their _____#to an _____#child, the _____#_____#of such property shall _____#to the _____. The child shall be _____#a _____#_____#_____#in an _____#_____#_____#than that which the _____#would have _____#if the _____#were a _____, unless the owner, _____#the _____#_____#to the child. In any case, the proceeds thus give in _____#or in _____#shall not be _____#to the _____#_____. (322a) Chapter 5. Suspension or Termination of Parental Authority

Art. 228. Parental authority _____#_____:(1) Upon the _____#of the _____;(2) Upon the _____#of the _____; or(3) Upon _____#of the _____. (327a)

Art. 229. Unless _____#_____#by a final judgment, parental authority also _____:(1) Upon _____#of the _____;(2) Upon _____#of a _____#_____;(3) Upon _____#_____#of _____#of the _____#in a _____#filed for the _____;(4) Upon _____#_____#of a _____#_____#_____#the _____#_____#of _____#_____; or(5) Upon _____#_____#of _____#or _____#of the _____#_____#_____#_____. (327a)

Art. 230. Parental authority is _____#upon _____#of the _____#or the _____#_____#the same of a _____#which _____#with it the _____#of _____#_____. The authority is _____#_____#upon _____#of the _____#or upon _____#or _____#of the _____. (330a)

Art. 231. The court in an _____#_____#for the _____#in a _____#_____#may also _____#parental authority if the parent or the person exercising the same:(1) _____#the _____#with _____#_____#or _____#;(2) _____#the _____#_____#_____#, _____#or _____;(3) _____#the _____#to _____; or(4) _____#the _____#or _____#him to be _____#to _____#of _____.The _____#_____#above are _____#to include cases which have _____#from _____#_____#of the _____#or the _____#_____#parental authority.If the _____#of _____#so _____, or the _____#of the _____#so _____, the court shall _____#the _____#_____#of _____#_____#or _____#such other _____#as may be _____#under the _____.The _____#or _____#may be _____#and the _____#_____#_____#in a case _____#for the _____#or in the same _____#if the court _____#that the _____#therefor has _____#and will not be _____#. (33a)

Art. 232. If the _____#_____#_____#_____#has _____#the _____#or _____#him to be _____#to _____#_____, such _____#shall be _____#_____#by the court of such _____. (n)

Art. 233. The _____#_____#_____#_____#_____#shall have the same _____#over the _____#of the _____#as the _____.In _____#case shall the _____#_____, _____#or _____#_____#in _____#_____#_____#_____#_____#_____#_____#_____#_____#upon the _____. (n)