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Bounty Head Bebop


Table of Contents

Chapter One: The Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Welcome to the Bounty Head Bebop RPG, the game that lets you play the fast paced solar system- spanning anime-style adventures of the daring and brash bounty hunters of the "far modern" future.

Chapter Two: Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skills and Languages determine the character’s talents and expertise.

Chapter Three: Edges & Flaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Edges & Flaws give’s a Bounty Hunter or Bounty Head that little bit of advantage that she needs to succeed.

Chapter Four: Feng-Shui Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Feng-Shui is the 'science' of the placement and arrangement of space, which is claimed to allow one to achieve har-mony with the environment. True Feng-Shui Masters however, can accomplish much more, being able to read andeven manipulate the forces of fate, luck, and Chi.

Chapter Five: Psychic Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26There are seven known Spheres of Psychic power in the world of Bounty Head Bebop: Awareness, Biokinesis,Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis and Telepathy. Each Sphere encompasses five relatedPsychic Powers, allowing a Psychic to accomplish amazing or seemingly impossible feats.

Chapter Six: Money & Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32The currency of the game is Writs (w), and you’re gonna need a lot of it, ‘cause of all the guns and ammo it takesjust to catch up to your bounty.

Chapter Seven: Doing Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Getting things done isn’t as easy at it sounds.

Chapter Eight: Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Your in for a real rough and tumble ride; gotta know what you can and can’t do.

Chapter Nine: Setting Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89The univers is a big ol’ scary place, find out just how big and scary it really is.

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102Sample Character Creation; Character Sheets; XP Rules; and other goodies!

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Table of Contents


Bounty Head Bebop By JP deHénaut

Cover & Interior Art by Jake RichmondLayout and Graphic Design by Mark ReedDevelopment by JP deHénaut & Mark ReedPublished by Heroic Journey PublishingAdditional Writing Material by Russ HansenPlaytester Credits –Jay Pietkiewicz, Suzie Pietkiewicz, Nick Olesko, Ray Dejulia, Belinda Goodman, Lori deHenaut, A.S. Raithe, And thanks to all the guys and gals who gave the game a spin at GenCon 2007.Special Thanks to, Walt Snider of Paladin Inovative, L.L.C. and Chris Perrin of Common Dialog Enterprises Inc.

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards

of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003,

Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,

Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy

Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.

Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt,

based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and

Dave Arneson.

Bounty Head Bebop Copyright 2008, Jean-Pierre

deHénaut. Published by Heroic Journey Publishing


Heroic Journey Publishing

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The Basics


Welcome to the Bounty Head BebopRPG, the game that lets you play the fastpaced solar system-spanning anime-styleadventuresof the daring and brash boun-ty hunters of the "far modern" future.

The Bounty Head Bebop RPG is pow-ered by the Inverted 20 system, whichuses a single d20 for all rolls and offersa quick and easy resolution for all in-game actions and outcomes, providing afun and cinematic feel to play.

DiceThe Inverted 20 System uses a single

twenty-sided die (d20) for all die rolls.

The Inverted 20 System

The Inverted 20 system uses a singletwenty-sided die with Target Numbers(TN) to roll under and is essentially a per-centile-based game in increments of 5%.

Target Numbers are determined byadding a skill value to any situation mod-ifiers that might apply and then rollingthe die to see if the result falls within theTN. In some instances a Minimum TargetNumber (MTN) may be required, wherethe result of the die not only has to fallwithin the TN, but also has to meet orexceed the value set by the MTN.

As an additional element to each dieroll, an X-Roll or X-Damage may becalled for, which is determined by read-ing the one’s digit of the die when it isrolled. This allows a secondary number(1-10) to be generated simultaneouslywith TN resolution; meaning damageand other factors of success can be fig-ured without a second roll. This handy lit-tle mechanic speeds play and helps movecombat along at a refreshingly briskpace.

The Inverted 20 system also uses aLuck and Surge Point dynamic that givesthe characters an advantage when need-

ed and ensures the action never getsstale. Using Luck and Surge Points, acharacter can push himself past the nor-mal effects of injury, succeed at a criti-cally important roll, or even escape cer-tain death.

In short, Inverted 20 is its own uniquesystem, but with a familiar feel and a cin-ematic flair, which captures the grittierAnime genre after which it was modeled.See Chapter 7: Doing Things, for moreinformation on the Inverted 20 system.

Abilities The basis of any Bounty Head Bebopcharacter is his or her Abilities, fromwhich all other characteristics, traits, andattributes of the hero can be derived. InBounty Head Bebop, each character isassigned six Abilities (in value from oneto ten) that represent their physical andmental prowess.

Physical AbilitiesStrength (STR)Agility (AGI)Constitution (CON)

Mental AbilitiesIntelligence (INT)Wisdom (WIS)Presence (PRE)

What TheyRepresentStrength: Physical power, toughness,

and muscle.Agility: Dexterity, reflexes, and

balance.Constitution: Health, vigor, and stamina.Intelligence: Knowledge, learning, and

reason.Wisdom: Willpower, common sense,

and awareness.Presence: Persuasiveness, leadership,

and charisma.

Chapter One:

The Basics

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Other CharacterTraits

The following are other important char-acter traits and abilities that will beaddressed throughout the book ingreater detail later.

Initiative and Movement

Initiative and Movement is used to deter-mine how quickly the characters canreact to danger and how fast they canmove on foot in any given timeframe.Initiative is outlined in Chapter 8,Combat, while Movement is covered inChapter 7, Doing Things.


Saves (Reaction, Endurance, andWillpower) are used to help the charac-ters avoid or resist harm and are detailedin Chapter 7, Doing Things.

Vitality and Wound Points

Vitality and Wound Points are used todetermine how much damage the char-acters can sustain before suffering the illeffects of pain, unconsciousness, ordeath. See the Chapter 8, Combat(Damage Section) for more informationon Vitality and Wound Points.

Luck and Surge Points

Luck and Surge Points are what make thecharacters the stars of the show, settingthem apart from ‘Joe Average’ and therest of the unwashed masses. Luck andSurge Points are discussed in Chapter 7,Doing Things.

Skills and Languages

Skills and Languages determine the char-acter’s talents and expertise. See Chapter2, Skills for more information.

Edges and Flaws

Edges and Flaws are the advantages anddisadvantages that help to make each

character unique and are explained fur-ther in Chapter 3, Edges and Flaws.

Psychic/Feng-Shui Powers andPsychosis

These apply only if the character is aPsychic or Feng-Shui Master and are setforth in Chapters 4 and 5, Feng-Shui andPsychic Powers respectively.

Weapons/Attacks, Armor, andEquipment

Sometimes the equipment makes theman. While not specifically charactertraits themselves, the right weapons (orequipment) can certainly be an extensionof the character. See Chapter 6, Money& Equipment when you are ready to start

decking out your character.

Carrying Capacity

Carrying Capacity (Normal Load,Encumbered, Limit, and Drag) deter-mines how much weight the charactercan move under different levels ofEncumbrance. Information on CarryingCapacity and Encumbrance can befound in Chapter 7, Doing Things.


Experience is gained as the game isplayed. See Chapter 1 or the Appendix,Experience for more information on howit is earned and spent.

0Catatonic1Child2Adolescent3Adult4INT ScholarWIS WisemanPRE Spokesman

5-6INT Professor WIS Sage PRE Idol 7-8INT Genius WIS Seer PRE Ruler 9-10Supernatural

Score Equivalents: Mental

0STR Paralyzed AGI Convulsive CON Dying 1Child2Adolescent3Adult

4Athlete5-6Olympian7-8STR/CON Horse AGI Cat or Snake 9 -10STR/CON Elephant AGI Octopus

Score Equivalents: Physical

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Chapter Title

Starting AbilitiesCharacters start with 20 Ability Points,which they allot between all six abilities.No ability may start below 1 or be raised above 5, though itis possible to raise an ability past 5 later,using Experience Points (See Experience p.4).

Initiative AndMovementInitiative = (Base 5 + AGI + WIS +

Modifiers)Movement = (Base 30’ + Modifiers); Run = (Movement Score x STR)

SavesReaction (Base 5 + AGI + Modifiers)Endurance (Base 5 + CON + Modifiers)Willpower (Base 5 + WIS + Modifiers)

Vitality AndWound Points

Vitality Points = (Base 5 + STR + CON + WIS + Modifiers)

Wound Points = (Base 5 + CON + Modifiers)

Luck And SurgePointsLuck Points = (Base 3)Surge Points = (Base 3)

Starting SkillsCharacters start with 60 Skill Points,which they allot to the skills of theirchoice. Initially, no skills may be raisedabove level 5, though it is possible to doso later using Experience Points (SeeExperience p.4).

Edges and FlawsAll characters start the game with 3Edges. Characters do not have to startwith Flaws, but doing so allows them totake up to 3 additional Edges (gainingone for each Flaw). No character canstart with more than 3 Flaws and 6Edges. Choose carefully, as very fewEdges can be gained after character cre-ation (see Experience p.4 for a completelist of Edges that can be bought later withXP).


Character CreationSummary

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Experience (XP) is awarded at the end ofeach Session at the following suggestedrates:

Experience Awarded For XP

End Of Each Session 2Role-Playing Bonus 1Completion Of An Adventure 2

(in addition to Session XP)

The Role-Playing Bonus is awarded onlyfor Sessions where the players' interac-tion made it especially entertaining, orwhere the odds where stacked againstthem and they still prevailed.

Other AwardsWhen players do something extraordi-nary in-game, help the plot move along,role-play especially well, or come up witha good idea, they can earn a TemporaryLuck Point (at the GM's discretion).Temporary Luck Points do not countagainst the character's Maximum LuckPoint Total, but are only available for useduring the remainder of the Session theyare earned (they are lost at the end of theSession if not used).

Edges OptionThe initial thought behind limiting thetypes of Edges that can be bought withExperience, was to reflect those Edgesthat one was born with and that were notsomething that could be learned. If thisseems too limiting, feel free to open up allEdges to Experience purchase - It's yourgame, so have fun with it!.

Spending ExperiencePlayers can spend a character's Experience Points to improve the character.

The table below shows the XP Cost for each type of character improvement.

Area Of Improvement Effect XP Cost

Abilities Improve Abilities (Up To 5) (2 x New Level)

Improve Abilities (Beyond 5) (3 x New Level)

Skills Gain New Skill 4

Improve Old Skill

by 1 Point (Up To 5) 2

Improve Old Skill

by 1 Point (Beyond 5) 4

Edges Gain Any Combat Edge 4

Gain Any Contact Edge 4

Gain General Edge (Base of Operations) 4

Gain General Edge (Exceptional Vehicle) 4

Gain General Edge (Safe House) 4

Gain General Edge (Skill Focus) 4

Gain General Edge (Starship) 4

Languages Gain An Additional Language 2

Feng-Shui/Psychic Gain A Feng-Shui

or Psychic Power Edge 4

Psychotherapy to Reduce

Psychosis by 4 2

(Only Available After a Psychotic Break)

Luck Points Increase Luck Points by 1 8

Surge Points Increase Surge Points by 1 8

Flaws Buy Off A Flaw 4 (+ Role-Playing)


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Skill TypesCombat Skills

Combat Skills are skills specificallydesigned for use in combat. A charac-ter's TN for a Combat Skill equals (Ability+ Base 3 + Level + Modifiers).

General SkillsGeneral Skills are skills inherent to all

people (to some degree or another). Acharacter's TN for a General Skill equals(Ability + Base 3 + Level + Modifiers).

Specialty SkillsSpecialty Skills are skills that require

training (at least one Level in the skill) touse effectively, although a person withouttraining can still attempt to use one. Acharacter's TN for a Specialty Skill startswith a base of 0 (3 with training) andequals (Ability + Base 0 (or 3) + Level +Modifiers).

Advanced SkillsAdvanced Skills (or Sciences) repre-

sent the highest education, academic

degrees, and expert knowledge in one ofsix scientific fields of study and cannot beused without training (use a MTN 15General Knowledge roll instead). Eachof the Sciences contains three relatedareas of knowledge associated with it.For simplicity, it is assumed that a char-acter is equally proficient with all areasof knowledge in his chosen field of study.A character's TN for an Advanced Skill(if he has one) equals (Ability + Base 3 +Level + Modifiers).

SkillDescriptionsCombat SkillsDodge (AGI)This is the ability to avoid attacks. Dodgerequires a Defense Action and is used tooppose incoming Attack rolls.

Feint (PRE)This is the ability to mislead opponents incombat, making it harder for them tododge attacks. Using Feint requires aMove Action and is opposed by the tar-get's Sense Motive skill. If successful,


4Above Average5 - 6Exceptional7 - 8World Class9 - 10Legendary

Skill Level Equivalent

Chapter Two:


Use the above scale to determine relative ability between the various Skill Levels.

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Skill List By Type

Skill List By AbilityAGILITY (AGI)Balance (AGI)Dodge (AGI)Drive (AGI)Escape (AGI)Hide (AGI)Melee (AGI)Move Silently (AGI)Open Locks (AGI)Operate Heavy Machinery (AGI)Pilot (AGI)Ranged (AGI)Ride (AGI)Slight of Hand (AGI)Surgery (AGI) (requires Life Sciences skill)Throw (AGI)Tumble (AGI)Unarmed (AGI)CONSTITUTION (CON)NONEINTELLIGENCE (INT)Appraise (INT)

Computers (INT)Construction (INT)Demolitions (INT)Disable Device (INT)Earth Sciences (INT) Electronics (INT)Forgery (INT)General Knowledge (INT)Gunsmith (INT)Historical Sciences (INT)Life Sciences (INT) Mechanics (INT)Physical Sciences (INT) Political Sciences (INT)Search (INT)Social Sciences (INT)Target (INT)Weaponsmith (INT) PRESENCE (PRE)Bluff (PRE)Diplomacy (PRE)Entertain (PRE)Feint (PRE)

Gather Info (PRE)Handle Animal (PRE)Intimidate (PRE)Taunt (PRE)STRENGTH (STR) Climb (STR)Grapple (STR)Intimidate (STR)Jump (STR)Swim (STR)WISDOM (WIS)Artistry (WIS)Conceal (WIS)Disguise (WIS)Gamble (WIS)Interrogation (WIS)Listen (WIS)Sense Motive (WIS)Spot (WIS)Streetwise (WIS)Survival (WIS)Track (WIS)Treat Injury (WIS)

Combat Skills ABILITYDodge (AGI)Feint (PRE)Grapple (STR)Melee (AGI)Ranged (AGI)Target (INT)Throw (AGI)Unarmed (AGI)General Skills Balance (AGI)Bluff (PRE)Climb (STR)Conceal (WIS)Diplomacy (PRE)Disguise (WIS)Drive (AGI)Escape (AGI)Gamble (WIS)Gather Info (PRE)General Knowledge (INT)Hide (AGI)Intimidate (STR or PRE)Jump (STR)

Listen (WIS)Move Silently (AGI)Ride (AGI)Search (INT)Sense Motive (WIS)Spot (WIS)Swim (STR)Taunt (PRE)Treat Injury (WIS)Specialty SkillsAppraise (INT)Artistry (WIS)Computers (INT)Construction (INT)Demolitions (INT)Disable Device (INT)Electronics (INT)Entertain (PRE)Forgery (INT)Gunsmith (INT)Handle Animal (PRE)Interrogation (WIS)Mechanics (INT)Open Locks (AGI)

Operate Heavy Machinery (AGI)Pilot (AGI)Slight of Hand (AGI)Streetwise (WIS)Surgery (AGI) (requires Life Sciences skill)Survival (WIS)Track (WIS)Tumble (AGI)Weaponsmith (INT)Advanced SkillsEarth Sciences (INT) (Geography, Geology, Meteorology)Historical Sciences (INT) (Anthropology, Archeology, History) Life Sciences (INT) (Biology, Biotech, Medicine)Physical Sciences (INT) (Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics)Political Sciences (INT) (Economics, Law, Politics)Social Sciences (INT) (Philosophy, Psychology, Religion)

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Feint causes the target to become Flat-Footed against the character's next CloseQuarter Combat attack.

Grapple (STR)This represents the character's skill at dis-arming, holding, pinning, tripping, shov-ing, throwing, and choking opponents.Using Grapple takes an Attack Action,but can also be used as a Defense Actionto oppose an incoming Grapple attack ora Point Blank Ranged attack.

Melee (AGI)This is the ability to make attacks withmelee weapons. Using Melee takes anAttack Action, but can also be used as aDefense Action to oppose an incomingGrapple, Melee, or Unarmed attack (SeeParry p.78).

Ranged (AGI) This is the ability to make attacks withranged weapons such as pistols andrifles. Using Ranged takes an AttackAction.

Target (INT) This represents the character's skill usingindirect-fire or computer guided weapon-ry such as mortars, ship guns, or shoul-der-fired missiles. Using Target takes anAttack Action.

Throw (AGI) This represents the character's skill atthrowing things, like a rock, knife, orspear. Using Throw takes an AttackAction. The maximum range an objectcan be thrown equals its (RangeIncrement x STR).

Unarmed (AGI) This is the ability to make hand-to-handattacks with natural weapons, such aspunches, kicks, head butts, claws, andbites. Using Unarmed takes an AttackAction, but can also be used as aDefense Action to oppose an incomingUnarmed attack.

General AndSpecialty Skills [S] Indicates a Specialty Skill

Appraise [S] (INT) This is the ability to tell an antique fromold junk or a diamond from a piece ofglass and to determine its value. It canalso be used to spot artistic counterfeits,such as phony antiques or replicatedpaintings. Using the Appraise skill takesa few moments to closely examine theitem in question.

Artistry [S] (WIS) Artistry represents the character's cre-ative ability and skill at producing worksof art in areas such as painting, sculpt-ing, poetry, songwriting, or composing.Using Artistry to create a work of art cantake weeks or even months.

Balance (AGI) Balance is the character's ability to keephis footing and remain upright under dif-ficult circumstances. Using Balance isnormally a Free Action.

Bluff (PRE) Bluff is the ability to make the outlandishseem credible. It covers faking it, fast-talking, trickery, and subterfuge. Bluff isopposed by Sense Motive. Using Bluffcan take a Free Action, a round, or anentire scene, depending on what thecharacter is trying to accomplish with it.

Climb (STR) This is the character's ability to climb.Climbing always takes a MovementAction. A character can climb 1/4 hisMovement speed per Action with a suc-cessful Climb roll, but makes no progresson a failure and falls on a Botch. A char-acter can also try to climb faster, goingup to 1/2 his Movement speed perAction with a MTN 10 Climb roll.

Computers [S] (INT) This skill represents the character's abili-ty to write complex computer programson the fly or to hack into secure websitesor security systems in order to take con-trol or steal information. Computers isalso used to decrypt passwords or codesand to control R/C (remote control) vehi-cles or systems.

Conceal (WIS) Conceal represents the ability to camou-

flage or hide objects from normal view orto make them appear as something else.By its nature, it can also be used to tailsomeone in a vehicle without them notic-ing. Conceal is opposed by Search (orMTN 10 Spot) for stationary objects andthe Spot skill for objects that are moving.Using Conceal to camouflage, hide, ordisguise objects normally requires atleast a few minutes, if not hours or days.Using Conceal to tail someone is typical-ly a Free Action when used in conjunc-tion with a Vehicle's Movement.

Construction [S] (INT) This is the ability and knowledge ofbuilding large non-mechanical structuressuch as roads, bridges, buildings, andthe like. Using Construction can take along time, depending on the structure tobe built, ranging from a few hours for aninterior wall to a year or more for a sin-gle large building.

Demolitions [S] (INT) This is the ability to create and set explo-sive devices, whether to minimize ormaximize their destructive force. UsingDemolitions to create an explosive fromscratch takes at least an hour to do safe-ly. In this case, success yields a number ofdevices equal to the X-Roll and failuremeans the character can try again. ABotch means the batch is ruined with noharm to the character except that hisingredients have been consumed. Theprocess can be rushed at personal risk tothe character, taking only a minute, but

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the yield is only half (possibly zero), anda failure consumes the ingredients. ABotch in this case blows the yield up inthe character's face, doing appropriatedamage by type, which the charactercannot Dodge or Save against. TheDifficulty to create explosive devices is asfollows:

Device DifficultyMolotov Cocktail RollPipe Bomb MTN 10Dynamite MTN 10Thermite MTN 15C4 MTN 15Enhanced Nitro MTN 15

(blows up on a failure)

Using Demolitions to maximize thedestructive force of a set explosiverequires a Demolitions MTN 10 roll. Ifsuccessful, it doubles the X-Damage ofthe blast. This cannot be done with ther-mite or prefab explosives such as clay-mores, hand grenades, or mines.

Minimizing an explosive's destructiveforce is done by shaping the charge anddirecting the blast in only one direction,usually to blow out a wall but leave therest of a building intact. Shaping acharge reduces the explosive's area to a45° wedge with half the distance of theexplosive's original radius. A shapedcharge can also be maximized. C4 iseasy to shape, but other explosivedevices are not. The Difficulty to shapeexplosive devices is as follows:

Device DifficultyC4 RollDynamite MTN 10Pipe Bomb MTN 15

Explosives are typically detonated byremote control (as a Free Action), but canalso be set with a fuse or tripwire. Fusedexplosives take one Action to light(although Slight of Hand can be used toturn the lighting Action into a FreeAction) and are cut to a fuse length of 3

or 6 seconds when they are meant to bethrown (exploding one or two Actionsafterwards). When setting an explosiveto be triggered by a tripwire, use aConceal roll opposed by Search (or MTN10 Spot) to determine if the tripwire isdetected before it is triggered.

Diplomacy (PRE) Diplomacy is the skill of dealing withpeople, representing etiquette, grace,and influence. It is used to reach agree-ments, negotiate deals, and win peopleover. Diplomacy can also be used toinfluence an NPC's attitude with a fewmoments of interaction (see NPC Attitudeand Interaction p.71). In most cases,Diplomacy is unopposed, but would beopposed by Diplomacy if two diplomatsare trying to gain advantage over eachother, or wish to sell a third party onopposing viewpoints. When used toreach an agreement, negotiate deals, orto win people over, Diplomacy normallyrequires at least a few minutes, if nothours or days.

Disable Device [S] (INT) This represents the character's ability tosabotage, disable, or disarm variousdevices such as alarms, booby traps, ortime bombs. It can also be used to rig adevice to fail after a particular set of cir-cumstances are met, such as having a tirefall off a car when it reaches 80 MPH,depressurizing a spacecraft after it entershyperspace, or causing an elevator todrop after passing the 13th floor. UsingDisable Device to disable a simple deviceonly takes a round or two. Using it to dis-able a complex device can take a minuteor more. Rigging a device to fail can takeminutes or hours depending on the com-plexity of the device and what the char-acters is trying to make it do; longer if heneeds to hide the sabotage to make itlook like an accident. The Difficulty to dis-able devices is as follows:

Device DifficultyDisable Simple Device RollDisable Complex Device MTN 10Rig Simple Device MTN 10Rig Complex Device MTN 15

Disguise (WIS) Disguise is the ability to change one'sappearance (or someone else's) to hidehis identity or impersonating someoneelse. Doing so requires at least 10 min-utes of work and a professional disguisekit. Disguise is opposed by Spot.

Drive (AGI) This is the character's ability to performdangerous driving maneuvers, avoidhazards, and regain any loss of a vehi-cle's control. It is opposed by Drive whentrying to out-drive an opponent or lose atail and can be used like the Dodge skillto oppose any incoming attacks againstthe vehicle. Using Drive is typically a FreeAction when used in conjunction with aMove Action or to avoid a hazard orregain control.

Electronics [S] (INT) This is the ability to modify, build, orrepair electronic devices. When used torepair Systems Point Damage on vehiclesand spacecraft, it restores a number ofSystems Points equal to the X-Roll (at therate of one point per hour).

Entertain [S] (PRE) Entertain represents the character's abili-ty to perform for others or put on a show.It encompasses singing, dancing, acting,and playing musical instruments.

Escape (AGI) This is the character's ability to escapefrom bonds and restraints or to squeezethrough tight spaces. Escape can also beused to oppose a Grapple Hold, Pin, orChoke. Using Escape takes a MovementAction.

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Forgery [S] (INT) Forgery is the ability to create fake docu-ments, IDs, artworks, or websites and isalso used to recognize fakes made byothers. Forging documents and IDs usual-ly takes only a few minutes and isopposed by Forgery when examined byothers. Duplicating artworks can takehours, days, or weeks, depending on themedium and is opposed by eitherAppraise or Forgery. A character musthave at least 3 levels of the Artistry skillto forge artworks. A counterfeit websitecan be whipped up in a few minutes bya proficient computer user and isopposed by either Computers or Forgery.A character must have at least 3 levels ofthe Computers skill to forge websites. TheDifficulty to forge specific items are asfollows:

Item DifficultyDocument or Signature RollID or Permit MTN 10Money MTN 15Typical Artwork MTN 10Famous Artwork MTN 15Typical Website RollWell Known Website MTN 10Secure Website MTN 15

Gamble (WIS) Gamble represents a character's luckand skill at betting on games of chance.Using Gamble represents an hour or anentire evening of gaming. There are twotypes of gambling: games against TheHouse like slots, roulette, blackjack, andhorse racing; and games against agroup (or single opponent), like poker,craps, and penny pitching.

Games against The House are resolvedby first determining a Stake (the maxi-mum amount the character is willing torisk), and then making a MTN 10 or CritGamble roll opposed by The House,which typically has a Gamble skill of 17(WIS 6 + Skill 8 + Base 3). The charac-ter must succeed to win, even if the Housedoes not. Needless to say, playing

against The House stinks, but the payoffis greater than playing against a groupshould a character win. In this case thecharacter wins (X-Roll x Stake). If thecharacter wins with a Crit he gets back(20 x Stake). If the character loses, theregoes the Stake.

When playing against a group, firstdetermine a Minimum Bet for the group,then multiply the Minimum Bet by thenumber of players to determine howmuch is at Stake. Once a Minimum Bethas been agreed upon, everyone makesan opposed Gamble roll and the resultsare tallied. The lowest roll pays the high-est roll (Minimum Bet x Number ofPlayers). The next lowest roll pays thesecond highest roll (Minimum Bet x OneLess Player) and so on, paying (MinimumBet x One Less Player) each time, untileveryone has either paid out or received.In the case of a middleman, he is consid-ered to have broke even.

For example: a group of 7 are play-ing poker. When it comes time to settlethe bets, the players' Gamble rolls arelined up in value from highest to lowest.For simplicity, we'll say player 7 is thehighest and player 1 is the lowest witheveryone else falling neatly in line. Whenthe game started the Minimum Bet wasset at 100w, so player 1 pays player 7700w, player 2 pays player 6 600w,player 3 pays player 5 500w, and play-er 4 breaks even.

Gather Info (PRE) This is the ability to collect informationfrom people, such as rumors, gossip, andthe general goings on of a particularlocale. Doing so requires at least an hourand a few small bribes or drinks to"work" the area.

General Knowledge (INT) This skill represents the character'sknowledge of current events and the abil-ity to answer general academic questionsor trivia. Using General Knowledge isalways a Free Action, as the character

either knows the info or doesn't.

Gunsmith [S] (INT) This is the ability to modify or repairfirearms and to manufacture them (giventhe proper parts, equipment, and GMapproval). The Difficulty to create a par-ticular weapon is equal to its Availability,provided the character has the propertools and equipment for the build. Thisskill is also used to manufacture prefabexplosive devices such as claymores,hand grenades, mines, and missiles (butnot the explosive component itself: C-4,which must be acquired separately). Acharacter must have at least 3 levels ofthe Electronics skill to manufactureShoulder-Fired Missiles or Vehicle-Mounted Weapons. Using Gunsmith tocreate a weapon takes twice the Deliverytime associated with the weapon'sAvailability (See Availability p.32). Notethat this skill does not cover the manufac-ture of ammunition.

Handle Animal [S] (PRE) This represents the character's ability totrain and push animals, such as teachinga dog to guard or getting a mule to climbup a particularly steep cliff. It is also usedto domesticate wild animals so that theycan be trained as well. The Difficulties forusing Handle Animal are as follows:

Task DifficultyPush Animal RollTrain or Teach Tricks MTN 10Domesticate Wild Animal MTN 15

Hide (AGI) This is the ability to duck out of sight orblend into the surroundings and to moveunobserved or to tail someone on footwithout being noticed. Hide can beopposed with either Search or Spot,depending on whether the opponent isactively searching for (or just passivelyhappens to notice) the character. UsingHide is a Free Action, but must be tied toa Move Action when movement is



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involved.Interrogation [S] (WIS) Interrogation is used to extract informa-tion from an unwilling target throughsubtle questioning, trickery, and psychol-ogy. It is opposed by the Willpower Saveand can take minutes or hours, depend-

ing on the target.Intimidate (STR or PRE) Intimidate can be used with eitherStrength or Presence to threaten othersinto cooperation and to overawe themduring combat, or to influence an NPC'sattitude (see NPC Attitude and Interaction

p.71). Intimidate is opposed with theWillpower Save and takes one Action.When used in combat, successfully intim-idated targets suffer a -1 penalty to alldie rolls that directly oppose the charac-ter or his actions. More than one personcan be intimidated at a time, but doing

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so is much harder than working-over anindividual. Against groups larger than 8,only the leader can be intimidated, asthere is just too much strength in numbersbeyond that point. The Difficulty is as fol-lows:

Number of Targets Difficulty1 Target Roll2-4 Targets MTN 105-8 Targets MTN 15

Jump (STR) This is the character's ability to jump fordistance or height, or to make a desper-ate dive through a window, doorway, orover some obstacle. It takes a MoveAction to use Jump. Use the followingDifficulties to determine how far or higha character can jump:

Jump DifficultyLong JumpDistance Equals (STR X 5') RollTo Jump An Extra 5' MTN 10To Jump An Extra 10' MTN 15High Jump Distance Equals (STR X 1') (Vertical Reach Not Included) RollTo Jump An Extra 2' MTN 10To Jump An Extra 4' MTN 15

Listen (WIS) This is the ability to hear faint sounds orto eavesdrop on someone else's conver-sation. Using Listen is a Free Action.

Mechanics [S] (INT) This is the ability to modify, build, orrepair mechanical devices. When used torepair Structure Point damage on vehi-cles and spacecraft, it restores a numberof Structure Points equal to the X-Roll (atthe rate of one point per hour).

Move Silently (AGI) This is the ability to move quietly withoutbeing heard; useful for sneaking up tosomeone or slinking away without beingnoticed. Move Silently is opposed with

Listen and requires a Move Action.

Open Locks [S] (AGI) This skill represents the ability to defeatboth manual locks (called hard locks)and electronic locks. Using the skillagainst electronic locks requires that thecharacter have at least one level of theElectronics skill. The Difficulties for usingOpen Locks are as follows:

Lock DifficultySimple Hard Lock RollHandcuffs (on another) RollHandcuffs (on self) MTN 10Complex Hard Lock MTN 15 or

CritElectronic Lock MTN 10Discount Electronic Lock w/ Scanner MTN 10Electronic Lock w/ Scanner MTN 15

Operate Heavy Machinery [S] (AGI) This is the ability to operate or driveheavy machinery and vehicles such astrains, earth movers, rock crushers,cranes, bulldozers, or tanks.

Pilot [S] (AGI) This is the character's ability to performdangerous flying maneuvers, avoid haz-ards, and regain any loss of an aircraftor spacecrafts' control. It is opposed byPilot when trying to out-fly an opponentor to lose a tail and can be used like theDodge skill to oppose any incomingattacks against the vehicle. Using Pilot istypically a Free Action when used in con-junction with a Move Action or to avoida hazard or regain control.

Ride (AGI) This is the ability to ride an animal (usu-ally a horse), to stay in the saddle whenbucked, and to get it to do tricky maneu-vers such as jumping an obstacle or run-ning down a pedestrian. Ride is normal-ly a Free Action used with the mount's

own Move Action. A mount can also bepushed with a successful Ride roll, allow-ing the mount to use a Surge Point for itsactions that round (with the associatedFatigue afterwards).

Search (INT) Search represents the skill to actively lookover an area and find clues, hiddenitems, traps, and other details not readilyapparent. Using Search takes a fewActions to go over a small area, such asa single desk or body, but can take min-utes or even hours to cover a larger areasuch as room or building.

Sense Motive (WIS) This is the character's ability to tell whensomeone is trying to bluff or mislead himby picking up on subtle tells or by simpleintuition. It can also be used to sense aperson's general trustworthiness and togauge social situations. Sense Motive is aFree Action when someone is actively try-ing to trick the character, but takes a fewminutes of interaction to get a sense of anindividual's general trustworthiness or togauge a social situation.

Slight of Hand [S] (AGI) This skill represents a subtle or quickhand and can be used to pick pockets,palm small objects (making the seem todisappear), or for quickly reloading afirearm when necessary. Sleight of Handrequires a Move Action and is opposedby Spot when picking pockets or palmingsmall objects. A successful roll as a FreeAction when quickly reloading a firearmcuts the reload time in half.

Spot (WIS) This is the ability to notice movement,realize that something is out of place, orto spot someone in a crowd. Using Spotis always a Free Action; otherwise usethe Search Skill.

Streetwise [S] (WIS) This is the ability to get along on the

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street, to recognize bad areas, to avoidlikely ambush spots, and to know whereto look for certain 'street services'.Typical 'street services' include prosti-tutes, drug dealers, suppliers, fences,information brokers, street doctors, hitmen, and underworld contacts. UsingStreetwise to recognize a likely ambushspot is a Free Action, but using it for any-thing else first requires a few hours tofamiliarize oneself with an area. Oncean area has been familiarized, otheraspects of the Streetwise skill can be usedas a Free Action.

Surgery [S] (AGI) (Requires Life Sciences skill) This is the ability to perform Surgery onanother (not oneself) in order to stopinternal bleeding and repair injuries.Surgery may only be preformed once perwounding and restores a number of lostWound Points equal to the X-Roll if suc-cessful. Because of its invasive naturehowever, anyone undergoing Surgery(successful or otherwise) is consideredDisabled (even with full Wound Points)for a minimum of 12 hours afterwards.

Survival [S] (WIS) This is the ability to survive in the wilder-ness, find shelter, food, and direction.Using Survival to find direction is a FreeAction. In a wilderness situation, Survivalis rolled twice every 24 hours. First tofind shelter (if the characters are movingfrom previously found shelter) and sec-ond to find food. On a successfulSurvival roll to find food, the X-Roll deter-mines how many people the food willsustain for that day.

Swim (STR) This is the character's ability to swim andmaneuver underwater. Using Swim is aMove Action. A character can treadwater or float without a roll, swim 1/4his Movement speed per Action on a suc-cessful roll, or can try to sprint, swimmingup to 1/2 his Movement speed per

Action with a MTN 10 Swim roll. In thiscase, failure indicates normal swimspeed, while the character becomesFatigued on a Botch.

A character can swim for a number ofhours equal to his CON before he needsto make an Endurance Save or becomeFatigued. This process is repeated with acumulative -2 penalty to the Save eachinterval, until the character stops swim-ming or passes out from the accumulat-ing Fatigue.

Taunt (PRE) This is the ability to taunt and egg-on anopponent in order to irritate him intodoing something foolish (the target mustbe able to hear and understand the char-acter for it to work). Taunt is opposedwith either the Sense Motive or Tauntskills and takes one Action. When suc-cessful, the target either does somethingthe character was encouraging him to do(such as releasing a hostage or 'comingover here to say that') or suffers a -2penalty to all die rolls for the next rounddue to the distraction. The choice is up tothe character. However, anytime Taunt issuccessfully opposed with the Taunt skilland the roll is not a failure, the target hasout-taunted the character, who then suf-fers one of the effects above instead ofhis target.

Track [S] (WIS) This is the ability to follow trails left byothers across most types of terrain. Whentracking, only one roll is made each dayfor any particular trail. The Difficulty tofollow tracks depends on how faint theyare (which can be effected by weather,age, or intentional covering by those wholeft the tracks). In the case where some-one is covering his trail, the Track rollalso (in addition to MTN) is opposed byConceal. Below are some simple guide-lines:

Terrain DifficultyObvious (Snow Or Dessert Sands) No Roll

Easy To Spot (Wet Ground Or Across Dirt) RollTypical Tracks (Outdoors, Weathered Snow Or Weathered Dessert Sands) MTN 10Very Faint (Hard Ground, Streambeds, Indoors) MTN 15

Treat Injury (WIS) This is the ability to administer first aidand bind wounds. A successful roll willStabilize a Dying character and restoresa number of lost Vitality Points equal tothe X-Roll. Using this skill to restoreVitality is only effective once per wound-ing. Provided one is conscious, it is pos-sible to use this skill on oneself, but thedifficulty is MTN 10.

Tumble [S] (AGI)Tumble represents the character's acro-batic ability. It can be used to divethrough narrow openings, land on one'sfeet after a fall, or tumble past an oppo-nent trying to block the way. It can beused once as a Free Action during a fallto reduce the damage of the fall by 10points. Using it to tumble past an oppo-nent is a Move Action and is opposed bythe opponent's Grapple skill (as a FreeAction). Success allows the character tomove through the opponent's space as ifhe wasn't there, while failure means thecharacter stops movement in the squaredirectly in front of the opponent.

Weaponsmith [S] (INT) This is the ability to create or repair anyof the following weapons: bayonet, bow,brass knuckles, club, combat knife, cross-bow, foil, hand crossbow, nunchaku,sap, sling, small blade, spear, staff, stunbaton, sword, or whip. The Difficulty tocreate a particular weapon is equal to itsAvailability, provided the character hasthe proper tools and equipment for thebuild. Using Weaponsmith to create aweapon can take a few minutes to weeks,depending on the weapon and quality

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the character is going for. Generally, thisis equal to half the Delivery time associ-ated with the weapon's Availability (SeeAvailability p.32).

Advanced Skills

Earth Sciences (INT) The study and knowledge of geogra-

phy, geology, and meteorology.

Historical Sciences (INT) The study and knowledge of anthro-

pology, archeology, and history.

Life Sciences (INT) The study and knowledge of biology,

biotech, and medicine.

Physical Sciences (INT) The study and knowledge of astrono-

my, chemistry, and physics.

Political Sciences (INT) The study and knowledge of econom-

ics, law, and politics.

Social Sciences (INT) The study and knowledge of philoso-

phy, psychology, and religion.

LanguagesThe languages presented below are

the most universally spoken throughoutthe Solar System. A character starts thegame knowing only his native language(chosen by the player), unless he takes

the Linguist Edge (although new lan-guages can be bought with Experiencelater). A character is able to read, write,and speak any of his languages fluently,unless he has the Illiterate Flaw. In thiscase the character is unable to read orwrite any of his languages, until the Flawis bought off with Experience (SeeExperience p.4 or the Appendix). Acommon language must be shared fortwo or more people to communicate witheach other. In the cases where there is noshared language, the characters mustmake MTN 10 or Crit Sense Motive rollsto understand each other effectively.

LanguagesBelow is a list of the most frequently spoken languages throughout the Solar System (in descending order) and

where they are most commonly used.

Order Language Where Prevalent

1 English Everywhere

2 Japanese Everywhere

3 French Venus

4 Spanish Earth

5 Chinese Mars

6 Russian Mars

7 German Mars

8 Arabic Mars

9 Sioux Titan

10 Inuit Arctic Circle, Earth

11 Sign Language Everywhere

12 Latin Academies of Higher Learning or Religious Institutions

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Chapter Three:

Edges & FlawsEdgeDescriptions

Combat EdgesAgile

The character is skilled at avoidingattacks. +1 Dodge skill.

Blind Fight

The character can engage in CloseQuarter Combat without having to seehis opponents. He suffers no penalty forvision when using Grapple, Melee, andUnarmed skills.

Combat Reflexes

The character reacts faster than normalto combat situations. +4 Initiative.

Evasion (Agile)

The character has superior agility andgrace when dodging attacks. He can usethe Full Defense Action (Defend +Defend) without spending Surge Pointsduring combat.


The character is an accomplished grap-pler. +1 Grapple skill.


The character has an affinity for target-ing computer guided weapons and mis-siles. +1 Target skill.


The character knows how to handle agun. +1 Ranged skill.

Martial Artist

The character can focus the energy of his

attacks, causing Lethal damage insteadof Stun, when using Grapple, Melee, andUnarmed skills.

Martial Throw (Martial Artist)

The character knows how to use theground against an opponent. He cancause unarmed damage on any success-ful Grapple Trip and +5 damage on asuccessful Grapple Body Slam attack.

Power Attack

The character can put all his might intoan attack at the expense of accuracy.When making a Grapple, Melee, orUnarmed attack, the character can take apenalty to his Attack roll, up to his STR, inexchange for an equal amount of addi-tional damage should the attack succeed.

Quick Draw

The character can draw a weapon andhave it ready for use as a Free Actionrather than the normal Move Action.

Rapid Shot (Marksman)

The character has superior speed andgrace with a gun. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack)when using the Ranged skill, withoutspending Surge Points during combat.

Rapid Strike (Combat Reflexes)

The character is lightning quick in CloseQuarter Combat. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack)when using the Grapple, Melee, andUnarmed skills, without spending SurgePoints during combat.

Rapid Targeting (Gunner)

The character has a quick eye and fastfingers for targeting computer guided

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weapons and missiles. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack)when using the Target skill, withoutspending Surge Points during combat.

Rapid Throw (ThrowingSpecialist)

The character has coordinated and quickarms for throwing. He can use back-to-back Attack Actions (Attack + Attack)when using the Throw skill without,

spending Surge Points during combat.


The character is a natural born fighter.+1 Unarmed skill.

Sharpshooter (Marksman)

The character has a dead aim and suffersno penalties for Small or Tiny Size; oppo-nents with Partial Cover; who are Prone;or when firing into opponents engaged

in Close Quarter Combat. For targets ofMiniscule Size the penalty is reduced toMTN 10 or Crit.

Sniper (Marksman)

The character is skilled at making impos-sibly long shots. The character doublesthe Range Increment when using a rifle.

Stunning Attack (Martial Artist)

The character knows how to make dis-

Edges & Flaws


Edge List

❖ Indicates an Edge that can be takenmultiple times.

NAME PrerequisiteCombat EdgesAgile Blind Fight Combat Reflexes Evasion (Agile) Grappler Gunner Marksman Martial Artist Martial Throw (Martial Artist)Power Attack Quick Draw Rapid Shot (Marksman) Rapid Strike (Combat Reflexes) Rapid Targeting (Gunner)Rapid Throw (Throwing

Specialist) Scrapper Sharpshooter (Marksman) Sniper (Marksman) Stunning Attack (Martial Artist) Surprise Strike (Combat Reflexes,

Rapid Strike) Throwing Specialist Weapons Specialist Whirlwind Attack (Combat Reflexes,

Martial Artist, Rapid Strike)

General Edges Academic Ace Pilot Acrobatic Acute Hearing Acute Vision Alert Ambidextrous

Animal Affinity Athletic Base of Operations ❖Born Leader Charismatic Common Sense Computer Geek Concentration Crack Driver Craftsman Creative Exceptional Vehicle ❖Fast Feng-Shui MasterFeng-Shui Power ❖ (Feng-Shui

Master)GearheadGreat Fortitude Hard to Kill High Pain Threshold Indomitable Spirit Instant Stand Internal Compass Iron Will Light Sleeper Lightning Calculator Lightning Reflexes Linguist ❖Low Profile Lucky Mobility Photographic Memory Physician Poker Face Popular Psychic Psychic Power ❖ (Psychic)

Psychic Superfluous Power (Psychic) Quick Healing Rugged Saboteur Safe House ❖Skill Focus ❖Spacer Spacecraft, Fighter ❖Spacecraft, Freighter ❖Spacecraft, Frigate ❖Spacecraft, Scout ❖Speed Reader Spirited Stealthy Technician Thorough Threat Assessment Time Sense ToughnessWell Informed Contact EdgesArms Dealer ❖Corporate Ties ❖Fence ❖Information Broker ❖Judicial Ties ❖Media Ties ❖Minions ❖Political Ties ❖Religious Ties ❖Scientific Ties ❖SSPB Ties ❖Street Doc ❖Underworld Ties ❖

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abling strikes to vulnerable pressurepoints. Whenever the character makes asuccessful Unarmed attack that causesdamage, the target must make anEndurance Save or be Stunned for oneround.

Surprise Strike (CombatReflexes, Rapid Strike)

The character knows how to take advan-tage of off-guard opponents. He does +5damage on a successful Grapple, Melee,or Unarmed attack against a Flat Footedopponent. He may use Surprise Strikeonly once per target each round.

Throwing Specialist

The character has a knack for pitchingthings at a target. +1 Throw skill.

Weapons Specialist

The character has an affinity for 'up closeand personal' combat weaponry. +1Melee skill.

Whirlwind Attack (CombatReflexes, Martial Artist, RapidStrike)

The character can unleash a flurry ofrapid strikes, sweeping over every oppo-nent within 5'. First, make one attack rollat a -2 penalty. Check it against the firsttarget, then add +1 to the total for eachconsecutive target. Damage is figuredfrom the original die roll.

General EdgesAcademic

The character has an affinity for higherlearning and an advanced education.+2 Any one Sciences skill.

Ace Pilot

The character is a flying ace. +2 Pilotskill.


The character is exceptionally nimbleand light on his feet. +1 Balance,

Escape, and Tumble skills.

Acute Hearing

The character has exceptionally sharphearing. +2 Listen skill.

Acute Vision

The character has exceptionally keeneyesight. The character suffers no penal-ties in twilight conditions and can see astwilight in darkness. +1 Spot skill.


The character is in tune with his sur-roundings and those around him. +1Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot skills.


The character is equally adept usingeither hand and suffers no penalty whileperforming a task with his off hand. +1Sleight of Hand skill.

Animal Affinity

Animals seem to like the character, cud-dling up when friendly and hesitating toattack when hostile. The character isalways the last target of choice when theydo attack. +1 Handle Animal


The character has a knack for athleticendeavors. +1 Jump, Climb, and Swimskills.

Base of Operations ❖

The character has a well-known base ofoperations on a planet, moon, or spacestation, where he can relax or attend tohis own affairs (as long as no one is afterhim).

Born Leader

The character has the natural ability toencourage, motivate, and push othersbeyond their normal limitations. Thecharacter gains a second set of SurgePoints (equal to his own), which he cangive to others within the sound of hisvoice. Unlike his personal Surge Points,

these are not limited to being spent justone per round.


The character has a natural appeal thatpeople seem to trust in. +1 Bluff,Diplomacy, and Gather Info skills.

Common Sense

The character always looks before heleaps. Whenever he is about to do some-thing particularly foolhardy (even if thereare no perceptible clues present) the GMshould warn him, noting that perhaps thecourse of action isn't such a good idea.

Computer Geek

The character has a natural affinity forcomputers. +2 Computers skill.


The character can razor focus his mindon a single task, shutting out all distrac-tions. As long as he does nothing else, hesuffers no penalties for environmentaldistractions while concentrating on thetask at hand.

Crack Driver

The character is a natural behind thewheel. +2 Drive skill.


The character is a resourceful and skilledbuilder. +2 Construction skill.


The character is imaginative with a flairfor creativity. +1 Artistry, Conceal, andDisguise skills.

Exceptional Vehicle ❖

The character owns an unusual or heavi-ly modified vehicle, such as a tank, hov-ercraft, or spy satellite. Choose any sin-gle vehicle with an Availability of MTN10or higher, or take a common vehicle andmodify it with weapons, armor, andgadgets (subject to GM approval). Thisfeat can also be taken twice for the same

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Edges & Flaws


vehicle, in order to more heavily modifyan already Exceptional Vehicle.Exceptional Vehicles bought with thisEdge can always be repaired orreplaced if damaged, lost, stolen, ordestroyed during the course of the game(though it can take a few months in somecases).


The character is fleet of feet. +10Movement.

Feng-Shui Master

The character is a practitioner ofUniversal Feng-Shui and has access toFeng-Shui Powers (see Feng-Shui Powersp.24).

Feng-Shui Power ❖ (Feng-ShuiMaster)

The character can use one of the Feng-Shui Powers. He must take the next avail-able Feng-Shui Power according to theOrder of Advancement (see Feng-ShuiPowers p.24).


The character is mechanically inclined.+2 Mechanics.

Great Fortitude

The character has exceptional resilience.+2 Endurance Save.

Hard to Kill

The character is tough to put down. +5Wound Points.

High Pain Threshold

The character has a high tolerance forpain. He only suffers a -1 penalty to alldie rolls when Wounded.

Indomitable Spirit

The character has extraordinary mentaltenacity. Any time the character fails aWillpower Save, he gets a second Saveon the next round to try again.

Instant Stand

The character can quickly regain his feetafter being thrown, tripped, or knockeddown, doing so as a Free Action ratherthan the normal Move Action.

Internal Compass

The character has the uncanny ability toretrace his steps exactly, knowing thecorrect direction to any point he has beento during the day. He will never get lost,unless moved while unconscious.

Iron Will

The character has an unusually strongsense of will. +2 Willpower Save.

Light Sleeper

The character can wake from sleepinstantly at any sign of trouble or danger.

Lightning Calculator

The character can instantly perform com-plicated mathematical calculations in hishead. +1 Computer and PhysicalSciences skills.

Lightning Reflexes

The character has quick reflexes andreacts fluidly to danger. +2 ReactionSave.

Linguist ❖

The character has a natural aptitude forlanguages. He knows a number of extralanguages (in additional to his nativetongue) equal to his Intelligence.

Low Profile

The character easily blends into a crowdor has a forgettable face. Opponents suf-fer a -4 penalty when trying to recognizethe character through the Spot skill (nicefor those with a bounty out on them).


Lady Luck seems to smile on the charac-ter. Increase the character's Luck Pointsby one.


The character is skilled at dodging pastopponents and can move through anopponent's space when taking back-to-back Move Actions.

Photographic Memory

The character can remember things seenand heard with near perfect detail. +1General Knowledge and all Sciencesskills.


The character has a natural affinity forthe medical arts. +1 Treat Injury,Surgery, and Life Sciences skills.

Poker Face

The character is skilled at hiding hisexcitement and emotions. +1 Gamble,Interrogate, and Intimidate skills.


The character has a group of dedicatedfans. +2 Entertain skill.


The character has Psychic abilities andaccess to one of the Psychic Spheres (seePsychic Powers p.26).

Psychic Power ❖ (Psychic)

The character can use one of the PsychicPowers within his chosen Psychic Sphere.He must take the next available PsychicPower according to his Sphere's Order ofAdvancement, paying the Psychosis Costas normal (see Psychic Powers p.26).

Psychic Superfluous Power(Psychic)

The character gains what Psychics referto as a Superfluous Power; the ability touse a Psychic Power from a PsychicSphere not his own. This is very rare andis limited to the first (and only the first)available Power within any particularSphere.

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Bounty Head Bebop


Quick Healing

The character recovers quickly frominjury, gaining double the normal VitalityPoints per hour and one additionalWound Point per day.


The character is a hardy outdoorsman.+1 Handle Animal, Ride, and Survivalskills.


The character has a knack for disruptingthe normal operation of things. +1Demolitions, Disable Device, and OpenLocks skills.

Safe House ❖

The character has a secret safe househidden on a planet, moon, or space sta-tion, where he can lie low and recoverwhen necessary.

Skill Focus ❖

The character has dedicated himself tothe mastery of a particular skill. +2 anyskill.

Spacecraft, Fighter ❖

The character owns a fighter spacecraft.A Fighter Spacecraft bought with thisEdge can always be repaired orreplaced if damaged, lost, stolen, ordestroyed during the course of the game(though it can take a few months in somecases).

Spacecraft, Freighter ❖

The character owns a space freighter. AFreighter Spacecraft bought with thisEdge can always be repaired orreplaced if damaged, lost, stolen, ordestroyed during the course of the game(though it can take a few months in somecases).

Spacecraft, Frigate ❖

The character owns a frigate spacecraft.A Frigate Spacecraft bought with thisEdge can always be repaired or

replaced if damaged, lost, stolen, ordestroyed during the course of the game(though it can take a few months in somecases).

Spacecraft, Scout ❖

The character owns a scout ship. A ScoutSpacecraft bought with this Edge canalways be repaired or replaced if dam-aged, lost, stolen, or destroyed duringthe course of the game (though it cantake a few months in some cases).


The character is accustomed to spacetravel and suffers no SituationalModifiers for actions in Zero-G.

Speed Reader

The character can read text incrediblyfast, tearing through a single page inabout three seconds and a 200 pagebook in about ten minutes.


The character can push himself beyondhis normal limitations when needed.Increase the character's Surge Points byone.


The character knows how to be subtle.+1 Hide, Move Silently, and Slight ofHand skills.


The character has a natural aptitude forbuilding and repairing electronicdevices. +2 Electronics skill.


The character takes the time to do the jobright. +1 Forgery, Search, and Trackskills.

Threat Assessment

The character knows how to assess anopponent's skill in comparison to hisown. By spending one Action, the char-

acter can try to make a Sense Motive rollto determine whether the opponent is lessskilled, about the same, or more skilled ina particular area than the character.

Time Sense

The character always knows what time itis and how much has passed from anyparticular reference. Additionally, he can'set himself' to wake from sleep at anypredetermined instant.


The character doesn't let scrapes, bumps,or bruises slow him down. +10 VitalityPoints.

Well Informed

The character stays ahead of currentevents, keeping himself in the loop. +1Appraise, General Knowledge, andStreetwise skills.

Contact EdgesArms Dealer ❖

The character has a supplier (on a singleplanet or moon) for arms and arma-ments, legal or otherwise.

Corporate Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in a major corporation of a sin-gle planet or moon.

Fence ❖

The character has a buyer (on a singleplanet or moon) for hot or questionablegoods.

Information Broker ❖

The character has a source available (ona single planet or moon) to buy and sellinformation.

Judicial Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in the judicial system of a singleplanet or moon.

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Media Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in the major media of a singleplanet or moon.

Minions ❖

The character has a number of paidlackeys or loyal followers under his direc-tion. The base is 3 for each time the edgeis taken +/- the following modifiers:

Edge or Flaw Modifier

Base of Operations +3Born Leader +6Bounty Head -5Charismatic +3Feng-Shui Master +3Kid -5Moves Around A lot -2Popular +3Psychic -2Ties (Any) +3 ea.

Political Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in the politics and bureaucracyof a single planet or moon.

Religious Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in a major religion or cult of asingle planet or moon.

Scientific Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in the scientific community of asingle planet or moon.

SSPB Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in the SSPB (Solar SystemsPolicing Bureau) of a single planet ormoon.

Street Doc ❖

The character has a medical professionalavailable on a single planet or moon,

who can patch him up or perform elec-tive surgery, no questions asked.

Underworld Ties ❖

The character has contacts and limitedinfluence in a major syndicate or go-gang of a single planet or moon.


Absent Minded

The character is constantly forgetting ormisplacing minor information or smallitems. -3 General Knowledge skill.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine if thecharacter is going to misplace someimportant item (such as ship keys, afirearm, the bounty head, etc) during thecourse of the game. If so, the GM mayspring it on the character at anytime,usually in the most inconvenient way pos-sible (like informing the character that hehas misplaced his gun, just as combatstarts...).

Roll Result

1-15 Doesn’t come into play16-20 Flaw comes into play

All Thumbs

When it comes to building or repairingthings, the character is all thumbs. -2 onConstruction, Mechanics, and Electronicsskills.


Sometimes the character's allergies flareup making life miserable.

At the start of each game session, thecharacter must make an Endurance Saveor suffer a -1 penalty to all die rolls dur-ing the session.

Animal Antipathy

There is something about the character

that animals don't like. In general, ani-mals will avoid the character with a barkor hiss, but if cornered or trained toguard, the animals will attack. Those ani-mals that do attack, tend to ignore otherthreats until the character with AnimalAntipathy is taken care of.

Big 'Un

The character is big, really big. Whethergrossly overweight or just a giant amongmen, the lumbering character has a hardtime fitting into a smaller man's world.He is too big to move through any spacethat would normally require an Escaperoll to do so, and must make an Escaperoll or get stuck anytime he tries to getinto or out of a normally confining space(such as a vehicle, airlock, or doorway).-2 Hide skill and -5 Movement.

Big Spender The character has a hard time keepingmoney, spending it like water or gam-bling it away. No mater how muchmoney passes through his hands, healways ends up broke and hungry.

Blabber Mouth The character is a habitual gossip with abig mouth, always speaking before think-ing. He's likely to blurt out secret plans orinadvertently tell the bad guys exactlywhat they want to know. Opponents geta +4 on Interrogation skill rolls againstthe character.

Bounty Head The character is wanted for some crime(real or not) and has a large bountyplaced on his head.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine ifbounty hunters are going to crash theparty sometime during the course of thegame.

Roll Result

1-10 Flaw Doesn’t come into Play11-15 No, But Add +5 To Next Roll16-20 Bounty Hunters Show Up21-25 SSPB Shows Up

Edges & Flaws


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Bum Leg

One of the character's legs is lame orfalse (not a flaw if the character uses acybernetic replacement). -10 Movementand -3 Climb, Jump, Swim, and Tumbleskills.

Chain Smoker

The character has to have his cigarettesand everyone knows it, cause he's neverseen without one hanging from his lip.He must make a Willpower Save to resistany offers of a smoke; something anenemy might take advantage of. Ifdenied smokes for more than an hour, thecharacter suffers a -1 penalty to all dierolls until he gets some.

Clean Freak

The character has a compulsion to cleanand tidy up, hating filth and disarray. Hemust make a Willpower Save to resist theurge to do so when confronted with a mess.


Like a bull in a china shop, the charactertends to drop things or knock them over.Don't trust him with hand grenades andwatch your back if he has a gun.

Once per session, the character mustmake a Reaction Save to avoid droppingsomething important or knocking intosomething causing unwanted noise. TheGM decides when the roll must occur,carefully choosing the most inopportunetime.


The character is severely overconfidentand never turns down a challenge.

Code of Honor

The character has a personal set of rulesthat he will not break, no matter what.Typical codes are against killing, harm-ing women or children, attacking frombehind, never suffering an insult without

answering in blood, etc.

Compulsive Gambler

The character has a weakness for gamesof chance and may not be able to controlhimself when the opportunity to gamblearises. He must make a Willpower Saveto resist gambling and can only attemptto stop (re-roll Willpower Save) when hewins or his money runs out.


Cowards try to avoid combat and do alot of ducking when it comes their way.When forced into combat, the first roundmust always be spent finding cover ormoving away from the area. -1Grapple, Melee, and Unarmed skills and-3 Intimidate skill.

Cry Baby

The character has a low tolerance forpain or an exaggerated sense of injury.

FLAWSAbsent Minded All Thumbs Allergies Animal Antipathy Big 'Un Big Spender Blabber Mouth Bounty Head Bum Leg Chain Smoker Clean Freak Clumsy Cocky Code of Honor Compulsive Gambler Coward Cry Baby Dark Secret Deep Sleeper Dependant Distinctive Features Distracted Ego Signature

Enemy Geezer Greedy Hasty Heavy Drinker Heroic Hothead Illiterate Impaired Hearing Impaired Vision Impulsive Intolerant Kid Klepto Klutz Lazy Lecherous Mistaken Identity Night Blindness Obligation Oblivious Obvious One Arm

Outlaw Phobia: Being Alone Phobia: Cats Phobia: Crowds Phobia: Darkness Phobia: Deep WaterPhobia: DogsPhobia: Enclosed Places Phobia: Heights Phobia: Snakes Rotten Liar Scrawny Short Soft Space Sickness Squeamish Superstitious Tell Uncouth Uninformed Uninspired Unlucky Vengeful

Bounty Head Bebop


Flaws List

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Edges & Flaws


He suffers a -1 penalty on all die rollswhenever he is Injured and a -2 penaltywhen Wounded.

Dark Secret

The character has a dark secret or iden-tity that would cause all sorts of problemsif revealed.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine ifsome aspect of the dark secret will comeup during the game.

Roll Result

1-15 No16-19 Yes, Small Hint20 Yes, Secret Revealed

Deep Sleeper

The character sleeps so soundly thatnothing short of a solid kick to the headcan awake him. In a combat situation,this means a strike that reduces VitalityPoints or causes a Wound (whether deliv-ered by a friend or enemy). Needless tosay, he never makes a morning appoint-ment.


The character has someone that dependson him for protection and support,whether a child, family member, orfriend.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine ifsomething will threaten the character'sdependant during the game. Losing adependant is a traumatic experience.Should it happen, the character receivesno XP for that game session, and dropsthe Dependant flaw.

Roll Result1-15 Doesn’t come into play16-20 Flaw comes into play

Distinctive Features

Something about the character's physicalappearance stands out, making him eas-ily identifiable (whether cybernetic

implants, a disfigurement, unique modeof dress, etc). Opponents get a +4 onSpot skill rolls when used to recognize thecharacter in disguise.


The character easily misses fine details orgets hung up on red herrings. -2Forgery, Search, and Track skills.

Ego Signature

The character cannot perform anyanonymous covert act, compelled toleave some identifying mark at the scene.Typical ego signatures might include asilver bullet, a playing card, a crypticmessage, initials carved into furniture,etc.


The character has an enemy (whether anindividual or group) actively seeking todo him harm. More powerful enemiessuch as corporations and syndicates willusually put a bounty on the character(see Bounty Head) to help rope him intotheir clutches.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine if thecharacter's enemy shows up sometimeduring the course of the game.

Roll Result

1-10 Doesn’t come into play11-15 No, But Add +5 To Next Roll16-20 Enemy's Goons Show Up21-25 Enemy Shows up


The character has been around the blocka few times and is starting to slow down.Though he's not as spry as he once was,he's picked up a lot of experience alongthe way. -2 all Physical skills, +1 allMental skills.


The character loves money and will doalmost anything he thinks he can get

away with to get it. He must make aWillpower Save to resist any offers of abribe; something an enemy might takeadvantage of.


The character has little patience fortedious work. -2 Demolitions, DisableDevice, and Open Locks skills.

Heavy Drinker

The character likes to have a nip ofcourage now and then (mostly now).Though not necessarily drunk, the char-acter drinks like a fish and everyoneknows it. He must make a WillpowerSave to resist any offers of a drink; some-thing an enemy might take advantage of.If denied alcohol for more than an hour,the character suffers a -1 penalty to alldie rolls until he gets some.


The character is a sucker for those inneed. He hates to see anyone suffer andcan never turn down a sincere plea forhelp.


The character is easily provoked andtends to become reckless when frustrated.Opponents get a +4 on Taunt skill rollsagainst the character.


The character can't read.

Impaired Hearing

The character is hard of hearing or deafin one ear. -3 Listen skill.

Impaired Vision

The character is blind in one eye, has nodepth perception, is myopic, or suffers alazy eye. -2 Spot, Ranged, and Throwskills.


Impulsive characters act before they

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Bounty Head Bebop


think; opening doors to see what's inside,pushing buttons to see what they do, run-ning off alone to see what made the hor-rible scream...

Once per session, the character mustmake a Willpower Save to avoid doingsomething that will get him into trouble.The GM decides when the roll must occur,carefully choosing the most inopportunetime (need someone to set off a trap?).


The character dislikes and does not getalong with certain types of people (byRace or Profession) avoiding them if pos-sible and insulting or provoking themwhen forced together.


The character is a child, 8-15 years old,which most people won't take very seri-ously. Typical kids are also undersized(see Short) and are restricted by agefrom certain activities, wherever suchlaws are actually enforced. -2 Bluff,Diplomacy, Gather Info, and Interrogateskills and -4 Intimidate skill.


The character has a compulsion to stealand hoard away small items, usually oflittle monetary value.

Once per session, the character mustmake a Willpower Save to avoid stealingsomething that might get him into trou-ble. The GM decides when the roll mustoccur, carefully choosing the most inop-portune time.


The character is uncoordinated and with-out grace, barely able to walk and chewgum at the same time. -2 Balance,Escape, and Tumble skills.


The character has little motivation to doanything strenuous; letting others do anygrunt work and heavy lifting. -2 Climb,Jump, and Swim skills.


The character is a sex-crazed pervertand everybody knows it, especially thosehe continually hits on. He must make aWillpower Save to resist any offers forsex; something an enemy might takeadvantage of.

Mistaken Identity

For some unknown reason, the characteris constantly being mistaken for someoneelse. Perhaps he just has a really com-mon face.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine ifsomeone is going to mistake the charac-ter for someone else at some point duringthe course of the game.

Roll Result

1-5 No Mistaken Identity6-12 Mundane Identiy13-18 Mistaken For A Bounty Head18-20 Mistaken For A Deadly Enemy

Night Blindness

The character has very poor eyesight inlowlight conditions. In twilight conditionsthe character suffers the same penaltiesfor darkness. In darkness, he is effective-ly blind.


The character is obligated in some wayto his family, his profession, a corpora-tion, the SSPB, a syndicate, or by someother duty or promise.

At the start of each game session, theGM secretly rolls a die to determine if hisobligation comes up sometime during thecourse of the game.

Roll Result

1-5 Doesn’t Come Into Play6-12 PC Must Report In13-18 Obligation Needs A Minor Favor18-20 Obligation Needs A Major Favor


The character is an airhead, prone to

spacing out at times. -2 Listen, Spot, andSense Motive skills.


The character has no sense of stealth,being loud or awkward at inappropriatetimes. -2 Hide, Move Silently, and Slightof Hand skills.

One Arm

The character has only one arm (not aflaw if the character uses a cyberneticreplacement). -3 Climb and Swim skillsand -2 Drive and Pilot skills in unmodi-fied vehicles.


The character is on the wrong side of thelaw, possibly wanted for petty crimes, butis still a small fry as far as bounty huntersgo. Even so, outlaws can't risk using theirown ID's and are likely to be harassed bythe SSPB even when there is no bountyon their heads.


The character has a particular phobia orirrational fear. Anytime the character isexposed to his phobia, he must make aWillpower Save or become Panicked,doing everything he can to immediatelyleave the area. If he Saves, he may stayin the fearful situation, but becomesShaken and suffers a -1 penalty to all dierolls until the situation is resolved. Notethat characters with the Fear of DeepWater Phobia cannot swim and sinkstrait to the bottom if they becomePanicked while in water over their heads.Chose one of the following Phobias:

* Fear of Being Alone* Fear of Cats* Fear of Crowds* Fear of Darkness* Fear of Deep Water* Fear of Dogs* Fear of Enclosed Places* Fear of Heights* Fear of Snakes

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Rotten Liar

The character cannot mislead, deceive,or even omit the truth without giving him-self away in some manner. Whether amoral qualm, obvious tell, or unbeliev-able stories, people just seem to knowwhen he's lying. -4 Bluff skill.


The character is a lightweight or petite. -5 Vitality Points.


The character is well below averageheight, having trouble looking over highobjects and moving quickly. +2 Hideskill, -4 Jump skill, and -5 Movement.


The character enjoys the comforts ofhome and isn't very interested in rough-ing it or getting back to nature. -2Handle Animal, Ride, and Survival skills.

Space Sickness

Like seasickness, the character can't han-dle the rigors of space travel, quicklybecoming sick to his stomach and suffer-ing a -1 penalty to all die rolls for as longas he remains in space.


The character can't handle the sight ofblood and gore. Anytime he sees any(especially his own), he must make aWillpower Save or becomes Shaken, suf-fering a -1 penalty to all die rolls until heleaves the area or binds up his wounds.


The character lives by signs and omens;sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.Heeding the signs brings peace, whileignoring them brings misfortune.

At the start of each game session, theGM rolls a die to determine the signs andomens. If they are good, the charactermay act normally. If they are bad, thecharacter must make a Willpower Saveor suffer a -1 penalty to all die rolls dur-

ing the session.

Roll Result

1-10 Good Omens11-20 Bad Omens


The character has some kind of tell thatgives away his hand, so to speak. -2Gamble, Interrogate, and Intimidateskills.


The character has some kind of habit thatothers find off-putting, such as rudeness,cussing, crotch scratching, or nose pick-ing. -2 Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Infoskills.


The character doesn't keep up on currentevents or is out of the information loop.

-2 Appraise, General Knowledge, andStreetwise skills.


The character has no creative flair. -2Artistry, Conceal, and Disguise skills.


The character is cursed with bad luck.Once per session, the character must re-

roll an important successful roll, takingthe worst of the two (Luck cannot be spenton this re-roll). The GM decides whenthe re-roll occurs, but should mix it upeach session between combat rolls,Saves, and skill checks.


The character always keeps score andmust attempt to right any perceivedwrong committed against him.

Edges & Flaws


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Order Power Notes1 Read Aura

2 Danger Sense

3 Divine Location

4 Alter Chance

5 Harmony Gatestone Required

6 Summon Gatestone Required

7 Chart Fate Gatestone Required

Bounty Head Bebop


Feng-Shui is the 'science' of the place-ment and arrangement of space, which isclaimed to allow one to achieve harmonywith the environment. True Feng-ShuiMasters however, can accomplish muchmore, being able to read and evenmanipulate the forces of fate, luck, andChi.

To have access to Feng-Shui Powers, acharacter must first purchase the Feng-Shui Master Edge. After that, he canbegin purchasing Feng-Shui Powers asEdges or through Experience. EachFeng-Shui Power listed has an Order ofAdvancement and is a requirement of theFeng-Shui Power that follows it. AllFeng-Shui Powers must be taken (orlearned) in this order.

In order to use Feng-Shui Powers, the

character needs to study a Lopan; thetraditional Feng-Shui dial. It is throughthe reading and interpretation of theLopan that the Feng-Shui Master attuneswith (and manipulates) the forces of fate,luck, and Chi, making chance and for-tune bend to his will. For the most pow-erful Feng-Shui Powers, a Lopan is notenough, and a Gatestone is alsorequired (which can be placed in thereceptacle carved into in the center of allLopan dials).

Gatestones are actual pieces of theGatestone Comet that smashed into theEarth's moon fifty years ago. Thesestones radiate an intense mystical energy,allowing the Feng-Shui Master the abilityto learn and use the highest forms ofFeng-Shui (see below).

Chapter Four:

Feng-Shui Powers

Feng-Shui Powers

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Feng Shui Powers


Feng-Shui PowerDescriptions

Alter ChanceAlter Chance allows the Feng-ShuiMaster to alter the die result (the actualnumber rolled on the die) for a single rollby +/-1. Doing so requires one Actionof Lopan study and must be declaredbefore the die roll in question, although itcan be used to affect anyone's roll(including the GM's - who does not haveto roll openly, but should take the result inthe character's best favor). Note that thedie roll does not have to be adjusted ifthe natural result is better than an adjust-ment up or down.

Chart FateChart Fate and a Gate Stone allows theFeng-Shui Master to cause things to hap-pen to himself and others, bendingchance and destiny to his own will,through the ultimate knowledge andstudy of the Lopan. This can allow any-thing to happen, from all of his enemiesdying one-by-one in various accidents inthe home, to the Feng-Shui Master (oranyone he chooses) becoming ruler of aplanet by popular vote of the people.This power is very much wish fulfillment -and as such, must be carefully abdicatedby the GM. The simpler things usuallyhappen in a short amount of time, but thegreater the demand on fate, the longer itwill take to happen (and sometimes withunexpected results).

Danger Sense

Danger Sense gives a Feng-Shui Masteradvanced warning of any imminent dan-ger to himself (like an ambush), althoughit doesn't give him specific informationabout what the danger is or where it willoriginate. While in effect however, theFeng-Shui Master gets a +2 bonus toInitiative and Reaction Saves, and cannotbe caught Flat-Footed except on aBotched Initiative roll. Danger Senselasts as long as the Feng-Shui Master hashis Lopan in hand.

Divine Location

Divine Location allows the Feng-ShuiMaster to concentrate on his Lopan, inorder to determine the direction to andvector (direction of movement) of anyobject or person he has ever touched.This ability does not provide informationabout the target's range, although theFeng-Shui Master could triangulate amore exact position by using the abilityfrom several different locations, chartingeach reading to the point they intersect.


Harmony and a Gatestone allow theFeng-Shui Master to attune himself morekeenly than ever to the forces of fate anddestiny, increasing his Total Luck Pointsby +4 for as long as a Gatestone remainsin his possession. In addition, the Feng-Shui Master can now spend one Action(when desired) to give one of his own

Luck Points to another for immediate use.

Read Aura

Read Aura allows the Feng-Shui Masterto spend a Round to study the Lopan insuch a way as to reveal the nature andcondition of anyone he concentrates on.Information gleaned from the Lopanincludes whether the target has a goodheart or is evilly inclined; what the tar-get's three highest skills are (but not theirlevel); whether the target has Psychic orFeng-Shui Powers; the target's currenthealth status, including internal injuries,diseases, common mental disorders(including Psychosis), drug use, poisons,radiation, implants, and memory loss;and when the target is lying.


Summon and a Gate Stone allows theFeng-Shui Master to cause people tocome to him (or a specific location)through happenstance and chance, com-pletely unaware that they are going toarrive, unless they themselves are alsolooking for the Feng-Shui Master or loca-tion. How long it takes, or the circuitouscourse of events that will lead the personto arrive is up to the GM, although thecloser a person is when summoned, thefaster he will arrive. This can be a fewdays to weeks, months, or even years,depending on distance and countlessother factors. Both non-specific personsand individuals can be summoned, suchas the closest hacker in the area, or'Mean Joe' the current Bounty Head. Inorder to summon a specific individualhowever, it must be someone the Feng-Shui Master has seen before and is famil-iar with.

In the case where the target of aSummons cannot get to the Feng-ShuiMaster, or is intentionally hiding, then theSummons works in reverse and the Feng-Shui Master is led to them in the samemanner as outlined above.

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Bounty Head Bebop


There are seven known Spheres ofPsychic Power in the world of BountyHead Bebop: Awareness, Biokinesis,Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism,Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis and Telepathy.Each Sphere encompasses five relatedPsychic Powers, allowing a Psychic toaccomplish amazing or seeminglyimpossible feats.

A single Psychic Sphere is chosenwhen the Psychic Edge is initially taken.After that, the character can start learn-ing the Psychic Powers within his chosenSphere, purchasing each Power as anEdge or through Experience. Only onePsychic Sphere can ever be chosen(although the Psychic Superfluous PowerEdge allows a single additional PsychicPower to be taken outside of the charac-ter's chosen Sphere).

Each Psychic Power listed within aPsychic Sphere is a requirement of thePsychic Power that follows it. This isreferred to as the Order of Advancementfor each Sphere. All Psychic Powers mustbe taken (or learned) in this order.

All Psychic Powers are either

Instantaneous (their effects happen, areresolved, and that's that); last a Scene(functioning automatically throughout theduration); or can be Maintained (withminimal thought). Psychic Powers thatmust be Maintained however, shut offwhenever the character is Nauseated,Stunned, Unconscious, or KO'd.

Psychic PowerDescriptionsClairvoyance

Clairvoyance allows a Psychic to see andhear what is going on in a remote loca-tion as if he were standing there. ThePsychic can view any area he has actual-ly been to (regardless of distance), orperceive roughly 30' beyond his directline of sight. For example, a Psychicstanding on a hill a mile from a particu-lar building could look at the buildingand concentrate on the 20th floor win-dow to see and hear what was going onwithin the room on the other side of thewindow, but could not use hisClairvoyance to 'walk his sight' out of the

Chapter Five:

Psychic Powers


Awareness is the abilityto sense things that can-not be seen with normalsight.Biokinesis

Biokinesis (sometimesreferred to as FaithHealing) is the ability toheal others (but not one-self) through touch.


Psychokinesis is the abili-ty to control sound andlight.Psychometabolism

Psychometabalism is theability to mentally controland enhance the functionof one's own body.Pyrokinesis

Pyrokinesis is the abilityto create and control fire.


Telekinesis is the ability tomanipulate the move-ment of physical objectswith the mind alone.Telepathy

Telepathy is the ability tosense and even manipu-late another's mind.

Psychic Spheres

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room and down the hall (unless he hadpreviously been in that part of the build-ing before).Close Wounds

Close Wounds instantly restores 5Wound Points each time it is used,Stabilizing Dying characters and taking

Disabled characters back to Wounded.

Control Flames

Control Flames allows the Psychic tomanipulate existing flames within his lineof sight. By concentrating, the Psychic

can cause a fire to move in any direction(even against the wind) a number of feetper round equal to (5 x WIS) or toincrease or decrease the overall diameterof the fire by a like amount. The fire mustmove across some surface, but the sur-face does not have to be flammable (thePsychic could move a fire across waterfor example). In addition to controllingmovement, the Psychic can increase ordecrease the amount of heat generatedby a fire, up to doubling its Base Damageor reducing the heat down to nothing.Note however that unless the heat of afire is reduced down to nothing, it will stillcause other flammables in its path toignite as normal (See Fire Hazardsp.69).

Danger Sense

Danger Sense gives a Psychic advancedwarning of any imminent danger to him-self (like an ambush), although it doesn'tgive him specific information about whatthe danger is or where it will originate.While in effect however, the Psychic getsa +2 bonus to Initiative and ReactionSaves, and cannot be caught Flat-Footedexcept on a Botched Initiative roll.Danger Sense lasts one Scene.


Deflection allows the Psychic to stop dead(or deflect to the side) any incomingattack or blast, as long as the attack iscoming at him from the front. Thisincludes all Close Quarter Combatattacks and Ranged Combat attacks, aswell as vehicle Ramming attacks, andArea Attacks that originate within 45° toeither side of his facing (although it doesnot prevent poison gas or Fire Hazardsfrom effecting him after the initial blast).

Divine Location

Divine Location allows the Psychic to con-centrate on any object previously han-dled by a person, in order to determinethe direction to and vector (direction of

AwarenessOrder Power Psychosis Cost1 Danger Sense 22 Clairvoyance 33 Divine Location 44 Postcognition 55 Precognition 6Biokinesis "Faith Healing"Order Power Psychosis Cost1 Restore Vitality 12 Suppress Toxins 33 Close Wounds 44 Heal 55 Regeneration 6PsychokinesisOrder Power Psychosis Cost1 Tone 12 Mote 23 Sound Manipulation 34 Light Manipulation 45 Illusions 5PsychometabolismOrder Power Psychosis Cost1 Suspended Animation 12 Heightened Senses 23 Suppress Toxins 34 Physical Boost 55 Regeneration 6PyrokinesisOrder Power Psychosis Cost1 Ignite 22 Control Flames 33 Heat Sink 44 Radiate 55 Fireball 6TelekinesisOrder Power Psychosis Cost1 Light Touch 22 Heavy Hand 33 Fling 44 Flight 55 Deflection 6TelepathyOrder Power Psychosis Cost1 Send Thoughts 22 Read Minds 33 Mental Invisibility 34 Psionic Blast 55 Mind Control 6

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movement) of said person. This abilitydoes not provide information about thetarget's range, although the Psychiccould triangulate a more exact positionby using the ability from several differentlocations, charting each reading to thepoint they intersect. Any mundane objecthandled by the target within the last 24hours is usable by the Psychic. Thoseobjects that hold some personal or senti-mental value to the target are usable any-time, even if the target is dead.


Fireball causes a superheated inferno offlames to erupt at any desired point with-in line of sight. The attack does not trav-el from the Psychic to the target, butrather bursts into being wherever thePsychic desires, doing 18L PA20'rDamage. Note that the fiery burst is han-dled as a Passive Area Attack and actsas an incendiary (see Fire Hazardsp.69).


Flight allows the Psychic to fly through theair (as long as he concentrates) at a BaseMovement of 30'. He may also 'Run' hisflight if desired going up to (30' x WIS).


Fling allows the Psychic to telekineticallypick up any object (or person) up to5000 pounds and hurl it through the airwith great force. Objects are treated asif they had fallen 100' (30SL) whetherthey are thrown strait up or into anotherobject (Tumble may be used as normal toreduce this damage). Objects or peoplemay also be targeted by something tele-kinetically hurled at them. In this case,resolve the attack as a Targeted AreaAttack that only effects the individual tar-geted (defend against the attack as perthe standard Area Attack rules p.77).


Heal instantly restores a character to fullVitality, Wound, and Ability Points. In

doing so it also counters the Conditionsof Blinded, Deafened, Disabled,Diseased, Dying, Exhausted, Fatigued,Poisoned, Stabilized, Unconscious, andNauseated.

Heat Sink

Psychics with this ability are immune toall forms of heat and fire (but not theirclothing and equipment) for as long asthey are conscious, independent ofwhether they activate this power or not.

When overtly activated however, theHeat Sink Power allows the Psychic todraw out and absorb the heat from anyobject or creature by touch, which can beused to instantly cool any hot object, or toprevent something from catching fire. Ifused on a person, the target must makean Endurance Save MTN 15 or Crit, orbecome Fatigued (consecutive attacksstack). Touching a victim that is inten-tionally avoiding contact with the Psychicrequires a normal Unarmed or GrappleAttack.

Heavy Hand

Heavy Hand allows the Psychic to teleki-netically pick up and move any object (orperson) up to 5000 pounds, within line ofsight. The object moves at a BaseMovement of (5' x WIS) and can be dou-ble moved (two Actions) if desired, butnot 'Run'. People caught with this abilitycan still change facing and attack (if inrange), but have no control over theirown Movement. Heavy Hand can bemaintained over multiple rounds withconcentration.

Heightened Senses

Heightened Senses allows the Psychic togreatly increase one of his normal sensesfor a Scene as follows:


Increasing this sense gives the Psychic a+6 bonus to all Listen rolls, but makes himsusceptible to loud noises and soundbased attacks. Anytime the character is

caught in an explosive based AreaAttack, he must make an additionalEndurance Save or be Stunned. ThePsychic also suffers a -4 penalty whenmaking a Save against the Psychic PowerTone.


Increasing this sense gives the Psychicnight vision and a +3 bonus to all Searchand Spot rolls. It also makes him suscep-tible to any attacks specifically targetingsight, imposing a -4 penalty to any Savesrolled against such effects.


Increasing this sense allows the Psychic toidentify objects and beings by smell (pro-vided he is already familiar with them)and to identify those who have handledan object or been in a particular areawithin the last 8 hours. It also allows thePsychic to identify poisons and otherimpurities in food or drink and to detect(or 'see') invisible gases in the air (allow-ing him and those he warns, to stay clearof poison gas clouds).


Increasing this sense allows the Psychic totell the exact weight of any object he canlift and to unerringly determine whetheran unconscious person is alive or dead.It also gives him a +6 bonus to all OpenLocks rolls used against hard locks.


Ignite allows the Psychic to start a onefoot diameter fire anywhere within hisline of sight by simply concentrating onthe desired area. Once created, the fireacts as normal (see Fire Hazards p.69).


Illusions allows the Psychic to create per-fect audio-visual holograms of anythinghe can imagine, anywhere within his lineof sight. There is no limit to the numberof holograms the Psychic can produce atone time, nor to the actions the holo-


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grams can take. Each hologram is indis-tinguishable from the real thing by sightor hearing alone, although other senseslike touch, or close interaction wheresome aspect of the hologram is missing(such as heat from a holographic fire),will reveal the hologram as a fake. Thisability also allows the Psychic to altersomeone's speech as they talk, or tomake it appear and sound as if they aretalking when they are not. The Psychiccan see through his holograms at will,allowing him to observe both the realworld and his illusory creations simulta-neously.

This ability can also render objects andpersons invisible, by covering their pres-ence with holograms of empty space.

Light Manipulation

Light Manipulation allows the Psychic tocontrol all light within a 100' radius,increasing or decreasing it as desired.He can keep all light out, creating anarea so pitch black that even night visioncannot penetrate, or increase the light toa intense white-out glare blinding every-one within. He can also create bubblesof light or dark of any number or sizewithin the 100' radius, controlling notonly the amount of light within each, butalso how much light escapes. Because ofthis, it is possible to have an area ofblinding white light or pitch dark hiddenin plain view (although the light or darkwithin is intense, the Psychic is not allow-ing any of it to leave the area, so thoseoutside perceive only the conditions theyare already in).

Light Touch

Light Touch allows the Psychic to teleki-netically pick up and move any object (orcreature) up to 50 pounds, within line ofsight. The object moves at a BaseMovement of (5' x WIS) and can be dou-ble moved (two Actions) if desired, butnot 'Run'. Creatures caught with thisability can still change facing and attack

(if in range), but have no control overtheir own Movement. Light Touch can bemaintained over multiple rounds withconcentration.

Mental Invisibility

Mental Invisibility allows the Psychic toblock his presence and actions from theminds of everyone within his line of sight,effectively becoming invisible. Peopleand animals will not notice the Psychic oranything he is doing (including openingand closing of doors), unless he causes aruckus, or directly interacts with them bytouching or attacking them. When suchis the case, the victim and those nearbybecome aware of the Psychic's presence,but still cannot see him, unless they makea MTN 10 or Crit Willpower Save.

Mind Control

Mind Control allows the Psychic to men-tally control the actions of anyone withinhis line of sight or to instill a task in thetarget's subconscious that he will unwit-tingly do his best to carry out. Only onetarget can be directly controlled or givena task with each activation of the power,but there is no limit to the number of tar-gets the Psychic can control or have car-

rying out tasks at any given time, so longas each was the result of a separate MindControl activation. Targets directly con-trolled can make a MTN 15 or CritWillpower Save to resist the control eachround, while those instilled with tasks canmake a MTN 10 or Crit Willpower Saveto ignore the task completely.


Mote allows the Psychic to cause smalldazzling motes of light to appear andmove about anywhere within his line ofsight, each about as bright as 100 wattbulb. Once created, the Motes remain inexistence until dismissed or the Psychicmoves more than 100' away, at whichpoint they flicker out. There is no limit tothe number of Motes the Psychic canbring into being, although an excessiveamount can obscure vision (seeConcealment p.78).

This ability also allows the Psychic torelease a sudden blinding flash of bril-liant light from his body if desired, visibleup to 10 miles. All those facing thePsychic's direction with an unimpededline of sight when this happens mustmake a MTN 10 or Crit Reaction Save orbe Blinded a number of rounds equal to


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the X-Roll of their Save. A Botch on theSave means the character temporarilygains the Impaired Vision Flaw for 24hours after his sight returns.

Physical Boost

Physical Boost allows the Psychic to dou-ble his STR, CON, AGI, and BaseMovement for one Scene. Vitality andWound Points are recalculated from thenew totals, but are lost (as Damage)when the effect wears off.


Postcognition allows the Psychic to lookback into the history of any object or per-son he can touch, requiring a few min-utes of uninterrupted contact. The quali-ty of the information is left up to the GM,but should be such as to allow the Psychicto easily pick out anything of interest orrelevance, provided such exists.


Precognition allows the Psychic to medi-tate for a few hours each day in order tolook into the future, gaining a glimpse ofwhat might come, for himself or others.Unlike the past, the future is never set, sothings the Psychic sees with Precognitionare only things that are most likely tohappen, but are not guaranteed. TheGM decides what hints or clues to give,based on his knowledge of where theadventure might go or people the char-acters are likely meet. He can even giveretroactive hints, such as 'reminding' thePsychic that the scene the characters arecurrently in, was one that he saw in hismeditation, even though the GM nevermentioned it before (he's mentioning itnow retroactively).

This ability also gives the Psychic asupernatural awareness of the flow ofthings around him for the next 24 hoursafter its use, immediately warning him ofimpending danger or harm, revealingwhat the danger is and where it willcome from. During this time, the Psychic

can not be caught Flat-Footed and gainsa +4 bonus to all Initiative rolls andReaction Saves.

Psionic Blast

Psionic Blast allows the Psychic to unleasha savage burst of his own Psychosis intothe mind of anyone within his line ofsight. Those targeted must make a MTN10 or Crit Willpower Save or take anumber of Points of SL AP Damage equalto the Psychic's Psychosis Score. Thosethat Save reduce the amount of damageby their X-Roll, and take no damage ona Crit.


Radiate allows the Psychic to exude astaggering heat, or to wrap himself in bil-lowing flames, affecting anyone (savehimself) that comes within a 5' radius.Anyone that comes into the staggeringheat must make an Endurance Save eachround or become Fatigued, while the bil-lowing flames cause 8L Damage perround and are a fire hazard (see FireHazards p.69).

Read Minds

Read Minds allows the Psychic to readthe surface thoughts of anyone within hisline of sight. Doing so reveals what atarget is currently thinking, allowing thePsychic to detect lies and bluffs instantlyand prevents the target from surprisingthe Psychic in any way. If the Psychicquestions the target in conjunction withthis ability, he can manipulate what thetarget thinks about by simply bringing itup in conversation. Targets actively try-ing not to think about (and thus reveal)something must make a MTN 10 or CritWillpower Save to do so, although thePsychic will instantly know that they arehiding something, and can re-roll thePower again to force another Save out ofthe target.


Regeneration does everything Heal doesbut also allows the restoration of lostlimbs and organs, instantly re-growingthem all in a matter of seconds.

Restore Vitality

Restore Vitality instantly restores 10Vitality Points each time it is used andcounters the Conditions of Fatigued,Exhausted, Unconscious, Nauseated,and the special Disabled status inducedby Surgery.

Send Thoughts

Send Thoughts allows the Psychic to opena mental line of two-way communicationwith anyone he can see or with anyonehe knows personally, as long as they arein planetary range (on the same planet,in orbit, or within a similar distance whilein space).

Sound Manipulation

Sound Manipulation allows the Psychic tocontrol all sound within a 100' radius,increasing or decreasing its volume asdesired. He can keep all sound out, cre-ating an area of dead silence, orincrease the volume of an area to suchan intensity as to deafening all within.He can also create bubbles of sound orsilence of any number or size within the100' radius, controlling not only theamount of sound within each, but alsohow much sound escapes. Because ofthis, it is possible to have an area ofdeafening blare hidden from the hearingof those standing nearby (although thesound within is intense, the Psychic is notallowing any of it to leave the area, sothose outside perceive only the conditionsthey are already in).

Suppress Toxins

Suppress Toxins instantly counters theeffects of all poisons or diseases, revers-ing any Condition change, Ability Point,or Wound Point loss imposed by thetoxin.


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Suspended AnimationSuspended Animation allows the Psychicto shut down the functions of his body,enabling him to survive indefinitely with-out food, water, air, or warmth (and evenin the vacuum of space). While inSuspended Animation, the Psychicappears as dead but is actually aware ofhis surroundings and the passage oftime, allowing him to awaken instantlywhenever he desires.

ToneTone allows the Psychic to cause individ-ual tones of sound to be heard at varyingvolumes that move about anywhere hedesires within his line of sight. Once cre-ated, the Tones remain in existence untildismissed or the Psychic moves morethan 100' away, at which point they fadeout. There is no limit to the number ofTones the Psychic can bring into being,although an excessive amount can drownout normal hearing.

This ability also allows the Psychic tocreate a sudden and intense sonic boom(centered on himself), which can beheard up to 10 miles away. All thosewithin a 50' radius (excluding thePsychic) must make a MTN 10 or CritEndurance Save or be Stunned and thenDeafened a number of rounds equal tothe X-Roll of their Save. A Botch on theSave means the character temporarilygains the Impaired Hearing Flaw for 24hours after his hearing returns.

PsychosisPsychic Powers can make things hap-

pen beyond the normal bounds of per-ceived reality, but delving past these lim-its can take a toll on one's sanity. Acharacter has to start worrying aboutPsychosis the moment he takes thePsychic Edge. Initially, Psychosis starts atzero, but the more a Psychic learns, themore Psychosis he gains - and every timehe uses a Power, he risks increasing hisPsychosis score even more and losingcontrol.

All Psychic Powers have an associat-ed Psychosis Cost. Whenever a charac-ter gains a new Psychic Power, he

increases his Psychosis score by thisamount.

To use any Psychic Power, the Psychicmust roll an opposed Willpower Saveagainst his Psychosis score (rolled by theGM). If the character wins, the powerworks as expected. If he fails, the Powerfails and he immediately gains a point ofPsychosis and suffers a Psychotic Breakbased on the GM's X-Roll (see below).

When a character's Psychosis scorereaches 20 the character goes insaneand becomes an NPC under the controlof the GM (who's Psychic Powers nowwork without rolls). If the rest of the char-acters (or the authorities) can catch thecrazed maniac and get him to aPsychotherapy clinic, then he can comeback as a character again (with a newPsychosis score of 16), after six months ofintense treatment.

Psychotic Break(1-10 Off GM's X-Roll)

X-Roll Result1 Stunned2 Backlash3 Gain Flaw4 Psychotic Rapture5 Nausea6 Exhaustion7 Unconscious8 Catatonia9 Berserk10 Psychosis Storm

BacklashBacklash causes a powerful surge ofuncontrolled Psychic energy to slamthrough the Psychic's body, searing himfrom the inside out and doing 8SL APDamage.

BerserkThe Psychic goes berserk (see Berserkp.81).

CatatoniaThe Psychic's Wisdom drops to zero (seeCatatonic p.81).

ExhaustionThe Psychic's becomes exhausted (seeExhausted p.81).

Gain FlawThe Psychic permanently gains one of thefollowing Flaws (if the Flaw rolled is onealready possessed by the character, hegains no new Flaw):

Roll Flaw1-2 Animal Antipathy3-4 Phobia: Being Alone 5-6 Phobia: Cats7-8 Phobia: Crowds9-10 Phobia: Darkness11-12 Phobia: Deep Water13-14 Phobia: Dogs15-16 Phobia: Enclosed Places17-18 Phobia: Heights19-20 Phobia: Snakes

NauseaThe Psychic becomes nauseous (seeNauseated p.82).

Psychosis StormThe area trembles and small objects anddebris raise a foot off the ground, as rip-pling waves of distortion cascade off thePsychic. This is the dreaded PsychosisStorm, an uncontrolled vortex of chaoticPsychic energy centered on the Psychicthat ravages the minds of every livingcreature within a 20' radius (includingthe Psychic himself). Those caught in thePsychosis Storm must make a WillpowerSave or take 8SL AP Damage for eachround of exposure. The Psychosis Stormlasts a number of rounds equal to thePsychic's Psychosis Score.

Psychotic RapturePsychotic Rapture fills the Psychic's headwith a powerful euphoria, impairingjudgment and imposing a -4 penalty toall Wisdom Based die rolls for a numberof hours equal to (15 - WIS).

StunnedThe Psychic is stunned for one round (seeStunned p.83).

UnconsciousThe Psychic loses consciousness (seeKO'd p.82).

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Money As A PlotDevice

The standard currency of the game isWrits (w), however money itself in thegame is a plot device. The characterswill always be able to get it, so ratherthan keep track of grossly inflated num-bers, it is assumed that the charactershave what they need to maintain theirlifestyles and to make equipment andweapons purchases. The GM shouldkeep an eye on this to make sure it's notabused, and of course should feel free tothrow in money problems as needed tofurther the plot - especially when consid-ering those with the Big Spender Flaw!

Prices listed for items and equipmentare there to establish comparative valuebetween each item, but may be used ifplayers prefer not to use the Money As aPlot Device rule.

Just because characters have plenty ofmoney doesn't mean they'll always getwhat they want. To reflect this, the gameincorporates the rule of Availability (seebelow).

AvailabilitySome items are not readily available,

are restricted, or are hard to find. Eachitem has an TN/Delivery value, whichindicates how hard it is to get the item inquestion.

TN And DeliveryTN

TN is the Target Number for the ArrangedDeal role. Sometimes required to obtainan item. There are five levels as follows:

TN Restrictions

N/A These are items so common that one can be picked up virtually anywhere. No Roll

Always These items are widely available for sale to the public. No Roll

Roll These items are available for sale, but with restrictions as to who may purchase them.

MTN 10 These items are not generally available or are heavily restricted.

MTN 15 These items are very heavily restricted, very rare, or illegal.


Delivery is the time it takes to receive anitem after a successful Arrange Deal rollis made. Note that deals made with theComputers skill always take a minimumof one week for Delivery. Items with aDelivery of On Hand (or 0) means theitem is available immediately withoutwait, except as noted above.


Find Supplier

Before any item that requires a roll canbe obtained, a willing supplier must firstbe found, then a deal must be set. Usean Arms Dealer, Information Broker, orUnderworld Ties as appropriate to initial-ly find a supplier - or make a skill roll

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using one of the following skills: GatherInfo (to find a supplier by askingaround); Computers (to search for a sup-plier on the web); Streetwise (to knowwhere to look for a supplier); orIntimidate/Interrogate (but only if the tar-get knows where a supplier can befound, but is not talking).

Arrange Deal

Once a supplier has been found, the sup-plier's attitude must be Indifferent or bet-ter to begin negotiations. Use one of thefollowing skills to reach a deal (this is theArrange Deal roll): Bluff (to fast talk thesupplier into deal); Diplomacy (toarrange an equitable deal); Intimidate (tobully the supplier into a deal - only goodif the item is On Hand); or Computers (tohack an order off a website).

Degrees of SuccessRoll Result

Faulty Success Double Delivery TimeSuccess As DeliveryExtra Success Reduce Delivery Time

By Half (Excludes Items with a MTN 15 Availability)

Crit Item On Hand, No Wait

Repercussions of FailureRepercussions of Failure depend on theskill used to arrange the deal (see below).In all cases, failure means the charactermust wait a month before trying again (forthe same item) with the same supplier.

Skill Used Result

Bluff No deal and supplier's Attitude drops 2 steps; Botch means supplier becomes Hostile.

Diplomacy No deal is reached, but Attitude remains the same. Botch means Item not available through this supplier.

Intimidate No deal and supplier's Attitude becomes

Hostile; Botch means supplier unfazed, but might set up the character or put a hit out on him.

Computers Character fails to hack an order and the authorities investigate the incident. Botch means Security Counter-measures fry character's computer and authorities investi-gate the incident.

Selling Hot ItemsThe process for selling hot items is sim-

ilar to the rules of Availability. First thecharacter must find a willing buyer, andthen a deal must be set. It is assumedthat once the character finds a buyer, anequitable deal is made and both partiesgo their separate ways. However, if it isimportant to the plot (or if the players arenot using the Money As a Plot Devicerule), then the rest of the process can berolled out using the optional rules below.

Find Buyer

Use Fence, Arms Dealer, InformationBroker, or Underworld Ties as appropri-ate to find a buyer - or make a skill rollusing one of the following skills: GatherInfo (to find a buyer by asking around);Computers (to search for a buyer on theweb); Streetwise (to know where to lookfor a buyer); or Intimidate/Interrogate(but only if the target knows where abuyer can be found, but is not talking).

(Optional) Arrange Deal

The buyer's attitude must be Indifferent orbetter to begin negotiations. Use Bluff (tofast talk the buyer into a deal);Diplomacy (to arrange an equitabledeal); or Intimidate (to bully the buyerinto deal).

(Optional) Degrees of SuccessRoll Result

Faulty Success Item sells for 1/10th value

Success Item sells for 1/2 valueExtra Success Item sells for full valueCrit Item sells for

1.5 times value

(Optional) Repercussions of Failure

Repercussions of Failure depend on theskill used to arrange the deal (see below).In all cases, failure means the charactermust wait a month before trying again(for the same item) with the same buyer.

Skill Used Result

Bluff No deal and buyer's Attitude Drops 2 steps; Botch means buyer becomes Hostile.

Diplomacy No deal is reached, but Attitude remains the same. Botch means buyer has no interest in the item and never will.

Intimidate No deal and buyer's Attitude becomes Hostile; Botch means buyer unfazed, but might set up the character or put a hit out on him.

DiscountMerchandiseCharacters can spring for the good stuff

and wait for delivery, or buy the cheapstuff, taking whatever is available at thetime. Discount Merchandise representsthe cheap stuff, where stolen bootleg andknock-off versions of just about anythingcan be had, if the buyer isn't too picky.

Unfortunately, Discount Merchandise isalways flawed or incomplete. Anythingbought as the cheap stuff inevitably suf-fers some sort or permanent penaltyinvolved with its use.On the plus side, Discount Merchandise

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❖ Special, See Description

Accuracy Modifier (Acc)

Add this modifier to all Attack rolls made with the weapon.

Base Damage and Type (Dmg)

S . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stun DamageL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lethal DamageSL . . . . . . . . . . . .Special Lethal DamageA . . . . . . . . . . . . .Standard Area AttackPA . . . . . . . . . . . .Passive Area AttackAP . . . . . . . . . . . .Armor Piercing+ . . . . . . . . . . . . .Add STR

Range Increment (Rng)

In Feet For Personal Weaponsx Indicates Maximum Range Determined As Thrown Weaponv Indicates Vehicle Combat Range§ Indicates Starship Combat RangePB . . . . . . . . . . . . .Point BlankS . . . . . . . . . . . . .ShortM . . . . . . . . . . . . . MediumL . . . . . . . . . . . . .Long

Ammo Capacity (Cap)

i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Internal Magaziner . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Revolverc . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clipb . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beltt . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tankx . . . . . . . . . . . . . .External Mount

Rate of Fire (Rate)

ST . . . . . . . . . . . . .StandardDF . . . . . . . . . . . .Double FireBF . . . . . . . . . . . .Burst FireAF . . . . . . . . . . . .AutofireSF . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturation FireSW . . . . . . . . . . .SweepSX . . . . . . . . . . . .See Vehicle and Starship

Combat: StrafingA1 . . . . . . . . . . . .See Vehicle and Starship

Combat: Area Vs. One

Availability (Avail)

The Availability listed with each item is the Difficulty forobtaining a single item, unless otherwise noted. Below is anexplanation of abbreviations used for noting Availability.

TN Abbreviation Delivery Abbreviation

N/A . . . . . . . . . .N/A On Hand . . . .0Always . . . . . . . . .A 1 Week . . . . .1wRoll . . . . . . . . . . . . R 2 Weeks . . . . .2wMTN 10 . . . . . . . .M10 1 Month . . . . .1mMTN 15 . . . . . . . .M15 1 Year . . . . . .1y-P means 'With Permit.'-IO means 'on the Jovian moon, IO'-Edge means 'with the applicable Edge.'-Flaw means 'with the applicable Flaw.'


Cost is the price of the item in Writs (w)

Weapons Information

Bounty Head Bebop

is a lot easier to get than the good stuff.When buying the cheap stuff, the item'sDelivery time is reduced by half and thecharacters get +2 to their Arrange Dealroll.

When purchasing DiscountMerchandise, Degrees of Success and

Repercussions of Failure for the ArrangeDeal roll are the same as above, exceptwhen rolling a Faulty Success. In thiscase, the item is On Hand, but is ofexceptionally poor quality and suffersdouble the normal penalty involved withits use (which can render some items use-

less).The penalty for using Discount

Merchandise is listed with the item'sdescription. Discount Merchandise is notavailable for Medical, Drugs, Fung-Shui,Services, Permits, Animals, or Lifestyles.


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WeaponDescriptionsUnless otherwise noted, all Discount firearmsimpose a -2 penalty on all Ranged rolls.

Air-to-Air Missile

Vehicle-mounted missiles designed tointercept and destroy flying targets.Normally a military weapon, Air-to-AirMissiles are allowed limited civilian use(with the proper permits) for spacecraftdefense. When fired in space, Air-to-AirMissiles are treated as Spacecraft untilthey are within Point Blank range. Use theTarget skill when firing Air-to-Air Missiles.Discount Air-to-Air Missiles impose a -2 penalty onTarget rolls.

Air-to-Surface Missile

Vehicle-mounted missiles designed tointercept and destroy targets on theground. When fired in space, Air-to-Surface Missiles are treated asSpacecraft until they are within PointBlank range. Use the Target skill whenfiring Air-to-Surface Missiles. If fired atflying targets, the Target roll for Air-to-Surface Missiles is MTN 10. Air-to-Surface Missiles are considered militarygrade weapons and are illegal to possessoutside of authorized military use.Discount Air-to-Surface Missiles impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Animal Control Netgun

This is a short bazooka-like tubedesigned to shoot a net at relatively shortrange. The net expands when fired andwill completely cover a Medium-sizedtarget, making it very easy to use.Anyone hit by the net is considered Held,but can escape the net with a singleEscape roll. Small animals must roll MTN10 or Crit to escape.Discount Animal Control Netguns impose a -2penalty on Ranged rolls.

Anti-Personnel Mine

The Anti-Personnel Mine can be set todetonate by either pressure or proximity

(up to 20'). Use a Conceal roll opposedby Search (or MTN 10 Spot) to determineif the mine is detected before being trig-gered. As a military grade weapon, theAnti-Personnel Mine is illegal to possessoutside of authorized military use.Discount Mines are always duds, but can be fixedfor use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.

Anti-Vehicle Mine

The Anti-Vehicle Mine is specificallydesigned to punch through the bottom ofvehicles where the armor is usually weak-er (doing 2X-Damage vs. Hard Targets).They can be set to detonate by eitherpressure or proximity (up to 5'), but onlyby the pressure or proximity of a Large-sized or bigger target. A MTN 10Demolitions roll can be used to overridethis safety feature if desired. Use aConceal roll opposed by Search (or MTN10 Spot) to determine if the mine isdetected before being triggered. As amilitary grade weapon, the Anti-VehicleMine is illegal to possess outside ofauthorized military use.Discount Mines are always duds, but can be fixedfor use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.


This is a long knife blade that attaches tothe end of a rifle so the rifle can be usedlike a spear. If taken off the rifle, the bay-onet is treated as a combat knife.Discount Bayonets break off their fittings on aBotch and permanently become combat knives.


Any common bottle can be used as aweapon, but most will break (becomesmall blades) after the first hit. Largeheavy bottles (like a Champaign bottlefor example) rarely break, unless stuckagainst a hard target.


A common hunting Bow. Bows can befired once per Action as long as there isa supply of arrows to shoot.

Brass Knuckles

Brass Knuckles are used to increase theamount of damage done with a punch.Discount Brass Knuckles tend to hurt the user'shand more than the intended target. On a Botch,the user breaks his hand and temporarily gains theOne Arm Flaw until healed.


C-4 is military grade plastic explosives,which is very stable and won't go offwithout explosive force (usually deliveredthrough a small blasting cap). It is mal-leable like clay and can be added to itselfto increase its explosive potential(+1L/+5'r. for every ounce beyond thefirst). Note that while the damageincrease is unlimited, the blast radius ofC-4 cannot increase beyond 100'. As amilitary grade explosive, C-4 is illegal topossess outside of authorized military use(although limited civilian use is some-times granted with the proper permits).Discount C-4 is a little more dangerous to workwith. It will detonate if exposed to open flame oris hit by weapons fire.

Chaff Defense

Chaff Defense is a vehicle defense thatcan be used with a Defense Actionagainst incoming missile fire within PointBlank range. When used, it allows thevehicle or spacecraft targeted by missilefire to add its Target skill level (as abonus) to its Pilot roll to oppose theattacker's Target roll. A successful Critrolled in this case means one of the mis-siles was re-polarized and turns againstthe attacker. If the attacker is within PointBlank range, he has to spend a DefenseAction (no roll required) or be hit.Discount Chaff rarely works correctly, requiring aMTN 10 Pilot roll to oppose the attacker's Target roll.


A common everyday chainsaw availablein any hardware store. Used as aweapon, it is a bit awkward and verymessy.

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Melee WeaponsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

Bayonet 0 3+L N/A N/A N/A R/1w 300Bottle 0 1+S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ABrass Knuckles 0 1+S N/A N/A N/A R/0 100Chainsaw -3 4+L N/A N/A N/A A/0 1400Chair -3 1+S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AClub 0 1+S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ACombat Axe -1 3+L N/A N/A N/A R/0 400Combat Knife 0 2+L N/A N/A N/A R/0 300Foil +1 2+L N/A N/A N/A R/0 600Gun Butt -1 2+S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AHeavy Tool -2 1+S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ALarge Heavy Tool -3 2+L N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ANunchaku 0 2+S N/A N/A N/A R/0 400Pistol Whip 0 1+S N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ASap 0 0+S❖ N/A N/A N/A R/0 100Small Blade -1 0+L N/A N/A N/A N/A N/ASpear 0 3+L N/A N/A N/A R/1w 400Spray Tranquilizer +2 ❖ N/A N/A N/A M10/2w 2500Staff 0 2+S N/A N/A N/A A/0 300Stun Baton 0 1+S❖ N/A N/A N/A M10/2w 1500Sword 0 3+L N/A N/A N/A R/0 2000Whip -2 0S❖ N/A N/A N/A R/0 600

Thrown WeaponsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost wBottle 0 0+S 10x' N/A N/A N/A N/AChair -2 1+S 10x' N/A N/A N/A N/AClub 0 1+S 10x' N/A N/A N/A N/ACombat Knife 0 2+L 20x' N/A N/A R/0 300Concussion Grenade 0 0S❖ A10'r 40x' N/A N/A M10/1m Doz. 3600Dynamite 0 8L A15'r❖ 20x' N/A N/A M10(R-P)/1w Doz. 1200Enhanced Nitro 0 14L PA30'r❖ 10x' N/A N/A M15/1m 10 Oz 20,000Foil 0 3+L 10x' N/A N/A R/0 600Heavy Tool -1 1+S 10x' N/A N/A N/A N/ALarge Heavy Tool -2 2+L 10x' N/A N/A N/A N/AMilitary Hand Grenade 0 16L A20'r 40x' N/A N/A M15/1m Doz. 3600Molotov Cocktail -1 6L A5'r❖ 30x' N/A N/A Not Sold N/ANunchaku -1 2+S 10x' N/A N/A R/0 400Pipe Bomb 0 10L A20'r 30x' N/A N/A M15/2w Doz. 2400Rock 0 0+S 40x' N/A N/A N/A N/ASling 0 2+S 80x' N/A N/A R/0 100Small Blade 0 0+L 10x' N/A N/A N/A N/ASmoke Bomb 0 0 A30'r❖ 40x' N/A N/A M10/2w Doz. 1800


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Chairs make a handy (if unwieldy)weapon in a pinch.


The Claymore is a shaped explosive, usu-ally set to defend a position. When oneexplodes, it only effects the area directlyin front of the claymore in a 50' long,45° cone. Claymores can be remotelydetonated or set to go off by proximity(up to 30'). Use a Conceal roll opposedby Search (or MTN 10 Spot) to determineif the Claymore is detected before the tar-get gets in range. As a military gradeweapon, the Claymore is illegal to pos-sess outside of authorized military use.Discount Claymores are always duds, but can befixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.

Cloud Defense

Cloud Defense is a unique Spacecraftdefense that only works in space againsttargets within Point Blank range. Whenused, it creates a massive IR/Radarblocking, instrument jamming, smokecloud that completely fills Point Blankrange and grants everything within FullConcealment. Typically, it is used tocover an escape, as actually staying andflying within the cloud is quite danger-ous. Those within the cloud (except forthe user) must make a Pilot roll to fly outwithout harm. Failure on this roll indi-cates the character's instruments are crip-pled and he has become disoriented inthe cloud (though he can try again on thenext round). A Botch means he has col-lided with any obstacles in the area (oranother spacecraft, should another Botchas well). (See Ramming p.85 for theeffects of a collision in space).Intentionally staying within the cloudrequires a Pilot roll each round (includingthe user) with effects as above should theroll fail.Discount Cloud Defense does not effectively jaminstruments. In the case of its use, only a Botch isrelevant when piloting within the cloud.


Almost any short solid object qualifies asa club, whether a stout piece of wood, achair leg, the broken handle of sometool, or a nightstick.

Combat Axe

This is a hand axe or hatchet.

Combat Knife

This is any large bladed knife.

Concussion Grenade

The Concussion Grenade is a hand-thrown cardboard-cased explosivedesigned to knock down and stun a tar-get, rather than seriously injure. Eachcan be set to detonate either on impact,or by a 3 or 6 second timer (one or twoActions after being thrown). Anyone inthe blast radius of a Concussion Grenademust make an Endurance Save or beStunned. A target directly hit by aConcussion Grenade is automaticallyStunned (no Save) and takes 0S (X-Damage only) from the proximity. On aCrit, the direct target is also KO'd.Concussion Grenades are used primarilyby the SSPB's Special Operations Force,but are sometimes seen in use by localpolice for crowd control. They are illegalto possess outside of authorized SSPB use(although limited civilian use is some-times granted with the proper permits).Discount Grenades are always duds, but can befixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.


A common hunting Crossbow.Crossbows shoot crossbow bolts and takeone Action to reload after firing.

Deck Pistol, 9mm

The 9mm Deck Pistol is the most commonfirearm made. It gets its name due to itsprolific use aboard spacecraft to fend offlooters and pirates.


These are common sticks of Dynamite,

used for commercial demolitions, mining,and construction work. New Dynamite isfairly stable and will burn rather thanexplode if exposed to open flame, requir-ing explosive force (or a blasting cap) toset off. Tying together multiple sticks ofDynamite increases its explosive potential(+1L/+5'r. for every stick beyond thefirst). Note that while the damageincrease is unlimited, the blast radius ofDynamite cannot increase beyond 50'.Discount Dynamite is usually the old stuff and is alittle more dangerous to work with. It will detonateif exposed to open flame or is hit by weapons fire.

Enhanced Nitro

Enhanced Nitro is a volatile and danger-ous form of a highly unstable liquidexplosive. It is usually chemically sepa-rated into two components, which bythemselves are stable, and then remixedat the moment of use. In its volatile statehowever, it only takes a jolt to set it off.The more of it there is, the bigger thedestructive force (+1L/+5'r. for everyounce beyond the first). Note that whilethe damage increase is unlimited, theblast radius of Enhanced Nitro cannotincrease beyond 100'. It is illegal tomake or possess Enhanced Nitro.Discount Enhanced Nitro is not available as itblows up the moment it is created.


The Flamethrower shoots a stream offlaming napalm up to 150', setting alighteverything in its path (see Fire Hazardsp.69). A backpack harness holds thefuel tank, which contains 25 shots, spentat one shot per Range Increment (shoot-ing the Flamethrower up to 30' takes oneshot, while shooting out to 150' takes 5shots). The Flamethrower can also Sweepover a 90° area, spending 3 shots perRange Increment as a Standard AreaAttack (see Area Attacks p.77). Using aFlamethrower is not without its own haz-ards however. There is always the dan-ger of getting caught in a fire set by theweapon and should the tank get hit by

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Weapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

Spear 0 3+L 50x' N/A N/A R/1w 400Staff -2 2+S 10x' N/A N/A A/0 300Stun Baton 0 1+S❖ 10x' N/A N/A M10/2w 1500Sword -1 3+L 10x' N/A N/A R/0 2000

Ranged WeaponsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

Bow 0 3+L 300x' N/A N/A A/0 2500Crossbow 0 9L 300' N/A N/A A/0 3500Hand Crossbow 0 5L 40' N/A N/A R/0 1500Spray Mace +3 ❖ 10'❖ N/A N/A R/0 1000

NetgunWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

Animal Control Netgun +2 0❖ 10' 1i ST❖ Roll(A-P)/2w 1800

PistolsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

9mm Deck Pistol +1 8L 40' 12c ST M10(A-P)/1w 50009mm Police Revolver 0 8L 40' 6r ST M10(R-P)/2w 350012mm Military Sidearm 0 10L 50' 8c ST M15/1m 800012mm Magnum Revolver -1 10L 50' 6r ST M10(R-P)/1w 550012mmL Super-Magnum Revolver -2 14L 60' 3r ST M10(R-P)/1m 12,500

Sub-MachinegunsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

9mm Machine Pistol -1 8L 40' 33c ST,BF,AF M10/2w 60009mm Sub-Machinegun 0 8L 60' 33c ST,BF,AF M10/2w 8000

ShotgunsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

20mm Sport Shotgun +1/Slug -1 10L/Slug 16L 100'/Slug 200' 2i ST,DF M10(A-P)/1w 250020mm Sawed-Off Shotgun +2/Slug -2 10L/Slug 16L 20'/Slug 60' 2i ST,DF M10/1w 400020mm Police Riot Gun +1/Slug -1 10L/Slug 16L 100'/Slug 200' 8i ST M10(R-P)/2w 500020mm Military Auto-Shotgun +1/Slug -1 10L/Slug 16L 100'/Slug 200' 12c ST,BF M15/1m 9000

RiflesWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

9mmL Sport Rifle 0 12L 300'/vS 10i ST M10(A-P)/1w 250012mmL Hunting Rifle +1 14L 400'/vS 5i ST M10(R-P)/1w 4000

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weapons fire (a Crit on an Attack will doit) it will explode. ExplodingFlamethrower tanks do 10L PA10'r.(+1L/+5'r. for every 5 shots left in thetank). Unfortunately, the user cannotDodge or Save against the Area Attackand is considered set Ablaze by the flam-ing napalm (see Fire Hazards p.69). Asa military grade weapon, theFlamethrower is illegal to possess outsideof authorized military use.Discount Flamethrowers are dangerous, overheatingthe fuel tank and causing it to explode on a Botch.


A Foil is a long thin fencing sword with around hand guard meant more for thrust-ing than slashing. When needed, it canbe thrown like an oversized dart.

Gun Butt

The butt of a large weapon such as a rifleor shotgun can be used as a heavy club.

Hand Crossbow

The Hand Crossbows is a pistol-sizedversion of the hunting crossbow. It shootsa slightly smaller crossbow bolt and takesone Action to reload after firing.Discount Hand Crossbows impose a -2 penalty onRanged rolls.

Harpoon Line

The Harpoon Line is used to impale vehi-cles or spacecraft and reel them in. Usethe Target skill when firing a HarpoonLine, which can fire once before needingto be reeled in. Reeling in a HarpoonLine and resetting it for fire takes 2Rounds.Discount Harpoon Lines impose a -2 penalty onTarget rolls.

Heavy Tool

This is any common tool with some heft,useful (but not specifically made) forclubbing someone over the head.Examples include a large heavy book, afire extinguisher, a flashlight, a fryingpan, a toolbox, or a wrench.

Hunting Rifle, 12mmL

A powerful civilian rifle designed forhunting game.

Large Heavy Tool

This is any large common tool that couldconceivably be picked up and used as aweapon (though an unwieldy one atbest). Examples include an axe, a crow-bar, a large monkey wrench, a pickaxe,a shovel, or a sledgehammer.

Machine Pistol, 9mm

The 9mm Machine Pistol is a fully auto-matic pistol, capable of emptying its clipin a single Round. Unfortunately, itscompact size makes it a bit squirrelly,affecting its accuracy when fired. The9mm Machine Pistol is illegal, but easyenough to get if one wants one badlyenough.

Magnum Revolver, 12mm

The 12mm Magnum Revolver is a popu-lar civilian weapon, although its recoilmakes it a bit hard to handle for some.

Military Assault Rifle, 12mmC

The 12mmC Military Assault Rifle firescaseless armor piercing ammunition andis the standard issue military assaultweapon. It comes equipped to accept anunder-barrel 40mm Grenade Launcher,although this must be obtained separately.As a military grade weapon, the 12mmCMilitary Assault Rifle is illegal to possessoutside of authorized military use.

Military Auto Grenade Launcher,40mm

The 40mm Military Auto GrenadeLauncher is a tripod mounted belt-fedgrenade launcher capable of burst fire,which has a variable effect depending onthe ammunition fired (see AmmunitionDescriptions p.47). Although very heavyby itself, it can be separated into threecomponents (the gun, tripod, and ammobox) for troop deployment. As a militarygrade weapon, the 40mm Military Auto

Grenade Launcher is illegal to possessoutside of authorized military use.

Military Auto-Shotgun, 20mm

The 20mm Military Auto-Shotgun is aclip-fed shotgun capable of burst fire. Asa military grade weapon, the 20mmMilitary Auto-Shotgun is illegal to pos-sess outside of authorized military use.

Military Field Gun, 60mm

The 60mm Military Field Gun is a vehicle-mounted weapon (usually in a turret)designed to fire 60mm artillery shells. Theweapon is capable of burst fire, which hasa variable effect depending on the ammu-nition fired (see Ammunition Descriptionsp.47). Use the Target skill when firing the60mm Military Field Gun. As a militarygrade weapon, the 60mm Military FieldGun is illegal to possess outside of author-ized military use.Discount 60mm Military Field Guns impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Military Hand Grenade

The Military Hand Grenade is a hand-thrown explosive that can be set to deto-nate either on impact, or by a 3 or 6 sec-ond timer (one or two Actions after it isthrown). Military Hand Grenades canalso be set as booby traps, triggered bya tripwire. Use a Conceal roll opposedby Search (or MTN 10 Spot) to determineif the tripwire is detected before beingtriggered. Multiple grenades set in abooby trap increase the damage, buthave little effect on the blast radius(+1L/+1'r. per additional grenade with ablast radius limit of 30'). As a militarygrade weapon, Military Hand Grenadesare illegal to possess outside of author-ized military use.Discount Grenades are always duds, but can befixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.

Military Heavy Support Gun,20mmC The 20mmC Military Heavy Support Gunis a bipod mounted, belt-fed, fully auto-

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Weapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

12mmL Sniper Rifle +1 14L 400'/vS 20c ST M15(M10-P)/1m 900012mmC Military Sniper Rifle +2 16L AP 400'/vS 20c ST M15/1m 15,000

Assault RiflesWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

12mmL Police Assault Rifle 0 14L 200'/vS 33c ST,BF,AF M15/1m 800012mmC Military Assault Rifle 0 16L AP 200'/vS 33c ST,BF,AF M15/1m 12,000

MachinegunsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

12mmL Police Light Support Gun 0 14L 400'/vS 200b BF,AF M15/1m 15,00012mmC Military Man-Portable Chaingun -1 16L AP 400'/vS 600b BF,AF,SF M15/1m 80,00020mmC Military Heavy Support Gun 0 18L AP 500'/vM 200b BF,AF M15/1m 100,000

Grenade LaunchersWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

40mm Police/Military Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher 0 By Ammo 200'/vS 1i ST M15/1m 500040mm Police/Military Pump Action Grenade Launcher 0 By Ammo 200'/vS 5i ST M15/1m 850040mm Military Auto Grenade Launcher 0 By Ammo 200'/vS 50b ST,BF M15/1m 50,000

Other Military WeaponsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w

Flamethrower +2 6L❖ 30' 25t ST,SW M15/1m 400060mm Mortar Launcher -2 By Ammo 600' 1i ST M15/1m 50,000Shoulder-Fired Surface-to-Surface Missile Launcher 0 26L A40'r 1 Mile/vM 1i ST M15/1m 12,000Shoulder-Fired Surface-to-Air Missile Launcher 0 20L A30'r 3 Miles/vM 1i ST M15/1m 9000

Set ExplosivesWeapon Dmg Avail Cost w

Anti-Personnel Mine 16L PA30'r M15/1m 800

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matic heavy machinegun that fires case-less armor piercing (or detonating)ammunition. Because it is bipod mount-ed, it must be fired from the prone posi-tion. As a military grade weapon, the20mmC Military Heavy Support Gun isillegal to possess outside of authorizedmilitary use.

Military Laser Beam Generator

The Military Laser Beam Generator is avehicle-mounted weapon that fires anintense beam of focused light, meltingthrough almost anything it hits. It runs offa special energy capacitor that providesthe weapon with 10 shots before becom-ing depleted. A drained laser capacitorcan be recharged the rate of 2 shots perhour. Use the Target skill when firing theMilitary Laser Beam Generator. As a mil-itary grade weapon, the Military LaserBeam Generator is illegal to possess out-side of authorized military use.Discount Military Laser Beam Generators impose a-2 penalty on Target rolls.

Military Main Gun, 115mm The 115mm Military Main Gun is a vehi-cle-mounted turret weapon designed tofire 115mm artillery shells. Use theTarget skill when firing the 115mmMilitary Main Gun. As a military gradeweapon, the 115mm Military Main Gunis illegal to possess outside of authorizedmilitary use.Discount 115mm Military Main Guns impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Military Man-Portable Chaingun,12mmCThe 12mmC Military Man-PortableChaingun is a miniature six-barreledrotary gatling gun, fed by a belt trackconnected to a 600 round ammo back-pack. It fires caseless armor piercingammunition and is capable of saturationfire, but is heavy and a bit hard to han-dle. As a military grade weapon, the12mmC Military Man-Portable Chaingunis illegal to possess outside of authorizedmilitary use.

Military Plasma Cannon

The Military Plasma Cannon is a vehicle-

mounted weapon that fires a devastatingbeam of superheated plasma. It runs offa special energy capacitor that providesthe weapon with 6 shots before becom-ing depleted. A drained plasma capaci-tor can be recharged the rate of 1 shotper hour. Use the Target skill when firingthe Military Plasma Cannon. As a mili-tary grade weapon, the Military PlasmaCannon is illegal to possess outside ofauthorized military use.Discount Military Plasma Cannons impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Military Rail Gun, 40mm The 40mm Military Rail Gun uses mag-netic energy to fire a special armor pierc-ing projectile at hypervelocity speeds,allowing it to punch through almost any-thing. The weapon can be fired onlyonce per round however, due to its needto charge momentarily after each shot.The weapon gets its magnetic energyfrom a special energy capacitor that pro-vides the weapon with 10 shots beforebecoming drained. A drained railcapacitor can be recharged the rate of 2shots per hour. Use the Target skill whenfiring the 40mm Military Rail Gun. As amilitary grade weapon, the 40mmMilitary Rail Gun is illegal to possess out-side of authorized military use.Discount 40mm Military Rail Guns impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Military Rotary Ship Guns,20mmC 20mmC Military Rotary Ship Guns arevehicle-mounted six-barreled rotarygatling guns that fire caseless armorpiercing (or detonating) ammunition atan incredible rate, capable of sustainingsaturation fire for up to a full minute. Usethe Target skill when firing 20mmCMilitary Rotary Ship Guns. As a militarygrade weapon, 20mmC Military RotaryShip Guns are illegal to possess outsideof authorized military use.Discount 20mmC Military Rotary Ship Gunsimpose a -2 penalty on Target rolls.

Military Ship Guns, 20mmC

20mmC Military Ship Guns are vehicle-mounted heavy machineguns that firecaseless armor piercing (or detonating)

ammunition. Use the Target skill whenfiring 20mmC Military Ship Guns. As amilitary grade weapon, 20mmC MilitaryShip Guns are illegal to possess outsideof authorized military use.Discount 20mmC Military Ship Guns impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Military Sidearm, 12mm

The 12mm Military Sidearm is the stan-dard issue sidearm for military use,although SSPB's Special OperationsForce uses them as well. As a militarygrade weapon, the 12mm MilitarySidearm is illegal to possess outside ofauthorized military (or SSPB) use.

Military Sniper Rifle, 12mmC

The 12mmC Military Sniper Rifle fires case-less armor piercing ammunition and is usedby the military's Special Forces when anassassination or surgical strike is required.As a military grade weapon, the 12mmCMilitary Sniper Rifle is illegal to possessoutside of authorized military use.

Mini Missiles, 60mm General purpose vehicle-mounted mis-siles in a self contained launcher.Normally a military weapon, 60mm MiniMissiles are allowed limited civilian use(with the proper permits) for spacecraftdefense. Use the Target skill when firing60mm Mini Missiles. Unlike normal mis-siles, pods of Mini Missiles can be firedone at a time, or all remaining in the podat once. When firing Mini Missiles all atonce, make a single Target roll for theattack, but add a +1 Bonus for each mis-sile fired beyond the first (to a maximumBonus of +5 for all six missiles) and thenDouble the X-Damage on a successful hit. Discount 60mm Mini Missiles impose a -2 penaltyon Target rolls.

Molotov Cocktail

A Molotov Cocktail is simply a bottle full offuel with a rag stuffed in the opening,which is then lit before the MolotovCocktail is thrown. When the MolotovCocktail lands, the bottle breaks, splashingflaming liquid everywhere (see Fire

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Weapon Dmg Avail Cost w

Anti-Vehicle Mine 20L PA20'r 2X-Damage vs. Hard Targets M15/1m 1200C-4 14L PA10'r❖ (+1L/+5'r. per additional ounce; limit 100'r.) M15(M10-P)/1m10 Oz 25,000Claymore 16L PA50'45°c. M15/1m Doz 960Dynamite 8L PA15'r❖ (+1L/+5'r. per additional stick; limit 50'r) M10(R-P)/1w Doz 1200Enhanced Nitro 14L PA30'r❖ (+1L/+5'r. per additional ounce; limit 100'r.) M15/1m 10 Oz 20,000Military Hand Grenade 16L PA20'r❖(+1L/+1'r. per additional grenade; limit 30'r.) M15/1m Doz 3600Pipe Bomb 10L PA20'r❖ (+1L/+1'r. per additional bomb; limit 30'r.) M15/2w Doz 2400Thermite 30L PA5'd./6L PA5'r❖ M10/1m 1/2 Doz 1800

Vehicle Mounted WeaponsWeapon Acc Dmg Rng Cap Rate Avail Cost w12mmL Police Vehicle-Mounted Chaingun 0 14L 400'/vS/§PB 1,000b BF,AF,SF M15/1m 100,00020mmL Police Ship Guns 0 16L vM/§PB 2,000i BF, AF, SX, A1 M15(M10-P)/1m 120,00020mmC Military Ship Guns 0 18L AP vM/§PB 2,000i BF, AF, SX, A1 M15/1m 150,00020mmC Military Rotary Ship Guns 0 18L AP vM/§PB 4,000i BF,AF,SF,SX,A1 M15/1m 300,00040mm Military Rail Gun 0 26L AP vL/§M 50i/10❖ ❖,A1 M15/1m 550,00060mm Military Field Gun 0 By Ammo vL/§S 100i ST,BF, A1 M15/1m 200,00060mm Mini Missiles 0 20L A30'r vS/§PB 6i ST❖ M15(M10-P)/1m 1/2 Doz 120,000

115mm Military Main Gun 0 By Ammo vL/§S 50i ST,A1 M15/1m 400,000Military Laser Beam Generator +2 22L vL/§M 0/10❖ ST,A1 M15/1m 500,000Military Plasma Cannon 0 24L AP vL/§S 0/6❖ ST,A1 M15/1m 450,000Air-to-Surface Missile 0 30L A50'r vL/§L 6i or 6x ST M15/1m 120,000Air-to-Air Missile 0 26L A40'r vL/§L 6i or 6x ST M15(M10-P)/1m 120,000Space Mines N/A 30L PA50'r ❖ 6i ST,BF M15/1m 1 /2 Doz 400,000

Harpoon Line 0 18L vPB/§PB 1i ❖,A1 M10(R-P)/2w 25,000Sunflare N/A ❖ §PB 6i ST M10(R-P)/1m 1/2 Doz 90,000

Chaff Defense N/A ❖ §PB 6i ST M15(M10-P)/1m 1/2 Doz 60,000

Cloud Defense N/A ❖ §PB 1i ST M15(M10-P)/1m 15,000

Ammunition TypesSize Type Dmg Avail Cost w

Arrows and Bolts Standard By Weapon A/0 Doz. 240Explosive 8L A5'r M15/1m Doz. 15,000

9mm Standard Standard 8L M10(A-P)/0 Box (100) 200Armor Piercing 8L AP M15/1m Box (100) 750

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Hazards p.69). It takes one Action to lighta Molotov Cocktail and another to throw it(although Slight of Hand can be used toturn the lighting Action into a Free Action).Molotov Cocktails do not lend themselveswell to storage and are only mademoments in advance of use. It is illegal tomake or possess Molotov Cocktails.

Mortar Launcher, 60mm

The 60mm Mortar Launcher is used tolob mortars in a high arc so they come ata target from above. Although this indi-rect fire is a little hard to aim, it allows forfire over walls and other forms of cover.Once the Mortar Launcher is set andpositioned, a mortar is dropped in thetop, which fires off a moment later. Ittakes one Action to adjust the MortarLauncher and another Action to fire it. Ifthe target is a fixed position (not moving)then the Mortar Launcher only needs tobe adjusted once. Use the Target skillwhen firing the 60mm Mortar Launcher.As a military grade weapon, the 60mmMortar Launcher is illegal to possess out-side of authorized military use.Discount 60mm Mortar Launchers impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.


Your common everyday Bruce Lee styleNunchakus.

Pipe Bomb

Pipe Bombs are crude explosive devicesmade from commonly available materi-als. They are not particularly safe,exploding if exposed to open flame or ifhit by weapons fire. Wrapping multiplePipe Bombs together increases the dam-age, but has little effect on the blastradius (+1L/+1'r. per additional PipeBomb with a blast radius limit of 30'). Itis illegal to make or possess Pipe Bombs.Discount Pipe Bombs are always duds, but can befixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.

Pistol Whip

The handle of a pistol can be used as a club.

Police Assault Rifle, 12mmL

The 12mmL Police Assault Rifle is theSSPB's Special Operations Force assaultweapon. It comes equipped to accept anunder-barrel 40mm grenade launcher,although this must be obtained separate-ly. The 12mmL Police Assault Rifle is ille-gal to possess outside of authorized SSPBuse.

Police Light Support Gun, 12mmL

The 12mmL Police Light Support Gun is abelt-fed, fully automatic, light machine-gun with a collapsible bipod that can befired from either the standing or proneposition. It is used exclusively by theSSPB's Special Operations Force and isillegal to possess outside of authorizedSSPB use.

Police Revolver, 9mm

The 9mm Police Revolver is the standardissue sidearm for local police use.Normally a police weapon, it is allowedlimited civilian use (with the proper per-mits).

Police Riot Gun, 20mm

The pump action 20mm Police Riot Gunis the standard issue longarm for localpolice use. Normally a police weapon, itis allowed limited civilian use (with theproper permits).

Police Ship Guns, 20mmL

20mmL Police Ship Guns are vehicle-mounted heavy machineguns that firearmor piercing (or detonating) ammuni-tion. Normally a police weapon, 20mmLPolice Ship Guns are allowed limitedcivilian use (with the proper permits) forspacecraft defense. Use the Target skillwhen firing 20mmL Police Ship Guns.Discount 20mmL Police Ship Guns impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.

Police Vehicle-MountedChaingun, 12mmL

The 12mmL Police Vehicle-MountedChaingun is a vehicle-mounted six-bar-

reled rotary gatling gun capable of satu-ration fire. For ground vehicles, theweapon is typically fixed on an externalmount and fired manually, while a space-craft would rely on computer targeting.Use either the Ranged or Target skillwhen firing 12mmL Police Vehicle-Mounted Chaingun, depending on theplatform. The weapon is used exclusive-ly by the SSPB's Special OperationsForce and is illegal to possess outside ofauthorized SSPB use.Discount 12mmL Police Vehicle-MountedChainguns impose a -2 penalty on Ranged/Targetrolls.

Police/Military Pump ActionGrenade Launcher, 40mm

The 40mm Police/Military Pump ActionGrenade Launcher is a pump actiongrenade launcher similar in appearanceto an over-sized shotgun. It is used byboth the SSPB (for non-lethal operationssuch as crowd control) and by theMilitary (as a tactical support weapon).It is a strictly controlled weapon and ille-gal to possess outside of authorized mili-tary or SSPB use.

Police/Military Under-BarrelGrenade Launcher, 40mm

The 40mm Police/Military Under-BarrelGrenade Launcher is designed to fixunder an assault rifle. It is used by boththe SSPB (for non-lethal operations suchas crowd control) and by the Military (asa tactical support weapon). It is a strict-ly controlled weapon and illegal to pos-sess outside of authorized military orSSPB use.


Any first-sized rock or hard object.


The Sap is a leather club, filled with leadshot, designed to knock a person outwithout seriously injuring him. Doublethe X-Damage (Stun Damage only) ofany successful attack made with a Sap.

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Size Type Dmg Avail Cost w

9mmL Long Standard 12L M10(A-P)/0 Box (100) 350Armor Piercing 12L AP M15/1m Box (100) 1000

12mm Standard Standard 10L M10(A-P)/0 Box (100) 500Armor Piercing 10L AP M15/1m Box (100) 1000

Tranquilizer Round 0S❖ M15/1m Box (50) 100012mmL Long Standard 14L M10(A-P)/0 Box (100) 750

Armor Piercing 14L AP M15/1m Crate (1000) 12,500Tranquilizer Round 0S❖ M15/1m Box (50) 1000

12mmC Caseless Armor Piercing 16L AP M15/1m Crate (1000) 20,00020mm Shotgun Shot 10L M10(A-P)/0 Box (100) 500

Slug 16L M10(R-P)/0 Box (100) 750Thumper 16S❖ M10(R-P)/0 Box (50) 500

20mmL Long Armor Piercing 16L AP M10(R-P)/1w Crate (1000) 15,000Detonating 16L❖ M15/1m Crate (1000) 17,500

20mmC Caseless Armor Piercing 18L AP M15/1m Crate (1000) 30,000Detonating 18L❖ M15/1m Crate (1000) 32,000

40mm Grenade Round Concussive 0S❖ A10'r (0S❖ A15'r) M15/1m Doz 4200High Explosive 16L A20'r (19L A30'r) M15/1m Doz 7200

Grape Shot 16L A50'45°c M15/1m Doz 3000Incendiary 8L A30'r❖ (10L A35'r❖) M15/1m Doz 6000

Smoke 0 A30'r❖ (0 A40'r❖) M15/1m Doz 3600Suppression Gas ❖ A20'r (❖ A30'r) M15/1m Doz 3600

Thumper 18S M15/1m Doz 120040mm Rail Gun AP Hyperdart 26L AP M15/1m Crate (50) 25,00060mm Mortar High Explosive 18L A30'r M15/1m Doz 7200

Illumination 0 M15/1m Doz 3600Incendiary 10L A30'r❖ M15/1m Doz 6000Lethal Gas ❖ A40'r M15/1m Doz. 180,000

Smoke 0 A40'r❖ M15/1m Doz. 360060mm Field Gun Armor Piercing 20L AP M15/1m Crate (50) 35,000

High Explosive 18L A30'r (21L A40'r) M15/1m Crate (50) 40,000115mm Main Gun Armor Piercing 26L AP M15/1m Crate (25) 50,000

High Explosive 18L A40'r M15/1m Crate (25) 60,000Incendiary 10L A40'r❖ M15/1m Crate (25) 45,000Lethal Gas 0 A50'r❖ M15/1m Crate (25) 375,000

EquipmentArmorArmor Armor Value Initiative Penalty Avail Cost w

Police Armored Vest 10 -2 M10(R-P)/2w 5000Police Riot Shield +2 Dodge skill N/A M10(R-P)/2w 4000Military Flak Jacket 15 -4 M15/1m 9000Armored Vac Suit 12 -4 M15(M10-P)/1m 50,000

Clothes and StyleOutfit Avail Cost w

Street Punk Wear A/0 500

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Sawed-Off Shotgun, 20mm

The 20mm Sawed-Off Shotgun is a mod-ified 20mm Sport Shotgun, where thebarrels have been cut down and the stockchanged into a handgrip, in order tomake it concealable and more devastat-ing at close range. It is illegal to make orpossess a Sawed-Off Shotgun.

Shoulder-Fired Surface-to-AirMissile Launcher

Shoulder-fired missiles designed to inter-cept and destroy flying targets. Use theTarget skill when firing Surface-to-AirMissiles.Discount Shoulder-Fired Surface-to-Air Missilesimpose a -2 penalty on Target rolls.

Shoulder-Fired Surface-to-Surface Missile Launcher

Shoulder-fired missiles designed to inter-cept and destroy targets on the ground.Use the Target skill when firing Surface-to-Surface Missles. If fired at flying tar-gets, the Target roll for Surface-to-Surface Missiles is MTN 15.Discount Surface-to-Surface Missiles impose a -2penalty on Target rolls.


The Sling is a long leather strap used tohurl rocks with more power and rangethan throwing alone can achieve.

Small Blade

A Small Blade is any small edgedweapon or object such as a steak knife, abroken bottle, box cutters, scissors, orthrowing stars.

Smoke Bomb

A Smoke Bomb fills an area with a thicksmoke, obscuring vision and blockingInfrared Detection (see Smoke p. 70 andConcealment p.78).

Sniper Rifle, 12mmL

The 12mmL Sniper Rifle is a modified12mmL Hunting Rifle, used by SSPB'sSpecial Operations Force for "terrorist sup-pression and hostage negotiations". It is

illegal to make or possess a 12mmL SniperRifle outside of authorized SSPB use.

Space Mines

Space Mines are special Air-to-AirMissiles deployed from a spacecraft thatcan be detonated by remote control orset to wait for a target to come withinproximity (anywhere from Point Blank toLong range). When a spacecraft(excluding any carrying a special codebeacon provided with the mines) comeswithin the set proximity, it activates themine, which then rockets towards the tar-get. Because Space Mines are 'fire andforget' weapons, they make a singleattack with a Target skill of 11 (Base 3 +INT(AI) 3 + Target 5).Discount Space Mines have a Target skill of 9 (Base3 + INT(AI) 3 + Target 3).


A bladed weapon on a long shaft (or ajavelin), thrown or used for thrustingattacks.

Sport Rifle, 9mmL

A common civilian rifle designed forsport shooting or small game hunting.

Sport Shotgun, 20mm

A double-barrel breach loaded shotgundesigned for sport shooting or smallgame hunting.

Spray Mace

Spray Mace incapacitates its target byoverpowering the senses. Each canisterof Spray Mace has a flat range of 10'and can be used for 5 shots. On a suc-cessful hit, the target must make anEndurance Save or become Nauseatedfor a number of rounds equal to the X-Roll. If used with a successful Headshot(see Called Shots p.76), the target mustmake an additional Endurance Save toavoid being Blinded as well.

Spray Tranquilizer

Spray Tranquilizer incapacitates its target

by knocking them Unconscious.Unfortunately, the effective range ofSpray Tranquilizer is so short that itrequires a MTN 10 Melee roll to admin-ister, unless the target is completely obliv-ious to the attack (sleeping for example).Anyone hit by a Spray Tranquilizerattack must make an Endurance Save orgo Unconscious. A Crit on the Attack rollmakes the Endurance Save MTN 10.Each canister of Spray Tranquilizer canbe used for 5 shots. It is illegal to makeor possess Spray Tranquilizer.Discount Spray Tranquilizer is less potent than nor-mal, giving targets a +2 on their Endurance Savesto resist its effects.


Any long wooden weapon.

Stun Baton

A Stun Baton is an insulated club with anelectric capacitor at the end (much like acattle prod) that can incapacitate a targetupon contact. Those struck by a StunBaton take regular damage from thestrike and must make an Endurance Saveor be Stunned.

Sub-Machinegun, 9mm

The 9mm Sub-Machinegun is a fullyautomatic weapon designed to fire pistolammunition. Most Sub-Machineguns areabout half the size of a rifle and comewith a fold-out shoulder stock. 9mm Sub-Machineguns are illegal, but are easyenough to get if one wants one badlyenough.


The Sunflare is a special flare fired froma spacecraft that bursts with such a bril-liant radiance as to Blind anyone facingits direction, unless they make a success-ful Reaction Save to avert their eyes intime. Only those looking out of (or near)a cockpit, bridge, or cabin window canbe effected, as the Sunflare's effect isdampened by electronic optical systems.Sight returns to those Blinded by the flare

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Outfit Avail Cost w

Casual Wear A/0 1000Business Wear A/0 2500High Fashion Wear A/0 5000Cold Weather Clothing A/0 1000Camouflage A/0 500IR Camouflage M15/1m 5000Hazmat Suit M10/1m 5000Heat Reflecting Hazmat Suit M10/1m 10,000

Space GearItem Avail Cost w

Magnetic Boots A/0 3500Skinsuit A/0 10,000Vac Suit A/0 30,000Zero-G Harness A/0 3500

Weapon AccessoriesItem Avail Cost w

Laser Sight M10(R-P)/1w 1000Electronic Scope M10(R-P)/2w 25,000Optical Scope R(A-P)/0 750Silencer M15/2w 2000Spare Clips As Weapon 20% WeaponRevolver Speed-Loader As Weapon 500Military Grade Targeting Computer M15/1m 130,000

ToolsItem Avail Cost w

Breaking and Entering Kit A/0 3000Construction Tools A/0 8000Demolitions Kit M10(R-P)/2w 7500Electronics Tools A/0 65,000Gasmask R/0 1500Handcuffs R(A-P)/0 500Lock Pick Set M10/1w 1200Mechanics Tools A/0 12,000Optical Binoculars A/0 500Outdoor Gear Kit A/0 8000Professional Disguise Kit R/1w 2000Signal Flare A/0 300Sports Equipment A/0 35,000Vehicle-Mounted Cable Winch A/0 300

ElectronicsItem Avail Cost w

Audio Recorder A/0 500Bullhorn A/0 750Cell Phone A/0 1000Computer Workstation A/0 8000

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in a number of rounds equal to the X-Rollof their Save. A Botch on the Savemeans the character temporarily gainsthe Impaired Vision Flaw for 24 hoursafter his sight returns.

Super-Magnum Revolver, 12mmL

The 12mmL Super-Magnum Revolver is amassive handgun designed to fire12mmL long rifle ammunition. Its threeround capacity and tremendous recoilmake it an impractical weapon at best,although it's still a popular weaponamong collectors.


Any long edged weapon designed forslashing, like a katana or machete.


Thermite is a chemical compound thatburns with such tremendous heat, that itcan melt through almost anything whenignited. It is manufactured into foldabletwo-foot diameter pads with peel offsticky backs that can be stuck to the sur-face of an object or wall to be melted.The heat from Thermite will ignite any-thing flammable within range of its heat(see Fire Hazards p.69) and does 30L PAin a 5' diameter space and then 6L PA ina 5' radius beyond. One pad ofThermite can melt through up to 4" ofmetal, stone, or glass, although it will notmelt metal, stone, or glass treated with aspecial heat dissipating graphite, com-monly used in the outer hull and windowsof spacecraft to protect them during reen-try into atmosphere.


This is a 12' leather bullwhip, which canbe used to make a Melee Attack againstanyone within 15'. It can also be used tomake the following special MeleeAttacks:• Whip Disarm: MTN 15. On a suc-cessful Disarm, the target's weapon isthrown to the ground. On a Crit, theweapon can be pulled back and taken if

desired. The Whip Disarm can beopposed with a Dodge or Parry roll.• Whip Trip: MTN 10. If Successful,the target is forced Prone. The Whip Tripcan be opposed with a Dodge, Grapple,or Parry roll.

AmmunitionDescriptionsAmmunition is not interchanged by size.For example, 12mm pistol ammunitionwill not fit into a rifle, nor will 12mmL rifleammunition fire in a weapon designed totake 12mmC casseless ammunition.Unless otherwise noted, all DiscountAmmunition imposes a -1 penalty onRanged rolls.

Armor Piercing

Armor Piercing ammunition ignoresarmor, but is illegal to possess outside ofauthorized military use.

Armor Piercing Hyperdart

The Armor Piercing Hyperdart not onlyignores armor, but does 2X-Damage vs.Hard Targets (buildings, vehicles, andobjects). It is illegal to possess ArmorPiercing Hyperdarts outside of author-ized military use.Discount Armor Piercing Hyperdarts impose a -1penalty on Target rolls.


The Concussive round is a cardboard-cased explosive round, designed toknock down and stun a target, ratherthan seriously injure. Anyone in the blastradius of a Concussive round must makean Endurance Save or be Stunned. Atarget directly hit by a Concussive roundis automatically Stunned (no Save) andtakes 0S (X-Damage only) from the prox-imity. On a Crit, the direct target is alsoKO'd. (Burst Firing Concussive roundsincreases their blast radius by +5'.) It isillegal to possess Concussive rounds out-side of authorized military or SSPB use.


Detonating ammunition explodes onimpact, doing 2X-Damage against SoftTargets (animals and personnel), but istoo small to have an affect on anythingbeyond the direct target. It is illegal tomake or possess Detonating rounds.


Explosive arrows and bolts are fitted withan impact detonated half-ounce C-4charge. It is illegal to make or possessExplosive arrows and bolts.

Grape Shot

Grape Shot is basically a giant shotgunround for grenade launchers, except thatthe round exits the barrel before explod-ing into a cone-shaped blast. It is illegalto possess Grape Shot outside of author-ized military use.

High Explosive

High Explosive rounds are designed toexplode on impact with a devastatingblast, sending deadly shrapnel over awide area. (Burst Firing High Explosiverounds increases their damage by +3Land their blast radius by +10'.) It is ille-gal to possess High Explosive rounds out-side of authorized military use.Discount High Explosive rounds are always duds,but can be fixed for use with a MTN 10Demolitions roll.


Illumination rounds send a large neutralbuoyancy balloon flare into the air, illu-minating a 300' diameter area below forup to two minutes (20 Rounds). Becauseof its nature, the balloon flare stays at apreset height (anywhere from 50 to300'), only descending many hours afterthe flare burns out. Wind affects the bal-loon flare normally, which can reduce itsusefulness, should it be blown away toosoon. It is possible to shoot a balloonflare down, but because the flares aresuspended below the virtually invisibleballoons on long lines, the shot is MTN

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Item Avail Cost w

Diagnostic Scanner M10/1m 15,000Diagnostic Workstation M10/1m 80,000Electronic Binoculars A/0 2500Electronic Compass A/0 500Emergency Beacon A/0 2000Laser Uplink R/2w 40,000Micro Comlink R/2w 1500Notebook Computer A/0 50,000Pocket Secretary A/0 500Radio Uplink R/2w 4500SOL Phone A/0 6500Super Computer M15/1m 5,000,000Universal R/C Link M15/1m 20,000Video Recorder A/0 4000Video Screen A/0 2500VR Goggles M10/2w 15,000Walkie-Talkie A/0 500Walkman A/0 300

SecurityItem Avail Cost w

Bug M10/2w 500Bug Detector M10/2w 4500Electronic Lock (Card or Code Key) A/0 1000Electronic Lock Decryptor M15/1m 15,000Electronic Lock w/ Print Scanner R/1m 15,000Electronic Lock w/ Retina Scanner M10/1m 50,000Electronic Lock w/ Voice Scanner M10/1m 8000Hard Lock, Complex A/0 2000Hard Lock, Simple A/0 500Hidden Video Recorder M10/2w 6000Jamming Transmitter M15/1m 120,000Laser Microphone R/2w 2000Line Tap M10/2w 2000Motion Detector R/2w 500Tracking Device M10/2w 500Voice Mask M10/2w 2500Voice-Stress Analyzer M10/2w 4000White Noise Generator R/2w 1000

MedicalItem Avail Cost w

Cloned Limb M15/6m 5,000,000Cloned Organ M15/6m 2,500,000Cryogenics Tank M10/1m 1,000,000Cybernetic Limb M10/1m 100,000Cybernetic Organ M10/1m 50,000Day In Hospital A/0 3000

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10 (plus any penalties for low light andrange). It is illegal to possess Illuminationrounds outside of authorized militaryuse.Discount Illumination rounds are always duds, butcan be fixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitionsroll.


Incendiary rounds are designed to sendburning phosphorus over a wide areawhen they explode, starting large fires(see Fire Hazards p.69). Burst FiringIncendiary rounds increases their dam-age by +2L and their blast radius by +5'.It is illegal to possess Incendiary roundsoutside of authorized military use.Discount Incendiary rounds are always duds, butcan be fixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitionsroll.

Lethal Gas

Lethal Gas rounds contain an InhaledPoison gas (see Poisons p.70) that isreleased upon detonation (usually an airburst 10 to 20' off the ground). A dead-lier version of the Lethal Gas round (con-taining a Contact Poison gas) is avail-able, but costs five times as much. It isillegal to make or possess Lethal Gasrounds.Discount Lethal Gas rounds are dangerous at best.They are always duds, and require a MTN 15Demolitions roll to fix for use without exposing one-self to the poison.


Shot is the standard ammunition for shot-guns. Each round fires a small cluster ofmetal pellets that spread into a narrowcone as they leave the barrel, making iteasier to hit with a shotgun than mostother weapons.


A Slug is a solid metal projectiledesigned to be fired like an over-sizedbullet from a shotgun. Due to their sizeand shape, Slugs are not very accuratebut do pack a tremendous punch.


Smoke rounds release a huge cloud ofthick smoke when detonated, obscuringvision and blocking Infrared Detection(IR) (see Concealment p.78). Burst FiringSmoke rounds increases their blast radiusby +10'. It is illegal to possess Smokerounds outside of authorized military orSSPB use.Discount Smoke rounds are always duds, but canbe fixed for use with a MTN 10 Demolitions roll.


These are the Standard rounds intendedfor each weapon.

Suppression Gas

Suppression Gas rounds release a cloudof invisible irritant gas (similar to SprayMace) when detonated, incapacitating itstargets by overpowering their senses. Allthose in the Area must make twoEndurance Saves; one to avoid becomingNauseated and another to avoidBlindness, each for a number of roundsequal to the X-Roll of the saves. BurstFiring Suppression Gas rounds increasestheir blast radius by +10'. It is illegal topossess Suppression Gas rounds outsideof authorized SSPB use.Discount Suppression Gas rounds are alwaysduds, but can be fixed for use with a MTN 10Demolitions roll, although failure means exposureto the irritant gas.


The Thumper round is basically a ballisticversion of the sap, consisting of a softprojectile designed to knock down andstun a target, rather than seriously injure.Thumper rounds do 2X-Damage againstSoft Targets (animals and personnel) anda Crit on the Attack roll KO's the target.Thumper rounds for shotguns are uncom-mon, but legal. A larger caliber version,designed to be fired from a GrenadeLauncher is also available, but is illegalto possess outside of authorized SSPBuse.

Tranquilizer Round

The Tranquilizer Round is a saboted non-penetrating dart that contains a smallamount of Tranquilizer, designed to injectthe target as it slaps against the skin andbounces off, leaving only a superficialwound. While the Tranquilizer Round iscapable of penetration clothing, it iscompletely defeated by Armor (althoughdamage is still applied from the hit).Anyone injected by a Tranquilizer Roundmust make an Endurance Save or goUnconscious. A Crit on the Attack rollmakes the Endurance Save MTN 10.

EquipmentAmbulance Service

This is an ambulance ride to a hospital.


Each dose of Antibiotic gives the user a+4 bonus on his next Endurance Save toresist the effects of a disease. If the dis-ease is in Incubation when the Antibioticis taken, the character gets to make anadditional Endurance Save to immedi-ately recover from the disease before theDamage effect kicks in (see Diseasesp.69).


Each dose of Antirad protects the userfrom the effects of radiation for up to 12hours. The drug is most commonly usedon the Jovian moon IO, where any traveloutside the protective city domes willexpose one to lethal levels of magneticradiation. Prolonged use of Antirad (aweek or more) causes the trademark yel-lowing of the pupils known as 'IO Eye'.


When administered immediately afterexposure to poison (within 30 seconds or6 rounds), each dose of Antitoxin givesthe user an additional Endurance Savewith a +4 bonus to resist the poison'seffects. It can also be used to Stabilize acharacter who is Dying due to a failedEndurance Save, regardless of how long

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Item Avail Cost w

Day in Intensive Care A/0 10,000False Limb A/1w 5000First Aid Kit A/0 150Glasses A/0 500Medical Diagnostic Table M15/1m 8,000,000Memory Vid M10/1m 120,000Surgical Tools R/2w 10,000Trauma Pack R/1w 2000

DrugsItem Avail Cost w

Antibiotic R/1w (4X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 1000Antirad R/2w(A/0-IO) (3X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 1000Antitoxin R/1w (3X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 1000Black Hole M10/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 20,000Gamma Green M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 30,000Lightspeed M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 35,000Oblivion M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 20,000Pain Killer R/1w (3X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 1000Poison Gas, Contact M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 50,000Poison Gas, Inhaled M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 15,000Poison Liquid, Contact M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 20,000Poison Liquid, Ingested M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 5000Poison Liquid, Injected M15/1m (2X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 3000Poison Powder, Ingested M15/1m (2X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 2500Recall 13 M10/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 15,000Snapdragon M10/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 35,000Stimdose R/1w (3X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 1000Super-Coag M10/2w (2X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 10,000Tranquilizer R/1w (3X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 2000X-88 M15/1m (X-Roll Doses Available) Per Dose 25,000

Feng-ShuiItem Avail Cost w

Lopan R/0 4000Gatestone M15/1m 100,000

ServicesItem Avail Cost w

Fortune Read R/0 200Diplomat For Hire R/2w(0-Edge) 7500/dFeng-Shui Master For Hire M10/2w 7500/dLawyer For Hire R/2w(0-Edge) 10,000/dMechanic For Hire R/1w 6000/dMercenary For Hire M10/2w(1w-Edge) 3000/dPrivate Investigator For Hire R/1w(0-Edge) 6000/dProfessional For Hire M15/1m(1w-Edge) 20,000/d

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the character has been poisoned,although it will not work on someonewho is Dead (see Poisons p. 70).

Armored Vac Suit

The Armored Vac (vacuum) Suit is a self-sealing heavy space suit with built-inmagnetic boots and armor platingdesigned for use in space combat orwork in hazardous areas such as anasteroid belt. It acts as a Heat ReflectingHazmat Suit and is equipped with aneight-hour chemical rebreather pack. Ittakes a minimum or 10 rounds (half witha successful Escape roll) to don anArmored Vac Suit and wearing oneimposes a -4 penalty to the user'sInitiative rolls.Discount Armored Vac Suits suffer a -5 penalty totheir Armor Value.

Audio Recorder

A small Audio Recorder that is easy toconceal.

Black Hole

Black Hole was once an experimentalcombat drug, but was abandoned due toits side effects, which have now made it afavorite among psychotic or suicidal ter-rorists. When used, Black Hole grants+10 Wound Points for 1 hour, but causesincoherent speech (-5 penalty to allPresence skills). When it wears off, 10Wound Points are lost as damage(whether the additional Wound Pointsgranted by the drug or the character'sown). Those not killed coming downfrom the drug are Disabled. It is illegal topossess or use Black Hole.Mixing Drugs is not recommended as the sideeffects of each stack. Two Exhausted effects causeUnconsciousness. Three Exhausted effects or anExhausted and Disabled effect cause Dying.

Breaking and Entering Kit

The Breaking and Entering Kit consists oftools and items useful for intruding into asecured area. It typically contains acrowbar, cutting torch, duct tape, flash-

light, grapple gun with auto-winch, rope,and wire cutters.


The bug is a small easily concealeddevice that transmits everything it hearson a hidden frequency, allowing some-one dialed into that frequency to listen inon any conversations held nearby.

Bug Detector

The Bug Detector is a small handheldelectronic device that detects bugs, byscanning for their relay signal. It canpinpoint any bug within 50', but will notdetect Audio Recorders (as they do notrelay a signal.Discount Bug Detectors can only detect and pin-point bugs within 10'.


The Bullhorn amplifies the users voice,making it clearly audible over a widearea.

Business Wear

Typical corporate or formal wear such asa suit and tie, modest dress, or uniform.


Camouflage is designed to blend in withits surroundings (Arctic, Dessert, Urban,or Wilderness) giving the user a +2bonus to Hide rolls when wearing theappropriate type.

Car Rental

This is the cost for one day's rental of acar, motorcycle, or utility vehicle.

Casual Wear

Casual Wear is typical everyday cloth-ing.

Cell Phone

Cell Phones are the most common meansof communication, but only work whileon a planet, moon, or satellite with CellService. Cell Phones do not work inspace or while traveling through

Hyperspace.Charter Boat

This is the cost for one day's rental of ahovercraft, speedboat, submarine, oryacht.

Charter Jet

This is the cost for one day's rental of acargo copter, helicopter, jet fighter,jumbo jet cargo transport, or jumbo jetpassenger transport.

Charter Starship

This is the cost for one day's rental of aspacecraft, such as fighter, scout,freighter, frigate, or transport.

Cloned Limb

A Cloned Limb is a replacement limb,grown from the user's own DNA in aboutsix months. Once attached, a ClonedLimb is indistinguishable from the user'soriginal.

Cloned Organ

A Cloned Organ is a replacement organ,grown from the user's own DNA in aboutsix months. Once attached, a Clonedorgan is indistinguishable from the user'soriginal.

Cold Weather Clothing

Cold Weather Clothing consists of heavyor artificially heated clothing, such ascoats, parkas, and heatsuits, designed toprotect a person from exposure toextreme cold.

Commercial Air Travel

This is the cost of Commercial Air Travelacross the surface of a planet or moon.

Commercial Ground Travel

This is the cost of Commercial GroundTravel across the surface of a planet ormoon.

Commercial SOL Travel

This is the cost of Commercial SOL (SolarSystem) Travel from planet to planet. It is

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Item Avail Cost w

Psychic For Hire M15/1m 9000/dStreet Doc For Hire M10(A-Edge)/0 5000/dTech Op For Hire R/2w(1w-Edge) 9000/dAmbulance Service A/0 3000Car Rental A/0 500/dCharter Boat R/1w 5000/dCharter Jet R/1w 50,000/dCharter Starship M10/2w 100,000/dCommercial Air Travel A/0 50/mileCommercial Ground A/0 30/mileCommercial SOL Travel R/1w 6000/gateLimousine Service A/0 2000/dTaxi Ride A/0 50/mile

PermitsItem Avai Cost w

Permit to Arm Spacecraft M10(M15-Flaw)/1m 20,000Permit To Carry A Firearm M10(M15-Flaw)/1m 5000Permit to Carry Explosives M10(M15-Flaw)/1m 8000Permit to Hunt Bounty M10(M15-Flaw)/1m 5000Permit to Pilot Spacecraft R(M10-Flaw)/2w 5000Permit to Transport Arms M10(M15-Flaw)/1m 30,000Permit to Wear Armor M10(M15-Flaw)/1m 10,000


Animal Avail Cost wGuard Dog A/0 10,000Pack Mule A/0 12,000Pet A/0 2000Riding Horse A/0 40,000

LifestyleLifestyle Avail Cost w

Concert or Sports Event A/0 4000 - 8000Fast Food A/0 60Family Restaurant A/0 100Fine Restaurant R/0 400Exclusive Restaurant M10/1w 1000Sleep Coffin A/0 200/dHotel Room R/0 1000/dSlum Apartment A/0 5000/mModest Apartment or Home R/0 10,000/mUpscale Apartment or Home M10/1m 30,000/mPenthouse or Mansion M15/1m 300,000/m

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important to note that no commercialcarrier will go farther than Saturn, so aprivate carrier or charter must be used togo as far as Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto.

Computer Workstation

The Computer Workstation is the stan-dard computer system of the day. AllComputers have wireless SOL Phone con-nectivity to the World Net (the SolarSystems wide internet), which is availablein both space and while travelingthrough Hyperspace.

Concert or Sports Event

This represents a night out at a concert,sporting event, or other form of massentertainment.

Construction Tools

Construction Tools consists of tools anditems useful for building or repairingthings using the Construction skill. Agood set will usually include a wide col-lection of common construction tools, afire extinguisher, protective goggles, anda respirator.

Cryogenics Tank

The Cryogenics Tank deepfreezes any-one (or anything) placed inside, puttingthem into a suspended animation untilreleased and thawed, either manuallyfrom outside or by a timed program.While in deepfreeze, the person orobject does not age or change in condi-tion, so a Dying person will not die, norwill food spoil. Even electronics andchemical reactions are affected, so awatch or time bomb placed in deep-freeze will stop counting and a volatilechemical (such as enhanced nitro) willstay stable until thawed.

Cybernetic Limb

The Cybernetic Limb is a biomechanicalreplacement limb that (aside fromappearance) functions for the user muchlike his original, granting a full range ofmotion and an artificial sense of touch.

Cybernetic Organ

The Cybernetic Organ is a biomechani-cal replacement organ that (aside fromappearance) functions for the user muchlike his original, granting artificial sensesas appropriate (sight for an eye, hearingfor an ear, etc).

Day In Hospital

This represents a day's stay in a hospital,where life support is not required.

Day in Intensive Care

This represents a day's stay in a hospital,where life support is required or surgeryis preformed.

Demolitions Kit

The Demolitions Kit contains all the nec-essary tools and equipment needed tosuccessfully use the Demolitions skill. It isillegal to possess a Demolitions Kit with-out the proper Permit.Discount Demolitions Kits always contain a fewdud detonators. Make a MTN 10 Demolitions rollto fix them all, (or the GM will choose a criticalmoment, when one of them will fail).

Diagnostic Scanner

The Diagnostic Scanner is a handheldelectronic sensing device that can beused as to detect explosives, poison, orradiation up to 50' away. It can alsodetect and tune in radio signals, includ-ing the relay signals of a bug, butbecause its not specifically designed tofind bugs, it only pinpoints them whenwithin 10'.Discount Diagnostic Scanners are not user friendly.They require a successful Computers roll each timethey are used to detect something. Failure indi-cates that the character makes no progress or mis-reads a false signal.

Diagnostic Workstation

The Diagnostic Workstation is a largerand more powerful version of the hand-held diagnostic scanner. Items or sam-ples placed within its diagnostic bay areanalyzed down to the molecular level

(which may for uncommon items requirean Earth, Life, or Physical Sciences roll tounderstand, or a Computers roll to cross-reference over the Net).Discount Diagnostic Workstations are not userfriendly. They require a successful Computers rolleach time they are used to analyze something.Failure indicates that the character makes noprogress or misreads a false signal.

Diplomat For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a diplomat ornegotiator for a day. Those with thePolitical Ties Edge can usually find adiplomat or negotiator in a matter ofminutes (although the Availability roll stilldetermines whether they are willing towork for the characters).

Electronic Binoculars

In addition to providing sight magnifica-tion (doubling the range at which Spotrolls can be made), Electronic Binocularsalso show range to a target and provideboth night vision and Infrared Detection(IR).

Electronic Compass

The Electronic Compass not only showsdirection, but also overlays global posi-tioning on a digital map of any planet ormoon desired. It also works in space andduring Hyperspace travel, showing posi-tion in relation to the Solar System andthe Sun.

Electronic Lock

The Electronic Lock is the most commonlock in use, filling the security needs ofmost homes and common businesses.They come in both code key and swipecard operated models.

Electronic Lock Decryptor

The Electronic Lock Decryptor is a specialelectronic device used to defeat electron-ic locks. It gives a +2 bonus to the OpenLocks skill when used against electroniclocks.Discount Electronic Lock Decryptors only give the

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user a +1 bonus to the Open Locks skill when usedagainst electronic locks, and short circuit complete-ly on a Botched Open Locks roll.

Electronic Lock with Print Scanner

The Electronic Lock with Print Scanner isa high security electronic lock that opensonly after the code key or card swipe isverified with a thumbprint scan of theuser.Discount Electronic Locks with Scanners are easierto defeat (see Open Locks skill p.11).

Electronic Lock with Retina Scanner

The Electronic Lock with Retina Scannerrepresents the highest security in elec-tronic locks. It will only open after thecode key or card swipe is verified with aretina scan of the user.Discount Electronic Locks with Scanners are easierto defeat (see Open Locks skill p.11).

Electronic Lock with Voice Scanner

The Electronic Lock with Voice Scanner isa high security electronic lock that opensonly after the code key or card swipe isverified with a scan of the user's voice.Discount Electronic Locks with Scanners are easierto defeat (see Open Locks skill p.11).

Electronic Scope

In addition to providing sight magnifica-tion (doubling the range at which Spotrolls can be made), the Electronic Scopealso shows range to a target, providesboth night vision and Infrared Detection(IR), and adds an additional +1 bonus tothe standard +2 bonus gained from tak-ing an Action to Aim.Discount Electronic Scopes are easily broken whendropped and completely short circuit on a BotchedAttack roll.

Electronics Tools

Electronics Tools consists of tools anditems useful for building or repairingthings using the Electronics skill. A goodset will usually include a wide collection

of common electronics tools, a fire extin-guisher, protective goggles, and aportable generator.

Emergency Beacon

The Emergency Beacon sends an emer-gency distress signal through space outto a range of the nearest planet orHyperspace gate.

Exclusive Restaurant

This represents the finest dining avail-able, where getting reservations may beproblematic for anyone not associatedwith high society.

False Limb

The False Limb is a simple prostheticreplacement for those who cannot affordbetter. It does little to alleviate the diffi-culties of missing a limb, although it canhide the loss from casual observation.

Family Restaurant

Common family dining.

Fast Food

Poor quality, unhealthy, but oh so cheapand tasty!

Feng-Shui Master For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a Feng-ShuiMaster for a day (when one can befound).

Fine Restaurant

This represents fine dining where a reser-vation is required.

First Aid Kit

A First Aid Kit contains basic medicalsupplies, useful for treating minorinjuries.

Fortune Read

This is the cost of having one's fortuneread. Although most fortunes read like asimple horoscope, they can occasionally(at the GM's discretion) be a source forsmall clues, or even foreshadow certain

events that will occur during the adven-ture.

Gamma Green

Also known as Hulk Candy, GammaGreen grants a +4 Strength bonus whileimposing a -4 penalty to all Wisdombased rolls for 1 hour. When the drugwears off, it causes Exhaustion (and ster-ilizes the user for 1-20 months). It is ille-gal to possess or use Gamma Green.Mixing Drugs is not recommended as the sideeffects of each stack. Two Exhausted effects causeUnconsciousness. Three Exhausted effects or anExhausted and Disabled effect cause Dying.


The gasmask provides protection frominhaled contaminants and poisons.


A Gatestone is a piece of the Gatestonecomet that smashed into the Earth’s Moonsome fifty years ago. Containing a focusof mystical energy, a Gatestone can beplaced in the center of a Feng-ShuiLopan, giving the user access to the high-er powers of Feng-Shui.


When worn, Glasses reduce the penaltyfrom the Impaired Vision Flaw to -1.

Guard Dog

The Guard Dog is a large dog trained tobark at and attack intruders wheninstructed to do so.


Standard Handcuffs.

Hard Lock, Complex

The Complex Hard Lock is a combina-tion-style lock, commonly used on wallsafes or bank vaults.

Hard Lock, Simple

The Simple Hard Lock is a padlock-stylelock, typically used to secure gates,sheds, and toolboxes.

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Hazmat Suit

The Hazmat Suit comes with its own gas-mask and protects the wearer from con-tact contaminants, radiation, acid, andpoisons.Discount Hazmat Suits do not protect against radi-ation and are prone to tear open when any move-ment other than a walk is required.

Heat Reflecting Hazmat Suit

The Heat Reflecting Hazmat Suit is iden-tical to the Hazmat Suit except that it hasalso been treated with a reflective surfaceand a special heat dissipating graphitecoating, rendering the wearer invulnera-ble to heat, flames, and Fire Hazards.Due to the added insulation however, theHeat Reflecting Hazmat Suit is extremelybulky and imposes a -4 penalty to theuser's Initiative roll when worn.Discount Heat Reflecting Hazmat Suits do not pro-tect against radiation and are prone to tear openwhen any movement other than a walk is required.

Hidden Video Recorder

A small easily concealable videorecorder used for security or espionagework. The Hidden Video Recorder canbe set to either passively record, or totransmit a live signal for recording andretrieval elsewhere. When set to pas-sively record, the device only records upto the last 8 hours (overwriting oldervideo) but can be accessed later via aremote signal, which causes it to transmitall of its recorded video to the user'slocation. Whenever the device transmitshowever (whether set for live signal orwhile video is being remotely accessed),the device can be detected as if it were abug.Discount Hidden Video Recorders cannot beaccessed remotely and must be physically retrievedto get the recorded video, when set to passivelyrecord.

High Fashion Wear

High Fashion Wear represents the bestclothing available in both style and qual-ity.

Hotel Room

This is the cost of a night's stay at a typi-cal hotel.

IR Camouflage

Like standard camouflage, IRCamouflage is designed to blend in withits surroundings (Arctic, Dessert, Urban,or Wilderness) giving the user a +2bonus to Hide rolls when wearing theappropriate type. In addition, IRCamouflage also hides the wearer fromInfrared Detection. As a military gradeitem, IR Camouflage is illegal to possessoutside of authorized military use.Discount IR Camouflage does not completely hidethe wearer from Infrared Detection, instead givingonly a +2 bonus to Hide rolls against it.

Jamming Transmitter

The Jamming Transmitter sends out apowerful signal that interferes with othersignals in a 300' radius, blocking allradio, cell phone, SOL phone, R/C, andNet Connection signals. Due to its ownsignal however, it is very easy to trace ifspecifically looked for. It is illegal tooperate a Jamming Transmitter in a pub-lic area.Discount Jamming Transmitters are not user friend-ly and require a Computers roll to successfully tuneto the right frequencies and are only able to jamone particular type of signal at a time (radio, cell,SOL, R/C, or Net).

Laser Microphone

The Laser Microphone beams an invisiblelaser up to 300', measuring the vibra-tions of any surface it is focused on,relaying the information back to the useralong the beam as audible sound.Beamed against a window or other flatsound-reflecting surface, the LaserMicrophone allows the user to listen in onany conversation held nearby.

Laser Sight

The Laser Sight attaches to a firearm andbeams red dot of light onto a target, indi-cating where fired shots will hit. While

invisible in full daylight, the beam itselfcan be seen at night or as it passesthrough fog or smoke, potentially givingaway a shooter's position. The LaserSight gives a +1 Bonus to Ranged rollswhen used within 100'.Discount Laser Sights are only accurate up to 50'.

Laser Uplink

The Laser Uplink provides a secure (can-not be tapped) line of communicationsbetween a planet or moon's surface andany orbiting spacecraft or satellites.

Lawyer For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a lawyer for aday. Those with the Judicial Ties Edgecan usually find a lawyer in a matter ofminutes (although the Availability roll stilldetermines whether they are willing towork for the characters).


Lightspeed grants a +3 Agility bonus, a+3 Wisdom bonus, and a +10Movement bonus for 10 rounds. It per-manently increases Psychosis by 1 (evenfor those without Psychic ability) andExhausts the user after the effects wearoff. It is illegal to possess or useLightspeed.Mixing Drugs is not recommended as the sideeffects of each stack. Two Exhausted effects causeUnconsciousness. Three Exhausted effects or anExhausted and Disabled effect cause Dying.

Limousine Service

This is the cost or renting LimousineService for a day.

Line Tap

The Line Tap is a type of bug that allowsothers to listen in on conversations or tointercept data sent over various lines ofcommunications. In order to work, theLine Tap must be placed somewherebetween all points of communication tobe tapped. Landlines, such as those usedfor phones in an office or building com-plex can be tapped at the phone itself, or


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anywhere along the line's physical path,such as at a junction box or even a tele-phone pole. Radio communications,such as Cell and SOL phones can betapped at the phone itself or from a localtransmitter or relay tower. Planting a LineTap at the source of communications iseasy, but tapping into the middle requiresthe proper tools and a MNT 10Computers roll to find the appropriateline. It is illegal to possess or use a LineTap.Discount Line Taps only work if placed at the sourceof the communications line to be tapped.

Lock Pick Set

The Lock Pick Set is a collection of toolsand picks, used to defeat hard locks.Discount Lock Pick Sets tend to break off insidehard locks (making them impossible to open) on aBotched Open Locks roll.


The Lopan is the Feng-Shui Master's spir-itual focus and the tool he uses to inter-pret and influence the powers of Feng-Shui. It is impossible to use the powers ofUniversal Feng-Shui without a Lopan.

Magnetic Boots

Magnetic Boots are used to adhere to themetal deck or hull of a spacecraft inZero-G, allowing the wearer to movearound without fear of accidentally drift-ing off.

Mechanic For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a mechanic for aday. Mechanics are always busy andhard to schedule on short notice.

Mechanics Tools

Mechanics Tools consists of tools anditems useful for building or repairingthings using the Mechanics skill. A goodset will usually include a wide collectionof common mechanics tools, a fire extin-guisher, protective goggles, weldingequipment, cutting torches, and a chainhoist.

Medical Diagnostic Table

The Medical Diagnostic Table is designedto analyze the medical condition of any-one placed on the table. It scans apatient and projects 3-dimentionalimages and readouts of their currenthealth, physiological, and basic psycho-logical status onto a control screen. It iscapable of detecting any abnormality,including internal injuries, diseases, com-mon mental disorders (includingPsychosis), drug use, poisons, radiation,implants, memory loss, and (incidentally)can even tell when the patient is lying.

Memory Vid

The Memory Vid is a special virtual reali-ty interface that allows a person to replayhis memories onto a video screen for oth-ers to see. Typically, the Memory Vid cancapture only fresh memories, but oldermemories are still possible, with intenseconcentration. The accuracy of the mem-ories depend on perception rather thantruth; the user will project things how hebelieves them to have been, even if hisbeliefs are inaccurate. Because of this,playback from the Memory Vid is consid-ered circumstantial evidence when used ina court of law. Using the Memory Vid toproject memories beyond 24 hoursrequires a Willpower Save with the fol-lowing difficulties:

MTN Result

No Roll Up To 24 HoursRoll Up To Week Old MemoriesMTN 10 Up To Month Old MemoriesMTN 15 Up To Year Old MemoriesCrit Memories beyond One Year

Mercenary For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a mercenary orprofessional bodyguard for a day. Thosewith the Arms Dealer Edge can usuallyfind mercenaries or professional body-guards faster than the average Joe(although the Availability roll still deter-mines whether they are willing to workfor the characters).

Micro Comlink

The Micro Comlink is a short range (10miles) encrypted radio communicationsdevice built into a small patch that isstuck behind the ear, allowing its userhands free communication with otherstuned into the link. Communicationsreceived on the Micro Comlink are sentby tiny vibrations into the user's skull,which are picked up by the inner ear and'heard' by the user. The device makes noactual sound, so those standing nearbyhear nothing. Conversely, the devicealso reads and transmits the tiny vibra-tions created in the skull by the user'svoice, able to pick up and transmit evena whisper.

Military Flak Jacket

The Military Flak Jacket is the standardmilitary body armor, protecting the chest,back, and lower torso, while an includedhelmet with bulletproof visor protects thehead and neck. It is illegal to possess aMilitary Flak Jacket outside of authorizedmilitary use.Discount Military Flak Jackets suffer a -5 penalty totheir Armor Value.

Military Grade TargetingComputer

The Military Grade Targeting Computeris faster more accurate version of thestandard targeting computer that comes(by default) with the purchase of a vehi-cle-mounted weapon. When installed ona vehicle-mounted weapon, the MilitaryGrade Targeting Computer gives the usera +2 bonus to all Target rolls involvingthe weapon's use. It is illegal to possessa Military Grade Targeting Computeroutside of authorized military use.Discount Military Grade Targeting Computers onlygive the a +1 bonus to all Target rolls and com-pletely short out on a Botched Target roll.

Modest Apartment or Home

This is the monthly cost associated withowning a Modest Apartment or Home(note that Availability is only rolled once).

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Motion Detector

The Motion Detector is a small easilyconcealable device designed to detectmotion that passes in front of it, trigger-ing a signal or alarm when set off.

Notebook Computer

The Notebook Computer is a small hand-

held version of the computer workstation.

OblivionOblivion permanently erases memory at5 hours per dose from the time of admin-istration back. It is illegal to possess oruse Oblivion.

Optical Binoculars

Optical Binoculars provide sight magnifi-cation, doubling the range at which Spotrolls can be made.

Optical Scope

In addition to providing sight magnifica-tion (doubling the range at which Spotrolls can be made), Optical Scopes addan additional +1 bonus to the standard+2 bonus gained from taking an Actionto Aim.

Outdoor Gear Kit

The Outdoor Gear kit consist of commonsurvival and camping gear suppliesincluding a backpack, sleeping bag, tent,flashlight, lantern, signal flares, 150'rope, climbing gear, and a survival kit.

Pack Mule

The Pack Mule is a useful animal for car-rying equipment and supplies acrossground where normal vehicular travel islimited.

Pain Killer

Pain Killer reduces all Wound Penaltiesby 1 for the next 8 hours, but imposes a-2 penalty to all Intelligence rolls while ineffect. It is illegal to possess or use PainKiller outside of authorized medical pre-scription.

Penthouse or Mansion

This is the monthly cost associated withowning a Penthouse or Mansion (notethat Availability is only rolled once).

Permit to Arm SpacecraftThis is a Permit to arm a spacecraft withlegal vehicle-mounted weapons for self-defense. It is harder for those with theOutlaw or Bounty Head Flaw to get aPermit (as indicated by Availability).

Permit To Carry A FirearmThis is a Permit to own, carry, and uselegal firearms for self-defense. It is hard-er for those with the Outlaw or BountyHead Flaw to get a Permit (as indicatedby Availability).


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Permit to Carry Explosives

This is a Permit to own, carry, or trans-port legal explosives associated with thelegitimate use of the Demolitions skill. Itis harder for those with the Outlaw orBounty Head Flaw to get a Permit (asindicated by Availability).

Permit to Hunt Bounty

This is a Permit to hunt and collect onBounty Heads. It is harder for those withthe Outlaw or Bounty Head Flaw to get aPermit (as indicated by Availability).

Permit to Pilot Spacecraft

This is a Permit to own and pilot a space-craft. It is harder for those with theOutlaw or Bounty Head Flaw to get aPermit (as indicated by Availability).

Permit to Transport Arms

This is a Permit to transport or warehouseexcessive amounts of legal weapons,armor, and ammunition for sale to others.Doing so without a Permit is consideredstockpiling and is illegal. It is harder forthose with the Outlaw or Bounty HeadFlaw to get a Permit (as indicated byAvailability).

Permit to Wear Armor

This is a Permit to wear legal body armoror to carry a police riot shield for self-defense. It is harder for those with theOutlaw or Bounty Head Flaw to get aPermit (as indicated by Availability).Note that wearing armor in public (evenlegally) is generally frowned upon bypolite society.


Any type of pet animal.

Pocket Secretary

The Pocket Secretary is the standard'wallet' of the day. It is an electronicdevice with a Net connection to theowner's bank accounts, allowing instantWrit transfers over the Net or betweenanother's Pocket Secretary. Additionally,

it contains a day planner and other use-ful scheduling tools.

Poison Gas, Contact

This is a terrible blister agent that eatsaway flesh, causing severe burn-likesymptoms. Anyone exposed to the gasmust make a MTN 15 or Crit EnduranceSave for each round of exposure, orbecome Dying. Those that do make theirSave lose 10 Wound Points (or none ona Crit). A gasmask only partially protectsa user from the effects of the blisteragent, but does give a +2 bonus to theEndurance Save. Each dose containsenough of the compressed gas to createa cloud 60' in diameter (See Smokep.70, for an explanation of cloud move-ment and dissipation). Unlike other poi-son gases, this one also contaminatesanything the cloud moves across, cover-ing everything in its path (including vic-tims) with liquid Contact Poison (SeeBelow for further effects). It is illegal tomake or possess any type of poison.

Poison Gas, Inhaled

This is an invisible toxic nerve gas thataffects anyone who breathes it in. Thoseexposed to the gas must make a MTN 10or Crit Endurance Save for each round ofexposure, or lose a number of points ofConstitution equal to the X-Roll. Thosethat do make their Save lose 1 point ofConstitution (or none on a Crit). A gas-mask will protect a user from the effectsof the nerve gas, as will holding one'sbreath (assuming one knows the gas isthere before it's too late). Each dose con-tains enough of the compressed gas tocreate a cloud 60' in diameter (SeeSmoke p.70, for an explanation of cloudmovement and dissipation). It is illegal tomake or possess any type of poison.

Poison Liquid, Contact

This is a toxic blood agent absorbedthrough the skin that causes a thinning ofthe blood to the point where a victim will

actually bleed to death from the inside.While easy to detect when wet (unlessdropped into a drink), Liquid ContactPoison becomes invisible when dry, butremains just as deadly. Anyone exposedto an object coated in liquid contact poi-son, must make an Endurance Save(standard Roll) for each round of expo-sure, or become Dying. Those that domake their Save become Exhausted (noeffect on a Crit). A hazmat suit, or otherheavy clothing (such as leather gloves)will protect a person from Liquid ContactPoison, but will become contaminateditself on contact (it is possible to inadver-tently transfer the poison to other objectsor food in this manner). A completewash down or heavy rain is required toremove the poison from contaminatedobjects or an area. Each dose containsenough poison to coat a single smallobject. It is illegal to make or possessany type of poison.

Poison Liquid, Ingested

This is a potent nerve agent that must beingested through food or drink. Thoseexposed to the poison must make a MTN10 or Crit Endurance Save or lose anumber of points of Constitution equal tothe X-Roll. Those that do make their Savelose 1 point of Constitution (or none on aCrit). Each dose contains enough poisonto affect a single meal or drink. It is ille-gal to make or possess any type of poi-son.

Poison Liquid, Injected

This is a potent nerve agent that must beintroduced into the bloodstream throughinjection or by some kind of wound. It istypically used by assassins to coatarrows, crossbow bolts, and edgedmelee weapons for use in their work.Those exposed to the poison must make aMTN 10 or Crit Endurance Save or losea number of points of Constitution equalto the X-Roll. Those that do make theirSave lose 1 point of Constitution (or noneon a Crit). Each dose contains enough

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poison to coat a single arrow, crossbowbolt, or edged melee weapon for oneuse. It is illegal to make or possess anytype of poison.

Poison Powder, Ingested

This is a toxic blood agent that must beingested through food or drink. Whileeasy to detect by itself, it becomes invisi-ble when dropped into a drink or issprinkled lightly over food. Anyoneexposed to the poison, must make anEndurance Save (standard Roll) orbecome Dying. Those that do make theirSave become Exhausted (no effect on aCrit). The poison will contaminate a per-son's hands if touched, which could be ameans of inadvertently transferring thepoison to their food, unless thoroughlywashed off. Each dose contains enoughpoison to affect a single meal or drink. Itis illegal to make or possess any type ofpoison.

Police Armored Vest

The Police Armored Vest is the standardissue body armor for the SSPB and localepolice. It protects the chest, back, andabdomen, while an included helmet withbulletproof visor protects the head andneck. It is illegal to possess a PoliceArmored Vest outside of authorized SSPBuse (although limited civilian use is some-times granted with the proper permits).Discount Police Armored Vests suffer a -5 penaltyto their Armor Value.

Police Riot Shield

The Police Riot Shield is a transparentbulletproof shield used by the SSPB andlocal police for special operations orcrowd control. Wielding a Police RiotShield grants the user a +2 bonus to hisDodge skill. It is illegal to possess aPolice Riot Shield outside of authorizedSSPB use (although limited civilian use issometimes granted with the proper per-mits).Discount Police Riot Shields shatter on a BotchedDodge roll.

Private Investigator For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a PrivateInvestigator for a day. Those with theSSPB Ties Edge can usually find a PrivateInvestigator in a matter of minutes(although the Availability roll still deter-mines whether they are willing to workfor the characters).

Professional Disguise KitThe Professional Disguise Kit containsdisguises, makeup, and appliances foruse with the Disguise skill.

Professional For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a spymaster or hit-man for a day. Those with the UnderworldTies Edge can usually find and arrange ajob with a Professional faster than the aver-age Joe (although the Availability roll stilldetermines whether they are willing towork for the characters).

Psychic For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a Psychic for aday, although finding one (much less asane one) can be pretty challenging.

Radio Uplink

The Radio Uplink provides a line of com-munications between a planet or moon'ssurface and any orbiting spacecraft orsatellites.

Recall 13

Recall 13 grants a +4 Intelligence bonus,while imposing a -4 penalty to allWisdom based rolls for 1 hour. It issometimes used as a truth serum due toits effects on Willpower Saves. It is ille-gal to possess or use Recall 13.

Revolver Speed-Loader

The Revolver Speed-Loader holds six pre-loaded bullets in a circular clip, so theycan all be inserted into a revolver's cylin-der in a single action. Preloading aRevolver Speed-Loader takes as long aloading the revolver itself.

Riding Horse

A Riding Horse with saddle.

Signal Flare

The Signal Flare is a handheld flare witha pull-tab at both ends. Pulling the tab atone end will shoot three signal flares200' into the air, while pulling the tab atthe other end will cause it to flare bright-ly for 10 minutes - equally in atmos-phere, under water, or vacuum. Bothends of the same flare may be used onlyonce. Signal Flares can also be used tostart fires (See Fire Hazards p.69) or asan improvised ranged weapon. In thiscase, the Signal Flare suffers a -4 penal-ty to the Attack roll and does 0S damage.


The Silencer dampens the sound of Pistol,SMG, or Rifle fire. When using theSilencer, anyone who might hear thegunfire suffers a -4 penalty to his Listenroll. It is illegal to make or possess aSilencer.Discount Silencers degrade quickly after use,becoming ineffective after only 10 shots.


The Skinsuit is a skintight spacesuit withhelmet, designed to offer maximum mobil-ity in both zero-G and gravity. Unlike avac suit, Skinsuits do not act as HazmatSuits, nor come with built-in magneticboots (although magnetic boots can beworn over a skinsuit), and are not self-sealing, but do come with a dozen quick-seal patches, which can be used in anemergency. Each Skinsuit is equippedwith a miniature two-hour chemicalrebreather pack (built into the back of thehelmet). Typically, Skinsuits are worn byflight crews in dangerous or hostile space,with the helmet strapped to the shoulderon a lanyard, where in an emergency sit-uation, all they need to do is put on thehelmet to be protected from the vacuum ofspace. It takes 3 rounds (1 with a suc-cessful Escape roll) to don Skinsuit.


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Sleep Coffin

This is the cost of a night's stay at a cof-fin hotel, where the rooms are literallystacked sleeping compartments barelybigger than a coffin.

Slum Apartment

This is the monthly cost associated withowning a Slum Apartment or Home (notethat Availability is only rolled once).


Snapdragon temporarily reduces a char-acter's Psychosis Score by 10 points for24 hours. Unfortunately, it permanentlyincreases Psychosis by 1 after the effectswear off. It is illegal to possess or useSnapdragon.

SOL Phone

The SOL Phone (Solar System phone)works throughout the Solar System,whether on a planet or moon, or while inspace or during Hyperspace travel.

Spare Clips

These are spare clips for firearms, usefulfor preloading and swapping out withspent clips during combat.

Sports Equipment

Sports Equipment includes such things asdiving gear, hang gliders, parachutes,skis, and jet skis. To keep things simple(once Sports Equipment is purchased), itis assumed that the character will haveaccess to any of these as needed.


Stimdose instantly countersUnconsciousness and reduces Fatigue byone step (Exhausted to Fatigued;Fatigued to Normal), but causes theshakes and imposes a cumulative -1penalty to all Agility based skills perdose, until after eight hours of rest.

Street Doc For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a Street Doc fora day. Street Docs are willing to patch

up the battle wounded (no questionsasked) or to perform Identity Surgery,both extremely useful for an outlaw orbounty head. Identity Surgery changes aperson's physical appearance (sort oflike a permanent disguise) and requires aMTN 15 Spot roll to see through (assum-ing someone is actively looking for thedeception).

Street Punk Wear

Street Punk Wear is grunge, torn cloth-ing, leather jackets, spikes, and chains.

Super Computer

The Super Computer represents the mostpowerful computing system of the day,giving its user a +2 bonus to allComputers rolls.Discount Super Computers are a fraction slower,only giving a +1 bonus to all Computers rolls.


Super-Coag is a powerful coagulant agent.Each dose instantly stops blood loss throughopen wounds and restores 5 Wound Points(Stabilizing Dying characters and takingDisabled characters back to Wounded).Using Super-Coag more than once for a sin-gle wounding (or within 24 hours of a pre-vious dose) is dangerous, as the drug caninadvertently cause deadly blood clotting inthe heart and brain. If taken more than oncewithin a 24 hour period, the user must makea MTN 10 or Crit Endurance Save (eachdose) or become Dying (which cannot beStabilized with further use of this drug). Twodoses per wounding are the maximum, asno more than a total of 10 Wound Pointsmay be restored for any one woundingthrough the use of this drug.

Surgical Tools

Surgical Tools are the tools and equip-ment necessary to perform surgery.

Taxi Ride

This is the cost per mile for travel by Taxi.

Tech Op For Hire

This is the cost of hiring a hacker or net-diver for a day. Those with the ScientificTies Edge can usually find and arrange ajob with a Tech Op faster than the aver-age Joe (although the Availability roll stilldetermines whether they are willing towork for the characters).

Tracking Device

The Tracking Device is a small easily con-cealed device that transmits its locationon a hidden frequency, allowing some-one dialed into that frequency to track itsmovement. Hidden Tracking Devices aredetected in the same manner as bugs.


Tranquilizer is a drug designed to knockout its target, causing deep unconscious-ness. Anyone injected with Tranquilizermust make a MTN 15 or Crit EnduranceSave or go Unconscious for a number ofminutes equal to (10 times the X-Roll).After this amount of time, the targetrecovers as per normal Unconsciousness.

Trauma Pack

The Trauma Pack is a specialized band-age pack that instantly stops blood lossthrough open wounds when applied,Stabilizing a Dying character without aTreat Injury roll.

Universal R/C Link

The Universal R/C Link is a handheldtransmitter that works through the Netand allows a person to hack into andcontrol any vehicle or spacecraft (regard-less of range) with an active ship's com-puter (see Vehicles and Spacecraft p.61),or any device specifically rigged forremote control operations. Using theUniversal R/C Link is done with theComputers skill (opposed if another isactively trying to keep or regain control).It is a MTN 15 Computers roll to hackinto a vehicle or spacecraft not specifi-cally rigged for R/C; a MTN 10Computers roll to hack into any vehicle

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already rigged for R/C, but protected byencryption; and a Computers roll to hackinto an unencrypted R/C vehicle ordevice. Users do not roll to control theirown R/C vehicles and devices (except toavoid obstacles or target weapons).

Upscale Apartment or Home

This is the monthly cost associated withowning an Upscale Apartment or Home(note that Availability is only rolled once).

Vac Suit

The Vac (vacuum) Suit is the standardspacesuit of the day, also acting as a self-contained Hazmat Suit. Though bulky,the Vac Suit is self-sealing and comeswith built-in magnetic boots. Each isequipped with two eight-hour chemicalrebreather packs (which can be changedindependently). Getting into a Vac suittakes a minimum or 10 rounds (half witha successful Escape roll) and wearingone imposes a -2 penalty to the user'sInitiative rolls.

Vehicle-Mounted Cable Winch

The Vehicle-Mounted Cable Winch pro-vides a 150' steel cable that can be usedto reel-in any vehicle lighter than thevehicle it is mounted on. If the winchvehicle is tied down first, the winch canreel-in anything up to three times asheavy (otherwise the winch vehicle willbe reeled into whatever it is trying towinch).

Video Recorder

A simple hand held video recorder.

Video Screen

The basic television/video/playback/computer monitor of the day.

Voice MaskThe Voice Mask changes a person's voiceas they speak through the mask, allowingsomeone to disguise their voice or tomimic someone else's. Using a VoiceMask to mimic another's voice firstrequires recording a sample of their

voice into the Voice Mask. After that, thevoice can be dialed up and mimicked atwill. Those hearing the mimicked voicecan make a MTN 15 Listen check tonotice the deception. When used withthe Open Locks skill, a Voice Mask (withthe proper prerecorded voice) gives theuser a +2 bonus to defeat electronic lockswith voice scanners.

Voice-Stress Analyzer

The Voice-Stress Analyzer measures thestress in a persons voice caused by lying.It will detect a person's untruths as theyspeak them, unless they make a MTN 15Bluff roll for every lie they tell.

VR Goggles

VR Goggles are electronic gogglesdesigned to provide the user with a virtu-al-reality link to the Net. Additionally,they can be plugged into a diagnosticscanner to provide night vision or IRdetection; and can run face recognitionsoftware or record everything they seewhen connected to a computer. Facerecognition software gives the user a +4bonus to Spot rolls used to see through adisguise (or Identity Surgery) or to recog-nize a person in a crowd.Discount VR Goggles are not compatible withdiagnostic scanners and cannot be used for nightvision or IR detection.


A handheld short range (10 miles) two-way radio. Though not encrypted, it canbe tuned to multiple frequencies, offeringsemi-private communications (providedno one else is tuned into the same fre-quency).


A small portable radio and music player.

White Noise Generator

The White Noise Generator is a smalleasily concealed device that emitsinaudible 'garbage' signals to confuseand defeat bugs and laser microphones.Due to its own signal however, it is very

easy to trace if specifically looked for.


X-88 focuses a Psychic's power for 8hours, granting a +2 on Willpower Savesused against Psychosis while in effect. Itis illegal to possess or use X-88.

Zero-G HarnessThe Zero-G Harness is a lightweight har-ness with an attached bottle of com-pressed air, worn outside clothing, skin-suits, and Vac suits. Controls on the har-ness allow the user to jet compressed airout various nozzles along the harness,giving the user basic movement andmaneuverable flight while in Zero-G.

Vehicles AndSpacecraftVehicle AndSpacecraft Traits

VehicleThis is the vehicle in question.

Size (Sz)The vehicle's general size (see Sizep.78).

Passengers (Ps)The number of passengers (including thedriver or pilot) the vehicle is designed toaccommodate.

Cargo (Cg)Cargo is the space provided for equip-ment, vehicles, or additional passengers,and shows the maximum number andsize of objects that can be carried.Larger cargo capacities can be filled withobjects of smaller size, as follows:

Cargo Size Will HoldHuge2400 Small or 600 Medium or 12 Largeor 1 Huge

Large200 Small or 50 Medium or 1 Large


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Medium4 Small or 1 Medium

Small1 Small

Range (Rn)Range is the distance in miles that a vehi-cle can travel before needing to refuel. Inthe case of spacecraft and vehiclesdesigned for live in (such as the subma-rine or yacht), it is the number of days itcan support life (food/air) during non-stop travel, before needing to refuel orre-supply. A Spacecraft that runs out offuel during flight through space does notslow down or stop, it simply loses theability to control its course and speed. Itwill keep going in a strait line until it hitssomething, or gets caught in the gravita-tional pull of a planet.

Speed (Sp)Speed indicates top Travel Movement inMPH for the vehicle or spacecraft. Allpiloted spacecraft can be pushed to goeven faster than the listed speed, (up totwice as much) but the process is hard tosustain for more than a few moments.

Handling (Hn)Handling represents the vehicle's overallspeed and maneuverability when usingTactical Movement. Add a vehicle'sHandling as a bonus (or penalty) to anyDrive or Pilot rolls made with the vehicle.

Armor (Arm)Vehicle Armor protects a vehicle'sSystems from damage (see Vehicle andStarship Combat p.83).

Structure Points (Str)Structure Points represents the vehicle'sgeneral mass and the strength of itssuperstructure.

Systems Points (Sys)Systems Points represents the durabilityof a vehicle's controlling systems andinternal components.

Availability (Avail)The Availability listed with each item isthe Difficulty for obtaining a single item,unless otherwise noted.

Cost wCost is the price of the vehicle in Writs (w).

NotesStarships, regardless of size, only needone person to crew, as long as their shipcomputers are functional. If the needarises to operate and maintain a shipmanually, then a full crew is needed, asfollows: One person for any ship smallerthan a Frigate; A crew of four is requiredfor a Frigate, Transport, or Gig; and acrew of eight for a Capitol Ship.

VehicleDescriptionsArmorThis is hidden armor built into a standardvehicle to give it extra protection. It maynot be added to an already armoredvehicle or a spacecraft.

Armored CarrierA six-wheeled armored personnel carri-er. Comes with a mounted turret toaccept a 12mmL Police Light SupportGun, a 20mmC Military Heavy SupportGun, a 40mm Military Auto GrenadeLauncher, a 12mmL Police Vehicle-Mounted Chaingun, or 60mm MilitaryField Gun (all purchased separately).

Cargo CopterA large helicopter designed to carrycargo and freight.

Cargo TransportAny land-based vehicle designed to haulcargo and freight, such as a delivery vanor tractor-trailer.

Heavy MachineryAny piece of heavy equipment ormachinery, such as a crane or bulldozer.

HelicopterAny typical helicopter.

HovercraftAny large multi-passenger or cargo car-rying hovercraft.

Jet FighterAny armed jet aircraft, but limited toatmospheric or low orbit space travel.

Standard Jet Fighters come pre-equippedwith 20mmL Police Ship Guns. These canbe removed however, and swapped with20mmC Military Ship Guns, 20mmCMilitary Rotary Ship Guns, 60mm MiniMissiles, a Military Laser BeamGenerator, or a Military Plasma Cannon(all purchased separately). Mounts onthe wings accept Air-to-Surface and Air-to-Air Missiles.

Jumbo Jet Cargo TransportA large aircraft designed to carry cargoand freight, but limited to atmospheric orlow orbit space travel.

Jumbo Jet Passenger TransportA large aircraft designed to carry pas-sengers, but limited to atmospheric orlow orbit space travel.

Luxury CarAny luxury car.

MotorcycleAny motorcycle.

Passenger TransportAny large passenger transport, such as abus.

Skimmer CarA Skimmer Car is a luxury vehicle thatrides on an antigravity cushion, insteadof having tires or tracks. It can hover upto 12 feet off the ground and can crosswater as easily as land.

SpeedboatAny small watercraft built for speed.

Sports CarAny common automobile.

SubmarineA large submarine, built for long-termunderwater deployment.

TankA heavily armored tracked vehicle with aturret mounted 115mm Military MainGun and a secondary weapons mount,built to accept a 12mmL Police LightSupport Gun, a 20mmC Military HeavySupport Gun, a 40mm Military AutoGrenade Launcher, a 12mmL Police

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Vehicle-Mounted Chaingun, or 60mmMilitary Field Gun. The 115mm MilitaryMain Gun be removed and swappedwith a 40mm Military Rail Gun, aMilitary Laser Beam Generator, or aMilitary Plasma Cannon (all purchasedseparately).

Terrain CrawlerA six-wheeled, multi-passenger, off road

vehicle designed to handle the roughestof terrain with the ability to float andcross water as well.Utility VehicleAny small utility vehicle, such as a pickuptruck or delivery van.

YachtAny large live-in watercraft such as apleasure ship or houseboat.

SpacecraftDescriptionsAir to Surface and Air to AirMissilesThese are treated as vehicles (see VehicleAnd Starship Combat p.83) as they closein on their targets and may be attackedas such, while en route.

VehiclesVehicleCraft Sz Ps Cg Rn Sp Hn Arm Str Sys Avail Cost wArmored Carrier L 8 2M 200 60 0 20 30 20 M15/1m 5,000,000Cargo Copter L 2 1L 400 200 0 0 50 10 M10/1m 6,000,000Cargo Transport L 2 1L 1000 80 -1 0 60 10 R/1m 1,200,000Heavy Machinery L 1 1M 10 10 -2 10 40 10 R/1m 800,000Helicopter L 6 1M 500 250 2 0 20 10 M10/1m 9,000,000Hovercraft H 12 2L 400 150 1 0 80 20 M10/1m 2,000,000Jet Fighter L 1 1M 1000 1200 3 10 30 20 M15/1m 10,000,000Jumbo Jet Cargo Tran H 4 10L 5000 500 0 0 80 10 M15/1m 35,000,000Jumbo Jet Passenger Tran H 200 200M 5000 500 0 0 60 10 M15/1m 35,000,000Luxury Car L 4 1M 250 150 0 0 20 10 A/0 800,000Motorcycle M 1 1M 500 150 3 0 10 10 A/0 120,000Passenger Transport L 50 50M 500 80 0 0 30 10 R/1m 1,000,000Skimmer Car L 4 2M 500 250 1 0 20 10 M10/1m 7,000,000Speedboat L 4 1M 100 150 3 0 15 10 A/0 100,000Sports Car L 2 1M 300 200 2 0 20 10 A/0 600,000Submarine H 12 2L 30d 20 0 10 80 30 M10/1m 5,000,000Tank L 3 1M 100 60 -1 25 60 30 M15/1m 8,000,000Terrain Crawler L 6 2M 400 60 0 0 30 10 M10/1m 2,500,000Utility Vehicle L 2 2M 250 100 0 0 20 10 A/0 200,000Yacht H 50 4L 30d 40 -1 0 100 30 M10/1m 5,000,000Armor (Ground Vehicle) +20 M15/1m 1,000,000Armor (Air Vehicle) +10 M15/1m 1,000,000

SpacecraftCraft Sz Ps Cg Rn Sp Hn Arm Str Sys Avail Cost wAir to Surface Missile M N/A N/A N/A 120K 5 0 N/A 10 See Weapons See WeaponsAir to Air Missile M N/A N/A N/A 120K 5 0 N/A 10 See Weapons See WeaponsRobot Ship M N/A N/A 1h 60K 4 15 20 10 M15/2m 1/2 Doz. 14,400,000

Fighter L 1 1M 3d 60K 2 20 40 20 M15/1m 30,000,000Scout L 6 2M 14d 60K 1 15 50 20 M15/1m 80,000,000Freighter H 2 12L 21d 60K -1 15 80 40 M15/1m 120 MillionFrigate H 8 4L 21d 60K 0 25 100 40 M15/6m 500 MillionTransport or Gig H 200 4L 3d 60K 0 20 80 40 M15/6m 350 MillionCapitol Ship C 600 2H 30d 60K -2 25 200 80 M15/2y 2 BillionSpy Satellite L N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15 30 10 M15/2m 20,000,000

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Robot ShipRobot Ships are medium-sized remote-controlled fighter craft, deployed from aship to provide close-in combat support.They are flown from a centralized R/Cunit, using the Computers skill to Pilot,and fire their weapons with either theComputers or Target skill. Each comesequipped with 20mmL Police Ship Guns.These can be swapped out with 20mmCMilitary Ship Guns (purchased separate-ly), but the vehicles are too small to sup-port any other type of weapons system.

FighterThe fighter starship is built around a sin-gle ejectable cockpit called the controlpod. When necessary, the control podcan separate from a ship, acting as alifeboat in space. Fighters can accept awide array of weapons systems, but aretoo small to carry Robot Ships. They flyequally well in both space and atmos-phere.

ScoutThe Scout ship is the primary spacecraftemployed by the SSPB. It comes with atwo-person cockpit and a four-personinternal cabin, typically used to transportcaptured criminals or bounty heads.

Scout ships can accept a wide array ofweapons systems, but are too small tocarry Robot Ships. They fly equally wellin both space and atmosphere.

FreighterThe Space Freighter is the backbone ofthe Solar System, hauling anything andeverything between the planets andcolonies; if you have it, chances are itcame by way of Space Freighter. TheSpace Freighter is actually composed oftwo parts: a huge open cargo containerand a tractor ship with a two-personcockpit and small sleeping cabin. Eachcargo container is designed to link upwith other cargo containers, which canbe drawn along behind a single tractorship like a string of train cars. SpaceFreighters are not typically armed, butare large enough to accept a wide arrayof weapons systems if desired. They arenot designed for atmospheric flight andcannot land on a planet. Instead, theyunload their cargo in the gigantic truckstops and transfer stations that orbit eachplanet, where it is then moved to the sur-face by specially modified cargoTransports.

FrigateThe Space Frigate is a huge shipdesigned for long-term space travel andtypically contains a separate controlbridge, artificial-gravity living spaces,some cargo holds, and a starship hang-er (or two) for smaller support spacecraft.They are large enough to accept a widearray of weapons systems and can flythrough atmosphere, allowing them totake off and land on a planet's surfacewhen needed. Most Frigates aredesigned to land in water and will sustainsignificant damage when forced onto dryground (unless modified with theExceptional Vehicle Edge).

Transport or GigThe Transport is a huge passenger space-craft primarily designed for travelbetween the Hypergates and to ferry per-sonnel between a planet's surface and anorbiting space station or ship. The Gigdoes the same thing; only it is actually adetachable part of a bigger vessel orCapitol Ship. Transports and Gigs arenot typically armed, but are largeenough to accept a wide array ofweapons systems if desired. They can flyequally well in both space and atmos-phere.

Capitol ShipThe Capitol Ship is a massive spacecraft,typically a corporate owned research ves-sel, or some multi-millionaire's space play-thing. Capitol Ships are much too big toenter atmosphere and usually have anattached transport called a Gig, which isused for landing on a planet's surface.

Spy SatelliteThe Spy Satellite is useful for keepingaerial tabs on a planet's surface and iscapable of reading a newspaper fromorbit, monitoring the movements of atracking device on the surface, and log-ging every ship that enters or leaves theplanet's surface (even triggering analarm when a specific vessel is noted). Itcan be left to do these tasks on its own orcan be manually controlled through anencrypted Net link. Spy Satellites are bigenough to accept a wide array ofweapons systems, but are too small tocarry Robot Ships.


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Target Number Target Number (TN) represents thecharacter's chance of success for anygiven task. It is determined before rollingthe die to resolve any task, by addingtogether the Total Value of an appropri-ate skill with any Situational Modifiersthat might apply. If the die roll is equalto or under the TN, the task succeeds,while rolls going over the TN fail. Rollingthe TN exactly is considered a CriticalSuccess (Crit) and a success with a dieroll higher than 10 is considered an ExtraSuccess. Rolling a 20 is a really bad fail-ure called a Botch, while rolling a 1 is abare-minimum success called a FaultySuccess.

The basic premise is to roll as high asyou can without going over the TargetNumber and the higher the value of thedie roll, the better the success.

When to Roll And DifficultyThere are five levels of Difficulty used forresolving die rolls: No Roll, Roll, MTN10, MTN 15, and Crit. Each sets a levelof Difficulty that will effect how the task isresolved in comparison to the character'sTarget Number. Use the following guide-lines when determining which Difficultyto use for any particular die roll.

Difficulty When To Use

No Roll Don't roll if the task is easy or impossible.

Roll If the task has a moderate chance of failure. This is the default Difficulty, where the character needs only roll TN or less to succeed.

MTN 10 If the average person would fail. In this case, the character must not only succeed, but also do so with a die roll of 10 or higher.

MTN 15 If practically everyone would fail. In this case, the character must not only succeed, but also do so with a die roll of 15 or higher.

Crit If failure is almost assured, but dumb luck could apply. The character can only succeed if he rolls his TN exactly.

Minimum Target NumberMinimum Target Number (MTN)represents a difficult task where only themost skilled can succeed. If the charac-ter's TN (after modifiers) is less than theMTN, he has zero chance of success anddoesn't even get to roll, unless theDifficulty also involves a Crit. As noted inthe table above, to succeed when dealingwith a MTN, the result of the die not onlyhas to fall within the TN, but also has tomeet or exceed the value set by the MTN.

Examples of Difficulty: A typical securi-ty lock is MTN 10; Decrypting bank secu-rity is MTN 15; Shooting a grenade, as itis thrown, so that it is knocked back to theperson who threw it would require a Crit.

Doing Things


Chapter Seven:

Doing Things

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Degrees ofSuccess


20 = Botch. A Botch is a really badfailure that somehow makes the situationworse than it was before. The GM willdecide the effects of a Botch, usually tothe detriment of the character or hisallies. Examples of Botches includefriendly fire during combat; a guardwalking by just as the alarms go off whilethe character is trying to break into asecured area; a character not only fallingwhile trying to climb up a cliff, but start-ing a rock slide on the way down.

FailureRolling over your TN (or failing to

meet a MTN) = Failure. The char-acter fails to do what he was trying toaccomplish.

Faulty Success

1 = Faulty Success. A Faulty Successbarely qualifies as a success and usuallyhas some element of failure to dampen it.Examples of Faulty Success include hit-ting with a Melee attack during combat,but overextending and becoming Flat-Footed for a round; having security resetitself moments after a character breaksinto a secured area; making it to the topof a cliff, but starting a rock slide below,endangering anyone else still climbingand spoiling any attempts at stealth.


Rolling under your TN = Success.The character succeeds at what he wastrying to do.

Extra SuccessRolling a 10 or more and still

succeeding = Extra Success. Thecharacter succeeds with style and flour-ish, making the task look easy. In somecases Extra Success will grant the char-acter a small bonus beyond normal suc-

cess (depending on the task at hand).


Rolling your TN exactly = Crit. ACritical Success is the best success possi-ble, above and beyond what could benormally be expected. Crits alwaysgrant some additional bonus for successdepending on the task at hand.Examples include KO'ing an opponentwith a single punch during combat; acharacter who not only breaks into asecured area, but hacks control over theentire security system; a character whonot only climb's up a cliff, but finds a hid-den trail that allows him and his allies togo up and down at will, without the needfor further Climb rolls.

X-RollSometimes a die roll will have a second-ary value called the X-Roll, depending onthe task at hand. When called for, the X-Roll is determined by reading the onesdigit on a successful die roll (generatingan X-Roll of 1-10).

Doubling X-RollSometimes the X-Roll of a roll will bedoubled (or more) by specific modifiers.When stacking multiple doubling effects,each additional doubling increases themultiplier by one, rather than truly dou-bling it. For example: Two doublingeffects equal a tripling effect; three dou-bling effects (or a tripling effect and adoubling effect) equal a quadruplingeffect, etc. Note that the X-Roll can neverbe more than Quadrupled (x4).

Straight RollsAnytime a die roll is called for and isunopposed, it is called a Straight Roll.This is the standard die roll of the game,where only the Target Number (TN) orless must be rolled to succeed.

Opposed RollsSometimes someone (or something) willdirectly oppose a character trying toaccomplish a task, like resisting a Bluffattempt with Sense Motive, or opposedDrive or Pilot rolls to see if one vehiclecan outrace another. In this case, thehighest successful roll wins, or in the casewhere neither roll is successful, the high-est failure wins. The values of particulardie rolls descend in the following order:

• The Highest Crit wins• The Highest Success Wins• The Highest Failure Wins• Ties mean no progress either way.

Opposed StraightRollsThis is an Opposed roll where the taskcannot succeed on a failed roll, regard-less of the success or failure of theOpposing roll. An example would berolling an Attack opposed by a Dodge -the Attack will fail if a Success is notrolled, regardless of the effectiveness ofthe Dodge. In the case of OpposedStraight rolls, Ties always go to thedefender.

CooperationSometimes one or more persons can helpanother with a task, making it easier tosucceed. In the cases where extra helpwould have an effect, choose one char-acter to be the Leader and the rest to beHelpers. The Leader rolls for the task, butgets a +1 bonus for each Helper who'sskill level equals or exceeds his own.

SituationalModifiersSometimes a task can be easier or hard-er, depending on the situation (such astrying to disarm a bomb in the dark, or


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with makeshift tools - or both). Situationsthat make the task easier grant a Bonusto the roll, while situations that make thetask harder impose a Penalty. Whenadding up Bonuses and Penalties to anyroll, remember the following:

• Penalties Reduce TN (cannot be reduced below 1)

• Bonuses Increase TN (cannot be increased above 19)

To keep things simple for non-Combatrelated tasks, consider the conditions thatwould affect the task as a whole (in otherwords, don't add up a bunch of modi-fiers, just decide whether everythinggoing on together is going to make thetask easier or harder) and apply the fol-lowing Bonus or Penalty:

Impact Modifier

None No ModifierMinor +/-2 ModifierMajor +/-4 ModifierMonstrous +/-8 Modifier

For Example: Say a character is trying todisarm a bomb that he designed, in thedark with makeshift tools, while holdinghis breath because the room is full of poi-son gas. We consider that havingdesigned the bomb would give him aBonus to disarm it, but does the bonusoutweigh the fact that he's in the dark?Alone that would probably balance out,but he's also using makeshift tools and isin a dangerous situation, so we'd have tosay that overall, the situation is going tohave a Major negative impact (a -4Penalty to the die roll). If the poison gaswere not there (or he had the right tools),then the impact would be Minor (or a -2Penalty to the die roll).

Off Hand PenaltyA character forced to use his off handsuffers a -2 penalty to all die rolls involv-ing the use of that hand, unless he has

the Ambidexterity Edge.

TimeTime in the game is handled in one oftwo ways, depending on the amount ofdetail necessary for the actions takingplace, either by Scene or by Round.


A Scene can be of any length of time, butgenerally takes place in one location (orduring travel between two), like the scenein a movie. Once everything has beendone in one Scene, you move ontoanother and so on.


When greater detail is required, thescene can be broken into Rounds. ARound is six seconds long (10 Roundsequal one minute) and is composed oftwo Actions. Actions are used to accom-plish a variety of things during eachRound (see Combat Actions p.73).In addition to handling time within play,

the following terms are used to help dis-tinguish the overall progress of the gameas it unfolds.


A Session is one sitting of the gamewhere the players come to play.


An Adventure is a single complete storythat may take one or more Sessions tocomplete.


A Campaign is a collection ofAdventures.

MovementMovement outside of combat is usuallyhandled abstractly. If a character wantsto go somewhere, then the scene cuts tohis arrival (or to some portion of his trav-el where something interrupts it), but howlong it takes to get there and exact dis-tance is generally not important (an esti-

Doing Things


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mation will usually do).Where more detail is required,

Movement can be resolved using eitherTravel Movement or Tactical Movement.

Travel Movement

Travel Movement is handled in miles perhour (MPH).

A character's Movement speed in MPHroughly equals his (Movement / 10). Acharacter can run at top speed(Movement x STR) a number of milesequal to CON before he needs to makean Endurance Save or become Fatigued.This process is repeated with a cumula-tive -1 penalty to the Save each interval,until the character stops running or isFatigued.

For distance in feet covered in oneminute, simply multiply (Running Speed x10).

To determine how long it takes to run amile (5280 / (Running Speed x 10)). Forsimplicity, round to the nearest whole orhalf minute.

Tactical Movement

Tactical Movement is handled in feet perround.

The character's speed is (Base 30' +Modifiers) for every Move Action takenin each round. A character may alsoRun (Movement x STR), which requires

spending two consecutive Move Actions(Move + Move) to go more or less in astrait line. A character may stack multi-ple Move Actions together, but can onlyRun once each round (although a char-acter does not have to Run when takingtwo consecutive Move Actions).

A character cannot normally movethrough an area occupied by an oppo-nent.

Hampered Movement

Certain terrain can hamper movement,reducing the character's speed as hetravels through it. Use the following ter-rain modifies:

Terrain Movement

Rough or uneven ground, loose sand, light snow 2/3Thick vegetation, knee-high snow, waist-high water, slippery surface, steep slope 1/2Thick mud, deep snow, neck-high water, swimming, climbing 1/4

EncumbranceThere are four levels of encumbrance asfollows:


The character can carry up to this weightwithout penalty.


The character suffers the following penal-ties:

• -2 All STR and AGI skills• -10' Movement• -10' Long Jump/-2' High Jump• Cannot swim while Encumbered


This is the maximum a character can liftover his head. A character can carry hisLimit a number of hours equal to hisCON before becoming Fatigued.Carrying this much weight imposes thefollowing penalties:

• -4 All STR and AGI skills• -10' Movement• Cannot Jump• Cannot Run• Cannot Swim


This is the maximum amount of weightthe character can move, although suchmovement is restricted to tipping it up(lifting one end up to waist-high) or drag-ging it a flat 5' per round.

HazardsSometimes even the environment can behazardous to a character's health.Below are some common hazards andhow they impact the game.


Very powerful acid can be splashed onsomeone to cause severe burns. Thosetargeted by an acid attack can make aReaction Save to reduce the amount ofDamage by the X-Roll. Typical acid does

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STR Normal Encumbered Limit Tip or Drag

1 10 20 30 1202 25 50 75 3003 50 100 150 6004 75 150 225 9005 100 200 300 12006 150 300 450 18007 200 400 600 30008 300 600 900 36009 400 800 1200 480010 500 1000 1500 6000

Carrying CapacityThe following table lists the amount of weight a character can carry (based onStrength) before it starts to hamper his movement.

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10L Damage or 30L/round with immer-sion. Note that armor only protectsagainst acid immersion damage for thefirst round, after which the damage isconsidered Armor Piercing.


A blizzard obscures vision like heavysmoke and causes 5SL Damage/Minuteto those exposed without proper protec-tion or cold weather clothing.


Unsanitary conditions or exposure to thesick can carry the risk of disease. TheGM decides if and when a character isexposed to a disease and what its partic-ular effects are. When doing so, the GMmust determine the disease's Save,Incubation, and Damage effect as out-lined below:


Each disease has an Endurance Saveassociated with it. At the time of expo-sure, the Endurance Save must be rolledto avoid contracting the disease. Failureindicates the character has contracted thedisease, which then goes into Incubation.


This is the delay from time of exposure tothe time when symptoms (Damage) startto occur. If a character thinks he hasbeen exposed to a disease, he can usethe Incubation time to seek help or to takean Antibiotic.


This is the disease's debilitating effect.After Incubation, the character takes theDamage effect indicated, and then getsanother Endurance Save to try to recoverfrom the disease. The process of takingDamage and making a Save is thenrepeated every day until the characterrecovers or dies.


Characters falling up to 10' can make aReaction Save to avoid damage com-pletely. Damage from falls, as follows,depends on height and whatever theyare falling onto or into (Hard or Soft).

Height Hard Surface Water

Up To 10' 5SL 0Up To 20' 10SL 0Up To 50' 20SL 0Up To 100' 30SL 15SLBeyond 100' 60SL 30SL


Strenuous actions, long-term activity, andother effects can tire a character to thepoint of exhaustion or even death. When

something causes fatigue, the characterbecomes Fatigued, unless he spends aSurge Point to avoid the condition. AFatigued character who suffers addition-al Fatigue becomes Exhausted, while anExhausted character who suffers addi-tional Fatigue becomes Unconscious, andan Unconscious character who suffersadditional Fatigue becomes Dying.

• After one hour of completerest, Exhausted charactersbecome Fatigued.

• After eight hours of complete rest, Fatigued characters are no longer Fatigued.

• Characters who are Fatigued cannot Run and suffer a -2 penalty to all Strength and Agility based skills.

• Characters who are Exhausted get only one Action per round, cannot Run, and suffer a -6 penalty to all Strength and Agility based skills.

Fire Hazards

Normal fire causes 6SL Damage/round(includes smoke inhalation) and will con-tinue to burn or spread if left unchecked.A character who takes fire damage mustmake a Reaction Save or becomeAblaze, continuing to take the fire's BaseDamage for a number of rounds equal tothe X-Roll. Note that armor only protectsagainst exposure to fire for the firstround, after which the damage is consid-ered Armor Piercing. A character that isAblaze can spend an entire roundattempting to smothering the fire by


Roll Save Incubation Damage

1-2 Roll 3 Days 1 STR3-4 Roll 1 Day 1 CON5-6 Roll 1 Day 2 WIS7-8 MTN 10 or Crit 3 Days 1 CON9-10 MTN 10 or Crit 1 Day 2 STR11-12 MTN 10 or Crit 1 Day 1 CON13-14 MTN 10 or Crit 1 Day 2 AGI15-16 MTN 15 or Crit 3 Days 1CON + 1AGI17-18 MTN 15 or Crit 1 Day 1 STR19-20 MTN 15 or Crit 1 Day 1 CON

Below is a list of random disease effects:

Wind Conditions MPH Fire Spreads

Calm No Wind Up to 1' Per roundLight Breeze Up to 5 MPH 5' Per roundSteady Breeze Up to 10 MPH 10' Per roundWindy Up to 15 MPH 20' Per roundGusty Over 15 MPH 30' Per round

Fire Hazards

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dropping Prone and making anotherReaction Save.

Fire spreads as long as there are com-bustibles to fuel it, spreading faster in thedirection the wind is blowing. Somecombustibles will burn quicker than oth-ers, which the GM is free to take intoaccount, but for general purposes use theFire Hazards table to track a fire'sspread.

Hot and Cold

Extremes of hot and cold can sap a per-son's strength. To reflect this, a charactercan go a number of hours in extreme hotor cold equal to CON before becomingFatigued (a Surge Point can be used toavoid this as normal).


It is possible for characters to be exposedto various types of poison during thegame, whether manmade or biological.Poisons come in a gas, liquid, or powder,and are delivered through contact, inges-tion, inhalation, or injection. Each poi-son has an associated Endurance Save(rolled when exposed to the poison) andtwo Damage Effects; one for a successfulSave and one for failure. Poisons typi-cally come in one of the following types -though other effects are certainly possi-ble (See also sample poisons inEquipment Descriptions p.58):

• Blister Agent MTN 15; Dying/10 Wound Points (zero on Crit)

• Blood Agent Roll; Dying/ Exhausted (zero on Crit)

• Nerve Agent MTN 10; -X-Roll CON/-1 CON (zero on Crit)


Those exposed to Radiation must make aMTN 10 or Crit Endurance Save for eachround of exposure, or lose a number ofpoints of Constitution equal to the X-Roll.Those that do make their Save lose 1point of Constitution (or none on a Crit).


A Sandstorm obscures vision like heavysmoke and causes 5S Damage/Minute tothose without proper shelter.

SmokeSmoke and clouds of gas last a numberof rounds equal to (20 - Wind Speed inMPH) moving with the wind at the ratesshown on the smoke table below.

SpaceThe vacuum of space is a dangerousenvironment for those who need tobreath air. Anyone exposed to space (orany true vacuum) without a pressurizedspacesuit can act a number of roundsequal to CON before passing out. Afterthat, the character becomes Dying, thenDead on the following rounds.

Suffocation and DrowningA character can hold his breath (outsideof a true vacuum) a number of minutesequal to CON before passing out. Afterthat, the character becomes Dying, thenDead on the following rounds.

WindHigh winds can have a detrimental effecton Ranged Combat and certain Skill rollssuch as Balance or Listen. Their impact asSituation Modifiers are as listed on thewind table below.

Zero GZero G (weightlessness) can be a bit dis-orienting and is hard to maneuver in with-

out handholds or the proper equipment todeal with it. In such a case, all movementis limited to available handholds or straitjumps by pushing off available surfacesand catching onto others to stop. Outsidea spacecraft, there is the danger of losingone's grip and drifting off into space.Overall, Zero G is considered a MinorSituational Modifier (-2 Penalty) for thosewithout the Spacer Edge.

SavesSaves are used to avoid some hazard orto resist or reduce the effects of some-thing harmful to the character. Unlessnoted in the effect's description, Savesare normally pass or fail, where DegreesOf Success are not important. There arethree types of Saves used in the game:Reaction, Endurance, and Willpower.

Reaction (React)Reaction Saves are used to react quicklyand avoid imminent danger, such asjumping behind cover right before agrenade goes off.

Endurance (Endure)Endurance Saves are used to resist any-thing that would physically drain or weak-en the body, such as poisons or disease.

Willpower (Will)

Willpower Saves are used to resist men-tal effects, such as Psychosis or MindControl.


Wind Conditions MPH Cloud Lasts Cloud Moves

Calm No Wind 20 rounds 0Light Breeze Up to 5 MPH 15 rounds 20' Per roundSteady Breeze Up to 10 MPH 10 rounds 40' Per roundWindy Up to 15 MPH 5 rounds 80' Per roundGusty Over 15 MPH 1 round 160' Per round


Wind Conditions MPH Impact Penalty

Windy Up to 15 MPH None 0Gusty Up to 35 MPH Minor -2Storm Winds Up to 70 MPH Major -4Hurricane Over 70 MPH Monstrous -8


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Luck andSurge Points

LuckAll characters start with a Base of 3 LuckPoints. The character's Base Luck Pointscan be increase later with experience, butnever higher than (3 + the character'sPRE). Certain Edges and Powers can addadditional Luck Points to the Base, butthese do not count against the maximum.

Luck Points can be spent for the follow-ing Luck Options:

• Reduce a MTN by 4 (declared before the roll)

• Add a +4 Bonus to one die roll (before or after the roll)

• Take a Faulty Success instead of rolling the die (only if rolling is an option)

• Negate a Botch or an opponent's Crit

• Lucky Break (for inspiration from the GM to help move the game along or for a plot twist in the character's favor)

• Escape Death (to Stabilize a Dying character and ignore further damage for the rest of the Scene)

SurgeAll characters start with a Base of 3Surge Points. The character's Base SurgePoints can be increase later with experi-ence, but never higher than (3 + thecharacter's CON). Certain Edges andPowers can add additional Surge Pointsto the Base, but these do not countagainst the maximum.

Surge Points can be spent for the fol-lowing Surge Options:

• +2 STR for one round• Take an Extra Action• Interrupt another's Action

(changes character's Initiative Order for the combat)

• Make back-to-back Attack or Defense Actions without the Rapid or Evasion Edges

• Shake off Stunned Condition

• Shake off KO'd or Unconscious Condition

• Shake off one level of Fatigue• Overcome Injury (take an

Action while Disabled without going to Dying)

Both Luck and Surge can be spent eachround as Free Actions.

Luck can be spent as many times perround as the player wants, though it isadvised not to use up all your Luck in oneround.Surge can only be used once per round,

no exceptions. Unlike Luck, Surge canalso be used without spending SurgePoints, at the cost of Fatiguing the char-acter afterwards (see Fatigue p.69).

Recovering Luck And Surge

Luck and Surge Points completely refreshat the start of each game session.

Luck And Surge Point OptionWant more anime-style over-the-topaction in your game? Use this option toincrease Base Luck and Surge Points from3 to 5. While this might not seem like alot, you’d be surprised how much this littlebump can change the tone of the game.

NPC Attitude and InteractionHow much a character can influence anNPC is determined by the NPC’s attitude,which begins at a level set by the GM.Character’s can attempt to use skills such asBluff, Diplomacy, Entertain, and Intimidateas an Interaction roll to improve the NPC’sattitude, although a good attitude is noguarantee that the NPC will give the char-acters what they want. A Helpful guardisn’t going to let the characters rob thebank he’s guarding, but may let them getaway without shooting them in the back.

This is done by finding the NPC’s StartingAttitide on the NPC Interaction table belowand making an Interaction roll. The result ofthe roll determines the NPC’s New Attitude.

When making the roll, Bluff and Intimidateare Opposed as normal, while Diplomacyand Entertain (when they can be worked in)are unopposed. Note that Botched rollsactually make the NPC’s attitude worse. TheAttitude Levels are as follows:

HostileHostile NPCs will take risks to harm oroppose the characters, such as attacking,berating, interfering, or fleeing.

UnfriendlyUnfriendly NPCs wish the charactersharm, but won't take risks to see it donethemselves. They are likely to avoid,insult, mislead, or watch the characterssuspiciously.

IndifferentIndifferent NPCs are neutral to the char-acters and will interact with them on asocially acceptable level.

FriendlyFriendly NPCs wish the characters welland are likely to advise, chat with, speakwell of, or offer limited help to the char-acters.

HelpfulHelpful NPCs will take risks to aid thecharacters, such as healing, protecting,standing up for, or fighting for the char-acters.

AmorousAmorous NPCs are willing to get romanti-cally involved with the characters ('nufsaid). *Only use the Amorous Columnwhen specifically using the Diplomacy orEntertain skills to seduce.


(Starting) Hostile Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful*Amorous

Hostile Fail Success X Success Crit - -Unfriendly Botch Fail Success X Success CritIndifferent - Botch Fail Success X Success CritFriendly - - Botch Fail Success *X SuccessHelpful - - - Botch Fail *SuccessAmorous No Roll Needed

NPC Attitude (NEW)

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GettingStartedAmbushCharacters may try to set an Ambush inorder to get the jump on opponents.Doing so uses a Cooperation Hide rollopposed by individual Spot rolls. Thosewho fail their opposed Spot rolls are con-sidered Surprised and cannot act nor-mally during the first round of combat(See Initiative Below).


Initiative = (Base 5 + AGI + WIS +Modifiers)

* Roll Initiative only once at the start ofeach combat to determine the order in

which each participant will act each rounduntil combat is resolved.* When combat begins, all charactersstart Flat-Footed and only get one Actionuntil after their first turn, at which pointthey are no longer Flat-Footed and maybegin taking standard two Action rounds.* Anyone Surprised by a successfulAmbush is considered Stunned for the firstround and must wait (Flat-Footed) until thesecond round before taking their first sin-gle Action round (characters can spendSurge to avoid being surprised with theShake Off Stun option).* Initiative is broken into abstract phasescalled Waves, used to establish the orderof actions during each round. There aretwo Waves every combat round; a Firstand Second.* Resolve the First Wave first, then theSecond; highest Initiative rolls going first ineach Wave, starting at 20 and countingdown.


Chapter Eight:


Initiative Degrees of SuccessRoll Result

Botch The character starts in the Second Wave, but hesitates and is considered Stunned for the first round and must wait (Flat-Footed) until the second round before taking his first single Action round (note Stunned stacking rules). Characters can spend Surge to avoid hesitating with the Shake Off Stun option.

Fail The character starts in the Second Wave.

1 The character starts in the First Wave, but no one is considered Flat-Footed against the character for his first round.

Success The character starts in the First Wave.

Crit The character starts in the First Wave and gains an Extra Action for his first round.

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DelayA character can choose to not take anyActions on his turn, waiting to act later inthe round. He cannot interrupt another'sActions with a Delayed Action, but canchoose to act after any other character'scompleted turn. The character's Initiativeorder changes to the moment he acts andbecomes his new order throughout therest of the combat.

Interrupt AndInitiativeUsing the Interrupt Option of Surgechanges the character's order in Initiativeto the moment of the Interrupt andbecomes his new order throughout therest of the combat.

Close QuarterCombatClose Quarter Combat can occur whentwo or more hostile opponents are stand-ing within 5' of each other.

Unarmed AttacksUnarmed Attacks do (0+S) Stun Damageand are made with natural weapons,such as punches, kicks, head butts,claws, and bites. For animals of medi-um-size or larger, claw and bite attacksdo Lethal Damage. All incomingUnarmed Attacks can be opposed withDodge, Unarmed, or Parry rolls.

Grapple AttacksGrapple Attacks are initiated with theopen hand (at least one hand needs to befree) and can be opposed with Dodge,Grapple, or Parry rolls. The followingGrapple options are available:

Body Slam

MNT 10 Grapple Attack. On a success-

ful Body Slam, the target is picked upand thrown as an improvised weapon(see p.77 Improvised Weapons), landingProne and taking normal Stun Damage(0+S). A thrown target can make aTumble roll to avoid all damage and landon his feet, unless the initial Grapple rollwas 15 or higher. Throwing a personinto another requires an additionalAttack Action (using the Throw skill) anddoes Stun Damage to both if successful.A Crit made on a Body Slam attack KO'sthe target (see Stun Damage p. 79).


A Bumrush requires a Movement Actionbefore the Attack Action, covering atleast 10'. Make a normal GrappleAttack. If Successful, the target is pushedback 5', with the character ending up inthe target's originally position. On a rollof 10 or higher, the target is pushed back10' and the character chooses whether tostay in the target's original position orfollow. On a roll of 15 or higher, the tar-get is pushed back 15' (again the char-acter chooses whether to stay or follow).On a Crit, the target also falls Prone. Ifunsuccessful, the character stops in thespace directly in front of the target.


MTN 10 Grapple Attack to establish(then standard Roll to oppose escapeattempts). If Successful, the target is Heldand takes an initial (0+S 2X-Damage)Stun Damage. A Crit made on aGrapple Choke KO's the target (see StunDamage p. 79). Once a Choke is estab-lished, it can be maintained as a Holdeach round without the need of anotherGrapple roll, simply by spending anAction. Note however, that the characterwould still need to make any Free ActionOpposing rolls to prevent the target'sescape. Unlike a normal Hold, a ChokeHold successfully held for a number ofrounds equal to the target's CON KO'sthe target (although it does no additionaldamage each round beyond the initialapplication). Characters Grappling orHeld are considered Flat-Footed to thosethey are not Grappling.


MTN 10 Grapple Attack. On a success-ful Disarm, the target's weapon is thrownto the ground 10' away; with a roll of 15or higher, the weapon can be taken ifdesired; on a Crit, the weapon is turned


Combat ActionsAction Type Typical Use

Attack Action AttackTwo Consecutive Attack Actions Making back-to-back Attack Actions requires

the Rapid Attack Edge or spending a Surge Point for an Extra Attack Action.

Defense Action Dodge, Counter, or Parry.Two Consecutive Defense Actions Making back-to-back Defense Actions

requires the Evasion Edge or spending a Surge Point for an Extra Defense Action.

Free Action Drop Prone, Talk, Spend Luck or Surge Points, Make a Reactive or Opposed Roll, Make a Save.

Misc. Action Some Skill rolls, Anything that can be done in 6 Seconds.

Move Action Move, Run, Climb, Jump, Swim, Tumble, Stand Up from Prone.

Full Round Action Special Actions that require a full round to accomplish, like Coup de Grace.

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on the target before being taken, doingthe weapon's base damage to the target.


Make a normal Grapple Attack. IfSuccessful, the target is Held. Once aHold is established, it can be maintainedeach round (without the need to makeanother Grapple roll) simply by spendingan Action. Note however, that the char-acter would still need to make any FreeAction Opposing rolls to prevent the tar-get's escape.

A Held character cannot move or takeany Actions other than: Trying to breakfree or making a Close Quarter CombatAttack with empty hands, a smallweapon, or a pistol. Breaking freerequires a successful opposed Grappleor Escape roll. Characters Grappling orHeld are considered Flat-Footed to thosethey are not Grappling.


MTN 10 Grapple Attack to establish(then standard Roll to oppose escapeattempts). If Successful, the target isPinned. A Crit on a Pin allows the char-acter to apply normal Stun Damage(0+S) against the target if desired. Oncea Pin is established, it can be maintainedeach round (without the need to makeanother Grapple roll) simply by spendingan Action. Note however, that the char-acter would still need to make any FreeAction Opposing rolls to prevent the tar-get's escape.A Pinned character cannot move or take

any Actions other than trying to breakfree from the Pin. Breaking free requiresa successful opposed Grapple or Escaperoll. A pinned character is consideredHelpless to those not pinning him. TheGrappler holding the Pin is consideredFlat-Footed to those he is not Grappling.


Make a normal Grapple Attack. IfSuccessful, the target is forced Prone.

Melee AttacksMelee Attacks are made with meleeweapons. All incoming Melee Attackscan be opposed with Dodge or Parryrolls.

Point BlankRanged AttacksPoint Blank Ranged Attacks are consid-ered Close Quarter Combat (althoughthey are still rolled as Ranged Attacks),and as such, can be opposed with Dodgeor Grapple rolls (See Point Blank Attacksbelow).


Ranged AttacksRanged Attacks include any attack madewith a ranged weapon such as a pistol,shotgun, or rifle. Normally incomingRanged Attacks can only be opposedwith Dodge.

Targeted AttacksTargeted Attacks include any attack byindirect-fire or computer guided weapon-ry such as mortars, ship guns, or shoul-der-fired missiles. Because TargetedAttacks are typically designed to strikelarge targets, they are less effective atpinpointing individual personnel. Anypersonnel targeted by a Targeted Attackcan defend against it as an Area Attack,even if the attack itself doesn't have anarea (See Firing Vehicle-MountedWeapons At Personnel p.87).

Thrown AttacksThrown Attacks include any attack with athrown weapon such as a knife, spear, orhand grenade. Normally incoming

Thrown Attacks can only be opposedwith Dodge.

Weapon ScatterWhen a Thrown Attack misses, it may beimportant to know where the weaponactually lands, especially for things likegrenades, where a missed target (or even


CombatManeuversClose Quarter Combat

* Unarmed Attacks* Grapple Attacks

Body SlamBumrushChokeDisarmHoldPinTrip

* Melee Attacks* Point Blank Ranged Attacks

Ranged Combat

* Ranged Attacks* Targeted Attacks* Thrown Attacks

Special Attacks

* Called Shots* Coup de Grace* Area Attacks* Improvised Weapons* Breaking Things


* Dodge* Counter* Parry

Unless otherwise noted, OffensiveCombat Maneuvers and Attacks arealways Straight or Opposed StraightRolls, depending on whether or notthe target uses a Defense Actionagainst them.

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the thrower) can still be caught in theblast radius. Use the Weapon ScatterChart (5' squares) and a d20 roll todetermine Weapon Scatter.


Throwing Range

The maximum Range an object can bethrown equals (the Object's RangeIncrement x STR).

Weapon Range

The Maximum Range (or Limit) forRanged Weapons equals (the Weapon'sRange Increment x 5)

Range Increments

There is a -1 penalty on Attack rolls perRange Increment after the first (ShortRange), plus MTN 10 for any Range

beyond the third (Long Range).

Range Increments Penalty

x1 Short 0x2 Medium -1x3 Long -2x4 Extreme -3 MTN 10x5 Limit -4 MTN 10Beyond Limit -5 MTN 10

Point Blank Attacks

Ranged Attacks that occur within 5' arecalled Point Blank Attacks and qualify asClose Quarter Combat. As such, PointBlank Attacks can be opposed with eitherDodge or Grapple. Point Blank itself isnot a Range Increment, but does imposecertain bonuses and penalties dependingon the Attack and whether the target isactively opposing the attacker. Thesebonuses and penalties are as follows:

Situation Bonus Or Penalty

Attacker is not actively beingopposed (target not taking +1 Bonusa Defense Action). To Attack RollAttacker is using a pistol and is engaged in or being opposed with Close Quarter Combat. +/-0Attacker is using a SMG or sawed-off shotgun and is engaged in or being opposed with Close -2 PenaltyQuarter Combat. To Attack RollAttacker is using any other weapon or Throwing and is engaged in or being opposed with -4 PenaltyClose Quarter Combat. To Attack Roll

ShootingIn combat, there are multiple rates of fire(depending on the weapon) availableduring each Attack Action. Each rate offire has a shot requirement (1-200 shots)and may not be used if there are notenough shots left in the weapon to meetthe requirement. Characters do not haveto use the same rate of fire across back-to-back Attack Actions.

Rate Requirements/Effect

Standard 1 Shot / 1 Target: Standard Attack Roll.

Double Fire 2 Shots / 1 Target: Double X-Damage of the Attack.

Burst Fire 3 Shots / 1 Target: +2 Bonus to Attack Roll.

Sweep 3 Shots Per Range Increment / Multiple Targets: Up to a 90°Sweep as a Standard Area Attack (See Area Attacks p.77).



Weapon Scatter:

15 6 7 8 9

4 2






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Autofire 30 Shots / Variable: +3 To Attack Roll against a single Target (Or) Against multiple Targets in Up to a 45° Sweep. When making an Autofire Sweep, roll one Attack at a -2 Penalty. Check it against the first Target, then add +1 to the Total and re-compare to the TN for each consecutive Target. Damage is figured from the original Die roll.

Saturation Fire 200 Shots / Variable: +4 To Attack Roll against a single Target (Or) Against multiple Targets In up to a 90°Sweep as a Standard Area Attack (See Area Attacks p.77).

ReloadingWeapons need to be reloaded when theyrun out of ammo. The time it takes toreload a weapon depends on its capaci-ty and how it feeds ammo into its firingsystem; as follows:

Reload Time

Internal 3 rounds per ActionLoad Clip 3 rounds per ActionChange Clip 1 ActionLoad Revolver 3 rounds per ActionSpeed-Load Revolver 1 ActionBelt 2 ActionsFlamethrower Tank 2 rounds

The Slight of Hand skill can be used toReload in half the time (Reducing 1Action to a Free Action). It is impossibleto reload while engaged in CloseQuarter Combat, unless the characterfirst makes a Slight of Hand roll.


Called ShotsAiming an Attack

Aiming takes one Action and gives a +2bonus to an Attack Action that directlyfollows, or allows a Called Shot to betaken instead.

Called Shots

Called Shots take an Aiming Action to

line up (without the +2 bonus) and anAttack Action to execute.

Headshot MTN 10 Attack roll; A Headshot allowsdamage to go directly to Wound Points,although Armor still provides protection(unless the helmet is off for some reason).

Handshot MTN 10 Attack roll; A Handshot causesnormal damage and temporarily imbuesthe One Arm Flaw until healed (weaponsor objects carried in the targeted hand aredropped immediately on a successfulHandshot).

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MTN 10 Attack roll; A Legshot causesnormal damage and temporarily imbuesthe Bum Leg Flaw, until healed. The tar-get of a successful Legshot must alsomake an Endurance Save or be knockedProne.


MTN 10 Attack roll; Other called shotsmight include cutting a rope or chainwith a single shot, picking a grenade offan opponent's bandoleer, or trick shotssuch as shooting the center out of aflipped playing card. Note that anyCalled Shots that target an object held orcarried by a person can be opposed withthat person's Defense Actions.

Coup de GraceA Full Round Action (Close QuarterCombat attack) may be taken to performa Coup de Grace on a Dying or Helplesscharacter. Since a Dying or Helplesscharacter cannot move or Defend, noAttack roll is needed and the Coup deGrace automatically kills the target at theend of the round (unless a Luck Point isused for the Escape Death option, to beleft for dead).

Area AttacksTo make tactical map use easier (whereone square equals 5'), all Area Attackseffect a given area, radiating out from a5' center (or 1 square). For example, anArea Attack with a 5' radius actually hasa 15' diameter (radiating 5' out on allsides from the 5' center).

Area Attacks that require an Attack roll(Standard Area Attacks) do base dam-age + X-Roll to the primary target, thenbase damage to everything else withinthe blast radius. Area Attacks that don'trequire an Attack roll (Passive AreaAttacks) do only their base damage toeverything within their blast radius.Characters can choose one of two

options to avoid damage from AreaAttacks:

•Use a Defense Action to make an Opposed Straight Roll against the attack; taking no damage if successful, but suffering the full force of the blast should it fail. This is an all or nothing approach, representing a character's mad dive for cover, just ahead of the attack. Against an Area Attack that does not require an attack roll, the character's Defense roll is unopposed.

• (Or) Make a Reaction Save, reducing the damage of the attack by the X-Roll of a successful Save and taking no damage on a Crit.

ImprovisedWeaponsSometimes a character will pick up someobject and use it as an improvisedweapon. For lighter objects, just use thestats for the closest match (or a similarweapon) from the Melee or ThrownWeapons lists. For large heavy objects(like an opponent) use the following, plusa -4 penalty to the Attack roll:

Object's Weight Range Damage

Up to Normal Load 15' Flat 0+SUp To Encumbered 10' Flat 0+S Soft Object

2+L Hard ObjectUp To Limit 5' Flat 0+S Soft Object

4+L Hard Object

Attacking AnObjectBreaking Things

Sometimes a character will want to attackan object in order to break it. Objects

held by another person must be attackednormally and can be defended againstattacks using the holder's DefensiveActions. For objects not moving or heldby another, an Attack roll is made, butonly for the purpose of obtaining X-Damage. A miss in this case means theAttack hits but only does base damage,while a Botch indicates a miss and possi-bly a broken weapon if one is being usedto attack the object directly.

Objects have two qualities that deter-mine how hard they are to break:Hardness and Structure.


Hardness represents the object's ability toresist damage. It acts like armor, in thiscase absorbing all incoming damage upto its rating. Any Damage beyond theobject's Hardness (that not absorbed)goes against its Structure.


Structure represents an object's strengthof construction and overall integrity (itsability to remain in one piece, even whensome part of it is damaged). Wheneveran object receives Damage beyond itsHardness, that Damage is compared tothe object's Structure. If the Damage isless than the Structure, the object receivesonly superficial damage, and itsStructure is reduced by one. If theDamage is equal to or greater than theStructure, the object is destroyed (or forvery large objects, receives a hole in itbig enough to allow anything Medium-sized or smaller to squeeze through).

Attack Types

Some types of attacks or damage will notaffect certain objects, such as trying tocut a rope with a club, or attempting toburn through a steel bulkhead with ciga-rette lighter. Conversely, some objectsare more susceptible to particularattacks, such as paper to fire or fragileglass to loud noises. It is up to the GM to

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determine which (if any) forms of attackare more better or poorly suited to dam-age a specific object. In general though,inadequate attacks cause no damage,while more effective attacks reduce orignore the object's Hardness.

Object Hardness Structure

Easily Broken 0 1Sensitive Equipment 0 5Interior Wall or Wooden Door 5 10Small Weapon 5 10Sturdy Equipment 5 10Handcuffs 10 10Large Weapon 10 10Bulletproof Glass 10 15Concrete Wall or Steel Door 15 20Heavy Machinery 15 20Steel Bulkhead or Airlock Door 20 30Vault Door 25 40

DefenseA Defense Action can be taken out ofturn in response to another's attack, butcounts against the number of Actions thecharacter gets when his turn comes upagain. A Crit rolled on a Defense Actioncounters a Crit rolled on an AttackAction, even if the Attack Action wins.There are three types of Defense Actionsthat may be taken, depending on theattack. They are Dodge, Counter, andParry.

DodgeThe character can make a Dodge roll to

oppose any incoming attack.

CounterCertain attacks can be opposed withother Skill rolls (in place to Dodge). Theattack description will specify if aCounter skill applies. If so, the charactercan choose to Counter the attack with theappropriate Skill roll, rather than usingDodge.

ParryA Parry is a special type of Counter,where the character can oppose anincoming Close Quarter Combat Attackwith a Melee roll instead of Dodge.Successful Parries against incomingGrapple or Unarmed Attacks cause dam-age to the attacker equal to the X-Roll ofthe Parry.

SizeIt is easier to hit the broad side of a barnthan to shoot a fly off your partner's nose.The size of things progresses as follows:

Size Example

Miniscule FlyTiny RatSmall DogMedium ManLarge Vehicle/FighterHuge House/Freighter/FrigateColossal Sky Scraper/Capitol Ship

Cover andConcealmentCover is getting behind something that

attacks cannot penetrate, whileConcealment is getting behind somethingthat makes it harder to pinpoint the tar-get. The GM determines whether theparticular situation provides Cover orConcealment, but never both.

Full Cover

Objects or persons with Full Cover arecompletely hidden behind cover and can-not be seen from those they have the coveragainst (unless transparent). They lose FullCover if they look out or make an attackfrom their covered position. In order to hita person with full cover, the cover must firstbe circumvented or destroyed (SeeAttacking An Object p.77).

Partial Cover

Objects or persons with Partial Cover arebehind cover, but are looking out or mak-ing attacks from their covered position.Any attacks made against a target withPartial Cover suffer a -2 penalty to theAttack roll.

Full Concealment

Objects or persons with Full Concealmentcannot be seen and are very difficult toattack or defend against. FullConcealment imposes a MTN 10 or Criton all Close Quarter Combat Attacks andDefense rolls; a MTN 15 or Crit on allRanged or Thrown Attack and Defenserolls; and requires a Crit to hit whenusing the Target skill.

Partial Concealment

Objects or persons with PartialConcealment, such as that granted byfoliage, smoke, or darkness are hard tosee. Any attacks made against a targetwith Partial Concealment suffer a -2penalty to the Attack roll.

Other ModifiersA variety of factors can affect the diffi-culty of an Attack roll. When adding upBonuses and Penalties to any roll,

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Defense Actions Taken Effect

No Defense Action Taken Opponent rolls to attack character with normal modifiers.

Single Defense Action Taken Character opposes a single incoming Attack roll.

Defense + Defense Actions Taken ('Full Defense') Character opposes all incoming Attack

rolls until his next turn.

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remember the following:

• Penalties Reduce TN (cannot be reduced below 1)

• Bonuses Increase TN (cannot

be increased above 19)

Two-Weapon UseDue to the cinematic nature of the rules,there is no advantage or disadvantage tousing a weapon in each hand (exceptperhaps for greater ammo capacity).The character gets no additional Attacks

and suffers no penalties, but can describethe Attacks as coming from one, theother, or both weapons when multipleattack Actions are taken.

DamageStun DamageStun Damage represents blunt force andnon-lethal attacks meant to subdue. StunDamage that causes Vitality Points to dropbelow zero KO's the target, as does anyCrit made with a Stun Damage attack.

Lethal DamageLethal Damage represents crushing force,slashing, chopping, and puncturingattacks meant to kill. A Crit made withLethal Damage has a variable effect,chosen by the player (see below).

Lethal Crit Options

When a character gets a Lethal Crit onan attack, the player gets to choose theeffect from the following options.


Attack Roll ModifiersCircumstance Close Quarter Combat Ranged Combat Targeted

Target is Miniscule MTN 15 or Crit MTN 15 or Crit MTN 15 or CritTarget is Tiny MTN 10 or Crit MTN 10 or Crit MTN 10 or CritTarget is Small -1 -1 -1Target is Medium 0 0 0Target is Large +2 +2 +2Target is Huge +4 +4 +4Target is Colossal +8 +8 +8Target has Full Concealment MTN 10 or Crit MTN 15 or Crit CritTarget has Partial Concealment -2 -2 -2Target has Full Cover Special Special SpecialTarget has Partial Cover -2 -2 -2Target is Prone +2 -2 0Target is Sitting or Kneeling +1 0 0Target is Climbing +2 +2 0Target is Running 0 -2 0Target is Stunned +2 +2 0Target is Flat-Footed +2 +2 0Target is Helpless Miss on Botch +2 0Target in Close Quarter Combat 0 -2 0Target is Holding A Pin Flat-Footed Flat-Footed 0Target is Held Flat-Footed Flat-Footed 0Target is Pinned Helpless Helpless 0Attacker is Prone -4 0 0Attacker Flanks Target +2 0 0Attacker Has Higher Ground +1 +1 0Attacker Has Full Concealment **MTN 10 or Crit **MTN 15 or Crit 0Attacker Blind MTN 10 or Crit MTN 15 or Crit CritDarkness -2 -2 0Uneven or Slippery Footing -2 -2 0Zero G -2 -2 0

** Indicates Defense roll rather than Attack roll.

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• Damage goes directly to Wound Points (armor still functions normally)

• Normal Damage + Bypass Armor

• Normal Damage + Disarm• Normal Damage + Knockdown• Normal Damage + Stunned

Special LethalDamageSpecial Lethal Damage represents LethalDamage that KO's like Stun Damagewhen it drops Vitality Points below zero.

Rolling Damageand X-DamageA weapon or attack's Base Damage isnot rolled separately from the Attack roll.Instead, it is added to an amount of ExtraDamage (X-Damage) equal to the X-Rollof the attack, to determine the attack'sTotal Damage Value.

Armor AndDamageArmor blocks any damage that wouldreduce Wound Points, reducing theamount of damage going againstWound Points by its Armor Value.Armor does not stop damage goingagainst Vitality Points.

Damage Flow AndCondition Change

Damage Flow: Vitality Points (to)Wound Points (to) Disabled (to)Dying (to) Dead.

• Damage first goes against Vitality Points.

• When Vitality Points drop to zero, all remaining damage goes into Wound Points.

• Stun Damage that causes Vitality Points to drop below

zero also KO's the target.• When Wound Points drop to

zero, the character is Disabled• A Disabled character who

takes further damage is Dying• A Dying character who takes

further damage is Dead• A Crit that causes Wound

Points to drop below zero also maims the target (see below)

What Is VitalityPoint Loss?Minor injuries such as bruising, strains,sprains, scrapes, cuts, grazes, and moreserious wounds to the extremities.

What Is WoundPoint Loss?Major injuries such as broken bones,heavy bleeding, horrific burns, and inter-nal injuries.

MaimedCharactersCharacters maimed in combat perma-nently gain one of the following Flaws,determined randomly (if the Flaw rolledis one already possessed by the charac-ter, he gains no new Flaw):

Roll Result

1-4 Bum Leg5-7 Distinctive Features (Scar)8-10 Impaired Hearing11-13 Impaired Vision14-16 Night Blindness17-20 One Arm

Wound PenaltiesA normal character suffers a -2 penaltyto all die rolls whenever he has lostWound Points. Those with the High PainThreshold Edge only suffer a -1 penalty.Characters with the Cry Baby Flaw alsosuffer a -1 penalty whenever they have

lost Vitality Points.

ReconstructiveSurgeryCharacters can buy cloned body parts toreplace lost limbs and organs. Thereplacements are grown from their ownDNA in about six months (which requiresBuying Off any associated Flaws, such asBum Leg or Impaired Vision). A secondoption is to buy cybernetic replacements,which are almost as good as the realthing. These may also be used as a rea-son to Buy Off associated Flaws, thoughit is not necessary if the character is wil-ing to take the Distinctive Features Flawinstead (characters who already have theDistinctive Features Flaw cannot take itagain).



Ability Drained

The character has temporarily lost 1 ormore Ability points, which has an impacton all Stats and Skills related to the lostAbility. An Ability reduced to zero caus-es the following effects: Strength zerocauses the character to becomeParalyzed; Agility zero causes the char-acter to become Convulsive; Constitutionzero causes the character to becomeDying; Intelligence, Wisdom, andPresence zero cause the character tobecome Catatonic.

AblazeThe character is on fire and taking dam-age (see Fire Hazards p.69). A charac-ter that is Ablaze can spend an entireround attempting to smothering the fireby dropping Prone and making aReaction Save.

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The character is out of control andattacks anyone and everyone withinsight, using his most effective attacks todo so. He may not use Defense Actionsand can only use Move Actions to getcloser to potential targets. He will spendSurge Points when beneficial (includingfor Extra Attacks), but will not use Surgewhere it will cause Fatigue. Berserk char-acters never bother to reload, going forClose Quarter Combat after expendingall Ranged Combat capabilities.


The character cannot see, treats every-one as if they had full concealment, andmust move at half speed to avoid injuringhimself on obstacles in his path.Additionally, he cannot read or use theSpot skill, needs outside guidance to usethe Drive, Pilot, or Operate HeavyMachinery skills, and suffers a -2 penal-ty to all die rolls.


The lights are on, but nobody's home.The character is lost in his own mind andunable to interact with the real world,

except to stare blankly and drool a lot. Ifleft alone, the character will sit unmovinguntil he starves to death. CatatonicCharacters are considered Helpless.


The character loses all motor controlfunctions and can do nothing more thanlie in a limp, twitching heap, unable evento speak. He does not lose cognitive abil-ity however, and may use purely mentalbased powers if he has them. Convulsivecharacters are considered Helpless.


Enough said; if you let your character getthis far down on the Damage Flow, it'stime to roll up a new one!


A Deafened character cannot hear or usethe Listen skill, suffers a -4 penalty toInitiative, and a -2 penalty to all Presencebased skills from the distraction.


A Disabled character is conscious andable to act, but is terribly wounded. Hecan take a single Action per round if

desired, but doing so changes his Statusform Disabled to Dying after completionof the Action, unless he uses theOvercome Injury option of Surge.Disabled characters are not consideredHelpless.


The character is suffering the effects ofsome type of disease and may (at theGM's discretion) be contagious (SeeDisease p.69).


Dying characters are unconscious andeasily killed by further damage. After anumber of rounds equal to the charac-ter's CON, he must make an EnduranceSave or die. Further rolls are required atthe same interval until he dies, isStabilized by an ally, or spends a LuckPoint for the Escape Death option. Dyingcharacters are considered Helpless.


Characters who are Exhausted get onlyone Action per round, cannot Run, andsuffer a -6 penalty to all Strength andAgility based skills.


Characters who are Fatigued cannot Runand suffer a -2 penalty to all Strengthand Agility based skills.


A character who is Flat-Footed is off bal-ance or has not yet reacted to a combatsituation. Characters get a +2Situational Modifier when attackingthose who are Flat-Footed.


A Held character cannot move or takeany Actions other than: Trying to breakfree or making a Close Quarter CombatAttack with empty hands, a smallweapon, or a pistol. Breaking freerequires a successful opposed Grappleor Escape roll. Characters Grappling or


HealingCharacters heal naturally from Conditions and Damage at the following rates.

Damage or Condition Rate

Ability Damage Heals 1 Point Per Week For Each Ability

Vitality Points Heals A Number Of Points Per Hour Equal To CON

Wound Points Heals 1 Point Per Day

Disabled Requires a Surgery Roll + 12 Hours (Or) a MTN 10 or Crit Endurance Save after a number of weeks equal to (10 - CON). The roll may be made each week thereafter, should it fail.

Stabilized See KO'd Condition

Dying Treat Injury or Surgery Roll

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Held are considered Flat-Footed to thosethey are not Grappling.


Helpless characters cannot move orDefend against incoming attacks.Opponents get +2 to hit Helpless charac-ters with Ranged Attacks and can only

miss a Close Quarter Attack on a Botch.Opponents may also use the Coup DeGrace Attack on Helpless Characters ifdesired.


The character has lost Vitality Points andsuffers any applicable Wound Penalties

to all die rolls.


A KO'd character is knockedUnconscious and is Helpless for at least aminute (10 rounds). After one minute,the character can make an EnduranceSave each round to regain consciousness(with a +1 bonus each additional rounduntil he succeeds).


Nauseated characters are unable toattack, use powers, or even concentrateon anything other than their roiling stom-ach distress. They may only take a singleAction each round for either Movementor Defense, although they can still usesurge for an additional Action (even anAttack Action) if desired.


The character is unharmed and may actnormally.


The character is overcome with fear andmust do everything in his power to imme-diately leave the area. Once the charac-ter is at a safe distance (GM's discretion),he regains his composure and may onceagain act normally.


The character loses all Strength and cando nothing more than lie unmoving,barely able to speak. Although unable tomove, a Paralyzed character may stilluse purely mental based powers if he hasthem. Paralyzed characters are consid-ered Helpless.


A Pinned character cannot move or takeany Actions other than trying to breakfree from the Pin. Breaking free requiresa successful opposed Grapple or Escaperoll. A pinned character is consideredHelpless to those not pinning him. TheGrappler holding the Pin is considered


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Flat-Footed to those he is not Grappling.


The character is suffering the effects ofsome type of poison (See Poison p.70).


The character is lying on the ground. Hereceives a -4 penalty to all Close QuarterCombat Attack rolls, while those attack-ing him with such receive a +2 bonus totheir Attack rolls. Prone characters areharder to hit with Ranged CombatAttacks however; those targeting Pronecharacters with such attacks suffer a -2penalty to their Attack rolls.


The character experiences extreme anxi-ety over a particular situation, suffering a-1 penalty to all die rolls until the situa-tion is resolved.


The character is no longer Dying,becomes Disabled, but remainsUnconscious. Stabilized characters arestill considered Helpless.


The character is confused or knockedsenseless for a moment (but not out) andmust take a round to regain his bearings.Stunned characters lose all concentrationand get no Actions for one round, alsolosing the benefit of any prior DefenseActions taken. Stunned characters arenot considered Helpless however.

Stunning effects do not stack. No onecan accumulate more than a 1 round lossof action over the course of a singleround. For example, a character who issurprised at the start of combat, Botcheshis initiative roll and hesitates, then getshit with a successful stunning attackbefore his turn only loses one turn, notthree.


The character is KO'd and Helpless for at

least a minute (10 rounds). After oneminute, the character can make anEndurance Save each round to regainconsciousness (with a +1 bonus eachadditional round until he succeeds).


The character has lost Wound Points andsuffers any applicable Wound Penalties toall die rolls.

ExtrasExtras are normal everyday people, inno-cent bystanders, and the untrained lackeysor thugs of important NPC's. The differ-ence between Extras and important NPC'sis that Extras don't have Luck or SurgePoints and go strait from zero WoundPoints to Dying (no Disabled status).

Vehicle andStarshipCombatCombat and chases between vehicles orspacecraft are handled abstractly, basedon the ranges between the vehicles inquestion, as outlined below. Note thatvery few starship battles occur in openspace, because the hypervelocity speedsinvolved make it very hard to safelymatch another ship's course. The major-ity of combat (or ambushes) occur whena ship comes out of a Hypergate or with-in the gravity of planets or moons, whereit must slow down to maneuver into anorbit.

The ChaseWhen one vehicle or starship is trying tooutrun another, the drivers or pilots makeopposed Drive or Pilot rolls each round todetermine the outcome. Depending on therange between the participants, a chasecan also involve combat actions such asfiring onboard weapons or having pas-

sengers shoot out of open windows.At the beginning of a chase, the GM

sets the starting range between all vehi-cles involved and determines whatdegree of separation is necessary for thepursued vehicle(s) to escape pursuers.When a chased vehicle obtains thisrange (Escape Range), it has lost its pur-suers and, for it, the chase ends.

Vehicle andStarship CombatRangeVehicle and Starship Combat useabstract Range Increments rather thanexact measurements. There are twoRange Increment scales used: One forcombat on the ground or within anatmosphere (Vehicle Range); and one forcombat in the vast vacuum of space(Starship Range).

Vehicle Point Blank

Vehicle Point Blank Range is just that -tailing another vehicle close enough toram, or for someone to try jumping fromone vehicle to another.

Vehicle Short

Vehicle Short Range is when a vehiclecan be seen clearly and its passengerscan be made out inside (provided there isa way to see inside) - not more than afew hundred feet ahead.

Vehicle Medium

Vehicle Medium Range is the limit of nor-mal sight, where the vehicle can just bemade out a mile or more ahead.

Vehicle Long

Vehicle Long Range is beyond normalsight where some kind of image magnifi-cation or targeting computer is requiredto pinpoint the target.

Vehicle Sensor

Vehicle Sensor Range is the limit of detec-


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tion, using radar, IR, or other advancedelectronic devices to track a far distanttarget.

Vehicle Escape Range

Vehicle Escape Range is determined pri-marily by sight. Environments that limitsight or offer plenty of places to hide,such as a city full of tall buildings or awinding road through a heavily forestedarea, reduce the amount of distanceneeded to lose a pursuer. Additionally,vehicles forced to chase other vehiclesacross the ground are easier to lose thanaircraft flying overhead. With this inmind, use the following charts to deter-mine Escape Range:

Ground - City or Heavily Covered Area

Point Blank TailingShort VisualMedium Escape Range

Ground - Rural or Open Area

Point Blank TailingShort VisualMedium Visual LimitLong Escape Range

Ground vs. Air - City or Heavily Covered Area

Point Blank TailingShort VisualMedium Visual LimitLong Escape Range

Ground vs. Air - Rural or Open Area

Point Blank TailingShort VisualMedium Visual LimitLong ImagingSensor Escape Range

Air vs. Air

Point Blank TailingShort VisualMedium Visual LimitLong Imaging

Sensor Sensor TrackingBeyond Sensor Escape Range

Starship Point Blank

Starship Point Blank Range is closeenough to harpoon, ram, enter a dog-fight with, or to dock with another space-craft.

Starship Short

Starship Short Range is when a starshipcan be seen in the distance and its typecan be made out visually - within a hun-dred miles.

Starship Medium

Starship Medium Range is the limit ofnormal sight, where the starship appearsonly as a speck or a dot of reflected sun-light - within two hundred miles.

Starship Long

Starship Long Range is beyond normalsight where some kind of image magnifi-cation or targeting computer is requiredto pinpoint the target - within three hun-dred miles.

Starship Sensor

Starship Sensor Range is the limit ofdetection, using radar, IR, or otheradvanced electronic devices to track a fardistant target - beyond 300 miles.

Starship Escape Range

Escape Range for starships is alwaysbeyond Sensor Range.

InitiativeOnce starting range and Escape Rangehave been determined, Initiative is rolledand followed as normal, except for theaddition of a Movement Phase.

Movement (AndObstacle) Phase


The Movement Phase determines the rel-ative positions of all vehicles for eachround, before Initiative Order is resolved.As long as at least one vehicle is moving,there will be a Movement Phase. Whenall vehicles have stopped (or are nolonger capable of movement), then theMovement Phase can be ignored.

During the Movement Phase, each driv-er or pilot decides whether he will try toClose with, Separate from, or Maintainrange with another vehicle. Once deci-sions have been made, opposed Drive orPilot rolls are made to determine the out-come (See Movement Phase Table).


In addition, the Movement Phase is alsoused to resolve maneuvering through anyobstacles that are present during eachround of combat. These include suchthings as driving over rough terrain orthrough heavy traffic and dogfighting inan asteroid field or flying through aHypergate toll at combat speeds.

After relative position has been set, theGM determines whether any obstaclesare present in the new round and has thecharacters make Drive or Pilot rolls whereappropriate. Use the following guide-lines to determine the outcome of suchrolls:


A Successful Drive or Pilot roll indicatesthe obstacle has been avoided withoutmishap.


A Failed Drive or Pilot roll indicates theobstacle has caused a minor mishap,such as throwing the vehicle slightly offcourse or threatening to send it into aspin. In this case, the pilot or driver loses

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all of his Actions for that round, usingthem to wrestling back control of thevehicle (no roll is needed).


A Botched Drive or Pilot roll indicates acrash. The vehicle rams the obstacle,flips over, or loses a wing, tire, etc.Assuming a vehicle has not attainedEscape Range during the MovementPhase, the rest of the round is resolved asnormal.

DogfightingWhen two or more hostile flying vehiclesor spacecraft are within Point BlankRange of each other and not trying toflee the area, they are assumed to bedogfighting; maneuvering around eachother in a generalized area, each tryingto blast the other out of the sky. Althoughdogfighting vehicles are still moving, theyare considered Stopped for the purposesof determining any vehicle's moment(outside of the dogfight) against themduring the Movement Phase.

CombatActionsDuring a driver or pilots' turn, the followingactions can be performed as applicable:

Attack ActionsTargeted Attacks

The driver or pilot may make attacksagainst other vehicles using onboardweapons using his Target skill.Remember that Attack Roll Modifiers,such as the target's Size still apply.

Running Someone Down

The diver of a ground vehicle can try torun down anyone his vehicle can reachthat round. To do so, the driver makes anOpposed Straight Drive roll against bythe target's Tumble skill or Reaction Save.If the driver wins, he has struck the target,who takes Damage as if Rammed (seebelow). The vehicle also takes damage;in this case flat Stun Damage equal to thetarget's original Wound Points.


Vehicles in Point Blank Range may try toram each other. This is done by makingan opposed Drive or Pilot roll, where thewinner determines the outcome (whetherthe ram succeeds or fails). Rammingcauses damage to both vehicles and canbe suicidal at higher speeds (such asthose reached by spacecraft). To reflectthis, when a vehicle rams another vehiclefirst thing out of attaining Point BlankRange (that is, has just Closed from a

greater range in the Movement Phase ofthe same round) then each vehicle takesthe smaller vehicle's original StructurePoints plus X-Roll as Lethal Damage.When a vehicle already engaged in PointBlank Range (or Dogfighting) from theMovement Phase of the previous roundrams another vehicle, both vehicles take1/10th of the smaller vehicle's originalStructure Points plus X-Roll as LethalDamage. Armor does not apply againstramming damage, except vs. StunDamage as normal. Soft targets, such aspersonnel, take 2 times the X-Roll whenRammed by a Vehicle.

Defensive Actions


A vehicle or starship uses the controller'sDrive or Pilot skill for any DefensiveActions taken, such as Dodging anattack.

MiscellaneousActionsThere are many other actions a driver orpilot might take, such as stopping orlanding a vehicle, picking up or unload-ing passengers, docking with anothervessel, maneuvering into an orbit, etc. It


Movement Phase Outcome by Winner Both Fail Or Tie No Roll

Close vs. CloseOr Close vs. Stopped N/A N/A Range Decreases

By 2 IncrementsClose vs. Maintain Range Decreases

By 1 Increment (Or) Is Held Range Held N/AClose vs. Separate Range Decreases

(Or) Increases By 1 Increment Range Held N/AMaintain vs. Maintain Or Maintain vs. Stopped N/A N/A Range HeldMaintain vs. Separate Range Is Held

(Or) Increases By 1 Increment Range Held N/ASeparate vs. Separate Range IncreasesOr Separate vs. Stopped N/A N/A By 2 Increments

Note that missiles automatically close one Range Increment per Movement Phase

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is up to the GM to arbitrate these as theyarise.

DamagingVehiclesDamageDamage is applied against a vehicle's

Structure and Systems Points, much in thesame way a person takes hits to his Vitalityand Wound Points. For vehicles however,Crits caused by Stun Damage do LethalDamage instead of KO'ing the target.

Lethal Crit Options

When a character gets a Lethal Crit on anattack against a vehicle, the player gets tochoose the effect from the following options.

• Damage goes directly to Systems Points (armor still functions normally)

• Normal Damage + Bypass Armor

• Normal Damage + Decompression• Normal Damage + Systems

Short (Stunned)• Normal Damage + Take Out A



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Vehicle ArmorVehicle Armor blocks any damage thatwould reduce System Points, reducing theamount of damage going against themby its Armor Value. Armored vehiclesare also immune to Stun Damage.

Damage Flow AndCondition ChangeDamage Flow: Structure Points(to) Systems Points (to)Disabled (to) Destroyed

• Damage first goes against Structure Points.

• When Structure Points drop to zero, all remaining damage goes into Systems Points.

• When Systems Points drop to zero, the vehicle is Disabled

• A Disabled vehicle that takes further damage is Destroyed

• A Crit that causes Systems Points to drop below zero Destroys the vehicle outright.

What is StructurePoint Loss?Structure Point loss represents damage tothe body of the vehicle and external com-ponents, such as a smashed fender, ascorched hull, or a cracked windshield.

What is SystemsPoint Loss?Systems Points loss represents damage tothe vehicle's internal components or con-trol mechanisms, such as a hit to anengine, a wing or wheel being torn off,or the hull being breached.

RepairingDamageDamage to vehicles and spacecraft canbe repaired using the Electronics andMechanics skills. As noted in the Skillssection, Electronics is used to restoreSystem Points, while Mechanics is used torestore Structure Points. For more infor-mation, see each skill respectively.

Vehicle ConditionSummary

ConditionsBanged UpA vehicle that has taken Structure PointDamage is considered Banged Up untilthe damage is repaired. Although thishas no impact on the vehicle's perform-ance, it may reduce the vehicles value orcause its owner some grief, should thevehicle have been 'borrowed.'

DamagedA vehicle that has taken Systems PointDamage is considered Damaged andimposes a -2 penalty to all Drive or Pilotrolls involved with its use, until the dam-age is repaired.

DecompressedA Decompressed vehicle loses its air,exposing its passengers to the vacuum ofspace (see Space p.70). To fix the prob-lem requires one hour and a successfulMechanics roll.

DestroyedA destroyed vehicle explodes, causingthe following damage by Size to all with-in the blast radius (note that passengersinside exploding vehicles cannot Dodgeor Save against the damage).

Size DamageMedium 5L PA 20'rLarge 10L PA 30'rHuge 20L PA 40'rColossal 30L PA 50'r

DisabledA Disabled vehicle comes to a stop whenon ground; plummets to the earth whenflying; and drifts uncontrollably when inspace. All systems shut down (includingweapons systems and life support) untilan hour is spent bringing them backonline with a successful Electronics roll.Any further Damage to a Disabled vehi-cle causes it to be Destroyed.

Systems ShortedA vehicle with Systems Shorted is consid-ered Stunned, forcing its driver or pilot to

lose all of his Actions for the next roundwhile he wrestles to regain control of thevehicle (no roll is needed). Further, thevehicle suffers a -2 penalty to allMovement and Obstacle rolls during thenext Movement Phase.


Fire-LinkedWeaponsVehicle mounted guns, laser generators,and plasma cannons can be linked togeth-er in double or quadruple gun bankscalled a Dual or Quad-Links. Each Fire-Linked gun bank concentrates the fire ofall weapons in the link to a single point,increasing the amount of damage theguns can do. Dual-Link gun banks doublethe X-Damage (2X-Damage) rolled on allsuccessful attacks, while Quad-Link gunbanks triple it (3X-Damage).

Firing Vehicle-Mounted WeaponsAt PersonnelStrafeStrafing is how flying vehicles handleAutofire and Saturation Fire againsthuman targets on the ground. Both typesof fire are resolved as a Targeted AreaAttack with a 10' wide by 100' long line-shaped area. Usually, only one strafingpass can be made each round, requiringthat both a Miscellaneous Action (lining upthe vehicle) and an Attack Action be used.

Area Vs. OneSome weapons are not designed to tar-get personnel directly (as noted inWeapon Description p.35). When theseweapons are used in such a way, theattack is resolved as a Targeted AreaAttack that effects only the individual tar-get, who may defend against the attackas per the standard Area Attack rules.



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The year is 2073 AD. Fifty years ago, astrange comet of unknown compositionslammed into the Earth's moon, shatteringboth the comet and the moon in a cata-clysmic explosion that opened an unstablewormhole to the Sun. Debris from thecomet and moon rained down on theworld and spread out into orbit, surround-ing the Earth in a field of lunar asteroidsthat, even now, continue to bombardmentthe Earth on a daily basis.

The devastation caused by the eventforced mankind to retreat underground, orto the far north and south, where the aster-oids fell with less frequency. During thistime of chaos, pieces of the comet wererecovered and found to possess new andamazing energies. These were christened'Gatestones' in lieu of the wormhole stillopen above the broken moon. Intensivestudy revealed that the energies of theGatestones could be harnessed in a vari-ety of ways, including the generation ofunstable wormholes through space. Usingthis knowledge, mankind went into spaceand created a gate around the wormholeabove the moon, allowing them to directits other end to any point in the SolarSystem. A team of brave (and some sayinsane) scientists then traveled through -their control ship coming out in orbitabove Mars. There they built anothergate, finding that a gate at both ends sta-bilized the wormhole. It wasn't longbefore other gates and wormholes werecreated and mankind began to spread outinto the Solar System, using other tech-nologies developed from the Gatestones tobegin terraforming other planets andmoons.

Now, with mankind spread across theSolar System and the section-by-sectioncollapse of the former nations following

the destruction of Earth's moon, space hasbecome as lawless as the Wild West ofold. Planets and moons are ruled (someovertly) by the Mega-Corps andUnderworld Organizations that financedtheir colonization. Only the presence ofthe SSPB (Solar Systems Policing Bureau)keeps a semblance of order, but corrup-tion and indifference run rampant. Out inspace, hijacking and piracy are the orderof the day, where only your wits and a'big stick' will see you safely home again.

TheHypergateSystem The Hypergate system, as the network ofstable wormholes is now called, was builtby the Gatestone Corporation and linksthe planets and moons of the SolarSystem together, allowing quick travelbetween them, where conventional travelwould take much longer. Just how thegates work is proprietary informationguarded closely by the GatestoneCorporation, but generally speaking,they are man-made wormholes betweentwo points that reduce the space inbetween to 1/250th that of normal.Powered by the electromagnetic energyof each planet and the gravity of the Sun,the distance between each gate remainsconstant, regardless of the planets’ cur-rent alignment in the Solar System.Further, objects traveling through theHypergates (in Hyperspace) do not inter-act with things in the physical world,allowing safe passage at hypervelocityspeeds between each gate without theworry of flying through asteroids,comets, or moons – though two objects

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both in Hyperspace do interact with eachother as normal). In the event that a Hypergate would shut

down, that end of the wormhole, withoutthe gate to stabilize it, would instantlyjump back to the Sun. Ships inHyperspace at the time of a wormholejump (known as a Gatecrash) usuallystay in the wormhole, with a correspon-ding change of location, depending onthe new vector of the wormhole from thefunctioning Hypergate to the Sun. In thisevent, all ships in the wormhole would begiven time to travel to, and evacuate outof, the function Hypergate end of thewormhole, before the failed Hypergatewould be brought back online.

While ships in Hyperspace at the timeof a Gatecrash usually stay in the worm-hole, they can also, on rare occasion, bethrown out as the wormhole shifts,instantly reentering real space at hyper-velocity speeds (up to thirty million milesper hour). Depending on where a shipwas along the wormhole when thrownout, the danger of colliding with anythingthat might be in the ship’s trajectorycould also present itself, before the shipcould slow to sane speeds. It is becauseof this risk that Hypergates are neverrestarted until all ships have evacuatedthe wormhole that any particularHypergate will refocus.

In the event that both of a wormhole’sHypergates would be shut down (one oneach end), then all ships in the wormholewould instantly be dropped out of

Hyperspace as noted above.Theoretically, though it has never been

proven, it is also possible for a ship to bethrown out of a wormhole, yet remain inHyperspace. It is unknown how such anunfortunate vessel could return to realspace after such an event, though it istheorized that a wormhole could be pen-etrated from the side, allowing a ship toenter the wormhole, then exit theHypergate at its end as normal. Theproblem with this theory however, is thatthe sides of the wormholes are chargedwith such tremendous energy, that con-tact with them is known to damage eventhe most heavily armored spacecraft –how one could pass through and remainintact then, has yet to be determined.

The SolarSystem

Mercury1 Orbit of Sun - About 88 Days1 Rotation - About 59 DaysDiameter - 3030 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 38 lbs (.38)Escape Velocity - 9,600 MPHDistance From Sun - 36 Million MilesMaximum Temperature - 870° FMinimum Temperature - -300° FNative Atmosphere - Hydrogen, Helium

Designation: Outpost Planet, weakdefenses

Economy: Mercury has no economy,as this would be unsustainable. The plan-et cannot be terraformed. Rations, sup-plies and water are brought in throughthe hypergate to supply the miners whostrip mine the planet for valuable metalsand radioactives.

Environment: Weak gravity andpotentially explosive hydrogen atmos-phere means that all planetary travel isconducted in armored vac suits, and allmining is done in controlled environmentdomes. Overmining the crust has, on var-ious occasions, caused dome collapsesdue to the weakening of the planet'scrust.

Social: Indentured and penal minersknown as "mercs" and dome administra-tors, themselves usually sent to Mercuryfor some failure of duty, conduct them-selves as efficiently as possible. There issome smuggling of pleasure servants andcontraband drugs to the planet, but littlecrime, as there is little of value to be hadwithout a major exploitation operation.

Hazards: Dome collapses, solar flares,a resident form of cabin fever known as"Merc Madness."














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Venus1 Orbit of Sun - About 225 Days1 Rotation - About 243 DaysDiameter - 7,523 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 90 lbs (.9)Escape Velocity - 23,300 MPHDistance From Sun - 67 Million MilesAverage Temperature - 85° FNew Atmosphere - Earthlike but HeliumHeavy

Designation: Nation State (Franco-Venusian), Formidable defenses

Economy: (From the tourist brochure:Beautiful sunny Venus is the ideal stop forthe care worn traveler. Come to the FirstColony, where the days are longer thanthe years! Avail yourself of the alwayssunny, rolling paradise: Venus Vegas, theSunset Kingdom(r)! Try your luck at ourgames of chance, or enjoy our fine din-ing and galaxy class entertainment. Forthe more discerning customer, we haveaccommodations to suit the most exotictastes. "What happens on Venus, stayson Venus(tm)")

While Venus may indeed be a fine stopfor the weary traveler, it is more oftensought for its excellent reputation inweapons trade, in the fine French tradi-tion. If you can't meet your needs for reli-able or even exotic ordinance on Venus,your problem is probably connections,not availability.

There is also a considerable trade inIntrusion Counter Electronic (ICE) special-ists, who can hack into any system.Usually, such systems specialists are tiedto one of the many syndicates, and arehappy to help the less-than-scrupulouscustomer.

Therefore, all visits to the casinos andpleasure dens should be taken with theaforementioned facts in consideration. Ifsomething bad happens on Venus, youaren't likely to leave Venus.

Environment: Near Earth gravity ("foryour comfort and convenience").Moderate tectonic slip and volcanic activi-ty. Weather and biosphere is heavily ter-raformed, with an enormous, acidic (pH+5.8), ocean that was formed of the mas-sive cloud cover the first colonists encoun-tered. pH+ balanced inland seas are keptfor fish and kelp farming. Helium in theatmosphere causes a slight raise in pitchof voice, ("which makes the French lan-guage that much more beautiful").

Social: While the French are oft notedfor their rudeness, it is born mostly ofpragmatism. A tremendous amount oftheir cultural identity is tied to the sub-tleties of the language, and so it is bestfor visitors to speak French. If you cannot,Venus Vegas will accommodate any lan-guage, for a price.

Venusian politics and society is largelyrun by criminals. The "legitimate" crimi-nals are quasi-legal, corporate entitiesknown as Syndicates (e.g.: Le Messuer).Such Syndicates control the planet'smanufacturing and businesses, as well asthe major population centers. They areall heavily armed, and coexist in a pre-carious balance of power.

Venusian government is essentially anoligarchy, controlled by a "Parliament"made up of the heads of the variousSyndicates, both major and minor. Theleader of the Pariliament is known as the"Sun King," and he serves an eight-yearterm, after which a new Sun King is elect-ed by the Parliament. The populous peti-tions the courts and representatives oftheir own contracted Syndicate in allmatters. It amounts to little more thanFeudalism in practice.

The less-than-legitimate criminals, whotend to run afoul of the SSPB whist deal-ing in Venus' more exotic tastes, arealmost universally associated with VenusVegas. Venus Vegas itself is an enor-mous, flying party town, catering to epi-curean delights of all manners. Vegas

itself is run by clans, mobs (e.g.: SerpentVert), and flamboyant entrepreneurs ofall kinds. Through a Venusian engineer-ing marvel, it hovers a few hundred feetoff the ground, slowly floating along andalways keeping itself aligned with the set-ting sun. It is referred to by theSyndicates as "The Sunset Kingdom" (Aregistered trademark of Le Messuer).

Hazards: Volcanoes and Venusquakesclaim the unwary traveler, but the great-est hazard is usually to your wallet.Beyond that, be sure of the political con-nections of the Venusians you contractwith. Problems are notoriously solvedwith sudden and overwhelming violence.

Earth1 Orbit of Sun - About 365 Days1 Rotation - About 24 HoursDiameter - 7,926 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 100 lbs (1)Escape Velocity - 25,000 MPHDistance From Sun - 93 Million MilesAverage Temperature - 45° FAtmosphere - Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon

Designation: Tribal Planet, Weakdefenses

In the mid-21st century, a comet ofunknown composition struck Luna, theEarth's moon. It shattered, surroundingthe planet in a field of lunar asteroids,which make up the Earth's ring. Lunarmeteors rain down upon the homeworlddaily, and this prompted the GreatMigration into the inner and outlyingSolar System. The remaining inhabitantsof Earth live near the poles, where strikesare less common, or deep underground,and are collectively called "Terrans" or"Earthers."

Economy: The besieged planet has, inmost cases, a basic subsistence economy.There are three separate economicszones that do not routinely interact with


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one another:The most powerful of these economies is

the Inuit Nation of the northern latitudes.These peoples trade in agricultural prod-ucts, synthetic whale oils and blubber,and low to moderate level technology.Inuit trackers are renowned for their abil-ity to find and navigate without the aid ofNavSats, relying instead upon their keensenses, and a little Feng-Shui. They alsohave amazing, if somewhat exotic andprimitive, medical expertise availableand are rumored to brew potions andconcoct balms and salves of renowned,or even unique, potency. Synthetic skinsand scrimshaw are also available for thetourist.

The few factories of the Inuit are quickpre-fab installations imported from Mars,and manufacturing in the Nation isbased upon a decentralized and redun-dant production infrastructure, whichprevents loss of production in the event ofmeteor strike.Off-world trade with the Nation is most-

ly with explorers, all of them expert track-ers, who venture to the south to recoverGatestones and carve Lopans. TheNation is a deeply spiritual people, anda reliable place to pick up a Feng-ShuiMaster, if needed.

The other major economy is theSouthlanders, which consists of a smallgroup of states, prominently Argentilé(Ar-djen-tee-lay), which runs a boomingcattle, slavery, and opium business(poppy fields), and Tasmania-Zealand,which runs, alongside the ubiquitous sub-sistence agriculture, several crude ship-yards and military installations. Off-world trade is not common with theSouthlanders as the hardscrabble econo-my offers little to the sophisticated travel-er or connoisseur, and the entire region issomewhat xenophobic.

The remaining Earthers live entirelyunderground and deal in little more thanglorified junk trade and fungus farming.These forgotten peoples subsist upon the

wreckage of human civilization. It is wiseto avoid them altogether if possible, asyears of hardship and isolation haveturned these humans into feral barbar-ians. They are rumored to be unusuallyskilled with human-electronic interfaces.

Environment: The Earth is surroundedby a ring of asteroids and dust, greatlylowering surface temperatures.Agricultural conditions are generallymaintained through greenhouses andwater purification systems. Most of theclimate is arctic to sub-arctic, with nar-row temperate zones near the equator,and a pockmarked desert across theequatorial band. Animal populations arelargely mammalian. The oceans are in astate of multiple species collapse fromoverfishing prior to the Great Migration,except near the Inuit Nation, where care-ful management maintains moderate fishand whale populations. The Earth hasmild tectonic and volcanic activity, whichcan produce rare hazardous conditions.

Social: The Inuits are now the goldenrace of the Earth. Hardship and scarcityhave strengthened the Inuit peoples, pol-ished their culture to a gentle glow, andthe Inuit spirit has produced the entirediscipline of Feng-Shui, and its greatestMasters. Despite their primitive appear-ance, it is advised that all Inuits be treat-ed with the utmost respect.

The Inuit political system is authoritybased, and authority is determined byage. Despite the appearance of a singu-lar political entity, the Inuit Nation is infact a complex network of families, eachwith a Kaskae (chief) elder, and eachfamily has interlocking responsibilities tothe Nation as a whole. It takes a genera-tion of native living to understand Inuitpolitics, and so respect, care, and, aboveall, deference is advised in any politicaldealings. Certain social situations andservices may require the use of the nativeInuit tongue, so a translator is paramount

for close dealings.Luckily, the Inuit are a gentle and patient

people, and generally find the time forsuinnak (fools). Failure to realize this factwill result in much greater prices forgoods and resources.

The Southlands is a fragmented feu-dal/mercantile "Empire" supposedly runby the Tazmania-Zealanders, who aremilitaristic and style themselves to be thenew British Empire of the southern hemi-sphere. In fact, the Argentiléan govern-ment does not recognize the authority ofthe Locobarcas (crazy boat people), butdoes appreciate their ability to make anddeliver naval vessels. In all Southlandnations, corruption is manifest down tothe smallest household. The authoritiesare as officious as they are crude andcowardly. The average Southlander'sidea of a good time is brawling and/orwenching, often enjoyed at the sametime. When they aren't busily stealingfrom each other, or whipping their slaves,they're fathering bastard children. Avoid.

The underground peoples (lovinglyknown "terrats") are apparently feral,bad tempered, and when rarely seen,are often hallucinating after consumingthe fungi upon which they subsist.Despite their barbaric appearance, theyare known to have some startlinglyadvanced technology at their fingertips.They are dedicated scrappers, but applylittle of the finesse of its creators in itsapplication. Terrats are said to let theirnails grow long and some may havemerged with whatever technology maybe at hand. Some terrats are fearfullyadept in this cyborg tech application,and are never to be underestimated.Avoid at all costs.

Hazards: Meteor strike, shanghai in theSouthlands, ritual mutilation in trogcaves, and angering an Inuit elder orFeng-Shui Master. Stick to the InuitNation and you should be safe. Greatcare should be taken to follow traffic con-

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trol instructions when departing or land-ing, as the Earth's lunar debris ring hasclaimed more than a few careless pilots.

Those trying to fly through the ringwithout such assistance must make a suc-cessful Pilot roll to avoid serious impacts,capable of dealing the X-Roll times 10 inLethal Damage to the ship on a failedroll. Note that armor does protect againstsuch impacts as normal).

Mars1 Orbit of Sun - About 687 Days1 Rotation - About 25 HoursDiameter - 4,222 MilesNative Gravity - 100 lbs = 38 lbs (.38),Artificial Gravity 100 lbs. = 100 lbs.(1)Escape Velocity - 11,200 MPHDistance From Sun - 142 Million MilesAverage Temperature - 72° FNative Atmosphere - Earthlike butCarbon Dioxide Heavy

Designation: Nation State (Pan-Humanae), Formidable defenses, 1moon (Deimos)

Economy: Mars, despite the claims ofthe French, was the first planet to be colo-nized by humanity during the GreatMigration. It is the most populous planet inthe solar system, when the orbital popula-tion is included. The urban sprawl of Marsis sustained by all manner of industry,banking and other commerce. Industryflocks to Mars, as industrialists areallowed to vent their waste products with-out restriction. Settlements are containedwithin the larger craters, and sustain allmanner of entertainment, consumer, andbiological needs. Mars, as the central hub of all humanintellect and information, is perhaps bestknown for its technology and knowledgebased products. Most human industry isadministered on Mars, and nearly all cor-porations maintain at least a token pres-ence on Mars. Mars is the most trafficked

transport hub of the solar system.Mars features substantial hydroponics,protein synthesis, and synthetic fiber pro-duction to sustain its vast population.Agriculture is mostly contained in unpopu-lated "green zones" on the Martian sur-face, where the waste chemicals producedby manufacturing are used to supply theplant-life with necessary sustenance.

Synthetic petroleum is produced on vast"carbon farms," which suck in carbonwaste products from both the air and theurban waste removal systems and syn-thesize petroleum, plastics, and oxygen.These carbon farms also serve as recy-cling plants. They turn waste into newraw material ready to be shipped tomanufacturing centers and settlements.Reclamation workers are known as"smog farmers."

Beyond financial and industrial com-merce, all the might of the Hollywood,Bollywood, and Hong Kong entertainmentindustries resides on Mars, providing thesolar system with entertainment. Themajority of the solar system’s publicationsand news companies also publish fromMars, because of its central location.Almost all software, be it for a toaster orthe latest SSPB Enforcer gunship, is likelyto have been written in New Redmond onMars. Madison City is an entire metropo-lis devoted to the advertising industry.Medical facilities on Mars are the state ofthe art, and jealously imitated.

The planet itself is only the core of a vastseries of space docks, orbital habitats,transfer stations and vacation resorts.Ground transport is achieved through anetwork of oxygenated highway tubes,which connect the cities and provideaccess to natural gravity air transit depots,which operate at normal Martian gravity,to provide fuel-efficient transport from thesurface to the orbital network.

But Mars is not the place to find highculture. Mars’ sense of purpose is deeplyrooted in its initial task of ensuringmankind’s survival, as well as his most

basic comforts. Martian products areknown for their reliability and cleverdesign, but are rarely "stylish" or "fash-ionable." Martian education revolvesaround the engineering institute andpractical vocational training.It is a gritty urban sprawl, full of peoplewith "broad shoulders." The people ofMars know that what they lack in sophis-tication, they make up for in sheer pro-ductivity. Perhaps due to the lack of envi-ronmental restriction, and certainly thelow taxation, business and jobs flourishon Mars (as does a certain degree ofeconomic exploitation and petty abusesof power). On the whole, Mars’ economyis second-to-none in the solar system,and this places Mars in a pivotal role inthe future of humanity.

Environment: The Martian environ-ment is traditionally seen (by Martians)as subject to humanity’s needs. There areno Martian environmentalists. Mars is notconsidered to be "terraformed" by thelocals, as all habitable and exploitablespace is maintained artificially, althoughat this point the natural carbon dioxideheavy atmosphere has been rendered"very close" to breathable.

The entire planet is shrouded in a cloudof waste chemicals and mildly acidicwater vapor, or covered in dirty ice andfog at the large polar caps. From a fewmiles up, you can’t even see the planet.What extra-planetary observers seewhen they look at Mars is the industriesand habitations orbiting the planet, andsome of the dense soupy smog beneath.Surface dwellers live in settlements situat-ed in canyons, caves, and craters. Theseare surrounded by either natural or arti-ficial walls, and the walls are lined withatmosphere generators, which providethe breathable atmosphere for the settle-ment. Inside these enclosed cities, theskies are clear, allowing ships to comeand go, and affording a view of the starsabove. Travel outside of the oxygenated

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settlements and highway tubes requiresthe use of a gasmask to filter out the car-bon dioxide and prevent slow death byhypoxia.

"Green zones" (farms) are alsoenclosed, to manage the environment,but the atmosphere is suited to rapidplant growth, and not hospitable tohumans. Manufacturing zones and car-bon farms are largely exposed to the"natural" Martian atmosphere, except inadministrative buildings. Breathing unitsare a must.

Martian gravity is less than half that ofEarth, but this is ideal for space trans-port, so artificial Earth gravity is onlymaintained in settlement areas andselected industrial zones. Otherwise, thebeneficial properties of light Martiangravity are enjoyed in both manufactur-ing and aerospace transit zones.Vast reservoirs of water, for both con-sumption and manufacturing utility, arekept not only underground in liquid form,but also simply in the atmosphere ofMars, as it is both cheap and economicalto keep water in the atmosphere, andsurplus is kept in the caps as ice. TheMars government closely monitorsatmospheric water, which is not used forconsumption. Cloud seeding for rainrecovery is carefully administered.Moisture farming the atmosphere withouta license and allotment is strictly prohib-ited. Water, being the critical element oflife on Mars, is one of the most valuablecommodities.

Mars now has a single moon, whichhosts the Deimos observation post.Deimos was placed in a new, more dis-tant orbit, to allow for developmentbeneath. According to legend, Phoboswas destroyed by the first Martian set-tlers, because its orbit was "unsettlinglylow." Pieces of Phobos are eagerlysought by collectors. Though it is doubtfulany of them are authentic, such stonesare numerous.

Social: Mars, socially, is a densely pop-ulated, panhuman urban environment.Just about every nationality and creedcoexists on Mars, often in their own localghettos, speaking their own nativetongues. English is universally spokenacross Mars as the language of com-merce.

Governmental power is mostly centeredin the city-state, and each city has its ownlaws and traditions. Economic exploita-tion and resource management is han-dled by the Mars Economic Consortium(MEC). Each city-state has proportionalrepresentation on the MEC Board ofDirectors, in addition to representativesfrom the first families who colonized theplanet.

The first families are revered on Mars.The hardscrabble peoples who paved theway for mankind’s survival are consid-ered as nobility, and their grit andresolve is legend amongst the Martianpeoples. Each city can trace its rootsback to a founder, whether it is anauthentic history, or an adopted hero.Mars has social unrest and crime like anyother metropolitan environment. Mars’street gangs are notorious, as is thefierceness of its law-abiding peoples.Laws are few, and policing is weak, somost Martian settlers are required to takematters into their own hands, or hire outto someone who can.

Because resources are so tight, and thepopulation vast, the greatest crimes onMars involve resource theft (e.g.: oxygen,food, water). Squatting on another citi-zen’s resources, or falsifying allotmentrecords, is a one-way ticket to a penalsmog farm, or Pluto.Local crime lords are common, operatingmuch like the Hong Kong Triads or theMafia. In some cities, the government isthe local crime lords. The MEC member-ship tends to look down on representa-tives from these cities, but does little tointervene when they do not interfere withthe commerce and productivity of Mars.

Most non-Martians look down on Marsas a planet full of uncultured Philistines.Most Martians don’t care about this,however, so long as they are paid welland left to their own tastes.

Hazards: Mars is a stable, entirelyhuman managed environment. Yourbasic hazards involve getting shot, crash-ing your vehicle, or, on the planet’s inhos-pitable surface, breathing the air. Thecrime bosses are not to be toyed with,nor is the average accountant for thatmatter. Martians are a very tough peo-ple. Most own firearms and are trainedin their proper use.

Your greatest hazard on Mars is yourown attitude. Never make a Martian feelas myopic and uncultured as he or sheclearly is, and you should be safe. Actlike a Venusian or European and you justmight come home in a box.

Those caught without a gasmask in thecarbon dioxide heavy native atmosphereof Mars can act normally for a number ofminutes equal to CON before suffering a-4 penalty to all die rolls due to hypoxia.After a number of minutes equal to CONx 10, the victim loses consciousness andbecomes Dying and then Dead on eachconsecutive minute.

Jupiter(PlanetarySystem)1 Orbit of Sun - About 4333 Days1 Rotation - About 10 HoursDiameter - 88,846 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 260 lbs (2.6)Escape Velocity - 133,100 MPHDistance From Sun - 777 Million MilesAverage Temperature - -244° FAtmosphere - Hydrogen, Helium,Methane

Designation: System - wide


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Confederation (Jovian, Neo-Humanae),Mixed defenses (weak to moderate), 62moons, ranging in size from large, irreg-ular asteroids to dwarf planets.The habitable moons of Jupiter, in order

of orbital distance, are Io, Europa,Ganymede, and Callisto. Natives some-times call their home “The Galleys” inhonor of the discoverer of the moons:Galileo Galilei. Each of them is largerthan Pluto, though Io is a volcanic waste-land, and used mostly for resourceexploitation.

Economy: The Jupiter system is a polit-ical and economic confederation, with ahighly structured, regulated, and some-what inefficient socialist economy,designed to serve the political ends of theJovian People’s Confederacy (JPC), aswell as the business and consumer needsof the Jovian system. Jovians are fiercelyproud of their relative independencefrom the rest of the solar system in meet-ing their economic needs. Indeed, theJovian economy is an economic micro-cosm of the larger solar system.

Io is a collection of mining colonies,similar in function to Mercury, but farmore hazardous. Raw materials andradioactives are mined there, and fromother moons and asteroids, and sent toproduction plants located on Ganymede. Ganymede is the largest population cen-ter in the system, and contains not onlymost of the manufacturing infrastructure,but also considerable fisheries and oceanfarms.

Europa, with its lush green landmass-es and islands, is a major producer ofoxygen and organic materials for theJupiter system.

Callisto shines as a cold jewel in thenight, and few outsiders have seen it. Ithouses a sparse population, mostly thewealthy aristocracy of the Jupiter system.Callisto is a strictly controlled wildlifereserve (The Calisto Planetary WildlifeRefuge (CPWR)), and its primary export

is lumber, a genetically enhanced pon-derosa pine which is able to survive thefrigid climate.

The entire system is protected bya strict set of environmental and socio-economic laws, though governmentalenforcement is universally corrupt andunevenly applied. The economy is care-fully monitored and regulated by theMinistry of Banking and Finance onEuropa, and newcomers must apply tothe Ministry for approval to do businesswith Jupiter.

Prospective Bounty Hunters must applyfor a special license to operate within theJovian Confederacy. There can be a con-siderable wait time, but careful applica-tion of bribes and contacts can procure alicense within a few days to a month. Thelegendary wait for a Jovian operator’slicense is outstripped only by its cost.

Environment: Jupiter itself is a mas-sive gas giant, and is uninhabitable. Ithas no known solid surface, and itsatmosphere grows denser as one travelsinward, until it becomes an ocean of liq-uid hydrogen and water. Flying intoJupiter’s atmosphere is a one-way trip.The gravity is so strong that few ships canescape its grip (Should the need arise, ittakes an MTN 15 Pilot roll to escape thegravity well, and the atmosphere itselfcan only be skimmed in a MTN 10 sling-shot maneuver).

The dwarf planet moons are all ter-raformed to varying degrees:Io is a beautiful world of color and radi-ance—and more than enough radiationto kill a person. Located in a dangerouspart of Jupiter’s magnetic field, Io is con-stantly bathed in deadly radiation thatbrings the colors and lights of Io to life.The innovative Iovites have developed adrug, Anitrad, which temporarily pro-tects its users from radiation sickness.There is a notable side effect of the drughowever: it causes the eye to turn a dis-turbing shade of yellow, a condition

known as “Io eye,” so few outside thesystem are willing to take Antirad. Thereis also considerable tectonic and volcanicactivity, but the planetoid’s active volca-noes spew sulfuric acid rather than lava.Io’s limited population is enclosed inheavily domed colonies. There are com-plex, airlock-based docking stations ateach dome. It is recommended that onlylarge craft approach Io orbit, as smallercraft tend to have difficulty absorbing theubiquitous meteors, acid, and radiationthat hazard Io’s orbital space.

Europa and Ganymede are main-tained in largely Earthlike terraformedconditions, but are mostly oceanic(Europa is 90% ocean, Ganymede is98%), with few contiguous landmassesand a myriad of broken islands. Bothhave rich, full biospheres of marine andterrestrial life forms, some of which areunique to the system.

Ganymede consists of a series offloating factories and cities, and its fish-eries are renowned. Islands are ownedby the super-rich, and are used to housewildlife refuges. They are also used asanchor points for the teeming network offloating settlements on the planetoid.

Europa is the most Earthlike of theJovian moons, and has stone cities minedfrom the asteroids surrounding Jupiter. Itslandmasses support lush, green rain-forests and temperate forests. Poaching isa capital offense on Europa, and punish-able by lifetime servitude on Io, so it isadvised to get a hunting license, becauseeven accidentally killing a hostile animalcan land you in a heap of trouble.

Callisto is not as heavily terraformedas Europa and Ganymede. It is a coldand vast wilderness moon (avg. temp.:40˚ F and below), with most of theCallistan settlements being small private-ly owned resort towns or logging facili-ties. Callisto houses imported arctic andsub-arctic wildlife, and is covered withforests of ponderosa pine trees, speciallymodified to withstand the unremittingly


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chilly temperatures. Its constant nightskies are one of the most beautiful sightsin the solar system. It is illegal to harvestlumber without a difficult-to-obtain log-ging exploitation license, and the wildlifeis protected game, with severe officialsentences for poaching, though not assevere as Europa. However, if you arecaught poaching, you are very likely tobe “unofficially” shot in the back by thelandowner, as there is little law enforce-ment on Callisto.

Social: Disgusted with the laissez faire,naked capitalism of Mars, and employ-ing the more advanced complete ter-raforming technologies that were pio-neered by the Franco-Venusians, awealthy group of Mars elites, politicalradicals, intellectuals, and impoverishedsettlers looking for a better deal, set outto found the NHPR, the Neo-HumanPeoples’ Republic. Of course, as with allsuch principled endeavors, the unity ofthe Republic fragmented, and eventuallybecame the Jovian Peoples’ Confederacy(JPC).

The JPC is a decentralized confederategovernment of peoples who put theirprinciples before most anything else, andthis adherence to the founding principlesof the Neo-Humanae is at the root ofevery accomplishment, and everyintractable problem, that the modern-dayJPC faces.

The intellectuals and radicals who firstsettled in the system did so with a politi-cal purpose: to create a new, Earthlikesettlement, dedicated to an aestheticideal, true Earthlike conditions andecosystems, and freedom of thought andreligion unlike anywhere else in humanhistory.

As a result, the most intractable radicalgroups, militants and fanatics, eco-terror-ists, and all manner of corruption andextremism nestles comfortably beneaththe relatively weak confederate oversightagencies of the JPC.

Beyond that, the JPC is renowned forgovernmental corruption. Unlicensed out-siders can expect to be harassed bypampered, corrupt officials who make alivelihood of bribes and favors. Theheads of state are often so focused ontheir ideals that they fail entirely when itcomes to overseeing an effective, judi-cious, and competent bureaucracy.

Europa is the seat of government andculture for the Jovian Confederacy. Ithouses all governmental institutions, andis the primary contact most people havewith the system. As a result, Europadraws a disproportionate amount of theprofits and wealth of the confederacy, inorder to maintain appearances and pro-vide a “beacon of light” to the larger,ostensibly corrupted, solar system.

In truth, travelers should be especiallywary of Europa, and the “Europeans”who reside there. Years of corruption andheavy-handed economic edicts have cre-ated a volatile human jungle, amidst thelush tropical vegetation and beautiful, ifworn, stonework cities. The SSPB will dolittle to interfere in Jovian matters, giventhe navigational hazards of the system,and the intensely inbred nature of thesocio-political system. Most outsidersrefer to these people as “Galleycrats,”and see them as snobbish, elitist dema-gogues.

Callisto is approachable by invitationonly (to protect the environment), and isthe private wildlife refuge of a sparsegroup of the JPC’s wealthiest aristocrats.It is said that the powerful landownerslure innocents to the planet, only to beshanghaied and made to work as miningslaves on Io, or worse, used for a“Martian Hunt,” where the dupe isreleased into the wilderness and huntedas prey.

There are also populations of“Mountain Men” on Callisto. These con-sist of pockets of rebels, who are fed upwith the tyranny of the JPC, and survivorsof the aforementioned “Martian Hunts.”

They are hardy and live in a survivalistmanner, armed to the teeth and able towithstand any challenge. Occasionally,they perform raids on the Callistan aris-tocracy for necessary resources, andbecause they enjoy harassing them.

There are constant rumors of politicalturmoil and acts of shocking violence andinsurgency trickling into the Mars news-rooms, but little is known about the truestatus of the Jovian system, due to a tight-ly controlled, propagandistic press.

Hazards: Outside of the political andsocial considerations, it is of utmostimportance to come to Jupiter wellarmed, and with an agile ship and acrack pilot. Only large craft shouldapproach the Io mining colonies, due tothe density of the meteors in the innerorbits.

Despite the fact that many Jovians arepeaceful and principled neo-humans, thepolitical unrest, ubiquitous corruption,and SSPB indifference/impotence canlead to appalling crimes and instability.Those without extensive Jovian contactsare taking a grave risk when travelingbeyond the usual tourist and culturalspectacles of the Jovian system. Travelersshould take precautions when dealingwith the JPC, and it is advisable to makepreparations with government contactsfor any excursions or operations withinthe Jovian system.

Beyond this, the system also still has allof its moons, owing to the fanatic envi-ronmental leanings of the JPC. Despiteextensive navigational tagging, this con-tinues to pose a hazard to anyone ven-turing into the inner orbits of Jupiter (suchvoyages require a successful Pilot roll toavoid serious impacts, capable of deal-ing the X-Roll times 10 in Lethal Damageto the ship on a failed roll. Note thatarmor does protect against such impactsas normal).

Setting Notes


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Saturn(PlanetarySystem)1 Orbit of Sun - About 10,759 Days1 Rotation - About 10 HoursDiameter - 74,898 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 120 lbs (1.2)Escape Velocity - 79,400 MPHDistance From Sun - 888 Million MilesAverage Temperature - -300° FAtmosphere - Hydrogen, Helium,Methane

Designation: Gas giant with lunarcolonies, moderate defenses, 30 moons,including Rhea and Titan

Economy: Most of the Saturn system’seconomy centers around the New SiouxNation (NSN) on Titan. Titan is the sec-ond largest moon in the solar system(larger, in fact, than Mercury). Titan isrich in valorium, a rare isotope necessaryto the production and maintenance ofhypergates, and it is therefore vital to thecontinuing economy of the solar system.Most food and materials are imported bythe Sioux, as the moon is arid and notwell suited to agriculture or hydrocarbonsynthesis. Even with their largely import-based economy, there is no trade deficitbecause of their prized export.Titan’s natives also produce fine reposa-

do tequila from their desert cacti, andalcoholism amongst the Sioux is said tobe a problem.Rhea has been lightly colonized by the

NSN for resource exploitation, and alsohas some small refining plants. Its dock-ing stations serve as a waypoint for anyarmed ship that wishes to transit the sys-tem. The fees are modest, and theaccommodations Spartan.

Environment: Saturn has severalhundred rings reaching out over

169,800 miles wide, but amazingly areless than a football field thick. Saturn’s 30moons are largely unsuitable for colo-nization, with the exception of Rhea andTitan. Saturn is a gas giant, and its grav-ity well is a formidable foe (MTN 10 Pilotroll to escape a descent into Saturn’sgravity, and an MTN 15 to escape aflight into Saturn’s atmosphere, shouldthe matter present itself).

Rhea contains lightly domed miningcolonies only, and the moon’s environ-ment remains mostly unchanged, thoughthe Rhean refineries have created a lightcarbon dioxide, sulfuric acid atmos-phere. Some of the waste chemicals areexported to Titan to aid in biosphericmaintenance.

Titan was colonized by the Sioux anda Venusian consortium, some time afterthe French terraforming efforts on Venus,but before the establishment of the Jupitercolonies. The pioneers ran into significanttrouble converting Titan’s super-thickatmosphere, and the result is an arid,desert environment. The consortium washappy to leave this terraforming "acci-dent" to the Sioux as their new home-world, much as Oklahoma was left to theNative Americans, until a large vein ofvalorium was discovered.Valorium is a rare isotope necessary to

the construction and maintenance ofhyperspace gates. Without steady sup-plies, the hyper gate system will eventu-ally fail. To date, most of the supplieshave been exhausted in the creation ofthe current gate system. The profits fromvalorium mining have allowed the Siouxto create a comfortable homeworld forthe NSN.

The Sioux carefully ration valoriumexploitation, in accordance with theirFeng Shui principles of balance.

Social: Not to long ago the New SiouxNation (NSN) was at war with bothVenus and the Jovian People’sConfederacy (JPC). After the Venusian

consortiums left the Sioux to colonize themoon of Titan, the NSN discovered richvalorium deposits. In fact, the only knownsignificant deposits left in the solar sys-tem. When the Venusians learned of theirdiscovery, and of the NSN’s refusal tofully exploit the vein in the name of "bal-ance" and "harmony," they funded andequipped the newly formed JPC withenough weapons and capital to reclaimthe system by force.

The conflict that ensued is known as theTitan Wars.

The NSN managed to fight the aggres-sors to a standoff by mining the Saturnhypergate with explosives. Once theSioux had threatened to blow the gate,the Jovian and Venusian governmentswere more amenable to buy the valoriumon the fair market. The war was endedby the Treaty of Titan, after only Twoyears of hostilities.

The treaty stipulates that no armed shipis ever allowed to land on or approachTitan. All armed transports must registerand land on Rhea, where it is possible toobtain transit to the Titan moon.Unarmed ships, such as cargo haulers,may pass at will. The SSPB, with thebacking of the Martian governments,patrol the Saturn Demilitarized Zone(SDZ), and make sure that all foreignships are either unarmed, or docked onRhea. The SSPB patrol ships are armedwith Harpon Lines and 20mmL PoliceShip Guns only, but more heavily armedships are just a hyper jump away shouldhostilities resume.

The Sioux are a modest, peace-lovingpeople, who are less renowned for theirskill in the ways of Feng Shui than theInuits, but still quite attuned in the way ofthe third eye, and harmony. It is said thatthe idyllic Rainbow Desert of Titan bringsthem this peace and insight, as well asthe beauty and balance of Saturn’sexquisite rings.

The leading family of the NSN is theAmitola, and they strive to enforce bal-


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Setting Notes

ance in all things. They have a principledstance that they will only take what valo-rium is needed for the survival of human-ity, and leave the rest to Titan’s bosom, tomaintain the balance. These beliefs arewhat started the war, as virtually anyother governing force in the solar systemwould be happy to strip mine the plane-toid.

The Saturn peace is full of tension, andfraught with the possibility of betrayal,and a return to war.

Hazards: Few. As mentioned above,the planet is a gas giant, and thereforethe gravity well should be avoided (MTN10 Pilot check to escape gravity well,MTN 15 to escape Saturn’s upper atmos-phere). The rings of Saturn are also anavigational hazard, and are known toemit strange radiations that can hamperelectronic equipment. Heavily shieldedobservation posts are now studying thiseffect.

Do not violate the treaty when travelingin Saturn space. Encroachment into theSDZ with an armed craft is a severe cap-ital offense that carries a sentence of lifeon Pluto.

At the very least, don’t get caught.

Uranus1 Orbit of Sun - About 30,684 Days1 Rotation - About 17 HoursDiameter - 31,763 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 120 lbs (1.2)Escape Velocity - 47,600 MPHDistance From Sun - 1,784 Million MilesAverage Temperature - -300° FAtmosphere - Hydrogen, Helium,Methane

Designation: Hypergate waystation,orbital research outpost, mostly harmless,21 moons

Economy: Several non-profit researchoutposts orbit Uranus, but there is little of

interest or value to a bounty hunter onthese scientific stations. More than a fewprospectors have landed on Uranus in anattempt to recover diamonds that arebelieved to have formed in the tremendouspressure at its rocky core. All suchattempts have failed, though there aresome claims staked on the surface, andthese are often fortified against "claimjumpers." It is important to get a currentmap of these territories before landing.

A minimal orbital supply post providescomestibles and equipment at the nextgreater level of Availability to normal. Themanned Hypergate is poorly maintained,and suffers frequent downtime, so it isimportant to call ahead to traffic control.

Environment: Unlike all the otherplanets, and most of the moons in theSolar System, Uranus spins on its side. Itis believed that long ago a very largeobject smashed into Uranus andchanged the direction of its spin. Uranushas a large rocky core buried under athick ocean of ice. It has not been ter-raformed or colonized. Uranus has twen-ty-one moons, none of which are suitablefor colonization.

Social: Uranus is a true backwater ofthe Solar System with no government,scant SSPB patrols, and few visitors. It istherefore an ideal hiding place for thescum of the Solar System, and a commonwaypoint for smuggling and traffickingoperations. It’s the Wild West out here.

Hazards: Owing to the high escapevelocity, setting down on the surface ofUranus requires a Pilot roll to avoid ahard landing, capable of doing 1/10thof the vessel’s original Structure Points inLethal AP damage. Tricky maneuvers,such as a slingshot maneuver, may gar-ner an MTN 10 Pilot skill check to com-plete, as Uranus’ gravity can be a formi-dable foe to the unwary.

Neptune1 Orbit of Sun - About 60,190 Days1 Rotation - About 16 HoursDiameter - 30,775 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 120 lbs (1.2)Escape Velocity - 52,600 MPHDistance From Sun - 2,794 Million MilesAverage Temperature - -370° FAtmosphere - Hydrogen, Helium,Methane

Designation: Hypergate waystation,minimal defenses, 8 moons

Economy: None.

Environment: Neptune is a frozenwater planet, very similar to Uranus, withsix rings and eight moons. Though unin-habited, this far off planet does maintainan unmanned Hypergate outpost in farorbit. Interestingly, Neptune’s largestmoon, Triton, was not formed fromNeptune and is believed to have beencaptured into orbit as it passed by longago.

Because of Neptune’s size and gravity,Triton’s orbit is degrading, and it willeventually crash into the planet.

Social: None.

Hazards: Slightly smaller than Uranus,Neptune presents an equal hazard uponclose approach, but since the Hypergateis in such distant orbit, planetaryapproach or landing is an unlikely sce-nario. MTN 10 Pilot rolls may be calledfor in a tricky maneuver (such as a sling-shot maneuver), due to the high escapevelocity.


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Pluto1 Orbit of Sun - About 90,465 Days1 Rotation - About 6 DaysDiameter - 1,485 MilesGravity - 100 lbs = 10 lbs (.1)Escape Velocity - 9,600 MPHDistance From Sun - 3,647 Million MilesAverage Temperature - -390° FNative Atmosphere - Methane, Nitrogen

Designation: Prison world, with aheavily fortified and defendedHypergate, one moon (Charon)

Economy: Martial law, with a highlyrationed economy. Taxes levied by allmajor planetary governments providethe capital to maintain fortifications andsupplies for the prison colony.

Environment: Pluto is the smallestplanet in the Solar System, dwarfed evenby several of the other planets’ moons. Its"moon," Charon is only slightly smallerthan Pluto itself. Pluto is therefore onlyconsidered a planet by long-standingtradition, and both Pluto and Charon aretechnically classified as dwarf planets,along with the distant planetoid, Eris. Inthat context, Pluto is the second largest"dwarf planet" in the Solar System, afterdistant Eris.

Pluto is not terraformed, and much ofthe prison colony is cryogenic storage,with only minimal quarters maintainedfor administrative and prisoner healthpurposes.

Social: Prisoners are woken up in shiftsfor regular exercise and "parole hear-ings." The latter is a grim joke as no one,to date, has ever been paroled from aPluto sentence, all of which are life long.Pluto is an inhospitable, barren rock fullof frozen reprobates, which could welloutlive most citizens of the inner worlds intheir icy cells.

Despite this, there is a persistent rumorthat "parole" can be purchased with theright contacts and enormous bribes judi-ciously applied. Spreading such rumorscan get you a life sentence on Pluto.

Hazards: The Hypergate itself is heavi-ly armed with all the best in weaponryand electronic countermeasures.Additionally, Charon is a Class A mili-tary base filled with elite troops.However, a posting to Pluto is often apunishment, rather than a promotion, sothe alleged quality of the troops may beoverrated, and their loyalties may be pli-able.

Despite this, assaulting Pluto is general-ly seen as a suicide mission best attempt-ed with a small army, an armada and noless than a case of Titanian tequila shoot-ers.

Just leave Pluto to its frozen denizens;they certainly aren’t complaining.

The SSPB and YOUThe Solar Systems Policing Bureau (SSPB)is chartered to apprehend and processcriminals in the Sol system. If the crime isminor, the perpetrator might be fined. Ifmajor, he might be sentenced to inden-tured servitude on a work camp, or evenlife cryo-suspension on Pluto. In recentyears, the Bureau’s jurisdiction has beenexpanded to include an interplanetarypeace keeping force in the SaturnDemilitarized Zone (SDZ).

The SSPB is usually well equipped, andhighly trained, but also highly jurisdic-tional, and the individual planetarybranches tend to work at cross-purposes,and concern themselves only with crimesthat occur within their planetary system.The heads of the SSPB from each majorsystem, Earth, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter,

meet annually on Charon, but this meet-ing is often little more than a junket, andtalks frequently degrade into bickering,especially in light of the Sioux home-world controversy. The overall bureau-cracy of the SSPB is based in individualfavors, and base political concerns.

On Venus, the SSPB is basically a pro-tection arm of the various syndicates. OnMars, it is mostly concerned with thedefense of the wealthy, and their proper-ty, to the exclusion of the common peo-ple. In the JPC, the SSPB takes the form ofa regulatory secret police, fraught withcorruption, and ever watchful of its regu-lated citizenzry.

Earth remains the least corrupt, mainlydue to their lack of influence, of the SSPBsections. However, due to their limitedimportance, they have become the mostbeurocratic and jurisdictional of all theSSPB sections.Good citizen, you are the arm of justice

when the SSPB will not, or can not, act.When criminals flee from system to sys-tem, the SSPB would rather hire out tobounty hunters than deal with thebureaucracy of another planet. Whenclaim jumpers strike on Neptune, enter-prising individuals such as yourself arethe common man’s only defense. Whenone consortium has leveraged an unfairadvantage, you are the equalizer, thegun-for-hire that makes justice in theSolar System a reality.

The SSPB does their best to preventcalamity and war, but you are mankind’slast, best defense against oppression andcorruption. Best of luck, pardner.


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Appendix: Sample Character Creation


The following is a sample of the processthat goes into creating a Bounty HeadBebop Character. In this sample, we willcreate a psychic of questionable sanity,named ‘Louis le Foom’.

Louis le FoomFirst, we think about the concept – Weenvision a character of extraordinarypsychic power riding the dangerousedge between his amazing abilities andinsanity. Hopefully, our character’s sani-ty will hold up long enough for him to bea useful character. This is a risk to con-sider however, when choosing to play apsychic; such a character can soak up alot of XPs; but the payoff is incredible andoften earth shaking powers.

Step One:

AbilitiesStr 0; Agi 0; Con 0; Int 0; Wis 0; Pre 0

All characters start with 20 points to allotto their Abilities. No Ability may startbelow 1 or above 5. For Louis le Foom,we want a greater than average Wisdom(in this case a 5), to support his psychic powers and give him as much protectionfrom Psychosis as possible. We also canenvision a somewhat sedentary gentle-man, who is much more intellectual thanphysical, so we’ll take Intelligence at 4,settling for a sub-average Constitution of2 to do so.

We come up with the following:Str 3; Agi 3; Con 2; Int 4; Wis 5; Pre 3

The idea is that beginning characters

start out pretty average (except in one ortwo areas) and slowly rise to higher lev-els through experience.

Step Two:

Initiative andMovementInit 0; Move 0 ft (Run 0)

Initiative (a Base of 5 + Agi + Wis + Modifiers)

Movement (Base 30’ + Modifiers)

Run (Movement score x Str)

• Note that Modifiers (if any) will be added in alater step (see Edges and Flaws below).

We come up with the following:Init 13; Move 30 ft (Run 90)

Step Three:

SavesReact 0; Endure 0; Will 0

Reaction (Base 5 + Agi + Modifiers)

Endurance (Base 5 + Con + Modifiers)Willpower (Base 5 + Wis + Modifiers)

• Note that Modifiers (if any) will be added in alater step (see Edges and Flaws below).

We come up with the following:React 8; Endure 7; Will 10

Step Four:

Vitality andWound PointsVitality Points (0) 0 Wound Points (–2) 0

Vitality Points (Base 5 + Str + Con + Wis + Modifiers)

Wound Points (Base 5 + Con + Modifiers)

• Note that Modifiers (if any) will be added in alater step (see Edges and Flaws below).

The values in parentheses representWound Penalties. The default values are0 for Vitality and –2 for Wounds. Thesevalues can be changed through Edgesand Flaws.

We come up with the following:Vitality Points (0) 15 Wound Points (–2) 7

Step Five:

Luck and SurgeLuck Points 0Surge Points 0

Both start at 3, though both values can bechanged through Edges and Flaws.

We come up with the following:Luck Points 3Surge Points 3


Sample Character Creation

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Step Six:

Combat SkillsDodge 0; Feint 0; Grapple 0;Melee 0; Ranged 0; Target 0;Throw 0; Unarmed 0

General andSpecialty SkillsBalance 0; Bluff 0; Climb (0’) 0;Conceal 0; Diplomacy 0; Disguise0; Drive 0; Escape 0; Gamble 0;Gather Information 0; GeneralKnowledge 0; Hide 0; Intimidate0; Jump (0’l/0’h) 0; Listen 0;Move Silently 0; Ride 0; Search0; Sense Motive 0; Spot 0; Swim(0’) 0; Taunt 0; Treat Injury 0

Advanced SkillsNone

Characters start with 60 Skill Points,which they allot to the skills of theirchoice (Combat, General, Specialty andAdvanced). When allotting Skill Points,no Skill Level may start above 5 (Skillsmay be left at 0 however).

The Total Value of any skill equals (Base3 or 0 + Level + Ability + Modifiers)

• Note that each skill has a base value of either 3or 0; Combat skills and General skills all have abase value of 3; Specialty and Advanced skills allhave a base value of 0 when the Skill level is 0 anda base value of 3, when the Skill level is above 0(see Skills, p.5).• Note that each skill has an associated Abilityadded into the Total – (Str, Agi, Con, Int, Wis, orPre).• Note that Modifiers (if any) will be added in alater step (see Edges and Flaws below) or areadded during play by a variety of factors.• Note that all General skills have been bolded onthe character sheet included with the game.• Note that in text-based character write-up, TheTotal Value of each skill is shown, followed by theactual Skill Level in parentheses (where greater

than 0). This may also be followed by a +/– value,representing the total value of all static Modifiers,such as those gained by Edges and Flaws (thesevalues are already included in the Total Value andshould not be added in again).• Note that in the text-based character write-ups,Climb, Jump and Swim also include (in parenthe-ses) a Movement speed or the base Jump valuesassociated with those skills.• Note that in the text-based character write-ups,all of the Combat skills and General skills areincluded with each character by default, whileSpecialty and Advanced skills are only includedwhen they have a Skill Level greater than 0. Justbecause a Specialty skill may not be noted on acharacter write-up, does not mean the charactercannot attempt to use it – though this is not the casewith Advanced skills (See Skills, p.5).

For Louis le Foom, we know he willeventually have some pretty offensivepsychic powers at his disposal, so wedon’t need to focus on too many Combatskills – though he does need some abili-ty, as using psychic powers too much is aone-way ticket to Psychosis.Dodge is a valuable skill for anyone that

might see combat, so we’ll put 4 pointsinto that. We’ll also give him 3 points forRanged, so he can use a firearm withsome effect. As an intellectual man, wecan see him being pretty savvy with com-puter-controlled weaponry, so we put 4points into Target.

For General and Specialty Skills, weenvision someone comfortable aroundcomputers (though perhaps not an experthacker), a bit of a diplomat with a way ofgetting people to open up to him, andwhen need arises, someone with a knackfor stealth.

So we put 4 points into Computers, 5points into Diplomacy, 5 points intoGather Info, 5 points into Hide, and 5points into Move Silently. We’ll alsoround him off by putting 3 points intoGeneral Knowledge, 3 points into Listen,3 points into Search, and 3 points intoSpot.

For Advanced Skills, we’ll put 5 pointsinto Life Sciences, to reflect his intellectu-

al side. In fact, we could use this toextrapolate a little on Louis le Foom’sbackground. Perhaps he was a doctor or surgeon, before his psychic powers man-ifested. To reflect this, we’ll go back andput 4 points into Treat Injury and 4 pointsinto Surgery.

Totaling up everything, we see that wehave now allotted all 60 of our SkillPoints. Next, we determine each skill’sTotal Value:

Dodge 4 + Base 3 + Agi 3 = 10Ranged 3 + Base 3 + Agi 3 = 9Target 4 + Base 3 + Int 4 = 11Computers 4 + Base 3 + Int 4 = 11Diplomacy 5 + Base 3 + Pre 3 = 11Gather Info 5 + Base 3 + Pre 3 = 11General Knowledge 3 + Base 3 + Int 4 = 10Hide 5 + Base 3 + Agi 3 = 11Listen 3 + Base 3 + Wis 5 = 11Move Silently 5 + Base 3 + Agi 3 = 11Search 3 + Base 3 + Int 4 = 10Spot 3 + Base 3 + Wis 5 = 11Surgery 4 + Base 3 + Agi 3 = 10Treat Injury 4 + Base 3 + Wis 5 = 12Life Sciences 5 + Base 3 + Int 4 = 12

All other 0 level Combat and Generalskills at are determined at (Base 3 +Ability).

We come up with the following:

Combat Skills: Dodge 10 (4); Feint 6;Grapple 6; Melee 6; Ranged 9 (3);Target 11 (4); Throw 6; Unarmed 6

General and Specialty Skills:Balance 6; Bluff 6; Climb (7.5’) 6;Computers 11 (4); Conceal 8; Diplomacy11 (5); Disguise 8; Drive 6; Escape 6;Gamble 8; Gather Information 11 (5);General Knowledge 10 (3); Hide 11 (5);Intimidate 6; Jump (15’l/3’h) 6; Listen 11(3); Move Silently 11 (5); Ride 6; Search10 (3); Sense Motive 8; Spot 11 (3);Surgery 10 (4); Swim (7.5’) 6; Taunt 6;Treat Injury 12 (4)

Advanced Skills: Life Sciences 12 (5)

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Step Seven:

Edges and Flaws

All characters start the game with 3Edges. Characters do not have to startwith Flaws, but doing so allows them totake up to 3 additional Edges (gainingone for each Flaw). No character canstart with more than 3 Flaws and 6Edges. Choose carefully, as very fewEdges can be gained after character cre-ation (see Experience p.4 for a completelist of Edges that can be bought later withXP).

In order for Louis le Foom to be a psy-chic, we need to select the Psychic Edgeas one of our three Edges. Note that thisonly allows him to be a psychic, and initself does not convey any psychic pow-ers; for that, we also need to select thePsychic Power Edge – once for eachpower we wish to have.The Psychic Edge allows us to pick a sin-

gle Psychic Sphere for our character,which we have decided will beTelekinesis.

For each Psychic Power Edge we take,we get a power from the TelekinesisSphere – taking them in the order ofadvancement shown in the table on p.27.For this character, we specifically wantthe Fling power, so that he will be dan-gerous – but to get it, we must first pur-chase Light Touch and Heavy Hand.While Flight would also be within ourreach, it is something that can be boughtlater. For now we also want to considerbuying Edges that cannot be later boughtthrough Experience (though your GMmay choose not to limit which Edges canbe bought later with Experience, seeEdges Option, p.4).

For these we will purchase the Iron WillEdge, to help him resist the effects ofPsychosis, and the Lucky Edge to givehim an extra luck point (he’ll probablyneed it on some of those Psychosis rolls).

We now have the following Edges:Psychic (Telekinesis)Psychic Power (x3)Iron Will


This brings us to six Edges, which is threemore than the basic allotment. We musttherefore take three Flaws to balancethings out.

For these we envision someone slightlyoff his rocker with a low tolerance forpain. To reflect this in our character, we’llselect the Flaws Phobia: Fear of Cats andCry Baby. We still need one more flaw, so we take Soft, to reflect Louis le Foom’ssedentary lifestyle.We now have the following Edges and


Psychic (Telekinesis); PsychicPower (x3); Iron Will; Lucky

Cry Baby; Phobia: Fear of Cats;Soft

The next step is to update any characterstats effected by the chosen Edges andFlaws. Lets look at each one individually.

Psychic (Telekinesis) – This isrecorded in the Edges section of the char-acter sheet. It also brings Psychosis intoplay (see below).

Psychic Power (x3) – This is record-ed ‘as is’ in the Edges section of the char-acter sheet, then more detailed notes areput in the Psychic/Feng-Shui Powers sec-tion. For our character, that would looklike this:Psychic/Feng-Shui PowersLight Touch; Heavy Hand; Fling

We also need to record the character’sPsychosis Score (see p. 31), which isdetermined by adding the Psychosis Costof all purchased Psychic powers. In thiscase Light Touch 2 + Heavy Hand 3 +Fling 4 = 9. We would record this as:Psychosis 9

Iron Will – This is recorded in the Edgessection of the character sheet and gives

+2 to all Willpower Saves, so we wouldadd it into the Willpower section ofSaves:React 8; Endure 7; Will 12

Lucky – This is recorded in the Edgessection of the character sheet and givesus an additional Luck point, so we wouldadd it into Luck Points:Luck Points 4Surge Points 3

Cry Baby – This is recorded in theFlaws section of the character sheet andimposes a –1 penalty to the characterwhenever he loses any Vitality Points. Itwould be recorded as such:Vitality Points (–1) 15 Wound Points (–2) 7

Phobia: Fear of Cats – This isrecorded in the Flaws section of the char-acter sheet.

Soft – This is recorded in the Flaws sec-tion of the character sheet and imposes a–2 to the Handle Animal, Ride, and Ride 4 (–2)

• Note that since Handle Animal and Survival areSpecialty skills not possessed by our character, it isnot necessary to add them just to display the lowvalue. Just remember that there is a penalty asso-ciated with them, should the character ever need toattempt to use one.

Step Eight:

Finishing TouchesName: every good character needs agood name – we already have ours –Louis Le Foom

StatsAge ?; Gender ?; Height ?'?"; Weight ?;Eyes ?; Hair ?; Skin ?

For Louis Le Foom, we want an older pro-fessional but out of shape-looking man:

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Bounty Head Bebop


Louise le FoomStats - Age 56; Gender Male; Height 6'1"; Weight 250;Eyes Brown; Hair Bald; Skin PaleVitality Points (–1) 15 • Wound Points (–2) 7 • Armor Value 0Abilities - Str 3; Agi 3; Con 2; Int 4; Wis 5; Pre 3Saves - React 8; Endure 7; Will 12Luck Points 4 • Surge Points 3Psychosis 9Movement - Init 13; Move 30 ft (Run 90)Attacks - Unarmed Strike 6/3S9mm Deck Pistol 10/8L/40' (12)Combat Skills - Dodge 10 (4); Feint 6; Grapple 6; Melee 6;Ranged 9 (3); Target 11 (4); Throw 6; Unarmed 6General and Specialty Skills - Balance 6; Bluff 6; Climb(7.5’) 6; Computers 11 (4); Conceal 8; Diplomacy 11 (5);Disguise 8; Drive 6; Escape 6; Gamble 8; Gather Information11 (5); General Knowledge 10 (3); Hide 11 (5); Intimidate 6;Jump (15’l/3’h) 6; Listen 11 (3); Move Silently 11 (5); Ride 4(–2); Search 10 (3); Sense Motive 8; Spot 11 (3); Surgery 10(4); Swim (7.5’) 6; Taunt 6; Treat Injury 12 (4)Advanced Skills - Life Sciences 12 (5)

Languages - EnglishEdges - Psychic (Telekinesis); Psychic Power (x3); Iron Will;LuckyPsychic/Feng-Shui Powers - Light Touch; Heavy Hand;FlingFlaws - Cry Baby; Phobia: Fear of Cats; SoftEquipment - Deck pistol with one extra clip, cell phone, busi-ness wear, pocket secretary, notebook computer, first aid kit,surgical tools, trauma packs 4, antibiotics 8, antitoxins 21,pain killers 9, tranquilizers 6Normal Load 50; Encumbered 100; Limit 150; Drag 600Luxury Car: Handling 0; Armor 0; Structure 20; Systems 10Notes - Louis le Foom is a somewhat intellectual anddetached individual, with no family or anyone he can really getclose to. He values his privacy and feels that others can’t relateto him anyway, so he tends to avoid purely social gatherings.

He was once an up and coming surgeon, until his psychicpowers unexpectedly manifested in the middle of a surgery anddrove him temporarily mad. Since the embarrassing dismissaland loss of his medical license, Louis has taken to performingillegal street surgery for many of the bounty hunters and crim-inals alike that pass through his home city.

Age 56; Gender Male; Height 6'1";Weight 250; Eyes Brown; Hair Bald; SkinPale


English is the setting default, but you arefree to choose any from the list on p.13.Other languages are gained through theLindquist Edge or by buying them laterthrough Experience.

EquipmentGenerally, this is anything you want thatdoes not have a Minimum TargetNumber for Availability, and even a fewof these (like a Permit and weapon ortwo) with the GM’s approval. Once youhave all your gear recorded, figure outand record the Carrying Capacity ofyour character. Below is the value for the average Strength of 3:

Normal Load 50; Encumbered100; Limit 150; Drag 600

If your character has a spacecraft orother vehicle, record its stats in the fol-lowing format, noting weapons systemsbelow the main entry (here is a Fighterfor Example):Spacecraft – Fighter: Handling +2;Armor 20; Structure 40; Systems 20 20mmL police ship guns 11/16L/PB Mini Missiles 11/20L A30’r/PB (6) Chaff Defense (6)And a Sports car:Sports car: Handling +2; Armor 0;Structure 20; Systems 10

If the character wears Armor, record itsArmor Value in the appropriate sectionof the Character Sheet. The DefaultArmor Value is 0.

Next, record any of the character’sAttack options, using the following for-mat for example:AttacksUnarmed Strike 6/3S (This is TN fol-lowed by Damage)9mm Deck Pistol 10/8L/40' (12) (this isTN followed by Damage, then Range,then Ammo in parenthesis)

Finally, determine your character’s per-sonality and background. This can be asdetailed or simple as you like, but themore you add to it, the more you add tothe game.

So our finished Character Write-uplooks like this:

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Apendix: Experience

Experience (XP) is awarded at the end ofeach Session at the following suggestedrates:

Experience Awarded For XPEnd Of Each Session 2Role-Playing Bonus 1Completion Of An Adventure 2

(in addition to Session XP)

The Role-Playing Bonus is awarded onlyfor Sessions where the players' interac-tion made it especially entertaining, orwhere the odds where stacked againstthem and they still prevailed.

Other AwardsWhen players do something extraordi-nary in-game, help the plot move along,role-play especially well, or come up witha good idea, they can earn a TemporaryLuck Point (at the GM's discretion).Temporary Luck Points do not countagainst the character's Maximum LuckPoint Total, but are only available for useduring the remainder of the Session theyare earned (they are lost at the end of theSession if not used).

Edges Option

The initial thought behind limiting thetypes of Edges that can be bought withExperience, was to reflect those Edgesthat one was born with and that were notsomething that could be learned. If thisseems too limiting, feel free to open up allEdges to Experience purchase - It's yourgame, so have fun with it!.


ExperienceSpending ExperiencePlayers can spend a character's Experience Points to improve the character.

The table below shows the XP Cost for each type of character improvement.

Area Of Improvement Effect XP Cost

Abilities Improve Abilities (Up To 5) (2 x New Level)

Improve Abilities (Beyond 5) (3 x New Level)

Skills Gain New Skill 4

Improve Old Skill

by 1 Point (Up To 5) 2

Improve Old Skill

by 1 Point (Beyond 5) 4

Edges Gain Any Combat Edge 4

Gain Any Contact Edge 4

Gain General Edge (Base of Operations) 4

Gain General Edge (Exceptional Vehicle) 4

Gain General Edge (Safe House) 4

Gain General Edge (Skill Focus) 4

Gain General Edge (Starship) 4

Languages Gain An Additional Language 2

Feng-Shui/Psychic Gain A Feng-Shui

or Psychic Power Edge 4

Psychotherapy to Reduce

Psychosis by 4 2

(Only Available After a Psychotic Break)

Luck Points Increase Luck Points by 1 8

Surge Points Increase Surge Points by 1 8

Flaws Buy Off A Flaw 4 (+ Role-Playing)

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+ +






















+ + =

+ + =






Bounty HeadBEBOP









DODGE 3AGI + + +=

FEINT 3PRE + + +=







+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=







Page 111: Bounty Head Bebop -









+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=+ + +=


















PILOT AGI + + +=





TRACK WIS + + +=


WEAPONSMITH INT + + +=+ + +=



BLUFF 3PRE + + +=



DRIVE 3AGI + + +=

ESCAPE 3AGI + + +=

GAMBLE 3WIS + + +=



HIDE 3AGI + + +=


LISTEN 3WIS + + +=


RIDE 3AGI + + +=

SEARCH 3INT + + +=


SPOT 3WIS + + +=

TAUNT 3PRE + + +=


CLIMB 3STR + + +=SPEED ( )

JUMP 3STR + + +=L ( ) H ( )

SWIM 3STR + + +=SPEED ( )


+ + +=+ + +=

Page 112: Bounty Head Bebop -

Bounty Head Bebop


Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Ability Drained Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Ability Score Equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Ablaze Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Absent Minded Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Academic Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Ace Pilot Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Acid Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Acrobatic Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Acute Hearing Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Acute Vision Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Advanced Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 13Adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Agile Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Agility Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Aiming an Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76Air-to-Air Missile . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 42, 63Air-to-Surface Missile . . . . . . . . . . .35, 42, 63Alert Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16All Thumbs Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Allergies Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Alter Chance Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . . .25Ambidextrous Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Ambulance Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 52Ambush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 47Amorous Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Animal Affinity Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Animal Antipathy Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Animal Control Netgun . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 38Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52Antibiotic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 50Anti-Personnel Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 40Antirad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 50Antitoxin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49, 50Anti-Vehicle Mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 42Appraise Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Area Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Area Vs. One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 80Armor Piercing Hyperdart Round . . . . . .44, 47Armor Piercing Round . . . . . . . . . .42, 44, 47Armored Carrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Armored Vac Suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 51Arms Dealer Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Arrange Deal Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33Artistry Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Assault Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Athletic Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Attack Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Attack Roll Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79Attack Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Attacking An Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Audio Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Autofire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 34Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Awareness Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Backlash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Balance Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Banged Up Vehicle Condition . . . . . . . . . . .87Base of Operations Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Bayonet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 36Berserk Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Big ‘Un Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Big Spender Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Biokinesis Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Blabber Mouth Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Black Hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 51Blind Fight Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Blinded Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Blizzard Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69Bluff Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Body Slam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Bonuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Born Leader Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Botch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 36Bounty Head Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 38Brass Knuckles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 36Breaking and Entering Kit . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Breaking Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Bug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 51Bug Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 51Bullhorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Bum Leg Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Bumrush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Burst Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Business Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51C-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 42Called Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76Callisto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96Camouflage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Capitol Ship Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 64Car Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Cargo Copter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Cargo Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Carrying Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Casual Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Catatonic Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Cell Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Chaff Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 42Chain Smoker Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Chainsaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 36Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37Character Creation Summary . . . . . . . . . . . .3Character Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .appendixCharacter Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Charismatic Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Chart Fate Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . . . . .25Charter Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Charter Jet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Charter Starship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Choke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Clairvoyance Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . .26Claymore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 45Clean Freak Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Climb Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Cloned Limb/Organ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 51Close Quarter Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Close Wounds Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . .27Clothes and Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44Cloud Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 42Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37Clumsy Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Cocky Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Code of Honor Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Cold Weather Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 51Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72Combat Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Combat Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37Combat Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Combat Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37Combat Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Combat Reflexes Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Combat Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Commercial Air Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Commercial Ground Travel . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Commercial SOL Travel . . . . . . . . . . . .51, 52Common Sense Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Compulsive Gambler Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Computer Geek Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Computer Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 53Computers Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Conceal Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Concealment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Concentration Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Concert or Sports Event . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 53Concussion Grenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37Concussive Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 47Condition Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Condition Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Constitution Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Construction Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Construction Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46Contact Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Control Flames Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . .27Convulsive Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Cooperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Corporate Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Coup de Grace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Cover and Concealment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Coward Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Crack Driver Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Craftsman Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Creative Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Crit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65, 66Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 38Cry Baby Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Cryogenics Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Cybernetic Limb/Organ . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79Damage Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Damaged Vehicle Condition . . . . . . . . . . . .87Damaging Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86


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Danger Sense Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . . .25Danger Sense Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . .27Dark Secret Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Day In Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Day In Intensive Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 53Dead Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Deafened Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Deck Pistol, 9mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 38Decompressed Vehicle Condition . . . . . . . . . 87Deep Sleeper Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Defensive Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73, 78Deflection Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Degrees of Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Demolitions Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 53Demolitions Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Dependant Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Destroyed Vehicle Condition . . . . . . . . . . . .87Detonating Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 47Diagnostic Scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Diagnostic Workstation . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Dice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Diplomacy Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Diplomat For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 53Disable Device Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Disabled Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Disabled Vehicle Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Disarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Discount Merchandise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33Disease Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69Diseased Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Disguise Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Distinctive Features Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Distracted Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Divine Location Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . .25Divine Location Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . .27Dodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Dodge Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Dogfighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85Doing Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Double Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Doubling X-Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Drag Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Drive Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Drowning Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50Dying Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Dynamite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37, 42Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90Earth Sciences Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Edge Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Edge List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 14Edges XP Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Edges, Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Edges, Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Edges, General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Ego Signature Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Electronic Binoculars . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Electronic Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53Electronic Lock Decryptor . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53

Electronic Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 53, 54Electronic Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 54Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46Electronics Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Electronics Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 54Emergency Beacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 54Encumbered Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Endurance Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Enemy Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Enhanced Nitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 37, 42Entertain Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Escape Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Europa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96Evasion Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Exceptional Vehicle Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Exclusive Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 54Exhausted Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, appendixExplosive Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 47Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Extra Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Faith Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Falling Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69False Limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 54Family Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 54Fast Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Fast Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 54Fatigue Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69Fatigued Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Faulty Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Feint Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Fence Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Feng-Shui Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50Feng-Shui Master Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Feng-Shui Master For Hire . . . . . . . . . . 50, 54Feng-Shui Power Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . 25Feng-Shui Power Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Feng-Shui Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Fighter Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 64Find Buyer Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33Find Supplier Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Fine Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 54Fire Hazards Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69Fireball Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Fire-Linked Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Firing Vehicle-Mounted

Weapons At Personnel . . . . . . . . . . .87First Aid Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 54Flamethrower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 40Flat-Footed Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Flaw Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Flaw List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Flaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 14Flight Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Fling Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Foil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 39Forgery Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Fortune Read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 54Free Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Freighter Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 64

Friendly Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Frigate Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 64Full Concealment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Full Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Full Round Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Gamble Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Gamma Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 54Ganymede . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96Gasmask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 64Gatestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 54Gather Info Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Gearhead Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Geezer Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21General Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16General Knowledge Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9General Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 7Glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 54Grape Shot Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 47Grapple Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Grapple Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Grappler Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Great Fortitude Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Greedy Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Grenade Launchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Guard Dog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 54Gun Butt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 39Gunner Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Gunsmith Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Hampered Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Hand Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 39Handcuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 54Handle Animal Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Handshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76Hard Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 54Hard to Kill Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Hardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Harmony Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Harpoon Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39, 42Hasty Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Hazmat Suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 55Headshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76Heal Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81Heat Reflecting Hazmat Suit . . . . . . . . .46, 55Heat Sink Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Heavy Drinker Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Heavy Hand Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Heavy Machinery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 63Heavy Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 39Heightened Senses Psychic Power . . . . . . . .28Held Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81Helicopter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Helpful Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71Helpless Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Heroic Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Hidden Video Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 55Hide Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9High Explosive Round . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 47High Fashion Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 55High Pain Threshold Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Historical Sciences Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Hostile Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71


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Bounty Head Bebop

Hot and Cold Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Hotel Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 55Hothead Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Hovercraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Hunting Rifle, 12mmL . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 39Hypergate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88Hypergate Travel Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89Ignite Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Illiterate Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Illumination Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 47Illusions Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28Impaired Hearing Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Impaired Vision Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Improvised Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Impulsive Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Incendiary Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Indifferent Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Indomitable Spirit Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Information Broker Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 72Injured Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Instant Stand Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Intelligence Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Internal Compass Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Interrogation Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Interrupt And Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Intimidate Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Intolerant Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Inverted 20 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Io . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96IR Camouflage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 55Iron Will Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Jamming Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 55Jet Fighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62, 63Judicial Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Jumbo Jet Cargo Transport . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Jumbo Jet Passenger Transport . . . . . . .62, 63Jump Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95Kid Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Klepto Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Klutz Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22KO’d Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Large Heavy Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 39Laser Microphone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 55Laser Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 55Laser Uplink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48,55Lawyer For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 55Lazy Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Lecherous Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Legshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Lethal Crit Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79Lethal Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79Lethal Gas Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Life Sciences Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Light Manipulation Psychic Power . . . . . . . .29Light Sleeper Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Light Touch Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29Lightning Calculator Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Lightning Reflexes Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Lightspeed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 55

Limit Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Limousine Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 55Line Tap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 55Linguist Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Listen Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Lock Pick Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 56Lopan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 56Low Profile Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Luck And Surge Point Option . . . . . . . . . . .71Luck Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 71Lucky Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Luxury Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Machine Pistol, 9mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 39Machineguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Magnetic Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 56Magnum Revolver, 12mm . . . . . . . . . . .38, 39Maimed Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Marksman Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Mars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93Martial Artist Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Martial Throw Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Mechanic For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 56Mechanics Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Mechanics Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 56Media Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Medical Diagnostic Table . . . . . . . . . . .50, 56Medical Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48Melee Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Melee Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Melee Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Memory Vid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 56Mental Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Mental Invisibility Psychic Power . . . . . . . . .29Mercenary For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 56Mercury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89Micro Comlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 56Military Assault Rifle, 12mmC . . . . . . . .39, 40Military Auto Grenade Launcher, 40mm .39, 40 Military Auto-Shotgun, 20mm . . . . . . . .38, 39Military Field Gun, 60mm . . . . . . . . . . .39, 42Military Flak Jacket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 56Military Grade Targeting Computer . . . .46, 56Military Hand Grenade . . . . . . . . .36, 39, 42Military Heavy Support Gun, 20mmC . .39, 40Military Laser Beam Generator . . . . . . .41, 42Military Main Gun, 115mm . . . . . . . . .41, 42Military Man-Portable Chaingun, 12mmC 40, 41Military Plasma Cannon . . . . . . . . . . . .41, 42Military Rail Gun, 40mm . . . . . . . . . . .41, 42Military Rotary Ship Guns, 20mmC . . . .41, 42Military Ship Guns, 20mmC . . . . . . . . .41, 42Military Sidearm, 12mm 38, . . . . . . . . . . . . 41Military Sniper Rifle, 12mmC . . . . . . . .40, 41Military Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Mind Control Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . .29Mini Missiles, 60mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41, 42Minimum Target Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Minions Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Miscellaneous Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73Miscellaneous Vehicle Actions . . . . . . . . . . . 85Mistaken Identity Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Mobility Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Modest Apartment or Home . . . . . . . . .52, 56Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 78

Molotov Cocktail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 41Money And Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Money As A Plot Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Mortar Launcher, 60mm . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 43Mote Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29Motion Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 57Motorcycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Move Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Move Silently Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 67, 68MTN 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65MTN 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65Nauseated Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Neptune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99Netgun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38Night Blindness Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22No Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Normal Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Normal Encumbrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Notebook Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 57NPC Attitude and Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . .71Nunchaku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 43Obligation Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Oblivion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 57Oblivious Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84Obvious Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Off Hand Penalty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67One Arm Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Open Locks Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Operate Heavy Machinery Skill . . . . . . . . . .11Opposed Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Opposed Straight Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Optical Binoculars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 57Optical Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 57Other Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Other Called Shots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Other Military Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Other Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Outdoor Gear Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 57Outlaw Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Pack Mule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 57Pain Killer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 57Panicked Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Paralyzed Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Parry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Partial Concealment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Partial Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Passenger Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Penthouse or Mansion . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 57Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 57, 58Pet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 58Phobia Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Photographic Memory Edge . . . . . . . . . . . .17Physical Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Physical Boost Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . .30Physical Sciences Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Physician Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Pilot Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Pinned Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82Pipe Bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 42, 43Pistol Whip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 43


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Pistols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38Pluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100Pocket Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 58Point Blank Ranged Attacks . . . . . . . . . .74, 75Poison Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Poisoned Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83Poisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 58, 59Poker Face Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Police Armored Vest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 59Police Assault Rifle, 12mmL . . . . . . . . . .40, 43Police Light Support Gun, 12mmL . . . . .40, 43Police Revolver, 9mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 43Police Riot Gun, 20mm . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 43Police Riot Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 59Police Ship Guns, 20mmL . . . . . . . . . . .42, 43Police Vehicle-Mounted Chaingun, 12mmL 42, 43Police/Military Pump Action

Grenade Launcher, 40mm . . . . . .40, 43Police/Military Under-Barrel Grenade

Launcher, 40mm . . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 43Political Sciences Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Political Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Popular Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Postcognition Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . .30Power Attack Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Precognition Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Presence Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Private Investigator For Hire . . . . . . . . .50, 59Professional Disguise Kit . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 59Professional For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 59Prone Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Psionic Blast Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Psychic Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Psychic For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 59Psychic Power Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Psychic Power Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Psychic Powers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Psychic Powers by Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27Psychic Spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Psychic Superfluous Power Edge . . . . . . . . . 17Psychokinesis Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Psychometabolism Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Psychosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Psychosis Storm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Psychotic Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Psychotic Rapture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Pyrokinesis Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Quick Draw Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Quick Healing Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Radiate Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Radiation Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70Radio Uplink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 59Ramming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Range Increments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Ranged Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Ranged Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74Ranged Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Ranged Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38Rapid Shot Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Rapid Strike Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Rapid Targeting Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Rapid Throw Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Rate of Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Reaction Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Read Aura Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . . . . .25Read Minds Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 50, 59Reconstructive Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Recovering Luck And Surge . . . . . . . . . . . .71Regeneration Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . .30Religious Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Reloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76Repairing Vehicle Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Restore Vitality Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . .30Revolver Speed-Loader . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 59Rhea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98Ride Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Riding Horse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 59Rifles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38Robot Ship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 64Rock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 43Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Rolling Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Rotten Liar Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Rounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Rugged Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68Running Someone Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Saboteur Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Safe House Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Sample Character Creation . . . . . . . .appendixSandstorm Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Sap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 43Saturation Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76Saturn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98Saves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 70Sawed-Off Shotgun, 20mm . . . . . . . . .38, 45 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Scientific Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Scout Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63, 64Scrapper Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Scrawny Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Search Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Security Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Selling Hot Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33Send Thoughts Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . .30Sense Motive Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Set Explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40Setting Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88Shaken Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Sharpshooter Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Short Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23Shot Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Shotguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38Shoulder-Fired Missile Launchers . . . . . .40, 45Signal Flare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 59Silencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 59Situational Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78Skill Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skill Focus Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Skill Level Equivalent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skill List by Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Skill List by Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Skill Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skills, Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skills, Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skills, General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Skills, Specialty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Skimmer Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Skinsuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 59Sleep Coffin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 60Slight of Hand Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Sling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 45Slug Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Slum Apartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 60Small Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 45Smoke Bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 45Smoke Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Smoke Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Snapdragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 60Sniper Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Sniper Rifle, 12mmL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 45 Social Sciences Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Soft Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 SOL Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 60Solar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89Sound Manipulation Psychic Power . . . . . . .30Space Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Space Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Space Mines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 45 Space Sickness Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61, 63Spacecraft Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Spacecraft Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Spacecraft Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Spacer Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Spare Clips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 60Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 38, 45Special Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76Special Lethal Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Specialty Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 7Speed Reader Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Speedboat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Spending Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Spirited Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Sport Rifle, 9mmL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 45Sport Shotgun, 20mm 38, . . . . . . . . . . . . .45Sports Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Sports Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 60Spot Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Spray Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 45Spray Tranquilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 45Spy Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63, 64Squeamish Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 SSPB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100SSPB Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Stabilized Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 38, 45Standard Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Standard Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 44, 49Starship Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Starship Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84Starting Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Starting Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Stealthy Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Stimdose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 60


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Bounty Head Bebop

Strafe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87Straight Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Street Doc Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Street Doc For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 60Street Punk Wear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 60Streetwise Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Strength Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77Structure Point Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Stun Baton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36, 38, 45Stun Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79Stunned Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Stunning Attack Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15Sub-Machinegun, 9mm . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 45Sub-Machineguns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38Submarine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Suffocation Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Summon Feng-Shui Power . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Sunflare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 45Super Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 60Super-Coag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 60Super-Magnum Revolver, 12mmL . . . . . .38, 47Superstitious Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Suppress Toxins Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . .30Suppression Gas Round . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Surge Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 71Surgery Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Surgical Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 60Surprise Strike Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16Survival Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Suspended Animation Psychic Power . . . . . .31Sweep Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Swim Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Sword 36, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 47Systems Point Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Systems Shorted Vehicle Condition . . . . . . . .87Tactical Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63Target Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 Target Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Targeted Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Taunt Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Taxi Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 60Tech Op For Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52, 60Technician Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Telekinesis Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Telepathy Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Tell Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Terrain Crawler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63The Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83The Hypergate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88The Solar System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89Thermite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 47Thorough Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Threat Assessment Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Throw Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Throwing Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Throwing Specialist Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Thrown Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Thrown Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Thumper Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67Time Sense Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Titan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98Tone Psychic Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Toughness Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Track Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Tracking Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 60Tranquilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 60Tranquilizer Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 49Transport or Gig Spacecraft . . . . . . . . .63, 64Trauma Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 60 Travel Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68Treat Injury Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74Tumble Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Two-Weapon Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79Unarmed Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73Unarmed Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Unconscious Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Uncouth Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Underworld Ties Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Unfriendly Attitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71Uninformed Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Uninspired Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Universal R/C Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 60Unlucky Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Upscale Apartment or Home . . . . . . . . .52, 61Uranus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99Utility Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Vac Suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 61Vehicle and Starship Combat . . . . . . . . . . .83Vehicle and Starship Combat Range . . . . . .83Vehicle Armor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63, 87Vehicle Armor Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Attack Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85Vehicle Availability Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Cargo Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Vehicle Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83Vehicle Condition Change . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Vehicle Condition Summary . . . . . . . . . . . .87Vehicle Cost Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86Vehicle Damage Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Vehicle Defensive Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85Vehicle Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Vehicle Dodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Vehicle Handling Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84Vehicle Lethal Crit Options . . . . . . . . . . . . .86Vehicle Mounted Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . .42Vehicle Movement Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84Vehicle Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Vehicle Passengers Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61Vehicle Range Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Vehicle Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83Vehicle Size Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61Vehicle Speed Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Structure Points Trait . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Systems Points Trait . . . . . . . . . . . . .62Vehicle Targeted Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85Vehicle Weapons Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87Vehicle-Mounted Cable Winch . . . . . . .46, 61Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61, 63Vehicles And Spacecraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61Vehicles And Spacecraft Traits . . . . . . . . . . .61

Vehicles Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Vehicles Combat Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Vehicles Miscellaneous Actions . . . . . . . . . .85Vengeful Flaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Venus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90Video Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61Video Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61Vitality and Wound Points . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Vitality Point Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Voice Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61Voice-Stress Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61VR Goggles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61Walkie-Talkie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61Walkman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 61Weapon Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46Weapon Accuracy Modifier . . . . . . . . . . . .34Weapon Ammo Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Weapon Base Damage and Type . . . . . . . . .34Weapon Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Weapon Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35Weapon Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75Weapon Range Increment . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Weapon Rate Of Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Weapon Scatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74, 75Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 35Weapons Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Weapons Specialist Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Weaponsmith Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12Well Informed Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18What is Structure Point Loss? . . . . . . . . . . . .87What is Systems Point Loss? . . . . . . . . . . . .87What Is Vitality Point Loss? . . . . . . . . . . . . .80What Is Wound Point Loss? . . . . . . . . . . . . .80When to Roll And Difficulty . . . . . . . . . . . . .65Whip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36, 47Whirlwind Attack Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16White Noise Generator . . . . . . . . . . . .48, 61Willpower Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Wind Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Wisdom Ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Wound Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Wound Point Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Wounded Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83X-88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50, 61X-Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80XP 4, appendixX-Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66Yacht . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Zero G Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70Zero-G Harness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 61


Page 117: Bounty Head Bebop -
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Small Fry


Bounty Head Bebop Small Fry

By JP deHénaut

Cover by Zachry AshmoreInterior Art by Jake Richmond & Jon GibbonsMaps by JP deHénautLayout and Graphic Design by Mark ReedDevelopment by JP deHénaut & Mark ReedPublished by Heroic Journey Publishing

Heroic Journey Publishing

The following text is the property of Wizards of the

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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards

of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003,

Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,

Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy

Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.

Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt,

based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and

Dave Arneson.

Bounty Head Bebop Copyright 2008, Jean-Pierre

deHénaut. Published by Heroic Journey Publishing

Small Fry Copyright 2008 Jean-Pierre deHénaut &

Heroic Journey Publishing


Page 119: Bounty Head Bebop -

Bounty Head Bebop

BackgroundGenny worked for LifeCyclon as a

Secret Research Scientist on 'ProjectRewrite' developing a process for break-ing down and rebuilding heavily modi-fied DNA threads. It was his understand-ing that such developments would lead togreat advancements in the health indus-try, providing a way to correct geneticdefects in human subjects as well as tocreate gene-based enhancements bothphysically and mentally. It was after heand his team began to have success thathe realized the company was dupinghim. Though his technologies could beused for the betterment of mankind, thecompany intended to sell them to thehighest bidder for military type 'super-soldier' applications.

Refusing to have anything more to dowith the company, Genny destroyed hisresearch records and stole the prototype;a large autoclave-like device nicknamedthe 'Gene Washer'. He hoped to lay lowuntil he could find a company (or agroup) that he could trust with such tech-nologies; one that would use it for thegood of mankind.

Genny managed to escape undetectedto Mars, were he contacted his estrangedbrother Tesla in the city of Little Jersey,who is the leader of a local gang calledthe Redjacks. Tesla agreed to hideGenny, who then began to do onlineresearch into the many MedicalCorporations throughout the SolarSystem. To his dismay, he found none


Session One:


Bounty: 450,000w for Genny PutkoffWanted For: Stealing "Milk Homogenization Equipment"

Bounty Posted By: The LifeCyclon Corporation,Guiliairmo City, Venus

Page 120: Bounty Head Bebop -

that he could trust with the prototype anddecided that it had to be destroyedbefore it fell into the wrong hands. Usingone of Tesla's Arms Dealers, Genny hascollected a significant amount of C-4 andhas begun setting it in the prototype fordestruction...Meanwhile, LifeCyclon wants to recover

Genny and the prototype without draw-ing too much attention to itself. It con-cocted the "Milk HomogenizationEquipment" theft and has posted the cur-rent bounty, which is small enough togenerate interest, while not seemingoverly important. In order to further sep-arate itself from Genny, it has scrubbedall records connecting LifeCyclon withGenny Putkoff. LifeCyclon wants every-thing to appear as a simple theft by alowly small fry looking for some easycash. It has its own Corporate Goons outlooking as well, which it would prefermade the collar rather than some dumbbounty hunters.

The HookRead Bonnie and Clyde Episode 1 to theplayers. One of the PCs has a connection withGenny Putkoff that will make it easier tostart picking up leads on him.

(General Knowledge roll) The high-est roll: The PC remembers Genny win-ning some kind of science award for hiswork with a Venus-based companycalled LifeCyclon. It stands out becauseone of his past relations had once com-mented on being excited about somenew after school science program Mr.Putkoff was going to be running for thekids in his/her nephew's school district.

What Next:

Investigate Genny Putkoff (go to Genny Putkoff)

Investigate the LifeCyclon Corporation (go to LifeCyclon Corp)

Genny Putkoff(Computers roll) Genny Putkoff iswanted for stealing Milk HomogenizationEquipment from the Venus-basedLifeCyclon Corporation in GuiliairmoCity, Venus.

He lived in Guiliairmo City working asa fast food cook for a local diner called"Soy Boy Quick Bites."

He has no living relatives, but there is apicture in the records of him standingwith a large balding black man in BCGs(thick black rimmed glasses) and a tweedsuit. The information along with the pic-ture indicates the man as Genny's "life

partner" Carlton Jenkins.

Extra Success: The above infoappears to have been altered recently.There's no telling if any of it is true. Aftera little digging however, the PC uncoversanother site with the same picture ofGenny and the large balding black manin BCGs and a tweed suit. The site is fora Community Outreach Center inGuiliairmo City, Venus. The caption withthe picture reads: Henry Croy honorslocal Science whiz Genny Putkoff forafter school programs.

Crit: The PC discovers and interesting

Small Fry


Bonnie & Clyde Ep. 1Read The Following to the Players

The new bounty hunting show, 'The Solar System's Most Wanted' comes on.

Clyde - "Hello to all 350,000 bounty hunters in the system. This is 'The SolarSystem's Most Wanted and the Bounty Hunters That Catch 'Em' with your favoritehosts, Bonnie and Clyde!"

Bonnie - "Today we have footage of the capture of Evil Ned by the ever-popularCold Rock Johnston" (swoon).

Clyde - "But first, lets see who's still out there (reviews a list in hand). Bushwa,Bonnie, pickins are slim today - just this one cake-eater: Genny Putkoff."

Bonnie - "You mean the one wanted for stealing Milk Homogenization EquipmentClyde?"

Clyde - "The very same. The bounty on him is 450,000."

Bonnie - "Not a lot of Jack on that one."

Clyde - "Yes, well I guess you could do worse. And remember fly-boys, if you getfootage of your capture, send it in and we'll show it on the air!"

Bonnie - "You could win a dream vacation to the Floating Vegas on Venus."

Clyde - "Thank you Bonnie. And now, let's watch Cold Rock Johnston do his thing!"

Bonnie - "Oh Cold Rock" (swoon).

What follows is a series of "Cops" style clips featuring documentary-like interviewswith Cold Rock Johnston - It's all very riveting.

Page 121: Bounty Head Bebop -

Bounty Head Bebop

tidbit: Genny had a younger brother byfourteen years, Tesla Putkoff, who ranaway when he was fifteen (nine yearsago).

What Next:

Investigate Carlton Jenkins (go to "Carlton Jenkins")

Investigate Soy Boy Quick Bites (go to Soy Boy)

X Success: Investigate Henri Croy (go to Henri Croy)

Crit: Investigate Tesla Putkoff (go to Tesla Putkoff)

LifeCyclon Corp(Computers roll) The company's owndatabases are in French but a push of abutton runs a translation program if nec-essary - The LifeCyclon Corporationdesigns and manufactures sterilizationequipment and centrifuges for medicaland industrial purposes.

Delving into the company's databasesshows no record of Genny Putkoff havingever worked there, only that TheLifeCyclon Corporation has put the boun-ty out on Genny for stealing MilkHomogenization Equipment.

Extra Success: There is trace evi-dence that the company records haverecently been scrubbed. A corollarysearch of local websites reveals the samething; someone is trying awfully hard toerase any connection between LifeCyclonand Genny Putkoff.

Crit: The PC finds reference to a secretundertaking called "Project Rewrite", butthe encryption guarding it is laced withBlack Ice, which would fry the PC's com-puter and trace him if he failed to hackthrough it. Unfortunately it's top qualityIce (MTN 15). There is nothing about"Project Rewrite" anywhere else on theNet.

What Next:

Investigate another lead, this one's dead.

"Carlton Jenkins"(Computers roll) The name is a fake,but running a face recognition routine onthe large balding black man in BCGsand a tweed suit brings up a match -Henri Croy. A link from there leads to asite is for a Community Outreach Centerin Guiliairmo City, Venus with the samepicture as before, only this time the cap-tion with the picture reads: "Henry Croyhonors local Science whiz Genny Putkofffor after school programs".

What Next:

Investigate Henri Croy (go to Henri Croy)

Soy Boy(Computers roll) There is no record ofGenny Putkoff having ever worked at SoyBoy Quick Bites.

What Next:

Investigate another lead, this one's dead.

Henri Croy(Computers roll) Henri Croy is aGuiliairmo City social worker, who issomewhat well known (locally) for hisanti-gang stance and the after schoolprograms he runs at his CommunityOutreach Center. A web site to theCommunity Outreach Center providesHenri Croy's contact information.

If the PCs try to contact him, he willagree to speak with them, but only if theycome to his Community Outreach Centeron Venus for a private meeting.

(Diplomacy roll) When the PCs arrive,Henri Croy can tell them that GennyPutkoff worked for the LifeCyclonCorporation up until his recent disap-pearance three weeks ago. He doesn'tknow why LifeCyclon would try to hide orcover up his past employment with them.

Genny was actively involved with HenriCroy's after school programs, running a

science club at a local high school. It wasbecause he hated what gangs had donetto his younger brother Tesla.

Tesla was Genny's younger brother byfourteen years, but ran away when hewas fifteen and joined a gang (nineyears ago). Genny said he had foundTesla some years later, but the gang hadchanged him and there was no goingback to the way things were. He wantedto encourage other children to avoidgangs by getting involved with othermore wholesome activities, like science.

What Next:

Investigate Tesla Putkoff (go to Tesla Putkoff)

Tesla Putkoff(Computers roll) Tesla Putkoff, AKAWingman, runs with a gang called theRedjacks in the Mars city of Little Jersey.He has quite a police record, filled with aplethora of arrests and some jail time. Heis currently under investigation by localpolice for his suspected involvement witha local weapons smuggling ring.

What Next:

Find Tesla Putkoff (go to Scene Two)

Scene TwoThe PCs should be heading to the Mars

city of Little Jersey to find Tesla Putkoff,AKA Wingman.

While in Hyperspace (or somewhere elsealong the way), The Solar System's MostWanted show comes on again. ReadBonnie & Clyde Ep. 2

Why The ChangeOf Heart

If the PCs think about it, they can try to


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find out why the bounty suddenly shotthrough the roof.

(Computers roll) It appears that theSanSobe Corporation, a rival medicalsupply company that designs and manu-factures Medical Diagnostic Tables andequipment recently posted a1,000,000w bounty for Genny Putkoff,claiming he had just stolen sensitive med-ical equipment from a their lab inSolmont City, Venus. Almost immediatelyfollowing SanSobe's post, the LifeCyclonCorporation raised its own bounty to5,000,000w.

GM INFO: The SanSobe Corporationhas found out what Genny Putkoff has inhis possession (through information pro-vided by Genny himself in his search tofind a worthy company) and wants it.They posted a false bounty on Genny ina bid to be the first to collect him once heis captured, but LifeCyclon trumped themby raising the bounty beyond their cur-rent means.

If the PCs go to Solmont City Venus toinvestigate alleged theft from theSanSobe Corporation lab, they will bemet by SanSobe Corporate suits whorefuse to cooperate with them in any use-ful way. Even to the point of forcfulremoval from their property. Time to fol-low a different lead.

Little JerseyLittle Jersey Mars is a massive rundownsprawl ruled by an excess of local streetgangs. It will take some footwork and alittle finesse to find the Redjacks withoutstirring up trouble with a rival gang.

(Streetwise roll) A suitable contact isfound to offer information.

(Diplomacy roll) The informant directsthe PCs to the Redjacks territory, which ison the other side of town. Once inRedjacks territory, a gang membershould be easy enough to find, which thePCs could use to arrange a meeting withWingman.

The TailWhile crossing town, the PCs will be

tailed by two LifeCyclon goons trying tofind Genny. They hope the PCs will leadthem to him, where they can call in a hitsquad to get rid of the PCs while theysnatch Genny.

If the opportunity arises, they will try totag one of the PCs vehicles with a tracer.

If detected, they will run, offering achase scene.

If cornered they will fight while callingfor the hit squad on their micro comlinks.The hit squad will not respond however,as they goons have not yet found Gennyand are considered expendable:

Goon - "Bring down the rain! I repeat,bring down the rain!"

(Inaudible Voice responds)

Goon - "No we do not have the package,we are taking heat! Damn it, bring downthe rain!"

(Inaudible Voice responds)

Goon - "Expendable! Damn you fat bas-tards!" (Throws down comlink) ...

Goon - "Uh, guys - (talking to the PCs)you wouldn't want to talk this over?"

The goons (feeling betrayed by the cor-poration) are willing to trade informationto the PCs if they agree to let them go. Ifthe PCs are good sports about it, thegoons will reveal who they work for,explain their objective, and warn themabout the hit squad.

Meet TheRedjacks(Streetwise roll) Once in Redjacksterritory, gang members are easy to find.They each have a small heart tattooedtunder their left eye.

(Diplomacy roll) A member of theRedjacks gang agrees to relay a mes-sage to Wingman. If Wingman agrees tomeet the PCs, it will be under the LongAvenue and 113th Street overpass some-time after 10:00pm tonight.

The OverpassAt the bridge (before the meeting with


Bonnie & Clyde Ep. 2Read The Following to thePlayers

Clyde - "Hey Fly boys! Have we gotnews for you - our small fry of theday, Genny Putkoff, has gone big-time. His bounty is now 5,000,000!"

Bonnie - "Ooh la la thats some heavysugar!"

Clyde - "That's right all you privatedicks - 5,000,000! So get off yerbutts and get on the trail - Andremember to get it on tape!"

Bonnie - "Go get that palooka, you’sguy’s!"

The camera pans to a backgroundlink window where a charismaticbody builder/surfer dude smiles atthe camera - It's Cold Rock Johnston.

Cold Rock - "This is Cold RockJohnston - I'm giving all you bountyhunters out there a heads up - thisone's mine - Try if ya like, but Ialways get my man!"

Bonnie - "Ooh, he gives me goose-bumps when he talks like that!"

Clyde - "Oh brother."

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Wingman) the characters will be"ambushed" by the Steel Rats, theRedjacks most hated rivals, known fortheir love of climbing, spelunking, andgeneral mischief making.

They rappel down from the top of theoverpass on either side; nine gang mem-bers in all. They are armed with anassortment of knives and small pistols,but are not currently brandishing them.Their leader, a leather catsuit wearingGoth with super-long black hair, has apair of SMGs holstered across his chest.

Leader - "The name's Black Ace. We'remembers of the "community watch" andare a little concerned for your personalsafety."

"You realize that standing under a bridgein the dark is just asking for trouble,especially when those dirty dealingRedjacks are involved."

"You see, we know about your meeting

with them, but unlike yourselves, weknow what they are going to do to youwhen they arrive. Any deal you think youhave with them is a farce."

"We also know they're hiding someone.Someone worth quite a bit of Writ - see,you're not the first to come. Some suitscame around a few days ago. Met theRedjacks right under this bridge. Thingsdidn't go quite like they planned. Theylost their money and their skins. Now theRedjacks got more Writ than any othergang, which is bad for everyone else."

"We propose a trade of sorts. You give usmoney, weapons, or money for weapons,and we'll watch your back. See, we'llhide up under the bridge and when theRedjacks try to jump you, we'll comedown and help you put the hurt on them.We'll even help you beat any info youneed out of Wingman - free of charge."

GM INFO: Black Ace is right; theRedjacks are planning to jump the PCs.

Wingman is not willing to give up hisbrother's location and will come to thebridge with his gang to finish off the PCs.

Whether the PCs make a deal with theSteel Rats is up to them. If they can't cometo an agreement, the Steel Rats will climbback up on top of the overpass wherethey will wait hidden in the shadows.They plan to jump the Redjacks if the PCscan make a dent in their numbers, other-wise they will help the PCs openly, climb-ing up into the bridge support beams toset an ambush for the Redjacks.

Enter WingmanWhen the Redjacks finally show up,

they arrive on both sides of the under-pass at once. To the front, Wingman andtwo other gang members ride up onmotorcycles; each armed with a hol-stered pistol and police riot guns restingacross their laps. Wingman (a largebleach white haired Russian) also wearsa police armored vest and has a string offour military hand grenades hangingfrom a bandolier across his chest. To therear, two vans drive up and screech to astop blocking the road. Six gang mem-bers emerge from each, toting pistols andbaseball bats.

Wingman and his crew stop about 50feet from the PCs, while the gang mem-bers behind the PCs slowly advance toabout 20 feet.

Wingman - "Well, what do youwant?"

Wingman and his gang will each try toIntimidate the PCs while they speak. Hefully intends to kill them, but wants toplay with them a little first, seeing whatthey are willing to give him for the infor-mation they seek. When he gets bored,he simply grabs a grenade off his ban-dolier and tosses it at the PCs. Since thecharacters are wary, roll Initiative as nor-mal to see if he can throw it before thePCs can act. Combat Time!


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Wingman will fight to the death and willnot give up any information to the PCs nomatter what. Some of his men aren't sostubborn however. Once Wingman andthe majority of his gang members (eightor more) are taken down, the rest willflee. One of the defeated gang members(Dying) coughs up blood and croaks outan offer:

Gang Member - "Argh! (Cough) Help meand I'll tell you what you want to know.(Gasp) Get me a street doc - I don't wantto die - I don't want to die! (Passes out)(Bleeds profusely).

If the characters save the dying gangmember, he'll be able to tell them theinformation they need when he regainsconsciousness.

Otherwise, the characters will needanother clue to get them on the trailagain.

Searching any of the Redjacks' bodiesreveals that they all carry black match-books with their smokes, depicting awhite moon silhouetting a sleek pussycat.Wingman carries one as well, but his hasa note written on the inside cover read-ing: "I get off at midnight - want to helpme? - Roxanne."

What Next:

Save the dying Redjack for the informa-tion he can give (go to The Stoolie)Investigate the matchbook logo

(go to The Logo)Investigate the name Roxanne

(go to Roxanne)

The StoolieIf the characters save the dying gangmember he offers the following informa-tion:

Gang Member - "Yea, Wingman washiding his brother in the basement of TheFriendly Kitty. The guy had a large wash-ing machine, or something, and was lug-ging it around. Don't know why, but

Wingman called in an order of 20ounces of C-4 for his bro. What's thatguy - some kind of terrorist? You don'tthink he's got a nuke do ya? Would thatmuch C-4 set one off? Damn! I got to getout of this town..."

The gang member can also tell the PCsthat The Friendly Kitty is a triple X stripbar in Little Jersey's red light district, nottoo far from the overpass.

If asked about Roxanne, he'll groanwith perverted lust and say that she's theheadliner at The Friendly Kitty. SeemsRoxanne and Wingman had somethinggoing on.

What Next:

Capture Genny Putkoff (go to SceneThree: The Friendly Kitty)

The Logo(Computers or Diplomacy roll) Ifthe PCs investigate the matchbook logo,they will find out that it is for The FriendlyKitty, a triple X strip bar in Little Jersey'sred light district, not too far from theoverpass.

What Next:Check Out The Friendly Kitty (go to SceneThree: The Friendly Kitty)

Roxanne(Computers or Diplomacy roll) If the PCsinvestigate Roxanne, they'll find out thatshe's the headliner at The Friendly Kitty,a triple X strip bar in Little Jersey's redlight district, not too far from the over-pass. She has a minor police record,mostly for violating a number of prostitu-tion regulations and for rolling drunkenJohns.

What Next:Check Out The Friendly Kitty (go to SceneThree: The Friendly Kitty)

Scene Three

The Friendly KittyThe Friendly Kitty is located in a rundownsection of Little Jersey's red light districtbetween the burned-out shell of an oldwarehouse and a fenced off self-storagefacility. Behind The Friendly Kitty sits alarge auto junkyard, accessible from aside street. When the PCs arrive, they willsee the parking lot full of motorcycles anda few vans.

(Streetwise roll) The PCs may noticethe colors and insignia of the Redjacks onmany of the motorcycles. It seems TheFriendly Kitty is a popular hangout forthe gang.

Inside are about 20 gang members(both male and female) who party atnight and sleep it off during the day.Depending on the when the PCs arrive,they may get treated to The FriendlyKitty's show, or will be rudely welcomedfor busting in and waking everyone up.Unfortunately for the PCs, if any of the

Redjacks escaped from the meeting at thebridge, they'll have returned here andwill recognize the PCs if they enter. In thiscase, prepare for all hell to break loose.

Get GennyPutkoffGenny Putkoff is holed-up in the base-ment, where a cot and table have beenset up near a large washing machine-shaped device. When the charactersfinally enter the basement, they will seehim just finishing up some work on thedevice, which now has a red digital timercounting down from 60.Genny will see the PCs and bolt out of

the basement by another way, climbingout one of the windows under the venti-lation grates (they open from the under-side) if necessary. From there he'll run into the parking lot in an attempt to get tohis van.


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Anyone staying to disarm the bomb willmiss the action outside, but at least they'llsave The Friendly Kitty from an untimelydemise.

(MTN 10 Disable Device roll) If the PCcan make the roll, he can disarm thebomb. Failure does not cause the bombto go off, but does advance the timerdown by an extra 10 seconds until itdoes. A Botch causes the bomb to go off,which will literally blow The Friendly Kittysky high.

Uninvited GuestsWhen the PCs get back up to the street tochase down Genny, they will see ColdRock Johnston running at him from theother end of the parking lot. If they hurry,they may get to Genny first, but it will beclose. A helicopter with a camera crewhovers a few hundred feet away, filmingthe chase, while a black corporate-look-ing helicopter races towards the scenefrom the southwest.

When someone finally gets to Gennyand tackles him, the bomb goes off(unless disarmed previously) blowing theFriendly Kitty to smithereens just as theblack corporate helicopter swoops inoverhead for a landing in the parkinglot. The blast engulfs the helicopter,which loses control and careens into thepavement, exploding on impact (so muchfor the LifeCyclon hit squad).If the bomb was disarmed, then the cor-

porate helicopter swoops in and lands inthe parking lot, where six heavily armedgoons in police riot armor jump out andstart firing on everyone with policeassault riffles. Cold Rock Johnston willjump behind the cover of a car while thecamera crew copter pulls back to a safedistance. Any gang members still in TheFriendly Kitty will come outside and startfiring on the corporate goons. Whenthree or more goons are taken out, theothers will retreat back into the blackcopter, which will then take off and flyaway.

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Once Genny is captured, Cold RockJohnston will come over to the PCs, slapthem on the back and compliment themon their fine capture. He'll ask them theirnames and shake their hands (or at leasttry to) before giving them a salute andheading over to a limousine that haspulled along the curb to pick him up.

EpilogThe character's collect their bounty andgather together at a fancy bar in a nicesection of town to relax, when The SolarSystem's Most Wanted comes on: ReadBonnie & CLyde Ep. 3The scene changes to an aerial view ofThe Friendly Kitty. The PCs see themselves

caught on tape as their last adventure isplayed out, right up to where Cold Rockcame up to congratulate them. Only thistime it is played off as if Cold Rock is con-gratulating them for a successful first mis-sion under his protective wing - completewith faked voices dubbed in where thePCs' would be, sucking up to Cold Rocklike witless roadies in the presence oftheir rock and roll idol.

When the show ends, the PCs notice asmall crowd of teenage schoolgirls gath-ered around - "Hey aren't you Cold RockJohnston's new trainees? (Swoon) Canwe have your autograph?"



Bonnie & Clyde Ep. 3Read The Following to the Players

Clyde - "Hey to all 350,000 bounty hunters in the system. This is 'The SolarSystem's Most Wanted and the Bounty Hunters That Catch 'Em' with your favoritehosts, Bonnie and Clyde!"

Bonnie - "Today we have footage of the capture of Genny Putkoff by the ever-popular Cold Rock Johnston" (swoon).

Clyde - "And how Bonnie, that's right, let's watch."

What follows is Cold Rock Johnston's documentary-style footage beginning witha shot of himself mugging the camera.

Cold Rock - "As I have started to hit the peak of what just one man can do in hispursuit of justice and decency for a cold and thankless world, I have decided totake in a few poor slobs and turn them into successful cowboys such as myself."

The scene changes to a boot camp-like training session with what looks likeactors poorly dressed up to look like the characters. Cold Rock yells them downlike a drill sergeant, while they kiss up to him in a manner that would make anyprofessional bootlicker proud.

Cold Rock walks into the camera again, mugging like a ham at some secondgrade talent show.

Cold Rock - "It was hard, but I finally managed to instill my new trainees withwhat makes me the master cowboy I am; dedication, motivation, and integrity!"

Again the scene switches; this time to Cold Rock in a limo.

Cold Rock - "Well, we've had the chopper drop them off, lets see how they dowith their first assignment. Going after the desperate and dangerous GennyPutkoff!"

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LifeCyclon Goons (2 Extras)


Str 4; Agi 3; Con 4; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 2; Vitality 26; Wounds 14Saves

React 8; Endure 9; Will 8Movement

Init 11; Speed 30 Ft; Run 120 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 10/4S; Grapple Moves p.140; Deck Pistol13/8L/40 Ft (12)Combat Skills

Dodge 10; Feint 5; Grapple 11; Melee 11; Ranged 12; Target10; Throw 9; Unarmed 10Skills

Climb 10; Conceal 9; Disable Device 11; Drive 9; Gunsmith10; Hide 9; Intimidate 12; Jump 10; Listen 6; Move Silently 9;Operate Heavy Machinery 9; Spot 9Edges

Hard To Kill, Marksmen; Rapid Shot; ToughnessFlaws


Luxury car, business wear, deck pistol with 3 extra clips, elec-tronic binoculars, electronic compass, cell phone, micro com-link, laser microphone, tracking device

LifeCyclon Hit Squad

(6 Extras)Abilities

Str 4; Agi 3; Con 4; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 2; Vitality 26; Wounds 14 (Armor 10)Saves

React 8; Endure 9; Will 8Movement

Init 9; Speed 30 Ft; Run 120 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 10/4S; Grapple Moves p.140; Police AssaultRiffle 12/14L/200 Ft (33)Combat Skills

Dodge 10; Feint 5; Grapple 11; Melee 11; Ranged 12; Target10; Throw 9; Unarmed 10Skills

Climb 10; Conceal 9; Disable Device 11; Gunsmith 10; Hide9; Intimidate 12; Jump 10; Listen 6; Move Silently 9; Operate

Heavy Machinery 9; Spot 9Edges

Hard To Kill, Marksmen; Rapid Shot; ToughnessFlaws


Business wear, police armored vest, police assault riffle with 3extra clips, micro comlink

Black AceAbilities

Str 3; Agi 5; Con 3; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 3; Vitality 14; Wounds 8Saves

React 10; Endure 8; Will 8; Luck 3; Surge 3Movement

Init 13; Speed 40 Ft; Run 120 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 11/3S; SMGs 12/8L/60 Ft (33)Combat Skills

Dodge 13; Feint 11; Grapple 6; Melee 12; Ranged 12; Target6; Throw 8; Unarmed 11Skills

Balance 14; Bluff 9; Climb 12; Escape 14; Gamble 9; GatherInfo 9; Hide 13; Intimidate 9; Jump 12; Listen 9; Move Silently13; Sense Motive 9; Spot 9; Streetwise 11; Taunt 9Edges

Acrobatic; Athletic; Base of Operations; Fast; Minions;Mobility; Safe House; Underworld TiesFlaws

Distinctive Features (Goth style and super-long black hair);Enemy (RedJacks); OutlawPossessions

Street punk wear, 2 sub-machineguns, breaking and enteringkit, walkie-talkie, walkman

Steel Rats (8 Extras)Abilities

Str 3; Agi 3; Con 3; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 3; Vitality 14; Wounds 8Saves

React 8; Endure 8; Will 8Movement

Init 11; Speed 30 Ft; Run 90 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 9/3S; Deck Pistol 10/8L/40 Ft (12); CombatKnife 9/5LCombat SkillsDodge 9; Feint 6; Grapple 6; Melee 9; Ranged 9; Target 6;


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Throw 6; Unarmed 9Skills

Balance 12; Bluff 9; Climb 12; Escape 12; Hide 11; Intimidate9; Jump 12; Listen 9; Move Silently 11; Sense Motive 9; Spot9; Streetwise 9; Taunt 9Edges

Acrobatic; Athletic; Underworld TiesFlaws

Enemy (RedJacks); OutlawPossessions

Street punk wear, deck pistol, combat knife, breaking andentering kit, walkie-talkie, walkman


Str 5; Agi 3; Con 4; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 3; Vitality 27; Wounds 14 (Armor 10)Saves

React 8; Endure 9; Will 8; Luck 3; Surge 3 / 3Movement

Init 9; Speed 30 Ft; Run 150 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 10/5S; Grapple Moves p.140; MilitarySidearm 11/10L/50 Ft (8); Police Riot Gun 12/10L/100 Ft(8); Military Hand Grenade 12/8L(20'r)/40 Ft (4)Combat Skills

Dodge 10; Feint 6; Grapple 12; Melee 11; Ranged 11; Target10; Throw 9; Unarmed 10Skills

Climb 11; Demolitions 11; Drive 11; Gather Info 11; Gunsmith11; Hide 9; Intimidate 13; Jump 11; Listen 9; Move Silently 9;Operate Heavy Machinery 9; Sense Motive 11; Spot 9;Streetwise 11; Taunt 11Edges

Base of Operations; Born Leader; Hard To Kill, Minions x3;Safe House; Toughness; Underworld TiesFlaws

Enemy (Steel Rats); OutlawPossessions

Motorcycle, urban camouflage, police armored vest, militarysidearm with 1 extra clip, police riot gun, 4 military handgrenades, cell phone

Redjack Lieutenants (2 Extras)Abilities

Str 4; Agi 3; Con 4; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 3; Vitality 26; Wounds 9Saves

React 8; Endure 9; Will 8; Luck 3; Surge 3


Init 11; Speed 30 Ft; Run 120 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 10/4S; Grapple Moves p.140; Deck Pistol12/8L/40 Ft (12); Police Riot Gun 12/10L/100 Ft (8)Combat Skills

Dodge 10; Feint 6; Grapple 11; Melee 11; Ranged 11; Target10; Throw 9; Unarmed 10Skills

Climb 10; Demolitions 11; Drive 10; Gather Info 10; Gunsmith10; Hide 9; Intimidate 13; Jump 10; Listen 9; Move Silently 9;Operate Heavy Machinery 9; Sense Motive 9; Spot 9;Streetwise 11; Taunt 11Edges

Minions; Power Attack; Toughness; Underworld TiesFlaws

Enemy (Steel Rats); Outlaw; UncouthPossessions

Motorcycle, urban camouflage, deck pistol with 1 extra clip,police riot gun, cell phone

Redjacks (12 Extras)Abilities

Str 3; Agi 3; Con 3; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 3; Vitality 14; Wounds 8Saves

React 8; Endure 8; Will 8Movement

Init 11; Speed 30 Ft; Run 90 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 9/3S; Deck Pistol 10/8L/40 Ft (12); BaseballBat 9/4SCombat Skills

Dodge 9; Feint 6; Grapple 6; Melee 9; Ranged 9; Target 6;Throw 6; Unarmed 9Skills

Appraise 9; Bluff 9; Climb 9; Drive 9; Gather Info 9; Hide 9;Intimidate 9; Jump 9; Listen 9; Move Silently 9; Operate HeavyMachinery 9; Sense Motive 9; Slight of Hand 9; Spot 9;Streetwise 9; Taunt 9Edges

Underworld TiesFlaws

Enemy (Steel Rats); OutlawPossessions

Street punk wear, deck pistol, baseball bat, cell phone


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Genny Putkoff Abilities

Str 3; Agi 3; Con 3; Int 6; Wis 4; Pre 3; Vitality 14; Wounds 8Saves

React 8; Endure 8; Will 9Movement

Init 12; Speed 30 Ft; Run 90 FtAttacks

Unarmed Strike 6/3SCombat Skills

Dodge 6; Feint 6; Grapple 6; Melee 6; Ranged 6; Target 9;Throw 6; Unarmed 6Skills

Bluff 9; Computers 19; Conceal 10; Diplomacy 9; Hide 6; LifeSciences 20; Listen 10; Move Silently 6; Physical Sciences 14;Search 12; Sense Motive 10; Spot 10; Streetwise 10; TreatInjury 12Edges

Academic (Life Sciences); Arms Dealer; Computer Geek;Corporate Ties; Skill Focus (Computers); Skill Focus (LifeSciences); Scientific Ties; Underworld TiesFlaws

Bounty Head; Code of Honor; SoftPossessions

Business wear, notebook computer

Cold Rock JohnstonAbilities

Str 6; Agi 3; Con 5; Int 3; Wis 3; Pre 4; Vitality 19; Wounds15 (Armor 10)Saves

React 8; Endure 10; Will 8; Luck 3; Surge 3


Init 15 (13); Move 30 ft (Run 180)Attacks

Unarmed Strike 9/6S or L; Grapple Moves p.148; MilitarySidearm 11/10L/50 Ft (8); Spray Mace 14/Endurance Saveor Nausea a number of rounds equal to X-Roll p.96/10 Ft flat(5)Combat Skills

Dodge 12 (5+1); Feint 6; Grapple 15 (5+1); Melee 9 (3);Ranged 11 (5); Target 9 (3); Throw 9 (3); Unarmed 9 (3)Skills

Balance 9 (3); Bluff 12 (5); Climb (7.5') 14 (3+1); Conceal 9(3); Diplomacy 12 (5); Disable Device 11 (5); Disguise 6; Drive9 (3); Electronics 7 (1); Entertain 12 (5); Escape 6; Forgery 11(5); Gamble 10 (4); Gather Info 12 (5); General Knowledge 6;Hide 11 (5); Intimidate 12 (3); Jump (30'l/6'h) 13 (3+1); Listen9 (3); Move Silently 11 (5); Open Locks 11 (5); Pilot 9 (3); Ride3; Search 9 (3); Sense Motive 11 (5); Spot 11 (5); Streetwise11 (5); Swim (7.5') 10 (+1); Taunt 7; Treat Injury 6Edges

Agile; Combat Reflexes; Evasion; Grappler; Martial Artist;Martial Throw; Rapid Strike; Athletic; Base of Operations; Hardto Kill; Information Broker; Media Ties; PopularFlaws

Dark Secret; Enemy (Previous Bounties); Greedy; Phobia (Fearof Deep Water)Possessions

Limousine, high fashion wear, police armored vest,militarysidearm, spray mace, handcuffs, micro comlink, breaking andentering kit, electronic binoculars, electronic compass, SOLphone, permit to carry a firearm, permit to hunt bounty, permitto wear armor
