bnl 1st pre-participatory-brs-9-11-09

Introduction of the Project: concept, goal, objectives and outcomes Bhuwon Sthapit Bioversity International

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Introduction of the Project: concept, goal, objectives and outcomes

Bhuwon SthapitBioversity International

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Outline• Background rationale

– Tropical fruit tree diversity– Threats– Needs

• Project summary• Objectives • Conceptual framework of the project• Outputs• Expected outcomes/impacts

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Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity

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Rationale: A valuable resource

Contribution to human well-being– Nutrition– Income– Foreign exchange– Source of medicines, timber, fuel, fodder– Ecosystem services (carbon sequestration, soil

formation, nutrient cycling, carbon-rich farming, biotic regulation, etc.)

Important in Asia– Asian TFT production = 60% of worldwide production– Both cultivated and wild

• 55% of Asia’s fruit species are gathered, not cultivated• Located interdependently in agroforestry systems, orchards,

home gardens

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Context: Diverse production systems conserving tropical genetic resources!

1. Natural forest systems-wild species2. Buffer zones in protected forests3. Community forestry/economic forest4. Home gardens5. Semi-commercial orchards6. Commercial orchards7. Field gene banks

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Rationale: A threatened resource

Threats to cultivated speciesMonocultures of a few varieties, loss of forest habitats with

pollinator species, market chains poorly organized for many species or varieties

Threats to wild speciesHabitat loss due to deforestation, climate change, urbanization,

changes in land use patterns, shifting cultivation

Tropical fruit tree species present challengesRecalcitrant seeds

Ex situ conservation expensive and fails to preserve ecosystem conditions

Field genebanks subject to losses through diseases, pests

Perennial species

Production and availability can vary from year to year and by location

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Rationale: Countering threats• In situ and on-farm conservation is needed to provide

necessary complement to ex situ conservation• Demonstration of benefits: In situ conservation possible only

when farmers, national institutions perceive tangible benefits• Need to test and adapt methodologies developed for annual

crop species to TFT perennial species• Because of complex interdependence between TFT in

farms/home gardens and TFT in forests, they must be viewed and treated as components of larger agro-ecosystems

• Documentation and dissemination of traditional knowledge of TFT production and use is needed

• Need for capacity building in production and marketing processes

• Community empowerment should be driving force-precondition!

• CBM is a methodology to realize in situ/on-farm conservation of PGRFA

• Need for supportive policy environment

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CBM Empowerment



Social inclusion

Relations between CBM, in situ conservation and Empowerment


Empowering community

A methodology to realize in situ conservation

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Creating Local Varieties

Improve In-situConservation


Social customs/practices


Rules/ institutions

Participatory Plant Breeding



Social inclusion

Conceptual Framework of CBM approach

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Project Summary• Based on Bioversity’s previous work with TFT in

Asia, funded by ADB, UNEP-GEF and other donors

• Project partners India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand have worked together in previous project

• Regional nature of project maximizes both genetic and ecosystem diversity and enhances sharing and learning knowledge from regional partners

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Target species-globally and regionally important GR

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Selection of target speciesMango, mangosteen, citrus, rambutan

• Native species• Important for food culture and livelihoods in the 4

countries• Produced and consumed at national level• Large, unexploited genetic diversity is present• There is a threat of genetic erosion• They have potential as commodity crops for global

market• The species have high nutritional value• The species are important for ecosystem services

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Project Summary

Project aims to provide:

• An effective long-term basis for maintaining the genetic diversity and ecosystem functions of both cultivated and wild TFT

• A foundation for development of environmental certification schemes to promote marketing and mainstreaming of TFT

• Appropriate conservation procedures for TFT species that focus on management & use of diversity by local farmers, communities & institutions.

• Generation and exchange of knowledge between institutions

• A forum for establishing a regional agenda for TFT

• A community-based management model for safeguarding TFT

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The project will build on

Methodologies & practices proven effective for conservation of crop genetic diversity

Adapt their use for TFT species, & wild relatives

Test their relevance with farmers, local communities & user groups

It will consider factors such as Prevalence TFT in home gardensUses of the wild resources &Underutilization of some due to

market forces

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It will also look at

Varieties, genotypes, or characters unique to home gardens &

How to translate such information into sustainable livelihood strategies?

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Conceptual framework

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Key Areas of good practices 1. Production and management of tropical fruit tree

genetic resources

2. Linking farmers with markets (commercialization that support diversity maintenance and livelihood options)

3. Consolidating roles of communities and local institutions in management of TFTGR

4. Working modality with diverse communities, local institutions and policy makers

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Project approaches Build upon and link existing traditional and scientific


Participatory and community based sustainable livelihood approach is a methodology to realize in situ /on-farm conservation

Empowering communities and their local institutions is a precondition for effective in situ/on-farm conservation

Developing sustainable incentive mechanisms

Strong networking and information sharing

Creating an enabling environment that cultivate local level partnership

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Partners in Change and Innovation

ResearchInstitutes Farmers’


Development AgenciesExtension Services


Agri-businessPolicy Bodies

Environmentalistassociations Consumer


Implementing Institutions

A new role in institutional &professionalcapacity building

Cultivating partnership-3Ms

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Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cultivated and Wild Tropical Fruit Tree Diversity: Promoting

Sustainable Livelihoods, Food Security and Ecosystem Services (UNEP/GEF)

GoalImproved livelihoods and food security of target

beneficiaries through the conservation and use of tropical fruit tree genetic resources

Immediate objectiveTo conserve tropical fruit tree genetic

resources in situ and on farm through strengthening capacity of farmers, user groups, local communities and institutions to sustainably apply good practices and secure benefits

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Expected Outcomes

Outcome 1: Diversity of tropical fruit tree genetic resources is conserved in situ and on-farm through improved knowledge of its value, use and sustainable management practices

Diversity conservedOutcome 2: Rural communities benefit by using

methodologies and good practices for the management and conservation of tropical fruit tree species and intra-specific diversity

Stakeholders benefitsOutcome 3: Stakeholders have the capacity and

leadership skills to apply good practices for managing tropical fruit tree diversity for sustainable livelihoods, food security and ecosystem health

Communities and local institutions empowered by enhancing capacity, leadership and partnership

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Impact pathway

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Outcome mapping

Diversity conserved


Stakeholders benefits


Potential sites and spp. identifiedAssessment of genetic diversityValuation of genetic diversityMarket and non-market value identifiedPublic awarenessGood practices identificationPolicy issues (outputs 4 activities 9)

Positive deviation toolIdentification of context Pilot GP at local levelsSupport CBM to scale up(outputs 5 activities 8)

Training in all aspects at all levelsCreate enabling environment for collective actionsCultivate partnership with local, national and global networks(outputs 5 Activities 6)

Improved SLFruit cons


Immediate impact

Dev. goal

Immediate impact

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Expected global benefits

Global benefits• Conservation of globally-significant TFT diversity and

its associated knowledge

• Set of good practices to sustain conservation and environmental certification

• Network of experts for up scaling beyond project life

• Dissemination of information through publications and web

• Demonstration of contributions of TFT to livelihoods, wellbeing

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Expected domestic benefits

Domestic benefits

• Documentation of local knowledge and linking it with scientific knowledge

• Increased production and income from TFT

• Enhanced capacity to implement good practices

• Increased food supply and better nutrition

• Increase land area planted to target species

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Thank you very much