brand and website design then and now, a study in transformation

Brand & Website Design THEN & NOW A Study in Transformation

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Post on 12-Feb-2017




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Brand & Website DesignTHEN & NOW

A Study in Transformation

Often when we begin a project, a client thinks they are satisfied with

their brand and website,until they see what is possible.

It’s fun to look back to the beginning of a client’s journey in their

identity, and see how far they’ve come.

These transformations have not only changed the perception of

the companies in their market, but they have made a shift in their own thinking.

Telehouse: Brand Evolution Over 10 YearsWe have partnered with Telehouse for nearly 10 years, evolving their brand from a local provider to a world class brand with 3 Website redesigns and 2 Rebrands. The design, content development and SEO work we have done has consistently brought in more highly qualified leads and increased business.

THEN: Original website, circa 2006

Telehouse: Brand Evolution Over 10 YearsThis was the first redesign in 2008. It was revolutionary then for the clean, more minimal layout. The brand direction was “ON, 24/7” which had lights go on on many pages. It showed their customers they are on top of things no matter what day it is, which was of crucial value to their Data Center clientele.

THEN: The first evolution

Telehouse: Brand Evolution Over 10 YearsPriorities change over time, as do business goals. With this 2012 rebrand and redesign, we focused the concept on “THINK NEXT” to show their customers they are forward thinking and anticipate their needs before they even know it. This site moved Telehouse to a responsive layout, and we won a Gold Stevie in 2013 for the campaign.

THEN: The second evolution

Telehouse: Brand Evolution Over 10 YearsTelehouse is a major global brand, and their website shows it. We extended the THINK NEXT brand message, including THINK SPACE, THINK GLOBAL and THINK SMART, rewrote much of the copy and headlines to demonstrate they are a company that thinks ahead. We reengineered the entire 99-page site and created many pages of new content.

NOW: A company that thinks next

Can-Do Ideas: A Plan for a BrandOur Inbound Partner, Can-Do Ideas, had a great name and a can-do attitude, but a starter site. They were losing business because of it. We redesigned the website, created the tagline “Get Customers to Come to YOU”, wrote the headlines and copy, and walked them a step ahead of the competition.

THEN: A startup website

Can-Do Ideas: A Plan for a BrandThe new website hits a common pain point for companies who are frustrated with mar-keting and don’t know where their money is going. The site shows them how Can-Do uses data to attract leads with a new, smarter way of marketing online. The neon colors and black and white high contrast images colors grab attention a mile away.

NOW: A step ahead

WISH: Making Wishes Come TrueWe have evolved the WISH brand over the past 10 years to be the #1 intern housing company in DC. We’ve done 3 website redesigns and created 5 websites for their individual locations. When they started, they had no competition. But that changed and they had to maintain their online rank. They changed with it and stayed on top.

THEN: A startup website

WISH: Making Wishes Come TrueWith Content Marketing and a new content-rich website, WISH has retained their #1 spots on Google. On the 2015 redesign, we rewrote their headlines, added more keyword-rich copy, and with content marketing and SEO, consistently increase their business.

NOW: Still #1 in DC

eSlide: Making a Powerful PointeSlide is a high end Power Point design firm, whose website just didn’t match their own level of design. The layout was not responsive and the copy was dense and hard for humans to digest. The images of their work were outdated and didn’t show their talents on this much used platform.

THEN: Written for Robots

eSlide: Making a Powerful PointWe redesigned their website and rewrote much of the copy and headlines to make their site more human and make a more powerful point. It speaks to the common pain points their clients have and how they take care of all that. And of course, we made it responsive.

NOW: Showing success, losing stress.

Plus Media: Putting the US in PLUSPlusMedia came to us to redefine their company brand. They are smart and creative, but it wasn’t clear at what. Our brand building day brought out the truth of who they are, and we built a new brand identity that now perfectly captures the team spirit of Plus Media.

THEN: No clear message

Plus Media: Putting the US in PLUSWe discovered their passion for teaming up with their clients to produce media, and in the new logo, emphasized the “US” in “PLUS”. The headlines play off Us and Plus throughout the site. We kept their signature blue but made it a bit more sophisticated, and made it immediately clear what they offer.

NOW: Showing teamwork and what they do

All About Leverage: All About the BrandJust because a company is a startup, it doesn’t mean they have to look like one. Their first website didn’t come close to matching the level of work they do. They needed a brand and website that would appeal to C-Suite Execs in the Fortune 500 companies they work with.

THEN: No match for their talent

All About Leverage: All About the BrandWe brought All About Leverage from a starter brand to one Fortune 500 companies want to work with. We redesigned their logo, built their website, rewrote much of the copy to speak in the voice of their clients, and optimized their website for SEO. Now they look like and sound like the companies that they work with.

NOW: A match for their Fortune 500 clients

MBS: Being ValuedMBS works with large companies who are going public and need to be credible in the press and to their shareholders. The home page of their website was built in Flash, and wasn’t working. Their brand message needed to speak to what their clients want: being credible, being heard, and being valued.

THEN: Where’s the value?

MBS: Being ValuedWe created brand statements “Be: credible, Be: heard, Be: valued...” playing off the 3 dots in their logo as a colon. The copy speaks to people who have a lot on the line, and need people to hear them effectively. Their signature green is a standout in the site redesign, it’s responsive and optimized for SEO.

NOW: Creating a circle of trust

Safety Supplies Unlimited: Safety FirstSafety Supplies Unlimited was selling their products by sending PDFs to their clients in the age of onlne selling. They had no clear brand message, no perceived value and no differentiation in the market. They needed to enter the 20th century, and they did.

THEN: Selling with PDFs

Safety Supplies Unlimited: Safety FirstOne of our favorite brand redesigns, SSU started with a trade show banner, and everything followed the “Safety is No Accident” headline we wrote for the design. We redesigned, rewrote their copy and rebuilt their commerce site, taking them from selling through PDFs to online commerce.

NOW: Branding is no accident

Masterpiece Accounting: Getting PersonalMasterpiece Accounting has big accounting firm expertise but gives business owners a personal touch they can’t get with a large firm. But their website felt cold and unwelcoming. The copy was generic, dense and didn’t have any of the company’s personality or show the value of working with a smaller firm.

THEN: Generic and unwelcoming

Masterpiece Accounting: Getting PersonalFirst, we designed a new logo in a warm gold and with a handwritten feel. With all new copy and some simple tweaking to an existing site template with new colors and images, it has a whole new energy. The headline ”You’re Not Just a Number to Us.” tells their whole story.

NOW: Warm and welcoming

Network9: Our Own TransformationOur own website has transformed along with our work. Our first site was simple, but not exactly a powerhouse. It went back to the days of 800x600 HTML sites. It worked for awhile, but it was time to grow up.

THEN: A simple starter site

Network9: Our Own TransformationWe moved to a responsive layout in 2012, when it first became apparent we were going to be glued to our phones. We started blogging, and began to experiment with our own voice. That hasn’t changed, but in 2014, we were ready for something different.

THEN: The next gen responsive site

Network9: Our Own TransformationThis design was created in 2014. We rebuilt our site in a pattern of squares that morph with changing content, and won a Gold Stevie for the copy and a Silver for the design. We used a mid-century color palette to complement our signature orange. What’s next? Haven’t decided yet.

NOW: Flexible and agile

We believe each client has something unique to say.Network9 gives them a voice, so others can listen.

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