breaking dawn


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Post on 07-May-2015




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This describes the events in the book and shows some pictures from the movies.


Page 1: Breaking Dawn
Page 2: Breaking Dawn

After many proposals, Bella finally agrees to marry Edward.

The wedding was beautiful. Both Bella and Edward’s family and friends attended.

Edward took Bella to Isle Esme, a gift to Esme from Carlisle, for their honeymoon.

Isle Esme is a beautiful island near Rio, with plenty of animals for Edward to hunt.

Page 3: Breaking Dawn

Because the baby is half-vampire, it grows at a very rapid pace. Bella discovered that she was pregnant very quickly.

The baby is growing too fast and it is too strong. It begins to break Bella’s bone and take all of the nutrients from her body. Everybody wants Bella to have an abortion before it kills her, but Bella and

Rosalie want to protect the baby.

The wolf pack wants to destroy the baby because it could be a threat to the town. Sam, the leader of the pack, orders the other wolves to kill it, before it is born. Jacob objects to this and leaves the pack.

Seth and Leah follow Jacob.

Page 4: Breaking Dawn

When Bella gives birth to Renesmee, Jacob imprints on her when he first looks into her eyes. The wolf pack cannot hurt Renesmee anymore; it’s their most absolute law.

As Renesmee grows up, she and Jacob spend a lot of time together. Jacob is like a big brother to her. They are inseparable.

Some vampires have special talents, such as reading minds (Edward) or seeing the future (Alice). Renesmee has a unique way of communicating. Instead of talking, she touches the person and

shows them pictures instead.

Page 5: Breaking Dawn

While giving birth to Renesmee, Bella dies. Edward injects his venom directly into her heart to try to change her into a vampire before it’s too late.


Bella survives and wakes up three days after Renesmee is born as a vampire. She has red eyes and pale, hard skin.

Edward takes Bella hunting to control her thirst. Surprisingly, she has unbelievable self-control for a newborn.

Page 6: Breaking Dawn

When the Volturi come to destroy Renesmee, they bring the entire guard, including the wives, who never leave Volterra. The Cullens and friends are greatly outnumbered.

Alice and Jasper had left the Cullens without any explanation. During the faceoff with the Volturi, Alice and Jasper return with a vampire, Nahuel. Nahuel is like Renesmee, he was born half-vampire.

Nahuel helps the Volturi realize that Renesmee was born, not bitten. Nahuel grew up along with his three sisters that were born half-vampires, and they never harmed anyone.

Page 7: Breaking Dawn

Senna and Zafrina are from the Amazon coven. They came to be witnesses for Renesmee to help support the Cullens against the Volturi.

Amun, Benjamin, Tia, and Kebi are from the Egyptian coven.

Liam, Siobhan, and Maggie are from the Irish coven.

Vladimir and Stefan are from the Romanian coven.