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Body Systems and Health The Circulatory System

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Post on 21-Mar-2022




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Body Systems and Health

The Circulatory System

Starter Questions

1. What is an organ?

2. Name 3 body systems in the human body?

3. What vital organ(s) do you think are involved in the circulatory system?

Starter Possible Answers

1. An organ is a part of our body that has a specific job to do.

2. Body systems could include: circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, reproductive, nervous, lymphatic, digestive, endocrine.

3. Organs involved in the circulatory system include the heart and lungs.



A word I know, six letters it contains, remove one letter and 12 remains, what is it?


Learning Intention

Develop my knowledge of the circulatory system

Success Criteria

•Name the parts of the circulatory system.

•State what the heart is made of and describe its function.

•Name the three types of blood vessel and describe their functions.

Think Pair Share - Circulatory System

•What is the hearts job?

•What is the heart made of?

•What is a vessel? So what is a blood vessel?

•How many different kinds of blood vessel do you think you can get?


The Circulatory System

•The circulatory system is made up of 2 parts – the heart and blood vessels.

•The heart is made of muscle and pumps blood around the body.

•The blood is transported around the body in blood vessels.

•There are three types of blood vessels:




The Heart •The heart has four chambers, two on the left side and two on the right side. (Look carefully at the diagram – what do you notice!)

•The aorta is the main artery taking blood away from the heart.

• It branches into smaller arteries which go to all parts of the body.

Watch 1 minute 20 seconds of this




right ventricle

Left ventricle

left atrium


The Heart

TASK: Stick in and label the diagram.

The refreshed oxygen-

rich blood returns to

the (red) atrium and

ventricle, where the

heart pump helps keep

blood flowing out

through the aorta to

the organs and other

vital parts of the body

What happens?

Blood returning to the

heart through the

(blue) atrium and

ventricle, which send

the depleted blood out

to the lungs for fresh


In simpler terms…

•The right side pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide.

•The left side pump blood to the rest of the body.

•After delivering oxygen to the cells, the blood returns to the right side of the heart again.

Watch this video



Artery Vein


Blood vessels

•Arteries carry blood Away from the heart.

•Veins take blood back to the heart.

•Capillaries are where substances in the blood are exchanged with body cells.

•The blood transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, food and waste materials.

Capillaries in lungs




in body


Colour this side in blue

Colour this side in red

Add arrows to show blood flow

TASK: Cut out and stick in this diagram

underneath your note


Task: Useful videos

•Click here to follow a blood cells journey

•Click to here find the heart with a stethoscope

Fun facts: Did you know?

• The heart beats about 100,000 times each day.

• The electrocardiograph (ECG) was invented in 1902 by Dutch physiologist Willem Einthoven. This test is still used to evaluate the heart's rate and rhythm .

• Your system of blood vessels - arteries, veins and capillaries - is over 60,000 miles long. That's long enough to go around the world more than twice!

• The ‘lub-DUB’ sound of the heart is caused when the heart valves (like tiny doors) close.

• Early Egyptians believed that the heart and other major organs had wills of their own and would move around inside the body .

Plenary Questions

1.What is the function of the heart?

2.What is the heart made of?

3.List the names of the blood vessels

4.Which blood vessel carries blood away

from the heart?

5.Which blood vessel is the site of

substance exchange?

Plenary ANSWERS 1. What is the function of the heart?

To pump blood around the body

2. What is the heart made of?


3. List the names of the blood vessels

Veins, arteries and capillaries

4. Which blood vessel carries blood away from the



5. Which blood vessel is the site of substance



Learning Intention

Develop my knowledge of the circulatory system

Success Criteria

•Name the parts of the circulatory system.

•State what the heart is made of and describe its function.

•Name the three types of blood vessel and describe their functions.