bordeaux wine information

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  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    Bordeaux Wine Information

    Bordeauxis probably the most well-knowwine region in France. Bordeaux counts forone third of the good quality french wine

    (AO! crus bourgeois! crus class"s#.

    $he wines are so good there that aBordeaux rankingis needed to classify thebest of the best. %ome of them areuni&ersal' argaux! )quem! *"trus! he&alBlanc! +aut Brion and all the others.Bordeaux has about ,! chateaux

    $he most basic information on the wine of

    Bordeaux are'

    Location: In the south west of France, near the Atlantic coast,around the city of Bordeaux

    Size: 10 725 km2 (sie of the !ironde de"artment#!ironde $ where Bordeaux is $ is the %i&&est de"artment in France

    Size of thevineyards:

    120,000 hectares ('00,000 acres#

    Grapes inBordeaux: erlot (50) of Bordeaux wines#

    *a%ernet$+aui&non (2-)#*a%ernet$Franc(10)#+.millon (/)#+aui&non ()#

    Production: /50 million %ottles25) of all A* in France

    Type of Wine:Full$%ody red wine ("omerol#edium$%ody red wine(%ordeaux aoc#ry white wine(entre deux mers#

    +weet white wine (%arsac and sauternes#

    BordeauxWine andfood:

    ysters3auillac 4am%uck with mushrooms


    $he Mdocis situated north of the town of Bordeaux! on the leftbank of the /ironde. Mdoc is di&ided in two parts! the Haut-Mdocin the south! near the town! and the north part traditionallycalled Mdoc.0ines from Mdoc are red. $hey are delicate!
  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    medium colored! they are fine and elegant1 often tannic whenyoung! harmonious and splendid when matured./rands crus class"sin "doc count for 234 of the &ineyards! 24 of the productionand about 34 of the sales. +owe&er none sells under the "docappellation but +aut-"doc! *auillac! argaux! %aint 5ulien! %aint-6st7phe and hateau +aut-Brion in *essac 8"ognan.

    .doc wine information

    Appellation:A""ellation .doc *ontrol.e10 *rus Bour&eois

    Location:6orth of .doc wine area, %etween Blanuefort and+aint +eurin de *adourne

    Places: Blanuefort, B.&adan, +aint *hristoly de .doc, etc


    Size: ,800 ha(12,000 acres#

    Vineyards: A%out -50 ine &rowers

    Production:0 million %ottles6o white wineost im"ortant red wine "roducin& area

    Grapes inMdoc:

    erlot, *a%ernet +aui&non, *a%ernet Franc,al%ec, 3etit 9erdot

    Type of !ine: Fruity full$%ody red wine

    A"e: 5 to 10 years


    200', 2000, 188/, 1885

    Aro$as:ak:ed fruits+"ices9anilla

    &ood::ed meat:oasted %eef;am:a%%it in mustard sauce

    Mdoc Wine

    and 'heese: Beaufort
  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information






    *antalFourme d>Am%ert+aint 6ectaire


    Margauxlays on a soil of white gra&es - a special kind of gra&el

    brought from the mountains by the ri&er. Margaux(also a femalename in France# is the quintessence of the terroir and of thewinemaker;s work. $hat is probably the reason why the bestch

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    200', 2000, 188/, 1885, 1880, 18/8, 18/-, 18/2


    :ed fruits@oast


    Mar"auxWine and&ood:

    :oasted duck!ame3artrid&e and feathered &ame+"are ri%s

    Mar"auxWine and'heese:

    +aint 6ectaire

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    Production: 8 million %ottles

    Grapes inSaint()st*phe:

    *a%ernet +aui&non and *a%ernet Franc, erlot, 3etit9erdot, *armenre, al%ec

    Type of !ine: @annic full$%ody red wine

    A"e: 5 to '0 years and een more


    200', 2000, 188-, 1885, 1880, 18/-, 18/', 1870

    Aro$as:Black currant:ed fruits@oast

    &ood: :ed meat!ame

    Saint()st*pheWine and'heese:

    +aint 6ectaire

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    Size: 800 ha(2,200 acres#

    Vineyards: 2- ineyards

    Production: -=5 million %ottles

    Grapes inSaint +ulien:

    *a%ernet +aui&non, erlot, *a%ernet Franc

    Type of !ine: 3owerful red wine

    A"e: 10 to 15 years


    200', 2000, 188/, 1885, 1880, 18/8


    Black currant

    *ocoa*edar %ox

    &ood:4am%!ame;am:a%%it in mustard sauce


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    Size: 700 ha

    Vineyards: 80 domains and chateaux

    Production: 5 million %ottles

    Grapes inListrac:

    *a%ernet +aui&non and erlot, *a%ernet Franc

    Type of !ine: @annic medium$%ody red wine

    A"e: u" to 10 years

    Vinta"es:#reco$$ended% 200', 2000, 188/, 1885

    Aro$as:Black currant?oody4icorice

    &ood::oasted duck:umsteak, @ournedos+"are ri%s

    Listrac and'heese:

    +aint 6ectaire

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information



    Size: 550 ha (1,'00 acres#

    Vineyards: 2 "ro"erties

    Production: =2 million %ottles

    Grapes inMoulis:

    *a%ernet +aui&non, erlot, *a%ernet Franc

    Type of !ine: 9elety red wine

    A"e: ' to / years and more


    200', 2000, 188/


    Black currant:ed fruits9iolet4icorice

    &ood: :oasted &uinea fowlFeathered &ame

    Moulis Wine

    and 'heese:

    *amem%ert+aint 6ectaire

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    Location: +outh of Bordeaux

    Places: Illats, ares, 3ortets, etc


    !raes &raels, clay and sand from the mountains carried out%y the rier

    Size:',000 ha (7,00 acres#75) red $ 25) white

    Production: 22 million %ottles

    Grapes inGraves:

    :ed erlot, *a%ernet +aui&non, *a%ernet Franc

    ?hite +.millon, +aui&non, uscadelle

    Type of !ine:

    :o%ust medium to full$%ody red wine

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information



    Pessac !ognan

    $he famous @clairets@ wine was made first in Pessac !ognan.Pessac !ognanwas detached from the /ra&esappellation. orthof the /ra&es! *essac 8"ognan tends to get closer and closer to"doc. $he terroir in *essac 8"ognan is quite exclusi&e. ed winesfrom Pessac !ognanha&e a powerful bouquet. $hey are amongthe best in Bordeaux. )ou will find +aut-Brion in *essac 8"ognan.0hite wines are well-structured and can age in a cellar. After 3years they begin to express rich aromas.

    3essac 4.o&nan wine information

    Appellation:/ !rands *rus *lass.s !raesA""ellation 3essac$4.o&nan *ontrol.e

    Location: 6orth of !raes

    Places: 3essac, 4.o&nan, !r.illac, .ri&nac, @alence

    Soil: !raels

    Size: 1,'50 ha (','00 acres#

    Production: 8 million %ottles

    Grapes::ed*a%ernet +aui&non, erlot

    ?hite +.millon, +aui&non

    Type of !ine:+u""le red wine3owerful %ouuet

    edium to full %ody white wine

    A"e::ed - to 20 years

    ?hite 5 to 15 years


    :ed 200', 2000, 188/, 1885, 1880, 18//, 18/5?hite 2001, 188/, 188-, 1885, 1880

    Aro$as: :ed:ed fruits:i"en fruits*ocoa

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    ran&e "illsBoxwood3assion fruits

    &ood andPessacLo"nan:

    :ed wine:oast lam%3oultry

    ?hite wineFish

    'heese andPessac


    :ed wineBeaufort

    ?hite wine

    *antal*rottin de *hai&nol:ouefort9alencay


    Sauternesis famous for sweet wines such as )quem! aymond-8afon and ieussec. $hey are among the best dessert wines in theworld. Sauternes is made with noble rot (also called botrytis! amoisture co&ering the grape#! Because soils are so di&erse! and

    each house has its own way of making the golden wine! %auternesis a &ery personali:ed wine. Sauternesare often delicious! golden!unctuous and delicate. $he famous roasted note comes when%auternes is a little bit older. Sauterneshas its own ranking sharedwith Barsac.

    +auternes wine information

    Appellation:*rus *lass.s de +auternesA""ellation +auternes *ontrol.e

    Location: 50 km south east of Bordeaux

    Places: +auternes, Barsac, Bommes, Far&ues de 4an&on, 3rei&nac


    Size: 1,/00 ha(,500 acres#

    Production: =5 million %ottles
  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information



    Type of !ine: 3owerful delicate sweet white wine@he Ein& of sweet wines

    A"e:5 to '5 yearssometimes more than 100 years


    200', 2001, 1880, 18/8, 18//, 18/-, 18/', 18/1,187-

    Aro$as:;oneyried "inea""le6uts

    &ood andSauternes:

    Foie !rasAs"ara&us4o%ster@rout

    'heese andSauternes:

    Bleu d>Auer&neFourme d>Am%ert4iarot:ouefort


    =n the southern part of the Bordeaux region! Barsacis famous foroutstanding sweet wines such hateau limens and hateauoutet. Barsac is among the best dessert wines in the world. =nBarsac! wine growers ha&e the choice to market their wine underthe Barsac AO or %auternes AO. =t means that all Barsac winescould also be %auternes wines while %auternes wines cannot wearBarsac on their label. Barsac is maybe a little bit less liquorous andmore fruity than %auternes.

    Barsac wine information

    Appellation:*rus *lass.s de +auternesA""ellation Barsac *ontrol.eor A""ellation +auternes *ontrol.e

    Location:50 km('1 miles# south$east of Bordeaux, alon& the left%ank of the !aronne rier

    Places: Barsac
  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    Soil:!raels, red sand*layey$limestone

    Size: /'0 ha (2,050 acres#

    Production: 1=/ million %ottles


    Type of !ine: 3owerful fruity sweet white wine

    A"e: more than 50 years


    200', 2001, 1887, 1885, 1880, 18/8, 18//, 18/',

    187-, 18-1

    Aro$as:;oneyried fi&Acacia

    Barsac and&ood:

    Foie !rasAs"ara&us4o%ster@rout

    Barsac and'heese:

    Bleu d>Auer&neFourme d>Am%ert4iarot:ouefort

    Premires $%tes de Bordeaux&'irst $%tes of Bordeaux(

    O&erlooking the /aronne ri&er! Premires $%tes de Bordeauxstarts %outh of Bordeaux city to adillac. *remi7res Ctes de

    Bordeaux is more and more a red wine appellation although all kindof wines are produced there. $he best dry white wine are sold underthe Bordeaux AO label. $he best sweet wine under the adillacappellation. $he red wines of *remi7res Ctes de Bordeaux arecolorful and strong. %ome of them are excellent.

    3remires *Dtes de Bordeaux information

    ,a$e: A""ellation 3remires *Dtes de Bordeaux *ontrol.e

    Location: :i&ht %ank of !aronne, from +aint aixant and *adillac to thecity of Bordeaux
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    Places:*a"ian, +aint aixant, :ions, ;aux, uinsac, 4an&oiran,*am%es, etc



    Size: ','00 ha(/,150 acres#/5) red $ 15) white

    Production: 2 million %ottles

    Grapes: :ed *a%ernet +aui&non, *a%ernet Franc and erlot, 3etit9erdot, al%ec, *armenre

    ?hite +.millon, +aui&non, uscadelle

    Type of !ine:*olorful and stron& red wineAlso dry white wine, sweet white wine, clairet, and eens"arklin& wine

    A"e: ' to 7 years(red wine#


    200', 2000

    Aro$as::ed fruitsBlack fruits+"ices

    &ood::ed meatBeefsteak


    Bordeaux )*$(Bordeaux Appellation Origine ontrol"e#

    $he Bordeaux AO appellation alone counts for about 234 of thetotal AO wine production in France. Bordeaux AO wines arecoming from e&erywhere in the Bordeaux wine region. $heappellation roughly co&ers /ironde department. $he quality of bothred and white wine depends &ery much on the wine maker talentand on the quality of the grapes. =t means that the quality &ariesfrom &ery disappointing wines to excellent bargain chateaux.$he Bordeaux sup"rieur appellation grow on the samesoils. ed wines may ha&e a higher quality and can age better.

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    Bordeaux A* wine information

    ,a$e:A""ellation Bordeaux *ontrol.eA""ellation Bordeaux +u".rieur *ontrol.e

    Location: !ironde de"artment

    Places: @oo many to mention

    Soil: 9arious

    Size: 58,000 ha(150,000 acres#

    Production: :ed 00 million %ottles?hite 75 million %ottles

    Grapes inBordeaux:

    :ed wine erlot, *a%ernet +aui&non, *a%ernet Franc andal%ec, *armenre, 3etit 9erdot

    ?hite wine +aui&non, +.millon, uscadelle and G&ni %lanc,*olom%ard, erlot %lanc, auac, ndenc

    Type ofBordeauxA-' !ines:

    ?ell$%alanced red wine to drink youn&6erous and fruity dry white wineFresh and fruity ros. wine

    A"e: 2 to 5 years


    :ed 200', 2000?hite 200', 2001, 2000

    Aro$as::ed fruits9anilla!rilled Bread

    Bordeauxand &ood:

    :ed:ed meat3at.

    ?hitenion tartussels

    Bordeauxand 'heese:


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    @omme de +aoie9alencay



    Entre +eux Mers is not exactly between two seas but actuallybetween two ri&ers' Dordogne and /aronne. Entre-+eux-Mersproduce a &ery good dry white wine. 0ine makers prefer to keeptheir best grapes for 6ntre-Deux-ers instead of Bordeaux AO.+owe&er because of the compact soil! this is not the best place togrow &ines in Bordeaux.

  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    As"ara&usAocadoFro& le&s+ole eunire



    Saint-Emilion is the oldest wine area of the Bordeaux region. The UNESCO

    organization recognized the great terroir of Saint Emilion and put the site on the

    World eritage !ist. Saint Emilionwines are considered the most ro"ust of the

    Bordeaux. The# are generous$ %er# colored$ and reach their maturit# &uic'er than

    other red Bordeaux. $he classification in %t-6milion is complex. Do notconfuse %t.-6milion-/rand-ru and %t.-6milion-/rand-ru-lass"fewer and much better.


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    Aro$as:@ruffles@oasted %read*ooked red fruits

    Saint )$ilionand &ood:

    ushroomsBird &ame+almon+auerkraut+"are ri%s:oasted lam%

    Saint )$ilionand 'heese:


    ssau$Iraty:e%lochon@omme de +aoie

    $%tes de $astillon

    $his recent appellation is rising. $%tes de $astillon gi&es anexcellent priceEquality ratio as new wine makers are settling downto make among the most interesting wines in the Bordeaux regiontoday. All wines from Ctes de astillon may also carry the regional

    appellations of @Bordeaux@ or @Bordeaux sup"rieur@.

    *Dtes de *astillon wine information

    Appellation:A""ellation *Dtes de *astillon *ontrol.e(since 18/8#

    Location: :i&ht %ank of the ordo&ne rier

    Places:+t a&ne de *astillon, *astillon la Batille and 7 otherilla&es

    Soil:+andy &raels and clay*layey$limestone

    Size: 2,800 ha (7,500 acres#

    Vineyards: ost of the domains are less than 10 ha (25 acres#

    Production:22 million %ottles6o white wine

    Grapes in

    '/tes de

    erlot, *a%ernet +aui&non, *a%ernet Franc, al%ec
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    Type of !ine: :ed wine

    A"e: 2 to 5 years


    200', 2000

    Aro$as:+traw%erryried "lum9anilla

    '/tes de'astillon and&ood:

    !rilled red meat+"are ri%s@urkey4e& of lam%

    '/tes de'astillon and'heese:

    *antal+alers@omme de +aoie

    $%tes de 'rancs

    lose to %aint 6milion and Ctes de astillon! $%tes de 'rancs isone of the highest &ineyard in Bordeaux. Ctes de Francs takesad&antage of the lowest rain in the area and a soil rich in clay andlimestone. Ctes de Francs is a full-fla&ored red wine.

    *Dtes de Francs wine information

    Appellation: A""ellation *Dtes de Francs *ontrol.e

    Location: 10km east of +t

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    '/tes de&rancs:

    al%ec, 3etit 9erdot

    Type of !ine: Full flaored red wine

    A"e: to / years


    200', 2000, 188/

    Aro$as: Black currant4icorice

    &ood: :ed meat




    0ith ? ha (less than 2! acres# Pomerolis the smallest wineproducing area in the Bordeaux region. Actually! *omerol is more acommunity where the &ineyards are family-shared. A ranking is notwarmly welcome. )ou will not find typical huge Bordeaux chateauxas in the "docarea. +owe&er *omerol hosts one of the most

    famous of all' *"trus. $he *omerol wine can be more robust thanothers in Bordeaux. $hey ha&e an exclusi&e &el&ety quality. *omerolis at its &ery best when the bottle reaches the age of >3

    3omerol wine information

    Appellation: A""ellation 3omerol *ontrol.eno rankin& in 3omerol

    Location: Alon& the Isle rier

    Places: 3omerol, 4i%ourne, etc

    Soil: 9ery dierse from &raels to clay (in 3.trus#

    Size: /00 haless than 2,000 acres

    Production: 5=' million %ottles+trictly resered to red wine

    Grapes:erlot, *a%ernet Franc, *a%ernet +aui&non andal%ec

    Type of !ine: Full$%ody red wine
  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    +tron& %ouuet

    A"e: ore than 10 years and u" to 20 years15 years is the o"timum for a 3omerol

    Vinta"es:#reco$$ended% 200', 2000, 188/, 1885, 1880, 18/8, 18/5

    Aro$as:?ell$ri"en red fruits4icoriceried fruits

    Po$erolWine and&ood:

    !ame3artrid&e9eal:oasted turkey

    3ears in wine

    Po$erolWine and'heese:



    'ronsacwine region is a lo&ely area of hills along the Dordogneand l;=sle ri&ers! west of %aint milion. Gntil the >Hth centuries!'ronsacwine was one of the most popular in the region. erlot isthe most important grape gi&ing to the wine body and richnessalthough the wine keeps a strong personality.

    Fronsac wine information

    Appellation:A""ellation Fronsac *ontrol.eA""ellation *anon$Fronsac *ontrol.e (from Fronsac and +aintichel de Fronsac illa&es only#

    Location: ;ills alon& ordo&ne and l>Isle riers

    Places: Fronsac, +t ichel de Fronsac, +aillans, etc

    Soil: *lay 4imestone

    Size: 1,200 ha (',000 acres#

    Production: - million %ottles*anon$Fronsac 2 million %ottles
  • 8/13/2019 Bordeaux Wine Information


    Grapes in&ronsac:

    erlot, *a%ernet Franc, *a%ernet +aui&non,al%ec,

    Type of !ine:+tron& red wine3owerful %ouuet

    A"e: 2 to10 years


    200', 2000, 188/, 1885

    Aro$as:?oody:ed fruits9anilla

    &ronsacWine and&ood:

    !rilled red meat

    Feathered &ame:a%%it in mustard sauce?hite meat3ears with wine

    &ronsacWine and'heese:



    $%tes de Bourg

    $%tes de Bourg is located on the right bank of the Dordogne at thepoint where it meets the /ironde ri&er. %outh of Blaye! the smallappellation around the &illage of Bourg produces a better medium-body red wine than its neighbor. $he wine from $%tes de Bourgisquite tannic with strong aromas of red fruits.

    *Dtes de Bour& wine information

    Appellation: A""ellation *Dtes de Bour& *ontrol.e

    Location:'0 Em (18 miles# north of Bordeaux,where !ironde andordo&ne meet

    Places: Bour& sur !ironde, 4ansac, @auriac, @euillac, etc=

    Soil: *layey$limestone

    Size: ',700 ha(8,000 acres#
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    Production: '1 million %ottles

    Grapes in'/tes deBour":

    erlot,*a%ernet +aui&non, *a%ernet Franc, al%ec

    Type of !ine: edium$%ody tannic red wine4imited "roduction of dry white wine

    A"e: 2 to 5 years


    200', 2000

    Aro$as: :ed fruits

    &ood:!rilled red meat9eal, @urkey+ausa&e, 3at.

    '/tes deBour" and'heese:
