brotz v. simm associates, inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-pgb … 6:17-cv-01603-pgb-tbs document 1 filed...

Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 1 of 15 PagelD 1 FILED UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT MIDDLE DISTRICT OF FLORIDA ORLANDO DIVISION 2011SEP -6 NI 1: 30 JOYCE LORRAINE BROTZ, Case No.: Oa: 10151, -0, -k 44E5 Individually and on behalf of a class of •J‘l persons similarly situated, Plaintiff, VS. SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC. a Delaware corporation, Defendant CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT AND DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL COMES NOW PlaintiffJOYCE LORRAINE BROTZ, (hereinafter referred to as "Ms. BROTZ" or "Plaintiff"), by and through her undersigned counsel, and for her complaint and jury demand against the above-named defendant states as follows: STATEMENT OF PARTIES 1. Plaintiff Joyce Lorraine Brotz is natural person, a citizen and resident of the State of Florida, currently residing in Oviedo, Seminole County, Florida, and who at all times relevant hereto resided in Seminole County, Florida. 2. Ms. BROTZ is a "consumer" as defined by 15 U.S.C. 1692a (3). 3. Ms. BROTZ is a "debtor" as defined by Fla. Stat. 559.55(2). 4. Defendant SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "SAI" or "Defendant" or its proper name) is, upon information and belief, a Delaware corporation with a principal place of business at 800 Pencader Drive, Newark, Delaware 19702.

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JOYCE LORRAINE BROTZ, Case No.: Oa: 10151,-0,-k 44E5Individually and on behalf of a class of •J‘lpersons similarly situated,



SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.a Delaware corporation,



COMES NOW PlaintiffJOYCE LORRAINE BROTZ, (hereinafter referred to as "Ms. BROTZ"

or "Plaintiff"), by and through her undersigned counsel, and for her complaint and jury demand against

the above-named defendant states as follows:


1. Plaintiff Joyce Lorraine Brotz is natural person, a citizen and resident of the State of

Florida, currently residing in Oviedo, Seminole County, Florida, and who at all times relevant hereto

resided in Seminole County, Florida.

2. Ms. BROTZ is a "consumer" as defined by 15 U.S.C. 1692a (3).

3. Ms. BROTZ is a "debtor" as defined by Fla. Stat. 559.55(2).

4. Defendant SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "SAI" or "Defendant"

or its proper name) is, upon information and belief, a Delaware corporation with a principal place of

business at 800 Pencader Drive, Newark, Delaware 19702.

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5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed by the FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. 1692a (6),

because SAI regularly uses the mails and/or the telephone to collect, or attempt to collect, delinquent

consumer debts, including delinquent consumer debts in the Middle District of Florida.

6. On or about November 26, 2002, Defendant SAI registered to transact business in the

State of Florida and described the purpose of its business in Florida as "debt collection".

7. At all times relevant, Defendant SAI was licensed by the Florida Office of Financial

Regulation as a "consumer collection agency" in the State ofFlorida.


8. This is a class action brought under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA"),

15 U.S.C. 1692 et seq., the Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act ("FCCPA"), Fla. Stat. 559.55

et seq., for breach of contract, and for unjust enrichment.

9. Plaintiff has standing to bring a claim under the FDCPA and the FCCPA because she was

directly affected by violations of those Acts, was subjected to Defendant's illegal and improper debt

collection activities, and suffered injury in fact as a direct consequence of Defendant's illegal and

improper debt collection activities, in the form of unlawful "convenience fees" paid.

10. This Court has jurisdiction over the Plaintiff's claims pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331, in

that there are federal questions for claims brought pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1692k(d).

11. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391 because Plaintiff JOYCE BROTZ resides

in this judicial district and the conduct complained of occurred in this district.


12. On or about August 16, 2007, Ms. BROTZ and her son, William J Brotz, III, entered into

a Non-Negotiable Credit Agreement with Bank of America, N.A. for her son's education at the

University of Central Florida. This loan is hereinafter referred to as the "Loan" and the contract is


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referred to as the "Loan Agreement." A partial copy of the Loan Agreement, redacted for private

information, is attached as Exhibit "A."

13. Subsequently, the National Collegiate Student Loan Trust (hereinafter referred to as

"NCSLT") began demanding payment for the Loan.

14. Ms. BROTZ and William Brotz got behind in their loan payments to NCSLT, and allegedly

defaulted on the Loan.

15. At some point after Plaintiff s alleged default, the original creditor of the Loan either

directly or through intermediate transactions assigned, placed, transferred or sold the debt to Defendant

for collection.

16. Defendant is not in the business of extending credit, selling goods or services to


17. Defendant regularly collects or attempts to collect past-due or defaulted debts allegedly

owed to others which were incurred primarily for personal, family or household purposes.

18. Defendant is in the business of collecting past-due or defaulted debts or alleged debts of

natural persons.

19. Defendant uses the mails, telephone, the internet and other instruments of interstate

commerce in engaging in the business ofcollecting past-due or defaulted debts or alleged debts ofnatural

persons which arise from transactions which are primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

20. Defendant is engaged in the collection business

21. SAI contacted Ms. BROTZ by written communication and telephone calls seeking

payments on the Loan debt. Exemplars of the written communications seeking payment sent by SAI to

Ms. BROTZ are attached hereto as Exhibit B.

22. On or about August 6, 2014, Ms. BROTZ agreed to pay S 211.40 per month to repay the

Loan. Ms. BROTZ paid this amount each month for a period of sixteen (16) months, beginning on


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August 6, 2014, and continuing through November 6, 2015. Ms. Brotz authorized SAI to withdraw her

payment directly from her checking account and SAI withdrew each of these payments via ACH

electronic transfer(s).

23. In addition to withdrawing each of these sixteen (16) monthly payments of $211.40 via

ACH electronic transfer, SAI also withdrew a "convenience fee" in the amount of 12.95 per month

from Ms. Brotz's account, causing her total monthly payments to be $224.35 during those sixteen (16)


24. The terms of the Loan Agreement do not provide for, contain no provision agreeing to,

and do not "expressly authorize" any "convenience fee" for ACH electronic transfer payments, or for

any other charges based upon the borrower's method of payment.

25. Prior to December 6, 2015, SAI's employee called Ms. BROTZ and Ms. BROTZ agreed

to pay 251.40 per month.

26. During the period beginning December 6, 2015, and continuing through September 6, 2016,

Ms. BROTZ paid 264.35 251.40 plus a 12.95 convenience fee) each month for a period often (10)


27. At all times relevant hereto, Ms. BROTZ made her payments by ACH electronic fund

transfers, thereby enabling SAI to withdraw the payments directly from her checking account.

28. The collection of the monthly $12.95 "convenience fee" is unlawful and in breach of the

Loan Agreement. See Ouinteros v. MBI Associates. Inc., 2014 WL 793138 (E.D. N.Y. Feb. 28, 2014).

29. In October, 2014, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ("CFPB") released its

Supervisory Highlights for Fall, 2014. Among the highlights were recent examinations of larger market

participant debt collectors resulting in identification of "an unfair practice and several violations of the

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)." Supervisory Highlights, CFPB, Pg. 7, Section 2.2 (Oct.


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30. In that report, the CFPB highlighted the unlawful imposition of convenience fees as an

unfair practice and violation of the FDCPA. Supervisory Highlights, CFPB, Pg. 7, Sec. 2.2.1 (Oct.



31. It is or was Defendant's routine policy and practice to charge all consumers a fee for

paying Defendant SAI using certain forms of payment including, but not necessarily limited to payment

by electronic fund transfer (aka ACH electronic transfer) as Ms. BROTZ used.

32. It is or was also Defendant's policy and practice to collect and attempt to collect amounts

that are incidental to the principal obligation, which amounts from consumers that are not expressly

authorized by the agreement creating the debt or permitted by law.

33. Plaintiff is informed, and believes, and therefore alleges that Defendant's collection

communications are designed to drive least sophisticated consumers, such as Plaintiff, to make payments

by electronic funds transfer.

34. The inclusion of a "convenience fee" to make an electronic fund transfer payment is

intended to falsely convey that Defendant is legally and/or contractually permitted to charge a

"convenience fee" for an electronic funds transfer when in fact such a fee/charge is neither authorized by

contract nor permitted by law.

35. The inclusion of a "convenience fee" to make a payment is a collection ploy and a

deceptive tactic used to trick the least sophisticated consumer that paying by electronic funds transfer

can cause the balance to be assessed a "convenience fee" and therefore increase when in fact such a

fee/charge is neither authorized by contract nor permitted by law.

36. Upon information and belief, the "convenience fee" charged to all consumers for paying

Defendant SAI using certain forms ofpayment, including electronic funds transfer, was mandatory.


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37. The additional "convenience fee" charged to Ms. Brotz constitutes the collection of an

amount incidental to the principal obligation that is not expressly authorized by the agreement creating

the debt.

38. The additional "convenience fee" constitutes the collection ofan amount incidental to the

principal obligation that is not expressly authorized by Florida law.

39. Defendant's characterization of the additional $12.95 per electronic funds transfer

payment charge as a "convenience fee" is false, deceptive, and misleading in that it is well in excess of

the actual amount, if any, Defendant incurred with respect to its processing such payments.

40. Defendant's characterization of the additional $12.95 per electronic funds transfer

payment charge as a "convenience fee" is false, deceptive, and misleading in that it fails to disclose the

true nature of the fee and misrepresents the actual amount, if any, of the fee.

41. Defendant's characterization of the additional $12.95 per electronic funds transfer

payment charge as a "convenience fee" is false, deceptive, and misleading in that it is well in excess of

what any bank or payment processing entity would charge to process such a payment transaction.

42. Defendant's characterization of the additional $12.95 per electronic funds transfer

payment charge as a "convenience fee" is false, deceptive, and misleading in that Plaintiffs understood

it to mean, as would the least sophisticated consumer, that Defendants are legally entitled to charge or

collect the fee when, in fact, it is not legally or contractually entitled to do so.

43. Plaintiff, JOYCE BROTZ, asserts her FDCPA, FCCPA, breach of contract, and unjust

enrichment claims pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure on behalf of herself in

four (4) subclasses (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Classes") and defined as:


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(i) All persons with addresses within the State of Florida who, (ii) SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.charged a mandatory fee for the method of payment ("Convenience Fee"); (iii) when paying a

debt; (iv) which, as shown by the nature of Defendant's records, or the records of the originalcreditors, was primarily for personal, family, or household purposes (v) where the contract or

agreement governing the account does not expressly allow Defendant to charge the borrower a

Convenience Fee (vi) during the period beginning one year prior to the filing of the initial

Complaint in this action through the date that Notice issues to the Class.

(The above described class is hereinafter referred to as the "FDCPA Subclass".)


(i) All persons with addresses within the State of Florida who, (ii) SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.charged a mandatory fee for the method of payment ("Convenience Fee"); (iii) when paying a

debt; (iv) which, as shown by the nature of Defendant's records, or the records of the originalcreditors, was primarily for personal, family, or household purposes (v) where the contract or

agreement governing the account does not expressly allow Defendant to charge the borrower a

Convenience Fee (vi) during the period beginning two (2) years prior to the filing of the initialComplaint in this action through the date that Notice issues to the Class.

(The class defined immediately above is hereinafter referred to as the "FCCPA Subclass")


(i) All persons with addresses within the State of Florida who, (ii) SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.charged a mandatory fee for the method of payment ("Convenience Fee"); (iii) when paying a

debt; (iv) which, as shown by the nature of Defendant's records, or the records of the originalcreditors, was primarily for personal, family, or household purposes where (v) the contract or

agreement governing the account does not expressly allow Defendant to charge a ConvenienceFee (vi) during the period beginning four (4) years prior to the filing of the initial Complaint inthis action through the date that Notice issues to the Class.

(The class defined immediately above is hereinafter referred to as the "Contract Subclass").


(i) All persons with addresses within the State of Florida who, (ii) S1MM ASSOCIATES, INC.

charged a mandatory fee for the method of payment ("Convenience Fee"); (iii) when paying a

debt; (iv) which, as shown by the nature of Defendant's records, or the records of the originalcreditors, was primarily for personal, family, or household purposes where (v) the contract or

agreement governing the account does not expressly allow Defendant to charge a ConvenienceFee (vi) during the period beginning four (4) years prior to the filing of the initial Complaint inthis action through the date that Notice issues to the Class.


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(The class defined immediately above is hereinafter referred to as the "Unjust Enrichment


44. The Subclasses are so numerous that joinder of all members is impractical. Defendant

routinely charged "convenience fees" for processing certain forms ofpayments as indicated in the letters

attached as Exhibit "B" and in Defendant's statements to Ms. BROTZ. Upon information and belief,

defendant uses or used the same form letters and collection practices in connection with its collection

efforts in hundreds of accounts within the state of Florida that fall within the above Class definitions.

Given the percentage ofconsumers who pay by electronic funds transfer during the applicable time frame,

it is reasonable to presume that there are hundreds of class members.

45. There are questions of law and fact common to the Classes and which predominate over

any questions affecting only individual members. The common questions of fact are whether the

Convenience Fees are authorized by Florida law and/or whether such fees are expressly authorized under

the applicable loan agreements. The principal legal issues raised by these claims are whether Defendant's

"convenience fee" violates the FDCPA and the FCCPA as an unfair or deceptive means to collect a debt

and/or is a charge which the debt collector is not entitled to demand in light of the common statutory

prohibition against seeking payments which are not authorized in the Loan Agreement(s) unless such

charges are expressly authorized under state law. A similar legal analysis will determine whether SAI

breached the contracts with the consumers.

46. Plaintiff's claims are typical of those individuals within the Class as Plaintiff paid the

"convenience fee" charged by Defendant to other members of the Class. Plaintiff will fairly and

adequately represent and protect the interest of the Class and Plaintiff does not have any interest that is

antagonistic to the Class she seeks to represent.

47. The Plaintiff will fairly and adequately protect the interest of the class as she prosecutes

her own individual claims. Plaintiff has retained counsel experienced in class actions as well as the


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handling of FDCPA, FCCPA, and breach of contract actions. Neither Plaintiff nor her counsel has any

interests antagonistic to the Class or which might cause them not to vigorously pursue this action.

48. Certification of a class under Rule 23(b)(3) is appropriate, in that a class action is superior

to other available methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of this controversy. The interests ofthe

class members in individually controlling the prosecution and defense of separate actions is minimal, in

that the class members are unlikely to be aware their rights were violated and in that individual actions

are uneconomical. Difficulties likely to be encountered in managing this class action are substantially

less than those that are involved in other types of cases routinely certified.


49. The above paragraphs 1 through 48 are incorporated herein.

50. This is an action seeking class wide relief for Defendant s pattern and practice of

charging a Convenience Fee from the Plaintiff and the FDCPA Subclass members.

51. In this case, the Defendant attempted to collect, and did collect, a "convenience fee" that

was not owed.

52. Defendant SAI had no legal or contractual right to collect any amount as a "convenience

fee" from Plaintiff and the FDCPA Subclass based upon the form ofpayment.

53. At all material times herein, Plaintiffs debt and the debt of others similarly situated were

consumer debts as defined by the FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. 1692a (5).

54. At all material times herein, Plaintiff and others similarly situated were "consumers" as

defmed by the FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. 1692a (3).

55. At all material times herein, Defendant was a "debt collector" as defined by the FDCPA,

15 U.S.C. 1692a (6), as SAI began servicing the account after Plaintiffs and members of the FDCPA

Subclass were in default.


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56. At all material times herein, Defendant knew or should have known that the Loan

Agreements giving rise to the debts which Defendant was attempting to collect from Plaintiffand persons

similarly situated did not provide for a fee arising from the form of the borrowers' payments.

57. By assessing a "convenience fee" that was not legally owed, Defendant overstated the

amount due from the Plaintiff and the FDCPA Subclass.

58. By collecting Convenience Fees which were not legally owed, Defendant converted funds

belonging to the Plaintiff and the FDCPA Subclass to Defendant's use and benefit.

59. Defendant SAI violated the following sections of the FDCPA:

(A) 15 U.S.C. 1692e which prohibits debt collectors from using "any false, deceptive,or misleading representation or means in connection with the collection ofany debt";

(B) 15 U.S.C. 1692e (2) which prohibits "the false representation of... (B) anyservices rendered or compensation which may be lawfully received by any debtcollector for the collection of a debt";

(C) 15 U.S.C. 1692e (10) which prohibits "the use ofany false representation or deceptivemeans to collect or attempt to collect any debt or to obtain informationconcerning a consumer";

(D) 15 U.S.C. 1692f which prohibits debt collectors from using "unfair or

unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt"; and

(E) 15 U.S.C. 1692f (1) which prohibits debt collectors from "the collection of anyamount (including any interest, fee, charge, or expense incidental to the principalobligation) unless such amount is expressly authorized by the agreement creating thedebt or permitted by law.

60. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant's FDCPA violations, Plaintiff and others

similarly situated have been harmed, including suffering actual damages in the form of unlawful

"convenience fees" paid. Plaintiff and others similarly situated are also entitled to statutory damages

under 15 U.S.C. 1692k(a)(2)(B), and attorneys' fees and the costs of this action pursuant to 15 U.S.C.



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WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Joyce Lorraine Brotz requests that the Court enter judgment in favor of

herself and the FDCPA Subclass she seeks to represent against Defendant SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.,

a Delaware corporation for:

A. Certification of this matter to proceed as a class action;

B. Actual damages pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1692k(a)(1);

C. Statutory damages pursuant to 15. U.S.C. 1692k(a)(2)(b);

D. Attorney's fees, litigation expenses and costs of suit pursuant to 15 U.S.C.

1692(a)(3); and

E. Such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.


61. The above paragraphs 1 through 48 are incorporated fully herein.

62. This is a claim for violation ofthe Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act ("FCCPA"),

Fla. Stat. 559.55 et seq.

63. At all times material to this complaint, Defendant was a "debt collector" as defined under

Fla. Stat. 559.55(6).

64. At all times material, Plaintiff and others similarly situated were "debtors" as defined by

Fla. Stat. 559.55(2).

65. At all times material, the debts ofPlaintiffand the Class were "debts" or "consumer debts"

as defined by Fla. Stat. 559.55(1).

66. The FCCPA, Section 559.72(9) provides:

"In collecting consumer debts, no person shall:

(9) Claim, attempt, or threaten to enforce a debt when such

personal knows that the debt is not legitimate, or assert

the existence ofsome other legal right when such personknows that the right does not exist."


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Fla. Stat. 559.72(9) (emphasis added).

67. The convenience fees charged to Plaintiff and Class members by Defendant were

incidental to the consumer debts.

68. However, Defendant had no legal right to seek collection of any convenience fees from

Plaintiff and others similarly situated.

69. By collecting the convenience fees, Defendant knowingly violated Fla. Stat. 559.72(9)

by claiming and attempting to enforce a debt which was not legitimate and not due and owing.

70. As a direct and primary result of Defendant's FCCPA violations, Plaintiff and others

similarly situated have been harmed. Plaintiff and the Class members are entitled to actual damages,

statutory damages, and attorney's fees and costs pursuant to Fla. Stat. 559.77(2).

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Joyce Lorraine Brotz requests that the Court enter judgment in favor of

herself and the FCCPA Subclass she seeks to represent against Defendant SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.


A. Certification of this matter to proceed as a class action;

B. Actual damages pursuant to Fla. Stat. 559.77(2);

C. Statutory damages pursuant to Fla. Stat. 559.77(2);

D. Attorney's fees, litigation expenses and costs of suit pursuant to Fla. Stat.

559.77(2); and

E. Such other and further relief as the Court deems proper.


71. The above paragraphs 1 through 48 are incorporated fully herein.

72. Plaintiff and Bank of America, N.A., entered into a non-negotiable credit agreement

entitled "Education Maximizer Graduate Loan" contract on or about August 16, 2007. This document is


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hereinafter referred to as the "Loan Agreement." A partial copy ofthe "Loan Agreement" is attached as

Exhibit "A".

73. Defendant acted as a debt collector to collect amounts due and owing under this Loan

Agreement while the Loan Agreement was in default.

74. While acting as a debt collector to collect amounts due and owing under this Loan

Agreement while the Loan Agreement was in default, defendant sought to collect, and did in fact collect

from plaintiff and other persons similarly situated, a "convenience fee" not authorized by the Loan

Agreement, or agreed to in the Loan Agreement.

75. In collecting a "convenience fee" not authorized by or agreed to in the Loan Agreement,

defendant breached the Loan Agreement.

76. As a direct and proximate result of defendant's breach, plaintiff and other similarly

situated suffered actual damages, in the form of payment on non-contractual "convenience fees."

WHEREFORE, PlaintiffJoyce Lorraine Brotz requests that the Court enter judgment in favor of

herself and the Contract Subclass she seeks to represent against Defendant SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.


A. Certification of this matter to proceed as a class action;

B. Actual damages, in an amount to be determined by the jury, plus interest and costs;

C. The costs of this action;

D. An award of such other and further relief as is deemed appropriate by the Court.


77. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates paragraphs 1 through 48 as if fully set forth herein.

78. This Count is for unjust enrichment/restitution against Defendant for collecting and

retaining a "convenience fee" that is not permitted under Florida law or authorized under the Loan

Agreement entered into by Plaintiff Brotz's son, from Plaintiff.13

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79. Specifically, defendant charged Plaintiff and others similarly situated a "convenience fee"

for payments made on their debts, and such fee was not authorized under the Loan Agreement entered

into or by Florida law.

80. Upon information and belief, defendant retained all or some portion of the "convenience

fees" collected from Plaintiff and others similarly situated during the applicable time period.

81. As a result of its wrongful and unlawful conduct of retaining monies unlawfully collected,

defendant has been unjustly enriched and has received a benefit under circumstances which make it

unjust to retain such benefit without giving compensation.

WHEREFORE, PlaintiffJoyce Lorraine Brotz requests that the Court enter judgment in favor of

herself and the Unjust Enrichment Subclass she seeks to represent against Defendant SIMM


A. Certification of this matter to proceed as a class action;

B. Actual damages, in an amount to be determined by the jury, plus interest and costs;

C. The costs of this action;

D. An award of such other and further relief as is deemed appropriate by the Court.


Plaintiff demands trial by jury as to all claims and defenses.


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DATED This 6th day of SEPTEMBER, 2017



VARNELL & WARWICK, P.A.Post Office Box 1870

Lady Lake, FL 32158

Telephone: (352) 753 8600Facsimile: (352) 504 3301

[email protected]@varnellandwarwick.comTRIAL COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFFS(TO BE NOTICED)


Law Office ofDonald E. PetersenPost Office Box 1948Orlando, FL 32802-1948Telephone: (407) 648-9050ECF (Only): [email protected]: petersen22layahoo.comTRIAL COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF(TO BE NOTICED)


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cçqg 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 1 of 18 PagelD 16 i


Lam No.

Student: WILLIAM I BEOTE IIIDate: Anvwt 21_21107



7his disclosure natant= reign to yearLora Note &boned en August 21, 2007Bemme Icor Leen b alter beingasbersed oreatoiDgiviasyrnent. er the MAW= lethse ere beim Inedifed- the famein8itsfatensdae sham your Law Is Waggiveo te you.

ANNUAL PERCDITAGE RATE FINANCE OIARGE Amount Pinto:eel Total ofPaymentsThema efyva credit at st I1bodr,zn,tldo eras 31m weans af =Stwadded Tie smattatyva wha bast pddalterpoly me. I,aL to you teas yemWalt. yva kmmade 13 payments tebedand.

10451 S 4635510 26.400.00 S 72.935.20

Numberof Payments Amown efPayments When Payments me due

240 3 30398 On the 20th day crthels moth heSinelail 1212008

YARIARLE RAT& The Amami Perceatage Rate, which is bascd out aa Wax pita a margio, may inmate sludge tha termefthe loan RIM Index ram intresses. The index is (check ma)

0 Prime Rate Index Adjusted Monthly -The highest U.S. bane peitne nos published in tbe ''Money Rates' section of

Dm Wall StrIej formal (Eagan Edllionlon the bst business day death calendar meth.

El Prime Rate hubs Adjusted Quarterly. The highest U.S. bunk priest rate published irt the "Monty Rama* section dThe Wall Street Journal Menem &Norden the last business day of each catendar mutter.

O LIBOR War Adjusted Quarterly The average of the one-monds Luta= Interbank Offered ewes published in the"Mosey Ratts' sectko eine Wall Street Journal (astern Edition) on the first bush= day of each of the three (3)ode:dm months immeoftUely pecan the Ant day of each Weeder quares.

i2 LIBOR Index Adjusted Monthly. Theoacineuth Laudon Imerbrok Offered Ram pablisbed in Mc 'Money Rates"section et The Wail Street Memel Maslen Edition) on the lust business day of the preceding calendarmonth.

Any increase In the iedex and dm Amtarl Pereattage Ratc which emus while principal payments ate deferred will increasethe latosmt ofany earrem and all fat= payments. Any increase la the index and the Annual Percentage Rate which ocean whiteprincipal sad interest paymeass arc deferred nal inacase the anwase of an firma payments. Any increase in the Wel aud theAnnual Penmatage Rate widdi ocean after yoo have begun to nuke principal and Wont payments on yam kma will Mem= amMust of your Mute principal ton item melons beitning with your nen ownl payment siljostoteat dale. For you obtain a loan in your junior year, in the mecum of $10.030, at ea interest gate of lib. eatl yea defer pineipal endinterest papasats until after your graduation, and the repayment terra of the loan is 20 yams. If the harmed rate inoeseed to 1216on January 1st of yew senior yere. the interest which accrues white ptincipal sod interest payments arc deferred will increase by591.01. and your monthly principal and iohrectt payments would le:tease by 59.37.

LATE CHARGM, lie payment is more than 15 days late, yeti may be chtrged 55.00 co 555 of thc payment, whichever is btu. tfyou default. Lender (or aay subsegatust hada of your Lean Note) may increase the asergio used to compute the Annual PereentageRae by too pen:nine micas (25).PREPAYMENT: Ursa pay offearly. you will ow have lo Pr/ a PeoutIY.

Minx=AU attenhcal ditties= except the late payment dodos= use enimews.

sec yew cowed documents for any additional Informatioe about non-paymeat, default, nay required repayment its fall before thescheduled dine, any security inter= sad prepayment fensads and pamities.

Principti ArWarli of Nom (Amount rimmed Am Prepaid Roo= Cone) S 2L235.29

tostaitatioa of Almost Artmeorl

Annatptidlo WIUJAMJBRWZIUUIIAsa= paid to JOYCE L BROM 26.400.00Total Amman Foamed 5 26930.00

wawa= el Pteptid Fine= ChargeOdgitstlen Pee 1.835.79Total Pnmaid thermos Charge) S I,835.29

CIA.14.10011136 tat BKJUDP Education Maximizer Ugrad Loan File Copy

Page 17: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

(page 2 oc44p 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 18 PagelD 17

From: unknown Page: 4/11 Date: 8/16/2007 9:55:41 AM...


r it .1';'±:I:; j•


Education Mwdrnizer Undergraduate Loan Academic Pert= 0W2007-0512006


Loan Amount Requested: $26400.00 Repayment Option: Full Deferral

Deferral Period Margin: 4.5 Repayment Period Margin: 4.5 Loan Origination Fee Percentage: 8.50

Borrow Name:Wiliam J Brat III Home Addr:-..e.138 Magnolia Glen Circle Orlando, FL 32828SodatSecurity no Date of eirth=1981 Home Telephone:M-8086Mobile Telephone: E-mell Address:(knower Citizenettp (check ene bac): US. Geffen El 1ibre NrerCitiren (Attach front & back copy ofCIS or student visa ord)Nen: Personal reference name and address cannot match that of the Cosigner.Pereanal Reference Nemec Alan D Ws Reference Home Teldi= Weer Tel P.

Reference Street Mdi

Reference C

Cosigner Name: liriBrotz Home Address: 1303 Twin Rivers Btvd Oviedo, FL 32Social Security* 9963 Date of Birt4111.1955 Home Tedephone111119883Mobile Telephone: E-mall Address:Have yoU over detailed on e eluded losn or doctared trenkorptcy? Of No 0 VeroCurrent Empioyer STBSTR011 WWI:MARY Employer Telephone:Current Pecklorr afar ste Year, Thera 9 YeasYeateist Prellfear Einplaymart 0 Yews

Alimony, ehad cupped. or separate maintenance Income* do trothave to be revealed rf you do not want them coneldered for repaying; thleobligation. If you ere mlytng on such additional Income, please provide details on a separate sheet of paper.

Cosigner Ceizership (cliedc one bac) fir U.S. Men 0 Efgble Non-Chiran (Math front & back copy at OS)Notre Personal reference name and address comet roach that ot the Borrower.

Personal Reference Name: iris Boast Reference Horne T& Ware Tol

Reference Street Masse


Borrower and Cosigner: Read and, where indicated, sign and date the nextiage.

BIG07-08.CSX1.10DC.0107 LENDER COPY .C)

PNO1_BD2:17-08SSX1J_X_BROTZ IILA105735023.pdf BKJUDP

Page 18: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

NOTICE TO COSIQNKR (Trades:cif:la ma Inelis Se Reaniere Pori.e lt


age of 21)Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 3 of 18 PagelD 18

From: unknown Page: 5/11 Date: el1e/2007 9:65:41 AMv

For the purposes ofthese Notices, the words "you" aad "your" refer to the Cosigner, am the Lender.

You are being asked to guarantee this debt Think craftily before you do. Vita borrower doesn't pay du debt, you will have to. Besure you can afford to pay ifyou have M. and that you MAT to accept this responsibility.

You may have to pay up to the full amount of the debt if the borrower does not pay. You may also have to pay tate foes or collectioocasts. which increase this amount.

The holder of the loan con collect this debt from you without first trying to collect from the borrower. 7ba holder of the lean tan usethe same collection methods against you that eni be used against the borrower, such as suing yoo, garnishing yet:velem, eto. If thisdebt it ever in default that bet may become pan ofyour credit record.

This notice is not the contact that makte you liable for the debt.

AVJSO PegLA TIADOR (Spanish Translation Required )y LawItSe le esti pidinado quo gamntice este deeds. Pilmselo con ouidado anus de ponerse de acterdo. Si la persona qua ha pedido este

prestamo no page la deudn, toted tendril qua pagerla. Es14 matte de quo ustod podra pager si sea obliged° a markt yde quo muddoses scepter Ia responsabilidad.

Si la persona que ha porido d pristamo no pagn la deuda, es posible que usted tense que pagsr Is sums total de la deride, num loscargos por tardarse en el pago o el costa de cobranza, lo coal aumema el total do esm soma.

El acreedor (financiero) puede cantle a usted sin, primeramente, twat do cobratie al deudor. Los misrnos metodos de cohrartza quepueden tsetse coots el deuder, podran usarse contra usted, take como presenter una demanda en cot* gaiter parte de so sueldo, etcSi alpine vez no se cumpla coo la obligaaidn de pagar esta dcuda, se puede indult esa infonnacite en la historia de =dim de med.

Este aviso TIO eS el mutate missile en que se le eche a listed reponsibilidad de la deuda.

1.1.2 1;2 4e, h.r .VL





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Signature of Colagner SZZ0DateBK07-08.CSX1.fin107PN01_BD_07-08_CSX1J_X_BROTZ 111A105735023.pdf BK.JUDP

:•.'1I,1:,!:"•;.2zr'''.:i'.117."-1:ay my sigasture, I certify oat I hese mad. Vaaderstited and gam to tho woos of and =data= dm obligations act &Ws co all wen (7) pesos of this LcoaRenuestfCrodia, Amman= 13M-02.C9X1.10nattf7 ('1edd Amanann") C umtanund mad any person taws Irmainalp =aka a Ms commett as

munpitsealabas co this fern ism:WI:at to peestiaautieb nay Weds Eauatiomparosassel Ibis Croft Agleam:at timidvoltam:J. I WettedOm I am oolonozod to fox =If olgoloaso an ea to sign olotazooloanY lbs Omdit Ammons sad my related cod= dm tomato -ra'.- XUchoou to Om my eigamos on or to

elamsenically Mit Cm*Agreemad and my relate mime Mu require dgramo, I intent (i) ray fax alommaic gigaton to In an tImanto *cat=taxi=applimble federal aml a lant, (II) am fax pciatnot =at ofLinda's elcdrcafa mcard of this Crotfat Aglow= sad telatoinotica nbc annttnottrsrnt;

conduct troth= v4111 LFala by demonic memds east them& sigmanos. and (iv) lbm dais Crain Agra:man nil cmbe gave:nod W Maio 3 of dmrhifiem Commatial Code, aal my obligations valor Cendit cmesti rat bc =Nal to. but my =dm ofmy obligati= vAlbo subject to, Astklo 9 of tbcIlailma Comm:Mal Calm

V.-.17-4';!•W Zri.'cii•F:"7,s•ia;-1,:.-;j",-„Itt-... I •1•, v

Page 19: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 4 of 18 PagelD 19

te lis CroftAeteeMint boob* T. •ine, •ffy. trd Nitre man be WattA W113104* OMdIstersiseeitef ribbon, Ispeltels)VISstudWsOWPOSterbottil Robby Ind CoWei. ra Ikbarented Didalbsbe Ribbidedbob*bit;OAPs ccwade tatItue, Yore. rod1~mien Balk cd AftertaNdend eases bite aracildMeatWeeIIbe8thol (er mktOWMateo b=soca situst" at toy Aar teller dMbCell pohledir. leNs bee mint led bleIcol no!hibutubnilvast idurMIMI 011dON IOU deebpdigMtpap 0 beiti 3040 OpdrMgON. DI IffOVIII,NMI111210 WebbNs CmS1Pcort5nt Do banter' Mt= MsLao*acowayIt Onr wormed 0,11* tho DefatroalEnt00to ill toon mon Owl 5MO**tomin no laws. yin WinI*DIstanomsd Data 1 I Meaided the %aWontA. PROMISE TO PAY: I boobs b per byou the Loin Amen mobbed Wm ReWWIregwantcolko Is stelei os the tot pep%bond shod co Ito ftatmadlib(MIAs:won. nen Gmbh cfNisOWAtoms% tothe Ibbrond WOE/tub be Redeyete Mani to trinalongtiberdtedegqLan Odobblon Fee Orbsdares bardMowellgethalis acmes bberaft1added le re ben (sseNitwits F) Opts; to IPtIndydSun lwarest MilhelmintoWKS (a mewettedobiltbeby le bbLeoco such PAbbol SA Intension say *told folded Wel to the PnrtdP11 Prom). In by murk II hot Adel the WIOdwraf tenboort optIon,Sum Ertl be torbee ProbthEd). toDaum)Ent DieWI tonewskr11% pre dohsI IMPORTANT READ MSCARNALLY: ClibusertentDeb. RN Wensshe Chtse lbbilbutOty•ask')1. When yo, weld my IdCadhimantat. you ata not waft to Debtor r•IN/madendono. Pitand oddIsootdotoo lobadoba)bed so meney. 1 you esslie brads 1 ban tome, Ause arschubblif dweembleseecipositlara hvedlool dameWile compterq Mrtrots* tokw Lobbbe Skied tor rib, nvil elmde*to be Seed mordent*bible Ileaor6 Sir yewradon.bin, badslosh duet dIneltrIe ea You hob NoApt bnal wee 1 (b) liadgehgragliddidialiftz n* Mimedtor cr to tow an ammoboa oto toLoan Moot Romeo& I woda Warn id be 1 dosOwI* grodusbootmod

$320 RI adcel ism Ism Oa LealAMANOMetb bpithat INbleu reasCillebbscreeedetMitWarsb lb (kW(ce WONponddto Loan Moan Raquand thorn WIN land b ma demo anno poodponvbHalo= Otwasm), bd no montIon atyaw antsnin team wit dWhatwombI maOa Poen* A). Yea horn On to ObtaxaorantDeo wadded, boon" tot0 to andwdInotantVI to donna try low that* an mad nerdcob* you noy do tnito a coded taking az Weed*tale II*OslaanotPerbi donwoke uo kon &echos-0ribbused hs Coskner cs to me nottbe beCoiccont PAO sell erd1$0 dmter the*,herattingorS. hood*,cods. bine metal I% yew slies theOlsbessaint Oda2. HOW I AGREE TO METING OF DNS LORA lb torbq Nis Ou2 4. Ise licsugrant PekeWAIts tiey OrtoDeem! NAV tabAssonant srd attefiero Oboe Lamb tam bombs batman** Nem oreedamPambrerr ImmoRoma mobus owNA leen Ions b 111 amourd qui to halmWadiRemake *sou Won ror bet kMymina The RewardPeINN b 20 Yews sanoLon Onottolco FaMattel InPenal* F d leOwlArena 1 nailPerlIF31 WI to Itio anknimand*mondmart (Soyou wooOils moat in! apebado hatom no vdt to*mon PangniiEl) td rowdarnarb cosibhoe Nem 20 yews. bWMmom ard rontdaanoth a Madam Stawront. as modal by no at case no Ropaymon Pondad be Inmot*ot mann nawatty tooaftethsta lerbecebbenWaled. The Obtuse Statementes Ma he matton steleMouewetboutaabi hordi byabeam awl mob a pad hood Ito tnettoom D. INTEREST:Stelosont ollnlmotssnoodel toInn 1styou ten woad. to demo1. *mug -Inebrito on the DtabnowneroDan, idbe coadoldwandel totam OfonstIon Fa. not *atinotwil hitardca I lari at theWan Ran (Penn* D2)addot..on noPtintpot than. andOhm karts* I webOstarod be ben m 'libelb elsCad co auunsold Modtdi addedle Its PIANOSSo taxi**bArmee ene b treCtscessosellhosmesetydelei Mat0 totoloanf Pnegaph LbDuff. toRopt)Ilat Pend, Newtabbenbcolaticl el(e) washy a*Winthe Oren thd&brewthe Iola soneedo a (b) toVolans Raiowl Wiwicotecaidooke balmdMtOutskohy Ise lenmodsbto cud Waco babildeb *bent IiptanwhofIdswab reDid Mt kiesaihebe cdcolstad coa

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0010:1 IS MXatiMRpop 0vie CrabsAotestoril thie bingat obded loin hatband to teddy/ dude dodoeanCtoIst

BK.0647.CSX1.10DC.0206 3 aft

Page 20: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 5 of 18 PagelD 20

day ci Decater. Mansk Ain lad kbanthit)urnets OdkouerdPella is•ss. la *at cansmeibonethe warddny Int nell* Wealat tenths intdq et onDetitatintWei travailRid ti added b bthe wardrecenavyteam, frylost bM.plata' it cstenapiaboar *net CaphditedWant itbinned a & Pemba -Paganon be mind MtMabel. amMIK rot

pried In MittelI an band (see Poona I) and Rabat ha dal% aomd tiliabend ths inceirdsrb InsbneltemaridbTERI Om Pyritic* L.12). TERI anymagas nand ard & OberOno -Vet, reld e mantly lambabetswinden II

wandWentas dew deb It purchnas rrn ina I urdastoodndmu Mt cabi elmeg= tedne errepier*dedtte. I el ow a WOWthe add el icsner 'dm* Incestto le bindjelbdwass aby Ion actnab &03 or15% alte cannaModanomt. snot, bal tha end der/ totem= pedal (seePaw* It). Ian To luswartserntin by Ian I geeto pay yes di arab* youE. 1FAIS OF REPAYMENT: halt WWI" tetras ctIlls ChianAram* Raabe tellontisI. Oehrmard Pedx1- NMI* tuts ima ow tunaOaf ropernel edlicire wow ard gin**hes and court cods snider tolectloso;6:aads Tul Oslare repayment aption On means cora.nice I Mad cn eabstnee cads Omni Aeramerti, mire= F. WM%MOW Fle It yea dine Nal oil pri realmWan*dadna ths Delennat Rani fshowlro the tangountaraira 04negte Negribre aytorah <Masa %deur~Iduryended leanedary tsarist the lanaieat Anacondas an lone. tam Oretalas Fein bs ingrainedby*Oftthe Prettel StuYea mombedeli bare stilestatidots I) errreDome sr eauMe Lam ClearedenFeeMediae*MCA define teleat rieMs Wpm egotroloset4 motto the eatenshorn co yaw recta& DebtPerserroart The pranceand lie1**:Itcaveat a*C41 Kwdi hale *did teVannOW tepeacent mem 1 spres b mita ranalmond WinMePeerseas Ptitcbi Sim PmCenktakewardedit myth *atm be Maned Pend Gnat* Ito amen Fes plus en ken INKUKt starcen. Fa canna a windLoanMancos theoulalanke bannedNs Crab eassant ill has 0Aenann Its sale cstrobelwrensaid nod 69515111

elated Re Cul Oalarof rasernad neon I nay. tad an at mond te ci the mart tharad The ton Ottitalbn Fail *Elpsy, V my. oilbenone mornbairn the theartmat F.. You** edd asy front tut I Memo anMalone Ellabroat and included eta be Penniban To

daAstra thsOalRatselate ed bias odarbel balm as Iho akapsoritted by law. teecrass I tan/come theOenAneerrdent

la Pmereph D.1 (ee Pemba B.2).1 MI rdWattled le a mind dern Lam Odciftabon2. itspaynalt Pain -The wand my marbly premalfMoran Fes insonionamain dabinal.PatnaMani 11 be MOMben on be Me tn Rh Obit 0. illobrionanw: I has the *Ito pram MannNelda/ loanaersansairhas en RewirePate begins. Ogre he Rmaynnot amy SINSUMWanntaPerla& yar en sat we amity*bowiebenortheist**, Penni N. FCRUMNSE: fil a* moth to mpgtiekin In accOoditonotAzureond Me demidue deft ird 1 el pry re Moe* Plprifa I% WSMIAOWoftelCadPosayentMabee de terdstipAMAnormal an needy delener4 width afittet Id ii towit be ask ainvada ametalear,. I mg molt*strew oddly taleled than Wadsow*bade*atklivere Me. I united:dentMe tone I deluded Out web =Makemid bedpost clan mit b

Moody ProemMaw 1 due eachmet I atry pet rem Ow sy Cu ediatadpadded by Win&Iowatrey deoreatie *dalMoldy PoymmtAffeded we tole *Mod peek crdeice. II ay loin to bepeolotadthe addindre prkidpd WinosityouKase tarood*

in pidend OM I gril. KL4 stl not be mannto antsmorel! Ile enisalNsOldAverred I waddedlidNil manPorgera Yrittloomestlixbide witty saiinerie to Me LIKIPM weld*bdbleedstalky Oetas se peedel looteenwee we twit

Wild Ite Calera brill nodwhomadlyAdam* I WI bee pa *II an rolMeeanstdx4 In tebenneWM,ord.. timearmosoowoomansolanovad Milequil le re iiceday Mat 1 de not ply dab" int totem= podad bMe IMMO nen* a

PorreniMGMby Ow aPpiestho Firm% ds44S ural I haybpid aa Spolesd ki Pew*04Me ;aided ad Weed ind my dhe doges I owy cresanew loo Cade I. WHOLE LOAM OIL To tho wood smIlled by spronalat* S.toe bw

AemeTst LINDAItid yoa banCris right tornno rdosthatbeWM suntrogre3. Raman Tern- My taxstby Perm Amount MI be canned as rif eackei hankmutWinn srad IIWow moodsprOS tolledMee/ems doorpowit Paned bops Mowed Wel nod be merits loftoididCodAyeetned, dedue eelmatteit once

indented (a) armeats yam Fro le Me striewdridlbe Roeserdri (eidtow/ ddladie bardecimal stoma *Mows mytided)Ode (b) It tbeveerRde dove Mem sathietsvin at re li (1) led toggle inpraileyawedbruit**dik (2) I ilkPI1

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Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 6 of 18 PagelD 21

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Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 7 of 18 PagelD 22

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Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 8 of 18 PagelD 23

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You trebolig liked towart* ads dobi. Ittnkant*take you daIfdrSodomOwn ply ths dobt yosridhart% Eio sum um orNW to ow It Irohat to sad thetwomotto mop%trgroNdlo. Yourobinto rimb Or he avow oLlortantodon not ray. You mot iso ter topiWoke.crcoOrthx^COM, VialNomdm awl IdWI

irtaidtr tnte to oarbun the acroror. Ds creditorco umInnoWedge =duds tostritpsi %aanbe urd IOWdrBMW, oxii soatrq raL within;sumps. it Nth &titerr In dotal. dotWingbrans spatdyercreelexit Ms

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Your account has been forwarded to this office for collections. This is a formal demand upon, you for your payment of thisdebt. This Is an important matter, which naeds to be resolved, and requires your attention.

By resolving this matter, you will make continued collection efforts unnecessary. Our demand for payment does not affectyour right to dispute this debt

Unless you notify this office within 30 days after receiving this notice that you dispute the validity of this debt or any portionthereof, this office Will assume this debt Is valid. If you notify thls office In writing within 30 days from receiving this notice,this office will; obtain verification of the dett or obtain a copy of a judgment and mall you a copy of such judgment orverification. If you request this office in writing within 30 days after receiving this notice, this office will provide you with thename and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor.

Unless you dispute this debt, youiTniymen1 should be made directly to this office-for prompt credit to your account.Should you desire a receipt, a self-addresmd, stamp envelope is required. For payment options please see reverse side ofthis notice or visit our secure Website at The purpose of this communication is to collect adebt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.


Jeffrey S. SimendingerSIMM Associates, Inc.888/572-8791

Money gram: Overnight Mall: Western Union Quick collect:Receive Code: MOO 800 Pencader Drive Code City: SIMMCdy: Newark, DE Newark DE 10702 State: OE

Pay-by-Internet TOLL FREE 888/572-8791

A Convenience fee may be aSsesed depending on the method of payment"Please Sec Reverse Side For Important Information"

Department 4121 Detach Bottom Portion And Return Wrth PaymentPO Box 1259Oaks PA 19458

irmaiminmaitiAccount Balance:8052338 $35,411.14


Opt-Out Notice (See back for details)

HMI h fills! ihl 470 11CS


infirmenion 4703437-1108

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Depftwit 0417-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 10 of 18 PagelD 25PO Box 1259Oaks PA 19458 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.


IVIHlflIIIU NEWARK 0E19702M5724791 (402) 26}2800



September 18 2014


Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is written to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACH)deblt In the amount of $412.95 on 09/2612014. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on

09/1212014. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACH electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number: 003824035146

For:SIMM Account Number 8082338Balance: $35, 411.14Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number 589581780-008-PHFALast Pay Date:

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at 888/572-8791 end an associate will be glad to assist you.

Thank you 'tor yourcooperation.

Sincerely,Jeffrey SimendingerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and is sent for debt collection purposes and any Information obtained will beuood *defy for that purp000.

"Please See Reverse Side For Importiint Inforniation"



Page 26: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

Dergrmat6021-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 11 of 18 PagelD 26PO Box 1259Oaks PA 19456 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.

1101111111111/1111111800 RENCADER DRIVE

NEWARK OE 1R7020EE/57213181 (302) 263-2800

11141/111"11.1111111111111111161111111111111/1/1/111111111111+ SVE2•ie




September 29 2014


Pursuant to Federal La, is letter Is wn •tlfy you of our intent to deposit th automated clearing house (ACH)debit in the amount $224.36 on 10101312014. .0 authorized this payment du ing a telephone conversation on09/1212014. SIMM Associates, no. es orT7 Ic deposit transfers as its means collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number. 003824035146

For:SIMM Account Number: 8062338Balance: $35,01114Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number 569581760-008-PH EALast Pay Date: 09/26/2014

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at 1368/572-8791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

ThirrikVai Fof

Sincerely,Jeffrey SimendlngerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and Is sent for debt collection purposes and any Information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

A convenience fee may be assussed based on the method of payment. Please

"please See Reverse Side For Important Information"


Page 27: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

DeRtAngacv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 12 of 18 PagelD 27PO Box 1259Oaks PA 19458 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.

111111010111111111111111111111111eoo PericAceR DRIVE

NEWARK DE 1070280E0724701 (302) 233.21100



laJOYCE BROTZ P.O. BOX 75261303 TWIN RIVERS BLVD NEWARK DE 19714-7526OVIEDO F1_ 32766-5076

October 29 2014


Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is written to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACH)debit in the amount of $224.35 on 11/08/2014. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation an09/12/2014. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACH electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NAT1ONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number 003824035146

For:SIMM Account Number 8062338Balance: $34,799.74Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number: 589581760-008-PHEALast Pay Date: 10106/2014

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at 866/672-8791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely,Jeffrey SlmendIngerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and is sent for debt collection purposes and any Information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

A convenience fee may be ascessed based on the method of payment. Please

"Please See Reverse-Side For Impoitant Information"


1H 11111111111111111111 le

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DeprOAR iqii80-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 13 of 18 PagelD 28PO Box 1259Oaks PA 19456 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.





April 28 2015


Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is written to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACH)debit In the amount of $224.35 on 0510612015. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on02/13/2015, SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACH electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number; 003624035146

ForSIMM Account Number 8062338Balance: $33, 531.34Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number 589561760-008-PHEALast Pay Date: 04/08/2015

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our ctffice at 8661572-8791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation,

Sincerely,Jeffrey SimendingerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and Is sent for debt collection purposes and any information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

A nonlienienco fee may be eeeebead booed on the method of peyroont Mediae reharenee

**Please See Reverse Side For Important information**

numelliniumin 3882-134

Page 29: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

maggp6/17141161)1603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 14 of 18 PagelD 29PO Box 1259Oaks PA 19456 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.

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June 29 2015


Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is written to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACH)debit in the amount of $224.35 on 07/08/2015. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on02113/2015. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACH electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check hinds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH) .2.? .2Account Number: 003624035146

For: CD) 6 -2

SIMM Account Number 8062338Balance: $33, 108.54Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number: 589561760.008-PHEALast Pay Date: 06/08/2015

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact Our office at 886/51243791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

Thank you-fop-your-cooperation.

Sinoerely,Jeffrey SimendingerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and is sent for debt collection purposes and any information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

A convenience fee may be assessed based on the method of payment. Please

"Please See Reverse Side For Important information"


Page 30: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

Dgetntea:41194291603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 15 of 18 PagelD 30PO Box 1289Oaks PA 19456 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.111111111111111101111111111111111101MIIIMI BOO PENCADER DRIVE

NEWARK DE19702(1186) 5724741 (30Z 2834E00

11111111.111111111111111"11111.1111+11111111111111111111111.11 3982'7


August 31 2015


Pursuant to Federal Law, thls letter is wrilten to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACI-1)debit in the amount of $264.35 on 09/07/2015. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on08/1112015. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACH electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number: 003824035146

For:SIMM Account Number: 8062338Balance: $32,685.74Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number: 589581760-008-PHEALast Pay Date: 08/06/2015

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at (866) 572-8791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

Thank you-for-your-cooperation,

Sincerely,Jeffrey SlmendIngerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and is sent for debt collection purposes and any Information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

A convenience fee may be ass.essed based on the method of payment. Please reference


"Please See Reverse Side For Important Information"


Page 31: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

rigarg7I-M4/1603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 16 of 18 PagelD 31Oaks PA 19456 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.


man 572.87o1 (302) maw

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September 282015


Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is written to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACH)debit in the amount of $264 35 on 101)6/2015 You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on08/11/2015. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACH electronic deposit transfers as Its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number 003624035146

For:SIMM Account Number: 8062338Balance: $32,434.34Original Creditor BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number: 589561760-008-PHEALast Pay Date: 09/08/2015

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at (866) 672-8791 and an associate wiil be glad to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely,..Jeffrey SimendingerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collectcr and is sent for debt collection purposes and any information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

A convenience fee may be assessed based on the method of payment. Please

"Please See Reverse Side For Important Information"

111111111Nkninil 3882-13-7

Page 32: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

u4gme§t:1319b91603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 17 of 18 PagelD 32PO Box 1259Oalw PA 19458 SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.111111110113111111111111111111111111111111 I


(600) 5724791 rsoz 2e3.2200


IlisliduiPilhIPIquills Hill II ittladil 3082'45

SIMM ASSOCIATES, INC.Nir. JOYCE BROTZ P.O. BOX 75281303 TWIN RIVERS BLVD NEWARK DE 197147628collet OVIEDO FL 32786-5076illailts6dmillits16111116111111111111,11111111111111

December 01 2016

Dear Joyce Brotz,

Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is written to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACM)debit in the amount of $251.40 on 12/C812016. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on11/29/2016. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses ACM electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number 003624035148

For:SIMM Account Number: 8062338Balance: $27, 136.48 VIOriginal Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number: 589581780-008-PHEALast Pay Date: 11/30/2018

Thls transaction will be applied to the accomt listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at (868) 5724791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely,Jeffrey SimendIngerS1MM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and is sent for debt collection purposes and any Information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

"Please See Reverse Side For Important Information"

IMMIMMINEP 3982-1345

Page 33: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

ut3J)Etrtmeilt C1 1 g132.3_pijN941613/-cv-u1603-PGB-TBS Document 1-1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 18 of 18 PagelD 33Oaks PA 19456 SEWN' ASSOCIATES, INC.

1111111111EMININIM1101111111111111N 600 PBCADER ;RivENEWARK DE18702

Mae) 572-VW1 (302) 223.2003

"IQ 23


rgi JOYCE BROTZ P.O. BOX 75261303 TWIN RIVERS BLVD NEWARK DE 19714-7526Dawn OVIEDO FL 32766-5078

December 29 2016

Dear Joyce Brolz,

Pursuant to Federal Law, this letter is wrtten to notify you of our intent to deposit the automated clearing house (ACH)debit in the amount of $251.40 on 01/06/2017. You authorized this payment during a telephone conversation on11/29/2016. SIMM Associates, Inc. uses A:H electronic deposit transfers as its means to collect check funds.

Transaction:Bank Name: NATIONSBANK, NATIONAL. ASSOCIATION (SOUTH)Account Number: 003824035146

ForSIMM Account Number: 8062338Balance: $28,991.03Original Creditor: BANK OF AMERICAClient Account Number: 589581760-008-PHEALast Pay Date: 12/06/20113

This transaction will be applied to the account listed above. If you have any questions or wish to make corrections to theinformation listed above, please contact our office at (8813) 572-8791 and an associate will be glad to assist you.

-Wank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely,Jeffrey SimendingerSIMM Associates, Inc.

This communication is from a debt collector and is sent for debt collection purposes and any information obtained will beused solely for that purpose.

"Please See Reverse Side For Important Information"

1111111111011 3982 13 23

Page 34: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

I'IR I ISr. Startinn 1 R09

Foreign Country

Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TlEctiefte Zile.4i9/06/17 Page 1 of 1 PagelD 34JS 44 (Rev. 06117) Stmt.The JS 44 civil cover sheet and thc information contained herein neither replace nor supplement the filing and service of pleadings or other papers as required by law, cxccpt asprovided by local rules ofcourt. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974. is required for the use ofthe Clerk ofCourt for thepurposc of initiating the civil docket shcct. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON NEXT PAGE OF THIS FORM.)


(b) County of Residence of First Listed Plaintiff Seminole, FL County of Residence of First Listed Defendant New Castle, DE(EXC'EPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY)


(C) Attorneys (Firm Name. Address. and Telephone Number) Attorneys (IfKnown)Brian Warwick, Vamell

& Warwick, PO Box 1870, Lady Lake, FL 32158 (352) 753-8600

II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an "X" in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an "X" in One BoxforPlainti,(For Ditersity Cases Only, and One Boxfor Defendant)

3 1 U.S. Government X 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF

Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen ofThis State X 1 0 I Incorporated or Principal Place 3 4 3 4ofBusiness In This State

0 2 U.S. Government 3 4 DiversityDefendant (Indicate Citizenship ofParties in hem I Citizen ofAnother State 0 2 TI 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 0 5 X 5

ofBusiness In Another State

Citizen or Subject ofa 0 3 CI 3 Foreign Nation 0 6 0 6

IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Place an "X" in One Box Onivl Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descrintions.

I CONTRACT TORTS FORFEITURE/PENAL1T BANKRUPTCY OTHERSTATUTES I3 110 Insurance PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY 3 625 Drug Related Seizure 0 422 Appeal 28 USC 158 3 375 False Claims Act3 120 Marine 0 310 Airplane 0 365 Personal Injury of Property 21 USC 881 0 423 Withdrawal 3 376 Qui Tam 131 USC3 130 Miller Act 0 315 Airplane Product Product Liability CI 690 Other 28 USC 157 3729(a))3 140 Negotiable Instrument Liability CI 367 Health Care/ 0 400 State Reapportionment1 150 Recovery ofOverpayment 3 320 Assault, Libel & Pharmaceutical PROPERTY RIGHTS, 3 410 Antitrust

& Enforcement ofludgment Slander Personal Injtuy 0 820 Copyrights 3 430 Banks and Banking3 151 Medicare Act 3 330 Federal EmployersProduct Liability 0 830 Patent 3 450 Commerce3 152 Recovery ofDefaulted Liability Cl 368 Asbestos Personal 0 835 Patent Abbreviated 0 460 Deportation

Student Loans 3 340 Marine Injury Product Ncw Drug Application 1 470 Racketeer Influenced and(Excludes Veterans) 0 345 Marine Product Liability 0 840 Trademark Corrupt Organizations

3 153 Recover), of Overpayment Liability PERSONAL PROPERTY LABOR SOCIAL SECURITY X480 Consumer Creditof Veteran's Benefits 0 350 Motor Vehicle CI 370 Other Fraud 0 710 Fair Labor Standards 0 861 HIA (139511) 0 490 Cable/Sat TV

3 160 Stockholders' Suits 3 355 Motor Vehicle 0 371 Tnith in Lending Act CI 862 Black Lung (923) 3 850 Securitiesrommodities'3 190 Other Contract Product Liability 0 380 Other Personal 0 720 Labor/Management 0 863 DIWC/DIWW (405(8)) Exchange3 195 Contract Product Liability 3 360 Other Personal Property Damage Relations n 864 SSII) Title XVI 0 890 Other Statutory Actions3 196 Franchise Injury 0 385 Property Damage 3 740 Railway Labor Act 0 865 RS1 (405(g)) 3 891 Agriculntral Acts

3 362 Personal Injury Product Liability 3 751 Family and Medical 0 893 Environmental MattersMedical Malpractice Leave Act 3 895 Freedom of Information

I REAL PROPERTY CIVIL RIGHTS I PRISONER PETITIONS 3 790 Other Labor Litigation FEDERAL TAX SUITS Act3 210 Land Condemnation 0 440 Other Civil Rights Habeas Carpus: CI 791 Employee Retirement 0 870 Taxes (U.S. Plaintiff 0 896 Arbitration3 220 Foreclosure 0 441 Voting 0 463 Alien Detainee Income Security Act or Defendant) 3 899 Administrative Procedure3 230 Rent Lease & Ejectment 0 442 Employment 0 510 Motions to Vacate 0 8711RS—Third Party ActiReview or Appeal of3 240 Tons to Land 0 443 Housing/ Sentence 26 USC 7609 Agency Decision3 245 Tort Product Liability Accommodations CI 530 General 3 950 Constitutionality of3 290 All Other Real Property 0 445 Amer. w/Disabilitics 0 535 Death Penalty IMMIGRATION State Statutes

Employment Other: 0 462 Naturalization Application0 446 Amer. w/Disabilities CI 540 Mandamus & Other 0 465 Other Immigration

Other 3 550 Civil Rights Actions0 448 Education 0 555 Prison Condition

0 560 Civil DetainCtConditions ofConfinement

V. ORIGIN (Place an "X" in One Box Only)X 1 Original 0 2 Removed from 0 3 Remanded from 0 4 Reinstated or 0 5 Transferred from CI 6 Multidistrict 0 8 Multidisuict

Proceeding State Court Appellate Court Reopened Anothcr District Litigation Litigation(*MA.) Transfer Dircct File

Cite the U.S. Civil Statute under which you are filing Wu not dtejurisdktional statutes unless diversity):

VI. CAUSE OF ACTION 'Brief description ofcause:

Violation of Fair Debt Collection Practices ActVII. REQUESTED IN 51 CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTION DEMAND S CHECK YES only ifdemanded in complaint:


VIII. RELATED CASE(S)IF ANY (See instructions):



09/06/2017 s/ Brian W. WarwickFOR OFFICE USE ONLY


Page 35: Brotz v. Simm Associates, Inc. - 6:17-cv-01603-PGB …...Case 6:17-cv-01603-PGB-TBS Document 1 Filed 09/06/17 Page 2 of 15 PagelD 2 5. Defendant SAI is a "debt collector" as defmed

ClassAction.orgThis complaint is part of's searchable class action lawsuit database and can be found in this post: Lawsuit Claims Simm Associates Charged Illegal ‘Convenience Fee’