blind spot

Blind Spot

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Blind Spot

Believers at Ephesus

Acts 19: 1 - 7

..Paul reached Ephesus on the coast where he found a group of believers. ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit?’ he asked. ‘We have not even heard of this’ they replied.

‘Then what baptism did you go through?’ he asked.

‘The Baptism of John’ they replied..

Paul said ‘John’s baptism called for repentance from sin but John himself told

the people to believe in the One to come, meaning

Jesus’. As soon as they heard this they were

baptised in the name of Jesus. Then when Paul laid

his hands on them...

They spoke in other tongues & they prophesied.

There were about twelve men in all...

As soon as they heard this

Paul laid hands on them

They filled with Spirit


Unusual Miracles

God gave Paul the power to perform

unusual miracles...clothes

that had touched his skin were placed on the sick they were

healed & evil spirits were expelled..

Acts 19:12

A group of professional

exorcists tried to cast out demons using Jesus’ &

Paul’s names but the man with evil spirits

attacked & overpowered them..

Acts 19:16

The story of what happened to both

Greeks & Jews spread quickly & a

solemn fear descended on the city so the name

of Jesus was greatly honoured..

Acts 19:17

Some witches & sorcerers who had become believers

brought their magic books &

burned them in a public bonfire with the books valued at

a great cost..

Acts 19:19

And so the message about the

Lord spread widely & had

a powerful effect!

Acts 19:20

Ephesus Anti Christian RiotActs 19: 23 - 41

Blind spot goes...v 6 - 7

Unusual miracles...v 11

Fakes exposed...v 16

Solemn fear city...v 17

Occult Bonfire... v 19

City Changed... v 20

Open Eyes