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  • 8/12/2019 BluSunHousingTech Intro


    BluSun Housing Technologies


    Housing TechnologyThat Defies Imagination

    Katia Kraus

  • 8/12/2019 BluSunHousingTech Intro


    INTRODUCTIONEngineered to Empower

    Affordable, energy efficient, environmentallyfriendly, building solutions.

    Natural disasters due to earthquakes, hurricanes, fires and other catastrophesof nature demand new building systems that are technologically advanced,that can withstand these natural disasters and are environmentally friendly.The exposure of toxic molds & fungi from conventional construction materialsand methods necessitate an urgency to change to reliable alternativeconstruction methods that mitigate these threats.

    BluSun Housing Technologies (BSHT) is engaged in the business of

    producing, developing, licensing, manufacturing, and marketing affordable,energy efficient, low-cost, and environmentally friendly sustainable housingsolutions worldwide.

    Our deliverables are efficiency-designed solutions that enable developers,contractors, and countries to build lower-cost, super energy efficient,environmentally friendly, stronger, healthy, disaster durable homes that areable to withstand 200 mph hurricanes, F3 tornadoes, and up to 8.0earthquakes in addition to being fire resistant up to three hours at 1700degrees, termite free, and mold resistant.

    Our targeted clients are developers, contractors, builders, NGOs, andgovernment housing authorities developing, building, or planning large-scaleaffordable housing, mixed-use, time-share, condo, apartment, town home,high-end residential, new communities, and / or resort projects.

    BSHT is committed to investing in, developing, manufacturing, and providingthe best of breed, best value, hybrid building technology, complete buildingsystems, and building materials for affordable, energy efficient, water efficient,

    resource efficient- environmentally friendly, healthy, lasting, disaster durablehomes, communities, and cities.

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    BluSun Housing Technologies was a mere thought and concept founded backin 1998. The company was founded on the belief and principles that housingis a basic human right and not a luxury reserved for only those who couldafford it. Shortly thereafter we were asked by the attach of Gabon, Africa tobring a solution for affordable military housing. During this time we had beenexploring panel wall technology as a solution for affordable housing. Ourexploration revealed that the players in the industry made building systemsthat were so highly priced that the technology was out of reach for the peopleand countries who needed this technology the most.

    Thus we started our research and development with the goal of bringing thistechnology at unprecedented price and unsurpassed quality. Our quest leadus to explore panel design from every player in the industry. We did site visitsto a host of industry professionals. We studied building system designs as weresearched we learned about the integrity of the panel structure and generalbuilding structures and their current vulnerabilities. We learned what makesone panel design better or less structurally sound then another. We learnedabout all the positives and negatives and how these affect the structuralintegrity of a building structure.

    We eventually ventured into China with the goal of reducing the cost of thebuilding system, increasing production and quality. Year after year led bymultinational engineering team, the building system evolved in production,quality and structural integrity. We tested and built structures with the mostrenowned structural engineering teams and consultants from the ICC assuringus that the building system and the integrity of the panels were unsurpassed.We were confident that the panel produced was now the finest in the market-place and the integrity of the building structures could not be matched in priceand quality. This panel was named the PowerLitePanel (PLP) we proceeded

    to market this panel in the Asian marketplace and regions where affordablehousing was devoid. The PLP and family line of products were used in manydevelopments where affordable housing and reduction of construction wasnecessary. The technology was used in single-family homes, multi-levelfamily homes, hospitals, commercial buildings such as hotels, office buildingsand a variety of infrastructure applications.

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    The company engaged in many government and non-government projects.Then came the 2007 financial crisis left many governments and developerswith the inability to pay their debts and constructions projects came to ascreeching halt. Blue Sun Housing was severely impacted by the economiccrisis, political instability and sadly closed its doors.

    The founders of the company have regrouped and re-evaluated the path ofthe company. Today the company has evolved to BluSun HousingTechnologies a more savvy company with more than 20 years of research anddevelopment and market experience. The company re-evaluated its pastmilestones and setbacks and now has reorganized its marketing strategiesand approach to the business of bringing affordable housing technologies tothe marketplace.

    Our over arching mission is to bring a new building and construction paradigmthat is in harmony with nature and is focused on safety, efficiency,sustainability and the preservation of our environment.

    Our primary goal is to address the issues surrounding the built environmentwith the integration and marketing of affordable, energy-efficient integratedbuilding solutions for national and international markets that are better, faster,and cheaper than conventional building materials. In addition our systems andmaterials are environmentally friendly.

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    While we have evolved technologically, the construction of homes continues to use 40% of allthe material resources in the world. In fact, the construction of homes using hammers and nails

    produce 3-7 tons of wasted materials for an average home. The current constructionmethodology does not take into consideration the energy, labor and impact on the environment.BSHTs primary purpose is to eliminate the dependencies on our priceless resources. We willbring a more sustainable construction paradigm focusing on safety, efficiency, intelligentdesign, stronger and a more cost and environmentally efficient construction technology.Current construction methodology is outdated and has the highest level of fatality making itmore dangerous than mining and agriculture.

    Current building and construction methodologies are painfully slow and have not proveneffective in times of natural disasters. These outdated methodologies infringe on the recoveryprocess leaving people and communities displaced and unable to move forward in an efficientand timely manner to return back to normality. Our technology would get people back into

    homes and businesses. With this mindset BluSun Housing Technologies is now presenting toyou, the best-of-breed, best-priced, best-valued building system and building solution leadingthe change in the building industry throughout the world.

    The panel manufacturing systems are significantly faster, better, more versatile, and lessexpensive than any comparable systems and technologies in the same category. The buildingsystem produces the PowerLitePanel (PLP), the PLP is a Structural Concrete InsulatedPanel SCIPwhich is a commonly used industry phrase and is an abbreviation for StructuralConcrete Insulated Panels.

    The Building System operates 40% faster than the closest comparable system withapproximately 30% lower cost of ownership of the master systems. The building systemsconservatively produce 876-2,673 panels per 24 hours compared to 400-625 panels per 24hours from the closest competitive building systems. Blue Sun Housing Technologies (BSHT)can provide a turnkey panel building solution to builders, developers, and countries alike. Wealso sell and set up JV factories to use our systems to produce local building supplies andhousing kits to areas with a high demand for affordable, energy efficient, disaster safe homeswith the panel building technology powered by BSHT.

    The PowerLitePanel (PLP)is cheaper, better, and faster than conventional buildingtechnologies. The end result is a formless monolithic concrete building system with continuousstructural integrity. This is the type of quality construction one would expect only applies to acustom design. Yet, the building systems simplicity and flexibility in design allows the system

    to be applied to almost any building project. Comprised of welded wire panels with a core ofpolystyrene insulation we are able to provide a super-strength structure.

    PLP construction is truly without exception one of the most proficient methods of construction.The panel provides resistance to natures terrors and the daily environmental challengesbuildings endure while also providing additional resistances to mold, termites & fungi.

    Architectural benefits utilizing panel construction are virtually unlimited from the simplestinternational box with roof to a two-story high-end, high design, high function home.

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    In the worldwide building industry, construction costs, speed, quality, and durability are alwaysa concern. When used with a plaster gun the building system is cost competitive againstconventional construction processes such as masonry block, wood-framed, poured in placeconcrete, and concrete tilt up. While the cost in place is competitive versus conventionalmeans, the added benefits relate to exceptional total value.

    Resistant to Earthquake up to 8.0 - Seismic Zone 4 Resistant to Hurricane up to 200 mph Resistant to Floodmold prohibitive Resistant to Fire- Non-Combustible Structure has 2 -3 hour burn wall ratings dependingon wall and skin thickness Environmentally Intelligent using 20%-60% recycled content Recyclable Provides local jobs and enterprise Made from 50% recycled steel Polystyrene core with 20% recycled content does not contain CFCs; System does not deplete forestry products.

    Superior Energy Efficiency- 70%-90% less day to day energy consumption = long termenergy savings Superior Acoustical Efficiency for an excellent sound transmission barrier between rooms Eliminates Molds / Fungi / Rodent No wood or associated threat of termites or dry rot 50% faster than conventional construction with added savings to construction &development costs Topographically flexible, adaptable to any development Non-skilled labor friendly - 6 minimally skilled workers to 1 skilled leader A construction system which provides long term durability that will last generations Adaptable to all architectural designs Reduced fire insurance

    Built to last for generations in diverse conditions Better, cheaper, and faster than conventional construction

    All of these benefits are achievable while also utilizing lower cost labor crews led by trainedprofessional to construct the project. Low labor costs combined with competitive product costsresult in an aggregate construction cost less than comparable methods while achieving astructure with a multitude of performance advantages.

    The PowerLitePanel is less expensive to purchase and 40% faster than the closestcompetitors. If you are interested in providing the best of breed- faster, better, and best valuebuilding systems and building products for your area and taking part of the recurring revenue

    streams providing energy efficient affordable housing- then please continue, from our growingpopulation around the world, workforce, service, farmer, time-share, condos, quality homes,and home replacement.

    BSHTs PowerLitePanel technology and the manufacturing machines have been developed,built, and sold for the 20 years.

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    PowerLitePanel Solution & Applications

    Load bearing walls, floors and roofs

    Single and multi-family residential units

    Industrial buildings

    Commercial buildingsPerimeter walls

    Sound walls

    Silos and tanks

    Architectural spandrel panels

    Docks and barges

    Precast modules

    Display units and foliage trellises

    Mining bulkheads


    Sea Walls

    The examples above represent applications that have been utilized for panel construction, andthe list could easily be expanded with new applications. There are no relative constraints on theapplications and usage of this building technology. The variable wire size, panel thickness, andpanel length allow for significant versatility with design applications.

    ADDITIONAL BENEFITS of BSHT-PLP BUILDINGGreater Design Flexibility - panels are 4' wide by any length (in 8" increments) and adapteasily to curved/arched design applications.

    Reduced Heavy Equipment on the Job Sites - handling/installation requires little equipmentand reduces manpower needs.

    Fewer Specialized Trades Required - the need for framing, masonry, insulation and drywalltrades reduced or eliminated.

    Simplified Utility Installation - easy routing of electrical conduit and plumbing.

    Reduced Construction Time - it's not uncommon for a few workers to erect the shell of a2,500 sq. ft. structure in less than a day.

    Earlier Completion + Earlier Occupancy - can mean lower total capital investment and a

    quicker return on investment.

    Lower Maintenance Costs - a concrete structure minimizing long-term maintenancerequirements.

    Extended Home Lifespan- estimated to be 100-year life span dwellings under normal andinclement weather conditions- with Infinite Longevity

    Passive Solar Design - Provides interior thermal mass, continuous insulation and durablewaterproof exterior surface all in a 7'-thick wall system.

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    Limitless Applications. The BSHT-PLP related or similar technology is being used inconstruction projects of virtually every type around the world, including: Commercial OfficeBuildings, Upscale Homes, Manufacturing Facilities, Schools, Fire Stations, Storage Buildings,Low-cost Housing Projects, Sound Barrier Walls, Fire/Privacy/Partition Walls, Retaining Walls,Underground Buildings, Co- Housing Developments, Municipal Structures.

    Lower Insurance Costs: LEEDS certifiable and insurable at lower rates.

    Greater Structural Integrity - The BSHT-PLP panel produces a continuously reinforced,insulated wall with extraordinary strength-to-weight ratios. Concrete and steel are the bestmaterials for strength and resistance to the elements. Enhanced by exterior infill (EI) wallsmade with the EI-PLP panel there are no joints to crack and no weak spots that eventuallybecome vulnerable to water intrusion.

    Thermal Insulation: The modified expanded polystyrene core meets all VA, FHA and HUDthermal requirements; Heat and cold transmission is reduced by 50% through the use of the


    Sound Insulation double shell configuration minimizes sound transmission and its superiorsound insulation keeps each living space a quiet zone.

    Time and Labor Savings: the BSHT-PLP goes up so quickly, precisely and easily that fewerframers, masons, insulators, and drywall specialists are needed to get the job done fast andright.

    Environmentally Intelligent: the BSHT-PLP panel is made from recycled and galvanizedsteel, so the system does not deplete forestry products. Plus, the 20% recycled material usedin the panels polystyrene core contains no ozone damaging CFCs either in the manufacturing

    process or the end product and itsrecyclable! We keep the trees in the forest cleaning the air.

    Financial Sensibility: Earlier completion means earlier occupancy. Fewer laborers and lessequipment mean a lower budget. Together, it means lower total capital investment and aquicker ROI.

    Maintenance Savings: Concrete structures require minimal long-term maintenance, especiallyin areas prone to extreme weather and temperature conditions. Summer heat, winter snow,heavy rains, and high windsnothing gets through BSHT-PLP built homes.

    Lower Utility Bills: Structures built with the BSHT-PLP type products have experienced up to

    50% savings in electricity consumption, made possible by the use of smaller and more efficientheating and air conditioning systems.

    Termite Proof: Never again worry about this threat that is common to conventionally builtapartments and condominiums.

    Hurricane and Earthquake Protection: There are many documented instances wherestructures built with the BSHT-PLP have survived the severest storms and other naturaldisasters.

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    BSHTPOWERLITEPANEL PRODUCT OVERVIEWPLP = PowerLitePanel (Structural Concrete Insulated Panel)

    TheBuilding System is a tried and proven construction process utilizing three dimensionalspace frame / concrete sandwich panel engineering technology. This construction process has

    evolved over the past 30 years.

    PLP are available in 4'W in any length. They can be adapted to any shape; external andinternal walls, floors, roofs, curves, arches, and cantilevered. The PLP is a prefabricated panel.This extremely strong structural product consists of a super-insulated core of rigid expandedpolystyrene sandwiched between two-engineered sheets of galvanized steel welded wire fabricmesh. To complete the panel form process a nine-gauge galvanized steel truss wire is piercedcompletely through the polystyrene core at offset angles for superior strength and welded toeach of the outer layer sheets of eleven-gauge steel welded wire fabric mesh. Once these threeelements are joined by PLPs state of the art manufacturing equipment, you end up with aTHREEDIMENSIONAL lightweight panel that is one of the strongest building materials you canfind.

    The PLP is a unique and effective way to easily create a strong insulated concrete building orwall. The PLP is used in every type of concrete structure because of the flexibility of design andease of use. Thousands of structure and walls have been built around the world with the PLP.Many of them use the panel for all elements of the structure including walls, floors, stairs andtrim. PLP related or similar technology is used for affordable housing all the way to multi-milliondollar housing. Residential, commercial, institutional multi-story all can be created easily withthis remarkable internationally used and accepted method.

    The strength of the PLP is enormous and is partially attributed to the truss wires, which arewelded to connect each side of mesh to make the panel. The insulation in the center of the

    panel is suspended on the truss wires and becomes a continuous thermal break when panelsare connected. The performance of the insulation thus is greater than the R-value ratingbecause of the thermal-mass effect of the concrete on each side of the panel. The monolithicstructure with PLP panel technology enables it to withstand earthquakes, hurricanes andtyphoons. Many PLP technology buildings have endured hurricanes with no water penetrationor damage, earthquakes with no cracking, and at the same time provided a comfortable andenergy-efficient environment for the residents. In the U. S. today there is a strong movementtowards concrete housing. The PLP is perfect for this market. It provides hard walls andperfectly placed insulation for maximum efficiency. Stayin-place forms today use polystyreneas molds for concrete and end up with soft exteriors and exteriors which have to be hardened.In the process, they lose the thermal mass effect necessary for energy efficiency. Unlikeconcrete block, the PLP technology panel provides the insulation and reinforcement strength to

    concrete, which makes it acceptable for residential or commercial construction.

    Since the introduction of the PowerLitePanel (PLP) for construction of walls, several new useshave emerged for the panel. The re-evolution in construction technology has started and thePLP is leading the way in speed, price, and quality.

    The construction system is a tried and proven construction process utilizing dimensionalstructural concrete insulated sandwich panel engineering technology. This construction processhas evolved over the past 30 years. The core foundation of the system is a welded wire threedimensional space frame manufactured in variable wire gauges with insulating foam located in

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    the middle of the panel. The panels are manufactured in four-foot widths and specific lengthsas required for the application. Panel thickness is also variable to accommodate insulationrequirements, load bearing capacities, and architectural design. The wire/foam panels areinstalled at the project site to create load bearing walls, floors, and roofs as designed for thestructure, then coated with 1 1/4 -5 of2000 PSI Portland cement plaster or other materials.The finished product is a monolithic structure with no cold joints. This can be achieved by usinga plaster gun, hand-troweled application, shotcrete, or gunite, or a variety of environmentallyfriendly cemeticious skins.

    AFFORDABLE HOUSING500 sq.ft / 50 meter Basic One Story HomeBSHT-PowerLitePanels are excellent for making extremely durable, quick building, costcompetitive, energy efficient, earthquake proof, and hurricane proof, fire resistant, virtually moldproof, termite proof homes.


    Cheaper, Better, FasterAffordable basic housing tohigh quality developmentBelow are average ballpark costs per sq. ft. for materials and labor to manufacture, erect, andfinish the dried in structures including windows, doors, roofing, and electrical and plumbingwhen it is specified. The quality and price can range greatly from basic to good to excellentquality standards for high quantities of affordable housing for workforce, service worker, farmerworker, middle-class, resort, time share, commercial, to high-end unique builds for the upperclass- all with PowerLite-Panelsthree dimensional insulated panel technology. Final pricingwill always be based on final architecturally specific designs submitted on AutoCAD drawings.

    We use our global network to source the best products for the particular budget and sector atthe best price. We of course will always try to use local sources and to provide more local jobs


    Our packages in general include PLPs for exterior walls, interior walls, and roofs with all dooropenings, and windows cut out in the factory to fit the designs. In addition depending on theorder we include windows, and doors openings- cut out in the factory + ceramic roof tiles, +windows + doors, erection, green concrete application and finishing of interior and exteriorwalls, labor, basic plumbing, electrical, and finishing.

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    Timing: For a 500 sq ft single story workforce or service worker home

    To complete House a basic affordable international homeFollowing completion of foundation: Complete 1 x 500 sq. ft. Home (1) every 3 days

    1 Skilled laborer 7 Unskilled laborers

    * Price is based on current material costs with the assumption of setting up a localfactory and providing local jobs.

    MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS DETAILSManufacturing machinery is compromised of a component-based system where additionalmanufacturing units can be added to increase product output as demand requires. The basicmaster manufacturing module includes a wire truss machine and two panel assembly machineswith a combined output of 2,623 panels every 24 hours (83,958 sqft x 24 hours or 27,986 sqft x

    8 hour shift) Additional equipment can include a foam line for polyurethane (wet foamapplication) and /or hot wire cutting equipment for polystyrene (dry foam application). BSH andour partners will continue Research & Development to provide the most technologicallyadvanced panel machinery for optimum panel applications.

    This type of construction originated on the light end of the scale using 14-gauge wire in 1and2 thick panels. It is most often used internationally as a 2 EPS core with 1.5 cement on bothsides and then colored is often applied as a finish coat. With an internal EPS core of 4 you getan R-value of 19. The building systems can produce panels up to 6 in thickness for aprojected R-value of 40 and up to 20 in length.

    Speed:The Building Systemproduces 2,623 4x8 x2 panels in 24 hoursProduct (Panel) Specifications:Length 2400~3000mmWidth 1220mmThickness 76~126mmThickness of thin core 50~100mmInserting wire diameter 2.0~3.0 mm

    Main Assembly Machine Parameters:Welding power source 380V 50HZWelding transformer 50KVA6

    Welding time 20ms~160msGas Parameters 0.8-1.0 Mpa 3m3/minMeasurement 690018601700(mm)the length Of Working Area (min.) 3400+6900+3400=13700mmGross weight 4500kg

    General Description- the building system can do both trusses designs at differing speeds.1. Light Weight Thermal Structural Panel consists of a strong three-dimensional steel wire

    frame encapsulating an insulation core of expanded polystyrene. Specially designed

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    equipment to manufacture this type of panels, the panels are assembled on-site andthen cement plaster is applied to create a finished wall.

    Panel Core Options

    EI-PLP technology is capable of utilizing many different core materials specifically tailored tothe end use of the product. For instance, exterior walls of homes may use insulatingpolyurethane foam in the core of the panel, while interior walls would use low-density foam orother optional void core.

    Typical panel core include:

    High Insulation wet foam urethane (R value = 6.8/inch) Medium insulation closed cell styrene (R value = 4/inch) Low insulation / void EPS or low density urethane Additional economical void cores Zero toxicity

    High Wind Areas and Hurricanes:

    Products made with PowerLitePanel (PLP) technology has continuously excelled in rigoroustests given by Mother Nature. For the last ten years, numerous homes have been constructedwith the PLP technology on the East Coast, Caribbean and Gulf areas of Mexico and theUnited States. The homes were built to withstand hurricane force winds. In Laboratory testing,the EI-PLP technology has been tested and will withstand wind loads of 226 miles per hour.Laboratory testing results available upon request. In the southwestern area of the UnitedStates, a two-story research complex made with comparable BSHT-PLP technology was jointlyfunded by the National Science Foundation, Southern California Edison, Inc., and the

    University of California withstood California's worst earthquake in forty years was struck twice a(6.5) and (6.9) Richter Scale. According to Dr. Philippe Cohen who resides at the site in theMojave Desert, the area at one point was subjected to a continuous shake lasting over a fullminute. The structure went through the quakes with zero structural effects.

    Complete (Earthquake) structural testing report from certified engineering firm available onabove upon request.

    Fire Resistant

    Fire Resistant BSHT-PLP technology is an ideal building product for structures in dry adverse

    climates where fire is always a constant threat. Areas which are heavily forested, high grassand brush, and other areas in Southern California during Santa Ana Wind Conditions, and othersimilar areas where structures may be prone to fires. We have had numerous fires in SouthernCalifornia during Santa Ana Wind Conditions. A structure built with BSHT-PLP technology isnoncombustible and has a minimum 1.5-hour fire rating and a higher rating can easily beattained. Structures built with BSHT-PLP technology are virtually fire resistant.

    What is the fire rating of BSHT-PLPtechnology?

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    BSHT-PLP technology has the following fire-resistance ratings, (Ratings are valid for fireexposure from either side) Fire-rating is derived from the wire mesh gauge in combination withconcrete thickness. See chart below. The insulation core Type I polystyrene foamdemonstrated a flame-spread index of 25 or less and a smoke developed rating of 450 or lesswhen tested in accordance with ASTM - E84.The modified polystyrene core does not containozone-damaging chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) in the manufacturing process or products.

    2.5" EXP-Core with 1.50" Shotcrete each side = 1.5 Hours2.5" EXP-Core with 2.00" Shotcrete each side = 2.0 Hours2.5" EXP-Core with 3.1/8" Shotcrete each side = 4.0 Hours

    The fire rating increases with greater quantities of cement applied to each side.Polystyrene core will not burn.

    What are the Load Bearing Capabilities of BSHT-PLPtechnology?

    The load bearing weights that a typical BSHT-PLP Panel wall will support is amazing. The

    typical wood frame and metal frame wall cannot compare to EIPLP technology Panel strength.A typical BSHT-PLP technology Panel with 2.5" polystyrene core using eleven-gauge wire, 8' inheight has been tested at a structural load of over 78,000lbs.

    What is the wind load capacity of BSHT-PLP technology?

    The brief synopsis, which follows, is from the test results report dated 1994 fromDade County, Miami Florida pertaining to the wind load capacity of a product with comparableEI-PLP technology. Three typical EI-PLP technology panels 4' wide and 10' high with 1 1/2" ofshotcrete on each face were installed vertically, side-by-side, on a concrete slab, severalinches in front of a rigid backup wall with space between the panels and the backup wall. The

    panels were tested per static-wind load test (PA202-94 manner of testing). Summary: Thespecimens tested herein were fully tested in accordance with the Dade County Building CodeCompliance Office Protocols PA 201-94,PA 202-94 and PA 203-94. No failures occurred to thespecimens, nor their fastenings, nor anchorage. The products described in this report complywith SFBC Sections 2309 and 2315. The panels tested at 126 lbs per Sq. Ft. pressure, whichrepresents over 225mph-wind factor.

    Energy Savings:

    Save 50% to 80% of heating and cooling costs. Electrical and plumbing is though the interiorside of the PLP-panel, so there are fewer wall penetrations, which keeps thermal loss at a

    minimum. Reduces size and cost of HVAC System.

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    How are Various Shotcrete or Cements Applied to the BSHT-PLPpanels?

    The shotcrete or greencrete or environmentally friendly concrete product is applied by machineapplication on both sides of the panel. This part of the process is very specialized.

    We recommend a licensed Gunnite or Stucco Contractor or a combination of both Contractorsfor this part of the operation depending upon the desired finish. For architects with a specialfinish in mind we would like to mention that the architectural molds or metal trim could beincorporated into your design to achieve the desired finish.

    The versatility of numerous types of plaster finishes or stucco finishes will work on interiorand/or exterior walls. Other products that may be applied are:

    Brick Mini-BrickStone Stone Facing


    In developing countries with lower technology available -masonry laborers and less skilledlaborers can erect and finish the concrete skin of the structures with traditionally appliedtechniques.

    Is the Polystyrene Waterproof? Is the Foam Waterproof?The polystyrene and the foam are one in the same. The polystyrene core is water-resistant.The ASTM test proved maximum water absorption or 2.5 % for 1lb density. E.P.S. is an inert,organic material. Polystyrene provides no nutritive value to plants, animals, or microorganisms.The polystyrene will not rot and is highly resistant to mildew. Aging has no effect upon theperformance of the polystyrene E.P.S. is able to withstand the abuse of temperature cycling

    180 degrees assuring long term performance. It is also termite proof.

    Examples of Completed ProjectsThree Dimensional frame panel construction has been in existence for over 30 years, withapplications throughout the world. The following is a list of completed projects inside andoutside of the U.S.

    United States ExamplesResidential Housing DevelopmentsCalifornia264-Fontana 126-San Bernardino124-Sunnymead 138-Palm Desert112-Lancaster 112-Santa Maria107-Ontario 75-Rialto40-Perris 35-Chino21-Coachella 18-Victorville18-Bakersfield 13-Sacramento75-Chino Hills74-Bungalow Units Warner Springs Ranch

    Single-Family Homes: Industrial & Commercial Buildings, and Prisons:Sierra Madre, CA Atwater, CA Montgomery Co., MD

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    Santa Barbara, CA Apple Valley, CA Greenville, VAAnza Borrego, CA Ramona, CAMalibu, CA Palm Springs, CAPalm Dessert, CA Orange, CAHouston, TX Anaheim, CAKey Largo, Fl Durango, COPalm Beach, FL West Haven, CTWinterpark, FL Houston, TXHopedale, FL Rochester, NYHomestead, FL25 Homes Arizona Casa Grande, AZPalm Desert, CACastorville, CA**Residential projects totaling approximately 100 units have been constructed by other buildersin the states of Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Texas, Nebraska, Alaska & CaliforniaH U D approvals have been issued for panel construction in various areas

    HABITAT FOR HUMANITY approvals have been issued for panel construction invarious areas.Sound-Wall, Free-Standing Walls & Screen wall Projects:Del-Mar, CA **AwardCalTrans Millennium Wall Award

    Anaheim, CAChino, CAPomona, CAPalm Springs, CARiverside, CACoral Springs, FLPompano Beach, FLEnglewood, CO

    International Examples Saudi Arabia: 35,000 sq ft factory building with 60 ft clear span roof (folded plate design)-600homes at Camp 10 Jabail Indonesia: 1,200 oil camp housing units built by unskilled labor Guam: Military housing units built. Structures withstood Typhoon Pamela (1978) with windsexceeding 180 mph Marshall Islands / South Pacific: 250 housing units built under HUD section 8 programs Egypt: All types of construction, many military uses, some industrial projects with 60 ft clearspan roofs Israel:Nazareth- 70 two-story units

    Peoples Republic of China - All types - Residential, Commercial & Hospitality 35-storeyResidential Bldng Hong Kong Housing Authority Bldng Ningbo Hotel Talien Intl HotelHong Kong Television Company Bldng St Lucia-Caribbean3500 sq ft Custom Hillside Home Mexico: All types - Residential, Commercial & Hospitality including social interest housing

    Approximately 5,000 houses constructed to dateApproximately 3,000 panels used to replace damaged walls in MexicoCity damaged in September 1985 earthquake Venezuela approx. 600 residential homes Panama- All types - Residential, Commercial & Hospitality including social interest housing

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    Costa Rica - All types - Residential, Commercial & Hospitality including social interest housing Nicaragua - All types - Residential, Commercial & Hospitality including social interest housing Canada: Mining bulkheads England Refurbishment-Council Houses built after World War II-MiscResidential/Commercial FrenchPolynesia: Single Family home with several hundred planned

    Agency approvals for all areas referenced are in place for continued use of BSHPLBSdimensional frame panel construction.

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    Photos and Renderings of PLP related ProjectsDisclosure / Disclaimer: The photos of the following different projects are a compilation ofcompleted projects by different builders and developers utilizing three dimensional framestructural concrete insulated panel construction. BSHT does not represent to have built any orall of these referenced projects.

    Commercial Bu i ld ing

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    Commercial Building Constructon Project Site Visit

    Panels at Commercial Building Site

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    Chinese Clinic/Shop House

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    Pre-Imbed Piping, Wires, Electricity and Tubes

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    Small Farm Home China

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    Thailand Small House

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    What code's do PLP-panels conform with?Universally accepted outside the U.S. and used in the U.S. as well. The PLP technology hasbeen used as premier and affordable building material for 1 and 2 story dwellings, shophouses, multi-family, and commercial buildings.

    BSHT-PLP dimensional panel technology has also has acceptance in certain areas in the U.S.These are some of the BSHT-PLP-panel meets the CABO one and two-story family dwellingcodes (Compliance Report No. NER-454, 1/01/1993) which satisfies all SBCCI, ICBO andBOCA requirements for standard buildings.

    BSHT-PLPPanel technologies from similar machines and panels also has HUD compliancecovered under SEB# 1120. CABO-Council of American Building Officials ICBO-InternationalConference Building Officials SBCCI-Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.BOCA-Building Officials and Code Administrators HUD-Housing Urban Development (SEB#1120) NES- National Evaluation Service, Inc. (NER-454) Miami-Dade County Building CodeCompliance Office American Society for Testing and Materials American National StandardsInstitute copies of the above reports available upon request.

    National Code Compliance# NER 454-Reissued January 1, 2000(Includes BOCA, ICBO, and SBCCI)

    Metro Dade County, FloridaAcceptance No. 06-0412.05Date: June 8, 2006

    Island of Puerto RicoCase Number 90-00-A-548 CPE

    Issued May 8, 1991

    City of New OrleansVieux Carre CommissionIssued: September17, 1995

    Grand BahamasEnvironmental Research GroupMinistry of Works & UtilitiesIssued: May 25, 1994

    DOT-FL Sound Barrier Wall

    Specification section 534Jimmy B. Lairsoey, P.E.Date: December 4, 1991

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    Center For Applied EngineeringSound Barrier Walls - Test No. L91-27#1D.L. Moyer, Research EngineerDate: February, 20, 1997

    Dewpoint Analysis - Dow ChemicalDate: January 21, 1998

    Experimental Panel Flexural Load TestPruitt and Purcell, P.C.Date: April 23, 1996

    Corrosion TestIndian Institute of TechnologyDate: March 26, 1991

    Lateral Load Tests

    No 284-4334-2Date: March 1994

    Thermal Test No. 93-125Center for Applied Engineering, Inc.October 18, 1993

    ASTEM E72 Compression TestingLaw Engineering Job # 1460021700

    Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentHUD Structural Engineering Bulletin No. 1120 Rev 1

    Issue Date: February 27, 2001

    Government of the Virgin Islands of the United StatesApproval for Walls, Floors and Roofs Issued January 29, 1996State of Louisiana - Dept. of Public Safety & CorrectionsIssued Sept. 23, 1998

    Texas Department of InsuranceCompliance with Windstorm Resistant ConstructionGuide Issued October 4, 1996*City of Houston, May 24, 1999

    DOT-NC Sound Wall I-485Project #8.26770115D.W. Spence, P.E.Date: September 16, 1998

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    Noise Barrier Walls - I-295/Jacksonville, FLConstruction Research Lab Test Rep. #6612Julian McDonaldDate: April, 14, 1995

    Field Sound Transmission Class (FSTC)Dunn & AssociatesDate: May 11, 1998Report of Earthquake Resistant TestEVG 3D ProjectDate: November, 1997

    Compression Flexural Test ResultsPruitt And Prucell, P.C.Date: October 8, 1993

    Structural Inspection Report (92-177)

    Dave Pannu, S. E.Date: July 1992

    Acoustical Lab ReportsTest No. 93-125BCenter for Applied Engineering, Inc.Date: September 29,1993

    Modified E108 Evaluation on Exterior3D Wall PanelProject #01-2601-407Southwest research Institute

    Date: January 16, 1990Structural Inspection


    In closing, when you are looking for construction technology to build or rebuild a simple wall, a

    home, a building, a community or even a city look no further the PowerLitePanel is the

    technology of the future, today! Blusun Housing Technologies can provide you with technology

    to fit your needs. Whether you have a small project or large project we can provide technologythat is affordable, flexible in design, superior in performance and can reduce your construction

    costs by 30-50% minimum. BluSun Housing Technologies delivers more than concepts and

    ideas we deliver seasoned experienced professionals that understand building technologies

    and how to apply them for every conceivable application possible. If you can dream it we can

    help you build it!