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Brevard Public Schools John F. Turner, Senior Elementary School 2016-17 School Improvement Plan

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Brevard Public Schools

John F. Turner, SeniorElementary School

2016-17 School Improvement Plan

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John F. Turner, Senior Elementary School3175 JUPITER BLVD SE, Palm Bay, FL 32909

School Demographics

School Type and Grades Served(per MSID File) 2015-16 Title I School

2015-16 EconomicallyDisadvantaged (FRL) Rate(As Reported on Survey 3)

Elementary SchoolPK-6 Yes 81%

Primary Service Type(per MSID File) Charter School

2015-16 Minority Rate(Reported as Non-white

on Survey 2)

K-12 General Education No 51%

School Grades History

Year 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13

Grade C C* C B

*Informational Baseline School Grade

Note: The school grades calculation was revised substantially for the 2014-15 school year to implement statutory changesmade by the 2014 Legislature and incorporate the new Florida Standards Assessments. The 2014-15 school grades serveas informational baseline data that schools can use to improve in future years.

School Board Approval

This plan is pending approval by the Brevard County School Board.

SIP Authority and Template

Section 1001.42(18), Florida Statutes, requires district school boards to annually approve and requireimplementation of a school improvement plan (SIP) for each school in the district.

The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) SIP template meets all statutory and rule requirements fortraditional public schools and incorporates all components required for schools receiving Title I funds. Thistemplate is required by State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.099811, Florida Administrative Code, for all non-charter schools with a current grade of D or F, or with a grade of F within the prior two years. For all otherschools, the district may use a template of its choosing. All districts must submit annual assurances that theirplans meet statutory requirements.

This document was prepared by school and district leadership using the Florida Department of Education’sschool improvement planning web application located at

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Table of Contents

4Purpose and Outline of the SIP

5Differentiated Accountability

6Current School Status

198-Step Planning and Problem Solving Implementation

19Goals Summary

19Goals Detail

22Action Plan for Improvement

36Appendix 1: Implementation Timeline

0Appendix 2: Professional Development and Technical Assistance Outlines

38Professional Development Opportunities

39Technical Assistance Items

0Appendix 3: Budget to Support Goals

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Purpose and Outline of the SIPThe SIP is intended to be the primary artifact used by every school with stakeholders to review data, set goals,create an action plan and monitor progress. A corollary at the district level is the District Improvement andAssistance Plan (DIAP), designed to help district leadership make the necessary connections between schooland district goals in order to align resources. The Florida Department of Education encourages schools to usethe SIP as a “living document” by continually updating, refining and using the plan to guide their workthroughout the year. This printed version represents the SIP as of the “Date Modified” listed in the footer.

Part I: Current School Status

Part I organizes the current status of the school around five domains inspired by the 5Essentials framework:Supportive Environment, Family and Community Involvement, Effective Leadership, Public and CollaborativeTeaching, and Ambitious Instruction and Learning. Questions regarding the school’s Multi-Tiered System ofSupports have been embedded throughout this part to demonstrate how data is used by stakeholders tounderstand the needs of all students and allocate appropriate resources in proportion to those needs.

Part II: Needs Assessment

Part II requires the school to review performance and early warning systems data in order to develop strategicgoals and associated data targets (i.e., “SMART goals”) for the coming school year in context of the school’sgreatest strengths and needs. An online tool was developed, which includes data visualizations and processingquestions to support problem identification, problem analysis and strategic goal formulation.

Part III: 8-Step Planning and Problem Solving for Implementation

Part III enables the school to develop implementation plans for its highest-priority goals. With the overview ofthe current state of the school in mind and the strategic goals identified through the needs assessment, theplanning team engages in a facilitated planning and problem-solving process, through which they

• Define strategic goals and establish targets to be reached by successfully achieving the goals (Step 1)• Identify resources available to support the goals and barriers that could hinder achieving those goals

(Step 2)• Select high-priority barriers they want to address initially (Step 3)• Design implementation and monitoring plans for strategies to resolve selected barriers (Steps 4-7)• Determine how they will monitor progress toward each goal (Step 8)


The following appendices, automatically-generated from content entered in Part III, are included in thisdocument:

• Appendix 1 is a timeline of all action steps and monitoring activities• Appendix 2 is an outline of all professional development opportunities and technical assistance items• Appendix 3 is a report of the budget needed to implement the strategies

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Differentiated AccountabilityFlorida’s Differentiated Accountability (DA) system is a statewide network of strategic support, differentiated byneed according to performance data, and provided to schools and districts in order to improve leadershipcapacity, teacher efficacy and student outcomes. DA field teams collaborate with district and school leadershipto design, implement and refine improvement plans, as well as provide instructional coaching, as needed.

DA Regions

Florida’s DA network is divided into five geographical regions, each served by a field team led by a regionalexecutive director (RED).

DA Categories

Traditional public schools are classified at the start of each school year, based upon the most recently releasedschool grades (A-F), into one of the following categories:

• Not in DA – currently A or B with no F in prior three years; charter schools; ungraded schools• Monitoring Only – currently A or B with at least one F in the prior three years• Focus – currently D

◦ Planning – two consecutive grades of D (i.e., DD), or a grade of F immediately followed by agrade of D in the most recent grades release (i.e., FD)

◦ Implementing – two consecutive grades of D in the most recent grades release preceded by agrade below C (i.e., FDD or DDD)

• Priority – currently F◦ Planning – declined to a grade of F in the most recent grades release and have not received a

planning year or implemented a turnaround option during the previous school year◦ Implementing – two consecutive grades of F (i.e., FF), or three consecutive grades below C

with an F in the most recent grades release (i.e., FDF or DDF)

DA Turnaround and Monitoring Statuses

Additionally, schools in DA are subject to one or more of the following Turnaround and Monitoring Statuses:

• Former F – currently A-D with at least one F in the prior three years; SIP is monitored by FDOE• Planning – Focus Planning and Priority Planning; district is planning for possible turnaround• Implementing – Focus Implementing and Priority Implementing; district is implementing the

Turnaround Option Plan (TOP)

2016-17 DA Category and Statuses

DA Category Region RED

Not In DA Southeast Gayle Sitter

Former F Turnaround Status

No None

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I. Part I: Current School Status

A. Supportive Environment

1. School Mission and Vision

a. Provide the school's mission statement

To ensure every student reaches his or her highest potential

b. Provide the school's vision statement

We work collaboratively as a community of learners to provide a safe, structured, and caringenvironment where students are engaged learners who believe they can achieve.

2. School Environment

a. Describe the process by which the school learns about students' cultures and buildsrelationships between teachers and students

Turner strives to have positive relationships with every student and family. Teachers and staff utilizestudent interest inventories, conduct home visits, parent survey results, and student/parent/teacherconferences to learn more about their students and their families. Each teacher contacts every familywithin the first two weeks of school to introduce themselves and begin a positive connection. AtTurner, we have classrooms open on registration day for a meet and greet the teacher. We provideopportunities for families to be a part of the Turner community with our Open House night, FamilyLunch days, parent conference evenings, parent curriculum nights and a variety of fun family events.We utilize a daily planner, BlackBoard Connect mass communication, and family event calendar tocommunicate, inform and continue to build relationships through the year.

b. Describe how the school creates an environment where students feel safe and respectedbefore, during and after school

School-wide arrival and dismissal plans have been put in place to help ensure the safety of ourstudents. Everyone must sign in through the KeepNTrack system in the front office, present their ID tooffice staff, and wear a badge while on campus. All PreK-2nd grade students have colored tagsattached to their backpacks to identify how the student is to be dismissed. Parents who pick up theirchildren in the car loop must display a tag and must be pre-approved. Arrival/dismissal proceduresare communicated to parents through a variety of methods. Our Severe Weather Dismissal Plan hasbeen updated and revised. Monthly drills are conducted to ensure that faculty, staff, and students arewell prepared to remain safe.

Throughout the school day, safety and respect are a priority. Because anxiety impairs performance,teachers and staff members endeavor to build classroom rapport and teamwork to create a safe,trusting learning environment through the use of PBS and Capturing Kids' Hearts strategies.Strategies include teaching lessons based on the book, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, by Sean Covey.Also, teachers greet students at the door each day, and create a Social Contract with the class. Partof this model is to use four respectful questions to help hold students accountable and help them toself-manage their behavior: 1) "What are you doing?" 2)"What are you supposed to be doing?" 3)"Areyou doing it?" 4) "What will happen if you continue to break our (social) contract?"

A PBS-based flip chart with school-wide procedures was created and will be used by teachers to helptheir students during times of transition, such as eating breakfast/lunch, walking in the hallways, andplayground behavior. Students in grades K-6 are taught lessons throughout the year that address

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cyber safety, cyber bullying, and internet etiquette. Turner provides character education for K-2 on theActivity wheel along with Guidance social/emotional small groups.

c. Describe the schoolwide behavioral system in place that aids in minimizing distractions tokeep students engaged during instructional time. This may include, but is not limited to,established protocols for disciplinary incidents, clear behavioral expectations, and training forschool personnel to ensure the system is fairly and consistently enforced

During the 2016-2017 school year, Turner will fully implement the PBS program. This programprovides the foundation for a multi-tiered system of support. Through PBS, we will build effectivelearning environments with an emphasis on positive behavior for all. In addition, a collaborative,assessment-based approach to developing effective interventions for problem behavior will be used.The goal of PBS is to teach appropriate behavior through the ROAR poster and matrix (RespectfulRole Models, cOmpassionate and Caring, Actively Involved, Responsible and Ready) and the school-wide procedures flipbook. Students are rewarded with Tiger Tokens for following the expectations.These expectations are school wide and are enforced by all staff on campus; bus drivers, office staff,cafeteria, custodial and substitute teachers.

Discipline data is uploaded into the RtIB database system. This data is monitored on a consistentbasis and shared with the leadership team and PBS committee. The data is analyzed and decisionsare made to meet the needs of our students.

The school-based problem solving team will review all Tier 1 behavior, develop the core curriculumfor behavior, design and oversee Tier 1 implementation. We have two administrators, a guidancecounselor, and a PBS Coach who offer support in the areas of discipline. Teachers are aware of thenon-negotiable infractions as well as those behaviors which are able to be handled in the classroom.

Turner continues to work on keeping students engaged during instructional time. The staff had anopportunity to participate in cooperative learning Kagan structures training in the month of June. Wealso plan to have Time to Teach at Turner in August to take our teachers to the next level inclassroom management and behavioral systems.

d. Describe how the school ensures the social-emotional needs of all students are being met,which may include providing counseling, mentoring and other pupil services

Through PBS, teachers and our guidance counselor work together to ensure all students’ social-emotional needs are being met. When a teacher feels that one of his/her students is in a crisis, or atthe beginning stage of a crisis, the counselor is called upon to meet with that student. The counselorand our Teacher on Assignment (PBS Coach) meet one-on-one with a student or with small groups ofstudents who may have the same issues/situations (self-esteem, anger, divorce, etc.). Students areidentified based on teacher and/or parent referrals. Parents are contacted and give permission forstudents to join the groups. These groups are fluid based on needs and meet once a week to listen toand support each other. Topics that will be addressed in addition to those noted above includemeeting social/emotional needs, impulse control, well-being/feelings, and working toward kindness.This program was initiated by our former on-site social worker approximately two years ago and isbeing continued and monitored for effectiveness by our guidance counselor and PBS Coach, whotouch base weekly with the parents and teachers of these students. The program is monitored basedon the number of calls to classrooms, along with the number of Office Discipline Referrals (ODR). Inaddition, parents/guardians are provided with information about counseling that is available in thecommunity.

Turner will be implementing a variety of programs to address social and emotional needs of ourstudents. These programs will include; College Readiness Prep, Student mentoring programs,Community outreach programs, community resource information is provided to parents, motivational

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pep rallies for students and continued open communication with families.

Research strongly indicates that proper nutrition is vital for learning. Turner’s administrators andguidance counselor collaborated with the Children’s Hunger Project and nearby Joy Lutheran Churchto help ensure that our neediest children are well-fed. Through our “Backpack Club,” 95 children areprovided with food for the weekends. In addition, Joy Lutheran Church provides food for five familieseach week.

3. Early Warning SystemsThe school's response to this section may be used to satisfy the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(B)(ii)(III),(b)(1)(B)(iii)(I), and (b)(1)(I).

a. Describe the school's early warning system and provide a list of the early warningindicators used in the system

Ongoing data is collected and reviewed from Performance Matters and student attendance records.Students’ early warning indictors will be identified through the MTSS process in the following areas:

• Attendance rate below 90%• One or more suspensions• A Level 1 score on the statewide assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics• Excessive tardies

b. Provide the following data related to the school's early warning system

1. The number of students by grade level that exhibit each early warning indicator:

Grade LevelIndicator

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Total

Attendance below 90 percent 19 37 50 37 29 25 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 225One or more suspensions 0 4 10 11 4 5 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 46Course failure in ELA or Math 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Level 1 on statewide assessment 0 0 0 30 23 32 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 109Excessive tardies (10 or more) 2 21 38 24 25 14 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 126

The number of students identified by the system as exhibiting two or more early warningindicators:

Grade LevelIndicator

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12Total

Students exhibiting two or more indicators 38 63 79 68 58 55 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 427

c. Describe all intervention strategies employed by the school to improve the academicperformance of students identified by the early warning system

Our goal for the 2016-2017 school year is to have an attendance rate of 95% or above. Our currentattendance rate is 94.18%. We plan to maintain parent communication through newsletter articles toemphasize the importance of attendance. In addition, students having perfect attendance areawarded every nine weeks. Also, a BlackBoard Connect message is sent to parents of students whoare absent, and truancy officers are notified as needed. There will be an attendance incentive forclasses and students to promote good attendance.

We plan to continue the implementation of PBS at Turner. This year we plan to maintain our Tier 1

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focus and add Tier 2 strategies for students who need that service. Our Teacher on Assignment andGuidance Counselor are conducting behavior intervention groups on a daily basis. We have addedCharacter Education for grades K-2 on the activity wheel to teach replacement behaviors.

Our academic interventions include Steps to Success (School wide Tier 2 reading and mathinterventions) and intensive Tier 3 reading and math interventions. For those students in grades K-6thwho are above grade-level, an enrichment program is provided during our Steps to Success time.This time frame is also utilized by our counselor and PBS Coach to meet with their social/emotionalgroups, if the group members do not need interventions in reading or math. Our ASP program isdesigned to assist third grade students who have been identified as deficient in reading and math,and students in grades 4th-6th who need remediation in math. In addition, the problem-solvingfeedback is helpful when specific academic and behavioral interventions are necessary.

Schedules have been created to maximize time to service as many students as possible. Eachmember of our Title I team is assigned a grade level and is pushing into the classroom to assist withstruggling students in addition to specified intervention time. The Title I team is working alongside ofthe classroom teacher to plan rigorous lessons that will support our lowest 25%.

Student tardies and check outs are an issue at Turner among all grades. We plan to implement theHOT award to classrooms when they are here on time. We feel this award will not only help withtardies but attendance as well. Classrooms will be receiving various incentives. Our Teacher onAssignment will be monitoring and implementing this program.

Our students with two or more Early Warning Indicators will be closely monitored by our coaches andAssistant Principal. Each teacher maintains a data binder with an update each nine weeks onstudents who fall into this category. During our teacher data team meetings we will be discussingstrategies to support specific students needs.

B. Family and Community EngagementThe school's response to this section may be used to satisfy the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(B)(iii)(I)(aa).

1. Describe how the school works at building positive relationships with families to increaseinvolvement, including efforts to communicate the school's mission and vision, and keep parentsinformed of their child's progressTitle I schools use the Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) to meet the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(F).

a. Will the school use its PIP to satisfy this question?No

1. PIP LinkThe school completes a Parental Involvement Plan (PIP), which is available at the school site.

2. Description

2. Describe the process by which the school builds and sustains partnerships with the localcommunity for the purpose of securing and utilizing resources to support the school and studentachievement

The administration at Turner Elementary selected a Business Partner Coordinator to act as a liaisonbetween the school and community. This coordinator seeks out community partners through networkingmeetings, district contacts, and personal contacts. In addition, community members contact the schoolseeking ways to help. The coordinator then works with each community member to establish a mutuallybeneficial partnership following district guidelines. If necessary, a business partner agreement iscompleted and this agreement is submitted to the district coordinator. Through the district coordinator,

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multiple opportunities for community members to partner with schools are provided. Business PartnerCoordinator meetings are held monthly. At these meeting business partners and school coordinators canestablish new partnerships or strengthen current ones. An annual Business Partner Fair is held at whichBusiness Partners and Coordinators are able to meet. Community members may become businesspartners with an individual school, several schools, or the entire district.

Throughout the year, our Business Partner Coordinator reaches out to community leaders for supportand resources, such as mentors for students, career day presenters, science fair judges, schoolsupplies, funds for field trips, food for students, clinic supplies, clothing for students, award certificates torecognize student achievement and various other resources. Business partners also attend our parentinvolvement events during the evenings. The school acknowledges the businesses in a variety of ways,including the school-wide newsletter, at family events, on its website, and at teacher meetings.

C. Effective LeadershipThe school's response to this section may be used to satisfy the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(H).

1. School Leadership Team

a. MembershipIdentify the name, email address and position title for each member of the school leadership team.:

Name TitleKnowles, Tanya PrincipalLong, Melissa Assistant PrincipalSmith, Deanna Instructional CoachCutwright, Jessika Instructional CoachStanley, Lisa DeanHurd, Laura Other

b. Duties

1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the members, including how they serve asinstructional leaders and practice shared decision making

Turner's leadership team is comprised of administration, the Literacy Coach, Math Coach, Title ICoordinator, and Teacher on Assignment. Both the principal and assistant principal review andmonitor the MTSS problem-solving process. The assistant principal and instructional coachesfacilitate curriculum updates and grade-level meetings. They also orchestrate and facilitate ourweekly school-based data leadership team meetings where administrators and other team membersreview progress toward SIP goals, discuss grade-level concerns, plan professional development, andanalyze data.

Mrs. Lisa Stanley is our Teacher on Assignment and Positive Behavior Support Coach she supportsparent involvement. Mrs. Deanna Smith is our Reading Coach and chair of the Literacy LeadershipTeam. She models lessons, provides professional development, and coaches K-6th grade teachersas they plan and deliver lessons. Ms. Jessika Cutwright is our Math Coach. She models lessons,provides professional development, and coaches K-6th grade teachers as they plan and deliverlessons. Mrs. Laura Hurd is our Title I Coordinator, provides academic support for 5th grade and isour Parent and Community Outreach contact.

2. Describe the process through which school leadership identifies and aligns all availableresources (e.g., personnel, instructional, curricular) in order to meet the needs of all students

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and maximize desired student outcomes. Include the methodology for coordinating andsupplementing federal, state and local funds, services and programs. Provide the person(s)responsible, frequency of meetings, how an inventory of resources is maintained and anyproblem-solving activities used to determine how to apply resources for the highest impact

Turner has in place the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). This is a research and evidencebased problem-solving system whereby both academic and behavior data is analyzed. The school'sleadership team meets with teachers on a weekly basis to identify trends and work toward solutions.Students needing academic support beyond the core program are serviced by highly qualifiedteachers in a Tier 2 intervention. This intervention provides an additional 30 minutes of small groupinstruction. Students who continue to experience difficulty receive a Tier 3 intervention in a group nolarger than three students. This intervention provides an additional 30 minutes of intense instruction.The PBS Coach provides support for those students experiencing difficulty with behavior by utilizingthe tiered system for behavior. All data regarding both academics and behavior is monitored andreferred to the Individual Problem Solving Team (IPST) as necessary in order to determine ifExceptional Education Services (ESE) are needed.

Title I funds are used for personnel and materials to improve student achievement. Highly qualifiedTitle I resource teachers include a K-6 computer lab teacher (focus is math), a K-6 science teacher, ateacher to provide reading and math interventions/academic support for grades 3rd through 5th, anda Title I Coordinator who also provides peer coaching and academic support in 3rd grade. Twoinstructional assistants provide reading and math support in grades K-2nd under the guidance of acertified teacher. The Title I team works with students and parents to help raise student achievement.

Title I funds are also used for classroom materials as needed and to cover any technology costs notcovered by technology funds. In addition, Title I funds support parental involvement events that areheld throughout the year. Parent surveys and areas of identified needs in the school help us to targetthe use of those funds. Another use of these funds is to provide materials and resources for parentand teacher check-out.ASP funds are used to support reading and math instruction. The first priority is third-graders;following is the lowest 25% in reading, and finally, kindergarteners through sixth-graders who havebeen identified as deficient in reading and math.

Turner qualifies for an ESOL teacher and an ESOL assistant. They, along with the English LanguageLearner (ELL) Committee, work closely with students, parents, the Title I team, and administration tohelp ensure student success. In addition, Turner has three VPK classes (one blended) and an EELPprogram.

2. School Advisory Council (SAC)

a. MembershipIdentify the name and stakeholder group for each member of the SAC.:

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Name Stakeholder GroupTanya Knowles PrincipalKristin Hatt TeacherEdna Wesley Business/CommunityDenice Erskine ParentJennifer Martel Business/CommunityCarla Clarke ParentStacey Dedman ParentTrustin Morrow Business/CommunityShawna Tarrant ParentDonna Foreman TeacherEllen Grogan TeacherKathy Laurendi Teacher

b. Duties

1. Provide a description of the SAC's involvement with the following activities, as required bysection 1001.452(2), Florida Statutes

a. Evaluation of last year's school improvement plan

The committee discussed the implementation of the 2016-2017 SIP. After reviewing all pertinent data,members concluded that, while some progress toward our goals had been made during the year,more work needed to be done in order to fully implement all of our strategies and action steps.

Our goals for 2016-2017 will remain the same, with an effort to condense some of our strategies andidentify additional meaningful action steps.

b. Development of this school improvement plan

In May 2016, the committee met to discuss the implementation of the 2015-2016 SIP. One hundredpercent of Turner teachers reported that they were fully or partially implementing their PGPs, whichwere based on SIP goals. Administrators’ ratings correlated with teachers’ scores. To gather furtherinformation, requests for parent and community input were made via the school-wide newsletter andat family events in April and May 2016 using a form provided by the district. Based on the input andevaluation of the SAC members (above), a core team met in June and July 2016 to work on a draft ofthe 2016-2017 SIP.

The draft and pertinent data was then shared with the faculty and staff during the month of August,and input was solicited. At the August 2016 SAC meeting, the draft and faculty/staff input was sharedwith members, and their input was solicited. Based on input from all stakeholders, the draft wasrevised and again shared for additional input/approval. The feedback strongly indicated a need tocontinue with our emphasis on standards-based planning and instruction along with the need toestablish and maintain a positive learning culture through the full implementation of PBS.

c. Preparation of the school's annual budget and plan

At each SAC meeting, the Principal shares budget information with committee members in her"Administrative Updates." She then solicits input and feedback regarding budget items.

2. Describe the use of school improvement funds allocated last year, including the amountbudgeted for each project

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$792.54 was used for Keep N Track Technology. This supports school safety and monitoring ofvisitors on campus.

$145.06 was used to purchase a TV. This supports school safety to push out emergency notifications.

$154.32 was used to purchase safety cones. This supports school safety in our car loop area.

$465.37 was used to purchase a school banner. This supports school recognition at events aroundthe community.

Total: $1557.29

3. Verify that the school is in compliance with section 1001.452, Florida Statutes, regarding theestablishment requirements and duties of the SACNo

a. If the school is not in compliance, describe the measures being implemented to meet SACrequirements

One of our teachers left the school, so we have solicited teachers to be on the ballot. We will hold anelection in early September 2016 and will add the elected teacher to our SAC roster.

3. Literacy Leadership Team (LLT)

a. MembershipIdentify the name and position title for each member of the school-based LLT or similar group, ifapplicable.:

Name TitleTeacher, K-12

Fallace, Carol Teacher, K-12Shelton, Anita Teacher, K-12Gentry, Alisha Teacher, ESEHutson, Philip Teacher, K-12Reiman, Jaclyn Teacher, K-12Robbins, Sharlea OtherSmith, Deanna Instructional Coach

b. Duties

1. Describe how the LLT or similar group promotes literacy within the school, if applicable

The Literacy Coach facilitates the LLT meetings through an ELA cadre comprised of various teachersand support staff within the school. The LLT/ELA cadre provides a central point of communication forall literacy activities that take place at the school. In conjunction with the MTSS process, this teamtriangulates school-wide formative and summative assessment data and determines what is workingand not working as well as identifies school-wide reading achievement trends.

Based on our SIP goals and identified needs, the Literacy Coach will lead the LLT/ELA cadre toprovide professional development opportunities to strengthen standards-based instructional planningand delivery. PD will include teaching to the full intent, differentiated instruction, prioritizing standards,instructional shifts, formative assessment, essential questions, higher-order questions, instructional

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delivery, and student reflection. These PD opportunities will be conducted on early release days,during grade-level meetings, and by providing individual support via modeling and coaching.

D. Public and Collaborative TeachingThe school's response to this section may be used to satisfy the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(D).

1. Describe the school's strategies to encourage positive working relationships betweenteachers, including collaborative planning and instruction

Turner's faculty and staff have worked diligently for several years to improve collaboration. Allstakeholders continue to follow our vision of working together to improve the learning of all students.

During pre-planning 2016, the faculty worked together to set norms that are reviewed and followed in allmeetings throughout the school year. The teams unpack the communication standard of LS.1.1 toestablish these norms. All grade-levels have a common planning time while their students are at activityclasses. In addition, each grade-level set another day and time for meeting to plan together after school.Also, additional time for grade-levels to collaborate has been provided on a regular basis during an extraplanning period. These teams focus on standards based planning, formative assessment and building acommon language. Tuesdays are designated for 2 and 3 problem-solving meetings and Thursdays aredesignated Tier 1 data meetings. . Early release Wednesdays are designated for PD once per month;the other early release Wednesdays are designated for teacher planning. A planning reference calendarhas been created so that teachers are able to prepare for these meetings.

To provide time for teachers to plan a focus calendar for reading and math, additional planning periodshave been scheduled. At these meetings, teachers, Administration and academic coaches collaborate todesign common formative assessments, develop plans based on the standards, analyze student data,and discuss strategies for improving instructional delivery. A list of expectations, including review of up-coming standards, resources to support teaching of the standards, targeted students that are in theproblem-solving process, are provided to guide teachers during these meetings. Opportunities are alsoprovided for teachers to observe their peers who have been identified as teacher leaders.

2. Describe the school's strategies to recruit, develop and retain highly qualified, certified-in-field,effective teachers to the school

Our principal and team attended the Brevard Schools job fair in the spring of 2016 to interview potentialteachers. During this job fair we show cased our school with a variety of visuals. We had an opportunityto meet and interview potential candidates. We were able to hire a highly qualified art teacher from thisevent.

To increase teacher retention, teachers are provided leadership opportunities e.g., grade level chair,point of contact, committees. All teachers were provided a list of shared leadership opportunities in April2016 for 2016-2017. They were given the opportunity to choose what they may be interested in tobecome involved. The leadership team has utilized the master list to delegate shared leadershipopportunities. Administration then, monitors projects that are delegated out so teachers leaders feelsuccessful and supported. Grade level teams are provided opportunities to complete a problem/solutionsheet when issues arise so we are able to address them on a monthly.

We continue to apply for interns through UCF each year. Many of our teachers are attending the CETtraining, peer coach training and are eager to support new teachers.

3. Describe the school's teacher mentoring program, including the rationale for pairings andplanned mentoring activities

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Turner follows the district's Induction Program for new teachers. Every effort is made to match the newteacher with a highly-qualified teacher in his/her grade-level. These mentors help to orient the newteacher to the school, plan lessons together, provide assistance with classroom management, conductobservations, and share feedback. District support is also provided through in-service that has beendesigned especially for new teachers. In addition, Turner will hold monthly meetings to assist newteachers with their responsibilities, including grading/report cards, conferencing with parents, andpreparing for awards ceremonies. Opportunities will be provided to meet one-on-one with mentors andobserve exemplary teachers. The mentoring process continues for two years.

E. Ambitious Instruction and Learning

1. Instructional Programs and Strategies

a. Instructional Programs

1. Describe how the school ensures its core instructional programs and materials are alignedto Florida's standards

Turner’s first priority is to ensure that all instructional staff members are teaching the Florida StateStandards. Ongoing professional development opportunities have taken place at Turner since theonset of the Common Core in 2012. Professional Development continues to focus on complexitylevels of our standards and monitoring for student mastery. We focus our efforts on valuing the pastat Turner but looking forward to the future changes that need to take place to assist our students intheir academic growth. Our team has development a walkthrough tool with a teacher rubric in theform of a learning scale to clearly communicate expectations. A team of teachers gathered in themonth of June to go over the IPPAS rubric. During this time, the team created a document called aGuide to the IPPAS for Turner Teachers. The team established look fors under each dimension andchecklist for the area of distinguished. Then, created planning binders for each teacher. In thesebinder, teachers were provided valuable resources to ease planning.

Through data and collaborative team meetings and curriculum updates, teachers are encouraged toemploy various core instructional curricula such as Journeys, C-Palms, and enVision as resources toplan rigorous lessons to teach the standards. These research-based resources are aligned to theFlorida State standards. For reading and writing, teachers utilize the Language Arts Florida Standards(LAFS) Focus guidelines to pace out their lessons in nine week clusters. For math, teachers utilizethe math handbook, “Getting to the Core of Common Core” to guide their standard’s based lessonplans. Teachers have created Focus Calendars to show the pacing of prioritized standards. Forscience, teachers utilize Brevard Science Pacing and Sequence Guide 2.0 to design hands-onscience lessons that meet the standards. All pacing and sequencing guides aligned to the Floridastandards and are readily available on the Brevard County website.

b. Instructional Strategies

1. Describe how the school uses data to provide and differentiate instruction to meet thediverse needs of students. Provide examples of how instruction is modified or supplementedto assist students having difficulty attaining the proficient or advanced level on stateassessments

Teachers differentiate to meet students’ needs within their Tier 1 instruction for reading and math.Teachers are required to complete profile sheets that triangulate data from all district requiredassessments. The purpose of this sheet is so that both administrators and teachers can observe thealignment of students' strengths and weaknesses based on district benchmarks. The profile sheetsare updated on a quarterly basis at minimum. The profile sheet has been designed to automaticallycategorize students in varies subgroups. This is assisting in problem solving for our subgroups.Teachers also utilize formative assessments to determine mastery of the standards. Based on the

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outcome measures of these assessments, teachers’ differentiate and/or modify instruction to meetthe diverse needs of their students during their core instruction. They also utilize assistance from theircolleagues through grade-level team meetings. These teams meet weekly during their planning timesto discuss individual student progress based on on-going progress monitoring. During this time,teachers share best practices for differentiating and modifying instruction based on student needs.Also, weekly data team meetings are scheduled to determine the effectiveness of Tier 1 and Tier 2instruction.

As supplemental instruction, Turner implements a Tier 2 reading and math intervention block (Stepsto Success) in grades K through 6th that meets the needs of students having difficulty attaining theproficient or advanced levels on state assessments. We also utilize this time to provide enrichment forour students working at the proficient or advanced levels on state assessments. As a nonnegotiable,teachers align this instruction based on the Florida Standards they are teaching in Tier 1.

2. Provide the following information for each strategy the school uses to increase the amountand quality of learning time and help enrich and accelerate the curriculum:

Strategy: Before School ProgramMinutes added to school year: 3,105

Students will be invited to participate in 45-minute small group instruction sessions to be heldTuesday through Thursday morning each week. Both reading and math will be addressed forthird-graders, and math will be the focus for students in grades 4th-6th.Priority will be given tostudents in the lowest 25% in reading (3rd grade) and the lowest 25% in math for students ingrades 4th-6th.

Strategy Rationale

To provide remediation for deficit skills

Strategy Purpose(s)

• Core Academic Instruction

Person(s) responsible for monitoring implementation of the strategyLong, Melissa, [email protected] that is or will be collected and how it is analyzed to determine effectiveness of thestrategy

Student progress will be monitored through formative and summative assessments. This data willbe analyzed at Data Team and Leadership Team meetings.

2. Student Transition and Readiness

a. PreK-12 TransitionThe school's response to this question may be used to satisfy the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(G).

1. Describe the strategies the school employs to support incoming and outgoing cohorts ofstudents in transition from one school level to another

Turner holds a "Kindergarten Round-up" in the spring to provide information for parents regardingkindergarten expectations and registration requirements. The kindergarten teachers and other schoolpersonnel are introduced, and a tour of the school is provided. All VPK families are invited. Flyers arealso given to local daycares and Head Start programs. In addition, early registration is done in the

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spring. VPK teachers provide input as kindergarten class lists are formed for the following schoolyear, so that the new classes will be well-balanced.

To assist our sixth graders with their transition to middle school, a school tour or visit fromadministration is scheduled in the spring. In addition, groups from nearby Southwest Middle School,such as chorus and band, come to perform and speak with our sixth graders.

We are implementing Destination College for our 5th and 6th graders. We have created a "Hall"where the classrooms are located and decorated a student union area for students to have an area tocollaborate. College banners and decoration line the building. We have established monthlymotivational speakers to come and speak with our students.

b. College and Career Readiness

1. Describe the strategies the school uses to advance college and career awareness, whichmay include establishing partnerships with business, industry or community organizations


2. Identify the career and technical education programs available to students and industrycertifications that may be earned through those respective programs


3. Describe efforts the school has taken to integrate career and technical education withacademic courses (e.g., industrial biotechnology) to support student achievement


4. Describe strategies for improving student readiness for the public postsecondary levelbased on annual analysis of the High School Feedback Report, as required by section1008.37(4), Florida Statutes


II. Needs AssessmentThe school's completion of this section may satisfy the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 6314(b)(1)(A).

A. Problem Identification

1. Data to Support Problem Identification

b. Data UploadsData uploads are not required by the Florida Department of Education but are offered as a tool for theneeds assessment. In this section, the school may upload files of locally available data charts andgraphs being used as evidence of need.The following documents were submitted as evidence for this section:

No files were uploaded

2. Problem Identification SummaryThis section is not required by the Florida Department of Education but is provided as an opportunity forthe school to summarize the points of strength and areas of need that have been identified in the data.

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B. Problem Analysis SummaryThis section is not required by the Florida Department of Education but is provided as an opportunity for theschool to summarize the underlying "why"? or root causes for the areas of need identified in the data, asdetermined by situational awareness of, and research conducted by, the stakeholders involved in the needsassessment.

C. Strategic Goals

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Improve and maintain a positive learning culture where all stakeholders are actively invested intheir own learning and thinking.

Student achievement will increase when teachers understand, plan, and implement rigorous,standards-based instruction in all content areas.

School Improvement GoalsThe following key is intended to help readers understand how the sections of this document correspond to thesteps of the 8-step planning and problem-solving framework used in the School Improvement Plan. The QuickKey numbers can help registered users go directly to the point of entry for any given goal, barrier and strategywithin the online survey.

Problem Solving Key

G = Goal B =Barrier S = Strategy

1 = Problem Solving Step S123456 = Quick Key

Strategic Goals Summary



Strategic Goals DetailFor each strategic goal, this section lists the associated targets (i.e., “SMART goals”), resources available tosupport movement toward the goal, barriers to achieving the goal, and the plan for monitoring progress towardthe goal

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G1. Improve and maintain a positive learning culture where all stakeholders are actively invested in theirown learning and thinking. 1a


Targets Supported 1b

Indicator Annual Target2+ Behavior Referrals 24.0

Targeted Barriers to Achieving the Goal 3

• Lack of consistent expectations and consequences for student behavior.

• Lack of respectful interactions between students and staff.

• Lack of resources to maintain high standards for student behavior in the classroom.

Resources Available to Support the Goal 2

• School personnel (administrators, counselors, dean, Title I support staff, ESE staff, teachers,other support staff)

• Capturing Kids' Hearts


• Professional Development (PD) opportunities

• Existing School-wide Positive Behavior Plan

• Resource binder from Social Worker

Plan to Monitor Progress Toward G1. 8

Discipline and attendance data will be reviewed monthly and adjustments will be made as needed.

Person ResponsibleMelissa Long

ScheduleMonthly, from 8/22/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion2016-2017 discipline, attendance data and teacher insight survey results

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G2. Student achievement will increase when teachers understand, plan, and implement rigorous,standards-based instruction in all content areas. 1a


Targets Supported 1b

Indicator Annual TargetFSA ELA Achievement 60.0FSA Mathematics Achievement 60.0FCAT 2.0 Science Proficiency 60.0

Targeted Barriers to Achieving the Goal 3

• Lack of time to plan effectively

• Need for increased knowledge, planning, and effective delivery to meet the rigor of thestandards and educational needs of all students.

Resources Available to Support the Goal 2

• District resource personnel

• School personnel (administrators, Title I support staff, ESE staff, teachers, other support staff)

• Parent and community (volunteers and business partners)

• Standards-based curriculum (LAFS, MAFS, CPalms, and FCRR)

• Professional development (including B.E.S.T., CRISS, D.I. training, Kagan, Marzano, ThinkingMaps)

• Professional library

• Web-based standards resources


• Teacher evaluation system

Plan to Monitor Progress Toward G2. 8

Teachers will be observed implementing rigorous, standards-based instruction. 80% of the time,students will be engaged in student-centered learning activities such as, but not limited to, collaborativepair/team activities and/or student-led discussions. Student surveys will show that the majority ofstudents are taking ownership of their learning. Outcomes of formative and summative assessments willbe analyzed and will indicate that students are mastering the standards.

Person ResponsibleMelissa Long

ScheduleMonthly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of CompletionWalk-through data, teacher lesson plans, student work samples, results of formative andsummative assessments, results of student surveys

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Action Plan for ImprovementFor each strategy selected in the plan to reduce a targeted barrier to a strategic goal, this section lists therationale for that strategy (i.e., why the school believes it will reduce the barrier) and the action steps that havebeen identified as necessary to implementing the strategy, including details such as the point person, timingand duration, and evidence of completion. At the end of each set of action steps is the plan for monitoring theimplementation and effectiveness of the respective strategy.

Problem Solving Key

G = Goal B =Barrier S = Strategy

1 = Problem Solving Step S123456 = Quick Key

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G1. Improve and maintain a positive learning culture where all stakeholders are actively invested in their ownlearning and thinking. 1


G1.B1 Lack of consistent expectations and consequences for student behavior. 2


G1.B1.S1 We will train our entire staff including teachers, bus driver, assistants, custodians, volunteers,substitutes, cafeteria and front office staff on school wide expectations. 4


Strategy Rationale

This will provide information to ensure that all staff understand and are utilizing the expectations.

Action Step 1 5

Staff Training will be designed to address school wide expectations.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Every 6 Weeks, from 8/3/2016 to 5/5/2017

Evidence of Completion

Training Agenda and lesson plans

Action Step 2 5

Ongoing communication with staff to discuss consequences, rationale and student data to drivebehavioral change.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Quarterly, from 8/31/2016 to 5/12/2017

Evidence of Completion

Faculty meeting and data meeting agendas, grade level chair monthly meeting minutes andindividual consultations with teachers.

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Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G1.B1.S1 6

Monitoring and observations of the use of school wide expectations.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Surveys and informal observations

Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G1.B1.S1 7

Monitoring the discipline referrals for the types of incidents.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Discipline referral data will be collected and analyzed.

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G1.B1.S2 We will teach all students school wide expectations in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria,playground and at activity classes. 4


Strategy Rationale

To teach students expected behaviors.

Action Step 1 5

Student assemblies to teach expectations and teachers will teach expectations in the classroom.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Notes from assemblies

Action Step 2 5

Minor and Major incidents will be reviewed for the use the appropriate consequences that matcheach incident.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Lesson plans

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Action Step 3 5

Positive student assemblies to motivate students, events to celebrate positive student behaviorand encourage social interactions for all grade levels.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Monthly, from 8/12/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G1.B1.S2 6

Monitoring and observation of the use of school wide expectations.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Surveys and informal observations

Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G1.B1.S2 7

Monitoring the discipline referrals for the types of incidents.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Semiannually, from 8/3/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Discipline referral data

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G1.B2 Lack of respectful interactions between students and staff. 2


G1.B2.S1 Equipping teachers with resources and trainings to support students needs that will result inmore positive interactions with student/teacher. 4


Strategy Rationale

To provide opportunities for teachers understand the value in a positive teacher/studentrelationship.

Action Step 1 5

Provide multiple trainings that cover the importance of relationship building.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Agenda and Exit slips

Action Step 2 5

Create a student ambassador team consisting of students from multiple grade levels to givefeedback on relationships.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Monthly, from 9/6/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Notes from the meetings

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Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G1.B2.S1 6

Classroom observations and student input on positive interactions.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Quarterly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Informal observations

Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G1.B2.S1 7

Monitor through informal observations.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Quarterly, from 8/19/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Notes from informal observations.

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G1.B3 Lack of resources to maintain high standards for student behavior in the classroom. 2


G1.B3.S1 We will provide teachers and parents with strategies to maintain high standards for eachstudent. 4


Strategy Rationale

To continue to improve in the area of maintaining high standards for student behavior in theclassroom.

Action Step 1 5

Staff will participate in training from Time to Teach.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


On 8/5/2016

Evidence of Completion

Staff sign in sheet

Action Step 2 5

Develop College Readiness Prep for our 5th and 6th grade students.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Monthly, from 9/6/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Plan for implementation, notes and photos and surveys of students

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Action Step 3 5

Provide parents with opportunities to learn strategies to aide their children in learning. Includefamily nights to build relationships and model strategies for behaviors.

Person Responsible

Lisa Stanley


Semiannually, from 9/6/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Agendas, sign in sheets

Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G1.B3.S1 6

Classroom observation of implementation of the strategies taught through professionaldevelopment.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Quarterly, from 8/10/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Walkthrough data

Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G1.B3.S1 7

Strategies will be shared throughout the school year during meetings as refreshers.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Quarterly, from 8/10/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Classroom walkthrough data to show implementation of the strategies.

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G2. Student achievement will increase when teachers understand, plan, and implement rigorous, standards-based instruction in all content areas. 1


G2.B1 Lack of time to plan effectively 2


G2.B1.S1 To provide additional time for planning with administration and instructional coaches. 4


Strategy Rationale

This time will provide teachers professional development, unpacking standards, formativestandards and planning.

Action Step 1 5

Schedules are created to provide teachers at least 12 times of this extra planning throughout theschool year.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Weekly, from 8/3/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion


Action Step 2 5

Define common language and expectations of effective lesson plans.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Monthly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Meeting notes, agendas and common language sheet

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Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G2.B1.S1 6

Classroom walkthrough data

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Monthly, from 8/22/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Classroom walkthrough data showing standards based instruction.

Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G2.B1.S1 7

Student academic achievement data

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Quarterly, from 8/10/2016 to 5/24/2017

Evidence of Completion

Analyzing student academic data in reading and math.

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G2.B2 Need for increased knowledge, planning, and effective delivery to meet the rigor of the standardsand educational needs of all students. 2


G2.B2.S1 Provide PD to help teachers understand and collaborate to teach the standards with rigor andimprove inclusive educational practices. 4


Strategy Rationale

To identify school needs and determine, then implement, actions to meet those needs with thegoal of increasing student achievement.

Action Step 1 5

Leadership Team researches and plans PD opportunities to focus on rigorous, standards-basedinstruction.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Weekly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Agendas, research, PD schedules, alignment of curriculum and resources, student writingsamples

Action Step 2 5

Administrators, academic coaches, and school personnel train teachers to interpret data to driveinstruction/address student needs during data team, grade-level, and collaborative team meetings.Create focus calendar so that teachers are able to better prepare for these meetings.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Weekly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Agendas, minutes, curriculum maps, completed focus calendar, lesson plans, results offormative and summative assessments

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Action Step 3 5

Teachers collaborate with all staff, such as resource teachers, ESOL teacher, vertical teams, etcto ensure instructional strategies include steps to support all students' academic and social needs.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Semiannually, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Agenda and minutes of collaboration meetings

Action Step 4 5

Schedule and conduct classroom walk-throughs; provide individual teacher feedback. Scheduleopportunities for teachers to observe their peers.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Weekly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Schedules, walk-through data, teacher observation forms

Plan to Monitor Fidelity of Implementation of G2.B2.S1 6

PD schedules and materials will be turned in to the Assistant Principal after completion of PD,classroom walk-throughs will be conducted, collaboration agendas and minutes will be collectedand reviewed, results of formative and summative assessments will be analyzed

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Weekly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

PD schedules, agendas, walk-through data, teacher lesson plans, results of formative andsummative assessments, completed Focus Calendars

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Plan to Monitor Effectiveness of Implementation of G2.B2.S1 7

Classroom walk-throughs will be conducted and 40% of teachers will be observed implementingrigorous, standards-based instruction. Fifty percent of the time, students will be engaged instudent-centered learning activities such as, but not limited to, collaborative pair/team activitiesand/or student-led discussions. Student surveys will show that the majority of students are takingownership of their learning. Best Practices for Inclusive Education assessment will be conductedat the end of the year to review progress. Outcomes of formative and summative assessments willbe analyzed and will indicate that students are mastering the standards. If progress is not evident,provide additional PD and/or assign a mentor.

Person Responsible

Melissa Long


Weekly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Evidence of Completion

Walk-through data, teacher lesson plans, student work samples, results of formative andsummative assessments, results of student surveys and result of BPIE assessment.

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Last Modified: 10/21/2016 Page 35

Page 36: Brevard Public Schools John F. Turner, Senior Elementary ... · *Informational Baseline School Grade ... parent survey results, and student/parent/teacher conferences to learn more

IV. Implementation Timeline

Source Task, Action Step or MonitoringActivity Who

Start Date(where


Deliverable or Evidence ofCompletion

Due Date/EndDate


A266575Staff Training will be designed toaddress school wide expectations. Long, Melissa 8/3/2016 Training Agenda and lesson plans 5/5/2017



Classroom observations and studentinput on positive interactions. Long, Melissa 8/3/2016 Informal observations 5/19/2017



Minor and Major incidents will bereviewed for the use the appropriateconsequences that match each...

Stanley, Lisa 8/3/2016 Lesson plans 5/19/2017quarterly


Provide multiple trainings that cover theimportance of relationship building. Stanley, Lisa 8/3/2016 Agenda and Exit slips 5/19/2017



Monitoring the discipline referrals forthe types of incidents. Long, Melissa 8/3/2016 Discipline referral data will be collected

and analyzed.5/24/2017quarterly


Schedules are created to provideteachers at least 12 times of this extraplanning throughout the...

Long, Melissa 8/3/2016 Schedule 5/24/2017weekly


Student assemblies to teachexpectations and teachers will teachexpectations in the classroom.

Stanley, Lisa 8/3/2016 Notes from assemblies 5/24/2017quarterly


Monitoring the discipline referrals forthe types of incidents. Stanley, Lisa 8/3/2016 Discipline referral data 5/24/2017



Monitoring and observation of the useof school wide expectations. Stanley, Lisa 8/3/2016 Surveys and informal observations 5/24/2017



Monitoring and observations of the useof school wide expectations. Long, Melissa 8/3/2016 Surveys and informal observations 5/24/2017



Staff will participate in training fromTime to Teach. Long, Melissa 8/5/2016 Staff sign in sheet 8/5/2016



Strategies will be shared throughoutthe school year during meetings asrefreshers.

Long, Melissa 8/10/2016 Classroom walkthrough data to showimplementation of the strategies.


G2.B1.S1.MA1M259748 Student academic achievement data Long, Melissa 8/10/2016 Analyzing student academic data in

reading and math.5/24/2017quarterly


Classroom observation ofimplementation of the strategies taughtthrough professional development.

Long, Melissa 8/10/2016 Walkthrough data 5/24/2017quarterly


Positive student assemblies to motivatestudents, events to celebrate positivestudent behavior and...

Stanley, Lisa 8/12/2016 5/19/2017monthly

G1.B2.S1.MA1M277095 Monitor through informal observations. Stanley, Lisa 8/19/2016 Notes from informal observations. 5/19/2017



Discipline and attendance data will bereviewed monthly and adjustments willbe made as needed.

Long, Melissa 8/22/2016 2016-2017 discipline, attendance dataand teacher insight survey results


G2.B1.S1.MA1M259747 Classroom walkthrough data Long, Melissa 8/22/2016 Classroom walkthrough data showing

standards based instruction.5/24/2017monthly


Administrators, academic coaches, andschool personnel train teachers tointerpret data to drive...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016

Agendas, minutes, curriculum maps,completed focus calendar, lessonplans, results of formative andsummative assessments



Schedule and conduct classroom walk-throughs; provide individual teacherfeedback. Schedule...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016 Schedules, walk-through data, teacherobservation forms


Brevard - 2121 - John F. Turner, Senior Elementary School - 2016-17 SIPJohn F. Turner, Senior Elementary School

Last Modified: 10/21/2016 Page 36

Page 37: Brevard Public Schools John F. Turner, Senior Elementary ... · *Informational Baseline School Grade ... parent survey results, and student/parent/teacher conferences to learn more

Source Task, Action Step or MonitoringActivity Who

Start Date(where


Deliverable or Evidence ofCompletion

Due Date/EndDate


Teachers will be observedimplementing rigorous, standards-based instruction. 80% of the time,...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016

Walk-through data, teacher lessonplans, student work samples, results offormative and summativeassessments, results of studentsurveys



Teachers collaborate with all staff, suchas resource teachers, ESOL teacher,vertical teams, etc...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016 Agenda and minutes of collaborationmeetings



PD schedules and materials will beturned in to the Assistant Principal aftercompletion of PD,...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016

PD schedules, agendas, walk-throughdata, teacher lesson plans, results offormative and summativeassessments, completed FocusCalendars



Leadership Team researches andplans PD opportunities to focus onrigorous, standards-based...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016Agendas, research, PD schedules,alignment of curriculum and resources,student writing samples



Define common language andexpectations of effective lesson plans. Long, Melissa 8/29/2016 Meeting notes, agendas and common

language sheet5/19/2017monthly


Classroom walk-throughs will beconducted and 40% of teachers will beobserved implementing...

Long, Melissa 8/29/2016

Walk-through data, teacher lessonplans, student work samples, results offormative and summativeassessments, results of studentsurveys and result of BPIEassessment.



Ongoing communication with staff todiscuss consequences, rationale andstudent data to drive...

Stanley, Lisa 8/31/2016

Faculty meeting and data meetingagendas, grade level chair monthlymeeting minutes and individualconsultations with teachers.



Provide parents with opportunities tolearn strategies to aide their children inlearning....

Stanley, Lisa 9/6/2016 Agendas, sign in sheets 5/19/2017semiannually


Create a student ambassador teamconsisting of students from multiplegrade levels to give feedback...

Stanley, Lisa 9/6/2016 Notes from the meetings 5/19/2017monthly


Develop College Readiness Prep forour 5th and 6th grade students. Stanley, Lisa 9/6/2016 Plan for implementation, notes and

photos and surveys of students5/19/2017monthly

Brevard - 2121 - John F. Turner, Senior Elementary School - 2016-17 SIPJohn F. Turner, Senior Elementary School

Last Modified: 10/21/2016 Page 37

Page 38: Brevard Public Schools John F. Turner, Senior Elementary ... · *Informational Baseline School Grade ... parent survey results, and student/parent/teacher conferences to learn more

V. Professional Development Opportunities

Professional development opportunities identified in the SIP as action steps to achieve the school's goals.

G1. Improve and maintain a positive learning culture where all stakeholders are actively invested in their ownlearning and thinking.

G1.B3 Lack of resources to maintain high standards for student behavior in the classroom.

G1.B3.S1 We will provide teachers and parents with strategies to maintain high standards for eachstudent.

PD Opportunity 1

Staff will participate in training from Time to Teach.


Time to Teach Company


All teachers


On 8/5/2016

G2. Student achievement will increase when teachers understand, plan, and implement rigorous, standards-based instruction in all content areas.

G2.B2 Need for increased knowledge, planning, and effective delivery to meet the rigor of the standardsand educational needs of all students.

G2.B2.S1 Provide PD to help teachers understand and collaborate to teach the standards with rigor andimprove inclusive educational practices.

PD Opportunity 1

Leadership Team researches and plans PD opportunities to focus on rigorous, standards-basedinstruction.


District personnel, instructional coaches, and teacher leaders




Weekly, from 8/29/2016 to 5/19/2017

Brevard - 2121 - John F. Turner, Senior Elementary School - 2016-17 SIPJohn F. Turner, Senior Elementary School

Last Modified: 10/21/2016 Page 38

Page 39: Brevard Public Schools John F. Turner, Senior Elementary ... · *Informational Baseline School Grade ... parent survey results, and student/parent/teacher conferences to learn more

VI. Technical Assistance Items

Technical Assistance opportunities identified in the SIP as action steps to achieve the school's goals.

VII. Budget

Budget Data

1 G1.B1.S1.A1 Staff Training will be designed to address school wide expectations. $0.00

2 G1.B1.S1.A2 Ongoing communication with staff to discuss consequences, rationale and student datato drive behavioral change. $0.00

3 G1.B1.S2.A1 Student assemblies to teach expectations and teachers will teach expectations in theclassroom. $0.00

4 G1.B1.S2.A2 Minor and Major incidents will be reviewed for the use the appropriate consequences thatmatch each incident. $0.00

5 G1.B1.S2.A3 Positive student assemblies to motivate students, events to celebrate positive studentbehavior and encourage social interactions for all grade levels. $0.00

6 G1.B2.S1.A1 Provide multiple trainings that cover the importance of relationship building. $0.00

7 G1.B2.S1.A2 Create a student ambassador team consisting of students from multiple grade levels togive feedback on relationships. $0.00

8 G1.B3.S1.A1 Staff will participate in training from Time to Teach. $0.00

9 G1.B3.S1.A2 Develop College Readiness Prep for our 5th and 6th grade students. $0.00

10 G1.B3.S1.A3 Provide parents with opportunities to learn strategies to aide their children in learning.Include family nights to build relationships and model strategies for behaviors. $0.00

11 G2.B1.S1.A1 Schedules are created to provide teachers at least 12 times of this extra planningthroughout the school year. $0.00

12 G2.B1.S1.A2 Define common language and expectations of effective lesson plans. $0.00

13 G2.B2.S1.A1 Leadership Team researches and plans PD opportunities to focus on rigorous, standards-based instruction. $0.00

14 G2.B2.S1.A2

Administrators, academic coaches, and school personnel train teachers to interpret datato drive instruction/address student needs during data team, grade-level, andcollaborative team meetings. Create focus calendar so that teachers are able to betterprepare for these meetings.


15 G2.B2.S1.A3Teachers collaborate with all staff, such as resource teachers, ESOL teacher, verticalteams, etc to ensure instructional strategies include steps to support all students'academic and social needs.


16 G2.B2.S1.A4 Schedule and conduct classroom walk-throughs; provide individual teacher feedback.Schedule opportunities for teachers to observe their peers. $0.00

Total: $0.00

Brevard - 2121 - John F. Turner, Senior Elementary School - 2016-17 SIPJohn F. Turner, Senior Elementary School

Last Modified: 10/21/2016 Page 39