brad-szollose-2015 biosheet

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 3: Brad-Szollose-2015 BioSHEET

Hearing Brad speak and then reading his book blew my mind...

Brad’s current clients:


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Ben Gay III The National Association of Professional Salespeople Executive Director Keynote Speaker/Sales Trainer/Consultant Author of "The Closers” Friend/business colleague to Zig Ziglar

Having worked with him in seminars, I can tell you that

Brad Szollose is one of the most impressive seminar

leaders/keynote speakers I have had the pleasure of

listening to in 40+ years. He ignites an audience with

humor and his highly interactive programs.

Even more importantly, he shares tactical ideas that work

with this "next generation." I now much better understand

the thinking of all of the younger people who surround

Gigi and me at home, in social settings and in business!

Having worked with many of the speaking, selling,

and business legends of the era, I can tell you that

Brad Szollose is really something!

Ben Gay III

The National Association

of Professional Salespeople

Executive Director

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498 Seventh Avenue November 18, 2014 15th Floor New York, NY 10018 To Whom It May Concern, Brad Szollose is a true partner in our quest for world-class Leadership and People Management. Over the past year Brad has worked to co-design and deliver a cutting edge experience for our top employees, this includes our C-Suite. The results have been astounding. Not only are we as an organization more knowledgeable about the different generations in the work force, we have clear actions on how to get ahead of the ever changing world. We now have a common language and framework we can all use. Our People Managers are more confident in their abilities to keep engagements and productivity high. I find Brad to be incredibility flexibility, collaborative and a true partner to our organization. I fully endorse Brad and would be happy to talk with anyone who wants more information.

Jeff Schwartzman Head of Learning and Organizational Development Liquidnet Global Talent Engagement

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14280 Park Meadow Drive | Suite 300 | Chantilly, VA 20151

Dear Brad, February 28, 2014 I am writing to thank you for your recent presentation at Medmarc’s annual broker meeting

in Las Vegas. Your observations about generational behavioral styles and related values

were enlightening and timely.

As you probably observed by looking at the meeting attendees, the insurance industry is

“graying” and we need to attract and retain more Generation X, Y and Millennials to

remain vibrant and relevant to our customers. Armed with a better understanding of how

these groups think and what motivates them, we are far more likely to be successful. Your

observations and your book are invaluable to that understanding.

Thank you again for your contribution to our meeting and I hope to see you again soon.

Best regards, Mary Todd Mary Todd Peterson President & CEO Medmarc Insurance Group A ProAssurance Company

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An excerpt from Brad Szollose’s LinkedIn Profile: December 20th, 2011

Andrew Stein Founding Partner/Principal

Hearing Brad speak and then reading his book blew my mind.

Here I am thinking my way is better than theirs (the 20-somethings)

and it's a matter of time before they wake up, smell the coffee and

get on my program... but what I didn't realize is there's been a

paradigm shift like you wouldn't believe and I'm the one who

needs to wake up.

Best presentation I've heard in literally changed the way I think.”

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   To  Whom  This  May  Concern:                                      October  2,  2014        Our  association  held  our  annual  summer  meeting  this  year  in  Coeur  d’Alene,  ID.    As  our  keynote  speaker,  we  had  Brad  Szollose.    Brad  is  the  #1  Bestselling  and  Award  Winning  Author  of  Liquid  Leadership:  From  Woodstock  to  Wikipedia  —  Multigenerational  Management  Ideas  That  Are  Changing  the  Way  We  Run  Things.    His  presentation  skills  and  knowledge  of  the  subject  matter  as  it  relates  to  our  association  was  “dead  on”  and  was  extremely  well  received  by  the  audience.    So  much  so  that  we  asked  him  to  stay  over  for  the  next  session  and  assist,  as  his  perspective  was  crucial   to  the  next  presenter’s  information  also,  which  he  was  gracious  enough  to  do!    I   would   highly   recommend   Brad   for   any   speaking   engagements   for   groups,   corporations,  associations  as  a  keynote  presenter.              

Respectfully  Submitted  

   Kenny  Jordan  Executive  Director  Association  of  Energy  Service  Companies  14531  FM  529,  Ste  250  Houston,  TX    77095  

14531 FM 529, Ste. 250 Houston, TX 77095 713-781-0758 800-692-0771 713-781-7542 Fax Association of Energy Service Companies

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