boat races 2018...entirely of cardboard (any type), duct tape, glue, water-soluble caulk and/or...

Silver Lake Races In memory of Gabe Chester Silver Lake - Dayton, VA Saturday, July 14, 2018 Boat Check-in at 12PM Races at 1PM HOW TO BEGIN YOUR VOYAGE FOR THE HORN: Register at WWW.DAYTONVA.US. Pre-registration is required. Prior to race day, design & build a cardboard boat able to complete a voyage across the lake carrying two crew members. Have a great time for an awesome cause. ALL PROCEEDS TO SUPPORT CAMP HOLIDAY TRAILS A Camp for Children with Special Health Needs BUILD RULES RACE RULES Boats must be constructed prior to the event and made entirely of cardboard (any type), duct tape, glue, water-soluble caulk and/or silicone sealant (for fastening purposes only), and decorative paint. Duct tape cannot cover more than 50% of the boat. No other materials (staples, foam, rubber, plastic, etc.) are allowed and use will lead to disqualification from awards. There are no restrictions placed on decorative materials used as long as they do not reinforce the structure of the boat. The boat sides must be at least 12 inches tall. Boats must be manually propelled using paddles. Paddles can be any material and should be provided by the team. Boats must carry two crew members at all times. Crew members must be able to swim to participate. Each crew member must wear a personal flotation device. We will have some on site, but crews are encouraged to bring their own. The 2018 Silver Lake Races Horn Trophy Winner is the team to cross the lake in the least amount of time. Other trophy prizes include The Titanic and Best Theme. Costumes are encouraged as well as sportsmanship. 1. 2. 3. $25 ENTRY FEE

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Page 1: BOAT RACES 2018...entirely of cardboard (any type), duct tape, glue, water-soluble caulk and/or silicone sealant (for fastening purposes only), and decorative paint. Duct tape cannot

S i l ve r L a ke

R a c e s In memory of

Gabe Chester

Si lver Lake - Dayton, VASatu rday, Ju ly 14, 2018Boat Check-i n at 12PM

Races at 1PM


R e g i ste r at W W W. DAYTON VA .U S . P re- re g i st r at i o n i s re q u i re d .

P r i o r to r a c e d ay, de s i g n & b u i ld a c a rd b o a rd b o at a b l e to c o mp l ete a voy a g e a c ro s s t h e l a k e c a r r y i n g t wo c rew m e m b e rs .

Ha ve a g re at t i m e fo r a n a we s o m e c a u s e .


TO SU PPORTCAM P H OLIDAY TRAI LSA Ca mp fo r Ch i ldren w i th Spe c ia l He a lth Needs


B o ats must be c o nstr u cted pr io r to the event a nd made ent i re ly of c a rd b o a rd (a ny type), du ct tape, g lue,

water-so lu b le c au lk a nd/o r s i l i c o ne se a la nt (fo r fasten i n g p u rp o ses o n ly), a nd de c o rat i ve pa i nt. D u ct tape c a n n ot

c over m o re th a n 50% of the b o at. No other mater ia l s (stap le s, fo a m, r u bber, p last ic, etc. ) a re a l l owed a nd use w i l l l e ad to d is q ua l i f i c at io n f ro m awa rds . There a re n o

restr i ct io ns p la c ed o n de c o rat i ve mater ia l s used as l o n g as they do n ot re i n fo rc e the str u ctu re of the b o at. The b o at

s ides must be at l e ast 12 i n c hes ta l l .

B o ats must be ma n ua l ly prope l led us i n g padd les . Padd les c a n be a ny mater ia l a nd s h o u ld be prov ided by the te a m .

B o ats must c a r r y t wo c rew me m bers at a l l t i me s . C rew me m bers must be a b le to sw i m to pa r t i c ipate. E a c h c rew mem ber must we a r a pers o n a l f l otat io n dev i c e.

We w i l l h ave s o me o n s i te, b u t c rews a re e n c o u ra ged to b r i n g th e i r o w n .

Th e 2018 S i l ve r Lake R a c e s H o r n Trophy Wi n n er i s th e te a m to c ro s s th e l ake i n th e l e ast a m o u nt of t i me. Oth er t rophy p r ize s i n c l ude Th e T i ta n i c a n d Be st Th e me. C o st u me s a re en c o u ra ged

as we l l a s sp o r ts ma n s h ip.





Page 2: BOAT RACES 2018...entirely of cardboard (any type), duct tape, glue, water-soluble caulk and/or silicone sealant (for fastening purposes only), and decorative paint. Duct tape cannot

Si lver Lake Races Reg istrat ion

Crew Member #1


Ful l Name



Team Name

Crew Member #2


Ful l Name





Entry fee enclosed Entry fee paid onl ineCheck box:

Completed and signed Registrat ion and Waiver Forms must be submitted to The Town of Dayton, 125B Eastview Street, Dayton, VA 22821 or submitted electronical ly through our website pr ior to

raceday. Registrat ion pr ior to the event is required. The entry fee per team is $25. Entry fees can be paid via check and sent with your registrat ion form OR you can pay onl ine at Checks

should be wri t ten to The Town of Dayton.Quest ions? Email [email protected] or vis i t

Page 3: BOAT RACES 2018...entirely of cardboard (any type), duct tape, glue, water-soluble caulk and/or silicone sealant (for fastening purposes only), and decorative paint. Duct tape cannot

Si lver Lake Races Wa iver Form In considerat ion for the Town of Dayton accept ing this entry, I , the part ic ipant (or a parent or adult guardian for any minor or chi ld under 18 years of age), intending to be legal ly bound do hereby agree and consent to the fol lowing Waiver, Indemnif icat ion, Assumption of Risk, and Cert i f icat ions/Authorizat ions.

Waiver I hereby RELEASE any and al l c laims for damages against the Town of Dayton (the “Town”), the Town’s off icers, agents, and employees, the City of Harr isonburg, and the Event Director, event sponsors, and volunteers for any injury, loss, or damage, including, but not l imited to, medical bi l ls, that may ar ise from or relate to my part ic ipat ion in the Si lver Lake Races or the part ic ipat ion of anyone that I have authorized to part ic ipate in the race.

Indemnification I agree to INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, and HOLD HARMLESS the Town, the Town’s off icers, agents, and employees, the City of Harr isonburg, and the Event Director, event sponsors, and volunteers from claims of any kind that may ar ise from or relate to my part ic ipat ion in the Event or the part ic ipat ion of anyone that I have authorized to part ic ipate in the Event.

Assumption of Risk I know that part ic ipat ing in this Event is a potent ial ly hazardous act iv i ty. I should not enter and part ic ipate unless I am medical ly able to do so.

I know and understand that the Event is a cardboard boat regatta, and that the boats part ic ipat ing in the Event, including my boat, wi l l not f loat for prolonged periods of t ime and that the Event part ic ipants wi l l end up in water of varying depths.

I ful ly understand and appreciate the r isk that I may be injured whi le part ic ipat ing in the Event. I real ize that potent ial in jur ies from the race include drowning, contusions, abrasions, fractures, broken bones, sprains, and death. I understand that I may be injured due to tr ipping, fal l ing, sl ipping, contact with other part ic ipants, negl igent or wanton acts by other part ic ipants, course condit ions, and weather exposure. I understand that much of the Event takes place in, on, and around water, and that r isk of the aforementioned injur ies is heightened because of the proximity of the event to water. I further recognize that there are many other potent ial r isks and injur ies from part ic ipat ing in the race and that i t is not possible to l ist them al l specif ical ly. I VOLUNTARILY ASSUME the r isk of part ic ipat ing in the race with ful l knowledge of the potent ial r isks and injur ies. I understand that the Town, the Town’s off icers, agents, and employees, the City of Harr isonburg, and the Event Director, event sponsors, and volunteers wi l l not be responsible for any injur ies, damages, or other expenses that may result f rom my part ic ipat ion in the Event.









Page 4: BOAT RACES 2018...entirely of cardboard (any type), duct tape, glue, water-soluble caulk and/or silicone sealant (for fastening purposes only), and decorative paint. Duct tape cannot

Certif ications/Authorizations I aff i rmatively represent that I am able to swim. I cert i fy as a material condit ion to my being permit ted to enter this Event that I am physical ly f i t and suff ic ient ly trained for the complet ion of this event.

In the event of an i l lness, injury or medical emergency ar is ing during the event I hereby authorize and give my consent to the Town, Event Director, or Designee to secure from any accredited hospital , c l in ic and/or physician any treatment deemed necessary for my immediate care. I agree that I wi l l be ful ly responsible for payment of any and al l medical services and treatment rendered to me including but not l imited to medical t ransport, medicat ions, treatment and hospital izat ion.

By submitt ing this entry, I acknowledge having read and agreed to the above release and waiver.

Further, I grant permission to the Town, the Town’s off icers, agents, employees, and assignees, the Event Director, and Event Sponsors to use my name, voice and images of myself in any photographs, motion pictures, results, social media, publ icat ions or any other pr int , v ideo, or electronic recording of this event for legi t imate purposes.