building up your backbending practice


Upload: heather-linkenheimer

Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Building up your backbending practice
Page 2: Building up your backbending practice

A common backbending pose in yoga,

upward-facing bow pose, or “urdhva

dhanurasana,” extends the back and

opens the front of the body. This asana is

also called wheel pose, or

“chakrasana,” not only because the

backbend resembles a wheel, but also

because it is believed to ignite the

body’s seven chakras.

Page 3: Building up your backbending practice

You can prepare for upward bow pose by integrating minor backbends like cobra or downward-facing dog throughout your practice. Additionally, asanas like camel pose can introduce you to what it feels like to tuck the tailbone and protect the lower back. Many teachers also recommend warming up to wheel pose by first taking bridge pose. In this less strenuous asana, you can make sure that your knees are not tracking outwards; you can also focus on your lower back to avoid any compression.

Page 4: Building up your backbending practice

If you are only beginning to incorporate

backbends like wheel pose into your

practice, be sure to practice first in the

presence of an experienced instructor

who can help you find the correct

alignment and ensure that you are not

overextending your spine.