body features slide show by andres sanchez


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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what’s the first thing you notice on a person when you meet her/him?

Physical features

How do you usually describe a person?

This is how we describe.

For example: She’s probably 6 years old, she has blue eyes, white skin and wavy hair, she also has a very cute face.

We describe people according to their appearance. To do that, we use “nouns”

these are words which help us describe people or things according to what they look like!

For example: the Woman is short and The man is tall.

Here’s another example

These are my two parrots they’re very smart , and beautiful.

Here are some nouns that will help you describe people.SKIN : Tanned, white, brunette, dark

skinned.SHAPE: Tall, short, average height,

chubby, skinny, trim (well built body )Hair: blond, red , brown, white –gray,

long, short, wavy, straight, bald, curly.General features: good looking –

pretty, beautiful, handsome.

Do you know this person?How would you describe her?

How about this man?

Describe these two people.

And these two?

It’s your turn now, describe one of your classmates, say as many things as you can about him/her