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New Testament & Early Christianity


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reference works

Handbook for the Study of the Historical Jesus 4 Volume SetEdited by Tom Holmn and Stanley E. Porter

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

December 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 16372 0 Hardback (in 4 vols., approx. 3500 pp.)

A hundred years after A. Schweitzers Von Reimarus zu Wrede, the study of the historical Jesus is again experiencing a renaissance. Ongoing since the beginning of the 1980s, this renaissance has produced an abundance of Jesus studies that also displays a welcome diversity of methods, approaches and hypotheses. The Handbook of the Study of the Historical Jesus is designed to create a means to handle the diversity and abundance. Drawing from first-class scholarship throughout the world, the four large volumes of the Handbook offer a unique assembly of leading experts presenting their approaches to the historical Jesus, as well as a thought-out compilation of original studies on a large variety of topics pertaining to Jesus research and adjacent areas.

The Encyclopedia of Christianity - 5 Volume SetEdited by Erwin Fahlbusch, Jan Mili Lochman, John Mbiti, Jaroslav Pelikan, and Lukas Vischer. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, translator and English-language editor. David B. Barrett, Statistical Editor.3Brill

May 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16967 8 Cloth with dustjacket

The Encyclopedia of Christianity describes the Christian faith and community as it exists today in its myriad forms and in its relation to the core apostolic tradition throughout the 2000 years of Christian history. Based on the third, revised edition of the critically acclaimed German work Evangelisches Kirchenlexikon, this volume is sure to become a standard reference work for the study of Christianity past and present. Comprehensive, up-to-date, reflecting the highest standards in scholarship yet intended for a wide range of readers, the Encyclopedia also looks outward beyond Christianity, considering other world religions and philosophies as it paints the overall religious and sociocultural picture in which the Christianity finds itself. Describing Christianity in its global context, the Encyclopedia is a fully international work, with articles written by scholars from many countries and cultural backgrounds. Separate articles for every continent and for over 170 countries present both the history and the current situation of the Christian faith in all its rich spiritual and theological diversity around the world. - Comprehensive, authoritative, up to date - Both historical and contemporary in scope - Scholarly yet accessible to general readers - More than 1,700 articles in all five volumes - Global context, separate articles for every continent and for over 170 countries

reference works

Religion Past and PresentEncyclopedia of Theology and ReligionEdited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning , Bernd Janowski and Eberhard Jngel For more information please visit

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Volume 8 (Mai-Nas) June 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 14692 1 Cloth (cx, 718 pp.)

Volume 9 (Nat-Pes) November 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 14693 8 Cloth (approx. 775 pp.)

Religion Past and Present (RPP) is a complete, updated English translation of the 4th edition of the definitive encyclopedia of religion worldwide: the peerless Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG). Including the latest developments in research, Religion Past and Present encompasses a vast range of subjects connected with religion. This great resource, now at last available in English, continues the tradition of deep knowledge and authority relied upon by generations of scholars in religious, theological, and biblical studies. Religion Past and Present indisputably belongs to the small class of essential reference works.


Key Features

Volume 10 (Pet-Ref) June 2011 ISBN 978 90 04 14694 5 Cloth

Volume 11 (Reg-Sie) November 2011 ISBN 978 90 04 16333 1 Cloth

Volume 12 (Sif-Tog) June 2012 ISBN 978 90 04 16332 4 Cloth

- RGG has been a standard reference work since the publication of the first edition in 1908. - Strongly international, cross-cultural and ecumenical, written by over 3,000 authors from 88 countries - Covers an unparalleled breadth of subject matter in theological and biblical studies - Up-to-date research and bibliographies make it an indispensable resource for all levels of users - Interdisciplinary articles cover a wide range of topics from history, archaeology, liturgy, law, bible, music, visual arts, politics, social sciences, natural sciences, ethics, and philosophy. - The 4th edition of RGG, the basis of the RPP translation, includes hundreds of new entries on Eastern religions and other religious subjects. The editors of RPP have added a number of articles and revised others for a global English-speaking readership. - Short definitions and cross-references enable quick and easy searching - Over 15,000 entries and 8 million words - 13 volumes and an index - Completion scheduled for 2013

Volume 13 (Tol-Zyg) December 2012 ISBN 978 90 04 17304 0 Cloth

Volume 14 (Index)

June 2013 ISBN 978 90 04 17305 7 Cloth

reference works

Religion Past and Present OnlineEncyclopedia of Theology and ReligionEdited by Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning , Bernd Janowski and Eberhard Jngel For more information please visit


Religion Past & Present

Published since 2009 E-ISSN 1877-5888 Options Annual subscription Outright Purchase with annual installment fee RPP Online will include ALL 13 volumes of the print edition and is automatically updated whenever a new volume has been published (2 volumes annually).

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy


Religion Past and Present (RPP) Online is the online version of the updated English translation of the 4th edition of the definitive encyclopedia of religion worldwide: the peerless Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG). This great resource, now at last available in English and online, continues the tradition of deep knowledge and authority relied upon by generations of scholars in religious, theological, and biblical studies. Religion Past and Present indisputably belongs to the small class of essential reference works.


Features and Benefits- Strongly international, cross-cultural and ecumenical, written by over 3,000 authors from 88 countries - RGG has been a standard reference work since the publication of the first edition in 1908 - Covers an unparalleled breadth of subject matter in theological and biblical studies - Up-to-date research and bibliographies make it an indispensable resource for all levels of users - Interdisciplinary articles cover a wide range of topics from history, archaeology, liturgy, law, bible, music,visual arts, politics, social sciences, natural sciences, ethics, and philosophy - Over 15,000 entries and 8 million words - Abstracts drawn from a wide range of journals in various languages - Covers an array of complementary disciplines - Continually updated with new entries

Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity(Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums)Founding Editor: Martin Hengel , Tbingen Executive Editors: Cilliers Breytenbach, Berlin, Martin Goodman, Oxford

Friedrich Avemarie, Marburg, John Barclay, Durham, Pieter W. van der Horst, Utrecht, Tal Ilan, Berlin, Tessa Rajak, Reading, Daniel R. Schwartz, Jerusalem, Seth Schwartz, New York For more information please visit Ancient Judaism & Early Christianity began in 1976, as Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums with the publication of M. Hengels Die Zeloten. The series, which includes monographs and collections of essays, covers a range of topics, typically focusing on areas of mutual influence or points ISSN 1871-6636 of controversy between Judaism and Christianity in the first centuries CE. Recent titles published in the series have included important studies of Josephus, of the Jewish background of Pauls writings, and of the historical Jesus within his Jewish context.

Editorial Board

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Sibyllinische Orakel 1-2Studien und KommentarOlaf WamuthSibylline Oracles book 1 and 2 are a historical apocalypse, integrating biblical and classical mythology. This study interprets it as a document of the Jewish-pagan symbiosis in Asia Minor, which was adapted by second century Christians. A detailed commentary is included. Das Doppelbuch Sibyllinische Orakel 1-2 ist eine historische Apokalypse, die biblische und heidnische Mythologie harmonisiert. Die vorliegende Studie sieht darin ein Zeugnis der jdischheidnischen Symbiose in Kleinasien, das im 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. christlich bearbeitet wurde. Sie enthlt einen detaillierten Kommentar.


December 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 17593 8 Hardback (cvi, 592 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 76

Kaiphas. Der Hohepriester jenes JahresGeschichte und DeutungRainer MetznerDrawing on historical backgrounds, New Testament view, and reception history, this book offers a comprehensive study on the high priest Caiaphas and his importance for Jewish society in the time of Jesus, for Early Christianity and for the reception in later times

June 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18524 1 Hardback (xviii, 482 pp., 22 illus.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 75

Studies in Rabbinic Judaism and Early ChristianityText and ContextEdited by Dan Jaff This book is dealing with the relations between the Rabbinical Judaism and Early Christianity. It studies the continuities and the mutations and clarifies the factors of influences and the polemics between these two traditions.

June 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18410 7 Hardback (xvi, 248 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 74

Empsychoi Logoi Religious Innovations in AntiquityStudies in Honour of Pieter Willem van der HorstEdited by Alberdina Houtman, Albert de Jong and Magda Misset-van de Weg The contributions to this volume all deal with the crucial problem of change in the religious traditions of the ancient world. They range from broad overviews to detailed case-studies, discussing examples from Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian and Manichaean literature. This volume will be an asset to students and scholars of the phenomenology of religions as well as to those interested in the formative years of Christianity and how it adapted to and was divergent from the JudeoHellenistic world. - Mark Mason, Journal for the Study of Judaism, 41, 2010

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April 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16597 7 Hardback (xxiv, 648 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 73


The Ancient Synagogue from its Origins to 200 C.E.

Prayer in Josephus

A Source Book Anders Runesson, Donald D. Binder and Birger Olsson November 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16116 0 Hardback (xii, 332 pp. 23 illus. 1 fold-out map) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 72

Tessel M. Jonquire April 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 15823 8 Hardback (xiv, 322 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 70

Studies in Jewish and Christian History

Die Namen des Vaters

Jewish Identity in the Greco-Roman World

Jdische Identitt in der griechisch-rmischen Welt Edited by Jrg Frey, Daniel R. Schwartz and Stephanie Gripentrog August 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 15838 2 Hardback (viii, 440 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 71

Studien zu ausgewhlten neutestamentlichen Gottesbezeichnungen Christiane Zimmermann May 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 15812 2 Hardback (xx, 692 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 69

A New Edition in English including The God of the Maccabees, introduced by Martin Hengel, edited by Amram Tropper E.J. Bickerman June 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 15294 6 Hardback (1300 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 68

Studies in Josephus and the Varieties of Ancient JudaismLouis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume Edited by Shaye J.D. Cohen and Joshua J. Schwartz November 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15389 9 Hardback (viii, 312 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 67

Judaism in the Roman WorldCollected Essays Martin Goodman December 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15309 7 Hardback (xii, 276 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 66

Writing the Wayward WifeRabbinic Interpretations of Sotah Lisa Grushcow December 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14628 0 Hardback (xvi, 336 pp., 1 illus.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 62

The Wisdom of Egypt

Art and Architecture of the Synagogue in Late Antique PalestineIn The Shadow of the Church David Milson November 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15186 4 Hardback (xxviii, 580 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 65

Calendar, Chronology and WorshipStudies in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity Roger T. Beckwith August 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14603 7 Hardback (x, 262 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 61

Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic Essays in Honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen Edited by Anthony Hilhorst and George H. van Kooten April 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14425 5 Hardback (xii, 560 pp., 1 illus.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 59

The Saints Saints

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Eusebius and the Jewish Authors

His Citation Technique in an Apologetic Context Sabrina Inowlocki March 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 14990 8 Hardback (xx, 340 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 64

Nazirites in Late Second Temple Judaism

Hagiography and Geography in Jerome Susan Weingarten April 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14387 6 Hardback (xvi, 320 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 58

Out-Heroding Herod


Josephus, Rhetoric, and the Herod Narratives Tamar Landau February 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 14923 6 Hardback (xiv, 266 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 63

A Survey of Ancient Jewish Writings, the New Testament, Archaeological Evidence, and Other Writings from Late Antiquity Stuart Chepey May 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14465 1 Hardback (xii, 212 pp.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 60

Die Apostelgeschichte und die hellenistische Geschichtsschreibung

Festschrift fr Eckhard Plmacher zu seinem 65. Geburtstag Herausgegeben von Cilliers Breytenbach und Jens Schrter June 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 13892 6 Hardback (xii, 388 pp. 6 illus.) Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, 57

Titles related to this Series

The Ancient Synagogue from its Origins to 200 C.E.A Source BookAnders Runesson, Donald D. Binder and Birger OlssonThis volume gathers for the first time all of the primary source material on the early synagogues up through the Second Century C. E. Each entry contains bibliographic citations and interpretative comments. An Introduction frames the current state of synagogue research, while extensive indices allow for easy location of specific allusions. September 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18890 7 Paperback (xii, 332 pp.)

Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des UrchristentumsAncient Judaism & Early ChristianityEdited by Pieter W. Horst, Daniel R. Schwartz, Martin Hengel, Martin Goodman and Seth Schwartz For more information please visit This series, which began publication with M. Hengels Die Zeloten in 1976, includes monographs and collections of essays on a range of topics, typically focussing on points of controversy or mutual influence between Judaism and Christianity in the ISSN 0169-734x first centuries of our era. Recent titles published in the series have included important studies of Josephus, of the Jewish background of Pauls writings, and of the historical Jesus in his Jewish context.

Jenseitshoffnung in Wort und Stein Encounters with HellenismNefesch und pyramidales Grabmal als Phnomene antiken jdischen Bestattungswesens im Kontext der Nachbarkulturen Lothar Triebel February 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 12924 5 Hardback (xxii, 346 pp. 213 illus.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 56

Studies on the First Letter of Clement Cilliers Breytenbach and Laurence L. Welborn October 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12526 1 Hardback (xii, 236 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 53

The Wisdom of the Wise

The Presence and Function of Scripture within 1 Cor. 1:18-3:23 H. Drake Williams, III November 2000 ISBN 978 90 04 11974 1 Cloth with dustjacket (xx, 412 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 49

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Wrestling with Angels

Rachels Klage im antiken The Jewish Dialogue Judentum und frhen Christentum with Greece and RomeEine auslegungsgeschichtliche Studie Christine Ritter November 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 12509 4 Hardback (xiv, 328 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 52

A Study of the Relationship between Angels and Humans in Ancient Jewish Literature and the New Testament Kevin P. Sullivan January 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 13224 5 Hardback (xiv, 282 pp. 1 illus.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 55

Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction Tessa Rajak November 2000 ISBN 978 90 04 11285 8 Cloth with dustjacket (xx, 560 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 48


Salvation for the Righteous Revealed

Paulus, Die Evangelien und das Urchristentum

Beitrge von und zu Walter Schmithals. Zu seinem 80. Geburtstag herausgegeben Edited by Cilliers Breytenbach December 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12983 2 Hardback (xii, 844 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 54

Jesus amid Covenantal and Messianic Expectations in Second Temple Judaism Ed Condra August 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 12617 6 Hardback (xviii, 396 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 51

Josephus Jewish War and its Slavonic Version


Gods Kingdom and Gods Son

A Synoptic Comparison Edited by H. Leeming and K. Leeming. Translated into English by H. Leeming and L. Osinkina November 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 11438 8 Hardback (xxii, 696 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 46

The Background to Marks Christology from Concepts of Kingship in the Psalms Robert D. Rowe June 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 11888 1 Hardback (xviii, 438 pp.) Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums, 50

Philo of Alexandria Commentary SeriesGeneral Editor: Gregory E. Sterling Associate Editor: David T. Runia

Harold W. Attridge, Ellen Birnbaum, John Dillon, David Hay, Annewies van den Hoek, Alan Mendelson, Thomas Tobin, S.J., David Winston For more information please visit This commentary series aims to make Philos thought accessible to readers such as graduate students who are just beginning to read him, but also contains much material that will be of ISSN 1570-095X interest to specialists in Hellenistic Judaism, ancient philosophy and patristic literature.

Editorial Board

Philo of Alexandria: On VirtuesNew TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Introduction, Translation, and CommentaryWalter T. WilsonIn the treatise On Virtues, Philo of Alexandria demonstrates how Moses, the constitution he established, and the community that follows its laws embody certain moral ideals (courage, humanity, repentance, and nobility) that were widely admired in the Greco-Roman world.

November 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18907 2 Hardback (xx, 479 pp.) Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, 3


Philos FlaccusThe First PogromPieter W. van der HorstThis book is the first English commentary on Philos In Flaccum since the publication of Box in 1939. The work contains an introduction in which matters of genre, historical background, the textual evidence etc. are discussed. This is followed by a new English translation of the Greek text. The main part of the book is a detailed philological and historical commentary on Philos text. Since In Flaccum is our only source for the anti-Jewish pogrom in Alexandria in the year 38 CE, it is of the utmost significance for the study of the origins and early history of antisemitism. The book is of interests for scholars of Judaism, Ancient History, Biblical Studies, Classical Literature, and History of Religions.

September 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 13118 7 Cloth with dustjacket (xii, 284 pp.) List price EUR 113.- / US$ 162. Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, 2

Philo of Alexandria, On the Creation of the Cosmos according to MosesIntroduction, Translation and CommentaryDavid T. RuniaThis study is the first volume in the new Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series. It contains a new English translation of the Jewish philosophers famous treatise On the creation of the cosmos (the first for seventy years), and the first ever commentary in English.

November 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 12169 0 Cloth with dustjacket (xviii, 444 pp.) List price EUR 139.- / US$ 199. Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, 1

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

A Comparative Handbook to the Gospel of MarkComparisons with Pseudepigrapha, the Qumran Scrolls, and Rabbinic LiteratureEdited by Bruce Chilton, Darrell Bock, Daniel M. Gurtner, Jacob Neusner, Lawrence H. Schiffman and Daniel Oden This handbook addresses the Judaic context of the Gospel according to Mark. Marks text is compared to distinct categories of writings, Pseudepigrapha (together with Philo and Josephus), discoveries related to Qumran, Rabbinic Literature (as well as the Targumim), and examples of Aramaic language that reflect first-century usage.

December 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17973 8 Hardback (xii, 596 pp.) The New Testament Gospels in their Judaic Contexts, 1


Encyclopedia of Religious and Philosophical Writings in Late Antiquity

The Jewish Dialogue with Greece and Rome

The Missing Jesus

Pagan, Judaic, Christian Editors-in-Chief: Jacob Neusner and Alan J. Avery-Peck November 2007 ISBN 978 03 91 04140 0 Cloth with dustjacket (xii, 468 pp.)

Studies in Cultural and Social Interaction Tessa Rajak August 2002 ISBN 978 03 91 04133 2 Paperback (xx, 580 pp.)

Rabbinic Judaism and the New Testament Bruce Chilton, Craig A. Evans and Jacob Neusner February 2003 ISBN 978 03 91 04182 0 Paperback (xvi, 175 pp.)

The Jews in Late Ancient RomeEvidence of Cultural Interaction in the Roman Diaspora Leonard Victor Rutgers August 2000 ISBN 978 90 04 11928 4 Paperback (xx, 284 pp.)

Eusebius of Caesarea against PaganismAryeh Kofsky August 2002 ISBN 978 03 91 04130 1 Paperback (xiv, 338 pp.)

Hellenic Religion and Christianization C. 370-529Frank R. Trombley November 2001 ISBN 978 03 91 04121 9 Paperback (Vol I: xiv 344 pp., Vol II: xvi, 430 pp.)

The Bible in Ancient ChristianityGeneral Editor: D. Jeffrey Bingham

Brian E. Daley, Robin M. Jensen, Christoph Markschies, David G.K. Taylor, Maureen A. Tilley, Robert L. Wilken and Frances M. Young For more information please visit The Bible in Ancient Christianity series examines how the Scriptures were interpreted in ancient Christianity, particularly as Scripture functioned in liturgy, in exposition, homilies, in art, in spirituality, and in social issues. The chronological parameters for the study are the first through the fifth centuries. Questions of how Scripture functions will include both, for example, how Augustine interpreted Romans, as well as how Romans was interpreted among various writers. The geographic and chronological breadth of the study means ISSN 1542-1295 that Eastern as well as Western Christian authorities will be examined. Although the focus will be on widely accepted canonical texts (within these two traditions), the series will not restrict itself to only orthodox readings of the texts. Thus, the series might include manuscripts concerning the Gospel of Thomas; and the series might examine how so-called heterodox personalities (e.g., Montanists) used the Bible. Nonetheless the principle aim will be to look at how canonical texts functioned in ancient Christianity.

Editorial Board

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Christ, Creation, and the Vision of GodAugustines Transformation of Early Christian Theophany InterpretationKari KloosEarly Christians interpreted the biblical theophany narratives as manifestations of Christ, yet Augustine challenged and reconfigured this view. Developing over centuries into two major exegetical strands, the transformation of theophany interpretation reveals the critical and adaptive capacity of patristic exegesis. November 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 19129 7 Hardback (xiv, 218 pp.) The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 7


The Reception and Interpretation of the Bible in Late AntiquityProceedings of the Montral Colloquium in Honour of Charles Kannengiesser, 11-13 October 2006Edited by Lorenzo DiTommaso and Lucian Turcescu A Festschrift offered to Charles Kannengiesser on his 80th birthday, this volume contains twenty-five papers that address major issues pertaining to the reception and interpretation of the Bible in Christianity and Judaism of late antiquity.

August 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16715 5 Hardback (xxviii, 612 pp.) The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 6

What Did Ezekiel See?

Christian Exegesis of Ezekiels Vision of the Chariot from Irenaeus to Gregory the Great Angela Russell Christman August 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14537 5 Hardback (xii, 196 pp.) The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 4

The Bible in Athanasius of Alexandria

Handbook of Patristic ExegesisThe Bible in Ancient Christianity Charles Kannengiesser June 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15361 5 Hardback (xxxiv, 1498 pp.) The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 1

James D. Ernest August 2004 ISBN 978 03 91 04176 9 Hardback (x, 486 pp.) The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 2

Biblical Interpretation SeriesEditors: Paul Anderson (New Testament) and Ellen van Wolde For more information please visit The Biblical Interpretation Series accommodates monographs, collections of essays and works of reference that are concerned with the discussion or application of new methods of interpreting the Bible. Works published in the series ordinarily either give a practical demonstration of how a particular approach may be instructively applied to a Biblical text or texts, or make a productive contribution to the discussion of method. The series thus provides a vehicle for the exercise and development of a whole range of newer techniques of interpretation, including feminist readings, semiotic, poststructuralist, reader-oriented, materialist, deconstructionist and other types of literary readings, ideological, ecological and psychological readings, among many others.

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

The Reshaped MindSearle, the Biblical Writers, and Christs BloodLace Marie Williams-TinajeroEmploying John R. Searles categories of language and mind, this book analyzes five NT texts from a speech act perspective, what certain NT writers and characters asserted and believed concerning the effects of Christs blood, at the literal and metaphorical levels.


November 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18840 2 Hardback (xxv, 234 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 104

Exegesis in the MakingPostcolonialism and New Testament StudiesAnna RunessonKnown for its fresh approaches as well as for its complex theoretical foundations, postcolonial studies is one of the most dynamic contributions to the field of biblical studies today. The present book is a pedagogically structured introduction to this emerging field for both scholar and student. December 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18836 5 Hardback (xx, 254 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 103

Experiencing the Apocalypse at the Limits of AlterityLeif HongistoMaking use of postclassical narratology this book proposes a reading experience of the Apocalypse that underlines the role of the reader or listener for meaning creation and interpretation, based on their own life experiences and the imagistic quality of the text.

August 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18563 0 Hardback (vii, 292 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 102

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Die Darstellung Der zwlfjhrige Jesus unter den Schriftgelehrten im Wandel der ZeitenPeter LandesmannIt has been proved that theological essays written in the time of the creation of those images influenced the iconography. The same influence has been traced in historic events of the relevant time. The Christian/Jewish disputations, the persecution of the Talmud, the Puritanism, the Tridentinum, the reflection on the relationship between Jesus and his church, the increasing importance of the attendance of the Sunday mass and many other historical and spiritual sources have been shown as relevant for the concepts of these works of art. Even for small details, as for instance the leaning Jesus at a column, a historic-theological source could be detected.

April 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18420 6 Hardback (vii, 215 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 101


Abraham as Spiritual AncestorA Postcolonial Zimbabwean Reading of Romans 4 Israel Kamudzandu March 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18164 9 Hardback (xii, 265 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 100

Faith and Freedom in Galatia and Senegal

Sight and Blindness in Luke-ActsThe Use of Physical Features in Characterization Chad Hartsock February 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16535 9 Cloth (vi, 226 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 94

The Apostle Paul, Colonists and Sending Gods Aliou Cisse Niang May 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17522 8 Hardback (xvi, 182 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 97

City of Ruins

Mourning the Destruction of Jerusalem Through Jewish Apocalypse Dereck Daschke March 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18181 6 Hardback (x, 231 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 99

Echoes of Scripture in the Letter of Paul to the ColossiansChristopher A. Beetham October 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 17081 0 Hardback (362 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 96

Recognizing the Stranger

Sacred Tropes: Tanakh, New Testament, and Quran as Literature and Culture

Mark at the Threshold

Recognition Scenes in the Gospel of John Kasper Bro Larsen May 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16690 5 Hardback (xiv, 266 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 93

Edited by Roberta Sterman Sabbath September 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17752 9 Hardback (xxii, 534 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 98

Applying Bakhtinian Categories to Markan Characterisation Geoff R. Webb July 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16774 2 Hardback (xii, 276 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 95

The Temporal Mechanics of the Fourth GospelA Theory of Hermeneutical Relativity in the Gospel of John Douglas C. Estes February 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16598 4 Hardback (xviii, 326 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 92

From a Virgin Womb

The Apocalypse of Adam and the Virgin Birth Andrew J. Welburn December 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16376 8 Hardback (vi, 230 pp) Biblical Interpretation Series, 91

Metaphor and Ideology

Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum and Literary Methods through a Cognitive Lens Mary Therese DesCamp September 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16179 5 Hardback (xiv, 370 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 87

Joels Use of Scripture and the Scriptures Use of Joel

Walking on the Water

Convinced that God had Called UsDreams, Visions, and the Perception of Gods Will in Luke-Acts John B.F. Miller December 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15474 2 Hardback (xii, 284 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 85

Appropriation and Resignification in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity John Strazicich ISBN 978 90 04 15079 9 Hardback (xxvi, 446 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 82

Reading Mt. 14:22-33 in the Light of its Wirkungsgeschichte Rachel Nicholls December 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16374 4 Hardback (xiv, 222 pp 12 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 90

Because You Bear This Name

Explaining Christian Origins and Early JudaismContributions from Cognitive and Social Science Edited by Petri Luomanen, Ilkka Pyysiinen & Risto Uro November 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16329 4 Hardback (viii, 328 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 89

Mapping Gender in Ancient Religious Discourses

Conceptual Metaphor and the Moral Meaning of 1 Peter Bonnie Howe July 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15095 9 Hardback (xxii, 402 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 81

Todd Penner and Caroline Vander Stichele November 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15447 6 Hardback (xviii, 582 pp. 4 illus.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 84

The Reign of God and Rome in Lukes Passion Narrative

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Verhrtet eure Herzen nichtDer Hebrer, eine Synagogenhomilie zu Tischa be-Aw Gabriella Gelardini November 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15406 3 Hardback (xxiv, 472 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 83

An East Asian Global Perspective Yong-Sung Ahn February 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15013 3 Hardback (x, 246 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 80

Consumption and Wealth in Lukes Travel Narrative

James A. Metzger September 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16261 7 Hardback (x, 218 pp.) Biblical Interpretation Series, 88


Dont miss Brills Biblical Studies E-bulletin! *The free electronic bulletin will keep you up-to-date on all developments in our Biblical Studies list. recently published and forthcoming titles, reference works, books and journals news about conferences, authors and catalog special offers Go to our website and click on the link E-Bulletins under Information Services, or go to for a full overview and to subscribe to the Biblical Studies e-bulletin. * for an overview of all our e-bulletins visit

Flavius Josephus: Translation and CommentaryEdited by Steve Mason

John Barclay, University of Durham, Christopher Begg, Catholic University of America, Honora Chapman, California State University, Fresno, Louis H. Feldman, Yeshiva University, Anthony J. Forte, Pontifical Biblical University, Jan Willem van Henten, University of Amsterdam, David Ladouceur, University of Notre Dame, Gaia Lembi, University of Pisa, David Levenson, Florida State University, James McLaren, Australian Catholic University, Thomas R. Martin, College of the Holy Cross, Daniel Schwartz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Joseph Sievers, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Paul Spilsbury, Canadian Theological Seminary. For more information please visit Flavius Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, is without a doubt the most important witness to ancient Judaism from the close of the biblical period to the aftermath of the destruction of the temple in 70 CE. His four surviving works - Judean War, Judean Antiqities, Life, and Against Apion - provide the narrative structure for interpreting the other, more fragmentary written sources and physical remains for this period. His descriptions of the Temple, the Judean countryside, Jewish-Roman relations and conflicts, and groups and institutions of ancient Judea have become indispensable for the student of early Judaism, of Classics, and of Christian origins alike. The priestly aristocrat Josephus was born in 37 CE and died around the year 100. After fighting against the Romans in the war of 66-73 and surrendering in the earliest phase of the campaign, he moved to Rome where he began a productive literary career. His four surviving works in thirty Greek volumes are widely excerpted for historical purposes, but still not often read in their literary and historical contexts. This project aims to assist every serious reader of Josephus by providing a new literal translation, along with a commentary suggesting literary and historical connections. This is the first comprehensive literary-historical commentary on the works of Flavius Josephus in English. Scholar Steve Mason, York University, Toronto, edits the scheduled 12 volumes.


New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Volume 1B - Judean War 2Translation and CommentarySteve Mason


October 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16934 0 Hardback (xx, 522 pp, including 3 maps.) Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, 1/B

Volume 1b in Brills Josephus Project contains Book 2 of Josephus Judean War (translation and commentary). This book deals with a period of enormous consequence: from King Herods death (4 BCE) to the first phase of the war against Rome (66 CE). The commentary aims at a balance between historical and literary issues. ...der vorgelegte Band, der durch ausfhrliche Register gut erschlossen wird, [ist] ein nicht hoch genug zu schtzendes Instrument fr jede weitere Forschung zum wichtigen zweiten Buch des Bellum wie auch fr die Josephus-Forschung insgesamt. - Manfred Vogel, Journal for the Study of Judaism 41, 2010

Volume 10 Against Apion

Translation and commentary by John M.G. Barclay December 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 11791 4 Hardback (lxxii, 432 pp.) Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, 10

Volume 5 Judean Antiquities Books 8-10

Volume 9: Life of Josephus

Translation and commentary by Christopher T. Begg and Paul Spilsbury March 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 11786 0 Hardback (xiv, 394 pp.) Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, 5

Translation and Commentary Translation and commentary by Steve Mason January 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 11793 8 Hardback (xiv, 288 pp. 8 maps, 37 illus.) List price EUR 124.- / US$ 177. Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, 9

Volume 4 Judean Antiquities Books 5-7Translation and commentary by Christopher T. Begg November 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 11785 3 Hardback (xiv, 394 pp) Flavius Josephus: Translation and Commentary, 4

Titles related to this SeriesFlavius Josephus on the PhariseesA Composition-Critical Study Steve Mason November 2001 ISBN 978 03 91 04154 7 Paperback (xviii, 424 pp.)

Flavius Josephus: Life of Josephus

Translation and Commentary Edited by Steve Mason August 2003 ISBN 978 03 91 04205 6 Paperback (liv, 288 pp., 2 maps, 37 illus.)

A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus. Unabridged Study Edition

Josephus in Galilee and Rome

His Vita and Development as a Historian Shaye J.D. Cohen May 2002 ISBN 978 03 91 04158 5 Paperback (xvi, 278 pp.)

Judean Antiquities Books 1-4Translation and Commentary Louis H. Feldman March 2004 ISBN 978 03 91 04221 6 Paperback (xlvi, 632 pp.)

Edited by Karl Heinrich Rengstorf June 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 12829 3 Hardback (vol.1: xxxviii, 1096 pp.; vol. 2: iv, 1152 pp.)

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum TestamentumFor more information please visit Originally published in three sections: Section 1 - The Jewish people in the First Century: historical geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions. Section 2 - The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud. ISSN 1877-4970 Section 3 - Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature For reasons of simplicity and in order to provide greater scope for multidisciplinary works, the division into different sections will be discontinued from volume 12 onwards. Publication of the combined series will continue under the name Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum.

The Mystery of GodEarly Jewish Mysticism and the New TestamentChristopher Rowland and Christopher R.A. Morray-JonesThis book brings together the perspectives of apocalypticism and early Jewish mysticism to illuminate the New Testament. The first part explores the importance of apocalypticism across the whole of the New Testament, and the second part the relevance of Jewish mystical to the New Testament. June 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17532 7 Hardback (687 pp.) Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum, 12


Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature, Volume 5 The Didache

Its Jewish Sources and its Place in Early Judaism and Christianity Huub van de Sandt and David Flusser January 2002 ISBN 978 90 23 23763 1 Hardback (450 pp.) Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum, 3/5

The Literature of the Jewish People in the Period of the Second Temple and the Talmud, Volume 3: Literature of the Sages

Second Part: Midrash and Targum, Liturgy, Poetry, Mysticism, Contracts, Inscriptions, Ancient Science and the Languages of Rabbinic Literature Edited by Shmuel Safrai, Zeev Safrai, Joshua Schwartz and Peter.J. Tomson January 2006 ISBN 978 90 23 24222 2 Hardback (794 pp.) Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum, 2/03

Gregorii Nysseni OperaFounded by W. Jaeger and H. Langerbeck For more information please visit

Opera exegetica In GenesimVolume 1 Gregorii Nysseni In HexaemeronHubertus R. DrobnerThis is the first critical edition of Gregory of Nyssas In Hexaemeron based on all known manuscripts, introduced by a complete discussion of the textual transmission and accompanied by extensive annotations on the biblical, classical and patristic sources, and indices. The editor Hubertus Drobner has done a fine job in putting this volume together. [...]The actual Greek text and critical apparatus of Gregorys In Hexaemeron are clearly the most useful and most important part of this book. The critical text is what makes this volume so valuable to the patristic scholar or to any scholar concerned with the history of biblical interpretation in the early Christian centuries.[...] This critical edition of Gregory of Nyssas In Hexaemeron will be an indispensable reference for any scholar interested in Gregory of Nyssa. It will also prove valuable for scholars who are interested in patristic exegesis and the history of biblical interpretation more generally speaking and who have competence reading Greek patristic literature. - Jeffrey L. Morrow, RBL, 09, 2010

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

June 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 13315 0 Cloth (ocxxiv, 105 pp.) Gregorii Nysseni Opera, 4/1

Opera dogmatica minora, Volume 5 Epistula CanonicaEdited by Ekkehardus Mhlenberg The critical edition of the Epistula canonica by Gregory of Nyssa is based on an analysis of ca. 150 manuscripts from the nomocanon-tradition. Gregorys letter approaches the question of penance and its duration on the basis of a theoretical concept. Die kritische Textausgabe der Epistula canonica Gregors von Nyssa basiert auf detaillierter Analyse von ca. 150 Handschriften aus der Nomokanon-berlieferung. Gregors Brief arbeitet als einzige kanonische Schrift eine theoretische Rechtfertigung fr die Zeiten der Bustrafen aus.


August 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 13314 3 Hardback (168 pp.) Gregorii Nysseni Opera, 3/5

Contra Eunomium liber III

Pars altera: Liber III (vulgo III-XII); Refutatio Confessionis Eunomii (vulgo lib. II) Gregorius Nyssenus. Iteratis curis ed. W. Jaeger February 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 03934 6 Cloth (lxxii, 412 pp.) Gregorii Nysseni Opera, 2

Contra Eunomium libri I et II

Pars prior: Libri I et II (vulgo I et XII B) Gregorius Nyssenus. Iteratis curis e didit W. Jaeger Contra Eunomium libri Gregorius Nyssenus; Jaeger, W. Contra Eunomium libri February 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 03007 7 Cloth (xvi, 409 pp.) Gregorii Nysseni Opera, 1

Titles related to this Series

Lexicon GregorianumVolume 8 Band VIII Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann Herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt unter Leitung von Wolf-Dieter Hauschild The complete Lexicon will comprise 9 volumes, totaling more than 13,000 entries. Each volume will consist of ca. 600 three-column pages.

December 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 16701 8 Cloth (xii, 490 pp.)

Volume 7 Band VII (-)Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann. Herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt unter Leitung von Wolf-Dieter Hauschild December 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16700 1 Cloth (x, 878 pp.)

Volume 4 Band IV -

Volume 6 Band VI - Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann. Herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt unter Leitung von Wolf-Dieter Hauschild December 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 13898 8 Cloth (xii, 972 pp.)

Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann. Herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt unter Leitung von Wolf-Dieter Hauschild December 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 12500 1 Cloth (xii, 510 pp.)

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Volume 3 Band III -

Volume 5 Band V -Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann. Herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt unter Leitung von Wolf-Dieter Hauschild October 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 13028 9 Cloth (x, 566 pp.)

Bearbeitet von Friedhelm Mann. Herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle Gregor von Nyssa an der Westflischen Wilhelms-Universitt unter Leitung von Wolf-Dieter Hauschild June 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 11696 2 Cloth (xii, 856 pp.)


Title related to this Series

The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of NyssaEdited by Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco and Giulio Maspero, translated by Seth Cherney The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa is the fruit of wide-ranging collaboration between more than forty scholars from various disciplines and perspectives, providing in two hundred articles a symphonic vision of the studies on Gregory of Nyssa and his thought. See page 46. December 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 16965 4 Hardback (xxvi, 814 pp.) Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements, 99

Jewish and Christian Heritage SeriesFor more information please visit

Early Jewish Exegesis and Theological Controversy

Studies on Scriptures in the Shadow of Internal and External Controversies I. Kalimi January 2002 ISBN 978 90 23 23713 6 Hardback (208 pp.) Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, 2

Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel

Papers of the Leuven Colloquium, 2000 Edited by R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt and F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville January 2001 ISBN 978 90 23 23712 9 Hardback (630 pp.) Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, 1

Jewish and Christian Perspectives SeriesNew TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Editorial Board

David Golinkin, Alberdina Houtman, Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Schwartz, Freek van der Steen

Advisory Board

Yehoyada Amir, David Berger, Shaye Cohen, Judith Frishman, Martin Goodman, Clemens Leonhard, Tobias Nicklas, Eyal Regev, Gerard Rouwhorst, Seth Schwartz, Yossi Turner For more information please visit Judaism and Christianity share much of a heritage. There has been a good deal of interest of late in this phenomenon, examining both this common heritage, as well as the elements unique to each religion. There has, however, been no systematic attempt to present findings relative to both Jewish and Christian tradition to a broad audience of scholars. It is the aim of this series to do just that. Jewish and Christian Perspectives publishes studies that are relevant to both Christianity and Judaism. The series includes works relating to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, the Second Temple period, the Judaeo-Christian polemic (from ancient to modern times), Rabbinical literature relevant to Christianity, Patristics, Medieval Studies and the modern period. Special interest is paid to the interaction ISSN 1388-2074 between the religions throughout the ages. Historical, exegetical, philosophical and theological studies are welcomed as well as studies focusing on sociological and anthropological issues common to both religions including archaeology. The series is published in co-operation with the Bar-Ilan University and the Schechter Institute in Israel, and the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Tilburg University in the Netherlands. It includes monographs and congress volumes in the English language, and is intended for international distribution on a scholarly level. Detailed information on forthcoming congresses, calls for papers, and the possibility of organizing a JCP conference at your own institution, can be obtained at


Establishing BoundariesChristian-Jewish Relations in Early Council Texts and the Writings of Church FathersF.J.E. Boddens HosangCouncil texts from the eastern and western Mediterranean allow us to see how close relations were between Christians and Jews in late antiquity. These texts give precise descriptions of the continuing close relations between the ordinary faithful Christians and Jews on a daily basis. March 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18255 4 Hardback (xii, 204 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 19

The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late AntiquityEdited by E. Grypeou and H. Spurling This collection of essays examines exegetical encounters between Christians and Jews on the book of Genesis. Eminent scholars present outstanding studies on the subject of Exegetical Encounter to illuminate the history of relations between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity.

October 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17727 7 Hardback (xx, 284 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 18

Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in History, Religion, Art and LiteratureEdited by Marcel Poorthuis, Joshua Schwartz and Joseph Turner This volume contains essays dealing with complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity, taking a bold step, assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as either rejection or appropriation December 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 17150 3 Hardback (xiv, 626 pp., 73 illus.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 17 Opening this book is like facing a banquet table of exotic foods. It is beautiful, overwhelming, and indigestible in one sitting. It covers not only the whole sweep of history, but also literature, art, architecture, and ritual. Fifty-six pages of stunning color plates complete the volume. Discerning the relations between Judaism and Christianity has yielded many metaphors, mother-daughter, siblings, ways that part or not, and parallel lines.n this volume is no different, presenting those whose methodological sobriety rejects any influence, to those who assert conscious borrowing. - Claudia Setzer, Journal for the Study of Judaism 41, 2010

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy


Essays on Halakhah in the New TestamentBernard S. Jackson November 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16273 0 Hardback (xiv, 266 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 16

Iconoclasm and Iconoclash

Jewish and Christian Liturgy and Worship

New Insights into its History and Interaction Edited by Albert Gerhards and Clemens Leonhard October 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16201 3 Hardback (viii, 336 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 15

Struggle for Religious Identity Edited by Willem van Asselt, Paul van Geest, Daniela Mller and Theo Salemink November 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16195 5 Hardback (viii, 508 pp., 32 illustrated pp. (B/W & color plates)) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 14

A Holy People

Jewish and Christian Perspectives on Religious Communal Identity Edited by Marcel Poorthuis and Joshua Schwartz April 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15052 2 Hardback (xviii, 398 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 12

Mapping the New TestamentEarly Christian Writings as a Witness for Jewish Biblical Exegesis Serge Ruzer June 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 15892 4 Hardback (xiv, 258 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 13

Jesus Last Week

Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels Volume One Edited by R. Steven Notley, Marc Turnage, and Brian Becker November 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14790 4 Hardback (vi, 350 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 11

After Eden

Church Fathers and Rabbis on Genesis 3:16-21 Hanneke Reuling October 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14638 9 Hardback (xx, 380 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 10

Saints and Role Models in Judaism and Christianity

Aggadat Bereshit

Eusebius, Onomasticon

Edited by Marcel Poorthuis and Joshua Schwartz December 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12614 5 Hardback (xiv, 490 pp., 19 illus.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 7

Translated from the Hebrew with an Introduction and Notes Lieve M. Teugels September 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 12173 7 Cloth with dustjacket (xxxvi, 306 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 4

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

A Triglott Edition with Notes and Commentary R. Steven Notley and Zeev Safrai June 2005 ISBN 978 03 91 04217 9 Hardback (252 pp, with large full-color map of Biblical Palestine according to Eusebius) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 9

Paratext and Megatext as Channels Eusebius of Caesarea of Jewish and Christian Traditions against PaganismThe Textual Markers of Contextualization Edited by August den Hollander, Ulrich Schmid and Willem Smelik April 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12882 8 Hardback (xvi, 204 pp., 3 illus.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 6

Religious Identity and the Problem of Historical FoundationThe Foundational Character of Authoritative Sources in the History of Christianity and Judaism Edited by Judith Frishman, Willemien Otten and Gerard Rouwhorst January 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 13021 0 Hardback (x, 590 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 8

Aryeh Kofsky This publication has also been published in paperback. April 2000 ISBN 978 90 04 11642 9 Cloth with dustjacket (xiv, 338 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 3

Justin Martyr and the Jews

David Rokah November 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 12310 6 Cloth with dustjacket (xii, 158 pp.) Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series, 5


Titles related to this SeriesCosmology and Eschatology in Jewish and Christian ApocalypticismAdela Yarbro Collins August 2000 ISBN 978 90 04 11927 7 Paperback (xii, 262 pp.)

Matthew and the Didache

Two Documents from the Same JewishChristian Milieu? Edited by Huub van de Sandt January 2005 ISBN 978 90 23 24077 8 Hardback (316 pp.)

Linguistic Biblical StudiesEdited by Stanley E. Porter For more information please visit This series, Linguistic Biblical Studies, is dedicated to the development and promotion of linguistically informed study of the Bible in its original languages. Biblical studies has greatly benefited from modern theoretical and applied linguistics, but stands poised to benefit from further integration of the two fields of study. Most linguistics has studied contemporary languages, and attempts to apply linguistic methods to study of ancient languages requires systematic re-assessment of their approaches. This series is designed to address such challenges, by providing a venue for linguistically based analysis of the ISSN 1877-7554 languages of the Bible. As a result, monograph-length studies and collections of essays in the major areas of linguistics, such as syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis and text linguistics, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, and the like, will be encouraged, and any theoretical linguistic approach will be considered, both formal and functional. Primary consideration is given to the Greek of the New and Old Testaments and of other relevant ancient authors, but studies in Hebrew, Coptic, and other related languages will be entertained as appropriate.

Verbal Aspect in the Book of RevelationThe Function of Greek Verb Tenses in Johns ApocalypseDavid L. MathewsonDrawing on recent research into verbal aspect in New Testament Greek by Stanley E. Porter, Buist M. Fanning and others, this work addresses the issue of verb tenses in the book of Revelation and how they function within its visions and discourse.

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

July 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18668 2 Hardback (vi, 206 pp.) Linguistic Biblical Studies, 4


Pauls Gospel in RomansA Discourse Analysis of Rom 1:16-8:39Jae Hyun LeeUsing linguistic discourse analysis, this book offers a fresh approach to Pauls gospel in Romans 1-8 and provides a comprehensive understanding of his argumentative structure and subject matter including the central points of Pauls gospel.


April 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 17963 9 Hardback (xviii, 582 pp.) Linguistic Biblical Studies, 3

Marks Memory Resources and the Controversy Stories (Mark 2:1-3:6)An Application of the Frame Theory of Cognitive Science to the Markan Oral-Aural NarrativeYoon-Man ParkDrawing on frame theory from cogntive science, this book shows that as a product of oral-aural cultures the Gospel of Mark is basically an background knowledge-based story; and hence it can be only properly understood by the help of frames which the speaker and audience shared.

December 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17962 2 Hardback (xx, 344 pp.) Linguistic Biblical Studies, 2

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Biblical Translation in Chinese and GreekVerbal Aspect in Theory and PracticeToshikazu FoleyThis study integrates three independent subjectstranslation theory, Mandarin aspect, and Greek aspectfor the purpose of formulating a theory applicable to translating the Bible. Two passages from John 1819 and 1 Corinthians 15 are provided as test cases.

September 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17865 6 Hardback (xxiv, 449 pp.) Linguistic Biblical Studies, 1


Nag Hammadi and Manichaean StudiesEdited by Johannes van Oort and Einar Thomassen

J.D. BeDuhn, A.D. DeConick, W.-P. Funk, I. Gardner, S.N.C. Lieu, A. Marjanen, P. Nagel, L. Painchaud, B.A. Pearson, N.A. Pedersen, S.G. Richter, J.M. Robinson, M. Scopello, J.D. Turner, G. Wurst For more information please visit Formerly the Nag Hammadi Studies Series, which included the now complete Coptic Gnostic Library, this series - a world leader in its field - now includes study tools and monographs on a broad range of topics in the fields of Gnostic and Manichaean studies. ISSN 0929-2470

Editorial Board

In Search of Truth. Augustine, Manichaeism and other GnosticismStudies for Johannes van Oort at SixtyEdited by Jacob van den Berg, Annemar Kotz, Tobias Nicklas and Madeleine Scopello This volume in honour of Johannes van Oort, formerly University of Utrecht, presently Professor of Patristics and Gnosticism at the Universities of Nijmegen and Pretoria, and past-President of the International Association of Manichaeism (IAMS), brings together a rich variety of studies on Augustine, Manichaeism, and other Gnostic currents, thus reflecting the honorands research interests. The unique collection is divided into four sections: I. Studies in Augustine: Confessions, Sermons, Letters & De Haeresibus; Augustine on Grace & Pluralism; Augustinian Gnosis; II. Studies in Manichaeism: Origins & Myth; Doctrines & Cult; Diffusion & Art; III. Studies in Manichaeism and Augustine: Doctrines; Polemics & Debates with Manichaean Contemporaries; IV. Studies in Other Gnosticism: Gnosticism and Apocryphal Texts; Sources of (Ps.) Hippolytus Refutatio; the Gospel of Judas; Modern Yesidi Gnosticism. The 35 studies are preceded by an overview of Prof. van Oorts scholarly activities and publications

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

December 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18997 3 Hardback Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 74


Images of RebirthCognitive Poetics and Transformational Soteriology in the Gospel of Philip and the Exegesis on the SoulHugo LundhaugThis book offers fresh readings of the Gospel of Philip (NHC II.3) and the Exegesis on the Soul (NHC II.6) from new theoretical and historical perspectives. Eschewing the category of Gnosticism and challenging common categorisations, the book analyses the preserved Coptic texts as coherent Christian compositions contemporary with the production and use of the Nag Hammadi Codices. A methodological framework based on Cognitive Poetics is outlined and applied to illuminate how the texts present a soteriology of transformation through religious rituals and practices using complex conceptual and intertextual blends with important polemical and paraenetic functions. The analysis highlights the use of metaphors and allusions in (re-)interpretations of authoritative Scripture, ritual and dogma. Complete Coptic texts and translations are included.

August 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18026 0 Hardback (xviii, 594 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 73

The Paraphrase of Shem (NH VII,1)Introduction, Translation and CommentaryMichel RobergeThis book presents the first comprehensive interpretation of the Paraphrase of Shem, Codex VII,1 in the Coptic Nag Hammadi Library. The lenghty introduction discusses the literary genre of the treatise, its plan and system, its situation among the Gnostic systems, its provenance and date. The translation sets out the text in paragraphs, with headings and subheadings. A short commentary follows the translation. The analysis of the system shows that the author is working from a model of the universe, whose principles have been drawn from Stoicism and Middle Platonism. While dipping into the springs of the major Sethian and Valentinian systems, the author follows his own way and offers an original system, anticipating in many respects Manichaeism.

June 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18202 8 Hardback (xii, 192 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 72

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

The Codex Judas PapersProceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex Held at Rice University, Houston Texas, March 13-16, 2008Edited by April D. DeConick This book contains the proceedings from the Codex Judas Congress, the first international conference held to discuss the newly-restored Tchacos Codex. Given that the Tchacos Codex is a newly-conserved ancient book of Christian manuscripts which had yet to be discussed collaboratively by a body of scholars, the research conducted and published within this book by the members of the Codex Judas Congress is nothing less than a landmark in Gnostic studies. Scholars address issues of identity and community, portraits of Judas, astrological lore, salvation and praxis, text and intertext, and manuscript matters. Although the contributions show a variety of interpretations of the Tchacos texts, several points of agreement emerge, including the assessment that the Codex belonged to early Christians in conflict with other Christians who belonged to the apostolic or conventional church.


December 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 18141 0 Hardback (xxxii, 640 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 71

Biblical Argument in Manichaean Missionary PracticeThe Case of Adimantus and AugustineJ.A. van den BergThis book offers a reconstruction and analysis in context of the Disputationes, a treatise of Manis missionary Adimantus. In it, Adimantus, like Marcion, placed parts of the Old and New Testament opposite each other.

December 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 18034 5 Hardback (xii, 244 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 70

Manichaeism and Its LegacyJ. Kevin Coyle This volume reproduces nineteen chapters and articles published between 1991 through 2008, on Manichaeism, and its contacts with Augustine of Hippo, its most famous convert and also best-known adversary.

October 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17574 7 Hardback (xxiv, 384 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 69

Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic MythmakingRethinking Sethianism in Light of the Ophite EvidenceTuomas RasimusExamining the mythology in and social reality behind a group of texts rewriting Genesis, to which certain leaders of the early church occasionally attached the label Ophite, this book offers a new understanding of Sethianism and the origins of Gnosticism.

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

October 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17323 1 Hardback (xx, 356 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 68


Valentinian Ethics and Paraenetic DiscourseDetermining the Social Function of Moral Exhortation in Valentinian ChristianityPhilip L. TiteOffering a fresh assessment of the presence and function of paraenesis within Valentinianism, this book places Valentinian moral exhortation within the context of early Christian moral discourse. Like other Christians, Valentinians were not only interested in ethics, but used moral exhortation to discursively shape social identity.

August 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17507 5 Hardback (xvi, 368 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 67

Pentadic Redaction in the Manichaean KephalaiaTimothy PettipieceThis study identifies a significant redactional tendency whereby the compilers of the Kephalaia sought to clarify ambiguities in canonical Manichaean tradition by means of five-part numerical series, thereby challenging the conventional wisdom of Manichaean scholarship about the consistency of Manichaean doctrine.

March 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17436 8 Hardback (xii, 242 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 66

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1995-2006David M. ScholerThis is the third volume of the immensely useful Nag Hammadi Bibliography, the first volume of which covered 19481969 and was the first publication in the Nag Hammadi Studies series. The second volume covered 19701994. This third volume provides a complete integration of Supplements II/1II/8 to the Bibliography as published in Novum Testamentum 19982008, with additions and corrections. This latest update contains 3,063 entries, with the set of three volumes containing 11,580 entries. Nag Hammadi and Gnostic studies continue to be of critical importance for the study of ancient religions in the Graeco-Roman world and for the study of the world of early Christianity, and the present bibliography provides an indispensable reference tool for work in these fields.


November 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 17240 1 Hardback (xviii, 278 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 65

New Light on ManichaeismPapers from the Sixth International Congress on ManichaeismEdited by Jason David BeDuhn New Light on Manichaeism provides the latest discoveries and insights into the Manichaean religion throughout its more than one thousand year history, ranging from glimpses into the life and thought of Mani himself, to developments in doctrine and practice in the religions North African, Iranian, Central Asian, and Chinese settings. The volume includes contributions from the leading scholars in the field, offering new reconstructions of Manichaean literary and artistic productions, and innovative analyses of the religious, social, and political dynamics that shaped the rise and fall of this world religion.

March 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17285 2 Hardback (xviii, 304 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 64

The Gospel of Judas in ContextProceedings of the First International Conference on the Gospel of Judas Paris, Sorbonne, October 27th-28th, 2006Edited by Madeleine Scopello This book offers the papers presented at the First International Conference on the Coptic Gospel of Judas, held in Paris, University of Sorbonne, October 27th-28th 2006. Several crucial literary, historical and doctrinal issues related to this apocryphon of the 2nd century A.C. are explored as well as Judas ambiguous figure.

August 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16721 6 Hardback (xvi, 404 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 62

Frontiers of Faith

The Christian Encounter with Manichaeism in the Acts of Archelaus Edited by Jason BeDuhn and Paul Mirecki August 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16180 1 Hardback (viii, 184 pp) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 61

Demonstrative Proof in Defence of God

Mental Perception

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Thomasine Traditions in AntiquityThe Social and Cultural World of the Gospel of Thomas Edited by Jon Ma. Asgeirsson, April D. DeConick and Risto Uro December 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14779 9 Hardback (xx, 308 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 59

A Study of Titus of Bostras Contra Manichaeos The Works Sources, Aims and Relation to its Contemporary Theology Nils Arne Pedersen August 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 13883 4 Hardback (xvi, 576 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 56

A Commentary on NHC, VI, 4, The Concept of Our Great Power Francis E. Williams June 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 11692 4 Hardback (lxx, 288 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 51

The Light and the Darkness

Gnostic Revisions of Genesis Stories and Early Jesus TraditionsGerard P. Luttikhuizen October 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14510 8 Hardback (xviii, 210 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 58

Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel Edited by Johannes van Oort. With additional Prefaces by April deConick and Jean-Pierre Mah December 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 13945 9 Hardback (xxvi, 869 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 55

Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica

Studies in Manichaeism and its World Edited by Paul Mirecki and Jason BeDuhn June 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 11673 3 Hardback (vi, 226 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 50


Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West

Poetics of the Gnostic UniverseNarrative and Cosmology in the Apocryphon of John Zlatko Plee June 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 11674 0 Hardback (x, 334 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 52

Mediaeval Manichaean Book Art

A Codicological Study of Iranian and Turkic Illuminated Book Fragments from 8th-11th Century East Central Asia Zsuzsanna Gulcsi August 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 13994 7 Hardback (xvi, 252 pp., 84 illustrated pp. (B/W & color plates)) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 57

Proceedings of the Fribourg-Utrecht Symposium of the International Symposium Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS) Edited by Johannes van Oort, Otto Wermelinger and Gregor Wurst June 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 11423 4 Hardback (x, 342 pp.) Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies, 49

Titles related to this Series

The Spiritual Seed The Church of the Valentinians(paperback)Einar ThomassenThis book is the first comprehensive study of the doctrines and history of Valentinianism, making full use of the documents from Nag Hammadi as well as the reports of the Church Fathers.

February 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16733 9 Paperback (xvi, 552 pp)New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

A Companion to Second-Century Christian HereticsEdited by Antti Marjanen and Petri Luomanen The book deals with thinkers and movements that were embraced by many second-century religious seekers but which are now largely forgotten or known only as heretics: Basilides, Sethianism, Valentinus school, Marcion, Tatian, Bardaisan, Montanists, Cerinthus, Ebionites, Nazarenes, Jewish-Christianity of the Pseudo-Clementines, and Elchasites.

August 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 17038 4 Paperback (xiv, 386 pp.)30

The Nag Hammadi Library in English


The Coptic Gnostic Library

Translated and Introduced by Members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont, California James M. Robinson, General Editor. Fourth Revised Edition with an Afterword by Richard Smith, Managing Editor January 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 08856 6 Hardback (xvi, 550 pp.)

A Complete Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices General Editor: James M. Robinson March 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 11702 0 Paperback (5148 pp.)

The Gospel According to ThomasCoptic Text Established and Translated by A. Guillaumont, H.-Ch. Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till, Yassah Abd al-Mash March 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 04877 5 Paperback (viii, 62 pp.)

Novum Testamentum, SupplementsEdited by David P. Moessner, Dubuque, and Margaret M. Mitchell, Chicago

L. Alexander, Sheffield, F. Bovon, Cambridge, MA, C. Breytenbach, Berlin, J.K. Elliott, Leeds, C.R. Holladay, Atlanta, M.J.J. Menken, Tilburg, J. Smit Sibinga, Amsterdam, J.C. Thom, Stellenbosch, P. Trebilco, Dunedin For more information please visit Supplements to Novum Testamentum publishes monographs and collections of essays that make original contributions to the field of New Testament studies. This includes text-critical, philological and exegetical studies, and investigations which ISSN 0167-9732 seek to situate early Christian texts (both canonical and noncanonical) and theology in the broader context of Jewish and Graeco-Roman history, culture, religion and literature.

Editorial Board

New Testament Textual Criticism: The Application of Thoroughgoing PrinciplesEssays on Manuscripts and Textual VariationJ.K. ElliottA collection of 57 essays by J.K. Elliott on aspects of New Testament textual criticism including examinations of textual variation and important Greek manuscripts and analyses of printed editions of the New Testament text, all making the case for thoroughgoing textual criticism.

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

December 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18952 2 Hardback (xvi, 662 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 137


From Judaism to Christianity: Tradition and TransitionA Festschrift for Thomas H. Tobin, S.J., on the Occasion of His Sixty-fifth BirthdayEdited by Patricia Walters As a far reaching tribute to the distinguished career of Thomas H. Tobin, S.J., a team of outstanding biblical scholars has joined to offer essays on the religious milieu of the ancient Mediterranean region. Challenged by Hellenistic and Greco-Roman cultural and political domination, the religious struggles of Jewish and, later, Christian communities sought to maintain tradition as well as mitigate transition. Jewish responses to a Hellenistic world are revealed anew in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the works of Artapanus and Philo. Also, Christian views on the transitory world of the early centuries of the Common Era are brought to light in the New Testament literature, apocryphal texts, and Patristic writings. Professors and students alike will benefit from the depth and breadth of this fresh scholarship.


September 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18769 6 Hardback (xxxii, 340 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 136

Grace, Reconciliation, ConcordThe Death of Christ in Graeco-Roman MetaphorsCilliers BreytenbachHow did the first Christians interpret the death of Christ? The answer lies within the earliest Christian documents, primarily within the Pauline letters. Before the users of a modern language could hope to come near an adequate description of what was expressed in these Greek texts of the first Christians, they have to deconstruct layers of later dogmatic interpretation. They need to keep to descriptive terminology reflecting the Greek of the sources and to trace the origin of the metaphoric language early Christians like Paul used. This volume sets out to construct some of the Jewish and Greco-Roman patterns of thought which were initially utilised to express the meaning of the death of Christ.

October 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18608 8 Hardback (xiv, 370 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 135

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

Corinth in ContextComparative Studies on Religion and SocietyEdited by Steven Friesen, Dan Schowalter, and James Walters This volume is the product of an interdisciplinary conference held at the University of Texas at Austin. Specialists in the study of inscriptions, architecture, sculpture, coins, tombs, pottery, and texts collaborate to produce new portraits of religion and society in the ancient city of Corinth. The studies focus on groups like the early Roman colonists, the Augustales (priests of Augustus), or the Pauline house churches; on specific cults such as those of Asklepios, Demeter, or the Sacred Spring; on media (e.g., coins, or burial inscriptions); or on the monuments and populations of nearby Kenchreai or Isthmia. The result is a deeper understanding of the religious life of Corinth, contextualized within the socially stratified cultures of the Hellenistic and Roman periods.


June 2010 ISBN 978 90 04 18197 7 Hardback (xxvi, 518 pp., 102 illus., 3 maps.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 134

The Politics of PeaceEphesians, Dio Chrysostom, and the Confucian Four BooksTe-Li LauAlthough scholarship has noted the thematic importance of peace in Ephesians, few have examined its political character in a sustained manner throughout the entire letter. This book addresses this lacuna, comparing Ephesians with Colossians, Greek political texts, Dio Chrysostoms Orations, and the Confucian Four Books in order to ascertain the rhetorical and political nature of its topos of peace. Through comparison with analogous documents both within and without its cultural milieu, this study shows that Ephesians can be read as a politico-religious letter concerning peace within the church. Its vision of peace contains common political elements (such as moral education, household management, communal stability, a universal humanity, and war) that are subsumed under the controlling rubric of the unity and cosmic summing up of all things in Christ.

December 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 18053 6 Hardback (xvi, 360 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 133

The Legacy of JohnSecond-Century Reception of the Fourth GospelEdited by Tuomas Rasimus This volume offers an approachable, fresh, comprehensive and up-to-date view of the second-century reception of the Fourth Gospel, in a situation where new understandings about various forms of early Christianity and its multiformity have started to emerge.

October 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17633 1 Hardback (xii, 412 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 132

The New IsaacTradition and Intertextuality in the Gospel of MatthewLeroy A. HuizengaGospel scholarship has long recognized that Matthean Christology is a rich, multifaceted tapestry weaving multifold Old Testment figures together in the person of Jesus. It is somewhat strange, therefore, that scholarship has found little role for the figure of Isaac in the Gospel of Matthew. Employing Umberto Ecos theory of the Model Reader as a theoretical basis to ground the phenomenon of Matthean intertextuality, this work contends that when read rightly as a coherent narrative in its first-century setting, with proper attention to both biblical texts and extrabiblical traditions about Isaac, the Gospel of Matthew evinces a significant Isaac typology in service of presenting Jesus as new temple and decisive sacrifice.

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

September 2009 ISBN 978 90 04 17569 3 Hardback (xx, 340 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 131


Jesus, Paul, and Early ChristianityStudies in Honour of Henk Jan de JongeEdited by Rieuwerd Buitenwerf, Harm W. Hollander and Johannes Tromp This collection of essays by leading experts in New Testament scholarship addresses core themes in the study of early Christianity. The topics addressed include text-critical issues relating to the New Testament, the historical situation in which the earliest Christian documents were composed, early Christian rituals, historical questions concerning Jesus and Paul, and the origin and development of important theological ideas in the early Church. This volume is dedicated to Henk Jan de Jonge (Emeritus Professor in the New Testament, Leiden University) in honour of his important contributions to the field of New Testament Studies.

December 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 17033 9 Hardback (x, 470 pp) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 130

Scripture and TraditionsEssays on Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Carl R. HolladayEdited by Patrick Gray and Gail R. ODay This volume contains twenty-two essays in honor of Carl R. Holladay, whose work on the interaction between early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism has had a considerable impact on the study of the New Testament.

November 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16747 6 Hardback (xvi, 504 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 129

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

The Ethics of Obscene Speech in Early Christianity and Its EnvironmentJeremy F. HultinThis book aims to contextualize early Christian rhetoric about foul language by asking such questions as: Where was foul language encountered? What were the conventional arguments for avoiding (or for using) obscene words? How would the avoidance of such speech have been interpreted by others? A careful examination of the ancient uses of and discourse about foul language illuminates the moral logic implicit in various Jewish and Christian texts (e.g. Sirach, Colossians, Ephesians, the Didache, and the writings of Clement of Alexandria). Although the Christians of the first two centuries were consistently opposed to foul language, they had a variety of reasons for their moral stance, and they held different views about what role speech should play in forming their identity as a holy people.


July 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16803 9 Hardback (xxii, 282 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 128

Brot, Licht und WeinstockIntertextuelle Analysen johanneischer Ich-bin-WorteSilke PetersenThis study offers an intertextual approach to the I am sayings of the Gospel of John, considering parallels to the I am formula in late Antiquity. It focuses particularly on three exemplary predicates bread, light, vine and and their context.

May 2008 ISBN 978 90 04 16599 1 Hardback (xiv, 398 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 127

Heaven and Earth in the Gospel of Matthew

Jonathan T. Pennington September 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16205 1 Hardback (xvi, 400 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 126

Johannine Sectarianism in Perspective

Reading Religions in the Ancient World

Essays Presented to Robert McQueen Grant on his 90th Birthday Edited by David E. Aune and Robin Darling Young November 2007 ISBN 978 90 04 16196 2 Hardback (x, 306 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 125

A Sociological, Historical, and Comparative Analysis of Temple and Social Relationships in the Gospel of John, Philo and Qumran Kre Sigvald Fuglseth September 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14411 8 Hardback (xiv, 450 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 119

Die apokryph gewordenen Evangelien

Studien zu neuen Texten und zu neuen Fragen Dieter Lhrmann December 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12867 5 Hardback (xii, 292 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 112

Identity Matters

Philodemus and the New Testament World

John, the Jews and Jewishness Raimo Hakola February 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14324 1 Hardback (x, 294 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 118

Edited by John T. Fitzgerald, Dirk Obbink and Glenn S. Holland November 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 11460 9 Hardback (xiv, 434 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 111

The New Testament Interpreted

Essays in Honour of Bernard C. Lategan Edited by Cilliers Breytenbach, Johan C. Thom and Jeremy Punt November 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15304 2 Hardback (x, 406 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 124

Departure and Consolation

The Johannine Farewell Discourses in Light of Greco-Roman Literature George L. Parsenios February 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14278 7 Hardback (xii, 180 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 117

Early Christianity and Classical Culture

New TesTameNT & early ChrisTiaNiTy

The Afterlife Imagery in Lukes Story of the Rich Man and LazarusOuti Lehtipuu December 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 15301 1 Hardback (xiv, 362 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 123

Perspectives on New Testament Textual Criticism

Comparative Studies in Honor of Abraham J. Malherbe Edited by John T. Fitzgerald, Thomas H.Olbricht and L. Michael White December 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 13022 7 Hardback (xx, 748 pp., 1 illus.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 110

The New Testament and Early Christian Literature in Greco-Roman Context

Collected Essays, 1962-2004 Eldon Jay Epp June 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14246 6 Hardback (xl, 856 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 116

Paul and the Corinthians: Studies on a Community in Conflict

Studies in Honor of David E. Aune Edited by John Fotopoulos August 2006 ISBN 978 90 04 14304 3 Hardback (xvi, 468 pp., 9 illus.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 122

The Missions of James, Peter, and Paul

Essays in Honour of Margaret Thrall Edited by Trevor J. Burke and J.Keith Elliott November 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12920 7 Hardback (xxiv, 352 pp., 1 illus.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 109


Tensions in Early Christianity Edited by Bruce Chilton and Craig Evans October 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 14161 2 Hardback (xvi, 536 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 115

The Acts of Thomas

Salvation in the New Testament

Perspectives on Soteriology Edited by Jan G. van der Watt August 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14297 8 Hardback (xiv, 530 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 121

The Purpose of the Gospel of Mark in its Historical and Social ContextEdited by H.N. Roskam October 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 14052 3 Hardback (xvi, 288 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 114

Introduction, Text, and Commentary A.F.J. Klijn June 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12937 5 Hardback (xiv, 258 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 108

Reading Luke-Acts in its Mediterranean Milieu

The Mission of the Church

in Pauls Letter to the Philippians in the Context of Ancient Judaism James P. Ware October 2005 ISBN 978 90 04 14641 9 Hardback (xvi, 384 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 120

The Collected Biblical Writings of T.C. Skeat

Charles H. Talbert February 2003 ISBN 978 90 04 12964 1 Hardback (xii, 260 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 107

Introduced and Edited by J.K. Elliott June 2004 ISBN 978 90 04 13920 6 Hardback (xxxiv, 302 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 113

Neotestamentica et Philonica

Studies in Honor of Peder Borgen Edited by David E. Aune, Torrey Seland and Jarl Henning Ulrichsen November 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 12610 7 Hardback (xiv, 466 pp., 1 illus.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 106

Philip: Apostle and Evangelist

Configurations of a Tradition Christopher R. Matthews June 2002 ISBN 978 90 04 12054 9 Hardback (xvi, 262 pp., 1 illus.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 105

The Crowds in the Gospel of Matthew

J.R.C. Cousland November 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 12177 5 Hardback (xii, 366 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 102

Logos and Law in the Letter of James

Pauline Christianity

Luke-Acts and the Legacy of Paul Christopher Mount December 2001 ISBN 978 90 04 12472 1 Hardback (x, 212 pp.) Novum Testamentum, Supplements, 104

Heralds of the Good News