book picture organic clothing summer 2012


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Page 2: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
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Recycled Boardshorts Technology

Organic Tees

Organic Towels

Organic Tees & Tops

Organic Shirts

Recycled Boardshorts

Organic Polos

Organic Hoodies

Organic Knitted

Organic Jeans

Recycled Water tees

Organic Hoodies

Organic Dress & SkirtsOrganic ShortsOrganic Shirts

Organic WalkshortsRecycled Jackets



















Page 4: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012


Mickey Mahut

Martin Gallant

Pierre Picat

Jonas Emery


e Wilm




Page 5: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Nous sommes trois amis d’enfance passionnés de sports de glisse. Depuis toujours, le choix de nos vêtements s’est tourné vers des marques dans lesquelles nous nous reconnaissions. Mais, depuis quelques années, nous constations qu’aucune marque de glisse n’avait pris conscience des problématiques environnementales de notre planète. C’est pourquoi, en avril 2008, nous avons décidé de créer Picture... une marque aux

valeurs claires et au comportement transparent, une marque accessible à tous les passionnés de la glisse et amoureux de la nature. Depuis 2008, nous séduisons non seulement les skieurs et les snowboardeurs, mais également les skateurs et les surfeurs qui retrouvent dans

leur passion, les valeurs de la glisse, les valeurs de la nature, les valeurs de Picture.

We’re 3 friends since childhood sharing the same passion for board sports. From the beginning the choice of the brands we were wearing was focused on brands in which we recognized ourselves. A few years ago we noticed that no brand in the board sports industry was aware of our planet’s environmental problems.

That’s the reason why, in April 2008, we decided to create Picture... A brand with clear values and a transparent behaviour, a brand accessible to all passionate of board sports and nature lovers.

Since 2008, not only skiers and snowboarders identify theirselves with the brand, but also skateboarders and surfers who find their passion’s values behind the Picture’s values.

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PICTURE tient particulièrement à vous présenter un lieu fantastique où la protection de l’environnement et desespèces animales est un réel combat depuis maintenant 50 ans.Nous avons décidé à travers nos photos collections de vous faire voyager entre « Sasha » la girafe et « Pierre » lerhino au BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine. Depuis un demi siècle le BIOPARC developpe une nouvelle philosophie de la conservation des espèces et de l’environnement à travers des projets de Nature exceptionnels.Une Biodiversité s’est développée à tous les niveaux, aujourd’hui le BIOPARC participe à 25 projets Nature quiconcernent, soit des écosystèmes en danger, soit des espèces animales en danger.

PICTURE is particularly dear to you a place fantastic where environmental protection and animal species is a real battle for 50 years now.We decided through our photo collections to make you a bit travel between «sasha» giraffe and pierre «the rhino» in BIOPARC for half a century a new philosophy of conservation was implemented through projects of an exceptional nature.A Biodiversity has developed at all levels today BIOPARC involved in 25 projects which Nature concern or endangered ecosystems or spe-cies of animal danger.

Visit their website :

P.Chabot – BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine

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P.Chabot – BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine P.Chabot – BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine

P.Chabot – BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine

P.Chabot – BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine

P.Chabot – BIOPARC de Doué la Fontaine

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Depuis la création de PICTURE, nous nous engageons à développer seulement et exclusivement des produits respectueux de l’environnement.

C’est pour cela que nous avons choisi de garantir nos produits 100% biologiques ou composés de matières recyclées.

Nos Produits en coton biologique : Les produits que nous concevons sont issus de l’agriculture Biologique et n’utilisent ni pesticides ni fertilisants chimiques afin de préserver les écosystèmes, sans polluer ni les sols ni les eaux. Nous nous engageons à ce qu’aucun de nos produits ne soit issu de cultures OGM. L’intégralité du processus de transformation, du coton au fil, du fil au tissu puis du tissu au vêtement teint, est garanti “clean” et contrôlé.

Nos produits en matières recyclées : Tous nos produits techniques en matière polyester ou polyamide sont composés en partie de matières recyclées et respectueuses de l’environnement.Le label TOPGREEN Recycled yarn certifie que la fibre recyclée utilisée dans nos produits est issue du processus de recyclage de bouteilles PET.

Ethique : Les usines avec lesquelles nous travaillons ont signé notre charte éthique et environnementale garantissant le respect des hommes et des femmes travaillant à la confection de nos produits.

Since the creation of PICTURE, we guarantee that we develop only products respecting the environment.

That’s the reason why we have chosen to guarantee our products 100% organic or made with recylced matters.

Our Products in organic cotton : The products we develop are coming from the organic agriculture and don’t use neither pesticides nor chemical fertilisants to save the ecosystems, without polluting the grounds and the waters. We took the engagement that none of our poduct is coming from the OGM cultures. The whole cotton transformation process from cotton to fil, from fil to fabrics, from fabric to painted clothe, is guaranteed clean and under control.

Our Products in recycled matters : All our technical products in polyester or polyamide matter are made with recycled matters and respecting the environment. The TOPGREEN Recycled yarn label certified that the recycled fiber used in our products is coming from the recycling process of PET bottles.

Ethic : The manufactures with which we work signed an ethical and environmental engagement, guaranteeing the men and women respect working on our products development.

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Construit à partir d’un élément simple, forme vitale, source de vie, le design de demain prend des allures intemporelles.Ne prenons pas exemple sur le passé, la nouveauté et l’originalité doivent être source d’inspiration et canal de créativité.

Built from a simple element, vital shape, life source, tomorrow’s design takes an intemporal look. Let’s not take the example of the past, the nov-elty and originality should be inspiration source and creativity channel. Our eco-designers’s way of thinking is based on a simple creativity concept : the “cradle to cradle”. It’s a process of reusing always what IS not any more but BECOMES.

La démarche de nos eco-designer se base sur un concept de créativité simple: le “cradle to cradle”.

C’est un processus de réutilisation permanente de ce qui n’est plus mais devient. An important place is leaved to creative processes taking care of current environmen-

tal problematics.

Une place importante est laissée à des démarches créatives souci-euses des problématiques environnementales actuelles.

Au quotidien, nous redécouvrons et observons la nature pour en extraire des formes epurées et astucieuses.Après 3 ans d’expérience, nous sommes chez Picture très sensibilisés aux problèmes environnementaux, et exprimons ces valeurs à travers

des collections animées et colorées.Day after day, we discover and observe the nature to extract pure and intelligent shapes.After 3 years of experience, we are, at Picture, very sensibles to environmental problems, and express those values through animated and colorfull collections.

SCALE / 1:1

SCALE / 1:1

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L’innovation va toujours plus loin et propose un concept textile qui contribue à notre bien-être et à notre vitalité : LA BIOCERAMIC. C’est une invention médaillée d’or au concours Lépine et primée par la Société de Médecine du sport.

The innovation goes always further and propose an textile concept contributing to our wellness and vitality : the BIOCERAMICIt’s an invention which got the gold medal at concours Lepine and was primed by the Sport Medecine Society

La principale fonction de la Bioceramic est de renvoyer l’énergie émise par le corps appelée infrarouge lointain.

Plus précisément :- capter les apports positifs du soleil - les Infra Rouge Lointain (appelés IRL) - qui renforcent notre activité musculaire et notre tonicité,- récupérer une partie de la perte d’énergie qui s’échappe de notre corps sous forme de chaleur et de longueur d’ondes pendant l’effort et de la restituer.

This concept allows you :The main function of the Bioceramic is to send the energy sent by the body, called “distant infrared”, back.

To be more precise :- retain the sun’s positives inputs - the distant infrared- which reinforce our muscular acitvity and our tonicity. - reuse a part of the lost energy, lost from our body during the effort in form of warmness, and restitute it.

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Ce flux fermé généré par la membrane présente plusieurs effets :- augmentation de la température du corps de 0,3°C et amélioration de la thermorégulation

=> la sudation et les pertes énergétiques sont limitées

Les test du milieu médical qui appuis les résultats énoncés ci dessus

- Test Tinetti réalisé par la Société SEFOTEX sous contrôle d’huissier de justice (Etude SCP MOULIN & PICOT – St Dié des Vosges (88))Objectif : Le test Tinetti permet de réaliser une évaluation cardinale des troubles de l’équilibre avec et sans le vête-ment Bioceramic. Il est composé d’une partie dynamique et d’une partie statique et se déroule selon les méthodes statistiques enseignées en DUGEAD à l’Université de Paris Dauphine.Population étudiée : échantillon de 97 personnes âgés de 58 à 98 ans.Conclusions : 75% des personnes ont une amélioration supérieure à 4/35 (écart minimal 0/35 - maximal 14/35) per-mettant de conclure à un effet très positif du produit qui permet d’améliorer l’équilibre lors des gestes du quotidien et donc de réduire le risque de chute.

- Institut de médecine du sport FMSI de Turin (Italie)

Evaluation des effets de Solar’Res au test d’effort. Etude de l’effort maximal et sur-maximal.

Objectif : après avoir montré l’amélioration du contrôle postural, observer l’influence sur la dépense énergétique, les données respiratoires et cardio-vasculaires au cours de l’activité physique. Test sur 8 sujets masculins et féminins entre 30 et 60 ans. Conclusions : avec le complexe bio-céramique on note sur un effort important “de faibles valeurs pour la production de dioxyde de carbone, une diminution de la fréquence cardiaque, et une augmentation de la ventilation pulmonaire” qui induisent “un effet légèrement stimulant, une meilleure broncho-dillatation et par conséquent une récupération plus rapide de l’acide lactique”.

- Etude réalisée au sein du laboratoire de Physique et Mécaniques Textiles de l’Université de Haute Alsace à Mul-housepar Riaz Mir sous la direction du docteur D. Mathieu et du professeur B. Durand pour la société HTCD (LPMT - UNR - CNRS).

Objectif : constater l’effet “stabilisateur” du port d’une veste intégrant une induction spécifique (Gold Reflect’ Line®) par le biais de descripteurs caractéristiques de la qualité du contrôle postural. Etude menée sur 9 femmes et 11 Hom-mes âgés de 23 ans à 57 ans de poids compris entre 51,1 et 94,2 kg.Conclusions : “Un changement des caractéristiques posturales (en particulier la variante de la vitesse) pour la modalité yeux fermés est mis en évidence (…) qui laisse supposer que la veste spécifique associée aux habits portés quotidien-nement, pourrait influencer la proprioception*. Celle-ci (la veste) représente un élément vestimentaire aux propriétés particulières, en effet tous les participants ont ressentis une sensation de bien-être incontestable au porté de la veste à enduction spécifique”.*sensibilité du système nerveux aux informations sur les postures et les mouvements venant des muscles et des


Medicin test which demonstrate result definit above:

- Test TinettiThe Tinetti tests enable make a cardinal evaluation of balance disorders, with and without the clothe designed with the BIOCER-AMIC technology.Tests are made in both static and dynamic conditions and results are calculated with the DUGEAD statistic method taught in the Paris Dauphine University.Number of participants : 97 people aged from 58 to 98 years old.Conclusions : 75 % of the participants have an improvement of 4/35 (minimal difference of 0/35 – maximal 14/35) This clearly demonstrates that the product is efficient and helps improve balance in everyday life and, consequently, reduce risk of falls.

SPORTS MEDECINE INSTITUTE OF TURIN - FMSI - (ITALIE)Evaluation of the behavior of SOLAR’RES ® at the exertion test.Study of the maximal effort and the over-maximal effort.

OBJECT : After having clearly demonstrated the improvement of the postural control, the aim was to observe its influence on energy consuming, breathing properties and cardiovascular behavior during physical activities.Tests have been carried out on 8 women and 8 men from 30 to 60 years old.CONCLUSION : with the bio-ceramic complex the study demonstrates that the production of carbon dioxide is significantly lowered, so is heartbeat. Pulmonary ventilation is also enhanced leading to a better broncho- dilation and, consequently, a better elimination of lactic acid.


OBJECT: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the “stabilization” effect obtained when wearing a vest made of BIOCERAMIC . This study was lead on 9 women and 11 men aged from 23 to 57 years old and weighing between 51.1 kg and 94.2 kg.CONCLUSION: A significant change in the posture (particularly in the speed variation) was observed with the eyes closed test. This would mean that wearing this specific vest in association with usual everyday clothes could influence the “proprioception”.

All participants have mentioned that this vest gave them an undeniable feeling of well-being.

With Biocermic Technology

Without Biocermic Technology

This closed cycle generated by the membrane presents many effects : - increase of the body temperature from 0,3°C and thermoregulation improvement => limited transpiration and energy loss

- accélération du flux sanguin, ce qui permet un meilleur transport de l’oxygène aux muscles =>

amélioration de l’endurance et de l’équilibre à l’effort

- augmentation de la puissance musculaire a été constatée par les athlètes de haut niveau qui l’ont testée.

-Accelerate blood circulation which permit a better O2 transportation to muscles => improvement of the endurance and balance to the effort- An increase of muscular power was noted by the high level athletes who tested it

More info on:

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* Lili Eyes

* Jean-Charles BelmontFollow


Plongée dans l’univers artistique dès l’enfance, c’est à l’adolescence qu’elle commence à prendre en main ses premiers appareils photos. Autodidacte, elle crée son expérience au rythme de l’évolution du matériel. Elle puise son originalité artistique dans la photographie en lumière naturelle, en alliant féérie et couleurs pour nous immerger dans un monde magique.

“Avant, mon souhait était de réaliser un de mes... rêves, du moins de m’en approcher de très près .Maintenant tout est réalisable et rien n’est irréel . Je ne vole pas les gens , j’emprunte leur regard pour eclairer le mien .” (Lili Eyes)

Born in an artistic space since childhood, her adolescence was the start point to play

Mèche de jeune recouvrant son visage d’éternel adolescent, un rien dandy, Jean-Charles Belmont agite la rockosphère cler-montoise de son appareil photo inspiré. Jean-Charles alias Chacha , totalement autodidacte, et ayant baigné dans la culture de

l’image, du skate et du rock ‘n roll, a su petit à petit imposer sa griffe dans le monde de PICTURE et la rendre incontourn-able.

Indochine, Les Wampas, The Sonics, Cocoon ou The Elderberries ont croisé son aristocratique objectif. Passé à la réalisation vidéo avec Riot House Production. L’homme en noir a inventé le concept du plus petit lieu de

concert du monde avec « Sexroom sessions » ( et depuis peu, l’excellente série « Coope of the Pope » à voir sur le site de la Coopérative de mai (salle de concert clermontaoise).

Bien caché derrière sa fameuse mèche brune, Jean-Charles, l’homme à l’oeil du future sait aussi bien shooter un


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After 3 years of work, research and development, the Picture boardshort in stretch ceramic is born.In fact, during each surf sessionthe boardshort need to fit with all the body movement without generating any disturbment. We identified all the body mobile zones and worked on stretch bi-matter products, non stretch with welded seam to reach the perfect ergonomy. More free, lighter and more comfortable, the new Picture boardshort will be the perfect partner for all your movements and activities.

The bioceramic stays in all our collections’ heart, it will provide you with a better and faster recovery during and after the effort and a well-ness sensation. All that created in the biggest respect of the environment with matters choices always more recyclabe, recycled, and organic.

Have you never ever dreamed about you walking on the beach slowly, looking at all the feminine faces focusing on yourself without being able to switch the sight from your body ?... Well... We unfortunately haven’t found the magic potion, and you may not transform yourself in Appolon that easily. Nevertheless, our designers have worked this whole season to provide you with a maximum of style thanks to ultra fresh color codes, with doble belt loop for the water street style with unique shapes. Finally, who knows if Apollon wouldn’t be sleeping in yourself ?

Après 3 années de travail, de recherche et de développement, le boardshort PICTURE stretch ceramic est né. En effet, à chaque session de surf, le Boardshort doit épouser l’ensemble des mouvements du corps sans jamais ne procurer aucune gène. Nous avons identifié toutes les zones mobiles du corps et travaillé sur des produits bi-matière stretch/non stretch à coutures soudées pour atteindre l’ergonomie parfaite. Plus libre, plus léger et plus confortable, le nouveau boardshort PICTURE saura vous accompagner dans tous vos mouvements et vos activi-tés.La bioceramic reste présente au coeur de nos gammes, elle vous apportera une meilleure récupération pendant et après l’effort ainsi qu’un bien être avéré. Le tout créé dans le plus grand respect de l’environnement avec des choix de matériaux toujours plus recyclés, recyclables et écologiques.

Vous n’aviez jamais rêvé de marcher sur la plage au ralenti, de voir tous les visages des filles se tourner vers vous bouche bée sans pouvoir décrocher le regard de votre corps... Bon... Nous n’avons malheureusement pas trouvé la formule magique, et vous ne deviendrez pas un Apollon en deux temps trois mouvements. Toutefois, nos styl-istes ont travaillés toute cette saison pour vous donner un maximum de style avec des gammes de couleur ultra fraiches, des ceintures à double passant pour le coté water street et des coupes uniques. Finalement, qui sait si Apollon ne sommeillerait pas en vous ?

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Made exclusively with recycled polyester yarn

The boardshorts with our new fabric stretchtechnology, design and consist to enhance

more comfort and range of motion.

Water repellent surface absorbs far less waterthan other boardshorts and makes them dry

ultra quick.

Extremely resistant fabric.Ideal for extreme sports

R-PET Recycled100 % Polyester

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt47 Bt48 Bt49

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 !

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

White Black Purple

283662177015484 283662177015538 283662177015583

323662177015507 323662177015552 323662177015606

303662177015491 303662177015545 303662177015590

343662177015514 343662177015569 343662177015613

363662177015521 363662177015576 363662177015620

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Taped Seems Taped Seems Taped Seems

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology


Made in Portugal

J.C Belmont Photography

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

J.C Belmont Photography


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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt42 Bt43 Bt44

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price :69 ! Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 !

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Blue Black Green

283662177015231 283662177015286 283662177015330

323662177015255 323662177015309 323662177015354

303662177015248 303662177015293 303662177015347

343662177015262 343662177015316 343662177015361

363662177015279 363662177015323 363662177015378

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Taped Seems Taped Seems Taped Seems

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt45 Bt46

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 !

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Purple White

283662177015385 283662177015439

323662177015408 323662177015453

303662177015392 303662177015446

343662177015415 343662177015460

363662177015422 363662177015477


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Taped Seems Taped Seems

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt28 Bt29 Bt30

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price :65 ! Retail Price : 65 ! Retail Price : 65 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Blue Black Green

283662177014531 283662177014586 283662177014630

323662177014555 323662177014609 323662177014654

303662177014548 303662177014593 303662177014647

343662177014562 343662177014616 343662177014661

363662177014579 363662177014623 363662177014678

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt31 Bt32

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price : 65 ! Retail Price : 65 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Yellow White

283662177014685 283662177014739

323662177014708 323662177014753

303662177014692 303662177014746

343662177014715 343662177014760

363662177014722 363662177014777


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Page 27: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Recycled BoardshortsTechnology


J.C Belmont Photography

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt33 Bt34 Bt35

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price : 65 ! Retail Price : 65 ! Retail Price : 65 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

White Black Purple

283662177014784 283662177014838 283662177014883

323662177014791 323662177014852 323662177014906

303662177014791 303662177014845 303662177014890

343662177014814 343662177014869 343662177014913

363662177014821 363662177014876 363662177014920

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology


Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop

Retail Price : 65 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH








Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

J.C Belmont Photography


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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt37 Bt38 Bt39

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price :65 ! Retail Price : 65 ! Retail Price : 65 !

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

White Black Yellow

283662177014982 283662177015033 283662177015088

323662177015002 323662177015057 323662177015101

303662177014999 303662177015040 303662177015095

343662177015019 343662177015064 343662177015118

363662177015026 363662177015071 363662177015125

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

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Recycled BoardshortsTechnology

Bt40 Bt41

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Baggy fit Boardshorts Baggy fit BoardshortsDoble belt Loop Doble belt Loop

Retail Price : 65! Retail Price : 65 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Purple Blue







Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

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Green Water teesPolyester

Bt55 Bt56 Bt57

Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision

Retail Price :49 ! Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCHHigh technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

High technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

High technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

Green Vision : looking to the future! Green Vision : looking to the future! Green Vision : looking to the future!

Purple WhiteYellow Purple Yellow

Blue White Black White

XS3662177015880 XS3662177015934 XS3662177015989

M3662177015903 M3662177015958 M3662177016009

S3662177015897 S3662177015941 S3662177015996

L3662177015910 L3662177015965 L3662177016016

XL3662177015972XL3662177015927 XL3662177016023

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalItalia Fabric Italia Fabric Italia Fabric

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Green Water teesPolyester

Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Yellow


Made in Portugal

J.C Belmont Photography

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Green Water teesPolyester

Bt50 Bt51 Bt52

Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision

Retail Price :39 ! Retail Price : 39 ! Retail Price : 39 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCHHigh technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

High technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

High technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

Green Vision : looking to the future! Green Vision : looking to the future! Green Vision : looking to the future!

Black Blue White

XS3662177015637 XS3662177015682 XS3662177015736

M3662177015651 M3662177015705 M3662177015750

S3662177015644 S3662177015699 S3662177015743

L3662177015668 L3662177015712 L3662177015767

XL3662177015729XL3662177015675 XL3662177015774

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalItalia Fabric Italia Fabric Italia Fabric

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Green Water teesPolyester

Bt53 Bt54

Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision Carvico Polyester 100% Green vision

Retail Price : 39 ! Retail Price : 39 !

High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCHHigh technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

High technology to offer incomparable performancecomfort and quality

Green Vision : looking to the future! Green Vision : looking to the future!

Purple Yellow

XS3662177015781 XS3662177015835

M3662177015804 M3662177015859

S3662177015798 S3662177015842

L3662177015811 L3662177015866

XL3662177015828 XL3662177015873


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalItalia Fabric Italia Fabric

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Organic TowelsCotton

Bt 60 Bt 61

Organic Cotton 100% Organic Cotton 100%

size : 90x150 cm size : 90x150 cm

Retail Price : 39 ! Retail Price : 39 !

High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black GreenWhite White

Blue Blue

One size : 90x150 cm 3662177016054 One size : 90x150 cm 3662177016061

Made in Tunisia Made in Tunisia

Page 39: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TowelsCotton

Bt 58 Bt 59

Organic Cotton 100% Organic Cotton 100%

size : 90x150 cm size : 90x150 cm

Retail Price : 39 ! Retail Price : 39 !

High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Green BlackWhite White


One size : 90x150 cm 3662177016030 One size : 90x150 cm 3662177016047


Made in Tunisia Made in Tunisia Made in Tunisia

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Page 41: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 42: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M300 M301

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 30 ! Retail Price : 30 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black

S3662177007359 S3662177007403

L3662177007366 L3662177007427

M3662177007366 M3662177007410

XL3662177007380 XL3662177007434

XXL3662177007397 XXL3662177007441


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Organic TeesCotton

M302 M303 M304

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 30 ! Retail Price : 30 ! Retail Price : 30 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Green Blue Green N.

S3662177007458 S3662177007502 S3662177007557

L3662177007571 L3662177007526 L3662177007571

M3662177007465 M3662177007519 M3662177007564

XL3662177007489 XL3662177007533 XL3662177007588

XXL3662177007496 XXL3662177007540 XXL3662177007595

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Organic TeesCotton

M305 M306

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 30 ! Retail Price : 30 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Orange Grey melange

S3662177007601 S3662177007656

L3662177007625 L3662177007670

M3662177007618 M3662177007663

XL3662177007632 XL3662177007687

XXL3662177007649 XXL3662177007694


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Organic TeesCotton

M307 M308 M309

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black Blue

S3662177007700 S3662177007755 S3662177007809

L3662177007724 L3662177007779 L3662177007823

M3662177007717 M3662177007762 M3662177007816

XL3662177007731 XL3662177007786 XL3662177007830

XXL3662177007748 XXL3662177007793 XXL3662177007847

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Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 !

Certified Gots or Flocert qualityHigh Comfort fabric

Green N.







J.C Belmont Photography

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Page 49: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

M311 M312

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black

S3662177007908 S3662177007953

L3662177007922 L3662177007977

M3662177007915 M3662177007960

XL3662177007939 XL3662177007984

XXL3662177007946 XXL3662177007991


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Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M314 M315

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue Orange

S3662177008059 S3662177008103

L3662177008073 L3662177008127

M3662177008066 M3662177008110

XL3662177008080 XL3662177008134

XXL3662177008097 XXL3662177008141


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Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M317 M318

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Grey melange

S3662177008202 S3662177008257

L3662177008226 L3662177008271

M3662177008219 M3662177008264

XL3662177008233 XL3662177008288

XXL3662177008240 XXL3662177008295


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Page 55: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

M319 M320

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Bleu

S3662177008301 S3662177008356

L3662177008325 L3662177008370

M3662177008318 M3662177008363

XL3662177008332 XL3662177008387

XXL3662177008349 XXL3662177008394


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Organic TeesCotton

M321 M322 M323

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black Orange

S3662177008400 S3662177008455 S3662177008509

L3662177008424 L3662177008479 L3662177008523

M3662177008417 M3662177008462 M3662177008516

XL3662177008431 XL3662177008486 XL3662177008530

XXL3662177008448 XXL3662177008493 XXL3662177008547

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Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 !

Certified Gots or Flocert qualityHigh Comfort fabric

Grey melange







J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M325 M326 M327

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Green N. Blue

S3662177008608 S3662177008653 S3662177008707

L3662177008622 L3662177008677 L3662177008721

M3662177008615 M3662177008660 M3662177008714

XL3662177008639 XL3662177008684 XL3662177008738

XXL3662177008646 XXL3662177008691 XXL3662177008745w

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Organic TeesCotton


J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M328 M329 M330

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 ! Retail Price : 32 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black Blue

S3662177008752 S3662177008806 S3662177008851

L3662177008776 L3662177008820 L3662177008875

M3662177008769 M3662177008813 M3662177008868

XL3662177008783 XL3662177008837 XL3662177008882

XXL3662177008790 XXL3662177008844 XXL3662177008899

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Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 32 !

Certified Gots or Flocert qualityHigh Comfort fabric

Grey melange







J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M371 M372 M373

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black Blue

S3662177008950 S3662177009001 S3662177009056

L3662177008974 L3662177009025 L3662177009070

M3662177008967 M3662177009018 M3662177009063

XL3662177008981 XL3662177009032 XL3662177009087

XXL3662177008998 XXL3662177009049 XXL3662177009094

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Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 !

Certified Gots or Flocert qualityHigh Comfort fabric

Grey melange







J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic TeesCotton

M332 M333 M334

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Printed hood Printed hood Printed hoodFinger hole Finger hole Finger holePockets & Zip Pockets & Zip Pockets & Zip

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black Blue

S3662177009155 S3662177009209 S3662177009254

L3662177009179 L3662177009223 L3662177009278

M3662177009162 M3662177009216 M3662177009261

XL3662177009186 XL3662177009230 XL3662177009285

XXL3662177009193 XXL3662177009247 XXL3662177009292

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Organic TeesCotton

M335 M336

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Printed hood Printed hoodFinger hole Finger holePockets & Zip Pockets & Zip

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Orange Grey melange

S3662177009308 S3662177009353

L3662177009322 L3662177009377

M3662177009315 M3662177009360

XL3662177009339 XL3662177009384

XXL3662177009346 XXL3662177009391


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Organic TeesCotton

M375 M376 M377

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 55 ! Retail Price : 55 ! Retail Price : 55 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteOrange Grey melange


S3662177009407 S3662177009452 S3662177009506

L3662177009421 L3662177009476 L3662177009520

M3662177009414 M3662177009469 M3662177009513

XL3662177009438 XL3662177009483 XL3662177009537

XXL3662177009445 XXL3662177009490 XXL3662177009544

Printed hood Printed hood Printed hoodFinger hole Finger hole Finger hole

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Organic TeesCotton


J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic PolosCotton

M337 M338 M339

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White White WhiteBlue Blue Orange

Black Grey melange Grey melange

S3662177009551 S3662177009605 S3662177009650

L3662177009575 L3662177009629 L3662177009674

M3662177009568 M3662177009612 M3662177009667

XL3662177009582 XL3662177009636 XL3662177009681

XXL3662177009599 XXL3662177009643 XXL3662177009698

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

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Organic PolosCotton


Grey melange


J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic PolosPicked Cotton

M340 M341 M342

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr

Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White WhiteWhiteGreen

Black Blue M.

S3662177009704 S3662177009759 S3662177009803

L3662177009728 L3662177009773 L3662177009827

M3662177009711 M3662177009766 M3662177009810

XL3662177009735 XL3662177009780 XL3662177009834

XXL3662177009742 XXL3662177009797 XXL3662177009841

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

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Organic PolosPicked Cotton



J.C Belmont Photography

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J.C Belmont Photography

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Organic SweatsCotton

M343 M344

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Grey melangePurple

S3662177009858 S3662177009902

L3662177009872 L3662177009926

M3662177009865 M3662177009919

XL3662177009889 XL3662177009933

XXL3662177009896 XXL3662177009940


Printed hood Printed hoodFinger hole Finger holePockets & Zip Pockets & Zip

Page 74: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M345 M361 M346

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White WhiteWhiteOrange

Yellow Black

S3662177009957 S3662177010007 S3662177010052

L3662177009971 L3662177010021 L3662177010076

M3662177009964 M3662177010014 M3662177010069

XL3662177009988 XL3662177010038 XL3662177010083

XXL3662177009995 XXL3662177010045 XXL3662177010090

Printed hoodFinger holePockets & Zip

Printed hoodFinger holePockets & Zip

Printed hoodFinger holePockets & Zip

Organic SweatsCotton

Page 75: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012



Organic SweatsCotton

J.C Belmont Photography

Page 76: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M362 M363 M364

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Multi white Multi Beige

S3662177010106 S3662177010144 S3662177010182

L3662177010120 L3662177010168 L3662177010205

M3662177010113 M3662177010151 M3662177010199

XL3662177010137 XL3662177010175 XL3662177010212

XXL3662177016085 XXL3662177016092 XXL3662177016108

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality Embroidery QualityWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Organic ShirtsCotton

Multi Brown

Page 77: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012


Organic ShirtsCotton

Multi Brown

J.C Belmont Photography

Page 78: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShirtsCotton

M365 M366 M367

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Multi color Multi blue Black

S3662177010229 S3662177010267 S3662177010304

L3662177010243 L3662177010281 L3662177010328

M3662177010236 M3662177010274 M3662177010311

XL3662177010250 XL3662177010298 XL3662177010335

XXL3662177016115 XXL3662177016122 XXL3662177016139

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality Embroidery QualityWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Page 79: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShirtsCotton

M368 M369

Made in Turkey Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Inverse brown

S3662177010342 S3662177010380

L3662177010366 L3662177010403

M3662177010359 M3662177010397

XL3662177010373 XL3662177010410

XXL3662177016146 XXL3662177016153


Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Embroidery Quality Embroidery QualityWood buttons Wood buttons

Page 80: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M347 M349 M348

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhiteBlue Blue M.Blue M.

S3662177010427 S3662177010465 S3662177010502

L3662177010441 L3662177010489 L3662177010526

M3662177010434 M3662177010472 M3662177010519

XL3662177010458 XL3662177010496 XL3662177010533

XXL3662177016160 XXL3662177016177 XXL3662177016184

Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo

Page 81: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

WhiteBlue M.


Organic KnittedCotton

J.C Belmont Photography

Page 82: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M350 M351 M352

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite Blue M.Blue M.

S3662177010540 S3662177010595 S3662177010649

L3662177010564 L3662177010618 L3662177010663

M3662177010557 M3662177010601 M3662177010656

XL3662177010571 XL3662177010625 XL3662177010670

XXL3662177010588 XXL3662177010632 XXL3662177010687

Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


Page 83: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012


Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo


Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 69 !

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.


J.C Belmont Photography

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J.C Belmont Photography

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Recycled JacketPolyester

M380 M379

Recycled polyester 100% Recycled polyester 100%

Retail Price : 99 ! Retail Price : 99 !

High Comfort fabric

Waterproof fabric Waterproof fabric

High Comfort fabric

White Bleu


S3662177016689 S3662177016634

L3662177016702 L3662177016658

M3662177016696 M3662177016641

XL3662177016719 XL3662177016665

XXL3662177016726 XXL3662177016672

Page 86: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M354 M355 M356

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite BlackBlue M.

303662177010748 303662177010793 303662177010847

343662177010762 343662177010816 343662177010861

323662177010755 323662177010809 323662177010854

363662177010779 363662177010823 363662177010878

383662177010786 383662177010830 383662177010885

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


Page 87: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012


Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo


Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

BeigeBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography

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M358 M359 M370

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite BlackBlue M.

303662177010946 303662177010991 303662177011097

343662177010960 343662177011011 343662177011110

323662177010953 323662177011004 323662177011103

363662177010977 363662177011028 363662177011127

383662177010984 383662177011035 383662177011134

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


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Organic ShortsCotton


J.C Belmont Photography

Page 90: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M391 M392

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Cotton Organic Cotton

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


303662177010991 303662177011097

343662177011011 343662177011110

323662177011004 323662177011103

363662177011028 363662177011127

383662177011035 383662177011134

Organic JeansCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


Page 91: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M390 M378

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Cotton Organic Cotton

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


303662177010991 303662177011097

343662177011011 343662177011110

323662177011004 323662177011103

363662177011028 363662177011127

383662177011035 383662177011134


Organic JeansCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo

Black Black

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Page 93: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 94: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W200 W201 W202

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Grey Green Pink

XS3662177011141 XS3662177011189 XS3662177011226

M3662177011165 M3662177011202 M3662177011240

S3662177011158 S3662177011196 S3662177011233

L3662177011172 L3662177011219 L3662177011257

Doble color face

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Organic TeesCotton


J.C Belmont Photography

Page 96: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W203 W204 W205

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue Yellow White

XS3662177011264 XS3662177011301 XS3662177011349

M3662177011288 M3662177011325 M3662177011363

S3662177011271 S3662177011318 S3662177011356

L3662177011295 L3662177011332 L3662177011370

Retail Price : 25!

Doble color face

Page 97: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Page 98: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W206 W208 M207

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Grey melange White Yellow

XS3662177011387 XS3662177011509 XS3662177011462

M3662177011400 M3662177011523 M3662177011486

S3662177011394 S3662177011516 S3662177011479

L3662177011417 L3662177011530 L3662177011493

Page 99: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Lili Eyes Photography

Page 100: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W209 W211 M210

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black White Pink

XS3662177011547 XS3662177011622 XS3662177011585

M3662177011561 M3662177011646 M3662177011608

S3662177011554 S3662177011639 S3662177011592

L3662177011578 L3662177011653 L3662177011615

Page 101: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Lili Eyes Photography

Page 102: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W212 W213 W214

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Yellow White

XS3662177011660 XS3662177011707 XS3662177011745

M3662177011684 M3662177011721 M3662177011769

S3662177011677 S3662177011714 S3662177011752

L3662177011691 L3662177011738 L3662177011776

Page 103: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


J.C. Belmont Photography

Page 104: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W216W215 W217

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25 ! Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Grey melange Pink

XS3662177011783 XS3662177011820 XS3662177011868

M3662177011806 M3662177011844 M3662177011882

S3662177011790 S3662177011837 S3662177011875

L3662177011813 L3662177011851 L3662177011899

Page 105: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Lili Eyes Photography

Page 106: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W220W219 W274

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 39 ! Retail Price : 39! Retail Price : 39!

Certified GOTS stamp

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality Embroidery QualityQuality buttons Quality buttons Quality buttons

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Pink Blue

XS3662177011943 XS3662177011981 XS3662177012025

M3662177011967 M3662177012001 M3662177012049

S3662177011950 S3662177011998 S3662177012032

L3662177011974 L3662177012018 L3662177012056

Page 107: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 39!

Embroidery QualityQuality buttons

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Lili Eyes Photography

Page 108: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W222 W223 W224

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 35 ! Retail Price : 35! Retail Price : 35!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue Pink BlueBlack Yellow Blue

Grey melange Black Grey melange

XS3662177012100 XS3662177012148 XS3662177012186

M3662177012124 M3662177012162 M3662177012209

S3662177012117 S3662177012155 S3662177012193

L3662177012131 L3662177012179 L3662177012216

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality Embroidery QualityWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Page 109: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Grey melange


Lili Eyes Photography

Page 110: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

W226W225 W227

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 35 ! Retail Price : 35! Retail Price : 35!

Certified GOTS stamp

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric



BlackGrey melange

XS3662177012223 XS3662177012261 XS3662177012308

M3662177012247 M3662177012285 M3662177012322

S3662177012230 S3662177012278 S3662177012315

L3662177012254 L3662177012292 L3662177012339

Page 111: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 39!

Embroidery Quality

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric

Grey melange Grey melangeYellow






Lili Eyes Photography

Page 112: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 113: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton

W229 W230

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 79! Retail Price : 79!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue BlueBlack Purple

XS3662177012384 XS3662177012421

M3662177012407 M3662177012445

S3662177012391 S3662177012438

L3662177012414 L3662177012452


Printed hood Printed hoodWood buttons Wood buttonsPockets & Zip Pockets & Zip

Page 114: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton

W231 W232 W233

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79! Retail Price : 79!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Orange Grey melange YellowBlue Blue Blue

XS3662177012469 XS3662177012506 XS3662177012544

M3662177012483 M3662177012520 M3662177012568

S3662177012476 S3662177012513 S3662177012551

L3662177012490 L3662177012537 L3662177012575

Printed hoodWood buttonsPockets & Zip

Printed hoodWood buttonsPockets & Zip

Printed hoodWood buttonsPockets & Zip

Page 115: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton



J.C. Belmont Photography

Page 116: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton

W234 W235 W236

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79! Retail Price : 79!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Grey melange Grey melange BlueBlue White Grey melange

XS3662177012582 XS3662177012629 XS3662177012667

M3662177012605 M3662177012643 M3662177012681

S3662177012599 S3662177012636 S3662177012674

L3662177012612 L3662177012650 L3662177012698

Printed hoodWood buttonsPockets & Zip

Printed hoodWood buttonsPockets & Zip

Printed hoodWood buttonsPockets & Zip

Page 117: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton

BlueGrey melange


Lili Eyes Photography

Page 118: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton

W237 W239 W262

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69! Retail Price : 69!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Yellow White Multi white

XS3662177012704 XS3662177012780

M3662177012728 M3662177012803

S3662177012711 S3662177012797

L3662177012735 L3662177012810

Wood buttonsPockets Pockets Pockets

Wood buttons Wood buttons





Page 119: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton

Multi white


Lili Eyes Photography

Page 120: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton

W263 W264 W265

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79! Retail Price : 79!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Multi Beige Multi Brown Multi Blue

XS3662177012865 XS3662177012940XS3662177012902

M3662177012889 M3662177012964M3662177012926

S3662177012872 S3662177012957S3662177012919

L3662177012896 L3662177012971L3662177012933

Wood buttonsPockets

Wood buttonsPockets

Wood buttonsPockets

Page 121: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 79!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Multi Blue

Wood buttonsPockets

Lili Eyes Photography

Page 122: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton

W240 W241 W267

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59! Retail Price : 59!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Blue Multi Beige

XS3662177013022 XS3662177013060

M3662177013046 M3662177013084

S3662177013039 S3662177013077

L3662177013053 L3662177013091

Wood buttonsPockets Natural link Natural link Natural link

Pockets Pockets Wood buttons Wood buttons





Page 123: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton

Multi Beige


J.C. Belmont Photography

Page 124: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton

W268 W270 W271

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59! Retail Price : 59!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Multi White Multi Brown Multi Blue

XS3662177013183 XS3662177013268XS3662177013220

M3662177013206 M3662177013282M3662177013244

S3662177013190 S3662177013275S3662177013237

L3662177013213 L3662177013299L3662177013251

Wood buttonsPockets

Wood buttonsPockets

Wood buttonsPockets

Natural link Natural link Natural link

Page 125: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic DressCotton


Multi Blue

Page 126: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SkirtCotton

W243 W244 W245

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 39 ! Retail Price : 39! Retail Price : 39!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Black Blue

XS3662177013305 XS3662177013381XS3662177013343

M3662177013329 M3662177013404M3662177013367

S3662177013312 S3662177013398S3662177013350

L3662177013336 L3662177013411L3662177013374

Pockets Pockets Pockets

Page 127: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SkirtCotton

W272 M273

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 39! Retail Price : 39!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Multi beige Multi white

XS3662177013428 XS3662177013466

M3662177013442 M3662177013480

S3662177013435 S3662177013473

L3662177013459 L3662177013497



Pockets Pockets

Page 128: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton

W246 W247 W248

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 45 ! Retail Price : 45! Retail Price : 45!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue Black Blue

XS3662177013503 XS3662177013589XS3662177013541

M3662177013527 M3662177013602M3662177013565

S3662177013510 S3662177013596S3662177013558

L3662177013534 L3662177013619L3662177013572

Pockets Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Pockets Pockets

Page 129: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 45!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric








Wood buttonsPockets

Lili Eyes Photography

Page 130: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton

W250 W251 W252

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 35 ! Retail Price : 35! Retail Price : 35!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Grey melange



XS3662177013664 XS3662177013749XS3662177013701

M3662177013688 M3662177013763M3662177013725

S3662177013671 S3662177013756S3662177013718

L3662177013695 L3662177013770L3662177013732

Pockets Pockets Pockets

Page 131: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton



Page 132: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShirtsCotton

W253 W254 W255

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59! Retail Price : 59!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Multi beige Multi white

XS3662177013787 XS3662177013862XS3662177013824

M3662177013800 M3662177013886M3662177013848

S3662177013794 S3662177013879S3662177013831

L3662177013817 L3662177013893L3662177013855

Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Page 133: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShirtsCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 59!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric

Multi brown






Multi white

Wood buttons

Lili Eyes Photography

Page 134: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShirtsCotton

W257 W258 W259

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59! Retail Price : 59!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Multico Multi blue Black

XS3662177013947 XS3662177014029XS3662177013985

M3662177013961 M3662177014043M3662177014005

S3662177013954 S3662177014036S3662177013992

L3662177013978 L3662177014050L3662177014012

Wood bottons Wood bottons Wood bottons

Page 135: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShirtsCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 59!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric








Wood bottons

Lili Eyes Photography

Page 136: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

B20 B21

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr

Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Green





Page 137: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr

Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric








Page 138: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

B23 B24

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr

Retail Price : 25! Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Orange





Page 139: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr

Retail Price : 25!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric








Page 140: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic TeesCotton

B26 B27

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr

Retail Price : 49! Retail Price : 49!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Black Blue





Printed hood Printed hoodFinger holeZip Zip

Finger hole

Page 141: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic SweatsCotton

B28 B29

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr

Retail Price : 65! Retail Price : 65!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric



83662177014425 83662177014463

123662177014449 123662177014487

103662177014432 103662177014470

143662177014456 143662177014494



Printed hood Printed hoodFinger hole Finger holePockets & Zip Pockets & Zip

Page 142: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic BagsCotton

A72A71 A73

Made in TurkeyMade in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed CottonOrganic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 30!Retail Price : 30! Retail Price : 30!

Certified GOTS stampCertified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabricHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteBlue Beige

One size 3662177014524One size3662177014517One size 3662177014500

Page 143: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic BeltsLeather


Belt Natural Leather

Belt Natural Leather









Made in IndiaRetail Price : 39!

Page 144: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic WalletsCotton

A61 A62 A60

Made in India

Natural Leather

3 colors - Black - Brown - White

Retail Price : 30!

Zip money

Black Brown White

Pack x3

Page 145: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic AccessoriesBamboo


A90Made in India

Natural Bamboo


Retail Price : 30!


Page 146: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Design intelligent !Créer votre Organic corner en shop ! Tous les produits Picture sont livrés sur cintres en carton recyclé.Lors de la vente de chaque produit le client peut repartir avec son propre cintre Picture. Vouspouvez dès aujourd’hui organiser votre shop avec l’esprit Picture, nous livrons des PLV, des enseignesainsi que de gros lots de stickers avec chaque commande.



2 Profils FACEBOOK For Communication and Share


PICTUREspecials thanksAll picture RIDERS & family KEN & LILIAN GROUP





friends and parentsjonathan & fletcheradi bessac H.soulier SERAY & SEYFILI GROUP

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Page 151: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
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Page 153: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 154: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 155: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 156: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012
Page 157: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

La passion de la montagne, du ski et du snowboard est souvent liée à celle du golf. En effet, la recherche du calme intérieur, la concen-tration et la précision sont autant de traits communs à ces deux activités.Tant dans le ski et le snowboard que dans le golf, l’ergonomie des produits est fondamentale à la performance dans la pratique. Depuis la création de la marque Picture, nous concevons des produits aux volumes parfaits pour que le vêtement porté devienne une clé de réussite et de performance. Dans cette démarche, nous nous sommes associés au cabinet de modélisme et de conception de vêtements de compétition “Jonathan et Fletcher” qui nous a permis de franchir un palier supérieur. Aujourd’hui, tous les produits Picture sont

Le choix des matières n’est pas anodin, nous travaillons sur des tissus techniques de haute performance: - stretch fabrics- mega stretch fabrics- anti odor fabrics- anti UV fabrics- Bioceramic technology fabrics

A savoir : Jonathan et Fletcher a travaillé pour de nombreuses marques telles que “Cliveland” et “Lacoste” dans le monde du golf mais également “Salomon”, “Rossignol” ou encore “Burton snowboard” dans celui du ski et du snowboard. Cette entreprise est spécialisée

Website Coming Spring 2012

Page 158: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Made exclusively with recycled polyester yarn

The Layers with our new fabric stretchtechnology, design and consist to enhance

more comfort and range of motion.

Water repellent surface absorbs far less waterthan other boardshorts and makes them dry

ultra quick.

R-PET Recycled100 % Polyester

High sports

Page 159: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Website Coming Spring 2012





Technology Polos

Technology Polos

Technology Shorts

Technology Shorts

Technology Pants

Technology Pants

Technology Recycled Layers

Technology Recycled Layers

Organic KnittedOrganic Polos

Organic Polos

Organic Shorts

Organic Shorts

Recycled Jackets















Page 160: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Depuis la création de PICTURE, nous nous engageons à développer seulement et exclusivement des produits respectueux de l’environnement.

C’est pour cela que nous avons choisi de garantir nos produits 100% biologiques ou composés de matières recyclées.

Nos Produits en coton biologique : Les produits que nous concevons sont issus de l’agriculture Biologique et n’utilisent ni pesticides ni fertilisants chimiques afin de préserver les écosystèmes, sans polluer ni les sols ni les eaux. Nous nous engageons à ce qu’aucun de nos produits ne soit issu de cultures OGM. L’intégralité du processus de transformation du coton au fil, du fil au tissu puis du tissu au vêtement teint, est garanti “clean” et contrôlé.

Nos produits en matières recyclées : Tous nos produits techniques en matière polyester ou polyamide sont composés en partie de matières recyclées et respectueuses de l’environnement.Le label TOPGREEN Recycled yarn certifie que la fibre recyclée utilisée dans nos produits est issue du processus de recyclage de bouteilles PET.

Ethique : Les usines avec lesquelles nous travaillons ont signé notre charte éthique et environnementale garantissant le respect des hommes et des femmes travaillant à la confection de nos produits.

Since the creation of PICTURE, we guarantee that we develop only products respecting the environment.

That’s the reason why we have chosen to guarantee our products 100% organic or made with recylced matters.

Our Products in organic cotton : The products we develop are coming from the organic agriculture and don’t use neither pesticides nor chemical fertilisants to save the ecosystems, without polluting the grounds and the waters. We took the engagement that none of our poduct is coming from the OGM cultures. The whole cotton transformation process from cotton to fil, from fil to fabrics, from fabric to painted clothe, is guaranteed clean and under control.

Our Products in recycled matters : All our technical products in polyester or polyamide matter are made with recycled matters and respecting the environment. The TOPGREEN Recycled yarn label certified that the recycled fiber used in our products is coming from the recycling process of PET bottles.

Ethic : The manufactures with which we work signed an ethical and environmental engagement, guaranteeing the men and women respect working on our products development.

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Page 162: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

L’innovation va toujours plus loin et propose un concept textile qui contribue à notre bien-être et à notre vitalité : LA BIOCERAMIC. C’est une invention médaillée d’or au concours Lépine et primée par la Société de Médecine du sport.

The innovation goes always further and propose an textile concept contributing to our wellness and vitality : the BIOCERAMICIt’s an invention which got the gold medal at concours Lepine and was primed by the Sport Medecine Society

La principale fonction de la Bioceramic est de renvoyer l’énergie émise par le corps appelée infrarouge lointain.

Plus précisément :- capter les apports positifs du soleil - les Infra Rouge Lointain (appelés IRL) - qui renforcent notre activité musculaire et notre tonicité,- récupérer une partie de la perte d’énergie qui s’échappe de notre corps sous forme de chaleur et de longueur d’ondes pendant l’effort et de la restituer.

This concept allows you :The main function of the Bioceramic is to send the energy sent by the body, called “distant infrared”, back.

To be more precise :- retain the sun’s positives inputs - the distant infrared- which reinforce our muscular acitvity and our tonicity. - reuse a part of the lost energy, lost from our body during the effort in form of warmness, and restitute it.

Page 163: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Ce flux fermé généré par la membrane présente plusieurs effets :- augmentation de la température du corps de 0,3°C et amélioration de la thermorégulation

=> la sudation et les pertes énergétiques sont limitées

Les test du milieu médical qui appuis les résultats énoncés ci dessus

- Test Tinetti réalisé par la Société SEFOTEX sous contrôle d’huissier de justice (Etude SCP MOULIN & PICOT – St Dié des Vosges (88))Objectif : Le test Tinetti permet de réaliser une évaluation cardinale des troubles de l’équilibre avec et sans le vête-ment Bioceramic. Il est composé d’une partie dynamique et d’une partie statique et se déroule selon les méthodes statistiques enseignées en DUGEAD à l’Université de Paris Dauphine.Population étudiée : échantillon de 97 personnes âgés de 58 à 98 ans.Conclusions : 75% des personnes ont une amélioration supérieure à 4/35 (écart minimal 0/35 - maximal 14/35) per-mettant de conclure à un effet très positif du produit qui permet d’améliorer l’équilibre lors des gestes du quotidien et donc de réduire le risque de chute.

- Institut de médecine du sport FMSI de Turin (Italie)

Evaluation des effets de Solar’Res au test d’effort. Etude de l’effort maximal et sur-maximal.

Objectif : après avoir montré l’amélioration du contrôle postural, observer l’influence sur la dépense énergétique, les données respiratoires et cardio-vasculaires au cours de l’activité physique. Test sur 8 sujets masculins et féminins entre 30 et 60 ans. Conclusions : avec le complexe bio-céramique on note sur un effort important “de faibles valeurs pour la production de dioxyde de carbone, une diminution de la fréquence cardiaque, et une augmentation de la ventilation pulmonaire” qui induisent “un effet légèrement stimulant, une meilleure broncho-dillatation et par conséquent une récupération plus rapide de l’acide lactique”.

- Etude réalisée au sein du laboratoire de Physique et Mécaniques Textiles de l’Université de Haute Alsace à Mul-housepar Riaz Mir sous la direction du docteur D. Mathieu et du professeur B. Durand pour la société HTCD (LPMT - UNR - CNRS).

Objectif : constater l’effet “stabilisateur” du port d’une veste intégrant une induction spécifique (Gold Reflect’ Line®) par le biais de descripteurs caractéristiques de la qualité du contrôle postural. Etude menée sur 9 femmes et 11 Hom-mes âgés de 23 ans à 57 ans de poids compris entre 51,1 et 94,2 kg.Conclusions : “Un changement des caractéristiques posturales (en particulier la variante de la vitesse) pour la modalité yeux fermés est mis en évidence (…) qui laisse supposer que la veste spécifique associée aux habits portés quotidien-nement, pourrait influencer la proprioception*. Celle-ci (la veste) représente un élément vestimentaire aux propriétés particulières, en effet tous les participants ont ressentis une sensation de bien-être incontestable au porté de la veste à enduction spécifique”.*sensibilité du système nerveux aux informations sur les postures et les mouvements venant des muscles et des


Medicin test which demonstrate result definit above:

- Test TinettiThe Tinetti tests enable make a cardinal evaluation of balance disorders, with and without the clothe designed with the BIOCER-AMIC technology.Tests are made in both static and dynamic conditions and results are calculated with the DUGEAD statistic method taught in the Paris Dauphine University.Number of participants : 97 people aged from 58 to 98 years old.Conclusions : 75 % of the participants have an improvement of 4/35 (minimal difference of 0/35 – maximal 14/35) This clearly demonstrates that the product is efficient and helps improve balance in everyday life and, consequently, reduce risk of falls.

SPORTS MEDECINE INSTITUTE OF TURIN - FMSI - (ITALIE)Evaluation of the behavior of SOLAR’RES ® at the exertion test.Study of the maximal effort and the over-maximal effort.

OBJECT : After having clearly demonstrated the improvement of the postural control, the aim was to observe its influence on energy consuming, breathing properties and cardiovascular behavior during physical activities.Tests have been carried out on 8 women and 8 men from 30 to 60 years old.CONCLUSION : with the bio-ceramic complex the study demonstrates that the production of carbon dioxide is significantly lowered, so is heartbeat. Pulmonary ventilation is also enhanced leading to a better broncho- dilation and, consequently, a better elimination of lactic acid.


OBJECT: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the “stabilization” effect obtained when wearing a vest made of BIOCERAMIC . This study was lead on 9 women and 11 men aged from 23 to 57 years old and weighing between 51.1 kg and 94.2 kg.CONCLUSION: A significant change in the posture (particularly in the speed variation) was observed with the eyes closed test. This would mean that wearing this specific vest in association with usual everyday clothes could influence the “proprioception”.

All participants have mentioned that this vest gave them an undeniable feeling of well-being.

With Biocermic Technology

Without Biocermic Technology

This closed cycle generated by the membrane presents many effects : - increase of the body temperature from 0,3°C and thermoregulation improvement => limited transpiration and energy loss

- accélération du flux sanguin, ce qui permet un meilleur transport de l’oxygène aux muscles =>

amélioration de l’endurance et de l’équilibre à l’effort

- augmentation de la puissance musculaire a été constatée par les athlètes de haut niveau qui l’ont testée.

-Accelerate blood circulation which permit a better O2 transportation to muscles => improvement of the endurance and balance to the effort- An increase of muscular power was noted by the high level athletes who tested it

More info on:

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Technology PolosPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89!Retail Price : 89! Retail Price : 89!

WhiteBlack Green

S3662177006734 S3662177006789 S3662177006833

L3662177006758 L3662177006802 L3662177006857

M3662177006741 M3662177006796 M3662177014357

XL3662177006765 XL3662177006819 XL3662177006864

XXL3662177006772 XXL3662177006826 XXL3662177006871

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Gp01 Gp03

Page 165: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Technology PolosPolyester

Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89!

Green Blue






Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH


Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing


Page 166: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic PolosPicked Cotton

M340 M341 M342

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr

Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White WhiteWhiteGreen

Black Blue M.

S3662177009704 S3662177009759 S3662177009803

L3662177009728 L3662177009773 L3662177009827

M3662177009711 M3662177009766 M3662177009810

XL3662177009735 XL3662177009780 XL3662177009834

XXL3662177009742 XXL3662177009797 XXL3662177009841

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Page 167: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M400 M401



Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr Organic Combed Cotton Picked 200 gr

Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Black Blue


S3662177016139 S3662177016184 S3662177016238

L3662177016153 L3662177016207 L3662177016252

M3662177016146 M3662177016191 M3662177016245

XL3662177016160 XL3662177016214 XL3662177016269

XXL3662177016177 XXL3662177016221 XXL3662177016276

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Organic PolosPicked Cotton


Page 168: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic PolosCotton

M337 M338 M339

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White White WhiteBlue Blue Orange

Black Grey melange Grey melange

S3662177009551 S3662177009605 S3662177009650

L3662177009575 L3662177009629 L3662177009674

M3662177009568 M3662177009612 M3662177009667

XL3662177009582 XL3662177009636 XL3662177009681

XXL3662177009599 XXL3662177009643 XXL3662177009698

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

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Organic PolosCotton


Grey melange

J.C Belmont Photography


Page 170: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic PolosCotton

M231 M232

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 180 gr.

Retail Price : 49 ! Retail Price : 49 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White WhiteBlueBlack

S3662177016535 S3662177016580

L3662177016559 L3662177016603

M3662177016542 M3662177016597

XL3662177016566 XL3662177016610

XXL3662177016573 XXL3662177016627

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logoWood buttons Wood buttons

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Organic PolosCotton


J.C Belmont Photography


Page 172: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M347 M348 M349

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 ! Retail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Blue Blue M.

S3662177010427 S3662177010465 S3662177010502

L3662177010441 L3662177010489 L3662177010526

M3662177010434 M3662177010472 M3662177010519

XL3662177010458 XL3662177010496 XL3662177010533

XXL3662177016160 XXL3662177016177 XXL3662177016184

Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo

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Organic KnittedCotton

J.C Belmont Photography


Page 174: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M350 M351 M352

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 330 gr.

Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 ! Retail Price : 69 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite Blue M.Blue M.

S3662177010540 S3662177010595 S3662177010649

L3662177010564 L3662177010618 L3662177010663

M3662177010557 M3662177010601 M3662177010656

XL3662177010571 XL3662177010625 XL3662177010670

XXL3662177010588 XXL3662177010632 XXL3662177010687

Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


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Organic KnittedCotton

Prestige metal logo


Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 79 !

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.


J.C Belmont Photography


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J.C Belmont Photography

Page 177: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Recycled JacketPolyester

M380 M379

Recycled polyester 100% Recycled polyester 100%

Retail Price : 99 ! Retail Price : 99 !

High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

White Bleu

S3662177016689 S3662177016634

L3662177016702 L3662177016658

M3662177016696 M3662177016641

XL3662177016719 XL3662177016665

XXL3662177016726 XXL3662177016672


Waterproof fabric Waterproof fabric

Page 178: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M354 M355 M356

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite BlackBlue M.

303662177010748 303662177010793 303662177010847

343662177010762 343662177010816 343662177010861

323662177010755 323662177010809 323662177010854

363662177010779 363662177010823 363662177010878

383662177010786 383662177010830 383662177010885

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


Page 179: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo


Made in TurkeyRetail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

BeigeBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography


Page 180: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

M358 M359 M370

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr. Organic Combed Cotton 200 gr.

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

WhiteWhite BlackBlue M.

303662177010946 303662177010991 303662177011097

343662177010960 343662177011011 343662177011110

323662177010953 323662177011004 323662177011103

363662177010977 363662177011028 363662177011127

383662177010984 383662177011035 383662177011134

Organic ShortsCotton

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


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Organic ShortsCotton


J.C Belmont Photography


Page 182: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Gp06 Gp05

Retail Price : 59 ! Retail Price : 59 !


303662177007236 303662177007199

343662177007250 343662177007212

323662177007243 323662177007205

363662177007267 363662177007229

383662177016771 383662177016764

Technology ShortsPolyester

Prestige metal logoEmbroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Prestige metal logo


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

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Technology ShortsPolyester


J.C Belmont Photography


Page 184: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Pg03 Pg01

Retail Price : 99 ! Retail Price : 99 !


303662177007038 303662177007076

343662177007052 343662177007090

323662177007045 323662177007083

363662177007069 363662177007106

383662177016948 383662177016733

Technology PantsPolyester

Prestige metal logo Prestige metal logo


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Page 185: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Technology PantsPolyester


J.C Belmont Photography


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Flm01 Flm02 Flm04

Retail Price : 89 ! Retail Price :89 ! Retail Price : 89 !

White BlackBlack

S3662177006413 S3662177006451 S3662177006499

L3662177006437 L3662177006475 L3662177006512

M3662177006420 M3662177006468 M3662177006505


XXL3662177016955 XXL3662177016962 XXL3662177016979

XL3662177006482 XL3662177006529

Recycled LayerPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Page 187: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012


Recycled LayerPolyester


Retail Price : 89 !






BlackBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography

Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric


Page 188: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Technology PolosPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89!Retail Price : 89! Retail Price : 89!




XS3662177006888 XS3662177006932 XS3662177006987

M3662177006901 M3662177006956 M3662177007007

S3662177006895 S3662177006949 S3662177006994

L3662177006918 L3662177006963 L3662177007014

XL3662177006925 XL3662177006970 XL3662177007021

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH High Comfort fabric STRETCH

Gp04 Gp06

Page 189: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Technology PolosPolyester

Made in PortugalRetail Price : 89!

White WhiteGreen Blue






Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric STRETCH


Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing

Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing Picture Organic Clothing


J.C Belmont Photography

Page 190: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic PolosCotton


Retail Price : 49! Retail Price : 49!

White Black

XS3662177016856 XS3662177016801

M3662177016870 M3662177016825

S3662177016863 S3662177016818

L3662177016887 L3662177016832

XL3662177016894 XL3662177016849


Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

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J.C Belmont Photography

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Retail Price : 99! Retail Price : 99!

White Black

XS3662177006932 XS3662177006987

M3662177006956 M3662177007007

S3662177006949 S3662177006994

L3662177006963 L3662177007014

XL3662177006970 XL3662177007021


Technology PantsPolyester

Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Page 193: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Technology ShortsPolyester


Retail Price : 89! Retail Price : 89!

WhiteBlack Black

XS3662177007274 XS3662177007311

M3662177007298 M3662177007335

S3662177007281 S3662177007328

L3662177007304 L3662177007342

XL3662177016788 XL3662177016795


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric


Embroidery Quality Embroidery Quality

Page 194: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton

W246 W247 W248

Made in Turkey Made in Turkey Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 45 ! Retail Price : 45! Retail Price : 45!

Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stamp Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Blue Black Blue

XS3662177013503 XS3662177013589XS3662177013541

M3662177013527 M3662177013602M3662177013565

S3662177013510 S3662177013596S3662177013558

L3662177013534 L3662177013619L3662177013572

Pockets Wood buttons Wood buttons Wood buttons

Pockets Pockets

Page 195: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Organic ShortsCotton


Made in Turkey

Organic Combed Cotton

Retail Price : 45!

Certified GOTS stampHigh Comfort fabric







Wood buttons Pockets

J.C Belmont Photography


Page 196: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Flw01 Flw02 Flw03

Retail Price : 89 ! Retail Price : 89 ! Retail Price :89 !

White BlackBlack

XS3662177016900 XS3662177016917 XS3662177016924

M3662177006581 M3662177006628 M3662177006666

S3662177006574 S3662177006611 S3662177006659




XL3662177006642 XL3662177006680


Recycled LayerPolyester


Made in Portugal Made in Portugal Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100% Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic Technology Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric High Comfort fabric

Page 197: Book Picture Organic Clothing Summer 2012

Recycled LayerPolyester


Retail Price : 89 !







WhiteBlue M.

J.C Belmont Photography

Made in Portugal

Recycled Polyester 100%

Bioceramic TechnologyHigh Comfort fabric


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