bsm wk ii_su12

1 Session II: Beginning Social Media Professional Certificate in Digital & Social Media Instructor: Yadira Galindo [email protected]

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BSM Summer 2012 second class slides


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Session II:Beginning Social Media

Professional Certificate in Digital & Social MediaInstructor: Yadira Galindo [email protected]

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Session II Overview

Session I Review

Assignment I Review and New Assignment

SM 101: Pinterest

SM 101: Google+

SM 101: YouTube

SM 101: Facebook Part I

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Session I Review• Social media will help you enhance your online brand and expand your reach• Develop a social media strategy and protocols

– Define goals and objectives– Pinpoint your audience – Audit your resources (I mean really audit!)

• Engage your audience; communicate, don’t talk to them• Your profile is your first impression, design it wisely

– Choose a photo that captures the you that you want people to see (no party shots)

– Choose your username equally wisely– Ensure your bio is current and fully filled out.

• Draft your bio carefully using keywords, yet personalize it• Add your URL• Be consistent across the board

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Assignment I Review and Homework

• Private vs. Personal vs. Professional– How do you balance?– Or do you keep separate accounts?

• Apps requesting personal data• Social media etiquette

– Language– Photos– Credit where credit is due– Sales pitch– What about follow back?

Assignment 2:All students: Review your FB page. Do you see any changes you need to

make? Post on the group site changes you’re making and why, or why not. Post one link to something new you learned about FB. Comment.

Matriculated: Post three times on each of the designated SM apps.

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Social Media 101: Pinterest

• Fastest growing social network ever. Site had 11.7 million unique U.S. visitors in Jan. 2012, making it the fastest site ever to break through the 10 million unique visitor mark.

• Think of it as a virtual pinboard. Sometimes called an “aspirational social network,” users create, manage and share themed image collections.

• Users can browse other pinboards, re-pin images and like the content posted.

• Popular with American women and, in 2012, it was reported that 83% of the U.S. users were women. In Britain, however, 56% of the user were male and about 10 years younger than in the U.S., where the age range was typically 35-44. More on Pinterest.


First prototype launched in March 2010. Co-founder Ben Silbermann said he personally wrote to the site's first 5,000 users offering his personal phone number and even meeting with some of its users.

More on Wikipedia.

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Social Media 101: Pinterest


Anatomy of Pintrest

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Social Media 101: Pinterest

• Why it is news?

• “After mounting criticism, Pinterest strikes back against copyright questions with a new attribution system.” – Digital Trends, 5/1/2012

• Most popular pins of all-time (relatively speaking, of course): food and drink, 29%; DIY crafts, 13.4%. – Huffington Post, 4/14/2012

• “Pinterest Is Now the Third Most Popular Social Network in the U.S.” – Social Times, 4/6/2012

• How do you use it? Contests, catalog, sharing recipes, crafts, you name it as long as it is visual!


Launched in May 2003, LinkedIn’s membership grows by approximately two new members every second.

More on Wikipedia.

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Social Media 101: Google+

• Declared by outlets like the New York Times to be Google’s biggest attempt to rival Facebook, it is actually the company fourth try at a social network.

• Earlier this year, it reported 100 million users and 60 percent daily engagement.

• As of February, Google+ users are only spending 3.3 minutes monthly and trending down. By comparison, Facebook users currently spending 7.5 hours using monthly.

• Single male-dominated (70-30) and geek-driven (top users include students, but also web designers, engineers and software developers). Top countries are U.S. and India. More on demographics.


Launched in June 2011, Google+ upside includes integration into existing Google products.

More on Wikipedia.

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Social Media 101: Google+

•Circles: You use Circles to organize the people you follow (as well as who follows you) on Google+. And you can use Circles to organize your stream.

•Real-time stream: In Google+, the stream flows as new updates are posted. New updates automatically show up at the top of your stream after you log in, and new comments appear automatically as people comment on the posts.


Hangouts: Think of hangouts as group video chat. You can chat, via video, with up to ten people at a time-for work and play!

Hangouts goes pro with NFL Hangouts

+1 and SEO potential: Hello. It is Google, isn’t it?

It can help your career?! MediaJobsDaily says yes.

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Social Media 101: YouTube

•YouTube is the second largest search app behind Google Search

•We watch 4 billion hours of YouTube per Month

•72 hours are uploaded per minute

•YouTube is now investing money in creating its own programming, competing with cable programming

•YouTube is a Google subsidiary

•You can stream your Google+ Hangout live on Google or archive it there for later viewing

•Your company website may run out of bandwidth if you update your videos frequently, keep them on YouTube for people to watch later 15

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Social Media 101: Facebook

• Yeah. You know what it is.

• Facebook is expected to announce that it reached 1 billion users any day now; approximately 80% of monthly active users outside the U.S./Canada.

• Service is largely private, with access grated by user and privacy setting managed on personal level.

• People 45 and older make up 46% of Facebook users, 57% have completed some college and more women than men.

• Facebook made its public offering (value: $100 billion) earlier this year, but if you follow the news it hasn’t been leaving up to financial expectations.


Facebook was founded in February 2004. Back then, it was only available to students at Harvard.

More on Wikipedia.

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Social Media 101: Facebook


Anatomy of Facebook

ProfileProfiles (Timelines) represent individuals and must be held

under an individual

Groupprovides a closed space for small groups of people to communicate

about shared interests

Pageallows an organization, business, celebrity

or band to maintain a professional presence

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Social Media 101: Facebook


• Pages allow real organizations, businesses, celebrities and brands to communicate broadly with people who like them.

• Pages may only be created and managed by official representatives.

• Privacy: Page information and posts are public and generally available to everyone on Facebook.

• Audience: Anyone can like a Page to become connected with it and get News Feed updates. There is no limit to how many people can like a Page.

• Communication: Page admins can share posts under the Page’s name. Page posts appear in the News Feed of people who like the Page. Page admins can also create customized apps for their Pages and check Page Insights to track the Page’s growth and activity.

People who like your Page will get updates in their News Feeds.

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Social Media 101: Facebook


• Groups provide a closed space for small groups of people to communicate about shared interests.

• Groups can be created by anyone.• Privacy: In addition to an open setting, more privacy settings

are available for groups. In secret and closed groups, posts are only visible to group members.

• Audience: Group members must be approved or added by other members. When a group reaches a certain size, some features are limited. The most useful groups tend to be the ones you create with small groups of people you know.

• Communication: In groups, members receive notifications by default when any member posts in the group. Group members can participate in chats, upload photos to shared albums, collaborate on group docs and invite members who are friends to group events.

Group members get notified about all new posts in a group unless they choose to restrict their group notification settings.

If group privacy is set to Closed or Secret, only group members will be able to see things that get posted in the group.

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Social Media 101: Facebook


• Timeline• The new look of profiles and Pages rolled out• Lists• an optional way to organize your friends• Ticker• On the right-hand side of your account, lets you see all your

friends’ activity in real-time• Subscribe• Subscribe is a way to hear from people you’re interested in,

even if you’re not friends. Also a way to fine-tune your News Feed to get the types of updates you want to see.

• Apps• Privacy


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Social Media 101: Facebook


To share?1. Video (least common content of big

four shared)2. Photos3. Links (most common)4. Status updatesa. Think high sharing value!b. Post content from other sourcesc. Be uniqued. Be distincte. Be freshf. Be relevant

1. Full birth date, place2. Your mother’s maiden name3. Your home address4. Long trips away5. Short trips & check-ins6. Inappropriate photos7. Confessionals8. Your phone number9. Vacation countdowns10. Child’s name11. Risky behaviors12. Home layouts13. Your profile as “public,” or available on

“public search”

Or not to share!

More: What NOT To Post On FacebookMore: What consumers share on Facebook -- and why