b.sc.( computer science, statistics and mathematics) part-i, ii & iii(semester i, ii, iii, iv, v and...

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  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    Syllabus for B.Sc. (CSM)-I for the Session 2012-13

    1st Semester

    Title of the a!er

    CSM 111 General English (Communication Skills)

    CSM 112 Algebra

    CSM 113 Trigonometry and i!!erential CalculusCSM 11" Com#uter $riented Statistical Methods%&

    CSM 11' robability Theory%&

    CSM 11 Statistics *ab%& (Com#uter $riented racticals)CSM 11+ &ntroduction to &n!ormation Technology

    CSM 11, Com#uter rogramming -sing C

    CSM 11. So!t/are *ab & (rogramming in C and its A##lications in Statistics)

    2n" Semester

    Title of the a!er

    CSM 121 General English (Communication Skills)CSM 122 &ntegral Calculus 0 i!!erential Euations

    CSM 123 GeometryCSM 12" Com#uter oriented Statistical Methods%&&

    CSM 12' robability Theory%&&

    CSM 12 Statistics *ab%&& (Com#uter $riented racticals)CSM 12+ $bect $riented rogramming -sing C

    CSM 12, Management &n!ormation System

    CSM 12. So!t/are *ab && ( rogramming in C)

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    Syllabus for B.Sc. (CSM)-II for the Session 2012-13

    3r" Semester

    Title of the a!er

    CSM 231 Ad4anced Calculus

    CSM 232 i!!erential EuationsCSM 233 A##lied Statistics

    CSM 23" Statistical &n!erence &

    CSM 23' Statistics *ab%&&& (Com#uter $riented racticals)

    CSM 23 ata StructureCSM 23+ ata 5ase Management System

    CSM 23, So!t/are *ab &&& (racticals based on 5MS using MS Access and ata



    #th Semester

    Title of the a!er

    CSM 2"1 6eal Analysis

    CSM 2"2 To#ics in Analysis

    CSM 2"3 &ndustrial Statistics

    CSM 2"" Statistical &n!erence &&CSM 2"' Statistics *ab%&7 (Com#uter $riented racticals)

    CSM 2" $#erating Systems

    CSM 2"+ 8eb TechnologyCSM 2", So!t/are *ab &7

    En4ironmental Studies

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    Syllabus for B.Sc. (CSM)-III for the Session 2012-13

    $th Semester

    Title of the a!er

    CSM 3'1 Communication SkillsCSM 3'2 Abstract Algebra

    CSM 3'3 iscrete Mathematics

    CSM 3'" Com#uter $riented 9umerical MethodsCSM 3'' Sam#le Sur4eys

    CSM 3' Statistics *ab%7 (Com#uter $riented racticals)

    CSM 3'+ Com#uter 9et/orks and ata Communication

    CSM 3', 7isual rogrammingCSM 3'. So!t/are *ab%7 (racticals based on 7isual rogramming)

    %th Semester

    Title of the a!er

    CSM 31 Communication SkillsCSM 32 Mechanics

    CSM 33 *inear Algebra

    CSM 3" *inear rogrammingCSM 3' esign and Analysis o! E:#eriments

    CSM 3 Statistics *ab%7& (Com#uter $riented racticals)

    CSM 3+ $racle

    CSM 3, So!t/are EngineeringCSM 3. So!t/are *ab%7& (racticals based on $racle)

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    B.Sc. (Com!uter Science* Statistics* Mathematics) art + I

    $utlines o! Tests Syllabi and Courses o! 6eading;

    9oters;= Ma: Maks

    8eek Conti; -ni4; Total

    Asmt; E:am;

    CSM 111 General English 2 2? 3? '?

    (Communication Skills)CSM 112 Algebra " 3? "' +'

    CSM 113 Trigonometry and " 3? "' +' i!!erential Calculus

    CSM 11" Com#uter $riented 3 2? 3? '?

    Statistical Methods%&CSM 11' robability Theory%& 3 2? 3? '?

    CSM 11 Statistics *ab%& " 2? 3? '? (Com#uter $riented racticals)

    CSM 11+ &ntroduction to 3 2? 3? '?

    &n!ormation Technology

    CSM 11, Com#uter rogramming 3 2? 3? '? -sing C

    CSM 11. So!t/are *ab & " 2? 3? '? (rogramming in C and its

    A##lications in Statistics)


    Total 2?? 3?? '??@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

    9ote< The minimum #ass marks in each #a#er is 33 in continuous assessment and -ni4ersity

    e:amination se#arately subect to a minimum o! "? in aggregate;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    B- , CTIS SSSSMT , 20 MS

    T4& S

    1; T/o tests /ill be held and their a4erage '? Marks

    /ill be considered !or assessment;2; Seminars=Assignments=Buies= 2' Marks

    Class #artici#ation

    3; Attendance 2' Marks

    Marks /ill be gi4en according tobelo/ criteriaindi into English o! a short #assage o! !i4e short



    ( Dor students /ho do not kno/ unabi and >indi ) A !i4e line #assage o! #oetry /ith three uestions o! com#rehension;

    ' marks

    B;&7 o as directed < T/el4e sentences out o! the gi4en !i!teen !rom the book *i4ingEnglish Structures are to be attem#ted ;


    B;7(a) Dour one% /ord substitutes !rom the gi4en si: #hrases e:clusi4ely !rom Students

    Com#anion) are to be attem#ted ; 2 marks

    (b) Antonyms o! !our out o! the gi4en si: /ords (e:clusi4ely !rom the Students

    Com#anion) are to be attem#ted;

    2 marks

    CSM-112 '6B

    o. of 'ectures 5 $$ Ma. Mar7s 5

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed


    6elations bet/een the roots and coe!!icients o! general #olynomial euation in one 4ariable

    ;Trans!ormation o! euations; escartes rule o! signs; Solution o! cubic euations (Cardon

    method); 5iuadratic euations;Ma##ings Eui4alence relations and #artitions ;Congruence modulo n;

    Symmetric Ske/ symmetric >ermitian and Ske/ >ermitian matrices ; Elementary o#erations on

    matrices; ln4erse o! a matri: ;


    *inear inde#endence o! ro/ and column 4ectors; 6o/ rank column rank and rank o! a matri: ;Eui4alence o! column and ro/ ranks; Eigen 4alues eigen 4ectors and the characteristic euation

    o! a matri:; Cayley >amilton theorem and its use in !inding in4erse o! a matri:; A##lications

    o! matrices to a system o! linear ( both homogeneous and non%homogeneous ) euations;

    Theorems on consistency o! a system o! linear euations ;

    T>T BS

    1; ;5; 5hattacharya S;I; Fain and S;6; 9ag#aul Dirst Course in *inear Algebra8ileyEastern9e/ elhi 1.,3;

    2; S;I; Fain A; Guna/ardena and ;5; 5hatacharya 5asic *inear Algebra /ith

    MAT*A5 Iey College ublishing (S#rinder%7erlag) 2??1;3; Chandrika rased Te:t 5ook on Algebra and Theory o! Euations othishala

    #ri4ate *td; Allabhabad;

    CMM== =I6S

    I;5; atta Matri: and *inear Algebra rentice >all o! &ndia 4t;*td; 9e/ elhi


    CSM-113 5 TI6MT& = =I,,TI' C'C'S

    o. of 'ectures 5 $$ Ma. Mar7s 5

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    Tri;onometry5 e Moi4res theorem and its a##lications ; irect and in4erse circular and

    hy#erbolic !unctions; *ogarithm o! a com#le: uantiy; E:#ansion o! trigonometrical !unctions;Gregorys series; Summation o! series;

    SCTI-B=ifferential Calculus5 de!inition o! the limit o! a !unction ; 5asic #ro#erties o!

    limits ; Continuous !unctions and classi!ication o! discontinuities ;i!!erentiability ; Successi4e

    di!!erentiation ; *eibnit theorem ; Asym#totes ; Cur4ature; Tests !or conca4ity and con4e:ity;oints o! in!le:ion ; Multi#le #oints; Tracing o! cur4es ( Cartesian and #arametric coordinates

    only );

    T>T BS

    1; S; * ; *oney #lane Trigonometry art && Macmillan and Com#any *ondon;2; 6;S; 7erma and I;S; ShuklaTe:t 5ook on Trigonometry othishala 4t; *td;


    3; ;I ; Fain and S; I; Iaushik An introduction to 6eal Analysis S; Chand 0 Co;

    9e/ elhi 2???;"; Gorakh rased i!!erential Calculus othishala ri4ate *td; Allahabad;

    CMM== =I6S

    1; Gabriel Ilambauer Mathematical Analysis Marcel ekkar&nc; 9e/ Jork 1.+';2; Murray 6 ; S#iegel Theory and #roblems o! Ad4anced Calculus Schaums outline

    series Schaum ublishing Co; 9e/ Jork

    CSM-11# 5 CMT IT= STTISTIC' MT4=S % &

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate



    The uestion #a#er /ill consist o! three sections A 5 and C; Each o! sections A and 5 /ill ha4e !ouruestions !rom the res#ecti4e sections o! the syllabus and section C /ill consist o! one com#ulsory

    uestion ha4ing eight #arts o! short%ans/er ty#e co4ering the entire syllabus uni!ormly; All the uestions

    /ill carry eual marks;ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TS

    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    Collection o! data < rimary data K designing a uestionnaire and a schedule; Secondary

    data % its maor sources including some go4ernment #ublications; Conce#t o! a Statistical#o#ulation and sam#les !rom a #o#ulation Huantitati4e and ualitati4e data discrete and

    continuous data nominal ordinal ratio 0 inter4al scales ;

    resentation o! data< iagrammatical re#resentation o! data !reuency distribution gra#hical re#resentation >istogram Dreuency #olygon Dreuency cur4es and ogi4es ;


    Analysis o! uantitati4e data < uni4ariate data conce#ts o! central tendency dis#ersion

    ske/ness and kurtosis and their measures including those based on uartiles and moments

    ;She##ards correction !or moments (/ithout deri4ation);

    T>T BS

    1; Goon A;M; Gu#ta Dundamental o! Statistics; 7ol; 1; 1..1 /orld

    M;I; asgu#ta 5; ress; Calcutta;

    CMM== =I6S

    1; 5hat 5;6 Sri4enkatramana T and 6ao Madha4a I;S; (1..+)< Statistics < A

    5eginners Te:t 7ol & 9e/ Age &nternational () *td;

    2; Cro:ton D;E Co/den ; F and Ielin S (1.+3) < A##lied General statistics rentice >all o! &ndia ;

    3; S#iegel M;6; (1.+)< Theory 0 roblems o! Statistics Schaums ublishing Series;

    "; 8;8; aniel < 5io Statistics < A !oundation !or Analysis in the >ealth Sciences +th Ed; (1...)

    '; 8iley Series in robability and Statistics; A##lied robability and statistics section;

    CSM-11$ 5 BBI'IT& T4& + I

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate



    The uestion #a#er /ill consist o! three sections A 5 and C; Each o! sections A and 5 /ill ha4e !ouruestions !rom the res#ecti4e sections o! the syllabus and section C /ill consist o! one com#ulsory

    uestion ha4ing eight #arts o! short%ans/er ty#e co4ering the entire syllabus uni!ormly; All the uestions

    /ill carry eual marks;


    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;-se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    &m#ortant conce#ts in #robability T BS

    1; ;*; Meyer ( 1.+? ) < &ntroductory robability and Statistical A##lications Addison%8esley;

    2; Goon A;M; Gu#ta M;I; asgu#ta 5;(1...) < Dundamental o! Statistics, 7ol; & 8orldress Calcutta ;

    3; Mood A;M; Graybill D;A and 5oes ;C; (1.+") < &ntroduction to the Theory o! Statistics

    McGra/h >ill ;

    ,C =I6S

    " 5hat 5;6 Sri4enkatramana T and 6ao Madha4a I;S; (1..+) < Statistics < A 5eginners

    Te:t 7ol; && 9e/ Age &nternational () *td;' a4id S (1..) < Elementary robability $:!ord ress; Fohn E; Dreunds Mathematical

    Statistics th Ed; ub; earson Education


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as under

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    *ab; 6ecord <

    7i4a%4oice <

    E:ercises < 1,

    'ab Course5

    The e:ercises /ill be based on the syllabus o! the #a#ers CSM%11"(Com#uter $rientedStatistical Methods%&) and CSM%11'(robability Theory%&);

    CSM - 11< 5 IT=CTI T I,MTI TC4'6&

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTIS , T4 STTThe uestion #a#er /ill consist o! three sections A 5 and C; Each o! sections A and 5 /ill ha4e !our

    uestions !rom the res#ecti4e sections o! the syllabus and section C /ill consist o! one com#ulsory

    uestion ha4ing eight #arts o! short%ans/er ty#e co4ering the entire syllabus uni!ormly; All the uestions

    /ill carry eual marks;ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TS

    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;-se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed

    SECT&$9%A &n!ormation Technology < &ntroduction hard/are and so!t/are the in!ormation #rocessing cycle;

    &n!ormation systems so!t/are and data &T A##licationsH Ty#es o! com#uters Anatomy o! a com#uter

    5inary numbers 5inary arithmetic digital re4olution com#uter as a digital de4ice MooreLs *a/ 5its and

    bytes C- Memory < 6AM and 6$M 6egisters System buses i=o 5uses communication /ith

    #eri#herals; &n#ut and $ut#ut de4ices < Ieyboards%4irtual and ergonomic $C6 hand/riting recognition

    bar code and s#eech recognition scanners resolution #rinters%*aser dot matri: and inket;Secondary Storage < Storage de4ices and media seuential and random storage tracks and

    sectors s#eed storage ca#acity 6emo4able media; Storage Media < !lo##y and hard disks; 6A& $#tical

    discs &ncreasing storage ca#acity backu# and smart cards;

    SCTI B Com#uter languages< Machine language assembly language higher le4el language"G*; &ntroduction to Com#iler &nter#reter Assembler System So!t/are A##lication So!t/are;9umber System< 9on%#ositional and #ositional number systems base%con4ersion !ractional numbers

    4arious o#erations on numbers; Com#uter code< 5C E5C&C ASC&&;

    888 and &nternet< &ntroduction home #age connecting to /eb bro/sing in!ormation search

    multimedia; Com#uter 9et/ork and communication< 9et/ork ty#es net/ork to#ologies net/ork

    communication de4ices #hysical communication media; &ntroduction o! E%Commerce< Meaning its

    ad4antages and *imitations Ty#e o! E% Commerce A##lications;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    T>T B 5

    1; Curtin ;; Doley I; Sen I; Morin C &n!ormation TechnologyN < The breaking /a4e TM>;

    2; 7; 6aaraman ODundamentals o! com#uterO >& 9; elhi1..;3; Chetan Sri4ast4aN Dundamentals o! in!ormation Technology Ialayani ublishers 2??3;

    ,C =I6S5

    1; 8illiams 5; I; Sa/yer S;C; >utchinson S; E; -sing &n!ormation Technology 3rd Edition


    CSM - 11? 5 CMT 6MMI6 SI6 @CA

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTIS , T4 STTThe uestion #a#er /ill consist o! three sections A 5 and C; Each o! sections A and 5 /ill ha4e !our

    uestions !rom the res#ecti4e sections o! the syllabus and section C /ill consist o! one com#ulsory

    uestion ha4ing eight #arts o! short%ans/er ty#e co4ering the entire syllabus uni!ormly; All the uestions

    /ill carry eual marks;


    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom eachsection A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed


    roblem Sol4ing /ith Com#uter < Algorithms seudocodes and Dlo/charts; ata ty#es

    constants 4ariables arithmetic and logical e:#ressions data in#ut and out#ut assignmentstatements conditional statements iteration;

    Arrays string #rocessing -ser%de!ined data ty#es;


    Dunctions recursion arameter assing by re!erence 0 by 4alue; Structures Multi#le

    structures Arrays o! structures -nions Diles< 6eading 8riting te:t and binary !iles ointerscharacter #ointers #ointers to arrays Array o! #ointers #ointers to structures;

    ebugging testing and documentation H structured #rogramming conce#ts to# do/n 0

    5ottom%-# design a##roaches;(The #rogramming language C is to be taught along /ith the course in detail)

    T>T BS

    1; E; 5alagurusamy Orogramming in CO Tata McGra/ >ill;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    2; Ianetkar O*et -s CO 55 ublications;

    ,C =I6S

    1; 6ichie and Ierningham O C rogrammingO;

    2; 6aaraman 7< Dundamentals o! Com#uters (>& 1..2)

    3; ; romey< >o/ to sol4e it by Com#uter (rentice%>all 1.,')

    CSM-11 5 S,T 'B-I


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as underome Thought !rom Abroad 6obert 5ro/ning

    ; &n4ictus 8;E; >enley+; *ea4e This Chanting 6abindra 9ath Tagore

    ,; Sto##ing 5y 8oods 6obert Drost

    1?;The >igh/ay Man Al!red 9oyes

    && Com#osition < ara gra#h (escri#ti4e) 9o book #rescribed;

    &&& Grammar and 7ocabulary< (a) Grammar < *i4ing English Structures by 8; Stannard Allen (units 21%3?)

    (b) 7ocabulary < Students Com#anion by 8il!red ; 5est < one /ord

    substitutes T BS

    '; Gorakh rasad &ntegral Calculus othishala ri4ate *td; Allahabad;

    ; ;A; Murray &ntroductory Course in i!!erential Euations $rient *ongman


    CMM== =I6S

    1; >;T;>; iaggio Elementary Treatise on i!!erential Euations and their A##lications;C;5;S; ublisher 0 istributors elhi 1.,';

    2; Er/in Ireysing Ad4anced Engineering Mathematics Fohn 8iley and Sons 1...;

    CSM 123- 6MT&

    o. of 'ectures 5 $$ Ma. Mar7s 5

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    T>T BS

    1; S;*; *oney The Elements o! Coordinate Geometry Macmillan and Com#any *ondon;2; Gorakh rasad and >;C; Gu#ta Te:t 5ook on Coordinate Geometry othishala 4t; *td;


    3; ;I; Fain and Ihalil Ahmad A Te:t 5ook o! Analytical Geometry o! t/o imensions8iley Eastern *td;1..";

    "; 9; Saran and 6;S; Gu#ta Analytical Geometry o! Three imensions othishala 4t; *td;


    CMM== =I6S

    6;F;T; 5ell Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry o! Three imensions

    Macmillan &ndia *td; 1..";


    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate



    The uestion #a#er /ill consist o! three sections A 5 and C; Each o! sections A and 5 /ill ha4e !ouruestions !rom the res#ecti4e sections o! the syllabus and section C /ill consist o! one com#ulsory

    uestion ha4ing eight #arts o! short%ans/er ty#e co4ering the entire syllabus uni!ormly; All the uestions

    /ill carry eual marks;ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TS

    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed

    SCTI -

    5i4ariate data

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    Analysis o! categorical data< Contingency o! categorical data inde#endence 0

    association o! attributes ; 7arious measures o! association !or t/o /ay classi!ied data;

    T>T BS

    1; Goon A;M; Gu#ta Dundamental o! Statistics; 7ol; 1; 1..1 /orld

    M;I; asgu#ta 5; ress; Calcutta;

    ,C =I6S

    2. 5hat 5;6 Sri4enkatramana T and 6ao Madha4a I;S; (1..+)< Statistics < A

    5eginners Te:t 7ol & 9e/ Age &nternational () *td;

    3. Cro:ton D;E Co/den ; F and Ielin S (1.+3) < A##lied General statistics rentice>all o! &ndia ;

    #. S#iegel M;6; (1.+)< Theory 0 roblems o! Statistics Schaums ublishing Series;

    $. 8;8; aniel < 5io Statistics < A !oundation !or Analysis in the >ealth Sciences +th

    Ed; (1...);%. 8iley Series in robability and Statistics; A##lied robability and Statistics Section;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    2; Goon A;M; Gu#ta M;I; asgu#ta 5;(1...) < Dundamental o! Statistics, 7ol; & 8orld

    ress Calcutta ;

    3; Mood A;M; Graybill D;A and 5oes ;C; (1.+") < &ntroduction to the Theory o! StatisticsMcGra/h >ill ;

    ,C =I6S1; 5hat 5;6 Sri4enkatramana T and 6ao Madha4a I;S; (1..+) < Statistics < A 5eginners Te:t 7ol; && 9e/ Age &nternational () *td;

    2 a4id S (1..) < Elementary robability $:!ord ress;

    3 Fohn E; Dreunds Mathematical Statistics th Ed; ub; earson Education


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >eadE:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;

    The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as underill 2??1


  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    CSM - 12?5 Mana;ement Information System

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTIS , T4 STTThe uestion #a#er /ill consist o! three sections A 5 and C; Each o! sections A and 5 /ill ha4e !our

    uestions !rom the res#ecti4e sections o! the syllabus and section C /ill consist o! one com#ulsoryuestion ha4ing eight #arts o! short%ans/er ty#e co4ering the entire syllabus uni!ormly; All the uestions

    /ill carry eual marks;ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TS

    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed SCTI

    Drame/ork o! Management &n!ormation Systems< &m#ortanceLs o! M&S Conce#ts o! Management in!ormation

    system e!inition o! M&S in!ormation technology and M&S nature and sco#e o! M&S M&S characteristics and!unctions;

    Structure and classi!ication o! M&S< structure o! M&S M&S classi!ication 5rie! introduction o! !unctional in!ormation

    system !inancial in!ormation system marketing in!ormation system #roduction= Manu!acturing in!ormation system

    human resources in!ormation system;ecision making and M&S5 decision making SimonLs model o! decision making ty#es o! decisions #ur#ose o!

    decision making le4el o! #rogrammability kno/ledge o! outcomes methods o! choosing among alternati4esdecision making and M&S;

    &n!ormation and system conce#ts< ty#es o! in!ormation< strategic in!ormation Tactical in!ormation $#erationalin!ormation; &n!ormation uality dimensions o! in!ormation System< Iinds o! Systems System related conce#ts

    elements o! systems >uman as an in!ormation #rocessing system;

    SCTI B

    System de4elo#ment stages5 System in4estigation system analysis system design construction and testingim#lementation maintenance;

    System de4elo#ment a##roaches (a brie! introduction) < /ater!all model #rototy#ing iterati4e enhancement model

    s#iral model;

    System analysis< introduction reuirement de!inition strategies !or reuirement de!inition structured analysis toolsard/are and so!t/are selection E4aluation M&SSystem maintenance;&n!ormation system lanning< &n!ormation system lanning #lanning terminology the 9olan stage model selecting a

    methodology in!ormation resources management;

    &n!ormation system (&S) as an Enabler< introduction changing conce#ts o! &S &S as an enablerT>T BS

    1; ;; Goyal Management in!ormation systemsN Macmillan &ndia *td;

    ,C =I6S

    1; 5entleyNSystem Analysis and esignN TM>

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    2; 6obert G; Murdick 0 Foel E; 6oss 0 Fames 6; Claggett &n!ormation Systems !or Modern ManagementN


    3;A; Qiya Aktas Structured Analysis 0 esign o! &n!ormation SystemN >&;

    ";7; 6aaraman Analysis 0 esign o! &n!ormation SystemsN >&;';F; Ianter Management=&n!ormation SystemsN >&;

    ;Gordon 5; a4is 0 M;>; $lson Management &n!ormation Systems < Conce#tual Doundation Sructure 0



    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >eadE:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;

    The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as undery#otheses< The conce#t o! statistical hy#otheses sim#le and com#osite

    hy#otheses null and alternati4e hy#otheses statistical test and its critical region le4el o!signi!icance t/o ty#es o! error #o/er and #o/er !unction 9eyman%earson theory o! testconstruction; 9eyman%earson *emma (only statement) and its a##lication !or constructing a test

    !or a sim#le hy#othesis against a sim#le alternati4e hy#othesis;

    T>T BS

    Goon A;M; Gu#ta M;I; and asgu#ta 5; < Dundamentals and Statistics, 7ol; 1 8orld ress

    4t; *td; Calcutta

    ,C =I6S

    >ogg 6;7; and Craig A;T; (1.+,) < &ntroduction to Mathematical Statistics, "th ed; Collier

    MacMillan &nternations ed


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as underenry D; Iorth atabase System Conce#tsN McGra/ >ill; &nc; 1..+;

    "; 9a4een rakash &ntroduction to atabase ManagementN TM> 1..3;

    '; Elmisry 9a/athy 5MSN earson &ndia *imited;; 7i#in esai OAn &ntroduction to 5MSO



    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >eadE:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;

    The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as undereer 6anha and Sohni Mahi/al;

    SCTI +

    Di!teen short ans/er uestions /ill be set !rom the entire syllabus; The candidates

    /ill attem#t any 1? uestions; These uestions /ill be based u#on terms conce#ts institutions

    /ithin the #ur4ie/ o! the syllabus; The ans/er o! these uestions /ill be o! 2?%2' /ords and /illcarry 2 marks each; Thus the total marks !or these uestions /ill be 2?;

    BS S66ST= 5

    1; Daua Singh (ed) >istory and Culture o! the unab 7ol; 110 111

    2; G;S; Chahara The Ad4anced >istory o! the unab 7ol; 13; Ganda Singh and Tea Singh< A Short >istory o! the Sikhs

    "; F;S; Gre/al The 9e/ Cambridge >istory o! &ndia < The Sikhs o! the unab

    '; ;S hillon Sikhism < $rigin and e4elo#ment; >ari 6am Gu#ta istory o! the Sikhs 7ol%1;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    # th Semester

    ,or amination of Session 2012-13.


    Code Title o! #a#er=subect >rs;= Ma: Marks8eek Cont; -ni4; Total

    Asmt; E:am;


    CSM 2"1 6eal Analysis " 3? "' +'

    CSM 2"2 To#ics in Analysis " 3? "' +'

    CSM 2"3 &ndustrial Statistics 3 2? 3? '?

    CSM 2"" Statistical &n!erence && 3 2? 3? '?

    CSM 2"' Statistics *ab%&7 " 2? 3? '?(Com#uter $riented


    CSM 2" $#erating Systems 3 2? 3? '?

    CSM 2"+ 8eb Technology 3 2? 3? '?

    CSM 2", So!t/are *ab &7 " 2? 3? '?

    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Total 1,? 2+? "'?


    ote5 1. The minimum !ass mar7s in each !a!er is 33: in Continuous ssessment an"ni8ersity amination se!arately subHect to a minimum of #0: in a;;re;ate.

    2. In a""ition to abo8e mentione" subHects* there 9ill be a course of

    n8ironmental Stu"ies as a Kualifyin; subHect.

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    B- , CTIS SSSSMT , 20 MS

    T4& S

    1; T/o tests /ill be held and their a4erage '? Marks

    /ill be considered !or assessment;2; Seminars=Assignments=Buies= 2' Marks

    Class #artici#ation

    3; Attendance 2' Marks Marks /ill be gi4en according to

    belo/ criteria ublishing Co; 9e/ elhi 1.+?;

    3; ; Somasundaram and 5; Choudhary A Dirst Course in Mathematical Analysis 9arosa

    #ublishing >ouse 9e/ elhi1..+;"; Shanti 9arayan A Course o! Mathematical Analysis S; Chand 0 Co; 9e/ elhi;

    '; ;I; Fain and S;I;Iaushik An introduction to 6eal Analysis S; Chand 0 Co; 9e/

    elhi2???;; 6;7; Churchill 0 F;8;5ro/n Com#le: 7ariables and A##lications 'th Edition McGra/%

    >ill 9e/ Jork 1..?;

    CSM - 2#3 5 I=STI' STTISTICS

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTIS , T4 STTThe question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B

    will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and section C willconsist of one compulsory question having eight parts of short-answer type covering theentire syllabus uniformly. All the questions will carry equal mars.


    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed


    Statistical uality control chance and assignable causes #rocess and #roduct control

    the techniue o! control charts !or #rocess control three sigma #robability and s#eci!ication

    limits; Sche/hart control charts !or mean and S;; and range control charts !or numberde!ecti4es and !raction de!ecti4e control chart !or number o! de!ects;

    Ad4antages o! #rocess control sam#ling ins#ection by attribute the conce#t o!

    #roducers and consumers risks A$B A$B* AS9 and $C !unctions and cur4es single and

    double sam#ling #lans;

    SCTI - B

    &n4entory #roblem introduction de!inition in4entory costs in4entory 4ariables;

    Classi!ication o! in4entory #roblems conce#t o! Economic $rdering Buantity (E$B) E$B#roblems /ithout=/ith shortages -ni!orm=Constant demand !inite=in!inite re#lenishment o!

    in4entory; E$B #roblems /ith #rice breaks;

    T>T BS

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    1; Goon A;M; Gu#ta M;I; and asgu#ta 5;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    ,C BS

    >ogg 6;7; and Craig A;T; (1.+,) < &ntroduction to Mathematical Statistics, "th ed; Collier

    MacMillan &nternations ed


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;

    The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired toattem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as underaberman &ntroduction to $#erating System esignN Galgotia ublication 1.,;

    3; 5rich >ansen The Architecture o! Concurrent rogramsN >& 1.+,;

    CSM + 2#< 5 B TC4'6&

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTIS , T4 STTThe question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sections A and B

    will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and section C will

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    consist of one compulsory question having eight parts of short-answer type covering theentire syllabus uniformly. All the questions will carry equal mars.


    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;-se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed

    SCTI &ntroduction to internet /// htt# /eb#ages 0 -6* structures and >TM*; Marku# 4s; traditional #rogramming


    Creating >TM* #ages 4ie/ing #ages in di!!erent bro/sers;

    Structures o! >TM* #age tags and attributes color codes and !onts di!!erent elements in head section o! >TM*document;

    Te:t%!ormatting tags a##lying !ormatting to the body section o! >TM* document block le4el and te:t le4el tags

    beha4ior o! !ormatting tags in di!!erent bro/sers

    Creating e:ternal and internal links;Adding gra#hics /ith image tag image element attributes using images as links image ma#s su##orted image !ile


    Adding multimedia to /eb #ages su##orted audio 0 4ideo !ormats;

    Tables< resenting in!ormation in tables table attributes table as layout tool nested tables

    SCTI BDrames< using !rames !rameset targeted links no%!rames element;

    Dorms< using >TM* !orms in#ut control elements and attributes #rocessing !orms;

    >TM* basics < CSS $M Fa4ascri#t;Creating and a##lying stylesheets to >TM* elements inline embedded and linking e:ternal stylesheets con!licting


    $M and obect collection using the !rames and !orms collection e4ent model

    &ntroduction to client side scri#ting and a4ascri#t Fa4ascri#t o#erators control structures !unctions and arrayse:am#les o! a4ascri#t

    -sing a4ascri#ts in%built obects < Math String 9umber and ate;

    T>T BS

    1; eitel eitel and 9ieto < &nternet 0 888% >o/ to #rogram 2??1 earson Education Asia;

    ,C =I6S

    1; E Ste#hen Mack Fanan latt < >TM* ";? no e:#erience reuired 1.., 55 ublications;2; Shiran 0 Shiran < Ad4anced Fa4ascri#t #rogramming 1.., 55 ublications;3;; 5ertsellas and 6; Gallager ata 9et/orksN 2nd Edition rentice >all 1..2;


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;

    The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired toattem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as underT BS

    1; Singh ; and Chaudhary D;S; < Theory and Analysis o! Sam#le Sur4eys esign

    8iley East; &st ed; 1.,

    CSM%3'< STAT&ST&CS *A5%7 (C$M-TE6 $6&E9TE 6ACT&CA*S)

    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as underalmos ;6; < Dinite imensional 7ector S#aces

    Sections 1%23 32%'? and '" to ' only ;

    CMM== =I6

    1; Ienneth >o!!man and 6ay Iune < *inear Algebra

    CSM-3%#5 'I 6MMI6

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate



    The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sectionsA and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and

    section C will consist of one compulsory question having eight parts of short-answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly. All the questions will carry

    equal mars.ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TS

    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;-se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed


    *inear #rogramming #roblems (*s)H E:am#les Mathematical !ormulation Gra#hical

    solution Solution by Sim#le: method arti!icial 4ariables 5ig%M method and t/o #hase sim#le:

    method;uality in linear #rogrammingH Conce#t Mathematical !ormulation !undamental

    #ro#erties o! duality duality and sim#le: method and dual sim#le: method;

    Section -B

    Sensiti4ity Analysis < iscrete changes in the cost 4ector reuirement 4ector and Co%e!!icient matri:; Trans#ortation #roblem H initial basic !easible solution and $#timal solutions

    using M$& method (!or balanced cases only) Assignment #roblemH solution o! balanced andunbalanced assignment #roblems ma:imiation case in assignment #roblem;

    T>T BS

    1; Ianti S/aru# ;I; Gu#ta and Manmohan < U$#erations 6esearchL Sultan Chandand Sons 9e/ elhi Ed; 1..;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    CMM== =I6

    1; Iasana >;S; and Iumar I;; < &ntroductory $#erations 6esearch S&E 2??3


    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTIS , T4 STTThe question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sectionsA and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and

    section C will consist of one compulsory question having eight parts of short-answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly. All the questions will carry

    equal mars.ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TS

    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed


  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    1; Goon A;M; Gu#ta M;I; and asgu#ta 5;

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    Candidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed SCTI -

    Interacti8e SE' 5 SB* commandsH ata e!inition *anguage CommandsH ata Mani#ulation *anguageCommandsH The ata ty#es a cell can holdH insertion o! data into the tableH 7ie/ing o! data into the tablesH eletiono#erationsH -#dating o! contents o! the tableH Modi!ying the structure o! the tableH 6enaming the tableH estroying

    tablesH ata ConstraintsH Ty#es o! data constraintsH Column *e4el ConstraintsH Table *e4el ConstraintsH 9ull 4alue

    Conce#tsH The -9&B-E ConstraintH The 6&MA6J constraintsH The D$6E&G9 key constraintH The C>ECI

    ConstraintH 7ie/ing the -ser ConstraintsLie9in; The =ata5Com#utations on Table ataH Arithmetic $#eratorsH *ogical $#eratorsH Com#arison $#eratorsH

    6ange SearchingH attern SearchingH $6AC*E D-9CT&$9SH 9umber DunctionsH Grou# DunctionsH Scalar

    DunctionsH ata Con4ersion DunctionsH Mani#ulating ates in SB*H Character DunctionsHSub Eueries an" Foins5 FoinsH Eui FoinsH 9on Eui FoinsH Sel! FoinsH $uter FoinsH Sub BueriesH Correlated BueriesH-sing Set $#eratorsT BS5

    1; SAMS Teach yoursel! SB* in 21 days< Techmedia ublication2; *=SB* The rogramming *anguage o! $6AC*E &4an 5yross(5 ublication)

    3; $racle < *=SB* >andbook alinsky (earson ublication)

    CSM - 3%? 5 S,T 6II6

    o. of 'ectures 5 #0 Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    to be "eli8ere"

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)



    The question paper will consist of three sections A, B and C. Each of sectionsA and B will have four questions from the respective sections of the syllabus and

    section C will consist of one compulsory question having eight parts of short-answer type covering the entire syllabus uniformly. All the questions will carry

    equal mars.ISTCTIS , T4 C=I=TSCandidates are reuired to attem#t !i4e uestions in all selecting t/o uestions !rom each

    section A and 5 and the com#ulsory uestion o! section C; All uestions /ill carry eual marks;

    -se o! scienti!ic non%#rogrammable calculator is allo/ed

    SCTI &ntroduction to So!t/are Engineering < $rigin e!inition and goals o! So!t/are Engineering;

    Com#arison /ith traditional Engineering isci#lines;

    So!t/are de4elo#ment #rocess rocess Models < 8ater!all S#iral rototy#e; Error distributionE!!ort distribution 6ole o! metrics and measurements;

    So!t/are roect lanning < lanning acti4ities Team structure ( emocratic Chie!%#rogrammer>ierarchical); So!t/are 6euirement S#eci!ication < 6ole characteristics and com#onents o!S6S; roblem Analysis < Structuring &n!ormation D and ata ictionary;

    SCTI B

    So!t/are esign < esign $becti4es and #rinci#les esign conce#ts K Abstraction &n!ormation

    hiding Concurrency Modularity; Cou#ling%Cohesion criteria; Structured design methodology;

    esign s#eci!ication Metrics

    Coding Structured coding techniues < ata Enca#sulation Go to statement 6ecursion SingleEntry Single E:it criteria; Structured #rogramming;

    Testing Testing !undamentals < Error Dault Dailure and 6eliability *e4els o! testing Test case

    and Test criteria To#%do/n and bottom%u# a##roach Test case e:ecution and analysis Testre#ort;

    T>T B 5

    1; ; Falota An &ntegrated A##roach to So!t/are EngineeringN (9arosa ublishing >ouse1..2;)

    ,CS =I6S5

    1; 6;E; Dairley OSo!t/are Engineering Conce#tsO McGra/%>ill 1.,';

    2; &an Sommer4ille So!t/are Engineering earson Education 2??13; 5oris 5eier So!t/are Testing TechniuesN Second Edition 7an nostrand 6einhold


    ";; 6oger; S; ressman So!t/are Engineering % A ractitionerLs A##roachN Di!th Edition

    McGra/ >ill 2??1

    C1$-!9 % 1';T=A:E (AB-D&

  • 8/9/2019 B.sc.( Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics) Part-I, II & III(Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI)


    Total ractical Sessions5 2$ Ma. Mar7s 5 $0

    (each of t9o hours)

    Time llo9e" 5 3 4ours Min. ass 5 #0: ;;re;ate


    ISTCTI , T4 STT = T4 C=I=TS

    The setting and e4aluation /ill be done by a board o! e:aminers consisting o! >ead

    E:ternal e:aminer and the teacher(s) in4ol4ed /ith the teaching o! this #a#er;The #ractical #a#er /ill consist o! !our e:ercises and the candidates /ill be reuired to

    attem#t any three e:ercises;

    The break%u# o! marks !or the -ni4ersity E:amination /ill be as under