blogging around the world zante

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  • 7/30/2019 Blogging Around the World Zante



    Blogging AroundThe World


  • 7/30/2019 Blogging Around the World Zante



  • 7/30/2019 Blogging Around the World Zante




    I had been looking forward to this particular holiday for a long time, consideringit would be my first one without my family, so I was determined to make the mostof it and prove to them that I could look after myself. If only they knew

    Chapter One

    I wo ke up a t 8.45am to ge t rea dy for my last day at w ork before jetting

    off to Zante, feeling a little off colour. I put it down to pre-flight nerves

    (I ve never be en g oo d with heights). I go t d ressed and we nt in. By 1pm,I thought I was going to die. After half an hour of arguing with my

    haughty manager, I was excused to go for an emergency doctors


    I stumbled in there sobbing from the pain in my throat and emerged

    with a grave prognosis. I had a really bad case of tonsillitis. I was

    advised not to fly all my dreams of drunken debauchery were in

    jeopardy, but a fter speaking to my long suffe ring friend Teresa , I

    c onvince d her I wo uld ge t on the p lane to Zante c ome hell or high

    wa ter, so I ove rdosed on Penic illin and had a n ea rly night.

    The flight wa s a t 5am a nd I ma de it up a nd out o f the house fee ling

    extremely groggy, which was a blessing as it disguised the pain.

    Unfortuna te ly, Teresa and I are b oth te rrified flyers, so we gripp ed onto

    one another and I grimaced in pain throughout the two-hour flight, as

    the c old , re-circ ulate d air rea c hed my infec ted glands.

    On landing, I was relieved to still be alive and almost failed to notice

    the sexy hotel rep that was accompanying us on the coach. I quickly

    slid into a sea t a t the b ac k, hop ing he didn t spot m e looking a s roug h

    as I d id. Luc kily, he wa s too busy telling p oo r jokes to our row dy coa c h

    of ho lida y- ma kers to c are a bout m e, so I sa t q uietly with my head onTeresa s shoulder until we rea c hed our hote l. Ours was the last hotel


    After meeting our sultry Welsh hotel rep, we were shown to our room,

    where some of our more memorable holiday adventures would take


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    Chapter Two

    Our hotel room was a little poky for the two of us and all our

    be longings, but we ma nag ed to find a temp orary home for everything.

    I even found the e nergy for a p illow fight with Teresa before d ec id ing

    to abandon unpacking and lob all my clothes at her instead.

    Unfortuna tely, it was only afte r not icing the sme ll of b urnt fab ric tha t we

    realised there had been a casualty in all this frivolity, which happened

    to be m y favourite b ikini. I had thrown it ac ross the roo m at Teresa , it

    had missed and landed in a lamp- shade and melted two perfectly

    formed holes in the bum cheeks. At this point, an incident like this wasamusing to both of us. I even paraded around in them, threatening to

    wea r them b y the po ol.

    By now we were eag er to explore, so w e d ec ide d to take a w alk to g et

    a taste of Zante. We stopped in at various shops on the stretch of road

    lea ding to the b ea c h and one in partic ular ca ught our attention. It wa s

    a large roadside market, full of unusual clothes. I saw a pretty sarong

    and decided I needed one to match my bikini, so I put my bag down

    on a pile of sports tops to rummage in it for my wallet. As I emptied the

    bag, I sta rted to panic a s I rea lised my w a llet wa s not in there. The shop

    a ttend ant w as wa tc hing suspiciously a s I d isc a rded the c ontents of m y

    bag on his clothes display, but still no wallet. I was reluctant to tell

    Teresa about this incide nt, as I ha d a rep uta tion fo r losing things and I

    wa s wo rried Teresa wo uld b e rea lly annoyed with me. I a lso knew tha t

    my return ticket from Ga twick to Vic toria wa s with it, a long with mo st o f

    my spe nding m oney.

    So I ac ted like nothing was wrong, re-pa cked m y ba g a nd w e left the

    shop. However, after ten or so paces, I started to panic again and

    b lurted out what I ha d done. Luc kily for me , Teresa found my stup idity

    hysteric a l and simp ly returned to the shop we had c om e out of to look

    for my wa llet. So o nc e a ga in, I wa s em ptying m y ba g o n a p ile o f spo ts

    tops, with the store attendant standing over my shoulder. It became

    app arent tha t my wa llet w as not g oing to re-appea r so Teresa and I

    dec ided to ab and on the search and hea d b ac k to the hotel to chec k


    Surprisingly, I d idn t find the w a llet b ut we ha d e nough mo ney to last

    the tw o w eeks so I dec ided to stop pa nic king a bout it. I we nt to ha ve a

    show er to c oo l off and left Teresa to ha ve o ne last look in my ba g.

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    As I left the shower and went to fetch some clothes, I noticed a small,

    Black Adidas top on my bed. I didnt recognise it, but complimented

    Teresa on he r ta ste , bu t she sa id it w asn t he rs. She sta rted laug hing

    after studying the top more closely. It turned out to be a top that

    Teresa had w anted to b uy from the m arket we we re in ea rlier. I must

    have ac cidenta lly pa c ked it b ac k in my b ag as I wa s sea rc hing for my

    wa llet . I was horrified and so was Teresa . But the reason she was

    horrified wa s bec ause I didn t stea l one in her size.

    I had a few long swigs of Malibu and convinced myself I wouldnt be

    trac ked do wn a nd p rosec uted.

    By the next morning, I was determined to make a fresh start. No more

    mishapswe ventured to the beach, which was beautiful and even

    into the sea, where the only drama was when the lid came off my

    wa terproo f mo ney holde r round my nec k. So I lost a few mo re sog gy

    notes. Big d ea l!

    Unfortuna te ly, Teresa dec ided to tea c h me a lesson fo r this one , and

    onc e b ack in our roo m, when I we nt to have a show er, she locked me

    in saying I could only co me out whe n I had thought a bo ut what I had

    done. I wasnt too impressed with this, so waited until I heard her go

    out on the balcony and positioned the power shower out of the small

    window ready to fire. I turned the faucet on full power. After I was

    c onvince d she wo uld be soa ked , I turned the p ow er off and expe c ted

    to hea r sc rea ming. Instea d , I hea rd laughte r. Teresa approa c hed the

    door and said she wouldnt let me out because I had soaked the

    balcony, all our freshly washed towels, next doors balcony and my

    rea d ing boo k. She wa s bone d ry of c ourse. I apologised for my

    behaviour and promised to act more sensibly if she let me out, so she

    slowly unlocked the door, but not before I had filled a bottle of water

    to a tta c k her with. Little d id I rea lise she w ould be p rep ared for this and

    as she opened the door, all I saw was a flash of arm as she ran out of

    our room and down the corridor. I chased her with the bottle until we

    c ame to a flight of stairs tha t led dow n to the recep tion. As she turned

    a corner, I surged forward with the bottle, determined to empty every

    last drop onto her head. But as I rounded the corner, there was no

    Teresa , just a ma n in a suit loo king extrem ely annoye d and we t. I stood

    there for a minute, not knowing what to do and then turned andsprinted bac k upsta irs to the sa fety of our room c ursing Teresa and

    wondering how long it would be before I was escorted back to


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    Chapter Three

    Teresa and I enjoyed d rinking Ma libu o r a nic e c hilled bottle o f wine o nour ba lc ony be fore head ing o ut to the b a rs and c lubs in the eve nings.

    The view w asn t idea l. We w ere situate d at t he b ac k of the ho tel on

    the to p floo r, overloo king ano ther hotel.

    The first eve ning we d id this, we g ot throug h two b ott les of Malibu a nd

    a bottle o f wine. We w ere mo re tha n rea dy to e njoy our first night out;

    (a b a r c rawl with the reps and c lub 18-30s). We m et e veryone by the

    pool of our hotel where we enjoyed a few cocktails, then got on the

    coach to head to the first bar. I dont remember much of the ride

    there, excep t noticing the c ute rep from the first da y ag ain.

    The first b a r had a Hawa iian them e a nd as we ente red , I noticed trays

    of letha l loo king c onc oc tions on the ta b les. There were roug hly 100

    peop le on the c rawl by now . The music w as infec tious and Teresa and I

    danced and mingled with our fellow holidayma kers, until I spo tted the

    cute rep again and decided to introduce myself. As I got nearer, all

    the sophisticated chat up lines I had been preparing went from my

    mind and I said; hey, I challenge you to a drinking competition. I

    stood for a minute feeling stupid, but he smiled and accepted the

    c halleng e, rea c hing for a c oup le o f om inous loo king red d rinks on the

    tab le ne xt to us. I pee red throug h the c row d to w here Teresa wa s

    standing and bec koned her over. I wa sn t g oing to let he r miss out o n

    free d rinks. Eventua lly, we ha d to mo ve o n to a ba r whe re the rea l

    d rinking ga me s sta rted . This bar wa s pac ked by the time we go t the re

    and I was disappointed as James had to keep disappearing off to do

    his job .

    After this ba r, we piled ba c k on the c oa c h and head ed for one o f the

    more popular clubs in the area: Rescue bar. It was an impressive

    venue, with a huge d anc e floor and outside ba r, and two mo re floors

    of roo ms above. By now, Jame s and I were insep arab le. While Teresa

    chatted with a bunch of guys she had met, I dragged James inside to

    help m e g et som e d rinks.

    We em erged on the ba lc ony with our drinks twe nty minutes la ter and it

    was at this point that I suffered one of my infamous nosebleeds. I ran

    over to the edge of the balcony, hoping by some miracle James

    had n t noticed and rumm ag ed in my b a g for tissues. Then p anic . The

    hote l keys d rop ped ove r the ba lcony a nd into som e b ushes below. To

    ma ke things wo rse, I couldn t find any tissue.

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    I dec ided my first p riority wa s my nose, so I to ld Jam es to sta y put a nd

    headed to the toilet, stuck a couple of pieces of toilet roll up each

    nostril and ran back outside and down the stairs, with James following.

    We scrambled about on the floor for a good twenty minutes before

    Jam es em erged triump hant. I dec ided aga inst telling Teresa about m y

    latest misfortune, for fear of ruining her night. I simply handed the keys

    over to her and begged her never to leave them in my possession


    The rest o f the night he ld was restively unevent ful. We had a few mo re

    drinks, until Teresa dec ided she wa nted to hea d bac k to the roo m. I, on

    the other hand w ante d to ta ke full ad vanta ge of this time with Jam es

    (and celebrate the fact that I was officially recovered from the

    tonsillitis), so we put Teresa in a ta xi and I sta yed out w ith Jam es. The

    next couple of hours are sketchy in my memory, but I remember

    suddenly rea lising I wa s tired . I ha d lost Jame s and in my d runken sta te ,

    rather than doing the considerate thing and finding him to tell him I

    wa s leaving, I finished my d rink, left the c lub a nd tried to figure out how

    to g et b ac k to the hote l. I vag uely rem em be red Teresa saying, You

    only have tw o o p tions whe n you c om e o ut of the c lub. This wa y

    (pointing right) leads to the hotel, and this way (left) goes to the

    be ac h. Just reme mb er that a nd you c an t ge t lost .

    After ending up on the beach for a second time, I started to cry. I

    couldnt understand why I wasnt back at the hotel asleep by now. I

    turned back to the main road and started walking and by pure

    c oincidenc e (and luck!) I spo tted Jam es ab out 20 pa ce s ahea d of me

    with a blond girl. I ran after him and asked for help. He said he would

    take me ho me , after whispering som ething to his blond c om panion.

    A while later, we arrived at my hotel and James invited me to meet

    him for a d rink the next day at the sister hote l ac ross the roa d , which he

    wa s ba sed a t. In my b lea ry-eyed , c rump led sta te, I ag ree d . I ma de m y

    wa y to my roo m a nd , a fter a m inor pa nic abo ut the hote l keys, passed

    out b efore even brushing m y teeth.

    Chapter Four

    Teresa and I wo ke with a sta rt a t 8am the next morning and

    immed iately wished we had n t. The hea t wa s unbe arab le in our roo m,

    as we ha d ha d to c lose the window and wo od en do ors to our ba lco ny

    because of the mosquitoes. Despite that, we were both covered in

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    bites and moaning in pain from possibly the worst hangovers of our

    lives. Neither of us dared move for fifteen minutes, but eventually

    de cide d the b est cure wo uld be a d ip in the hotel poo l.

    The p revious night, Teresa a nd I ha d the fo rtune (?) to b e c ha tted up

    by two guys called Rob and Jason. Rob was quiet and moody, (I

    thoug ht he wa s ga y) while Jason wa s c onstantly ma king unfunny jokes

    and trying to ge t into Teresa s knic kers. We we re stuc k with them long

    enough to realise we didnt want to be stuck with them and made a

    hasty exit, but not b efore p rom ising the m w e w ould m ee t with them for

    a d rink the next evening a t their hote l whic h was just up the roa d .

    Anyway, there we w ere resting on o ur sun-loungers when w e he ard the

    annoying Sc arbo roug h voice. We ope ned our eyes to a b lond mullet

    and b lac k presc ript ion sung lasses with zips on the side s. Yes. Jason and

    the ever-sullen Rob had blessed us with their presence. I pretended to

    be a slee p so skilfully tha t I ac tua lly did nod off a nd left Teresa to d ea l

    with them, but she didnt mind too much, as she got a laugh at my


    I wo ke up to see two p a irs of e yes and a pa ir of p resc ription sung lasses

    (with zips on the side) squinting at me. I couldnt understand why they

    were a ll staring a nd laughing a t me . I grabb ed my b ag from next to m y

    chair and retrieved the small mirror so I could check my face. It was

    quite p ink, but no thing to laugh abo ut. I groggily sa t up , which is whe n I

    saw it; 'Billy Idol was scrawled down the length of my right thigh in

    suntan lotion. I knew it was Jason, as he was weird like that, but I was

    luc ky. Teresa had woken me a fter fiftee n m inutes, know ing tha t my skin

    burns in 30.

    Chapter Five

    After this late st humiliation, I dec ided I need ed an ego bo ost, so we nt

    across the road to try and catch James. I didnt have to wait long, as

    he e me rge d with the same blond girl from Resc ue. When he spotted

    me, he came over smiling, but not before putting his arm around

    blondie and whispering to her again. Once she was gone, I asked

    who she w as and why he hadnt introd uc ed us. I wa s extrem ely nave

    and believed James when he said blondie had a crush on him and

    wo uldnt lea ve him a lone . I just a ssume d tha t sort of thing hap pened to

    him all the time, and when he invited me out for a drink that night, I

    wa s c onvince d he only had eyes for me. He told m e he wo uld drop b y

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    our room in a couple of hours to pick me up. In the meantime, I

    thoug ht I wo uld he ad b ac k to the room for a siesta .

    I returned to find Teresa rea d ing on the ba lcony. I sa id m y hellos and

    lay d ow n, feeling tired , but excited ab out the night ahea d. I ma nag ed

    to sleep for about twenty minutes before I was woken up by an

    irritating humming noise and an intense itching in both my legs. I

    opened my eyes to a swarm of mosquitoes. I jumped up and shut the

    balcony doors, then proceeded to disobey one of the hotel rules,

    whic h wa s som eth ing a long the lines of do no t kill mo squitoes in your

    room . Teresa jump ed up a nd helpe d me. We ha d squa shed ma ybe

    fifty or so mosquitoes when James made an appearance. We had left

    the door slightly ajar and had no time to hide the evidence, so we

    were busted. Needless to say, James was not impressed. After

    promising the roo m wo uld be spo tless in no time, I de c ided to try and

    distrac t him b y talking about o ur p lans for that evening. It d idn t work.

    James told us we werent the most popular holiday-makers in the

    complex. My antics had gained us a reputation and the state of the

    roo m m ade us loo k wo rse.

    Jam es wo uld ge t fired if he w as c aught in our hote l roo m so he ma de

    a hasty exit.

    Teresa lured me onto the b a lco ny for som e w ine. I p rac tica lly skipped

    out, making sure I shut the doors firmly behind me. We had a good

    heart to heart about our ex-boyfriends who had unceremoniously

    finished with us befo re w e c ame awa y. It was on ly whe n Teresa

    glanced at her watch that we realised it was late, neither of us were

    dressed and we w ere me ant to be plac es. I stood up to go ba c k

    inside , but the d oo r wa s jamme d. Teresa c ou ld n t op en it either. It

    became apparent that I had locked us out when I saw the key

    dangling o n the inside o f the d oo r. I told Teresa not to panic and that I

    wo uld som ehow resolve the situa tion; we we re to o high to jump dow n,

    so I resorted to sc rea ming for help.

    Help c ame in the form o f James, forty minutes la ter. The last p erson I

    wanted to see me looking as pathetic and helpless as this was my

    holiday fling. But there he w as, loo king p eeved . I mo ved awa y from the

    doo r and pic ked up my g lass of w ine, hop ing it looked like we we re just

    enjoying an uncomplicated drink on the balcony, but as soon asJames op ene d the doo r, Teresa s first w ords we re; It w as Ca ra s fault.

    She loc ked us out here eve n though I d idn t think it wa s possible to d o

    that and darted into the bathroom. I smiled sweetly at him and

    offered him a d rink.

    We eventually got a taxi to the strip and by the time we sat down for

    our first drink, Jame s appea red to ha ve c a lme d d ow n.

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    I was enjoying the atmosphere in the bar, as the bartenders were

    friend ly and the music w as goo d . I left Teresa ta lking to Jame s about

    his life b ack home while I went to the b a r to b uy mo re c oc ktails. The

    bartend er wa s we aring a Twe etie T-shirt, which I c om me nted on. I

    ma de further drunken sma ll ta lk, whic h resulted in him saying he w ould

    make some extra strength cocktails for us, as he liked English girls. I

    hoped they would have the desired effect on James, as he wasnt

    looking tipsy enough for my liking. I took them over and returned to the

    bar for some straws. As I returned, I leaned over the table to place

    James straw in his glass, but som eho w, m ana ged to tip his g lass so tha t

    Teq uila fell stra ight into his lap , sp rea d ing a da rk sta in over the c rotc h

    of his love ly beige Diesel t rousers. I wa s mortified .

    Chapter Six

    We all sobered up pretty quickly after this latest catastrophe and

    James went back to his apartment to change his trousers. I had a

    fee ling I wou ldn t see him a ga in for the rest o f the night, so Teresa and I

    did a bar crawl and met lots of new people; many of whom talked

    about the cabaret night that was arranged every Friday by the reps.

    My ea rs pric ked up at this, as it would b e a c hanc e to see Jame s aga in

    and ma ke up for this evening.

    The rest o f the evening ran smoo thly. The only misha p was Teresa

    lea ving ea rly, taking the key and telling me she w ould lea ve it behind

    the p oo lside b ar for me (as she ha d done p reviously when leaving m e

    to my own devices). But when I reached the bar, I had a half-hour

    argument w ith the b artender (and started to c ry) as he w as ad am ant

    he didn t ha ve it. I eventua lly stagg ered inside a fter threa tening to sue

    him (for what, Im not sure). I neared the door to our room and was

    surprised to hear a male voice inside. I was also surprised to find the

    door slightly ajar. I burst in and spotted the key on my bed. I turned to

    fume a t Teresa but was distrac ted by the sight o f her and an unfam ilia r

    ma le stand ing ne xt to o ne o f the tw in bed s loo king conc erned. I asked

    wha t wa s go ing on a nd Teresa simp ly said she d done a me . I

    disc overed they had some how ma nag ed to b rea k Teresa s be d and

    were trying to de cide wha t to d o. I felt qua lified to g ive her advice on

    covering up the disaster, and suggested she feign ignorance. I was

    secretly smug that for once it wasnt me having a crisis so decided to

    let the roo m key incident pass.

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    Chapter Seven

    Teresa too k my advic e a nd end ed up sharing my single b ed . As you

    can imagine, it wasnt the most comfortable nights sleep, but I

    thought I should do the charitable thing, so after waking up ridiculously

    early, we decided to head down to the shops to buy postcards and


    We bought our postcards and headed down to the beach to write

    them. But after settling down to write one to the folks, my mind

    wa ndered a nd I started thinking a bo ut the night a hea d.

    Teresa and I we re sea ted a t the coc ktail ba r a t 7.30pm a s instruc ted

    and as per usual were already tipsy to say the least. I was dressed in a

    Blac k skirt with a large slit at the bac k and a skimp y top , which show ed

    off my sunburn to p erfec tion. I wa s feeling g oo d and loo king forwa rd to

    my last eve ning of freed om . Teresa o rdered us another round o f

    c oc ktails as peo p le sta rted to show up. Som e o f the m ore a lleb riated

    holida y-makers we re launc hing them selves in the poo l, (I knew I should

    have seen tha t a s a bad omen) b ut I just laughe d nervously along with

    everybod y else w hile p raying they d idn t try to d ep osit me in there to o.

    Eventua lly, we a ll piled on the c oa c h rea dy for our last b ig night out

    before returning to London. Everyone was in high spirits and were

    prep aring themselves for a long , a lc ohol fuelled eve ning. Teresa a nd I

    sat a t the front of the coa c h and w ere immed iate ly ac co sted b y a guy

    wea ring a T-shirt tha t ha d lots of signa tures on it. He to ld us it wa s his

    21st birthday and all the girls had to sign his top and give him a kiss.

    Well I was still pinning my hope on getting together with James that

    night so agreed to sign Matts top but decided to pass on the kiss.

    How ever, Teresa and Ma tt got o n p retty we ll and she d eserted me to

    go and sit w ith him.

    We a rrived 45 minutes late r and foug ht our wa y off the c oa c h. Teresa

    was now arm in arm with Matt and I assume something happened

    be twee n them, as I hea rd their nam es be ing c hanted on the c oa c h.

    We w ere sat at a tab le w ith two young c ouples for the c ab aret show,

    but it worked out well as none of the others drank wine, so while they

    d rank end less p itche rs of free bee r, Teresa and I sha red the Greek

    wine, (which was lethal). It wasnt long before we lost all control of

    wha t w e w ere d oing. We soc ialised with the p eop le a t our tab le a nd

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    soon lost interest in the cabaret itself. Eventually, the cabaret finished

    and the da ncing started.

    After an indeterminable amount of time, I announced I was going to

    ge t a d rink from the b a r and m arc hed off. I hea ded throug h ma sses of

    sweating bodies towards the bar, but once there, I had completely

    forgo tten wha t I wa nted. I looked around m e a nd saw lots of p eop le

    smo king. I dec ided I must ha ve c om e he re to buy c iga rette s (this wa s

    weird as I didnt smoke). I couldnt see a cigarette machine so

    decided it would be a good idea to go and buy some from a


    Once outside, I started wandering aimlessly down the road, looking for

    a corner shop. At this point, I lost my memory. I think I banked out for

    about an hour. It was as if I had bee n a sleep , bec ause it felt like I woke

    up and sudde nly knew I wa s lost a nd a lone in Greec e. I loo ked a round ,

    trying to find my bearings and started wailing. I ran into the nearest

    building I c ould find. It was a sma ll hote l. I then ha d a sec ond me mo ry

    lapse a nd my next mem ory wa s of a posh elde rly co up le ta king pity on

    me a nd helping m e figure out whe re I need ed to g et to.

    Once back to semi-familiarity, I noticed everyone was leaving the

    building and getting on coaches to return to their various hotels, across

    the island . I knew I had to find Teresa , but ha d no ide a how or where to

    find her. I headed for the hotel lobby and amazingly, she was leaving

    the building as I got there. When she spotted me, she started crying. It

    wa s a te a rful reunion a nd a fter we had c almed do wn, she ga ve me a

    lecture about my irresponsible behaviour and told me there had

    bee n a huge sea rc h on for me. For som e rea son, I wa s mo re interested

    in wha t Jame s had to say ab out my disapp ea ranc e. She said he wa s

    frantic and had been looking for me along with everyone else. I

    wa nted to see him a nd a lthoug h I p rom ised Teresa I wo uld not lea ve

    her side for under any c ircumstanc es, my eyes c ouldn t help but roa m

    the area for a sighting of him. At this point, Teresa wa s d ragging me

    onto our co ac h, and let go of my hand only to step o nto the co ac h.

    (Enter me mo ry lapse num ber three ). The ne xt time m y hea d c leared , I

    was on a coach with a load of unfamiliar faces. Once again, I

    panicked and asked the person next to me where we were going. He

    said som ething a nd I rea lised it d idn t make any d ifferenc e a s I had no

    idea wha t our hotel wa s c a lled anywa y. But I knew I was on the wrongcoach. I jumped off just as the last person took their seat and tried to

    think rationally.

    Meanwhile, Teresa wa s trying to c onv inc e our mo od y Welsh rep tha t

    there w as a person missing from the c oa c h. The rep wa s extrem ely

    annoyed and said Teresa had two minutes to find me o r they we re

    lea ving w ithout us bo th. She jump ed off the c oa c h and ma nag ed to

  • 7/30/2019 Blogging Around the World Zante



    find me drinking banana flavoured champagne with some random


    She g rabbed my a rm and held o n tightly until I wa s sa fely sea ted on

    the co rrec t co ac h. Onc e sea ted , we received a round o f app lause.

    I spotted James and rambled incoherently about my escapades while

    he listened unsympathetically and suggested I didnt go on to the

    nightc lub with them. Naturally, I we nt to the c lub and end ed up having

    a grea t night w ith Jame s and even Teresa had kind of forgiven me . It

    wa s only when Jame s girlfriend wa rned me off him tha t I rea lised a ll

    wa s not a s it see me d. How eve r, tha t is a whole o ther story.

    I was actually relieved to be heading home at the end of the two

    wee ks, pa rticularly as Teresa develop ed tonsillitis on the last d ay. It ha d

    be en a n em otionally c harge d fortnight a s we c op ed with one d isaster

    a fter another. But it was wo rth it. On reflec tion, afte r Teresa had

    replaced my Gatwick to Victoria ticket that I lost on the first day, and

    we we re sea ted sa fely on the shuttle, I knew I wo uld be rec ounting m y

    holiday ta les for a long time.