bulk up the healthy way with these tips


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Post on 17-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

When you lift weights correctly and safely, it can be lots of fun. You'll enjoy the workout, the results and all of the benefits that come with building muscle. The beginning

step is to find a routine that is effective for you. Read the following article for advice to help you get started.

Page 2: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

Eliminate alcohol to increase the effectiveness of your muscle building routines. You should put extreme limits on

your intake or cut it completely. The occasional glass of wine will not ruin your plan, but focus on moderation. Alcohol is not at all helpful for building muscle mass.

Page 3: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

Warming up and stretching is essential to developing your muscles. As your muscle work, heal and expand, they

become more prone to injuries. Stretching before working out is the best way to avoid injury. Warm up by completing

a cardio exercise, such as running on a treadmill, for 10 minutes before you begin weight training, and then start

off with some light reps to get into the groove.

Page 4: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

The body's protein intake plays a big role in the muscle-building process. Protein supplements and protein shakes are excellent ways to boost your body's supply of this vital nutrient. These supplements are most effective before or

after a workout, as well as before bed. Limiting yourself to one shake a day when losing weight is one of your overall fitness goals. Try having three a day when you want to get

bigger while building muscle.

Page 5: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

When you start strength training, make sure you have good form first. You can lift more weight as you progress,

but any flaw in your form will be increased with time, unless you correct it right away. The result will be increased vulnerability to injuries, and that is not

something you should allow to happen.

Page 6: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

You should eat a healthy meal before you workout. Consume more calories about an hour before you are

going to exercise. Don't overeat on workout days, but eat more than days that you aren't planning on weight


Page 7: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

Work your muscles to exhaustion to get the best results from your exercises. Leave nothing on the table. When

completing a set of exercises, keep pushing yourself until you cannot complete another push-up or lift the bar one more time. This may require shortening your sets as your

workout continues.

Page 8: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

Consume lean proteins and electrolytes 30 minutes to an hour before beginning your work out. This will give your

muscles fuel without making you feel full, and it can increase the effectiveness of your workout. Try drinking a

shake that consists of either yogurt or low fat milk and some protein powder.

Page 9: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

Healthy fats are crucial to the muscle building process. These fats help increase testosterone levels in your body; in addition, they also help lubricate your joints. That leads to smart, efficient muscle gain. Stay away from saturated

fats because they are not healthy for you.

Page 10: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

You can cheat a little bit when lifting. Getting in a few more reps by putting a certain portion of your body to work is a good way to ramp up your exercises. You just

cannot constantly fudge and get the desired results. Control how quickly you complete each weight lifting

cycle. Don't do an unreasonable number of reps in a short period of time. Don't let your reps get sloppy.

Page 11: Bulk Up The Healthy Way With These Tips

There is no greater feeling than having a lean and healthy body. Muscle building is a good way to start towards that goal. Along with cardio exercises, weight training will give

you better results instead of just cardio exercises. Do workouts that incorporate both types of exercise on a

regular basis and you'll notice results very quickly.

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