building structure

By: Spenser Martin Building Structure

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Building Structure. By: Spenser Martin. Project Lead The Way. It is a non-profit organization, that is creating interest in the engineering and science fields. Through this organization, America is planning to catch up to and surpass other countries . From Caves to Sky Scrapers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Building Structure

By: Spenser Martin

Building Structure

Page 2: Building Structure

It is a non-profit organization, that is creating interest in the engineering and science fields.

Through this organization, America is planning to catch up to and surpass other countries

Project Lead The Way

Page 3: Building Structure

From Caves to Sky Scrapers

Page 4: Building Structure

The first structures or shelters were simple caves made of rock.

During the Paleolithic age the people where nomads meaning they would travel. This early humans made tent like structures made of bone, twigs and animal hide.

After the Neolithic revolution early humans started to develop permanent homes, usually made of rock or cement like substance. These structures were one story and very small.

From Caves to Sky Scrapers

Page 5: Building Structure

Soon, as humans do, they tested new structures and materials. They started to use mud and making bricks.

Then the arch was discovered and used widely in many buildings. Along with the arch came the dome.

The Egyptians built the pyramids, the Babylonians built the hanging gardens, Rome built the coliseum, and more and more huge structures were built throughout the world.

From Caves to Sky Scrapers

Page 6: Building Structure

More structures started to be invented including the flying buttress, which is a support that help up arches.

In the middle ages castles were invented and produced.

Then wood became the normal material for buildings

Recently in the past one-hundred years, metal has been used to create huge buildings, hundreds of feet high, which we call sky scrapers.

From Caves to Sky Scrapers

Page 7: Building Structure

Buildings or shelters have been around since the begging of man, so its likely that thousands maybe millions of people helped advance this product.

More recently we’ve had people such as William Le Baron Jenney (1832–1907), who is created for the thought of skyscrapers.

Professor Boermel, helped design earthquake resistant buildings which are required by law to this day.

There are many people who have advanced our knowledge of building structure, therefore it is impossible to name them all.


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The first real shelters were mad out of rock, mud, clay, bones, or animal hide. As time went on people used stronger materials such as wood or metals.

Original design

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Simple tents were made by tying animal bones together or twigs together and lying animal hide over it.

Stone structures were made by stacking stones on top of another sometimes using clay to hold them together.

Original design

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Structures like support beams and metal skeletons have helped improve strength and resistance to the elements.

Countless other improvements have also been made to building structure.


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Many of improvements were made to make buildings bigger and stronger, which helped brave the elements.

Other improvements were made so the building could be more flexible so the high winds don’t knock it over. The Effil tower is designed to sway back and forth to avoid being knocked over by the wind


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Everyone uses buildings, with the exception of homeless people who actually use sides of buildings to stop the wind.

The world is covered in buildings and structures, which we all use.

Who doesn’t use houses?

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Modern Structures

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Elapsed time construction