branding for the industrial markets

Branding in the Industrial Markets: Why We Care, How We Put It to Work February 22, 2011 Shari L.S. Worthington Telesian Technology

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What do industrial markets need to know when it comes to branding? Shari Worthington of Telesian Technology presented this webinar on 2/22/11. Sponsored by MCAA (@MeasureControl)


Page 1: Branding for the Industrial Markets

Branding in the Industrial Markets:Why We Care, How We Put It to Work

February 22, 2011

Shari L.S. WorthingtonTelesian Technology

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Branding Adds Value

• Branding makes the buying decision process easier

• Helps reduce the risk of buying the wrong product

• Adds value to a company’s intangible assets• Can create price premiums• Branding is a distinct form of

DIFFERENTIATION– Do you sell commodities or solutions?

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Brand Value of Top 10








$ B

% of B2C sales % of B2B salesLegend: Source: Interbrand 2008








GE Mac-Donald’s

Nokia Toyota


Intel MercedesBenz


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Brand Functions

• Increased information efficiency– Branded products have recognition value

• Risk reduction– Ensure and legitimize buying decisions, since buyers

often have a penchant for avoiding risk

• Value-added or image benefit creation– Brand is the shorthand value image of the company

• The more recognized a brand among members of the buying team, the more likely that the “hurdles” for approval will be lessened

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Role of B2B Brands


Increase Sales

Differentiate Marketing

Create Preferences

BrandRisk Reduction

Information Efficiency

Value Added

Secure Future Business

Create Brand Loyalty

Command Price


Create Brand Image

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Branding Triangle: Consistency Required


Collaborators Customers

General Public

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Branding Checklist: Brand Identity

• Are you conveying a consistent brand identity to your target audience? (logo, colors, designs etc)

• Does your brand identity accurately reflect the company/product’s key attributes?

• Does your staff understand what your brand stands for and their role in delivering on your brand promise?

• Do you always deliver on your brand promise? • Is your brand identity protected – do you have

a set of guidelines on how the various brand elements should be used?

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Branding Checklist: Brand Awareness

• Is your brand easily recognized by your target audiences?

• Is your brand top of mind when your target audiences consider purchasing?

• Does your brand feature on all relevant marketing material?

• Competitive position/market awareness– Do you understand your brand positioning in the

marketplace? – Do you have a competitive edge in the marketplace? – Are you aware of potential opportunities in the market?

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Branding Checklist: Competitive Positioning

• Do you understand your positioning in the marketplace?

• Does your brand have differentiating benefits associated with it in customers’ minds?

• Do your intended customers believe your intended positioning in the marketplace?

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Branding Checklist: Process

• Is your organizational structure, operations and culture aligned with your brand values?

• Do you review your brand and what it stands for each year?

• Do you have systems in place to continually monitor your brand internally and externally

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Brands Are One of the Few Opportunities to Differentiate

• In a world where product offerings are getting more similar, brands can make a difference– Greater willingness to try products & services– Less time needed to close the sale after offering– Greater likelihood that a product is purchased– Willingness to pay a price premium– Less sensitivity to prices increases

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Rockwell Automation

SoftPLCControl Technology Corp.

National Instruments

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Technical Support

Trade shows/ Presentations

Web Site/ Web Banners

BrandProducts and



Word of Mouth


Customer Care

Innovation, R&D


Business cards


Service & Delivery

Sales Collateral


Relationship & Referral

Purchase & Usage Experience

Publicity PR/Advertising

Sales Representative

Product Performance

Consistency Across Brand-Customer Relationship

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CAT Footwear

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Visual Identity Guidelines

• Available and usable across all intended markets, such as URL

• Meaningful: capture essence of brand• Memorable: distinctive, easy to

remember• Protectable• Future oriented: position for growth,

change, success• Positive associations• Transferrable: new products, new


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Competing Through Branding: Buying Behavior

• A recognized brand name with positive customer perception has advantage at all stages of decision making– Determine that a need exists– Determine product specifications– Acquire solution providers– Cull the bids/proposals to a short list– Evaluate the short list, or get revised proposals/bids

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Competing Through Branding: Buying Behavior

• “A recognized brand name with positive customer perception has advantage at all stages of decision making”– Cut the short list to finalists– Presentations– Final evaluation and choice– Post purchase relationship

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Defend Market Position

• There will be imitators, so…– Market up — build relationships with management

above the influencers to reinforce the decision process

– Market down – build relationships with the lower level users of the product or service

– Market sideways – build relationships in other parts of the organization to facilitate translation of the current or future products within the customer organization

• Whenever there is any doubt, the customer is likely to use what they are already familiar with

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InBranding: Ingredient Branding

• An essential ingredient or component of a product has it’s own brand identity

• Most B2B companies are single-stage marketers– Marketing efforts directed to next stage in value

chain, their customers

• Multistage branding is directed at two or more downstream stages of the value channel

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Ingredient Branding

• Goal is to create customer demand for the ingredient at the retail level so consumers “pull” the product through the distribution channel– Forces middle stages to use the ingredient

• “Ingredient” should capture an essential part of the end product– Intel processors are the “heart” of the PC

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Push & Pull Branding


Final ProductProducer OEM

Final User

Sales-promotion to theB2B Customer


Incentives todemand creation

at the B2B customer


Incentives fordemand creation

at the final customer



Sales-promoting from theIngredient supplier to the

final customer

Demand pull

Incentives for the demand creation of a certain ingredient in the final product




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Shari Worthington

Juliann Grant

Phone: 508-755-5242

[email protected]

[email protected]



Thank you!!