bound lotus kriya

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  • 7/30/2019 Bound Lotus Kriya


    Bound Lotus Kriya

    Bound Lotus is also known as Baddha Padmasana or psychic union pose, with roots in Kundalini,

    Ashtanga, and Hatha Yoga. In Kundalini Yoga, as Taught by Yogi Bhajan, Bound Lotus is held for

    up to 31 minutes, providing many physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits to the


    Bound Lotus is a restorative posture, and it engages the entire body by binding it into the symbol

    ofinfinity. The legs are in full-lotus with the arms crossed behind the back, hands holding the toes

    with the forehead on the ground.

    Bound Lotus can be seen as the Seat of Awareness that allows you to merge into the spirit realm

    where all healing is possible.

    Benefits of BoundLotus from practitioners personal experiences:

    Helps enhance physical flexibility. The ankles,

    knees, legs and spine gain increased mobility.

    Helps open up the shoulders and hips.

    Helps to improve the digestive system

    Helps to strengthen the immune and nervous


    Helps to open the flow and clear the Chakras.

    Helps to eradicate karmic obstacles, negative

    tendencies and patterns acquired over lifetimes.

    Helps to develop the state of stillness (Shuniya),

    supreme bliss (Anand), and awakened

    consciousness (Samadhi).

    Bound Lotus has a self-sustaining energy. Once you connect and tune into the energy of the

    posture, it carries you. People who are not able to hold the perfect posture will still receive many

    benefits. As Yogi Bhajan says, When any posture is held over time, the universe comes to

    support thatperson.
  • 7/30/2019 Bound Lotus Kriya


    The beauty of this practice is that we can experience our body as a vehicle for powerful

    transformation and healing. This Kriya works on all levels of our being at once, physical, mental,

    emotional and spiritual, and heals through the awakening of the chakra system.

    Physical Effects

    This is a challenging posture, because it requires a fair amount of physical flexibility and

    endurance. Most of us have to gradually develop more flexibility of the spine, muscles and joints inorder to do it correctly. The hips and shoulders are often contracted and tense from the pressures

    of our lifestyles and the lack of appropriate regular exercise. Opening and balancing them brings

    strength and integrity to the posture. While practicing the posture, the digestive organs are in a

    fetal position of rest so that they can rejuvenate. The Kriya strengthens and calms the nervous

    system, allowing it to recharge. A strong nervous system is essential for maintaining physical

    vitality throughout life.

    With the legs folded into the full lotus position, a helix ( - the symbol ofinfinity) is created. This

    locks the lower Chakras (energy centers) into a position where the flow of energy is directed

    towards the heart. Our lower 3 Chakras are our centers of creativity and vitality. In Baddha

    Padmasana, this energy is focused up towards the heart, the seat of the soul and virtue.

    The arms crossed across the back holding onto the toes creates another helix, this time lockingthe energy from the higher centers and focusing this towards the heart as well.

    Emotional Effects

    The connection between our emotions and our physical bodies is becoming better understood.

    Through biochemical processes, our bodies literally store emotions within the cells, tissues and

    bones. When we have a negative experience, the emotion is locked within the tissue, creating pain

    or imbalance. Over time, this can create chronic, debilitating conditions, called dis-ease. Practicing

    Bound Lotus can release stored emotions such as fear, insecurity, anger, resentment, and

    jealousy. In my experience with this practice, I have found it to be like peeling away layers of an

    onion. As all types of emotions surface, I release them back to the Universe. While still in the

    posture, you may say a prayer, either silently or out loud, or hold a firm intention to release the


    Bound Lotus is said to be the most difficult ofall the Kriyas. It is also known to be one of the

    shortest paths to healing deep emotional blockages.

    Mental Effects

    Central to the positive effects of yoga is the cultivation of a meditative mind. The unschooled mind

    is like a wild wind filled with useful and useless thoughts and feelings. One line from the first

    prayer of the Sikhs puts it succinctly: man jeetai jag jeet; Once you have conquered your

    mind, you have conquered the World. This posture helps grab the wandering mind and focuses it

    on the feelings and energies that arise as you do it, because your body is in such a restrained and

    confined position, your mind can either jump and go nuts, or fall silent like a drop ofwater on a


    Spiritual Effects

    When face andgrace do not give into challenge, only then you can call yourself

    Spiritual, Yogi Bhajan, LA 1993. Spirituality is how youface your self in life when you meet a

    challenge. In this Kriya you learn what spirituality means. Bound Lotus is certainly a challenge,

    and by practicing it, I find that I am more prepared to face challenges that come up during the


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How do Igetstarted with Bound Lotus?

    A: Ifyou are new to yoga, it is best to take a yoga class in your area, or attend a Bound Lotus

  • 7/30/2019 Bound Lotus Kriya


    Q: What kind of breathing is goodto do?

    A: Long deep breathing through the nose helps to relax and calm the body and mind.

    Q: How important is it for me to learn to chant the mantra?

    A: Using a mantra or Shabad is an excellent technique to enhance and deepen your practice of

    Bound Lotus. But it is certainly not a requirement. This is one of the most powerful Kriya in all of

    yogic teaching, with or without a mantra

    Q: What happens if I decide to do 40 days and I miss one day?

    A: Ifyou have committed to doing for example a 40 day practice you will need to start over again!

    The benefits of doing a set or Kriya or meditation over a constant period of time are more

    powerful than when you do it in an interrupted way, because your nervous system makes new

    habits over 40 days and so when you are consistent youtrain your nervous system a new pattern.

    Q: How do I breathe when myface is in a pile of pillows?

    A: It is better ifyou rest your forehead on the pillow, rather then your entire face. That way you

    can breathe more easily and still get the support for your head.

    Q: I would like to do BoundLotus, but I do not have time, I am so busy. What can I do?

    A: Start out with a few minutes each day and build up.

    Q: Is it better for me to workwith my breath, tongue andeye position, being as perfect as I can

    be for 3 minutes a side? Or is it better to try to increase my time or depth of posture? I seem to

    be only able to concentrate on one thing at a time.

    A: It is OK to focus on just one thing at a time. Over time you might be able to stay in the posture

    for a few minutes being able to do both. This doesnt mean you are doing the Kriya better or

    worse when you can only one of the two at a time.

    Q: Myrightknee started hurting, should Istop the Kriya entirely or can you do half Bound Lotus?

    A: Yes, you can do half Bound Lotus. Simply use the leg that doesnt have a painful knee. If both

    knees hurt however, you should stop doing the Kriya. Knees are very unforgiving joints and can

    take a very long time to heal. It is wise to wait till the pain is gone and then gently start again bydoing extra stretches (especially hip openers, since hips relate to knees) and more warm ups. If

    your knees keep bothering you, please seek help from a qualified medical professional.

    Q: I seem to be having pain everywhere in mybody. Why?

    A: Bound Lotus is the most difficult Kriya. It is not just challenging on a physical level but also on

    mental, emotional and subtle levels. Often, the pains you feel in your physical body are related to

    emotional blocks or limitations of the mind. For example: repressed anger often shows itself as

    pain in the upper arms and calves. Pain in knees is often related to unexpressed emotions that

    lead to grudges. Also consider that this Kriya shows you where you are stiff and where your body

    needs to be given extra attention. For example: ifyou cant reach your toe, that doesnt

    necessarily mean your arms are too short. But it may point out that your back has to develop

    more flexibility, allowing you to bend more deeply.

    This Kriya requires patience. Over time you will become more flexible and it will start to hurt less.Be gentle with yourself. This Kriya is not about perfection but about commitment to refining


    Q: When is the best time to practice this Kriya?

    A: Early morning, especially in the hours before sunrise, was recognized by the yoga masters of

    old as the most beneficial time ofday to meditate. Meditation in the morning sets the spirit for the

    day. If your obligations make morning practice impossible, any time ofday or night is a good


    Whatever time ofdayyou practice is only a good time after good stretching. Do NOT do this Kriya

    ifyou have not properly warmed up; this can lead to injury. Take the time to be good to yourself.

    Q: Some people asked me if I can teach it to them. Are we allowed to teach it to others or do you

    need certification first?A: Bound Lotus requires training, practice, and personal experience in order to properly share with

    others in a safe and effective manner. We are working on a certification program that will allow
  • 7/30/2019 Bound Lotus Kriya


    you to learn how to teach the Kriya to others. Please contact us at the email addresses provide


    Q: It seems hard to do this by myself. Any suggestions on how I can Keep Up?

    A: This is a very challenging practice. You will benefit from the company of others who are going

    through the same experience. So try to get together with others who practice the Kriya.

    Q: Is it ok to use musicother than the recommended RayMan Shabad?

    A: Yes it is. You can use whatever uplifts you and carries you through.

    This practice is about your spiritual growth and your personal experience, which is unique to you.

    Q: Is there something that can help me become more flexible?

    A: There is no magic pill. The best thing to do is stretch.

    For more flexible joints we suggest the Indian herb turmeric. A delicious way to take turmeric is in

    Golden Milk (see recipe below)

    Q: Wouldyou be interested in receiving my testimonial?

    A: We would love to hear from you and how you are feeling and doing with the Kriya. Please email

    testimonials to [email protected] Let us know in your email if we are free to share your

    comments with others.

    Q: Is the increase in blood flow to the headand heart areas a danger to people with high blood

    pressure or other cardiovascular problems?

    A: We strongly recommend that you consult a licensed heathcare professional before beginning

    this or any exerciseprogram, especially ifyou have a known medical condition.

    Q: How long should I practice everyday?

    A: Thirty one minutes is the optimal time. It is the length of time that allows the glands, breath,

    and concentration to affect all the cells and rhythms of the body. Any amount of time, up to 31

    minutes, will be beneficial, However you are not to exceed this 31 minutes as instructed by Yogi
