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Building Standards Balanced Scorecard 2016 - 2017 April to June 2016 Update Community and Enterprise Resources Planning and Economic Development

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  • Building Standards Balanced Scorecard

    2016 - 2017April to June 2016 Update

    Community and Enterprise Resources

    Planning and Economic Development

  • TitleBuilding Standards Verification Service

    Balanced Scorecard 2016 - 2017

    AuthoritySouth Lanarkshire Council

    Community and Enterprise ResourcesPlanning and Economic Development

    Montrose House154 Montrose Crescent

    Hamilton ML3 6LB

    Part of local authority which is verifierExecutive Director

    Community and Enterprise ResourcesPlanning and Economic Development

    Key contactsGordon Cameron, Planning and Building Standards Manager (HQ)

    Alan McAulay, Building Standards Team Leader (HQ)

  • Introduction 1Background to performance framework 1The Building Standards Service 2

    Strategic objectives 5

    Building Standards performance and financial data 6

    Continuous Improvement Plan (updated every quarter) 7



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  • 1

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background to performance framework

    1.1.1 The building standards system in Scotland was established as a result of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. The purpose of the building standards system is to protect the public interest by setting out the standards to be met when building or a conversion takes place, to the extent necessary to meet the building regulations.

    1.1.2 South Lanarkshire Council is currently appointed by the Scottish Government as sole verifier with the most recent appointment until 2017, this appointment is on the condition that a performance framework is put in place to improve the quality, compliance, consistency and predictability of verification activities.

    1.1.3 The building standards performance framework was introduced from the 1 May 2012 and is reported to the Scottish Government on a quarterly basis. It seeks to address a wide range of actions and cultures which, between them, demonstrate a customer-focused service delivering sustainable economic growth. It will allow the assessment of building standards performance outcomes over a range of key national objectives, including:• Certainty of timescales in respect of decision making, the assessment process and the provision of

    advice;• Delivery of compliant development;• Management and assessment of building warrants and completion certificates;• Clear communications and open engagement;• Sharing of best practice; and• An overall ‘open for business’ attitude.

    1.1.4 The Council is committed to working with the Scottish Government, Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS) and other stakeholders to prepare and implement an updated performance framework from 1 May 2017.

    1.1.5 The balanced scorecard format was revised in 2012 following research to establish a number of proposed key national objectives resulting in the development of three core perspectives:• Professional expertise and technical processes;• Quality customer experience; and• Operational and financial efficiency.

    These perspectives are supplemented by two themes which are cross-cutting and span all three perspectives. They cover all aspects of building standards verification including strategy, operational delivery, internal and external relationships.• Public interest; and• Continuous improvement.


    Quality customer


    Professional expertise

    and technical processes

    Operational and financial


    Public Interest

    Continuous improvement

    1.1.6 Delivery of the strategic aims within the Balanced Scorecard is achieved by the successful completion of actions detailed within the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP).

    1.1.7 The CIP focuses on the three perspectives of the performance framework and is separated into a ‘detailed CIP’ which is retained for Local Authority use and a ‘summary CIP’ which is included as part of the Balanced Scorecard and is updated quarterly to show progress on a range of actions from quarter to quarter resulting in a more dynamic document.

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    The Building Standards Service

    1.2 The Building Standards Service

    1.2.1 South Lanarkshire covers a diverse area. It sits to the east and south of Glasgow conurbation and covers approximately 1800 square kilometres. Its many communities include Royal Burghs, a New Town, market towns, weaving, mining and agricultural villages which are spread throughout an area extending from the Southern Uplands, through the Clyde Valley to the edge of the City of Glasgow. This area is home to just over 311, 000 people.

    1.2.2 South Lanarkshire’s Building Standards Service is part of Community & Enterprise Resources. The Council’s Building Standards Service’s work is undertaken by 4 teams with a total of 19 staff. These staff are currently based within four teams with a Headquarters team and three Area Office teams.

    South Lanarkshire Council

    Reproduction by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right 2016. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100020730.

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    1.2.3 The HQ team is based in the Community & Enterprise Resources HQ building in Hamilton. It deals with the strategic aspects of service delivery including setting policy, publishing guidance and monitoring performance. The HQ team also liaise with the Scottish Government, other Councils and stakeholders as required.

    1.2.4 The three other area teams are currently located in Lanark, Hamilton and East Kilbride, however a process to centralise these teams to Montrose House in Hamilton will be undertaken during July and August 2016. The area teams handle all the building warrant applications submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Building (Scotland) Acts, regulations and other associated legislation. The area teams are also responsible for other functions in addition to that of verifier including enforcement of matters in respect of dangerous buildings and unauthorised works, provisions relating to Energy Performance Certificates, licensing, houses in multiple occupation, safety at sports grounds, letters of comfort and document searches as part of the house conveyancing process.

    1.2.5 Building Standards Service structure:

    The Building Standards Service

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    1.2.6 The role of the Council’s Planning and Economic Development Service is to direct development to the right place at the right time and of the right quality. This requires a balance to be struck between encouraging and facilitating development whilst at the same time not only protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment but also acknowledging the views and concerns of the area’s communities and established businesses. The effective and efficient application of these principles to the specific tasks the Service undertakes will play a critical role in creating the right conditions to deliver sustainable economic growth both in South Lanarkshire and Scotland.

    1.2.7 In fulfilling these tasks the Service is conscious of the need for its working practices and methods to be responsive to and conscious of the demands of all its customers, and for its staff to have the skills and knowledge required to deliver quality outcomes.

    1.2.8 Accordingly when seeking to improve the way in which this work is done the Service has focussed on the need to:-

    a) Improve the user’s experience and increase their understanding of the Building Standards Service; b) Raise the Quality and Effectiveness of our Business Processes; and c) Raise our Effectiveness in Assessing Development Proposals.

    These priorities reflect the outcomes and commitments contained within the South Lanarkshire Partnership Single Outcome Agreement 2013 – 2023. In addition, these priorities and actions also support the values, objectives and improvement themes set out in previous Council Plans and reflected in the current Resource and Service Plans. In particular, the need to be people focussed, pursue the efficient and effective of resources, and improve the quality of the physical environment. Similarly in fulfilling these aims the Service can make changes to the way in which it operates that will deliver on the priority areas of certainty, consistency, communications and contactability.

    The Building Standards Service

  • Strategic objectives


    2. Strategic objectives

    2.1 Community and Enterprise Resources is responsible for a wide range of services that enhance our quality of life including improving roads and transportation, parks and play areas, household waste and recycling, cleaning, school meals and school crossing patrols as well as Bereavement Services, Environmental Health and Consumer and Trading Standards.

    2.2 The Planning and Economic Development Service directly contribute to the work of the Resource through participation in achieving a number of key objectives, namely:

    • Set out and implement strategy for development and land use across the whole of the Council’s area;• Provide services and infrastructure which help local communities to become more sustainable;• Promoting jobs, economic development and social inclusion;• Promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emissions;• Embed governance and accountability; and• Promote performance management and improvement.

    2.3 During 2016-17 the Building Standards Service has set out a number of key actions to be achieved. These actions show how we contribute to the strategic aims of our Resource:

    • Delivery of verification and non-verification roles; • Ensure construction and demolition of buildings meets national building standards; • Ensure business readiness for the introduction of the new e-building standards portal; • Prepare for the introduction of replacement casework, workflow and document management system

    during 2017;

    • Continue to issue Building Standards customer satisfaction surveys; • Hold Building Standards customer focus groups; • Formulate service improvement actions arising from Building Standards focus groups and customer

    satisfaction surveys;

    • Retain Customer Service Excellence accreditation achieved during 2012; • Enforce Energy Performance of Building Regulations; and • Liaise with the Building Standards Division of the Scottish Government and other stakeholders to

    implement and report on performance framework for verifiers, including readiness for adoption of a revised framework proposed for May 2017.

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    Building Standards performance and financial data

    3. Building Standards performance and financial data

    3.1 The number of applications, corresponding fee income and performance information for 2011 - 2016 is set out below:

    Financial information

    Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

    No. of warrants 2169 2108 2415 2487 2779

    Income (£) 1,017,508 1,109,878 1,199,707 £1,365,818 1,651,497

    Verification Expenditure (£) 1,616,614 1,420,301 1,275,158 £1,234,473 1,276,409

    Performance indicators

    Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

    Percentage of Bui ld ing warrant applications responded to within 15 days (target 80%)

    98 99 98 97 98

    Respond to a request for a Completion Certificate in 3 days (target 95%) 93 94 94 91 92

    Percentage of Building Warrants issued within 15 days of the date we receive the last piece of information (target 90%)

    96 99 99 97 98

    Percentage of Completion Certificates accepted within three days (target 95%) 95 98 98 99 99

    3.2 In recognition of this strong performance and the Building Standards Team’s approach to customer care, the team were the recipients of two national awards for work undertaken during 2015-16.

    The team received the BSD’s award for overall verification performance during 2015-16 and also the LABSS Customer Care award for the same period for collaborative working with Trading Standards and Police Scotland as part of Operation Doric which was set up to tackle doorstep crime.

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    4. Continuous Improvement Plan (updated every quarter)

    4.1 It is essential that any actions or improvements contained within this chapter link clearly with the overall aims and objectives of not only our Resource but of the Council. Connect, the Council Plan for 2012-2017 identifies objectives and improvement themes which are directly relevant to the work of the Building Standards Service:-

    a) Supporting the local economy by providing the right conditions for growth, improving skills and employability,

    b) Embed governance and accountability,

    c) Achieve efficient and effective use of resources,

    d) Promote performance management and improvement, and

    e) Improve the quality of the physical environment.

    4.2 It remains appropriate and relevant for the Balanced Scorecard to focus its attention, over the coming year, on actions which will contribute towards progress being made on these objectives and associated improvement themes. These actions should also recognise and acknowledge the values which the Council Plan expects will influence the way in which we work.

    4.3 The identification of specific actions to be incorporated into the CIP, reflecting these objectives, and their associated values and outcomes, has been influenced by feedback from both general customer interaction and customer surveys.

    4.4 Improvement actions are contained within three perspectives.

    4.4.1 Perspective 1 - Professional Expertise and Technical Processes

    The aim of this perspective is to show that we possess the necessary professional expertise to efficiently and effectively undertake all technical aspects of building standards verification. This is underpinned by on-going training and development and a commitment to delivering streamlined and transparent technical processes that meet customer needs and are compliant at all times with relevant legislation

    4.4.2 Perspective 2 - Quality Customer Experience

    The aim of this perspective is to ensure that we provide high quality standards and services to customers, underpinned by clear and transparent communications, and an understanding of different customer and stakeholder types and their differing needs. These insights and actions taken in response to them are intended to bring about continuous improvement of the customer experience, which will be regularly measured and assessed.

    4.4.3 Perspective 3 - Operational & Financial Efficiency

    The aim of this perspective is to ensure that we are managing the building standards verification operations and finances in the most efficient and effective way possible, underpinned by efficient utilisation of funds and resources, high levels of productivity and fit-for-purpose infrastructure such as IT systems.

    Continuous Improvement Plan

  • 8

    Continuous Improvement Plan - Summary


    Key actions from previous quarter (Q1 April to June 2016):

    Relevant to KPO1-2 (from list):

    Target completion date: Status (from list): Outcomes:

    1 - Participation in the BSD review of the current Performance Framework

    KPO1 Ongoing On target To ensure readiness for implementation in April 2017 and to add value to the outcomes. - Attendance at recent workshop.

    2 - Schools Modernisation Co-ordination

    KPO2 Ongoing On target Coordination of build Programme with Warrant/Completion processes.

    3 - LABSS/BSD liaison activities KPO1 Ongoing - various meetings attended during the quarter

    On target Various - improved consistency in processes and technical interpretation, partnership working

    4 - Consortia engagement KPO1 Ongoing - latest meeting held in June

    On target Improved partnership working at a regional level

    5 - Procedural and technical discussion forums for senior staff

    KPO1 Ongoing, meetings every 3 weeks alternating between procedural and technical

    On target Platform for discussion and agreement of policy and practice in procedural and technical areas.

    6 - Attendance at Disability Liaison and Access Panel meetings

    KPO1 Ongoing - quarterly meetings On target Increased awareness of the specific needs of this customer group

    7 - KPO 1 figure for Q1 2016/17 KPO1 Aug-16 Completed KPO 1 figure is currently 47 days8 - KPO 2 figure for Q1 2016/17 KPO2 Aug-16 Completed KPO 2 figure is currently 74%9 - Reasonable inquiry spot checks KPO2 Postponed pending framework

    reviewBehind schedule To ensure ongoing adhearance to national guidance

    10 - Provide Supervisor and Councillor support for APC candidates

    KPO1 Ongoing On target Staff development and links to effective succession planning

    11 - Completion and reporting of local PI information to senior managers

    KPO1 Ongoing - monthly Completed Comprehensive understanding of overall workload levels across all area offices

    12 - Creation of 'foundation information' mapping information

    KPO1 Dec-15 Behind schedule

    13 - Complete STAS RD application from Kingspan (further product submitted for assessment)

    KPO1 Aug-15 Completed

    14 - Review SFRS consultation process

    KPO1 Jun-16 Completed

    15 - Complete Learning and Development priorities for 2016-17

    KPO1 End April 2016 Completed

    Key actions planned for next three quarters:

    Relevant to KPO1-2 (from list):

    Target completion date: Priority level (from list): Proposed outcomes:

    1 - Undertake quarterly data quality checks

    KPO1 and 2 Ongoing - quarterly Medium

    2 - Schools Modernisation Coordination

    KPO2 Ongoing - meetings to be held every quarter or as required


    3 - LABSS/BSD liaison activities KPO1 Ongoing Medium

    4 - Consortia engagement KPO1 Ongoing - Central Consortia to meet approx every quarter


    5 - Participation in the BSD review of the current Performance Framework

    KPO1 Commencing May 16 High

    6 - Attendance at Disability Liaison and Access Panel meetings

    KPO1 Ongoing - quarterly meetings Medium

    7 - Submit KPO 1 and 2 data to meet BSD deadlines

    KPO1 As defined by BSD High

    8 - Completion and reporting of local PI information to senior managers

    KPO1 Ongoing - monthly Medium

    9 - Creation of 'foundation information' mapping information

    KPO1 Revised date of June 2016 Low

    10 - Procedural and technical discussion forums for senior staff

    KPO1 Ongoing, meetings every 3 weeks alternating between procedural and technical

    Medium Platform for discussion and agreement of policy and practice in procedural and technical area.

    11 - Provide Supervisor and Councillor support for APC candidates

    KPO1 Ongoing Medium


    Professional Expertise and Technical Processes


    Commentary (optional):

    The planned actions detailed above reflect longer term Service priorities many of which are driven by our CSE and Council Plan commitments. The Service is commited to working with key partners to ensure a consistent high quality warrant administration process

    A number of recuring but none the less key activities remain ongoing. Results for KPO's 1 and 2 remain at a healthy level.

    Comprehensive understanding of overall workload levels across all area offices

    Access to historical information to inform application technical assessment.

    Staff development and links to effective succession planning

    To support robust and accurate performance reporting, measurement of quality and workload managementCoordination of build Programme with Warrant/Completion processesVarious - improved consistency in processes and technical interpretation, partnership working

    Evidence to show high level of service delivery

    To ensure outcomes match expectations and needs of both customers and Local Authorities


    Access to historical information to inform application technical assessment.

    To ensure a strategic approach to learning and development which matches the overall targets for the Service.

    Efficient statutory consultation process in line with SFRS requirements - new proforma letters created and implemented.

    To ensure a quicker approval process and provides a single point of contact for this customer

    Improved partnership working at a regional level

    Promote positive attitudes to design

  • 9

    Continuous Improvement Plan - Summary

    Key actions from previous quarter (Q4 Jan - Mar 2016)

    Relevant to KPO3-5 (from list):

    Target completion date: Status (from list): Outcomes:

    1 - Doorstep Crime Liaison KPO3 Ongoing On target A number of inspections and reports have been undertaken and passed to Police Scotland, in addition a number of court cases have been called and convictions made (winner of LABSS Customer Focus Award for 2016)

    2 - Issue customer satisfaction surveys on an ongoing basis

    KPO5 Ongoing On target Effective measurement of customer satisfaction (2015-16 year end processes under way)

    3 - Customer Service Excellence award retained for 2015/16

    KPO5 Ongoing - year 4 evidence gathering underway

    On target Key driver for many customer focussed iniatives - we now have a total of 9 areas of compliance plus

    4 - Submit KPO 3 data for Q1 KPO3 Aug-16 Completed KPO 3 - 99% of applications assessed within 20 days

    5 - Warmworks liaison KPO3 Ongoing On target To ensure an efficient warrant process for this key Customer - RD application submission being considered, general liaison activity ongoing

    6 - Participation in the BSD review of the current Performance Framework

    KPO3 Apr-17 On target To ensure readiness for implementation in April 2017 and to add value to the outcomes. - Attendance at recent workshop.

    7 - Participate within national CSE working group

    KPO3 Ongoing - approx quarterly, meeting held in April 2016

    On target Sharing of best practices in approach to CSE

    Key actions planned for next three quarters:

    Relevant to KPO3-5 (from list):

    Target completion date: Priority level (from list): Proposed outcomes:

    1 - Improve awareness of indirect customer groups through a range of channels

    KPO5 Ongoing Medium

    2 - Assess and compare (with CSE group) results of local surveys and implement any resulting actions

    KPO5 May-16 Medium

    3 - Doorstep Crime Liaison KPO5 Ongoing Medium

    4 - Issue customer satisfactions surveys on an ongoing basis (including 2015-16 year end review

    d ti l )

    KPO5 Ongoing Medium

    5 - Retain Customer Service Excellence award for 2016

    KPO5 Nov-16 High

    6 - Warmworks liaison KPO3 Ongoing High

    7 - Participate within national CSE working group

    KPO3 Onging - approx quarterly Medium

    8 - Participation in the BSD review of the current Performance Framework

    KPO3 Commencing May 2016 High

    9 - Workload management review KPO3 Ongoing in the short term High To ensure available resources are used in the most appropriate way

    10- Submit KPO 3 data to meet BSD deadlines

    KPO3 As defined by BSD High

    Year 4 CSE accreditation awarded

    Meeting customer expectations

    To ensure outcomes match expectations and needs of both customers and Local Authorities

    Commentary (optional):

    The planned actions detailed above reflect longer term Service priorities many of which are driven by our CSE and Council Plan commitments. Priority for development moves to the eBuilding Standards project

    Sharing of best practices in approach to CSE

    To ensure an efficient warrant process for this key Customer

    Robust measure of customer satisfaction levels and oppertunity to benchmark with CSE partners

    Provide expert guidance to Police Scotland, with clear links to engagement with indirect customers, also reduces risk associated with 'cowboy builders'

    Greater awareness of Service through use of focus groups, workshops or information leaflets (adaptation process and doorstep crime involvement are part of this work stream as is e-BS communications)

    Ability to measure customer satisfaction levels

    Actions completed in the last quarter show ongoing progress in achieving key milestones in our CSE plan all of which have (or will have) demonstrable benefits for our customers. This was validated by another successful CSE assessment.


    Quality Customer Experience

  • 10

    Continuous Improvement Plan - Summary

    Key actions from previous quarter (Q4 Jan to Mar 2016)

    Relevant to KPO6-9 (from list):

    Target completion date: Status (from list): Outcomes:

    1 - Functionality of M3/EDRM systems maintained to ensure operational/business/legislative needs of Service are delivered

    KPO6 Ongoing On target General system performance monitoring ongoing during last quarter

    2 - Provide assistance to SG with regards development of national portal as member of e-BS project board

    KPO6 Aug-16 On target Attendance at project board meetings and all partner events and provide information, guidance and advice as appropriate

    3 - Create cost recovery process map and procedural guidance (non verification activity)

    KPO6 Postponed until after launch of e-building standards

    Behind schedule To ensure a clear process is established between the range of Services involved in this area

    4 - On screen assessment pilot (as part of eBS preparations)(Phase 2)

    KPO6 Jun-16 Completed Findings from pilot will be used to shape future processes

    5 - Introduction of replacement time recording system

    KPO6 Apr-16 Completed

    6 - eBuilding Standards business readyness activities including - on screen assessment pilot, fileplan folder management, communication with agents

    KPO6 Ongoing till August 2016 On target Demonstration to staff completed, process mapping ongoing, workshops being undertaken, UAT also being progressed

    7 - Quarterly Submission of KPO information and CIP update

    KPO9 Ongoing - quarterly On target Robust and accurate KPO and S35 information.

    Key actions planned for next three quarters:

    Relevant to KPO6-9 (from list):

    Target completion date: Priority level (from list): Proposed outcomes:

    1 - Functionality of M3/EDRM systems maintained to ensure operation/business/legislative needs of Service are delivered

    KPO6 Ongoing Medium

    2 - Introduction of replacement time recording system

    KPO6 Apr-16 Medium

    3 - Create cost recovery process map and procedural guidance (non verification activity)

    KPO6 Dec-15 Medium

    4 - eBuilding Standards business readyness activities including - on screen assessment pilot, fileplan folder management, communication with agents

    KPO6 Ongoing till August 2016 High

    5 - Quarterly Submission of KPO information and CIP update

    KPO9 Ongoing - quarterly High

    6 - Centralisation of area offices KPO9 Aug-17 High Centralised point for delivery of service

    7 - Replacement of casework, workflow and document management systems

    Sep-17 High Introduction of new software solution to suit ongoing business needs

    8 - Provide assistance to SG with regards development of national portal as member of e-BS project board

    KPO6 Ongoing till August 2016 Medium

    Simplified system to reduce recording burden.

    Development of systems to meet business needs.

    To ensure a clear process is established between the range of Services involved in this area

    Simplified system to reduce recording burden.

    Operational and Financial Efficiency

    Commentary (optional):

    The planned actions detailed above reflect longer term Service priorities many of which are driven by our CSE and Council Plan commitments. This now includes specific actions related to the e-Building Standards portal development. Key areas of work also include area office centralisation, workload management and replacement of key IT software systems.


    System development work remains ongoing, this now includes specific actions related to the e-Building Standards portal development, which is now a key priority for the Service. Key areas of work also include area office centralisation, workload management and replacement of key IT software systems.

    National portal which delivers efficiencies in management of documents and information.

    Ensure process and professional readyness for introduction of new national portal (project plan now created)

    Robust and accurate KPO and S35 information.

  • Community and Enterprise Resources