brotherhood sidur v3.1


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ouka ,ca

Temple Emanu-El

San Jose, CA

Page 2: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1


Page 3: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1


Introductory Readings and Meditations 6

Beginning Songs 11

Core Service 21

Healing Prayers 52

Concluding Prayers 56

Concluding Songs 65

Credits 70


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On Usage

Conventions in this Siddur are noted as follows:

The type-style of this paragraph is used when we suggest the

English be read by the person leading the service.

The oblique type-style of this paragraph is used whenever we

suggest that the congregation as a whole, might read the


���� is used to designate ‘Those who are able, Please stand’

���� is used to designate ‘Please be seated’


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Introductory Readings

and Meditations


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Welcome to the Brotherhood Shabbat. We have taken pride and

pleasure in preparing this Shabbat service. We have been enriched by

this process and it is our hope that you will find meaning in this


Brotherhood Shabbat is not only an opportunity for us to give

something to the congregation; it is an opportunity for us to explore

who we are. Brotherhood affords us a unique forum to be who we are

Jewish men. Being a part of Brotherhood has added much to our

lives, allowing us to deepen our commitments to each other, our

community, to Judaism, to God. Through worship, we give voice to

this and tonight we share that voice with you.

We gather tonight with friends and family to welcome Shabbat. And

as we do on Shabbat, we step back from the restlessness of our daily

occupations, from the frenzied pursuit of success, and take sightings

on our course through life. Tonight, we acknowledge our essential

interdependence with our fellow human beings, that to sustain life, we

must live together in society and work together if we are to realize

our aspirations of a rational and spiritual life. We further

acknowledge that this principle has meaning only to the extent that

we enforce it in our own lives. Concepts of equality, justice, and

dignity are sterile unless they are brought to life in our daily

confrontations with each other. To insure the dignity of our lives, we

must reach out to touch and demonstrate our concerns by


[Brotherhood of Temple Israel of Jamaica]

Shabbat Shalom.

� � �


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For Six Days........

For six days, I have been a warrior. Like David I went to battle

against giants. Only my battles were waged with other commuters on

the road, and with my competitors, and even with my customers. I

led an army of subordinates and we reported to four-star bosses.

For six evenings, I have been a warrior. The battles rage on in my

own camp. Only now I found myself fighting bills and chores. I was

losing the battle against time.

Finally, a truce has been called. Its name is Shabbat and it has arrived

not a moment too soon. The noise of the war of life has dimmed.

Calmness is settling in around me, and perhaps I will calm down

before this Shabbat is over. God, over this Shabbat, allow me to

make peace with my giants, and with myself.

[Rabbi Victor S. Appell]

� � �


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Brotherhood Shabbat

On this Brotherhood Shabbat, we enter this sanctuary to unite in

worship. We come unto You, O God, ever mindful that You have

created all people.

And Cain spoke unto Abel his brother. And it came to pass when

they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and

slew him. And God said to Cain, “Where is Abel, your brother?”

And he said, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?”

We pray as our ancestors before us, that God will give guidance to

our minds and hearts, as we seek by our acts of daily living to answer

the eternal question: Am I my brother’s keeper? Yes, I am my

brother’s keeper.

Through our prayers, we can bring God near to us. We can come to

understand God’s role in the universe and we can be led to live in

such a way that all people will know that God is one. May our

endeavors, our study, our prayer, our interactions, help us to achieve

these goals.

[Brotherhood, Temple Israel of Jamaica]

� � �


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Adonai, tonight we celebrate the men who constitute our


We acknowledge their tireless service to our community,

We pay tribute to their commitment to our heritage.

We honor their love of their families,

And we celebrate their unique spirituality

and humble reverence of the sacred in their lives.

May their heroism, generosity, truth and sincerity

Continue to enrich the life of our beloved Temple forevermore.

Amen. [ Ohef Shalom Brotherhood Shabbat-Norfolk, VA]

The week has been long and at times the work has been hard.

There were business associates who wanted more than we could give.

There were those who asked for more than they had a right to ask for.

We felt our control falter and sway. It has not been easy.

God tells as we are holy.

God commands us to be holy.

While it has not been easy, God has given us Shabbat.

Shabbat offers us the opportunity

to free ourselves from the daily turmoil and look within,

to realize the holiness that exists in each and in our world.

This night's Shabbat is special for Brotherhood

We have the opportunity to show the sacredness and

spirituality within each of us.

Although we do not often express it in words, as we will tonight,

never-the-less, we feel it.

And more importantly, our Brotherhood members

demonstrate it through our actions all year long.

Through our worship tonight, we give voice to this, and, together, we

share that voice with you, our community.

Amen. [Ohef Shalom Brotherhood–Norfolk, VA]


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Beginning Songs

Hinei Mah Tov

cuy-vn vbv

Hineih mah tov u-mah naim

shevet achim gam yachad.oh �g�B-v �nU cIY-v �n v�B �v

/s �j�h-o�D ohj �t ,�c �JHow good and pleasant it is for all people to dwell together in unity.

My Yafeh Hayom ouhv vph vn

Mah yafeh hayom shabbat shalom

Mah yafeh hayom shabbat shalom

Shabbat shabbat shalom, shabbat shabbat shalom

Shabbat shabbat shalom, shabbat shalom.

What a beautiful day, a peaceful shabbath.


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Shalom Aleichem ofhkg ouka

Shalom aleichem malachei

hashareit, malachei Elyon,

mi-melech mal’chei

ham’lachim, ha-kadosh

baruch hu.

Bo-a-chem l’shalom,

malachei ha-shalom,

malachei Elyon, mi-melech

mal’chei ham’lachim

ha-kadosh baruch hu.

Bar’chuni l’shalom,

malachei hashalom,

malachei Elyon, mi-melech

mal’chei ham’lachim,

hakadosh baruch hu.

Tzeit’chem l’shalom,

malachei ha-shalom,

malachei Elyon, mi-melech

mal’chei ham’lachim,

ha-kadosh baruch hu.

h�f t!k �n 'o�fh�k g oIk �J'iIh!k �g h�f t!k �n ', �r �% �v

'oh �f�k !N �v h�f!k �n Q�k(�N �n:tUv QUr�C JIs �E �v

h�f t!k �n 'oIk �J!k o�f tIC'iIh!k �g h�f t!k �n 'oIk �% �v'oh �f�k !N �v h�f!k �n Q�k(�N �n

:tUv QUr�C JIs �E �vh�f t!k �n 'oIk �J!k h �bU (f !r�C'iIh!k �g h�f t!k �n 'oIk �% �v'oh �f�k !N �v h�f!k �n Q�k(�N �n

:tUv QUr�C JIs �E �vh�f t!k �n 'oIk �J!k o�f !,t�m

'iIh!k �g h�f t!k �n 'oIk �% �v'oh �f�k !N �v h�f!k �n Q�k(�N �n

:tUv QUr�C JIs �E �vPeace be to you, Angels from high, messengers of the Eternal

Sovereign; Blessed is the Creator of the Universe. Enter in peace,

messengers of peace, messengers of the Eternal Sovereign; Blessed

are they who share the covenant with our people Israel. Bless me with

peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Eternal Sovereign;

Blessed is the Ruler of the Universe. Depart in peace, messengers of

peace, messengers of the Eternal Sovereign; Blessed is Adonai who

affirms our beliefs.


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Welcoming Shabbat

How do we make Shabbat something special?

There are days

when we seek things for ourselves and measure failure by,

what we do not gain.

On the Shabbat

we seek not to acquire but to share.

There are days

when we exploit nature as if it were a horn of plenty that can

never be exhausted.

On the Shabbat

we stand in wonder before the mystery of creation.

There are days

when we act as if we cared nothing for the rights of others.

On the Sabbath

we are reminded that justice is our duty and a better world our goal.

Therefore we welcome Shabbat –

Day of rest,

day of wonder,

day of peace.

� � �


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L’Cha Dodi hsus vfk

/v�K �F ,t �r !e�k h �sIs v�f!k:v�k !C �e!b ,�C �J h�b !P

/v�K �F ,t �r !e�k h �sIs v�f!k:v�k !C �e!b ,�C �J h�b !P

L’cha do-di lik-rat ka-la,

p’nei Shabbat n’ka-b’la.

L’cha do-di lik-rat ka-la,

p’nei Shabbat n’ka-b’la.

Beloved, come to meet the bride; beloved, come to greet Shabbat.

Sha-mor v’za-chor b’di-bur

e-chad, hish-mi-anu El

ha-m’yu-chad, Adonai

e-chad u-sh’mo e-chad,

l’shem u-l’tif-e-ret


L’cha do-di...

's �j �t rUC �s !C rIf�z !u rIn �J�h!h/s �j2h !N �v k �t Ub(�gh �n !% �vo �J!k /s �j �t In !%U s �j �t

/v�K �v !,�k !u , �r(�t !p �,!kU///vfk

“Keep” and Remember”: a single command, the Only God caused us to hear;

the Eternal is One, God’s name is One; we give honor, glory and praise.


Lik-rat Shabbat l’chu

v’nei-l’cha, ki hi m’kor

ha-b’ra-cha. Meh-rosh

mi-ke-dem n’su-cha, sof

ma-a-seh b’ma-cha-sha-va

t’chi-la. L’cha...

/v�f!k�b !u Uf!k ,�C �J ,t �r !e�k/v�f �r !C �v rIe !n th �v h �F/v�fUx!b o �s (�E �n Jt«r �nv�c �J j �n !C v �G g �n ;Ix

///vfk /v�K �j !TCome with me to meet Shabbat, forever a fountain of blessing. Still it flows, as

from the start: the last of days, for which the first was made. Beloved...


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Hit-o-r’ri, hit-o-r’ri, ki-va

o-reich! Ku-mi, o-ri. U-ri

u-ri, shir da-bei-ri; k’vod

Adonai al-a-yich ni-gla.

L’cha do-di...

t�c h �F /h �r !rIg !, �v h �r !rIg !, �v/h �rI (t h �nUe Q �rIt

sIc !F /h �r(�C �s rh �J h �rUg h �rUg///vfk /v�k !d�b Q�h(�k�g �h!h

Awake, awake, your light has come! Arise, shine, awake and sing; the

Eternal’s glory dawns upon you.


Bo-i v’sha-lom a-te-ret

ba-a-la; gam b’sim-cha

u’v’tso-ho-la, toch e-mu-nei

am s’gu-la. Bo-i cha-la!

Bo-i cha-la!

L’cha do-di...

, �r �y g oIk �J !c h �tICv �j !n �G !C o�D /V�k g �C

/v�k:v�m !cU/v�K2D !x o �g h�bUn;t QIT!v�K �f h �tIC 'v�K �f h �tIC


Enter in peace, O crown of your husband; enter in gladness, enter in

joy. Come to the people that keeps its faith. Enter, O bride! Enter, O




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Shiru L’adonai wvk urha

Shiru l’Adonai shiru shir


Shiru l’Adonai kol ha-aretz.

Shiru l’Adonai, barchu

sh’mo. Basru miyom leyom


J �s �j rh �J Urh �J �h!h�k Urh �J :. �r(�t �v k�F �h!h�k Urh �J«un !a Uf !r�C �h!h�k Urh �J

:«u,�gUa!h o«uH �n Ur !«a �C

Sing a new song to God; all the earth sing to God. Sing to the Eternal,

praise God’s name; from day to day proclaim God’s deliverance.


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MIZMOR SHIR (L’Yom Ha’Shabat) ,cav ouhk) rha runzn(


Mizmor shir le’yom ha’Shabat,

Tov le’hodot La’Adonai.

U’lezamer le’shimcha Elyon

U’lezamer le’shimcha Elyon (x2)

Le’hagid ba’boker chas’de’cha,

Ve’emu’nat’cha ba’lei’lot

Alei asor, va’a’lei na’vel

Alei higa’yon be’chinor!


Ki si’mach’ta’ni Adonai,


Be’ma’asei ya’de’cha aranen.

Ma gad’lu, ma’ase’cha Adonai,

Me’od am’ku mach’she’vo’techa!


',cav ouhk rha runzn/hbustk ,usuvk cuy

'iuhkg lnak rnzku/iuhkg lnak rnzku

'lsxj reucc shdvk',ukhkc l,buntu

'kcb hkgu ruag-hkg!rubhfc iuhdv hkg

lhkgpc 'hbust hb,jna hf/ibrt lhsh hagnc

'hbust lhagn uksd vn!lh,ucajn ueng stn

It is good to give thanks to the Eternal One,

to sing hymns to Your Name, O Most High!

To tell of Your love in the morning,

Your faithfulness in the night;

to pluck the strings, to sound the lute, to make the harp


Your deeds, O God, fill me with gladness

Your work moves me to song.

How great are Your works, O God! How profound Your



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Candle Lighting ,cak ,urb ,eksv

In every beginning there is darkness.

The darkness of chaos seems eternal,

yet form emerges: light dawns, and life is born.

"In the beginning the Most High made heaven and earth."

In every beginning there is darkness:

the darkness of ignorance, which smothers human dignity;

the darkness of fear, which chokes the creative will;

the darkness of tyranny, which stifles freedom.

The Most High said: “Let there be light!"

The Sabbath candles celebrate the divine power

that makes for life and light.

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu

Melech ha’olam, asher

kid'shanu b'mitzvotav

v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel

Shabbat (V’Shel Yom Tov).

Q�k(�n Ubh (�v«k;t �h!h v �T �t QUr�CUb (�J !S �e r �J t 'o�kIg �v

eh�k !s �v!k Ub(�U �m !u 'uh �,I !m �n !C ,�C �J k �J r�b/(cIy oIh k �a«!u)

Blessed is the Eternal Power that inspires our people to kindle

the lights of Shabbat [and of Yom Tov]. Blessed is the

Source of life and light.

May we be blessed with the light of dignity, creation, and

freedom. May we be blessed with a life of joy, love and peace.


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These words from a distant time express the Sabbath's inner

meaning. When creation rests and existence is sure, when

chaos is ordered and being is securely launched upon its

voyage, then is the Sabbath born.

Through the centuries Israel has given itself to the Sabbath,

seeing it as the climax of its life even as it was the climax of

creation. The Sabbath blessed the people and received in

return the grateful responses of their changing lives.

The centuries changed the people, and the people changed the

Sabbath. In periods of darkness the Sabbath glowed with the

promised Messiah's light. To those in torment, the Sabbath

brought its healing power of peace. In times of freedom, the

Sabbath was brilliant with reason and knowledge.

The centuries, the people, the Sabbath continue to change.

People belong to their time, the Sabbath belongs to the


� � �


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Shabbat is a day of freedom and peace, a celebration of life

and creation. May it open our eyes to the goodness we have

attained, and our hearts to the goodness we may yet achieve.

Let moments of holiness enter the world, uniting matter and

spirit in the joy of wholeness, as we welcome Shabbat, the

day of days.

Now Shabbat is with us. Now we reach out for the divine in

ourselves and in the world.

In freedom each of us seeks a Sabbath of the soul.

Here, time and place invite our commitment to the ancient

purposes that are our present hopes. Now, time and place are

one, bringing promise of triumph over anguish and despair.

And when we shall have gone from this place on our separate

ways, may our words and promises bring fulfillment and


May our words and promises become deeds, bringing

fulfillment and peace.

In this sanctuary we seek to free ourselves from the fears and

conflicts that estrange us from one another.

May our words and thoughts give us hope and strength.

We therefore acclaim the eternal power in the universe that

helps us to grow in understanding and love, and leads us to


� � �


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Chatzi Kaddish ahse hmj

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei

raba b’alma div’ra chir’utei,

v’yamlich malchutei

b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon

uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisra-eil,

ba-agala uvizman kariv, v’imru:


Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach

l’alam ul’almei almaya.

Yitbarach v’yishtabach,

v’yitpa-ar v’yitromam

v’yitnasei, v’yithadar v’yit-aleh

v’yithalal sh’mei d’kudsha,

b’rich hu, l’eila min kol

birchata v’shirata, tushb’chata

v’nechemata da-amiran b’alma

v’imru: Amein.

/t�C �r V �n !J J �S �e !,�h !u k �S�D !,�h'V �,Ug !r �f t �r !c h �S t �n!k�g !CiIfh�H �j !C V �,Uf!k �n Qh�k !n�h !u,h �C k�f !s h�H �j !cU iIfh �nIh !cU

ch �r �e i �n !z �cU t�k�d g �C /k �t �r !G�h:i �n �t Ur !n �t !u

o�k�g!k Q �r�c !n t�C �r V �n !J t �v!h:t�H �n!k�g h �n!k�g!kU

o �nIr !,�h !u r �t�P !,�h !u 'j �C �T !J�h !u Q �r�C !,�hk�K �v !,�h !u v�K �g !,�h !u r �S �v !,�h !u t �¬�b !,�h !u

'tUv Qh �r !C t �J !s 2e !S V �n !J't �, �rh �J !u t �,�f !r �C k�F i �n t�K(�g!k

i �rh �n t �S 't �, �n;j�b !u t �, �j !C !J 2T:i �n �t Ur !n �t !u 't �n!k�g !C

Let the glory of God be extolled, and God’s great name be hallowed

in the world whose creation God willed. May God rule in our own

day, in our own lives, and in the life of all Israel, and let us say:


Let God’s great name be blessed for ever and ever.

Beyond all the praises, songs and adorations that we can utter is the

Holy One, the Blessed One, whom yet we glorify, honor and exalt.

And let us say: Amein.

For us and for all Israel, may the blessing of peace and the promise of

life come true, and let us say:



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The Sh’ma and It’s Blessings vh,ufrcu gna


Barchu ufrc

:Q �r«c !n �v �h!h , �t Uf !r�CBarchu et Adonai ham'vorach!

Praise the One to whom our praise is due!

:s �g�u o�kIg!k Q �r«c !n �v �h!h QUr�CBaruch Adonai ham'vorach l'olam va-ed!

Praised be the One to whom our praise is due,

now and for ever!


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Ma’ariv Aravim ohcrg chrgn

Baruch ata Adonai,

Eloheinu melech ha-olam,

asher bid’varo ma-ariv

aravim, b’chochma

pote-ach sh’arim,

uvit’vuna m’shaneh itim,

umachalif et haz’manim,

um’sadeir et hakochavim


baraki-a kir’tzono. Borei

yom valaila, golel or

mip’nei choshech

v’choshech mip’nei or,

uma-avir yom umeivi

laila, umavdil bein yom

uvein laila, Adonai

T’zvaot sh’mo. El chai

v’kayam, tamid yimloch

aleinu, l’olam va-ed.

Baruch ata, Adonai,

hama-ariv aravim.

Ubh (�v«k �t '�h!h v �T �t QUr�CIr�c !s �C r �J t 'o�kIg �v Q�k(�n

v �n !f �j !C 'oh �c �r g ch �r g �nv�bUc !, �cU 'oh �r�g !J �j(�,IP

, �t ;h�k j �nU 'oh �T �g v�B �J !n, �t r �S �x !nU 'oh�B �n !Z �v

o �vh �,Ir !n !J �n !C 'oh �c�fIF �voIh t �rIC /IbIm !r �F �gh (�e �r�C

h�b !P �n rIt k�kID 'v�k!h(�k�u/rIt h�b !P �n Q �J (j !u Q �J (j

'v�k!h(�k th �c(�nU oIh rh �c g �nUih �cU oIh ih �C kh �S !c �nU

k �t /In !J ,It�c !m �h!h 'v�k!h(�kQIk !n�h sh �n �T 'o�H �e !u h �j

QUr�C /s �g�u o�kIg!k Ubh(�k�g:oh �c �r g ch �r g �n �v '�h!h v �T �t

Praised be the Eternal our God, Ruler of the universe, whose

word brings on the evening. Your wisdom opens heaven’s

gates; Your understanding makes the ages pass and the

seasons alternate; and Your will controls the stars as they

travel through the skies.


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You are Creator of day and night, rolling light away from

darkness, and darkness from light; You cause day to pass and

bring on the night; You set day and night apart.

You are Adonai! May the living and eternal God rule us

always, to the end of time! Blessed is Adonai, whose word

makes evening fall.

� � �

There was silence; there was chaos; there was a voice. A

mind went forth to form worlds: now order reigns where

chaos once held sway.

The law makes evening fall; the law brings on the dawn.

The moon follows accustomed paths, constellations their

patterned ways.

Sovereign is the will that orders the stars in their courses in

the endless skies: Sovereign is that will!

� � �


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Ahavat Olam okug ,cvt

Ahavat olam beit Yisra-eil

am’cha ahavta. Torah

umitzvot, chukim

umishpatim otanu limad’ta.

Al kein, Adonai Eloheinu,

b’shochbeinu uv’kumeinu

nasi-ach b’chukecha,

v’nismach b’divrei

Torat’cha uv’mitzvotecha

l’olam va-ed. Ki heim

chayeinu v’orech yameinu,

uvahem nehgeh yomam

valaila. V’ahavat’cha al

tasir mimenu l’olamim!

Baruch ata, Adonai, oheiv

amo Yisra-eil.

k �t �r !J�h ,h �C o�kIg , �c v �t',I !m �nU v �rIT ' �T !c(�v �t W !N �g

Ub(�,It 'oh �y�P !J �nU oh �E 2j'Ubh (�v«k;t �h!h i�F k �g �T !s(�n�k�jh (�G�b Ub (�nUe !cU Ub(�C !f �J !Ch �r !c �s !C j �n !G�b !u 'Wh �E 2j !C

o�kIg!k Wh(�,I !m �n !cU W(�, �rI,Q �r («t !u Ubh(�H �j o �v h �F /s �g�u

o �nIh v�D !v�b o �v�cU 'Ubh (�n�hrh �x �T k �t W !,�c v �t !u 'v�k!h(�k�u

QUr�C /oh �n�kIg!k UB (�N �nIN�g c �vIt '�h!h v �T �t

:k �t �r !G�h

Unending is Your love for Your people, the House of Israel:

Torah and Mitzvot, laws and precepts have You taught us.

Therefore, O God, when we lie down and when we rise up,

we will meditate on Your laws and rejoice in Your Torah and

Mitzvot for ever. Day and night we will reflect on them, for

they are our life and the length of our days. Then Your love

shall never depart from our hearts! Blessed is God, who chose

Israel in love.

� � �


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And how unyielding is the will of our people Israel! After the

long nights, after the days and years when our ashes

blackened the sky, Israel endures, heart still turned to love,

soul turning still to life.

So day and night, early and late, we will rejoice in the study

of Torah, we will walk by the light of Mitzvot: they are our life

and the length of our days. Praised be the Source of life and

love, and Israel our people!

� � �

Open up our eyes,

Teach us how to live

Fill our hearts with joy,

And all the love You have to


Gather us in peace

As you lead us to Your name

And we will know

That You are One.

- ( Lyrics by Jeff Klepper) -


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!s(�j �t �h!h 'Ubh �v«k;t �h!h :k �t �r !G�h g �n !J

Sh'ma Yisra-eil: Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!Hear, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is


!s �g�u o�kIg!k I,Uf!k �n sIc !F o �J QUr�CBaruch sheim k'vod malchuto l'olam va-ed!

Blessed is God's glorious majesty for ever and ever!



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V’ahavta et Adonai

Elohecha b’chol l’vav’cha,

uv’chol nafsh’cha uv’chol

m’odecha. V’hayu

had’varim ha-eileh asher

anochi m’tzav’cha hayom

al l’vavecha. V’shinantam

l’vanecha v’dibarta bam

b’shivt’cha b’veitecha,

uv’lecht’cha vaderech,


uv’kumecha. Uk’shartam

l’ot al yadecha v’hayu

l’totafot bein einecha.

Uch’tavtam al m’zu-zot

beitecha uvish’arecha.

L’ma-an tizk’ru va-asitem

et kol mitzvotai, vih’yitem

k’doshim leiloheichem.

Ani Adonai Eloheichem,

asher hotzeiti etchem

me-Eretz Mitzrayim lihyot

lachem leilohim. Ani

Adonai Eloheichem.

'Wh �v«k;t �h!h , �t �T !c �v �t !u'W !J !p�b-k�f !cU 'W !c(�c!k-k�f !C

Uh �v !u /W (�s«t !n-k�f !cUr �J t 'v�K �t �v oh �r�c !S �v

'oIH �v W !U �m !n h �f«b(�t'Wh�b�c!k o �T!b�B �J !u :W(�c�c!k-k �g

W !T !c �J !C o�C �T !r �C �s !uQ �r �S �c W !T !f�k !cU 'W �,h �c !C

/W(�nUe !cU W !C !f �J !cU'W �s�h-k �g ,It!k o �T !r �J !eu'Wh(�bh �g ih �C ,«p �y«y!k Uh �v !u

W �,h �C ,Iz2z !n k �g o �T !c �, !fU:Wh (�r�g !J �cU

o �,h �G g�u Ur !F !z �T i �g �n!ko �,h�h !v(�u 'h �,I !m �n-k�F-, �t

�h!h h �b t :o�fh �v(«kt�k oh �a«s !eh �,t�mIv r �J t 'o�fh �v(«k;t

o�h �r !m �n . �r �t �n o�f !, �th�b t 'oh �v«kt�k o�f�k ,Ih !v�k

:o(�fh �v«k;t �h!h


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You shall love the Eternal Your God, with all your mind, with all your

strength, with all your being. Set these words, which I command you

this day, upon your heart. Teach them faithfully to your children;

speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and

when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be a

symbol before your eyes; inscribe them on the door posts of your

house and on your gates. Be mindful of all My Mitzvot and do them;

so shall you consecrate yourselves to your God. I, the Eternal, am

your God who led you out of Egypt to be your God; I, the Eternal, am

your God.

� � �

Emet V’Emunah: Search for redemption

These quiet moments of Shabbat open my soul. Blessed with another

week of life, I give thanks to the Eternal who creates and sustains us.

For all the good I have known during the days that have passed, I am

very grateful. I know I have not always responded with my best

effort, but often I did earnestly try. I have tried to give my family love

and devotion, and I pray that I may grow more loving as the years


Even as I regret my weakness, I rejoice in my accomplishments. Let

these achievements, O God, lead to many others. May I be blessed on

each Shabbat with the sense of having grown in goodness and

compassion. There have been times when I endeavored to help those

in need. Now I ask only that I may be able to do yet more. Let my

actions testify to my worth as Your partner in creation; more and

more let me find my life's meaning in working with others to bless

our lives by making this a better world.

[Mark Lefkowitz Brotherhood Temple Shalom Shabbat Service-Cedar Grove, NJ]


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Geula vkutd

Mi chamocha ba-eilim,

Adonai? Mi kamocha

ne-dar bakodesh, nora

t’hilot, osei feleh?

Malchut’cha ra-u vanecha,

bokai-a yam lif’nei

Mosheh. Zeh Eili! Anu

v’am’ru: Adonai yimloch

l’olam va-ed! V’ne-e-mar:

Ki fa-da Adonai et

Ya-akov, ug’alo miyad

chazak mimenu.

Baruch ata Adonai, ga-al


h �n ?�h!h oh�k �t�C v�f («n�f h �nt �rIb 'J �s«E �C r �S !t�b v�f«n�F

?t�k(�p v �G («g ',«Kh �v !,�g (�eIC 'Wh(�b�c Ut �r W !,Uf!k �n

Ub�g h�k �t v�z `v �Jn h�b !p�k o�ho�kIg!k Q«k !n�h �h!hI :Ur !n �t !u

J/s �g�u, �t �h!h v �s�pKh �FI :r �n;t�b !ue�z �j s�H �n Ik �t !dU 'c«e g�h

k �t�D '�h!h v �T �t QUr�C J/UB (�N �n:k �t �r !G�h

Mi’Chamochah - Crossings / taking risks

What is it that we leave as our legacy to future generations? Through

a quest for knowledge and study we can offer a beginning towards

understanding of who we are, who our parents are and who our

children may be.

Rabbi Judah said; At the shore of the Red Sea each tribe said to the

other, "you go into the sea first!" As they stood there bickering,

Nahshon ben Aminadav jumped into the water. Meanwhile Moses

was praying. God said to him, "My friend is drowning-and you pray!"

"What can I do?" Moses asked.

"Speak to the people of Israel and tell them to go!"

[Talmud Sotah 37a]

� � �


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Only when we all take risk, and walk in together, will the waters part.

If you will receive my words, and treasure my commandments;

So that you incline your ear to wisdom,

and apply your heart to understanding;

Indeed, if you cry after knowledge,

and lift up your voice for understanding;

If you seek her like silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures;

Then shall you understand the fear of the Almighty,

and find the knowledge of God.

For the Eternal gives wisdom;

from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:1-6 [Brotherhood Siddur, Temple Beth Orr Brotherhood Coral Springs, FL]

� � �

Standing on the parted shores of history

we still believe what we were taught

before we ever stood at Sinai’s foot;

that wherever we go, it is eternally Egypt

that there is a better place, a promised land;

that the winding way to that promise

passes through the wilderness.

That there is no way to get from here to there

except by joining hands,

marching together.[Mishkan T’fillah Pg 158]

� � �


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V'Shamru urnau

V’sham’ru v’nei Yisra-eil et

ha-Shabbat, la-asot et

ha-Shabbat l’dorotam b’rit

o’lam. Beini uvein b’nei

Yisra-eil, ot hi l’o’lam. Ki

sheishet yamim asa Adonai

et hashamayim v’et

ha-aretz, uvayom hash’vi-i

shavat vayinafash.

, �t k �t �r !G�h h�b !c Ur !n �J !u, �t ,IG g�k ',�C �% �v

,h �r !C o �,«r«s!k ,�C �% �vh�b !C ih �cU h �bh �C :o�kIg

'o�kIg!k th �v ,It k �t �r !G�h�h!h v �G�g oh �n�h , �J(�J h �F

'. �r(�t �vK, �t !u o�h (�n �% �vK, �t, �c �J h �gh �c !% �v oIH �cU

/J �p�B�h �u

The people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the

Sabbath in every generation as a covenant for all time. It is a

sign for ever between Me and the people of Israel. For in six

days the Eternal One made heaven and earth, but on the

seventh day God rested from the labors of creation.


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“God, open my heart, that I might allow You inside.”

Harry Offenbach

They say we’re supposed to be in a palace.

So we bow and take certain steps

as the prescribed supplication

drops from our lips.

But what do we really know

of castles and kings?

My kitchen faucet constantly leaks

and the kids’ faces

usually need cleaning.

If a door opened to a real palace,

I’d probably forget

and carry in a load of groceries.

No, the door we stand in front of

when the Amidah begins is silence.

And when we open it

and step through,

we arrive in our hearts.

Mine’s not a fancy place,

no jewels, no throne,

certainly not fit for a king.

But in that small chamber,

for just a few moments on Sabbath,

God and I can roll up our sleeves,

put some schnapps out on the table,

sit down together, and finally talk.

That’s palace enough for me.

[A Short Amidah, Syd Lieberman, Kol Haneshamah, pg. 730.]

� � �


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Where has this week vanished?

Is it lost for ever?

Will I ever recover anything from it?

The joy of life, the unexpected victory,

the realized hope, the task accomplished?

Will I ever be able to banish the memory of pain,

the sting of defeat, the heaviness of boredom?

On this day let me keep for a while what must drift away.

On this day let me be free of the burdens that must return.

On this day, Shabbat, abide.

Help me to withdraw for a while

from the flight of time.

Contain the retreat of the hours and days

from the grasp of frantic life.

Let me learn to pause, if only for this day.

Let me find peace on this day.

Let me enter into a quiet world this day.

On this day, Shabbat, abide.


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T'filah vkp,

Adonai, s’fatai tiftach, ufi

yagid t’hilatecha.h �pU j �T !p �T h �,�p !G h�b«s t

:W(�,�K �v !T sh �D�h

Eternal God, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your glory.

Avot V'Emahot ,uvntu ,uct

Baruch ata Adonai,

Eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu

v’imoteinu: Elohei

Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,

v’elohei Ya-akov. Elohei

Sara, Elohei Rivka, Elohei

Leia, v’elohei Rachel.

Ha-Eil hagadol hagibor

v’hanora, Eil elyon, gomeil

chasadim tovim v’konei

hakol, v’zocheir chasdei

avot v’imahot, umeivi g’ula

liv’nei v’neihem, l’ma-an

sh’mo b’ahava. Melech

ozeir umoshi-a umagein.

Baruch ata Adonai, magein

Avraham v’ezrat Sara.

h �v«kt�u Ubh (�v«k;t �h!h v �T �t QUr�Ch �v«k;t 'Ubh �,IN �t !u Ubh(�,Ic t

h �v«kt�u 'e �j !m�h h �v«k;t 'o �v !�r !c �th �v«k;t 'v �r �«a h �v«k;t /c«e g�h

h �v«kt�u 'v �t�k h �v«k;t 'v �e !c �rrIC �D �v kIs�D �v k �t �v /k �j �r

k �nID 'iIh!k �g k �t 't �rIB �v !u'k«F �v v�bIe !u 'oh �cIy oh �s �x j',Iv �N �t !u ,Ic �t h �s !x �j r�fIz !u

o �vh�b !c h�b !c�k v�K 2t !D th �c �nUQ�k(�n :v�c v �t !C In !J i �g(�n!kQUr�C :i�d �nU �gh (�JInU r�zIg

, �r !z �g !u o �v �r !c �t i�d �n '�h!h v �T �t:v �r �«a

� � �


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We praise You, Eternal our God and God of all generations:

God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; God of Sarah,

God of Rebekah, God of Leah, and God of Rachel; great,

mighty and awesome God, God supreme. Creator of all the

living, Your ways are ways of love. You remember the

faithfulness of our ancestors, and in love bring redemption to

their children’s children for the sake of Your name. You are

our Ruler and our Help, our Savior and our Shield. Blessed is

the Eternal God, the Shield of Abraham and of Sarah.

� � �

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God. And blessed are my

ancestors. In youth, I struggled with my heritage. I fought

with my parents. In adulthood, I have come to understand my

parents. Now, instead of struggling against my heritage, I

struggle to know my heritage. So, too, my children struggle

with me. Perhaps in every generation…

Blessed are You, Adonai, who gave shield to my ancestors;

who is my shield; who, I pray, will shield my children.

[Rabbi Victor S. Appell]


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Gevurot ,urucd

Ata gibor l’olam, Adonai,

m’chayei hakol ata, rav

l’hoshi-a. [*Winter: Mashiv

ha’ru-ach umorid ha’gashem *]

M’chalkeil chayim

b’chesed, m’chayei hakol

b’rachamim rabim.

Someich nof’lim v’rofei

cholim, umatir asurim,

um’kayeim emunato

lisheinei afar. Mi chamocha

ba-al g’vurot, umi domeh

lach, melech meimit

um’chayeh umatsmiach

y’shu-a? V’ne-eman ata

l’hachayot hakol. Baruch

ata, Adonai, m’chayei


v�H �j !n 'h�b«s t o�kIg!k rIC �D v �T �t/ �gh (�JIv!k c �r 'v �T(�t k«F �v

sh �rInU �jU (r �v ch �% �n :;ruj)(o �J(�D �v

v�H �j !n 's �x(�j !C oh�H �j k�F!k �f !nQ �nIx 'oh �C �r oh �n j �r !C k«F �vrh �T �nU 'oh�kIj t �pIr !u 'oh�k !pIbI,�bUn;t o�H �e !nU 'oh �rUx tk �g(�C WI (n�f h �n 'r �p�g h�b �Jh�kQ�k(�n 'Q�K v �nI (s h �nU ,IrUc !D ?v�gUJ!h �jh (�n !m �nU v�H �j !nU ,h �n �n/k«F �v ,Ih j �v!k v �T �t i �n;t�b !u

:k«F �v v�H �j !n '�h!h v �T �t QUr�C

Eternal is Your might, O God; all life is Your gift; great is

Your power to save! [*Winter: You cause the wind to shift and rain to fall.].

With love You sustain the living, with great compassion give

life to all. You send help to the falling and healing to the sick;

You bring freedom to the captive and keep faith with those

who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Master of Might? Who

is Your equal, O God of life and death, Source of salvation?

Blessed is the Eternal, the Source of life.


� � �


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G’vurot God Giving us life

Judaism is to me something akin to oxygen. It is a vital, life-giving,

fundamental part of my everyday existence, central to everything that

I can become. And yet it is so second nature that rarely do I stop to

consider its full meaning and importance. The fact is, most of the

time, it is like breathing air and is something of which I rarely take

conscious notice. Yet, taking a step back and really evaluating its

importance, I know it is something I constantly carry with me and

lean on for support.[Jeremy Sandler-The Still Small Voice]

� � �

We pray that we might know before whom we stand, the Power

whose gift is life, who quickens those who have forgotten how to live.

We pray for winds to disperse the choking air of sadness, for

cleansing rains to make parched hopes flower, and to give all of us

the strength to rise up toward the sun.

We pray for love to encompass us for no other reason save that we are

human, for love through which we may all blossom into persons who

have gained power over our own lives.

We pray to stand upright, we fallen; to be healed, we sufferers; we

pray to break the bonds that keep us from the world of beauty; we

pray for opened eyes, we who are blind to our own authentic selves.

We pray that we may walk in the garden of a purposeful life, our own

powers in touch with the power of the world. Praised be the God

whose gift is life, whose cleansing rains let parched men and women

flower toward the sun. [Gates of Prayer]


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� � �

Blessed is the Power that moved our ancestors and sustained

them on their journey.

Abraham left familiar ways, set forth to an unknown land, and

learned to silence terror with a ready heart. Sarah bore a

steadfast commitment to God and was ultimately rewarded.

Isaac came to know how parents may risk their children for

the sake of a vision; out of his weakness he forged the

strength to live and love. Rebecca’s kindness and generosity

provisioned her well for the journey to her destiny.

Jacob dreamed and fought and grew, at last to become the

blessing he wrestled for.

Those who came before us sent forth a blessing fashioned out

of their longing to outgrow themselves. And their longing is


Blessed is the Power that sustains us on our journeys to the

distant shores of blessing.

� � �


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Love is the thread that binds our lives in a lasting fabric which

time shall fray.

Which time shall fray, but only to be re-woven by each


Each generation will lift the fallen to their feet and hold them

as they learn to walk.

And as they learn to walk, the sickness of our time will be

healed by those who drink deep from ancient wells of truth.

From ancient wells of truth they will draw strength to keep

faith with those who sleep in the dust.

We praise the Source of life and power, Who has implanted

within us immortal yearning, undying hopes.

� � �


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Kedushat Hashem oav ,ause

Ata kadosh v’shimcha

kadosh, uk’doshim b’chol

yom y’hal’lucha, sela.

Baruch ata, Adonai, ha-Eil


JIs �e W !n �J !u JIs �e v �T �toIh k�f !C oh �JIs !eU

v �T �t QUr�C /v�k(�X 'WU(k!k �v!hJIs �E �v k �t �v '�h!h

The holiness of this day is not for this day alone. We must

make it overflow into all our minutes, to hallow our weekdays

from these sacred moments, hour by hour to make the world a

sanctuary where every human soul may be at home.

O may the awe we feel at times at the miracle of one another

united in prayer, be with us tomorrow: keep tenderness in our

words, our touch, and our look.

Praised be the world and the Power within it that makes for



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Kedushat Ha-Yom ouhv ,ause

Yism’chu v’malchut’cha,

shom’rei Shabbat v’kor’ei

oneg. Am m’kad’shei

sh’vi-i, kulam yisb’u

v’yit-an’gu mituvecha.

V’hash’vi-i ratzita bo

v’kidashto. Chemdat yamim

oto karata, zeicher l’ma-asei


h �r !nIJ W !,Uf!k �n !c Uj !n !G�ho �g /d�b («g h �t !rI (e !u ,�C �Jo�K2F 'h �gh �c !J h �J !S �e !n

/W(�cUY �n Ud !B �g !,�h !u Ug !C !G�hIC �,h(�m �r h �gh �c !% �v !u

oh �n�h , �S !n �j /IT !J �S �e !uv �G g �n!k r�f(�z ' �,t (�r �e I,It

:,h �Jt �r !c

May those who make Shabbat holy, find delight in Your

generosity. You have made the seventh day holy, declaring it

most precious, a day recalling the work of creation.

� � �


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K’dushat HaYom

Disturb us, Adonai!

Ruffle us from our complacency

Make us dissatisfied.

Dissatisfied with the peace of ignorance,

the quietude which arises from a shunning of the horror,

the defeat the bitterness and the poverty,

physical and spiritual, of humans.

Shock us, Adonai!

Deny to us the false Shabbat which gives us

the delusions of satisfaction amid a world of war and hatred;

Wake us, 0 God!

Shake us from the sweet and sad poignancies rendered by half

forgotten melodies and rubric prayers of yesteryears;

Make us know that the border of the sanctuary

is not the border of living

and the walls of Your temples are not shelters

from the winds of truth, justice and reality.

Disturb us, 0 God, and vex us;

let not Your Shabbat be a day of torpor and slumber;

let it be a time to be stirred and spurred to action.

� � �


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The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of

information, but to face sacred moments.

In a religious experience, for example, it is not a thing that

imposes itself on man but a spiritual presence." What is

retained in the soul is the moment of insight rather than the

place where the act came to pass. A moment of insight is a

fortune, transporting us beyond the confines of measured

time. Spiritual life begins to decay when we fail to sense the

grandeur of what is eternal in time.

[Abraham Joshua Heschel-The Sabbath]


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Avodah vsucg

R’tzei Adonai Eloheinu,

b’am’cha Yisra-eil,

ut’filatam b’ahavah t’kabeil,

ut’hi l’ratzon tamid avodat

Yisra-eil amecha. Eil karov

l’chol kor’av, p’nei el

avadecha v’chaneinu.

Sh’foch ruchacha aleinu,

v’techezenah eineinu

b’shuv’cha l’tziyon

b’rachamim. Baruch ata

Adonai; hamachatzir

sh’china’to l’tziyon.

W !N �g !C 'Ubh (�v«k;t �h!h 'v�m !rv�c v �t !C o �,�K �p !,U k �t �r !G�hsh �n �T iIm �r!k h �v !,U 'k �C �e !,k �t /W �N �g k �t �r !G�h , �sIc gv�b !P 'uh �t !r«e-k�f!k cIr �eQIp !a« `Ub�B �j !u Wh �s�c g k �t

v�bh(�z;j �, !u 'Ubh�k�g W jUriIH �m!k W !cUJ !C Ubh(�bh �g

'�h!h v �T �t QUr�C /oh �n j �r !C/iIH �m!k I,�bh �f !J rh �z j �N �v

Be gracious, Adonai, our God, to Your people Israel, and

receive our prayers with love. O may our worship always be

acceptable to You. Fill us with the knowledge that You are

near to all who seek You in truth. Let our eyes behold Your

presence in our midst and in the midst of Your people in Zion.

Blessed is Adonai, Whose presence gives life to Zion and all



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Avodah: Peace, and renewal

Do not think that the words of prayer

as you say them

go up to God.

It is not the words themselves that ascend;

it is rather the burning desire of your heart

that rises like smoke toward heaven.

If your prayer consists only of words and letters,

and does not contain your heart’s desire -

how can it rise up to God?[Nachman of Bratzlav]

� � �


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There is not enough stillness, not enough silence in the life of

today’s American Jewish man. There are too many means of

communication, too many commitments, too many

appointments, and too much sheer noise for a Jewish man to

follow the thin filament running from his head to his heart,

and from there into the deepest recesses of his being.

The Jewish removal from nature has precipitated our exile

from the "still, small voice" that resides at our center and

connects us to what is most irrevocably Jewish about us. This

inner exile has come about because Judaism, born in a land of

immense beauty and vast silences, had to preserve and

perpetuate itself in community. Silence became an object of

distrust: the silent were alone, vulnerable. Perhaps the silent

had vanished. Or gone over to the worship of idols.

My own search for silence began in a kind of loneliness, dove

into a deep pool of solitude, and ended up once again on the

shining shores of Judaism, this time with a deep connection to

Jewish identity and practice.

It was only through silence that I beheld my Jewish essence,


only through silence that I was led back to being fully Jewish.

My Jewish n’shamah, having grown up through the silence to

meet me, now serves as my guide on a journey upon which

more men must embark: seeking, through silence, to deeply

hear their own Jewish essence, and to resolve to honor it

through study, worship, and serving the community.

[David Gottlieb-The Still Small Voice]

� � �


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Modim anachnu l’ach

sha-ata hu Adonai Eloheinu

v’lohei avoteinu v’imoteinu

l’olam va’ed. Tzur chayeinu

magen yisheinu ata hu l’dor

vador nodeh l’cha

un’sappeir t’hilatecha, al

chayeinu ham’surim

b’yadecha v’al nishmoteinu

hap’kudot lach v’al nisecha

sheb’chol yom imanu, v’al

niflotecha v’tovotecha

sheb’chol eit erev vavoker

v’tzohorayim. Hatov: ki lo

chalu rachamecha,

v’hamracheim ki lo tamu

chasadecha me’olam kivinu

l’ach. V’al kulam yitbarach

v’yitromam shimcha

malkeinu tamid l’olam

va’ed. V’chol hachayim

yoducha sela, vihal’lu et

shimcha be’emet, ha’el

yishuateinu v’ezrateinu sela.

Baruch ata Adonai, hatov

shimcha ul’cha na’eh


v �T �t �J 'Q�k Ub !j(�b t oh �sInh �v«kt�u Ubh (�v«k;t �h!h tUv

o�kIg!k Ubh �,IN �t !u Ubh(�,Ic t'Ub(�g !J�h i�d �n 'Ubh(�H �j rUm /s �g�u

v �sIb /rIs�u rIs!k tUv v �T �tUbh(�H �j k �g 'W(�,�K �v !T r �P �x!bU W!K

'W (�s�h !C oh �rUx !N �v'Q�k ,IsUe !P �v Ubh(�,In !J�b-k �g !u

'Ub (�N �g oIh-k�f !C �J Wh (�X�b-k �g !uWh(�,IcIy !u Wh(�,It!k !p�b-k �g !u

r �e («c�u c �r (��g ',�g-k�f !C �JUk�f-t«k h �F :cIY �v /o�h (�r:v�m !u

t«k-h �F :o �j �r !n �v !u 'Wh(�n j �rUbh(�U �e o�kIg �n 'Wh (�s �x j UN(�,

Q �r�C !,�h o�K2F k �g !u /Q�ksh �n �T 'Ub(�F!k �n 'W !n �J o �nIr !,�h !u

oh�H �j �v k«f !u /s �g�u o�kIg!kUk!k �vh �u 'v�k (�X WU (sIh

k �t �v ', �n;t�C W !n �J-, �tQUr�C /v�k (�x Ub(�, �r !z �g !u Ub(�,�gUJ!h

W!kU W !n �J cIY �v '�h!h v �T �t/,IsIv!k v �t�b


Page 50: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

Eternal God, we give thanks for the gift of life, wonder

beyond words; the awareness of soul, our light within; the

work around us, so filled with beauty; and the richness of the

earth, which day by day sustains us. For all these gifts and

more, we thank and bless You, Source of all goodness.

� � �


We live in two worlds: the one that is, and the one that might

be. Nothing is ordained for us: neither delight nor defeat,

neither peace nor war. Life flows, and we must freely choose.

We can, if we will, change the world that is, into the world

that may come to be, as we were taught from of old:

Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from deceitful speech.

Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing it;

Loving all human beings, and bringing them to the Torah.

The whole Torah exists only to bring peace, as it is written:

Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace.

Let justice dwell in the wilderness, righteousness in the fruitful field.

For righteousness shall lead to peace;

it shall bring quietness and confidence forever.

Then all shall sit under their vines and under their fig-trees,

and none shall make them afraid.

� � �


Page 51: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

Birkat Shalom ouka ,frc

Shalom rav al Yisra-eil

am’cha tasim l’olam, ki ata

hu melech adon l’chol

hashalom. V’tov b’einecha

l’vareich et am’cha

Yisra-eil b’chol eit uv’chol

sha-a bish’lomecha.

Baruch ata Adonai,

ham’vareich et amo

Yisra-eil bashalom.

W !N �g k �t �r !G�h k �g c �r oIk �Jv �T �t h �F 'o�kIg!k oh �G �T

k�f!k iIs �t Q�k(�n tUvWh(�bh �g !C cIy !u /oIk �% �v

'k �t �r !G�h W !N �g , �t Q �r�c!kv�g �J k�f !cU ,�g k�f !C

'�h!h v �T �t QUr�C /W(�nIk !J �Ck �t �r !G�h IN �g , �t Q �r�c !n �v

/oIk �% �C

O Sovereign God of peace, let Israel, Your people, know

enduring peace, for it is good in Your sight continually to

bless Israel with Your peace. Praised be the eternal God; You

bless Your people Israel with peace.

� � �


� � �


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Looking inward, I see that all too often I fail to use time and

talent to improve myself and serve others. And yet, there is in

me much goodness, and yearning to use my gifts for the

well-being of those around me. This Shabbat calls me to

renew my vision, to fulfill the best that is within me. For this I

look to God for help.

Give meaning to my life and substance to my hopes; help me

understand those about me and fill me with the desire to serve

them. Let me not forget that I depend on others as they

depend on me; quicken my heart and hand to lift them up;

make fruitful my words of prayer, that they may fulfill

themselves in deeds.

� � �

Yih’yu l’ratzon im’rei fi

v’hegyon libi l’fanecha,

Adonai tzuri v’go-ali.

iIh !d �v !u h �pKh �r !n �t iIm �r!k Uh !v�h/h�k tId !u h �rUm '�h!h 'Wh(�b �p!k h �C�k

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my

heart be acceptable to You, O God, my Rock and my


Oseh shalom bim’romav, hu

ya-aseh shalom aleinu v’al

kol Yisra-eil, v’imru:


tUv 'uh �nIr !n �C oIk �J v �G«gk�F k �g !u 'Ubh�k�g oIk �J v �G g�h

/i �n �t :Ur !n �t !u k �t �r !G�h

May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens

cause peace to reign among us, all Israel and all the world.


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Healing Prayers


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Mi Shebeirach

Mi shebeirarch avoteinu

v’imoteinu, Avraham,

Yizchak v’Yaakov, Sarah,

Rivkah, Rachel v’Lei-ah, hu

y’vareich et hacholim.

HaKadosh Barchu Hu

yimalei rachamim aleihem,

l’hachalimam ul’rapotam

ul’hachazikam, v’yishlach

lahem m’heirah r’fuah

shleimah min hashamayim,

r’fuat hanefesh ur’fuat

haguf, hastah baagala

uviz’man kariv. V’nomar:


Ubh �,In �t !u Ubh �,Ic t Q �r�C !a« h �n'v �r �«a 'c«e g�h !u 'e �j !m�h 'o �v �r !c �t

Q �r�c!h tUv v �t�k !u 'k �j �r 'v �e !c �rQUr�C JIs �E �v /oh�kIjv ,t'o �vh�k�g oh �n j �r t�k �n�h tUv

o �,t«P �r!kU o �nh�k j �v!kv �r �v !n o �v�k j�k !J�h !u 'o �eh �z j �v!kU

'o�h (�n �J �v i �n v �n�k !J v �tUp !r';UD �v , �tUp !rU 'J �p(�B �v , �tUp !r

/ch �r �e i �n !z �cU t�k�d g �C t �T !J �v/i �n �t :r �nt«b !u

May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and

Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless and heal

those who are ill. May the Blessed One be filled with

compassion for their health to be restored, and their strength

to be revived. May God swiftly send them a complete renewal

of body and spirit, and let us say: Amein.


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Mi Shebeirach - Prayer for HealingWords and Music by Debbie Friedman

Mi shebeirach avoteinu

M’kor habracha l’imoteinu

May the source of strength

Who blessed the ones

before us

Help us find the courage

To make our lives a


And let us say, Amein.

Mi shebeirach imoteinu

M’kor habracha l’avoteinu

Bless those in need of

healing with r’fu-ah


The renewal of body,

The renewal of spirit,

And let us say: Amein.

rIe !n Ubh �,Ic t Q �r�C !a« h �nUbh �,In �t!k v�f �r !C �v

rIe !n Ubh �,In �t Q �r�C !a« h �nUbh �,Ic t!k v�f �r !C �v

� � �

v�k t�b t�p !r t�b k �tEl Na Re’fa Na La O God, Pray Heal Her!

(Num. 12:13)


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Prayer for being Healed

Baruch ata Adonai,

rofei hacholim.t �pIr �h!h v �T �t QUr�C

/oh�kIj �v

Thank You, O God, for the power of healing that You have

made a part of me.

I thank all who helped me become well and strong again,

God, and I thank You for life and health.

I stand in awe of the Creator of the universe, whose kindness

renews the entire creation at every given moment. I give

thanks that Adonai, renewed my corner of the universe.

Mi Sh’Berach (A Song of Healing)Words and music by Lisa Levine

Mi she’berach avoteinu, Avraham, Yitzhak,


Mi she’berach imoteinu, Sarah, Rivkah, Leah,


May the One who blessed our Mothers,

May the One who blessed our Fathers,

Hear our Prayer, and bless us as well.

Bless us with the power of Your healing,

Bless us with the power of Your hope.

May our hearts be filled with understanding,

And strengthened by the power of Your love.

'Ubh �,Ic t Q �r�C !J h �n/c«e�g�h !u e �j !m�h 'o �v �r !c t

'Ub �TIn �t Q �r�C !J h �nv �t�k 'v �e !c �r 'v �r �«a

/k �j �r !u


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Concluding Prayers


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Aleinu l’shabei-ach laadon

hakol, lateit g’dulah l’yotzeir

b’reishit, shehu noteh

shamayim v’yoseid aretz,

umoshav y’karo bashamayim

mimaal, ush’chinat uzo

b’govhei m’romim, hu Eloheinu

ein od.

, �,�k 'k«F �v iIs t�k �j(�C �J!k Ubh(�k�gtUv �J ',h �Jt �r !C r�mIh!k v�K 2s !Dc �JInU '. �r(�t s �x«h !u o�h (�n �J v �yIb,�bh �f !JU 'k �g(�N �n o�h (�n �% �C Ir �e!htUv 'oh �nIr !n h �v !c�d !C IZ2g

/sIg ih �t Ubh (�v«k;t

Let us adore the Ever-Living God, and render praise unto the One

who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is

revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest

throughout the world. You are our God, there is none else.

Vaanachnu kor’im

umishtachavim umodim,

lifnei Melech mal’chei

hamlachim HaKodosh

Baruch Hu.

oh �u j �T !J �nU oh �g !rIF Ub !j(�b t�uh�f!k �n 'Q�k(�n h�b !p�k 'oh �sInU

/tUv QUr�C JIs �E �v 'oh �f�k !N �vIn !aU 's �j �t �h!h v�h !v�h tUv �v oIH �C

:s �j �t

Therefore we bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is

Sovereign over all, the Holy and Blessed One.

V’ne-emar: V’hayah

Adonai l’melech al kol

ha-aretz; Bayom hahu

yihyeh Adonai echad,

ush’mo echad.

Kk�F Kk �g Q�k(�n!k �h!h v�h �v !uI :r �n;t�b !u�h!h v�h !v�h tUv �v oIH �C `. �r(�t �v

J/s �j �t In !JU s �j �t

And it has been said: “The eternal One shall reign over all the earth;

on that day, O God, You shall be One and Your name shall be One.”


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Before Mourner’s Kaddish

Kaddish – remembrance

WHEN I DIE give what's left of me away

to children and old men that wait to die.

And if you need to cry,

cry for your brother walking the street beside you.

And when you need me, put your arms around anyone

and give them what you need to give me.

I want to leave you something,

something better than words or sounds.

Look for me in the people I’ve known or loved,

and if you cannot give me away,

at least let me live in your eyes and not in your mind.

You can love me best by letting hands touch hands,

and by letting go of children that need to be free.

Love doesn’t die, people do.

So, when all that’s left of me is love,

give me away.

� � �


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When my brother

When my brother suffers, I will comfort him.

When my brother prospers, I will rejoice with him.

When my brother is lonely, I will seek him out.

When my brother seeks solitude, I will respect his right to privacy.

When my brother is attacked, I will defend him.

When my brother is oppressed, I will relieve him.

When my brother is needy, I will gladly give to him.

When my brother gives unto me, I will accept graciously from him.

When death claims my brother, as death must come to all, I will pray

to God, Creator of Life, and thank God for the fellowship of my

brother’s days, and for the memory of his goodness.

[Brotherhood, Temple Israel of Jamaica.]

� � �

Our thoughts turn to those who have departed this earth: our

own loved ones, those whom our friends and neighbors have

lost, the martyrs of our people whose graves are unmarked,

and those of every race and nation whose lives have been a

blessing to humanity. As we remember them, let us meditate

on the meaning of love and loss, of life and death.


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The Tradition of the Kaddish

The origins of the Kaddish are mysterious; angels

are said to have brought it down from heaven ...

It possesses wonderful power. If there is any bond

strong enough to chain heaven to earth, it is this

prayer. It keeps the living together, and forms a

bridge to the mysterious realm of the dead. One

might almost say that this prayer is the guardian of

the people by whom alone it is uttered; therein lies

the reason for its continuance. Can a people

disappear and be annihilated so long as a child

remembers its parents?

This prayer does not acknowledge death, because it

permits the blossom, which has fallen from the tree

of humankind, to flow and develop again in the

human heart; therefore, it possesses sanctifying



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The Life of Eternity

Life is finite. Like a candle, it burns, it glows, it is radiant

with warmth and beauty; then it fades, its substance is

consumed, and it is no more.

In light we see; in light we are seen. The flames dance and our

lives are full. But as night follows day, the candle of our life

burns down and gutters. There is an end to the flames. We see

no more and are no more seen. Yet we do not despair, for we

are more than a memory slowly fading into the darkness.

With our lives we give life. Something of us can never die;

we move in the eternal cycle of darkness and death, of light

and life.

� � �

There are Stars

There are stars whose light reaches the earth only after they

themselves have disintegrated and are no more. And there are

people whose scintillating memory lights the world after they

have passed from it. These lights which shine in the darkest

night are those which illumine for us the path...Hannah Senesh

� � �


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The Blessing of Memory

It is hard to sing of oneness when our world is not complete,

when those who once brought wholeness to our life have

gone, and naught but memory can fill the emptiness their

passing leaves behind.

But memory can tell us only what we were, in company with

those we loved; it cannot help us find what each of us, alone,

must now become. Yet no one is really alone; those who live

no more, echo still within our thoughts and words, and what

they did is part of what we have become.

We do best homage to our dead when we live our lives most

fully, even in the shadow of our loss. For each of our lives is

worth the life of the whole world; in each one is the breath of

the Ultimate One. In affirming the One, we affirm the worth

of each one whose life, now ended, brought us closer to the

Source of life, in Whose unity no one is alone and every life

finds purpose.


Page 64: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

Mourner’s Kaddish ou,h ahse

Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei

raba b’alma di v’ra chir’utei,

v’yamlich malchutei

b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon

uv’chayei d’chol beit

Yisra-eil, ba-agala uviz’man

kariv, v’imru: Amein.

Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach

l’alam ul’almei almaya.

Yitbarach v’yishtabach,

v’yitpa-ar v’yitromam

v’yitnasei, v’yithadar

v’yitaleh v’yithalal sh’mei

d’kud’sha, b’rich hu, l’eila

min kol birchata v’shirata,

tushb’chata v’nechemata

da-amiran b’alma v’imru:


Y’hei sh’lama raba min

sh’maya v’chayim, aleinu v’al

kol Yisra-eil, v’imru: Amein.

Oseh shalom bim’romav, hu

ya-aseh shalom aleinu v’al

kol Yisra-eil, v’imru: Amein.

t�C �r V �n !J J �S �e !,�h !u k �S�D !,�h'V �,Ug !r �f t �r !cKh �S t �n!k�g !CiIfh�H �j !C V �,Uf!k �n Qh�k !n�h !u

,h �CKk�f !s h�H �j !cU iIfh �nIh !cU'ch �r �e i �n !z �cU t�k�D g �C 'k �t �r !G�h

/i �n �t :Ur !n �t !u

o�k�g!k Q �r�c !n t�C �r V �n !J t �v!h/t�H �n!k�g h �n!k�g!kU

r �t�P !,�h !u 'j �C �T !J�h !u Q �r�C !,�hr �S �v !,�h !u 't �¬�b !,�h !u o �nIr !,�h !u

't �J !s 2e !S V �n !J k�K �v !,�h !u v�K �g !,�h !u'tUv Qh �r !C

't �, �rh �J !u t �,�f !r �CKk�FKi �n t�K(�g!ki �rh �n t �S t �, �n;j�b !u t �, �j !C !J 2T

/i �n �t :Ur !n �t !u 't �n!k�g !C

t�H �n !JKi �n t�C �r t �n�k !J t �v!h'k �t �r !G�hKk�FKk �g !u Ubh(�k�g oh�H �j !u

/i �n �t :Ur !n �t !u

tUv 'uh �nIr !n �C oIk �J v �G«gUbh(�k�g oIk �J v �G g�h

/i �n �t :Ur !n �t !u 'k �t �r !G�hKk�FKk �g !u


Page 65: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

Let the glory of God be extolled, and God’s great name be

hallowed in the world whose creation God willed. May God

rule in our own day, in our own lives, and in the life of all

Israel, and let us say: Amein.

Let God’s great name be blessed for ever and ever.

Beyond all the praises, songs and adorations that we can utter

is the Holy One, the Blessed One, whom yet we glorify, honor

and exalt. And let us say: Amein.

For us and for all Israel, may the blessing of peace and the

promise of life come true, and let us say: Amein.

May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens

cause peace to reign among us, all Israel, and all the world,

and let us say: Amein.

May the Source of peace send peace to all who mourn, and

comfort to all who are bereaved. Amein.

� � �



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Concluding Songs


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'k �t �r !G�hKk�FKk �g !u Ubh(�k�g oIk �J v �G g�h tUv 'uh �nIr !n �C oIk �J v �G«gi �n �t :Ur !n �t !u

Oseh shalom bim’romav Hu ya-a-seh shalom aleinu, ve’al kol

Yisraeil ve’imeru: Amein.

May the One who causes peace to reign in the high heavens cause peace to reign among us,

all Israel, and all the world, and let us say: Amein.


/t �r !c�b rh �m!h k�F o �r (�y !C 'Q�k �n r �J t o�kIg iIs t/t �r !e�b In !J Q�k(�n h�z t 'k«F Im !p �j !c v �G g�b ,�g!k

/t �rIb QIk !n�h IS �c!k 'k«F �v ,Ik !f �F h �r j �t !u/v �r �t !p �, !C 'v�h !v�h tUv !u 'v�Iv tUv !u 'v�h �v tUv !u/v �rh (�C !j �v!k Ik kh �J !n �v!k 'h �b �J ih �t !u s �j �t tUv !u/v �r !G �N �v !u zIg �v Iku ',h�k !f �, h�k !C ,h �Jt �r h�k !C

/v �r�m ,�g !C h�k !c �j rUm !u 'h�k t«D h �j !u h�k �t tUv !u/t �r !e �t oIh !C h �xIF ,�b !n h�k xIb �nU h �X�b tUv !u

/v �rh(�g �t !u i �Jh �t ,�g !C 'h �jUr sh �e !p �t Is�h !C/t �rh �t t«k !u h�k �h!h 'h �,�H �u !D h �jUr o �gu

A-don o’lam, asher ma-lach, b’teh-rem kol y’tzir niv-ra;

L’eit na-a-sa v’chef-tzo kol, a-zai meh-lech sh’-mo nik-ra.

V’a-cha-rei kich-lot ha-kol, l’va-do yim-loch no-ra;

V’hu ha-ya, v’hu ho-veh, v’hu yi-h’yeh b’tif-a-ra.

V’hu Eh-chad, v’ein shei-ni l’ham-shilo, l’hach-bi-ra;


Page 68: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

B’li rei-sheet, b’li tach-lit, v’lo ha-oz v’ha-mis-ra.

V’hu Ei-li, v’chai go-a-li, v’tzur chev-li b’eit tza-ra;

V’hu ni-si u-ma-nos li, m’nat ko-si b’yom ek-ra.

B’ya-do af-kid ru-chi, b’eit i-shan v’a-i-ra;

v’im ru-chi g’vi’ya-ti; A-do-nai li, v’lo i-ra

You are the Eternal God,

Who reigned before any being had been created;

when all was done according to Your will,

already then You were Sovereign.

And after all has ceased to be,

still will You reign in solitary majesty;

You were, You are, You will be in glory.

And You are One; none other can compare to You, or consort with

You; You are without beginning, without end;

Yours alone are power and dominion.

And You are my God, my living Redeemer,

my Rock in time of trouble and distress;

You are my banner and my refuge, my benefactor when I call on You.

Into Your hands I entrust my spirit, when I sleep and when I wake;

and with my spirit, my body also:

You are with me, I shall not fear.


Page 69: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1


Kol od balevav p'nimah

Nefesh Yehudi homiyah

Ulfa'atey mizrach kadimah

Ayin l'tzion tzofiyah

Od lo avdah tikvatenu

Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim

L'hiyot am chofshi b'artzenu

Eretz Tzion v'Yerushalayim

v�u !e �T �v

'v �nh�b !P 'c �c�k �C sIg k«F /v�h �nIv h �sUv!h a �p�b

'v �nh �s �e 'j �r !z �n h �T t �p!kU/v�h �pIm iIH �m!k i�h��g

Ub �,�u !e �T v �s !c �t t«k sIgo�h �P!k �t ,Ib !a ,�C v�u !e �T �vUb�m !r �t !C h �a !p �j o �g ,Ih !v�k

/o�h�k �JUr!h �u iIH �m . �r �t

As long as deep in the heart, the soul of a Jew yearns. And forward to

the East, to Zion, an eye looks. Our hope will not be lost, the hope of

two thousand years. To be a free nation in our land, the land of Zion

and Jerusalem.

� � �


Page 70: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

SalaamText & Music: Moshe Ben-Ari & “Sheva”

Od ya’vo shalom aleinu (x3)

Ve’al kulam.

Salaam (Shalom!), aleinu

Ve’al kol ha’Olam,

Salaam, salaam!

May there yet be peace upon us (x2)

May there yet be peace upon us, and


Salam (Shalom!) - upon us and

everyone, Salam, shalom! (x2)

(Peace will yet come to us and everyone.

Peace for us, and to all the world).

ot�kt �xray�zwdle�ix`-oa�dyn

Ubh�k g oIk �a tIc�h sIg/o�kUF k �g !u

Ubh�k g 'ot�kt �x'o�kIg �v kF k �g !u

!ot�kt �x 'ot�kt �x


Page 71: Brotherhood Sidur V3.1

This service was compiled from:

Gates of Prayer Shabbat Evening Service VI, 1975 and

Gates of Prayer for Shabbat and Weekdays - A Gender

Sensitive Prayerbook, 1994.

Gates of Shabbat - A guide for observing Shabbat -

Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1991.

Modified for Brotherhood Service with additional materials

from the Men of Reform Judaism content. 2010, 5770.

Temple Emanu-El San Jose, California

Compiled and Edited:

Rabbi Dana L. Magat & the Ritual Committee

Dawn Chaffin, Chairperson (2006, 5766)

Al Roth (Brotherhood, (2011, 5771)

Cantor Meeka Simerly (2011, 5771)