bottled water industry in india

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  • 7/31/2019 Bottled Water Industry in India


    /27/12 Bottled water industry in India

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    Bottled Water Industry in India

    Bottled water top players in India

    History of Bottled water in IndiaVariety of packages

    Why Bottled water?

    Bottled Water: How Safe?

    Water resources over-exploited Bottled water companies earn high profitsPlastic Bottles Pollution

    The anti-bottling protests

    Pro-tap water consciousness

    Bottled Water law in India

    Health Issue-Purity of bottled waterNew development in bottled water industry

    Bottled water full line : Video


    Water is the most important necessity for life. The drinking-water needs for individuals vary depending on the climate,physical activity and the body culture. but for average consumers it is estimated to be about two to four litres per day.The growing number of cases of water borne diseases, increasing water pollution, increasing urbanizat ion, increasing

    scarcity of pure and safe water etc. have made the bottled water business just like other consumer items. Scarcity ofpotable and wholesome water at railway stations, tourists spots, and role of tourism corp. etc. has also added to thegrowth.

    Indians currently spending about $330m a year on bottled water, analysts est imate.The packaged water market constitutes 15 per cent of the overall packaged beverageindustry, which has annual sales of at least $2.6bn, Deepak Jolly, a spokespersonfor Coca-Cola India said. Naveen Luthra, CEO,Mulshi Springs says," the bottledwater market in India, selling an estimated million bottles a day, makes the naturalbottled water market a mere 6% of the total bottled water market in India. The naturalbottled water market is growing at a phenomenal 40-50% a year".

    Almost all the major international and national brands water bottles are available inIndian market right from the malls to railway stations, bus stations, grocery stores and even at panwala's shop. Beforefew years bottle water. was considered as the rich people's choice, but now it is penetrated even in rural areas. Thegrowth and status of Indian Bott led Industry in comparison with Western or Asian market, India is far behind in termsof quantum, infrastructure, professionalism and standards implementat ion. The per capita consumption of mineralwater in India is a mere 0.5-liter compared to 111 liter in Europe and 45-liter in USA. Also As per UN study conductedin 122 countries, in connection with water quality, India's number was dismal 120. In comparison to global standardsIndia's bottled water segment is largely unregulated.

    Former President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has urged youngsters on July 17, 2010 to be aware of water conservationtechniques to avoid grave water crisis in future.`"It is so sad that today, people are forced to buy water in plasticbottles. I am told that bottled water industry is worth nearly 10000 crore rupees and even big companies like the Cokeand Pepsi are involved in this bottling of water and making money. So, it is imperative that we ought to save water," headded. Do not be surprise if today's bottles water industry becomes next Oil industry by 2025.

    If oil is the focal point of world conflict now, it is possible that water will be the next battleground among monopolycapitalists and even among nations. Prices of water and water services keep on increasing because most of our publicwater utilities have already been privatized by the government. Private beverage and water companies have beengranted by the government with permits to practically control and operate our natural springs and water sources in

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  • 7/31/2019 Bottled Water Industry in India


    /27/12 Bottled water industry in India

    .```The bottled water category is growing at a rapid pace. The branded`market is 40 % of the category and non- brandedcontributes to 60% of the market. The category is growing at a rate of 30%. Bisleri is the market leader in mineralwater in India with a 60% market share within organized mineral water category. Three key players mainly dominatethe Indian Bottled Water Market Parle Bisleri, Coca Cola India Inc Kinley and Pepsico India Holdings Pvt. Limited. Thismarket is expected to grow at a 30% rate in the next 7 years. In 2010 the revenue generated by this market was over$250 million.

    Bottled Water Industry in IndiaThe overall packaged bottled water in India is estimated to touch the Rs 10,000 croremark in the 2012-13 fiscal,

    growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19%, says a new report by IkonMarketing Consultants.Presently, this market is estimated at Rs 8,000 crore, and could touch Rs15,000 crore by 2015, the report adds. WhileBisleri continues as the top brand with a 36% share among national players, Coca-Cola's Kinley follows with 25%share, followed by Aquafina at 15%. Other smaller brands include Parle Agro's Bailley, Kingfisher and McDowells No.1, according to the report. The global bottled water market, which saw an increase of 40-45% over the past five years,is currently valued at close to US$ 85-90 billion, the report adds.

    The domestic market is split between three sets of players -- national brands with a pan Indiapresence worth around Rs 4,000 crore, local brands manufactured by registered plants but restricted toregions estimated to have a combined turnover of Rs 2,400 crore and unorganised local brandsestimated at Rs 1,600 crore. The report estimates that there are over 2,500 brands in this category, ofwhich over three-fourths are local.

    The non-traditional category, or bulk packs, (with over 5 litre capacity) is growing rapidly, and has acurrent share of over 40% share. "The rising trend of bulk water consumption in homes and institutionalsegments will pave the way for bulk water packs to acquire half of the total bottled water market within

    next four-five years," the report adds. According to a national-level study, making bottled water is today a cottageindustry in the country. Leave alone the metros, where a bottled-water manufacturer can be found even in a one-roomshop, in every medium and small city and even rural areas there are bottled water manufacturers.

    While India ranks in the top 10 largest bottled water consumers in the world, its per capita per annum consumption ofbottled water is estimated to be five litres which is comparatively lower than the global average of 24 litres. Today it isone of India's fastest growing industrial sectors. Between 1999 and 2004, the Indian bottled water market grew at acompound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent - the highest in the world. The total annual bottled water

    consumption in India had tripled to 5 billion liters in 2004 from 1.5 billion liters in 1999. Global consumption of bottledwater was nearing 200 billion liters in 2006.

    Bottled water top players in India

    The market leader is Bisleri International, which boasts a 40 per cent share. It is followed by Coca- Cocas Kinley

    (around 25 per cent) and PepsiCos Aquafina (around 10 per cent). The top players in bottled water industry in India arethe major international giants like Coca cola, Pepsi, Nestle and noticeable presence of national players like MountEverest, Manikchand, Kingfisher, Mohan Meakins, SKN Breweries , Indian Railways so on. With increasingcompetition, this sector will register a robust growth in 2010, predict industry analysts.

    To take on rivals in this sector, PepsiCo India is drawing up a fresh game plan which includes,investment in capacity enhancement, packaging initiatives and below-the-line activities to pump upvolumes in the over-crowded category. Meanwhile, swadeshi major Parle Agro is extending themanufacturing facility for Bailley from 29 to 60 plants this year. While swadeshi major BisleriInternational is beefing up its distribut ion, manufacturing and marketing operations, Coca-Cola Indiais sharpening its focus on packaging initiatives of Kinley to woo new consumes. In essence, thepackaged water industry in India will soon witness a major tussle between swadeshi and videshiplayers to gain market and mind share.

    The western region accounts for 40 per cent of the market and the eastern region just 10.However, the bottling plants are concentrated in the southern region - of the approximately 1,200

    bottling water plants in India, 600 are in Tamil Nadu. But a major problem is southern India, especially Tamil Nadu, iswater starved.

    Top multinational players such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been trying for the past decade to capture the Indianbottled water market. Today they have captured a significant portion of it. However, Parle Bisleri continues to hold 40per cent of the market share. Kinley and Aquafina are fast catching up, with Kinley holding 20-25 per cent of themarket and Aquafina approximately 10 per cent. The rest, including the smaller players, have 20-25 % of the marketshare.

    History of Bottled water in India

    Mineral bottled water in India under the name 'Bisleri' was first introduced in Mumbai by Bisleri Ltd., a company ofItalian origin in 1965. Mineral bottled water were in glass bottles in two varieties - bubbly and still in 1965 This companywas started by Signor Felice who first brought the idea of selling bottled water in India.

    Parle bought over Bisleri (India) Ltd. In 1969 and started bottl ing Mineral water in glass bottles under the brand name

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  • 7/31/2019 Bottled Water Industry in India


    /27/12 Bottled water industry in India

    'Bisleri'. Later Parle switched over to PVC non- returnable bottles and finally advanced to PET containers. Since 1995Mr.Ramesh J. Chauhan has started expanding Bisleri operations substantially and the turn over has multiplied morethan 20 times over a period of 10 years and the average growth rate has been around 40% over this period. Presently ithave 8 plants and 11 franchisees all over India. Bisler command a 60% market share of the organized market.

    Currently, Bailley has a national presence in 5 lakh retail outlets across the country. We plan to increasemanufacturing plants for Bailley from 29 to 60, presently 40 plants are operational and few more will be ready for

    operations over the next few months, informed Nadia Chauhan, joint managing director of Parle Agro.

    Variety of packages Bottled water is sold in a variety of packages: pouches and glasses, 330 ml bottles, 500 ml bottles, one- litre bottlesand even 20- to 50-litre bulk water packs. The formal bottled water business in India can be divided broadly into threesegments in terms of cost: premium natural mineral water, natural mineral water and packaged drinking water.

    Premium natural mineral water includes brands such as Evian, San Pelligrino and Perrier, which areimported and priced between Rs.80 and Rs.110 a litre. Natural mineral water, with brands such asHimalayan and Catch, is priced around Rs.20 a lit re. Packaged drinking water, which is nothing but treatedwater, is the biggest segment and includes brands such as Parle, Bisleri, Coca-Cola's Kinley andPepsiCo's Aquafina. They are priced in the range of Rs.10-12 a litre. The FDA also classifies some bottledwater according to its origin.Artesian well water Water from a well that taps an aquifer--layers of porous rock, sand and earth thatcontain water--which is under pressure from surrounding upper layers of rock or clay.

    Mineral water. Water from an underground source that contains at least 250 parts per million total dissolvedsolids. Minerals and trace elements must come from the source of the underground water. They cannot be added later.Spring water Derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the earth's surface. Springwater must be collected only at the spring or through a borehole tapping the underground formation feeding the spring.If some external force is used to collect the water through a borehole, the water must havethe same composition and quality as the water that naturally flows to the surface.Well water. Water from a hole bored or drilled into the ground, which taps into an aquifer.Tap Water Some bottled water also comes from municipal sources--in other words--the tap. Municipal water is

    usually treated before it is bottled.

    Why Bottled water?

    Mill ions of people, both in rural and urban India, suffer from inadequate or no tap water supply. Even some parts ofMumbai, the country's financial capital, get a mere two hours of daily water supply. The city's Virar suburb gets 45minutes. So bottled water is much in demand by residents - even though the businesses profiting from the salesare thriving from access to public water sources.

    Bottled water fills a void created by government failure to address basic services, Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institutewrites in its World Water report. "In many parts of the world, tap water is not available or safe to drink," writes . "Inthese regions, the failure of governments to provide basic water services has opened the door to private companies andvendors filling a crit ical need, albeit at a very high cost to consumers." The institute reasons that governments shouldtap into spending on commercial water by consumers to secure funds to provide safe water at fraction of the cost.

    Bottled water has been treated by distil lation, reverse osmosis, or other suitable process and that meets thedefinition of "purified water". The bottled water treatments inc lude:* Distillation. In this process, water is turned into a vapor. Since minerals are too heavy to vaporize, they are left

    behind, and the vapors are condensed into water again.* Reverse osmosis. Water is forced through membranes to remove minerals in the water.* Absolute 1 micron filtration. Water flows through filters that remove particles larger than one micron in size,

    such as "Cryptosporidium", a parasitic protozoan.* Ozonation. Bottlers of all types of waters typically use ozone gas, an antimicrobial agent, to disinfect the water

    instead of chlorine, since chlorine can leave residual taste and odor to the water.

    a y aga o aunc wa er ran

    Popstar Lady Gaga is reportedly

    planning to expand her business empireby launching a drinking water brand.Gaga is said to be putting final touches

    on a new bottled water venture.However, the details of it are kept underwraps, reports on October19, 2012

    Coca-Cola introducing Dasani Drops

    The world's largest beverage company

    is introducing its Dasani Drops incoming weeks, which can be squeezedinto water for some on-the-spot fruityflavor. And Coca-Cola is betting thatthere's big potential for growth."The drops are popular because theycome in small, portable containers thatcan be easily tucked into a purse oreven back pocket. And unlike powdereddrink packets, people can decide howmuch or little they want to squirt intotheir water. A small bottle can also havemore than two dozen servings, meaningpeople save money they'd spend onbottled teas or waters. As with Kraft's

    MiO drinks, Dasani Drops use artificialsweeteners and have zero calories.

    Bottled Water: How Safe?

    The bottled water industry has spent billions over the past decade to sell you on the idea that bottled water is betterthan tap water. Well the short answer is they are both unhealthy. One of the most ironic parts of the bottled watertragedy is that the water bottling industry gets the water free, filters it, bottles it and sells it back to us at 1,900% profit.The ironic part is that tap water is legislated to be 7.0 pH neutral. They first dump a TON of cholrine in the water to killoff all the bad bacteria, this makes it highly acidic.

    In India around 100 companies sell an estimated 424 million litres of bottled water valued at around Rs 200 crore inthe country annually.Most bottlers claim that their water is 100 per cent bacteria-free, safe, tastier and healthier. Butis the water in these bottles really safe to drink? Do they conform to international or national standards?

    To find out, the Ahmedabad-based Consumer Education and Research Society (CERS), an independent non-profitinstitution with a sophisticated product-testing laboratory, recently carried out a detailed study on 13 major brands of

    bottled water available in the country. The national brands -- Bisleri (separate samples were

    taken from their units in Bangalore, Ghaziabad, Calcutta and Baroda) and Bailley (Mumbai andSurat) -- were selected on the basis of their dominant position in the overall market. Bisil(Mehsana), Golden Eagle (Chennai), Aquaspa (Mumbai),Saiganga (Ahmednagar), Nirantar(Thane), Trupthi (Chennai) and Yes (Nadiad) were included because of their regional popularity.To conform to international standards for such testing, 21 bottles of each brand were tested in

    the CERS laboratory against "analytical" and "sensory" parameters as well as for "microbiological" contamination. Toensure fairness, the results were sent to the individual companies for their comments.

    So how safe is bottled water? Not that safe, says the CERS survey. As many as 10 of the 13 brands had foreignfloating objects in clear violation of norms. Again during a surprise inspection by the health committee chairmanManjunatha Reddy and team at two mineral water units in the Bangalore on January 11, 2011, it was found that mineralwater production unit owners were bottling borewell water. The units were also illegally using several branded labels onthe bottles to market the water. The standing committee visited a mineral water production unit called AM Enterprisesand found the owner selling water without an ISI mark from the Bureau of India Standards. He was found mixing mineralwater with borewell water and selling it in cans to the public.

    Functional beverages Rooh Afza summer sharbat

    Forty years older Rooh Afza is still

    going strong. Rooh Afza, the scarlet-

    hued refresher, was founded by a drugmaker called Abdul Majeed in Old Delhiin 1907. This classic summer sharbathas survived Partition, the licence raj,economic reforms, carbonated drinksand tetra- pack juices. When clean,cool hybrids are on their way in, Rooh

    Afza is still here. Every year, we sell 2crore (20 million) bottles, says AbdulMajeed, director of Hamdard (Wakf)Laboratories the Delhi-basedmanufacturer of the sharbat. We haveseen a 20% increase in sales in thepast four years. Majeed is the great-grandson of Hakeem Abdul Majeed,Hamdards founder.

    Water resources over-ex loited

    Consumption of bottled water in
  • 7/31/2019 Bottled Water Industry in India


    /27/12 Bottled water industry in India

    The majority of the bottling plants are dependent on groundwater. They create huge water stress in the areas wherethey operate because groundwater is also the main source - in most places the only source - of drinking water inIndia.This has created huge conflict between the community and the bottling plants.

    Private companies in India can siphon out, exhaust and export groundwater free because the groundwater law in thecountry is archaic and not in tune with the realities of modern capitalist societies. The existing law says that " theperson who owns the land owns the groundwater beneath". This means that, theoretically, a person can buy onesquare metre of land and take all the groundwater of the surrounding areas and the law of land cannot object to it. Thislaw is the core of the conflict between the community and the companies as they are making the business of bottledwater in the country highly lucrative.

    Take for instance the case of Coca-Cola's bottling plant in drought-prone Kala Dera near Jaipur. Coca-Cola gets itswater free except for a tiny cess (for discharging the wastewater) it pays to the State Pollution Control Board - a littleover Rs.5,000 a year during 2000-02 and Rs.24,246 in 2003. It extracts half a million litres of water every day - at acost of 14 paise per 1,000 litres. So, a Rs.10 per litre Kinley water has a raw material cost of just 0.02-0.03 paise. (It

    takes about two to three litres of groundwater to make one litre of bottled water.)On April 7, more than 1,500 villagers defied a police cordon and marched to Coca-Cola's bottling plant in

    Mehdiganj village, Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh state, demanding that the company immediately shut down its bottlingplant. In January, the New Delhi-based Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) advised Coca-Cola to shut a bottlingplant in the drought-stricken state of Rajasthan.

    India's Ministry of Water Resources has ranked 80% of ground water resources in Rajasthan as "over- exploited"and nearly 34% resources as "dark/ critical" , the gravest ranking across the country

    n aThe consumption of bottled water in

    India has shown a jump of 21 per cent inlast fiscal but still India is far behind ascompared to global average, accordingto a research recently conducted byamarketing firm IKON.

    The per capita consumption of bottledwater in India was at 16.20 litres during2010-11 and jumped by almost 21percent to 19.60 litres in 2011-12, IKONsaid in its report 'The Indian bottledwater market, unveiling its thirst'.

    South India is the biggest consumer of

    bottled water representing more than 50per cent the total market in Indiafollowed by Western India, which is thehome ground of major national brands, itsaid. However, India is far behind theglobal average of around 30 litres, thereport said.

    Bottled water companies earn high profits What is amazing is that people are prepared to pay Rs. 12 for a liter of water-in India especially when the cost of material input (0.25 paisa per liter excludinglabors cost) pales into insignificance before the price of the product.

    Up to 40% of bottled water comes from the same source as tap water, but issold back to consumers at hundreds of times the cost, says the website of theNorth American "Think Outside the Bottle" campaign. Not only the Coca-Cola

    but there are thousands of brands in India's $445 million packaged waterindustry.

    Not just bottlers are involved. In south India, thousands of fuel trucksconverted to be water carriers sell ground water to households andestablishments at about $10 for 5,000 liters. More than 13,000 tankers carrywater drawn from farmland surrounding Chennai, according a social activist RSrinivasan. He estimates a $148 million tanker industry is cashing in on

    Chennai's acute water scarcity. The story is replicated across India, including inNew Delhi.

    Plastic Bottles Pollution

    Tap water is a local product that needs no packaging. Globally, bottled water

    accounts for as many as 1.5 million tons of plastic waste annually, according tothe Sierra Club. In addition, billions of bottles end up in the ground every year.Sadly, only 20% ever get recycled, according to the Container RecyclingInstitute. The other 80%? Besides landfills, many bottles end up in oceans,posing a risk to marine life. By purchasing bottled water, youre indirectly

    raising the price of gasoline and contributing to Global Warming and climatechange.

    In 2007, the manufacturers of plastic water bottles generated more than 2.5million tons of carbon dioxide emissions and required the equivalent of morethan 17 million barrels of oil, according to the Pacific Institute. Americansdrank more than 30 billion single-serving bottles of water last year. Yet the vastmajority of us have an unlimited source of clean, EPA-regulated tap waterflowing from our faucets.

    Bisleri takes a shot at soda again

    Bisleri is reviving its soda business in

    a bid to expand its portfolio beyond

    water. This is the second attempt by theiconic bottled waterbrand in three yearsto revive its soda business.

    A generic name to bottled water inIndia, the company launched BisleriFizzy Drink in 2009, but quietlywithdrew the soda-like product, as itbombed at the marketplace. But thistime, the Ramesh Chauhan-promotedcompany ? creator of brands such asThums Up, Limca and Gold Spot, whichwere sold to Coca-Cola in a Rs 190-crore deal in 1993 - appears to bemaking a serious rebid with BisleriSoda. The product, available in PETbottles, is priced at Rs 15 for a 600-mlbottle.

    Plastic Bottles requires costly OilMaking the plastic in the bottles requires 47 million gallons of oil annually. And that doesnt include the jet fuel and

    gasoline required to transport the bottles- sometimes halfway around the world. The anti-bottling protestsThe anti-bott ling protests in India against Pepsi and Coca-Cola echo increased concern in Europe and the United

    States over the proliferation of bottled water, including the creation of billions of soon unwanted plast ic containers. InIndia, protests against the bottling plant in drought-prone Kala Dera near Jaipur focus on the source of the packaged

    water and how bottl ing companies are grabbing underground water.The truth is, many water companies get their water from sources in developing countries, such as

    India and Fiji. In those places, the companies take water that once belonged to an entire village andbuy it for themselves, forcing the villagers to pay for water that they used to be able to use as acommunity, free of charge.

    On February 25, 2011 the Indian state of Kerala has passed a bill allowing compensation claimsagainst soft drink giant Coca-Cola over alleged environmental damage caused by a bottling plant.The legislation adopted by the state assembly on Thursday creates a tribunal empowered toprocess claims for alleged losses resulting from violations of environmental regulations. The

    Palakkad bottling factory in Kerala was closed in 2005 after protests from activists and residents. A high-level statepanel concluded last year that the plant had caused environmental and soil degradation as well as watercontamination, and recommended a fine of 47 million dollars. Coca-Cola denied all the allegations.

    Pro-ta water consciousness

    Coca-Cola to re-align India, SWAbusiness unit operationsCoca-Cola is set to re-align India and

    South West Asia (SWA) Business Unitoperating structure in line with itsbusiness priorities. Atlanta-basedbeverage giant's India and South West

    Asia Business Unit includes markets ofIndia, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, SriLanka and the Maldives.

    Aqua Express 25 5-gallon bottledwater vending machine

    Two US-based water companies haveteamed up with Nestl Waters North

    America and its Poland Spring Direct
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    The London Evening Standard newspaper ran a "Water on Tap" campaign in April to have tap water available for

    drinking in city restaurants and bars. The tabloid reported getting support for its anti-packaged water campaign from theLondon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the mayor's office, leading restaurants and chains such as Starbucks,Costa Coffee and McDonald's. Following growing pro-tap water consciousness, bottled water sales in Britain dipped9% in the year to March 08.

    vs on to p ot a new concept, t eAqua Express 25 5-gallon Pick Up & Goautomated vending machine.

    Economists at the California-based Pacific Institute that estimated the $100 billion value of the global industry, ask

    why consumers are readily paying for bottled water typically costing a thousand times more per liter than high-quality municipal tap water.

    "Are consumers willing to pay this price because they believe that bottled water is safer than tap water?" PacificInstitute experts ask. "Do they have a real taste preference for bottled water? Or is the convenience of the portableplastic bottle the major factor? Are they taken in by the images portrayed in commercials and on the bottles?"

    The study, conducted by the US-based Earth Policy Institute, says the global consumption of bottled water hasgrown by 57 per cent over the past five years, despite the fact that the product is often no healthier than tap water andcosts up to 10,000 times more. Emily Arnold, the author of report, says that the $100 billion spent each year onbottled water is nearly 7 times the sum invested in providing safe drinking water in developing countries.

    Bottled Water law in India

    The term "mineral water" is misleading because our laws do not stipulate the minimum mineral content level required

    for water to be labelled as such.Ahmedabad-based Consumer Education and Research Society(CERS), an independent non-profit institution with a sophisticated product-testing laboratory, recently carried out adetailed study on 13 major brands of bottled water available in the country. As many as 10 of the 13 brands had foreignfloating objects in clear violation of norms found in the survey. The CERS study indicates that there is an urgent needto revise standards for bottled water.

    Health Issue-Purity of bottled water

    City water systems must issue right to know reports about whats in the water. Bottlers successfully killed thisrequirement for bottled water. Up to 70% of bottled water is unregulated by the Food & Drug Administration.

    Acceptance of the supposed purity of bottled water is being undermined in India by the government HealthDepartment's warning of pesticides and contaminating organisms being present in some bottled products.The notion that commercial products taste better has also taken a knock from Decanter, a British magazine, whichlast December featured top wine tasters testing unmarked samples of water from 22 brands, along with tap water fromutility company Thames Water and water from the Decanter office water cooler.

    The Decanter panel ranked serviced tap water third in the list, above the world's leading brand, Evian (15th), and theworld's most expensive bottled water 420 Volcanic (18th) and Bling H20 (22nd out of 24 brands tasted). 420 Volcanicsells at $99 a liter, and Bling H20 (in Swarovski crystal-studded bottles) at $79 a liter. Decanter editor Guy Woodwardsaid the tasting test exposed the "outrageous" prices of mineral water.

    Coca-Cola and Pepsi are changing therecipes for their drinks to avoid beinglegally obliged to put a cancer warninglabel on the bottle. The new recipe forcaramel colouring in the drinks hasless4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) - a

    chemical which California has added toits list of carcinogens.The change to the recipe has alreadybeen introduced in California but will berolled out across the US. Coca-Colasays there is no health risk to justify thechange. 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI)

    4-Methylimidazole (Melanie Bottrill)*Formed naturally in the heating andbrowning process*Occurs in caramel colouring as well assome roasted and cooked foods*Can be in some cleaning,photographicand agricultural chemicals, dyes andpharmaceuticals* Exposure through consumption orduring manufacturing process. Source:California Office of Environmental HealthHazard Assessment

    Traditional Indian methods of cooling and purifying water

    Now people of India turning their backs on the country's ancient methods of coolingand purifying water. Stored in earthen pots, for instance, it is not only refreshinglycool and tasty but is said to become bacteria-free. Yet the common summer sight ofwater matkas (earthen pots) in public offices and spaces is giving way to upturned

    plastic drums dispensing packaged water.

    Rainwater is safe, doesnt bring about adverse effects.For centuries people have thought rainwater as unsafe, but contrary to their beliefs,

    as per an Australian study, drinking of untreated rainwater is safe for human health.The study was conducted under the auspices of eminent researchers fromMelbournes Monash University. The entire team took a look at 300 homes that usedrainwater collected in water tanks as their primary drinking source.This endeavor hasbeen described as a world first study that comes in the midst of growing criticism ofbottled water.

    Bottled water Manufacturing plant

    New WHO guidelines for safer

    drinking water supply systems

    The World Health Organisation (WHO)has issued revised drinking waterguidelines on July 26, 2011, urginggovernments to strengthen water qualitymanagement and asking water suppliersto improve their faulty service toconsumers, in order to prevent oftenfatal water-borne diseases.

    New development in bottled water industry October 19, 2012: Lady Gaga to launch water brand

    October 15, 2012:Amity scientists develop low cost, pocket friendly and re-usable water purifier using Silver Nano p October 12, 2012: The stock of Tata Global Beverages has appreciated 26 per cent in the last three weeks hitting a

    new high of Rs 163.30 today.September 16, 2012: Coca-Cola to re-align India, SWA business unit operationsAugust 27, 2012: Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) has notified 82 areas for regulation of ground water being

    used in the business of bottled water. In these areas, installation of new ground water abstraction structures is notpermitted without prior specific approval of the Authority / Authorized officer.

    June 22, 2012: Thirty-two packaged water units seized in Karimnagar district for not possessing BIS certificates aspart of the Food Safety and standards Act 2006.June 20, 2012: Japanese conglomerate Suntory, known for its whiskies and beers, has picked up majority stake in

    a subsidiary of Mumbai-based NarangGroup to enter India's non-alcoholic beverage market.May 10, 2012: Spectators will be banned from taking bottles of water into the Olympic Park in case they are used to

    conceal so-called "liquid bombs".April 17, 2012: The Coca-Cola Company Reports First Quarter 2012- -Strong global volume growth of 5% in the

    quarter, with growth across every geographic operating group. North America volume grew 2% and internationalvolume grew 6% in the quarter.April 16, 2012: After a hiatus of 19 long years, when it closed its operation in 1993, the indigenous of all the softdrinks Campa-Cola, is making a comeback in the state. And if, everything goes by the plan, Campa would beavailable to its connoisseurs by August. Founded in 1942, Pure Drinks Group has leased out to franchisee Yash RajBeverages and Agro Products Pvt Limited in the state, which is coming up with a bottling plant in Banthra's Bhaukavillage on Harauni Road.

    March 29, 2012: Tata Global Beverages (TGB), India-based Tata groups consumer goods flagship, plans to acquire4.17% stake in Mount Everest Mineral Water (MEMW) for INR280m ($5.5m). MEMW manufactures the premiumbrand of 'Himalayan' mineral water.

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    U.S. Bottled Water Sales AreBooming Despite Opposition

    Despite organized anti-bottled-watercampaigns across the country and anoisy debate about bottled waters

    environmental impact, Americans arebuying more bottled water than ever.In 2011, total bottled water sales in theU.S. hit 9.1 billion gallons- -29.2 gallonsof bottled water per person, accordingto sales figures from BeverageMarketing Corp.

    The 2011 numbers are the highesttotal volume of bottled water ever soldin the U.S., and also the highest per-person volume. Translated to the handyhalf-liter size Americans find so
  • 7/31/2019 Bottled Water Industry in India


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  • 7/31/2019 Bottled Water Industry in India


    /27/12 Bottled water industry in India