braveheart directed by mel gibson project by paige and mia

Braveheart Directed by Mel Gibson Project by Paige and Mia

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Page 1: Braveheart Directed by Mel Gibson Project by Paige and Mia

BraveheartDirected by Mel Gibson

Project by Paige and Mia

Page 2: Braveheart Directed by Mel Gibson Project by Paige and Mia



“Freedom is best, I tell thee true, of all things to be won. Then never live within the bond of slavery, my son.”

Page 3: Braveheart Directed by Mel Gibson Project by Paige and Mia

Summary• In the late 13th century, William Wallace returns to

Scotland for the first time since the death of his father. The king of Scotland has just died without an heir and the king of England, Edward Longshanks, has seized the throne. Wallace becomes the leader of a small, yet powerful, army that makes an attempt to dethrone Edward Longshanks. At the historic battle of Stirling, Wallace leads his army to a surprising victory against the English. Knighted by the Scottish nobles, and appointed the Guardian of Scotland for this key victory, Sir William Wallace then extends the conflict south of the Scottish border and storms the British city of York. King Edward I is astonished by the unexpected turn of events, when most of his major forts fall to Wallace. Unable to rely on his ineffectual son Prince Edward, Longshanks sends his daughter-in-law, Princess Isabelle, to discuss a truce with Wallace. The new princess and Wallace soon fall in love, and she aides him in avaiding the English, until his final capture once he is betrayed by his own Scotsman. Wallace is eventually tortured and killed in a horrific scene, where up until his final minutes, he declares freedom for Scotland.

Page 4: Braveheart Directed by Mel Gibson Project by Paige and Mia

Mia’s Response• I thought it was a really nice

movie, Mel looked great and his ladies were beautiful. The Englishmen were really unjust and horrid and its really good that the Scots brutally beat them in the end. It was really disturbing though when they tortured Mel, he handled it unbearable well though. Also nearly every man in position of power in this movie was just a tool, it was bothersome and not right. I liked the Scottish people though, very chill, amusing, and passionate… 4.5 of 5 stars.

Page 5: Braveheart Directed by Mel Gibson Project by Paige and Mia

Paige’s Response• Overall this was a pretty

enjoyable movie. Mel Gibson proved to be a strong leader and director of this film. In the film itself he grew as a man, his dedication to his dead wife and childhood love was heartwarming. His character reached out to many powerful people and changed their outlook on the cause and effects of the war for Scottish freedom. His lady looked great. Both. (dead and alive). Probably 4 stars out of 5.

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Main Injustice Committed

•Primae Noctis – the right for the English lord to take a newly married Scottish woman into his bed and “spend the wedding night with the bride”

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Main Cause of Injustice The king of England called for the right of Primae Noctis, aiming to impregnate the newly married Scottish women via the English noble men in order to weed

out Scottish blood altogether

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Effect of Injustice

• This caused many to marry in secret, including William Wallace. The nobles of the land found out, and attempted to rape his wife. While fleeing, his wife was captured and publically executed. This savagery was the basis of William’s revolt against the English, he thought that no man, or family, should experience what he went through.

• The small victory in his village spurred the rest of the Scottish clans to band together and invade Southern England.

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William Wallace (1272-1305)


• Born at Elderslie, in Paisley Parish• Son of a vassal of the High Steward of Scotland, James Stewart.


• Married Marian Braidfoot in the church of St. Kentigern in Lanark. She was murdered under the direction of the English sheriff of Lanark, William de Hazelrig, in May of 1297.

• Though she was killed because Wallace had done more than protect her from a previous assault via English soldiers, as shown in the movie. It seems that he had already risen against the English when they killed Marian in pay back.

• Wallace was appauled when their allied nobles surrendered to the English July 9, 1297 at Irvine. In response, he took control of the rebel forces scattered about the country. By August he had consolidated the rebels into one army at Stirling

• Leading to a victory slaughtering the English.


• March: Wallace was knighted and appointed Guardian of Scotland• July: King Edward I and his men finally head for Scotland• Tactic: trains his men to use shiltrons -- groups of men holding spears out in all

directions, forming a defense much like that of a porcupine or hedgehog.• English army was much larger than that of the Scots and the English obliterated the

Scots at Falkirk. Even Wallace barely escaped the field with his life.

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Timeline continued.1298

• After the Scots’ loss at Falkirk Wallace resigned as Guardian, though it isn’t known if he resigned willingly or not. Robert the Bruce and his cousin, John Comyn, the Red, were appointed to replace him as the position of Guardian.


• Sir John Mentieth captured William Wallace near Glasgow. Mentieth had been on the side of Scots freedom before, but had grown greedy and gave in to Edward I. In reward he was made sheriff of Dumbarton.


• Once captured, Wallace was wrapped in oxhide and dragged to Smithfield. Then, he was tortured and finally beheaded then drawn and quartered.

• The pieces of his body were sent to Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England, and Berwick, Perth, and Stirling in Scotland, and his head was placed on a spear on London Bridge for all to see, as a warning to other potential traitors.