breach-zilla: lessons learned from large-scale breaches · • reg keys, services, file settings,...

1 Breach-Zilla ©2011, Ed Skoudis 1 Breach-zilla: Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Breaches Ed Skoudis v4Q11r Breach-Zilla ©2011, Ed Skoudis 2 $ cut -f5 -d: /etc/passwd | grep -i skoudis Ed Skoudis Started infosec career at Bellcore in 1996 working for phone companies… eventually got into… Pen tests Incident response Digital forensics SANS Instructor Author of classes on Incident Handling (SANS 504), Network Penetration Testing (560), Windows Command Line (531), and Metasploit (580) InGuardians Co-Founder… Infosec research and consulting Author -- Counter Hack Reloaded & Malware - Fighting Malicious Code Expert witness on over 100 large-scale breach cases since 2002

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Page 1: Breach-zilla: Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Breaches · • Reg keys, services, file settings, etc. • Then, run these scripts daily or weekly – AUTOMATE! Command Line Kung


Breach-Zilla ©2011, Ed Skoudis 1

Breach-zilla: Lessons Learned from Large-Scale Breaches

Ed Skoudis v4Q11r

Breach-Zilla ©2011, Ed Skoudis 2

$ cut -f5 -d: /etc/passwd | grep -i skoudis

•  Ed Skoudis •  Started infosec career at Bellcore in 1996 working for phone

companies… eventually got into… –  Pen tests –  Incident response –  Digital forensics

•  SANS Instructor –  Author of classes on Incident Handling (SANS 504), Network Penetration

Testing (560), Windows Command Line (531), and Metasploit (580)

•  InGuardians Co-Founder… Infosec research and consulting •  Author -- Counter Hack Reloaded & Malware - Fighting Malicious Code •  Expert witness on over 100 large-scale breach cases since 2002

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•  I’d like to discuss the trends I’ve seen in breach cases in the past 12 months –  And focus on specific lessons we can learn for

defending our environments better

•  I’d also like to discuss some of the struggles I’m seeing associated with large-scale breach investigations –  In a frank and open fashion

•  And, I plan to leave some time for Q&A at the end

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•  Attack techniques used most often in today’s breaches

•  Issues from breach cases and lessons learned

•  Suggestions for operationalizing intrusion and log analysis

•  Conclusions

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Common Bad Guy Techniques in Recent Cases

•  Proliferation of initial infection vectors –  SQLi –  Wireless –  Targeted phishing… often as prelude to… –  <blink> Client-side exploitation </blink> –  P2P leakage –  Infected home machine brings attacker in (mobile laptop or VPN)

•  Merciless pivoting –  Flat, unsegmented networks are easy pickin’s for the bad guys –  But, even segmented networks are subject to attack through pivoting… attackers are

getting very clever about pivoting

•  Reverse shell / “phone home” malware –  Often only to single IP address, making it easy to block… this will change

•  DNS tunnel for command and control –  Great theory for years… Now it’s being used! Internal compromised systems don’t

need external access; only the ability to resolve names on the Internet

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•  Pass the hash attacks are very widespread –  Grab Windows hashes from one machine and use them to spread throughout

domain without ever knowing the actual password –  Didja see Hernan Ochoa’s new version of Win Credentials Editor (1.2) with pass-

the-ticket for MS Kerberos? ( –  Windows authentication token stealing, especially for domain admin privs

•  Memory scraping –  Bypasses network and file system encryption –  End-to-end encryption is NOT a panacea!

•  Local privilege escalation –  Especially when combined with client-side exploitation

•  Use of sysadmin tools for attack, such as Microsoft’s psexec

–  Remember that it leaves behind a psexec service we can look for •  Some use of custom malware, but often intermixed with common (AV-

detectable) malware

Additional Common Techniques Used in Breaches

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•  Attack techniques used most often in today’s breaches

•  Issues from breach cases and lessons learned

•  Suggestions for operationalizing intrusion and log analysis

•  Conclusions

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How Are Breaches Typically Discovered?

•  Most large-scale breach cases are identified first by the card issuers because of fraud with a recent common point of purchase

•  In rare instances, breaches are discovered by the organization itself, but only when the bad guy becomes a hog –  Consuming CPU and/or bandwidth making systems sluggish –  That’s really sad

•  But, in the vast majority of cases, the bad guy did generate some events that the organization could have noticed –  Numerous SQL injection attempts followed by success –  An AV alert, which is auto-quarantined and then ignored –  Widespread intranet scanning –  Admin logon to old account or at unusual time

•  LESSON: Sweat the small stuff, especially AV alerts on a server •  Also, reconfig Win machines to record logon failure and success

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Did the Organization Have an Idea of the Vulns in Advance?

•  In many cases, yes •  Internal or external auditors and vulnerability assessment

personnel brought issues up in advance •  Organizations didn’t act on the issues •  LESSON: Document the business decision associated with

each audit / vuln assessment finding –  The decision might be to implement another compensating

control, or even to accept the risk –  What’s important here is that there is a paper trail showing that a

decision was made and recorded –  Such documentation leads to better decisions –  It will also help the organization show that it is exercising its due

diligence if a later breach does occur

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How Long was the Organization Under Siege?

•  Quite often, attackers are inside a target network for a considerable amount of time –  Usually 6 to 14 months! –  Attackers go unnoticed for that time, as they hunt for the big load

of PII, or dribble it out slowly over long periods of time

•  LESSON: Successful attackers often don’t do a smash and grab, but instead spend a long time inside an organization

•  Their access to the target environment has immense value and takes time, and they won’t give up that asset easily

•  When you discover them in your environment, look for their widespread tracks, and watch for their return

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What About Re-Infection? •  Many orgs that actually discover a breach block the attacker… •  …but fail to notice the attacker’s return

–  Even though the attacker uses very similar techniques and creates nearly identical artifacts

•  LESSON: After eradication, create scripts that automatically check for attacker’s return: –  Look for directory locations & file names that bad guy created –  Look for software installed by bad guy to return –  Look for changes in configuration that the bad guy made

•  Reg keys, services, file settings, etc.

•  Then, run these scripts daily or weekly – AUTOMATE! Command Line Kung Fu, anyone?

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•  Attack techniques used most often in today’s breaches

•  Issues from breach cases and lessons learned

•  Suggestions for operationalizing intrusion and log analysis

•  Conclusions

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•  Most of us know that our organizations should review logs proactively on a regular basis –  But, most organizations don’t –  In many organizations, logs are only consulted after breach is discovered

•  In the breach cases I’ve worked, sometimes there are very good logs –  But no one ever looks at them proactively… –  …despite a written policy and practices that require them to do so

•  There are all kinds of excuses –  “We have a SIM/SEM solution. This is all automated, see!” –  “We don’t have a fancy log infrastructure / correlation tool / SIEM, so we can’t

be expected to actually, you know, look at this stuff.” –  “We’ve got DLP. It won’t let our info leak, see!” –  “We’re too busy!” –  “Our log files are way too big for us to actually look at them!”

•  “Looking for a needle in the haystack is a waste of time!”

•  Bottom line: Routine log analysis is not part of most technical organizations’ culture

Operationalizing Log Analysis

Breach-Zilla ©2011, Ed Skoudis 14

Integrating Log Analysis into the Culture

•  An approach I’ve seen work quite well is to schedule quarterly brown-bag log analysis lunches

•  Reserve a conference room that can hold 6 to 12 people –  Security people and selected system administrators (network admins too!)

•  Have everyone bring logs with them – USB thumb drive with a Gig of logs –  Consider ordering pizza

•  Then, spend an hour with everyone looking through logs and eating lunch –  Splunk, grep –v, findstr /v, and more… low/no cost!

•  If someone sees something unusual or an item that they don’t understand, they can ask the group about it

•  Builds camaraderie and log analysis skills •  And, you might find that needle in the haystack •  Plus, you can now legitimately say that you proactively review logs on a

regular basis

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Conclusions •  Sensitive data breaches show no signs of letting up

–  Attackers are getting more clever and more lethal than ever

–  More breaches than ever, at a smaller scale of compromised accounts… still messing you up!

•  Thorough incident and log analysis is really helpful, but only if it is done proactively

•  Most organizations need to change their culture regarding log analysis

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An Exciting Upcoming Course •  I’ll be teaching my SANS 560 course on Network

Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking –  Right here, November 7-12

•  The course is designed so you can really understand attacks in depth, find flaws in your organization’s systems, and effect change to improve your security stance

•  It’ll be taught SANS Community-Style –  Smaller classroom sizes (nice!) –  Extra hands-on exercises in bootcamps –  Lower price –  Fun dinners with instructor several nights during the week –  Really a good time and a great value… we’d love to see you there!

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Q & A

• Any questions? •  Feel free to contact me at

[email protected]

• New site and Pen Test Blog at – Check it out!