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24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


› Introduction .........................................................................................................................3 › What is Easy Detox Kit? ...................................................................................................4 › Why should I detox? ..........................................................................................................4 › What are toxins? .................................................................................................................4 › Who should consider detox? .........................................................................................5 › What to expect after the programme? .......................................................................6 › Amrita Methodology ......................................................................................................... 7

How does Easy Detox work? .............................................................................................. 7Why fruit & herbs? ..............................................................................................................8Why shakes? .........................................................................................................................9Why no fasting? ................................................................................................................. 10Foods to avoid .................................................................................................................... 10Why freeze-dried? ..............................................................................................................11Why no colonics? ................................................................................................................11

› Our ingredients .................................................................................................................12How it all works together ................................................................................................. 13

› Detox programmes. How the Easy Detox home programmes compare ..................14 › Pre-programme recommendations: Easy Detox Mini, Classic, Deluxe ..............14 › During your programme ...............................................................................................15

Easy Detox Mini. Herbal shakes .......................................................................................15Easy Detox Classic. Herbal shakes .................................................................................. 16Easy Detox Deluxe. Herbal shakes ...................................................................................17Daily diet ............................................................................................................................ 19Fluids ..................................................................................................................................20Exercises ............................................................................................................................. 21

› Post programme .............................................................................................................. 22Post programme recommendations ................................................................................22Post-programme 7-day premium probiotics course .....................................................24Luxury Thai Spa Facial treatment to detox your skin. .................................................24

› Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................25 › Contra-indications .......................................................................................................... 29

Special Bonus. Raw Detox Recipes from Boris Lauser, raw food chef and enthusiast .................................................................................... 30

Easy Detox loyalty programme .................................................................39


24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Easy Detox brings you the best of modern scientific knowledge combined with the best of ancient natural healing practices. While modern medicine has discovered amazing depths of insight into the microscopic workings of human physiology and biochemistry it has, in many ways, lost sight of the “whole person” approach of natural therapies. Similarly, ancient healing traditions from Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Western Herbal Medicine may have ancient practices which, with modern knowledge, are no longer “world’s best practices.” Here at Amrita we have researched extensively to find not only what works – but why it works, based on best available scientific proof. In creating Easy Detox, we relied on founding principles of medicine – first spoken by Hippocrates 2,500 years ago:

› “First do no harm” › “Let food be your medicine.”

Our integrated Amrita methodology is based on herbal therapy, nutritional science and body/mind practices, all working together to support

your natural body ability to cleanse while calming and purifying your mind.

Amrita methodology is used in exclusive Luxury Wellness Retreats in the tropical island paradise of Koh Samui, Thailand and in partner luxury resorts. It is also available as part of Amrita Home Wellness offering. Whether you choose to experience Easy Detox at one of our partner properties or in the comfort of your own home, you are getting the benefit of the highest quality, most effective, gentle and comprehensive detox system.


Dr. Graham Rowe Chief Naturopath of Amrita

Luxury Wellness Retreats

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


What is Easy Detox Kit?Easy Detox Kit is the latest word in

wellness and rejuvenation in the privacy and convenience of your own space. Easy Detox is a 100% natural, gentle and effective detox programme that involves no fasting and no colonic irrigation, so you can lead an active lifestyle during your detox. And, because cleansing is achieved naturally, you enjoy wellness effects much longer. Easy Detox programme comes with post-programme follow-up and support on diet and lifestyle.

Why should I detox?You aren’t sick, but you just don’t feel 100%?

Chances are you are being held back by some of the thousands of environmental toxins which have invaded our lifestyles over the past 50 years or so.

What are toxins?For most of the time that human beings have

been on the planet our bodies only had to deal with the waste products of metabolizing the food we ate, the water we drank and the air we breathed. Since the industrial revolution when we began burning fossil fuels in large quantities we have gradually increased the levels of substances which are either useless to our bodies or actually harmful to them. After World War II, the invention of plastics and the rise of the modern petro-chemical industry the numbers of these chemicals entering our environment have exploded.

In 2010 Time Magazine published an extensive article on environmental toxins which, with more sensitive testing technology and more detailed analysis of the health risks of multiple chemical intakes, shows that our health is being attacked from multiple sides. They found widespread environmental

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.

5contamination with substances and chemicals such as:

› PCB’s - This industrial chemical has been banned in the United States for decades, yet is a persistent organic pollutant that’s still present in our environment

› Pesticides - Pesticide residues have been detected in 50 per cent to 95 per cent of U.S. foods and pesticide manufacturers are lobbying to have maximum “safe” residue levels increased.

› Mould and other Fungal Toxins - Mycotoxins (fungal toxins) can cause a range of health problems with exposure to only a small amount.

› Phthalates - chemically mimic hormones and are particularly dangerous to children

› Dioxins › Heavy Metals › Chloroform › Chlorine › Petro-chemical and particulate air pollution › Out-gassing from manufactured wood or plastic furniture in our offices, homes and cars

› … and, increasingly since Chernobyl and Fukushima – radioactive isotopes.

Add to this the substances which we may choose to add to our bodies such as:

› Cigarette smoke › Alcohol › Recreational or pharmaceutical drugs › Personal care products which we put on our skin

› Tattoo ink › Mercury Amalgam fillings

It is amazing that the simple natural systems in our bodies are able to handle this chemical assault as well as they do.

While the last century has seen enormous progress in health and increasing lifespan, we have also seen an ever accelerating trend towards a poorer quality of life as we age, with chronic, painful and debilitating disease becoming the norm – such as: diabetes; hypertension; Alzheimer’s; cancer; obesity; infertility; stroke; heart disease; Neuropsychiatric disorders; arthritis; and birth defects.

Who should consider detox?Do you live in a city?

Do you feel stressed?

Do you buy packaged or processed foods?

Do you drink alcohol, smoke tobacco or take prescription medications?

Do you feel constantly tired or have difficulty getting up in the morning?

Do you have bloating, irregular bowel movements or excessive weight?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, Easy Detox is just the thing you are looking for.✔ ✔

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


What to expect after the programme?Natural therapists recognize that each person is a unique individual with

their own set of biological, environmental and genetic factors. However, common outcomes of Easy Detox include:

Improved overall sense of happiness and wellbeing

Increased energy and vitality

Sustainable weight loss

Elimination of sugar cravings

Elimination of chronic headaches

Clearer more radiant complexion

Improved mental focus

Enhanced immune system function

Decreased irritability

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Our integrated methodology is based on two ancient medicinal principles: “First, do no harm” and “Let food be thy medicine”. Easy Detox program, developed by Mr. Graham Rowe, Chief Naturopath of Amrita Luxury Wellness Retreat, is designed to support and enhance your body’s natural detox abilities to clear out toxins from your cells, and then flush them out of your body. Easy Detox is holistic and gentle, yet effective cleansing method that uses herbs to reach the desired cleansing effect without invasive techniques such as colonic irrigation or starvation. Easy Detox uses 100% organic herbs that help to:

› promote toxins release from the body › alkalize and protect the body from oxidative damage

› nourish the body and calm the mind

In Easy Detox we leverage ancient healing techniques and the modern science of your liver’s Cytochrome P450 enzymes. Our herbal blends stimulate these enzyme pathways to enhance the clearance of toxins protecting the body during your cleanse. Detoxifying herbal shakes are accompanied with delicious and functional meals to support active lifestyle during the program. The detox is further enhanced with yoga, massage or light fitness exercises. The result is deep cleansing effect on a cellular level, with gentler and enjoyable detox experience.

Amrita MethodologyHow does Easy Detox work?

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Why fruit & herbs?At Amrita our extensive research has confirmed the strongly held

belief that the healing properties of medicinal plants are utilized to their maximum only when the plant is used as a whole as it was created by nature. The reasons behind extracting a single active ingredient from a plant are rational since this process of extraction and standardization allows drugs to be mass manufactured and sold at relatively cheap prices. However, there have been multiple cases when it turned out that the active ingredient in the plant was a totally different one than the one standardized (case of St. John’s Wort, for example). Plus, different extraction processes will produce different therapeutic outcomes – showing that the whole plant is capable of even greater healing power. By providing our herbs in their complete form and monitoring quality from their growth, through harvesting and handling all the way to our world class Dynamic Freeze Dry process we preserve all the synergies of the components of the herb for maximum therapeutic benefit.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Why shakes?A question which we are commonly asked is: “Why do you use powders

and shakes – can’t I just take a capsule?” There are several very good reasons why we chose powder over capsules or tablets. Firstly, in order to provide a full therapeutically effective dose – generally around 9 grams of powdered herbal blend in case of Amrita Easy Detox, you would need to take between 30 and 60 capsules of herbs five times every day. That could mean taking up to 300 capsules per day – which is not practical at all. Secondly, some of the herbs require that you taste the sourness or the bitterness of the herb as part of the trigger for its action on internal body systems – a capsule or tablet bypasses this crucial step and reduces the therapeutic benefit of the herb. Thirdly, different components of any food or medicine are broken down in different parts of the digestive system: carbohydrates in the mouth and small intestine; proteins in the stomach; lipids mostly in the duodenum. Capsules and tablets certainly bypass the mouth and may pass through the stomach or even the small intestine without being broken down and absorbed. In addition, some people’s digestive systems are so compromised that they may not even be able to digest the gel cap – meaning that all of the medicine passes straight out of their body. Our herbal ingredients, taken in liquid form as shots or shakes are efficiently absorbed and therefore provide their full therapeutic potential.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Why no fasting?While fasting may have value as a spiritual

practice it has no place in a physiologically effective detox programme. The body actually needs certain nutrients (various amino acids, B-vitamins, flavonoids, phospholipids etc.) in order to perform its detox functions. Most of those micronutrients are water soluble, meaning that they are rapidly eliminated from the body. Fasting does not renew your supply of these nutrients so, around day 3–4 of a fasting “detox”, you run out of the raw materials the body needs in order to detox properly and mitigate the oxidative damage done by the toxins passing through the body for removal. That is why we provide specific nutrition in our detox programme – to support detox and prevent a “healing crisis” (which is really just mismanaged oxidative damage).

Foods to avoidDuring your programme please avoid: fatty

and salty foods, oils, deep fried foods, bread,

sweets; coffee, milk and soy products.

The reason we recommend a primarily vegetarian diet during detox is because it is easier to get good quality, clean, organic fruit and vegetables than it is to find organic, grass fed meat which has not been injected with hormones, antibiotics or other chemicals, nor fed GMO grains. As for seafood – these days you cannot be sure of the quality of the water that it grew in, shrimp and shellfish are filter feeders, gathering their food from whatever has contaminated their environment, larger fish concentrate those toxins as they move further up the food chain. As author Michael Pollan describes it “You are what you eat.”

Many people also have low grade allergies to gluten and dairy or the High Fructose Corn Syrup which is used to sweeten many processed products; which is why we recommend avoiding those. As one dietician put it “if your great-grandmother would recognize it as food, it is probably OK to eat”

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


First of all colonics and enemas are actually not healthy – this invasive procedure disturbs the delicate balance of microflora in your gut, which is necessary for proper digestion and immune system functioning. Secondly, colonics are dangerous because they disturb the balance of electrolytes in the blood. Thirdly,

most people don’t have the equipment to do colonics at home and are not qualified to perform the procedure properly. And, finally, colonics are highly unpleasant and for most people are not even necessary to remove accumulated fæces.

+ Also see our FAQ “Why 7 days?”

Our unique Dynamic Freeze Drying process allows us to provide the absolute best quality whole herb product available on the market today. The herbs are locally, organically and sustainably grown and harvested at their most potent in order to ensure the maximum therapeutic effect. Then they are processed in the shortest possible time to preserve all their natural vitality. Dynamic Freeze Drying process guarantees that the only thing lost is water, none of the active constituents are degraded by heat. Did you know that some herbal suppliers use slow air-drying techniques, others use

oven-dry techniques, some even sun-dry the herbs, – all of which can allow the vital therapeutic components to be destroyed!

Freeze Drying has the following benefits:

› Fast processing prevents enzymic degradation of active constituents;

› No heating - prevents denaturing of proteins;

› Natural fracturing along cell walls preserves integrity of plant cells during dehydration.








% Phytochemical Preservation

Freeze drying Drum drying Air drying Spray drying


67%43% 32%

Why no colonics?

Why freeze-dried?

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Our ingredients

AmalakiProtects from free radical damage and

balances blood sugar.

Broccoli sproutsPromotes glutathione production, #1 body antioxidant, facilitates cell


Mangosteen RindImproves cell protection and acts as an

anti- inflammatory agent.

Thunbergia laurifoliaCleanses the liver and supports kidney


TurmericEnhances all detox pathways and boosts

body’s own antioxidants.

Black PepperBoosts the effectiveness of Turmeric by

up to 2,000%.

CinnamonBoosts blood circulation.

Coconut flourRich source of fibre and medium chain

fatty acids.

Garcinia atroviridusSuppresses appetite, breaks down fat in

the body and prevents glucose and starchy foods from being converted into fat.

GingerSupports kidney function and bowel


LemongrassSupports kidney function and controls


LiquoriceSynergistic support of other herbs and

improves bowel clearance.

Mung bean powderRich source of fibre, assists in

cholesterol control.

Papaya LeafPromotes liver detox and kills

unfriendly bacteria in digestive tract.

OrgangeNatural flavor enhancer, rich

source of vitamin C, A and potassium.

TamarindSupports kidneys and assists

in bowel clearance.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Liver CYP450boost/detox

The cytochrome P450 enzymes, present in every cell but most concentrated in the liver, are the body's natural chemical pathways to detox unwanted toxins and waste products

Blood SugarControl

Provides glucose to cells for the energy to perform detox .. Prevents damage to cells from blood sugar spikes … eases feelings of hunger


Supports delivery of nutrient and oxygen to cells and clearance of waste from cells during detox

Kidney Support/ detox

Major elimination pathway for water soluble toxins and waste after processing by the liver in Phase-2 detox


The bowel is the major elimination pathway of fat soluble waste and toxins after processing by the liver in Phase-1 detox


Controlling hunger pangs makes it easier to stick with the healthy food options and helps make sure you complete the program

FibreFibre binds bile and the toxins attached to it during Phase 1 detox in the liver, and carries them out of the body

SynergisticPotency Booster

These substances are known to boost the e�ective-ness of some of the other active herbs in our blend - by up to 2,000%


As fat cells break down and release both their fat and the toxins stored there, these herbs prevent unhealthy lipid im-balances

Micro-nutrientsThese herbs, along with our diet suggestions provide the nutrients essential for your cells and your liver to perform the detox function, as well as helping to prevent hunger at a cellular level

Anti-oxidants.Cellular level

As your cells release their stored toxins and waste, these antioxidants protect the cells from within.

Anti-oxidants.Tissue level

As toxins and waste �ow out of cells these antioxi-dants protect your body from damage to tissues and organs


As your blood carries toxins and waste back to the liver for processing, these herbs protect your blood and the blood vessels from damage

TasteThere are taste receptors, positioned all through your digestive tract, which act as trig-gers for certain body functions. By including a wide range of tastes,our formula triggers the widest range of detox pathways

Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli Sprouts






















Black PepperHot

Black Pepper

Black Pepper

Mangosteen Rind

Fruit FlavourSweet










Coconut Flour

Coconut Flour

Coconut Flour

Coconut Flour Mung Bean

Mung Bean

Mung Bean

Mung Bean

Mung Bean

Mung Bean




Papaya LeafBitter

Papaya Leaf

Papaya Leaf



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l Blo

ck Ingredients13

Get more information on Easy Detox Home Kit at

How it all works together

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


How the Easy Detox home programmes compareAmrita’s integrated methodology goes far beyond our herbal shakes

formula and includes diet and lifestyle recommendations and body/mind practices to detox your body on multiple levels working with all the body’s natural detox pathways.

To extend the benefits of your programme we urge you to embrace the philosophy of “Let food be your medicine”. Please begin using our in-programme diet suggestions 3 - 7 days before starting the herbal shakes.

Easy Detox Programme Mini Classic Deluxe

Easy Detox Herbal sachets 9 21 35

Quick Start Guide

Luxury Detox Facial Treatment 2

7-Day Extra Strength Probiotics

Personalized Diet & Lifestyle Advice

Personal Health Assessment with Dr. Graham Rowe

Post Programme recommendations

Exclusive Detox Recipe Cookbook

Online support

Who will benefit?

Quick trial cleanse for first timers to feel how detox works.

Perfectly balanced cleanse, can be repeated every 3-4 months

All-inclusive deep cleanse that can be repeated every 6-12 months

Pre-programme recommendations

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Easy Detox Mini programme consists of 3 cleanse shakes per day with diet recommendation for 3 days.

It is ideal for people who want to test our programme before they buy a more complete programme such as Easy Detox Classic or Easy Detox Deluxe.

Shake recipes: Mix the contents of 1 Easy Detox shake sachet with the juice of 1 fresh coconut or 180ml of fresh water. Blend in a blender for 15 seconds or mix in a shaker cup until the powder is fully dissolved. If you are using fresh water you may also add up to 50g of fruit from the “Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Recommendations.”

Our formulas are 100% natural, so it is normal for herbal blend not to dissolve fully. In order not to leave any valuable herbs behind, please consume right after stirring.

Suggested schedule: › 7:00 am Wake up - 500ml fresh pure water with lemon or lime juice

› 7:30 am Easy Detox Shake & Breakfast › 1:00 pm Easy Detox Shake & Lunch › 7:30 pm Easy Detox Shake & Dinner

During your programmeHerbal shakes

Easy Detox Mini

Taste Tips:

For best taste, use coconut water or fruit in your shake for first few times. As your taste-buds acclimatize, you can try your shake with plain mineral water. Also, you can add less / more water or fruit from the breakfast, lunch & dinner recommendations to play with natural sweetness of your shakes according to your personal taste.

Hot tip from the GM of one of our partner resort properties

Mix the herbs with all natural Greek Style yoghurt for a totally different and totally delicious taste experience.

Special offer!Buy Detox Mini Kit and get a Bonus:

+ 3 Detox Herbal Shakes + $17 Value, FREE

Get my bonus

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Special offer!Buy Detox Classic Kit and get a Bonus:

+ 6 Detox Herbal Shakes + 1 Luxury Detox Face Mask + $45 Value, FREE

Easy Detox Classic shake programme consists of 3 shakes per day with diet recommendation for 7 days.

Easy Detox Classic is ideal for busy people on a budget who are too busy to do a full programme. You will still achieve great results but will need to pay more attention to other aspects of your health such as diet and lifestyle changes.

Shake recipes: Mix the contents of 1 Easy Detox shake sachet with the juice of 1 fresh coconut or 180ml of fresh water. Blend in a blender for 15 seconds or mixed in a shaker cup until the powder is fully dissolved. If you are using fresh water you may also add up to 50g of fruit from the “Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Recommendations.”

Our formulas are 100% natural, so it is normal for herbal blend not to dissolve fully. In order not to leave any valuable herbs behind, please consume right after stirring.

Suggested schedule: › 7:00 am Wake up - 500ml fresh pure water with lemon or lime juice

› 7:30 am Easy Detox Shake & Breakfast › 1:00 pm Easy Detox Shake & Lunch › 7:30 pm Easy Detox Shake & Dinner

During your programmeHerbal shakes

Easy Detox Classic

Taste Tips:

For best taste, use coconut water or fruit in your shake for first 3 days. As your taste-buds acclimatize, you can try your shake with plain mineral water. Also, you can add less / more water or fruit from the breakfast, lunch & dinner recommendations to play with natural sweetness of your shakes according to your personal taste.

Hot tip from the GM of one of our partner resort properties

Mix the herbs with all natural Greek Style yoghurt for a totally different and totally delicious taste experience.

Get my bonus

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Easy Detox Deluxe shake programme consists of 5 shakes per day with diet recommendations for 7 days. (Or you can do an extended “relax” schedule)

Easy Detox Deluxe is our premium home programme and uses the same full therapeutic dosage and schedule as we use for our VIP guests in our own Luxury Wellness Retreats in 5-Star resorts on the tropical paradise island of Koh Samui, Thailand. You also get the same exclusive Thai detox spa facial packs and our advanced premium probiotics to rebuild healthy gut flora for long lasting health.

Shake recipes: Mix the contents of 1 Easy Detox shake sachet with the juice of 1 fresh coconut or 180ml of fresh water. Blend in a blender for 15 seconds or mixed in a shaker cup until the powder is fully dissolved. If you are using fresh water you may also add up to 50g of fruit from the “Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Recommendations.”

Our formulas are 100% natural, so it is normal for herbal blend not to dissolve fully. In order not to leave any valuable herbs behind, please consume right after stirring.

During your programmeHerbal shakes

Easy Detox Deluxe

Taste Tips:

For best taste, use coconut water or fruit in your shake for first 3 days. As your taste-buds acclimatize, you can try your shake with plain mineral water. Also, you can add less / more water or fruit from the breakfast, lunch & dinner recommendations to play with natural sweetness of your shakes according to your personal taste.

Hot tip from the GM of one of our partner resort properties

Mix the herbs with all natural Greek Style yoghurt for a totally different and totally delicious taste experience.

Special offer!Buy Detox Deluxe Kit and get a Bonus:

+ 15 Detox Herbal Shakes + 2 Luxury Detox Face Masks + $107 Value, FREE

Get my bonus

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Suggested Daily Schedule 7-day “Standard”

› 7:00 am Wake up - 500ml fresh pure water with lemon or lime juice

› 7:30 am Easy Detox Shake & Breakfast › 10:00 am Easy Detox Shake › 1:00 pm Easy Detox Shake & Lunch › 5:00 pm Easy Detox Shake › 7:30 pm Easy Detox Shake & Dinner › On the 7th day: use 100% natural Thai Spa Facial to cleanse, detoxify and revitalize your skin.

Suggested Daily Schedule 14-day “Relax”

Week 1 › 7:00 am Wake up - 500ml fresh pure water with lemon or lime juice

› 7:30 am Easy Detox Shake & Breakfast › 1:00 pm Easy Detox Shake & Lunch › 7:30 pm Easy Detox Shake & Dinner › On the 7th day: use 100% natural Thai Spa Facial to cleanse, detoxify and revitalize your skin.

Week 2 › 7:00 am Wake up - 500ml fresh pure water with lemon or lime juice

› 7:30 am Easy Detox Shake & Breakfast › 1:00 pm Lunch › 7:30 pm Easy Detox Shake & Dinner › On the 14th day: use 100% natural Thai Spa Facial to cleanse, detoxify and revitalize your skin.

We listened to your requests and now have two schedule options in our Deluxe Programme for added convenience. Both will yield pronounced and lasting cleansing effects. Choose the schedule that fits your priorities and lifestyle:

During your programmeHerbal shakes

Easy Detox Deluxe

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Daily dietChoose from the list of carefully selected detox friendly foods in your

Easy Detox Quick Start Guide to create your own delicious, healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks during your detox.

These can be seasoned with pepper, chili, ginger or cinnamon to add flavor and increase metabolism.

Exclusively for Easy Detox Deluxe customers:

If you are one of our Deluxe customers, to make Easy Detox effects last longer, you can request Personal Detox Diet & Lifestyle Advice, created especially for you by Dr. Graham Rowe.

To claim: send an e-mail to [email protected] with “Personal Detox Diet” in the subject line. Include your age, weight and health issues if any. Please allow 3-5 business days for turn-around.





Apple Pear












2 eggs

Chick peas

Green peas




Natural Yogurt




24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


FluidsDuring a detox you should drink 35 ml of fluid per kg of body weight

per day. A 60 kg person should drink 2 liters of fluid. An 80 kg person should drink 2.8 liters of fluid. A 100 kg person should drink 3.5 liters. You may drink herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile or ginger.

Your Weight, Kg Your Weight, Lbs Recommended Dail Fluid Intake, Litres

Recommended Dail Fluid Intake, Pints

50 110 1.75 3.70

55 121 1.93 4.07

60 132 2.10 4.44

65 143 2.28 4.81

70 154 2.45 5.18

75 165 2.63 5.55

80 176 2.80 5.92

85 187 2.98 6.29

90 198 3.15 6.66

95 209 3.33 7.03

100 220 3.50 7.40

105 231 3.68 7.77

110 242 3.85 8.14

115 253 4.03 8.51

120 264 4.20 8.88

125 275 4.38 9.25

130 286 4.55 9.62

135 297 4.73 9.99

140 308 4.90 10.36

145 319 5.08 10.73

150 330 5.25 11.10

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


During your programme › During your programme try to include at least 30 minutes of light aerobic exercise each day. An example would be a brisk walk, but not running – you should still be able to talk as you walk and not be out of breath. You can also substitute with 1 hour of yoga daily.

› Choose a regular, light exercise programme – yoga is an excellent choice.

› Exercise helps the body’s organs of elimination to function optimally simply by getting them going. Moving the body helps to circulate both blood and lymph. The more they circulate, the more the liver and lymph nodes can do the job of cleansing and purifying the blood and lymph.

› Gentle, low-intensity aerobic exercise is

good for detox since it gets the body moving, heart pumping and the lungs breathing deeply but within the fat-burning zone. Running, walking, bicycling, dancing and swimming are examples of aerobic exercise. Try to exercise at a pace at which you can breathe evenly and carry on a conversation. Yoga poses are also beneficial because some are specific for detoxifying certain organs. Some types of yoga, Pilates and martial arts involve an aerobic component as well.

› Rebounding (bouncing on a mini-trampoline) is especially good for exercising during detox because the low-impact motion allows for excellent stimulation of the lymph system. For best results pick a form of exercise that you enjoy and start slowly. Exercise for at least 20 minutes two to three times per week.


24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Post programme recommendations

Eat more of the foods which support your body’s natural ability to detox itself every day:

› Beetroot. A great source of vitamins B3, B6 and C, plus beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. They assist our liver and gall bladder in breaking down toxins, and their fiber is great for digestion and elimination.

› Apples. The soluble fiber in apples, pectin, is helpful in removing heavy metals and food additives from our bodies. Be sure to eat only organic apples, as conventional apples are some of the most heavily-sprayed foods around.

› Make sure you get lots of green things in your diet -- leafy greens, broccoli, cucumbers, celery, sprouts, dandelion teas, chlorella supplements.

› Garlic. Helps stimulate the liver into

Post programme

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.

23producing detoxification enzymes that help filter toxins from the digestive system.

› Sea vegetables. The alginic acid in sea veggies absorb toxins from this digestive tract. They also have the broadest range of minerals you can find in any food.

› Broccoli sprouts. Contain important phytochemicals that aid in the detox process at rates much higher than grown-up broccoli.

› Green Tea. Catechins (antioxidants) increase liver function, which we want. Plus, drinking green tea aids us in hydrating our bodies.

› Artichokes. Increase bile production and both purify and protect the liver. They also have a mild diuretic effect on the kidneys, which aides in toxin removal once the liver breaks them down..

› Cilantro. Chemical compounds in cilantro actually bind heavy metals, loosening them from the blood, tissues, and organs and assisting with their elimination from the body.

› Avocado. Lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least 30 different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals.

› Kale. Helps neutralize compounds found in cigarette smoke and contains a substance that jump-starts the liver’s production of cleansing enzymes.

› Ginger. If you’re suffering from a fatty liver caused by too much alcohol, or too many toxic foods and drinks ginger will help the liver function, and has some astringent properties.

› Grapefruit. The nutrient-rich juices in a

grapefruit pack a nice detox punch and can really get your body into action as far as detoxing goes.

› Watercress. Helps to release enzymes in the liver that clean it out and help rid it of toxic buildup.

› Remember to drink lots of water.

For Easy Detox Mini and Easy Detox Classic

NB: We strongly recommend that you try to find a good supply of probiotics to re-colonise your digestive tract with the right balance of beneficial bacteria to get your system operating at optimum efficiency. You should look for a brand which can supply at least 15 Billion CFU (Colony Forming Units – a measure of the activity of the live bacteria) per daily dosage; a broad range of different bacterial strains – to optimize function of multiple body systems; timed release so that the right strains are delivered to their ideal location in the digestive tract; also contains FOS (Fructo-OligoSaccharide) – a pre-biotic food supplement to support growth of friendly bacteria; ideally NOT a capsule or tablet because they can often be difficult to digest and so the bacteria pass straight through you without getting a chance to grow.

For Easy Detox Deluxe

Take your Post-programme 7-day premium probiotics course to re-colonise your digestive tract with the right balance of beneficial bacteria to boost your immune system and get your body operating at optimum efficiency.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Post-programme 7-day premium probiotics course

On day 7 (after finishing the herbs) and again on day 14 (after finishing the probiotics) treat yourself to a:

Luxury Thai Spa Facial treat-ment to detox your skin.Exclusive to Easy Detox Deluxe Kit.

Use this luxury 100% natural facial to complete your detox and remove remaining toxins from your skin. Mix the powder to a mud-like consistency with 5 ml of still mineral water, apply to the forehead, face and neck with a light circular motion. Allow 10-15 minutes to

fully dry, rinse with water. Repeat with Step 2.

TIP: put the powder into a small bowl or plate and add a teaspoon of water until thick mud-like consistency. If too much water added, just wait until part of the water evaporates – this shouldn’t take long.

› Step 1: Thanakha Herbal Scrub with Thai Ginger and Mangosteen Rind to exfoliate the skin;

› Step 2: Herbal clay mask with Amalaki and Noni to draw out remaining toxins from your skin plus antioxidants to nourish and protect it.

Exclusive to Easy Detox Deluxe Kit

Did you know that approximately 90% of the living cells in your body are not yours? They are actually bacteria, viruses and fungus. Most of them are friendly – some are not! After your 7-day herbal cleanse, the next phase of your cleanse is to use our powerful probiotics to re-colonise your digestive tract with the right balance of beneficial bacteria to boost your immune system and get your body operating at optimum efficiency. In fact this is not really “post-programme” – it is an integral part of the programme.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


› Will I be hungry during my Easy Detox programme?

› While your meal plan may differ from your regular diet it is designed to keep away hunger sensations. There may be some psychological food cravings which are easily alleviated by a glass of water. Our detox-friendly meals and signature herbal shakes provide the nutrients essential to make your detox experience wholesome and hunger free.

› How much weight will I lose? › Easy Detox is aimed at detoxing the body

at a deep, cellular level, while producing a moderate weight loss as a bonus. As a normal part of that process we would expect you to excrete accumulated fæces – and some people

can have a lot of weight in that. We would also expect that you would lose some accumulated extra-cellular fluid, while maintaining healthy intra-cellular hydration. This may also amount to several kilograms. Some people lose more weight during a cleansing programme, and some lose very little. While everyone will lose some weight during their Easy Detox programme, their actual weight loss will vary depending on each person’s metabolism and the extra weight they are carrying.

Easy Detox makes an excellent kick-start to a longer term, safe and healthy weight loss programme because it gets your body working at peak efficiency from a deep cellular level.

Frequently Asked Questions

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


› Why 7 days? › Individual cells in your body have a finite life

span, and when they die off they are replaced with new cells. Red blood cells live for about four months, while white blood cells live on average more than a year. Skin cells live about two or three weeks. Sperm cells have a life span of only about three days, while brain cells typically last an entire lifetime (neurons in the cerebral cortex, for example, are not replaced when they die). Cells lining the acid filled stomach last only about 5 days. Colon cells have it rough: They die off after about four days.

So, a 7 days cleanse give a full double cycle of replacing the cells in your digestive tract. Combined with the gentle laxative herbs and the fibre content of our programme this ensures that nothing is left “stuck to the bowel wall” and this means that colonics are not necessary in Easy Detox

› Can I smoke during my Easy Detox programme?

› We think you probably know the answer to this one. Smoking is incompatible with the philosophy of detox and we suggest that you consider one of the many excellent programmes to help you quit smoking before you begin your detox. If you are not ready to quit, you must stop smoking during the programme. Smoking lowers the body’s ability to carry oxygen into the blood, which is very important when we are detoxifying and practicing Yoga. The cadmium will cause free radical damage; the nicotine depletes the body of 20 mg of Vitamin C per each cigarette; and deprives you of 2 minutes of your life per each puff. . .

› Can I have a glass of wine during my Easy Detox pro-gramme?

› When we are detoxifying we are enhancing the function of the liver. Alcohol actively damages the liver. Alcohol in any form is counter-productive during a detox. Alcohol is toxic to the body any time, detoxifying or not. It is a suppressant which slows down the circulation, the immune system and the metabolism - which we are trying to stimulate as we cleanse. It does this by leaching out precious nutrients like potassium, calcium and B Vitamins such as Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B6.

› What about coffee? Can I drink coffee when I am cleans-ing?

› The answer is no. Coffee is a stimulant and is generally used as a replacement for naturally derived internal energy. Everything that alcohol suppresses - coffee speeds up including the pulse and heart rate and, just like alcohol, it depletes the body of precious nutrients leaving behind a great deal of acid for the kidneys to eliminate. During a cleansing programme we are focusing on alkalizing the body, not acidifying it. If you normally drink a lot of coffee you may experience withdrawal headaches. With Easy Detox’s high levels of antioxidants and herbs which help your liver clear toxins, these headaches will be much less severe and last for a much shorter time than usual. You may find that after Easy Detox, your caffeine habit is much reduced, allowing you to regain control of your energy levels without a cup of coffee.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


› Should I take vitamin and mineral supplements during my Easy Detox programme?

› If you are already taking a vitamin and mineral supplement then continue to do so, this will help prevent a “reflex deficiency” of your body being used to a certain level of micronutrients then suddenly dropping below that. Our formulæ contain micro-nutrients anyway so if you are not currently taking a vitamin and mineral supplement you do not need to start during your cleanse. After your cleanse you may consider the nutrient quality of the food which you normally eat and may choose to add a vitamin and mineral supplement as part of a new, healthier lifestyle.

› Do some people break their detox programme early? If so, why would they do this?

› Normally, very few people will quit Easy Detox early - because of its mild and pleasant nature. Also, people who sign up for detoxification are usually very motivated to go through the entire programme. Some even feel so good that they extend their programme. If, for any reason, you are feeling uncomfortable to continue the program, please talk with our online support personnel who will amend your programme or resolve your issues in other ways. Psychologically, a commitment to complete the whole programme can make a big difference in getting you through every day.

› How much old material will my body eliminate?

› Easy Detox works on each person in an individual way. Two people will rarely have exactly the same experience. Some of our cleansing herbs stimulate the bowels to

eliminate large intestinal contents; some are good for eliminating parasites; others are good for eliminating deep cellular level toxins. The most dangerous compounds which were in your body cannot be seen as they leave, but their absence can be felt in a feeling of lightness in your body and a boost in your energy levels.

› What types of cleansing reac-tions can I expect during Easy Detox?

› Easy Detox has been specifically designed to minimize the “healing crisis” which you might have heard of – which is really just a mis-management of toxins as they are re-packaged from storage forms into transport forms to leave the body. A cleanse can also be an opportunity to take time out and allow unresolved emotional issues to be dealt with. We would encourage you to take a mental step back and become the detached observer as these issues resolve, rather than becoming controlled by old emotions. If you are feeling overly stressed during a cleanse, please talk with our online support personnel who will amend your programme or resolve your issues in other ways.

› How much exercise should I do during my Easy Detox pro-gramme?

› It is important to practice some exercise, Yoga, swimming, Tai Chi, walking, bicycling and hiking are all very good— but do not exert yourself too much. Yoga and other forms of exercise will help you eliminate toxins. Another wonderful thing about practicing Yoga and detoxifying at the same time, your body becomes more flexible, your mind more calm and your spirit extremely happy.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


› Will I have the energy to go about my normal daily activi-ties?

› Normally people begin a programme on a weekend to give themselves 2 days to stay around the house and relax. This is a good time for relaxation, meditation and self-reflection. In this manner you allow yourself the opportunity to work with the cleansing. Easy Detox individual sachets will allow you to continue your detox at work or in your normal daily schedule.

› When is the best time to start a detox?

› There are no specific guidelines. We suggest that, since you will be changing your meal routine, you should choose a time when that is easier to do, typically a weekend is a good time to begin.

NOTE: If a woman usually has a difficult time around her menstrual cycle such as cramping, bloating, constipation, skin break-outs or big mood swings, we would normally recommend waiting until the “hormone storm” has passed before beginning the detox. Many of our clients report that their next few cycles are much milder after Easy Detox.

› How quickly should I intro-duce ‘normal’ foods back into my diet such as eggs / fish and so on?

› From a biochemistry and physiology point of view there is actually no such thing as a “post-detox diet”. However, we suggest that you start incorporating animal protein (if you are not vegetarian or vegan, of course) gradually and in moderation. Also, we recommend that you buy organic meat, poultry and eggs to avoid

consuming all the hormones and antibiotics found in conventionally farmed animals. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, stay away from processed foods and packaged sweet drinks (soda, packaged juices and lemonades). Continue to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day – again, organic produce is highly recommended so that you avoid consuming pesticides that are toxic to your body.

› How often I need to repeat this Easy Detox Programme to be sure that my body is free from toxins?

› One of the goals of Easy Detox is to introduce you to how much better you feel when your body is clean from the inside out and working at optimum efficiency, how much more energy and clarity you feel, the lightness in your being, freedom from bloating, constipation, skin issues clearing up and all the benefits of our deep cellular-level detox. Ideally you will take some of the lessons about healthy diet and lifestyle choices into your normal daily life.

› When you start to feel that you have lost that edge – that would be a good time for another de-tox.

› Other people choose to do a detox at the change of seasons. Some set a schedule of every 3, 6 or 12 months.

Still others embrace the philosophy of ‘let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food’ so they take 1 Easy Detox sachet in a healthy green smoothie every morning to start their day. It is really up to you and how much your lifestyle impacts on your optimum health.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Contra-indicationsIs there anyone who should not do an

Easy Detox programme?Yes, check the list below and if you think that you may not be suitable

please email [email protected] and we will personally assess your case and advise you on the best course of action.

› If you have an active disease process in place (ie. you have the flu, or have a gut infection etc)

› If you are currently taking psychiatric drugs (your physician will warn against sudden withdrawals from these chemicals)

› If you have a recent history of heavy recreational drug use (This is NOT an alcohol/drug rehab programme – we suggest that you seek professional advice)

› If you are currently taking statin drugs for cholesterol or high blood pressure, please consult your physician before starting a detox

› If you are an insulin dependent diabetic , please consult your physician before starting a detox

› If you are taking beta-blockers, blood thinners or other pharmaceutical drugs which your doctor advises to gradually reduce dosage and not to quit suddenly , please consult your physician before starting a detox

› If you are taking an oral contraceptive pill (detox may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraception) we advise you to use extra/barrier methods during the Easy Detox programme and until the end of your cycle, or consult with specialist.

› If you are pregnant or breastfeeding (the time to detox would be 3-6 months before you get pregnant)

NOTE: If you usually have a difficult time around your menstrual cycle such as cramping, bloating, constipation, skin break-outs or big mood swings, we would normally recommend waiting until the “hormone storm” has passed before beginning the detox. Many of our clients report that their next few cycles are much milder after Easy Detox.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Special BonusesRaw Detox Recipes from Boris Lauser, raw food chef and enthusiast.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.



Root Vegetable Rice (Version 1) (serves 1-2 rolls)

› 2 cups parsnip or carrot or beet 1/2 t sea salt › 1 t rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar › 1 t honey (optional) › 1 t sesame or olive oil › other flavors / add-ins: ginger, coriander, mint, cashews, dulse flakes

Root Vegetable Rice (Version 2) › 1 celery root or 2 medium size parsnips › deshelled hemp seeds › sesame (alternatively you can also use cashew nuts) 1 piece ginger (approx. 3 cm)

› dash of Tamari › dash of apple cider vinegar or lemon/lime

juice pinch of salt › Optional: 1 t Kelp powder › Optional: dulse flakes

Marinated shitake › 2-4 shitake mushrooms (or other variety) 1 T olive oil

› 1.5 T Tamari (or 2 T Shoyu)

Pickled ginger › 1 T ginger, thinly sliced › 2 T vinegar › 1/2 T agave (or palm sugar or honey) 1/2 T water

Pickle for at least 24 hours

Other assembly items: › Nori sheets › Avocado, sliced

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.

32 › Bell Pepper, julienne › Cucumber, julienne › Carrot, julienne › Sprouts › Scallion › Sesame Seeds (black or white) for garnish


Peel celery root or parsnips and cut in chunks. Peel ginger and cut in small pieces. Place all into a food processor together with the salt, sesame and hemp seeds. Sesame and hemp is to taste and depends on how light of fatty you want your sushi rice to be. Start with 1/2 - 1 tablespoon each and see how you like the result. Process all ingredients until they get to a rice like consistency. Then add tamari and vinegar/ lemon and pulse again quickly to incorporate. Transfer to a bowl and add dulse flakes and kelp powder to taste and a little sesame or grapeseed or olive oil to make the rice stick together.

The rice is best, if you prepare it 1 day ahead of time and let it marinade in the fridge for all flavors to develop better.

Half the avocado and cut each half in 5-6 strips. Cut carrot, cuc umber and red bell pepper into thin julienne.

Place a nori sheet on a sushi mat by placing the shiny side of the nori onto the even shiny side of the sushi mat. Put 4-5 Tablespoons of the rice onto the nori, leaving a finger thick piece of nori empty on the bottom and about 3 fingers thick on the top. Press slightly to compact the rice.

Then, on the lower third of the rice, place

julienne, avocado, sprouts and anything else you like in your sushi (mango, asparagus...)

Starting from the bottom, using your thumbs to roll up the mat and your fingers shaped to a claw to keep the fillings in, slowly form the roll by pulling the sushi mat from time to time to compress and compact the fillings. When you are close to the end, wet the last stripe of the nori sheet with water to seal the roll.

On youtube, you can find a nice video illustrating the sushi rolling technique:

Using a very sharp blade, cut the roll into 8-10 pieces and place on a nice rectangular plate, serving the wasabi dipping sauce and pickled ginger on the side.

Wasabi – Tahini – Dipping Sauce


› 1 t wasabi powder › 1 t horseradish powder or freshly grated horseradish

› (instead of wasabi and horseradish, you can also use a store bought wasabi paste) 2 T tamari

› 1 T raw tahini (alternatively roasted for a more intense sesame taste)

› 1 T honey or yacon sirup


Mix all ingredients in a bowl to a homogenous paste. This sauce keeps for at least 1 week in the fridge.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Dim SumChinese Style Dumplings with Plum Sweet

and Sour (serves 4-8 people)

Ingredients: › About 30 pc Rice paper, about 13cm in diameter

› 1 bunch chives

For the filling: › 2 medium sized carrots or red beet (+- 250g) › 1⁄2 cup cashew nuts › 2 small spring onions › 1 T dark miso (Barley or Hatcho miso) › 1 T Tamari (or to taste) › One Dash apple cider vinegar › 1-2 T coconut palm sugar › 1 T fresh grated ginger › 2 T toasted sesame oil

MethodChop the carrots into large chunks. Slice the

spring onions into strips and process along with the carrots and all the other ingredients into a pate, using a food processor fitted with an S-blade. Season to taste. If the pate is too runny, add a quarter teaspoon of powdered guar seed to soak up the water.

Fill a dish with water heated to at least 60 degrees. For each dumpling soak a sheet of rice paper until it becomes soft and lay out flat on a board. Put a heaping teaspoon of the carrot mixture in the middle. Pull each side of the rice paper over the mixture to make a pouch. Use a fresh chive stem to tie together and cut off excess rice paper.

Sweet and sour dipping sauce › 1⁄4 cup apple cider vinegar 1/4 cup water › 1⁄4 cup coconut palm sugar 8 pc dried plums › 1 tsp chilli flakesBlend all ingredients well in a high speed

blender until smooth and thick.


24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Cream of Tomato with seaweeds

› 1 cup cherry tomatoes › 2 T cashews › 2/3 cups water › 1 t miso › 1,5 T Kikkoman › 1 small piece onion › 1/2 clove garlic › 1 pinch salt

› 1/2 T lemon juice › 1 pinch chilli flakes › 1/4 t black pepper

Blend all in a high speed blender until warm

Garnish with: › 1 T wakame seaweed › About 8 green pea sprouts › 1 t white and black sesame seeds

Serve with gluten free bread or raw crackers


24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Sprouted Quinoa Pizza(serves 5-6 people)

Bread base › 1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 2 hours 1 cup quinoa, soaked/sprouted for 24 hours 1 cup almond pulp

› 1/4 cup flax, ground › 2 small zucchini › 1 clove garlic › 1 T olive oil › 1 t salt

Food process zucchini, garlic and salt until small but still a bit coarse in texture. It shouldn’t be blended completely. Separately, food process sunflower seeds until finely ground. In a separate bowl mix all ingredients until a dough forms. Spread dough on a teflex sheet and score into little squares, the size you want your pizza slices to be. Dehydrate at 42 degrees for about 12 hours or until crispy.

Tomato Sauce › 2 tomatoes › 2 dates › 8 sun dried tomatoes 1/4 cup olive oil › 1/2 T rosemary › 2 cloves garlic › 1/3 shallot › 1/4 t salt › 1/4 t pepper

Blend everything until smooth

Pesto › 1⁄2 cups pumpkin seeds, pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts, pecan nuts, etc.

› 2 hands full fresh basil › 2 T fresh mint leaves › 1 – 2 cloves garlic › lemon zest from 3 lemons 1 t salt (or to liking)

› olive oil

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Process all ingredients except olive oil in a food processor with the s-blade until coarsely ground but not too small. I like the pestos to be a little chunky. Transfer to a bowl and mix in olive oil to liking.

All nuts except pine nuts or pistachios must be soaked before using.

You can keep pestos well in the fridge. Place them into a glass jar, push them in so that no air bubbles stay in the bottom, then cover with olive oil to conserve. You can keep it like that in the fridge for a few weeks, or in the freezer even for months.

Caramelized onions › 1 Onion, thinly sliced › 1 T honey › 1 T tamari

› 1 T Olive Oil

Mix all in a bowl and dehydrate on teflex sheets for 2 hours.

Zucchini Bell Pepper Topping › 1 Zucchini, small cubes › 1 Bell Pepper, small cubes › 1/4 t salt › olive oil › 1 t oregano

Mix well and dehydrate at 42 degrees on Teflex sheet for 3-5 hours.


Nutmilk(base recipe)

› 1 cup nuts or seeds or combination of both › 3-4 cups of water (depends on the fat level you want your milk to have)

Blend in vitamix for 1 minute and then squeeze through a nutmilk bag.

You can use all nuts and seeds for this, like hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, peсan nuts, brazil nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds or coconut. Also any combination like pumkin sesame, hazelnut coconut, hemp coconut works.

Hazelnut Lucuma Mylk › 100g Hazelnuts › 500ml water › 3-5 cm cinnamon stick 1 t vanilla powder › 2 T coconut palm sugar 2 T lucuma powder › 1 t maca powder › 2 T coconut oil › 1 T raw cacao powder

Preparation › Blend hazelnuts, water and cinnamon in a high speed blender and strain through a nutmilk bag

› Blend the hazelnut cinnamon milk with all ingredients except cacao and pour 2/3rds of the milk into 2 or 3 glasses

› Blend the rest again with the cacao powder and pour carefully into the lucuma hazelnut milk to create a marble pattern.



Maca Chia Pudding(serves 5)

For the milk: › 1/2 cup cashews › 3 cups water › 2 tsp Maca › 2 T Yacon Sirup › 6 dates › 1/2 TBSP Vanilla › 1/2 tsp salt › 1/2 tsp cinnamon › 2/3-3/4 cups of chia seeds

Blend all except the Chia in a high speed blender until smooth and creamy

Whisk in 2/3 - 3/4 cups of chia, stir every 3-5 minutes for 20 minutes until chia has absorbed the liquid.

The basic ratio is 1 part of chia to 6 parts of liquid. Depending on your personal liking you may add more chia for a thicker pudding or less for a thinner one.

Keep in fridge until serving.

Variation: › Nutella Chia Porridge (serves 5) › Milk: › 3 cups hazelnut milk 1/4 cup cacao powder 1/4 cup dates

› 1/2 TBSP vanilla › 1/8 tsp salt › 2/3 cups chia Prepare as above.

24/7 online support: [email protected]. Your questions will be answered in 12 hours or less.


Mini Kit Classic Kit Deluxe Kit

› 9 Detox Herbal Shakes › Full On-line support of our Naturopath

› 21 Detox Herbal Shakes › Full On-line support of our Naturopath

› 35 Detox Herbal Shakes › 2 Luxury Detox Face Mask › Premium Probiotics Course › Personal Health Assessment with Dr. Graham Rowe

› Personal Detox Diet & Lifestyle Advice created specifically for you so your Easy Detox effects last longer

› Full On-line support of our Naturopath

› Cookbook by 5-Star Chefs

Your Bonus for next purchase

+3 Detox Herbal Shakes + $17 Value, FREE

+6 Detox Herbal Shakes +1 Luxury Detox Face Mask + $45 Value, FREE

+15 Detox Herbal Shakes +2 Luxury Detox Face Mask + $107 Value, FREE

$50.95 $120.95 $294.95

Easy Detox loyalty programmeWe are happy to introduce the new loyalty programme for our customers! Once you try Easy Detox Programme and feel the amazing result, you have a pleasant bonus for your next purchases within 3 months. Besides, you have an opportunity to share this special offer with your friends.

To get the Bonus, please, enter the loyalty promo code in the form of order in our web site.The loyalty promo code is: MY EASY DETOX

Share this promo code with your friends in Facebook and you’ll see how they will be grateful to you!

Buy Now Buy Now Buy Nowс

Contact infoWebsite:

Email: [email protected]

Address: Amrita Luxury Wellness Retreat. Baan Saithara, 404/34 Moo 1, Maret, Koh Samui, Surat Thani, 84310

FDA Disclaimer:These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug

Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician before beginning

cleansing programme.