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Download INTRO TO BOUNTY HEAD BEBOP Intro to Bounty Head · PDF fileINTRO TO BOUNTY HEAD BEBOP ... and Dave Arneson. Bounty Head Bebop ... Welcome to the Bounty Head Bebop RPG, the game that

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    Intro to Bounty Head BebopCover by Mark Reed

    Interior Art by Jake Richmond

    Layout and Graphic Design by JP deHnaut &Mark Reed

    Development by JP deHnaut & Mark Reed

    Written by JP deHnaut, Russ Hanson, & MarkReed

    Published by Heroic Journey Publishing

    OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a

    The following text is the property of Wizards of theCoast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of theCoast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved.

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    15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.System Reference Document Copyright 2000- 2003,Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, AndyCollins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, JamesWyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygaxand Dave Arneson. Bounty Head Bebop Copyright2008, Jean-Pierre deHnaut. Intro to Bounty HeadBebop Copyright 2010, Jean-Pierre deHnaut.Published by Heroic Journey Publishing



    Intro To Bounty Head BebopWelcome to the Bounty Head Bebop RPG, the gamethat lets you play the fast paced solar system-spanninganime-style adventures of the daring and brash bountyhunters of the "far modern" future.

    The Bounty Head Bebop RPG (BHB) is poweredby the Inverted 20 system (i20), which uses a single d20for all rolls and offers a quick and easy resolution for allin-game actions and outcomes, providing a fun andcinematic feel to play.

    This Introduction is designed to give folks aquick look at BHB, the i20 system, and a SampleSession of Play.

    A Little About TheInverted 20 SystemThe Inverted 20 system uses a single twenty-sided diewith Target Numbers (TN) to roll under and is essentiallya percentile-based game in increments of 5%.

    Target Numbers are determined by adding aSkill value to any situation modifiers that might applyand then rolling the die to see if the result falls withinthe TN. In some instances a Minimum Target Number(MTN) may be required, where the result of the die notonly has to fall within the TN, but also has to meet orexceed the value set by the MTN.

    As an additional element to each die roll, an X-Roll (or X-Damage) may be called for, which isdetermined by reading the ones digit of the die when itis rolled. This allows a secondary number (1-10) to begenerated simultaneously with TN resolution; meaningdamage and other factors of success can be figuredwithout a second roll. This handy little mechanic speedsplay and helps move combat along at a refreshinglybrisk pace.

    The Inverted 20 system also uses a Luck andSurge Point dynamic that gives the characters anadvantage when needed and ensures the action nevergets stale. Using Luck and Surge Points, a character canpush himself past the normal effects of injury, succeedat a critically important roll, or even escape certaindeath.



    In short, Inverted 20 is its own unique system,but with a familiar feel and a cinematic flair, whichcaptures the grittier anime genre after which it wasmodeled.

    The World of BountyHead BebopThe year is 2073 AD. Fifty years ago, a strangecomet of unknown composition slammed into theEarth's moon, shattering both the comet and themoon in a cataclysmic explosion that opened anunstable wormhole to the Sun. Debris from thecomet and moon rained down on the world andspread out into orbit, surrounding the Earth in afield of lunar asteroids that, even now, continue tobombard the Earth on a daily basis.

    The devastation caused by the event forcedmankind to retreat underground, or to the far northand south, where the asteroids fell with lessfrequency. During this time of chaos, pieces of thecomet were recovered and found to possess newand amazing energies. These were christened'Gatestones' in lieu of the wormhole still open abovethe broken moon. Intensive study revealed that theenergies of