bulletin 2014-11-23


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Page 1: Bulletin 2014-11-23
Page 2: Bulletin 2014-11-23


Welcome and Announcements

Confession and Forgiveness

NOVEMBER 23, 2014 R.Hobby

P: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Ho!y. Spirit. C: Amen P: God of all mercy and consolation, come to the help of your people, turning us from our sin to live for you alone. Give us the power of your Holy Spirit that we may confess our sin, receive your forgiveness, and grow into the fullness of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. C: Amen P: You may kneel (or sit) for confession. Most merciful God, C: we confess that we are captive to sin and cannot free ourselves. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk In :v.our ways, to the glory of your holy name. Amen P: In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for his sake God forgives us all our sins. As a called and ordained minister of the church of Christ, and by his authority, I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins, in the name oft.he Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. C: Amen

Hymn "Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying" ELW #634

Page 147 The Greeting and Kyrie Page 148 "Glory to God" Insert Prayer of the Day Children's Time - Children's Song: "Jesus Loves Me" (on back of bulletin) Insert First Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 Insert Psalm 95:1-7a


Page 151



Second Reading: Ephesians 1:15-23

Gospel Acclamation "Alleluia"

Gospel - Matthew 25:31-46

" The King Is Alive" Rev. Krister Ulmanis

Page 3: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Hymn of the Day

The Nicene Creed

"Come, Thou Almighty King"

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son,* who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Offering Offertory "Jesus Shall Reign" C.Callahan

Hymn Congregational Offertory "Create In Me a Clean Heart" ELW #186 Create in me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not

away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the

Joy of your salvation, and uphold me with your free Spirit.

Prayers of Intercession

P: Lord in your mercy. C: Hear our prayer.

Page154 Page 155


Lord's Prayer Benediction and Dismissal

"Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers"

Silence for Reflection Sharing of the Peace

Postlude "Crown Him with Many Crowns"


M. Burkhardt

Page 4: Bulletin 2014-11-23


1. Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He Is strong.

Refrain: Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible t ells me so.

2. Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven's gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come In. Refrain

3. Jesus loves me! He will stay Close beside me all the way; Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee. Refrain


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Page 5: Bulletin 2014-11-23

:>day's R s Christ the King

November 23, 2014

0Codor1>0' .. ·cr and rniglu, )'UUt Son $hm .. -s us 1he v.'3y of ser,•icc. and in him \\·e inherit the richt~ of rour gr.ace. Ci\'c us the " ' i.sdorn 10 kno"' , .. ,hat is right and the strength 10

serve the ,,·orld you l1avc n1ade, through jes1LS Chrisc, our 5."lvior a1•d L.ord. " 'ho Jh·es and reigns , .. ·ith you :u1d 1hc J loly Spirit, ooe Cod, now and fo1·e,·cr. 1\•nen.

Thus says Lhc L.01·d Cou: I 111ysclf '''ill search for nty sheep, <tnd \\iill seek lhc111 out. 11As shepherds seek out their flocks 'vhcn they are an1ong 1 hci r scnu c rccl sheep. so I '"'i11 seek ou1 n1y she<:p . I ' "ill rescue then1 fron1 all the places 10 ,,•hich Lhcy h;ave been scat· tered on a clay of c louds :u1d thick darkness. 131 \\rill bring 1hc111 out fro111 1hc peoples and gather 1henl frorn the countries. and \\till bring 1hern in10 1hcir 0'"" land: and I \\•ill feed 1henl o n 1he ntOlnllahu of Israel. b)• the \\tatercou l"$C$. and in :•II the inhabited parts of the land. 111 will reed thcrn with good pasture, and the lllOuntain heights of Israel shall he their pasture; Lhere they shall lie dO\\'n in good grazing l01nd, and they shall feed O il ric;h p:1st11re 0 11 lhC IUOUlltains of l~1·ael . u1 1n ysclf\\1ill be Lhc she pherd ofn1y sheep, and I \viii nlnkc thc n1 lie do\'lll, says the I .orcl ( :on. 1111 \\•ill seek 1he lost, and I '"ill

Con1c. lct us sing • 10 the L.OMO; let us shout for jO)• to the rock of I our $.. .. 1,·ation.

f'J..ec us con1c before Cod's presence I "'ich tbanksgi\•ing

and raise a loud shout to the I LORD with psaln1s.

3For you, LOH.O, I :u·c a M'•'cal God, and a grc:u l'ulcr a- 1 bovc a ll gods.

·•(n your hand arc the cnvcrns I of 1he earth ;

the heights of I he hills are I also you rs.

Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24

bring back t he s trayed, ancl I \\'ill bind up the irtjurcd. and I '"ill s1rcng1hen the \\1Cak, bul the fat ;u'1d t he :strong I \\!ill dc.sLroy. I \\·ill feed thcnt \\'ith j ustice.

20"fhcrcforc, thus sa)'.S 1hc Lord Coo to the1n: I n1rself v1ill j udge bct,\·cen the fat sheep and the lean :shcc1>· 71 13ce:au.se )'OU pushed \\'ith flank and sho ulder, and l>utt­cd at all the \\·cak anirnals with )'OUt horns until )"OU sc:utcrcd thc1n far and wide, ~,

\\ill sa\-e "'Y Oock, ~•nd 1ht1• shall no longer be ra''aged : and I "•ill judge bct¥i-ccn .sheep and sheep.

n 1 ,.,·ill set up over 1he1n o ne shepherd. nl)' scrvan1 David, and he sh~i ll recd thcrn: he shall recd thc1n and be the ir shepherd. ''r\nd 1 .. the l.owo. \viii be thc.:ir Cod. and n1y serva nt D:tvid shall be prince ;,uno ng 1hc1n; I. 1hc l..ORO, h:.l\'c ~pokcn.

Psalm 95:1-7a; tone 4

!rf'he sea i.s )'OUf'S.. I for )"OU n1:ade it, and your lraud.s ha,·e 1noldcd I the dry land.

' Come, let us "·orship I and bow down,

let us knee l beFore the I Lotto our ntaker.

7For 1hc LORO 1 is oor Cod, ;1nd \\'C ;ire the pt·oplt> of God's pns1un: ;Hid 1hc sheep I ofCod".s hand.

Page 6: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Secn'ld Reer1ing

I ha\'C heard of)-OUr faill1 in the Lord Jesus and your )O\'C IO\\o:.1·d :.ill the saints. and for this reason " I do not cease to gh·e thanks for you as J rcn1cn1bcr )'OU in my prarers. " I pray 1ha1 1hc Cod or our Lord Jesus Chris!, the Faiher or glory. may gi\·e )'OU

a spirit of "' isdorn and rc\•clation as )"OU

come to know hin1, 1•:so that. '~ith the eyes of rour heart enlightened, )'OU 1113)' kllO\\" \\'hat is the hope to ,,·hich he h a.s called you, '"hat are the riches of his g lo rious inheri­tance an1ong lhe sai nls, ''and \\!hat is the iin1neasurable grcauu:ss o f h is po,.,er for


(J esus said to the d isciples:] "\\1hen the Son of ~1an corncs in his glor)', and all the angels ,.,.i1h h i111, then he \\1ill sit on the throne of his glory. nAll thc nations \\'ill be gathered before hhn. and he '"ill separate people one rro1n ano1her as a shepherd separates 1he sheep fron\ the goa1.s. "and he \\·ill put 1he .sheep at hi.s right hand and the goats :u the left. ' 'Then 1he king \\»ill Sa)' to thoJc at his right hand. 'Come. you that are b lessed by rny Father. inherit the kingdon\ prepared fol' rou fron1 1he foun­datio n of the \\10 l'lcl; " for I \\":1$ hungry and you ga"e nle food, I ,.,..as th irsLy and you gave rne s<unec hing to drink, I '"as a su-;u'lg· e r a nd you ,,·clco1ucd 1ne, Mi( \\1as naked and )'OH gave n1c clothing, J h':t s sick a nd )'Ou

look care of inc, I '''as in prison and you visi1cd 1ne.' ' 'Then tile righteous '"ill an· S\\1CI' h i1n, 'LOl'd, \\'h e n \\'RS h that \\'C Sa\\'

rou hungry ancl ga,·c you tbod. o r thi rsty a nd ga,·e )'Ou so1nc1hi ng co dr-ink? '3And \\•hen " 'as it that '''e S:t\\' you a .stranger and "'elcorncd )'OU, or naked and ga'-e you

Ephesians 1:15-23

us ·who belic,·c. according Lo the ,,·orking of h is gre.u po"•cr. '°Cod pul this J>O'''er to \\'Ol'k in Christ " 'hen he r.tised h int fl'on1 the dead and s.eate<I hiin a.1 his right hand irl 1he hea,·enly places. "'far abo,·e all nlle and au1hority 3nd po,,·er and dornioion. and :tbo\'C e,·er)' n:une th:u is na1ned, not only in this age but ;•lso in the age 10 co1ne. ~J\nd he has put :tll 1hings under his feet ao<I has 1nadc hi1n the hc;ad ovc1· all things for the chu rch. 1-',,•hich is his body, the fuU­ness of hin1 '"ho Jill!i all in :ill.

Matthew 25:31-46

cloLhing? ~,\nd \\1hcn \\'it~ it I ha l \ \"C Sa\\' you sick or in prison and vh.iled rou?' 40And the king ,,•ill ansh'Cr the1n. 'Truly I lell )'OU,

jusl as rou did i1 to one of the leas1 of these "''ho are 1ne1nbcrs of 1ny fanlily, you did it to rne.' "'1' hcn he \\•ill sa.r to 1hose at his left hand .• 'You that arc :•ccutSed, depart fro1n 1ne into the ctern:•I rire prepared for the devi l aod his angcl.s: •1for t ,,-as hun­gry and you ga"e 111c no food, I \\'a.$ thirsty and you gave n1e no1hing to drink, '" I ,.,.as a stranger a nd ) 'OU did not ,,·elco1)1e rne. naked and you did no t g h•c n1c clothi ng, s-ick ot11d in prison and you did no t visit rue.' 4'Thcn lhC>' :ti.so \Viii :HIS\\'CI', 'Lord, \\•hen '"as it that '"cs:" .,. you hungry OI' thi rsty o r a stranger o r n:·tkcd or sick 01· in ptiso n. and did llOL take care o r' )'Ou?' 4&'f hcn he ,,·ill ans"'·cr 1he1n , 'Truly I te ll you.just as you did not do it lO one of the )(!(l .S l of Lhcsc, you did no t do i1 10 n1c.' 461\nd these ,,·ill go a\\':-t)' into e ternal punishnrc:nt. but the righ1cous in10 e1crn:1l li(c.-

TODAY'S READINGS NovGmber 23, 2014 (L&ctionary 34) Volume 45, Number 4

Ne•l St1nday'a Ae.adlng.: INIAtl G.4:1·9: Puhn 80:1•7, 17•19; 1 Corlnthf.;in$ l:3•9'; M.ntk 1~2·1·31.

TCOWS R&ONQS~ 1090•0100. USP$~ Is ~~by ~l\l F<:irll'Ma. tOOS 5'I k. $l.ilo OOQ.~. llN. .!60. f'Clttdctlls OOWOO paicl Ill f\roln 0.-, .. t!l lt'ltl aodll(llllll tNlll119 olkos. Pl:llllTll$ll:r: 5clnl addilllill <"°'9"' lo lbcky'I RlilllfilfL A11QW>.19 f~ ~P.O. Bo.: 1!163, M~. llN !154«>1130. P!lmoO ti V.IA ~Pl" W<'!t.""J .,.,,i '3.!IO IX'!' too cq:ilM. ~ iwiclt lillC.... 6ulljt(l lo~ 1111111. M11rmmOl'dlir 50 ooPetl of -=ti A.-1111"°""11t;111 U11 hmul:IOll!fd ~Coc¥Yt0:201-' ~ ~. Jtl rp~ Ml'J rct be~. Ro.~CO'Mlon ~0'9•l20i::nlu!lali00'en0c:rwncin'k4bl.AoidigJh:ml"AIMscdS'urdW\'Orlb'letit.'"'llil.tf«')'lil'110 I Ut>CM~ol0Tlll00&1.cMiortCf lho NmiorW Cou-.:11 ol CtuVlOI d 0... fl h V.l.A. ~ ol .... cby ll"ICI mo:t'I!. llO!n ~ ~n t\trslip 0 '°°6, .O!Wi. ~ fi!!tNa. PSiVft 100G ~lilln Pa'tetlO'~ )VA~ ~2007l.Plet.lso~011tYolebslle•~lonr.i.019 tAC:llcrwf~A. ' t el 12

,,~,. ~IO'!d'

Page 7: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Weekly INSERT - NOVEMBER 23, 2014

Sunday Worship Schedule

9:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion

9:30 a.m. Sunday School - Youth and Adult

11:ooa.m. Traditional Worship with Holy Communion the first and third Sundays

Office Hours: ti.~onday ..... Friday 8:00 a.m.- ll:3oa.m. •• 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

GOOD MORNING! Welcome to First English! If you are interested in learning more about the ministry of First English or would like to join our family, please fill out the "Visitor Card" in the pew rack, check the appropriate response, and place in the offering plate- We will gladly contact you and attempt to answer your questions. Thank you!

W..EJNELCOME CHILDREN at worship. If you need the cry room it is located off the back narthex. A nursery for children 4 & under is located next to the office. We ask that the nursery be used for children in this age group only. Thank you for your cooperation .

.ELQWEBS ON THE ALTAR have been placed by Diann Ohman in memory of Carl Ohman's birthday

on Nov. 24th.

MEMORIAL CQNIBIBIJJml.S have been made to the First English Organ Fund in memory of Pearl Fay by Henry and Sybil Thomas.

SPEAKER SXSJEM..for the hearing impaired is available. Please speak to one of the ushers.

OUR H\'.MN BOARDS show the hymn numbers being sung today. They are found in the back portion of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship red book. The hymns in ELW follow the liturgies and resources in the front portion of the book and are noted by large numbers on the top of the pages. The front portion of the book containing the liturgies and resources are noted by page numbers at the bot­tom of each page. We use Worship Setting 4 today beginning on page 147.

fl.EASE Fill OUT a visitor or member card found in the pews and place the card in the offering plate. We are blessed to have Christian friends from other places and congregations visiting at worship today. If you would like to become a member of First English, please speak to one of the


WELCOME to Linda Bauer as our guest organisVpianist today as Bob Foster is away.

Page 8: Bulletin 2014-11-23

THIS WEEK Al" FIRST ENGLISH - November 23 - 30 , 2014 -··--··---~-~-··· "l _____ . .... -· ---· ·-------.,-------·--·--, ~-···-"'" l 9'3' .. CO!""'"P'raryw""";'--··---·-·----~anctuary ___ _

1 ··-··---__ 9:30 Sun~~Scho<?I Adult_:':..Y2_uth . founge/Clas~rm .

~:oo -l:Traditi_onal Worship . Sanctuary~--·

I I Ell IYou!'_g Persons AA Meeting . !Fellowship Hal_I __ _j I MON 24, 8:45 Preschool jc1assroom I --------------9:30:-Tx; rcise Class :Fellowshi Hall

!-···-·--- -!~;~- . ~J>uo~sL~ssons - -·----- --==-=-~~~~~f~~:ter ___ ·

!----·-··-· - - . . ·----···--·--------- ···----.-·----·--___ _ 1:00 Grace Circle --fLounge .

[ .... _ _Iµ~~_ -~3-~ G~~ ~~2. L~J!. ·----·---~~~~2!~!!.. .. -. I 3:30 Music Lessons 1Ciassrooms rl ~ 4:30 Sports--· ----·-· . !Luther Center

I ·- 5:30 Exercise Class ___ __jFellowship Hall

t ___ '!"{§R._26 9:3~ Ex~ciS!_ Class -·-- - ·- !Fellowship Hall --i ... M_'!_:;ic Lessons -··-·-·-----·------J~~~~---_J

---- _____ 4_:30 s ~~-----·---- - - - --· . . ~"'"" """' - . l f ::::~ -- - :f,~ ~~E!.7~~~;~~~, '·'"~: --p;;:" _:-=-, FRI 28 Office Closed f-- ~ ~1Ll3 : o Contemporal}'._ Worship ·----·--1sanctuary _J I- ___ -~ __ 9:30 ~unday School Adult+ Youth __ _ !Lounge/Classrm . I : _...!.~.~~ E..9.!!i.?.1:12!..W~ship --------··!Sanctl!al)'. ____ -j L ____ ·---·-· ...... J:.<}.!!i i:!:_oung Pers.'?11s .AA.M.eeting __ --· ·-····- ~-~l_low~hie_f!~!!. ___ _

Faith Clrcle calendars are available in the hall after services or in the office during the week. Still · only$5. ·

.o>'J.h!a.turing.Qlll'...C!J'.g~, are available in the hall · "Bob & Friends"· $15 and "Bob's Favorites" - $20. All proceeds to the Organ F\Jnd!

!ieJp is..W!e.ded for December 7 Carol-a-long for the supper before and the dessert reception afterwards. A Sign-up poster is In the hallway/lounge area.

~race Circle is selling cai:ds; all sales will be given to the Oran Repair Fund. These are great gifts for stocking stutters, Secret Santa's, teachers, etc.

-··-· ·------- ---·----·- ----- --- .. - --·------ ------'

Page 9: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Millisters of WorsbJpASeOOJ;i: Interim Pastor: Asso<late Pastor: Coordinator of Music:

Rev. Krister Ulmanis Rev. Christina Veres Robert Foster Christina Judson Renata Simone Conger Rev. Paul Keppler .

Director of Bell Choirs: Parish Education/You.th Director: Pastor Emeritus Pastor Emeritus:







Sue Reck

Noah Simone


Mark Fett

Team #2

B. Tambourine

J. Tambourine


Rosemary Yake

Elle Ford

Madeline Kohler


Marc Simone

Nancy Heaphy

LAY READER: J. Tambourine Marl< Berkesch

COFFEE HOUR: Social Action


NURSERY: s. Kohler family

ALTAR GUILD: Anna Unit Nancy Heaphy Lydia Unit: Pam Balle/Monna

Dr. Walter A. Schmidt

9:30 Nov.30

Sue & Marty Bay

Sam Kohler


Mark Balle


Kathy Lang

Steve Lang

Kathy Lang


Judy Leo

·Burke family

11:00 Nov. 30

Nancy McCarthy

Andrew Bezel

David Kreutzans


Ken Kohler

Ruth Engle

Mark Fett

What do YOU think? Members of the call Committee are available on Sunday mornings or at your conven­ience via phone, email, or in person. If you'd like to ask questions or share your opinions please let us know. Below is contact information for each member of the committee. Not sure who we are? See our photo on the poster in the lounge. Mark Balle· John Blohm-

Trevor Clor-

Jeff Gates­

Waynette Hostetler­

Chris Judson­

Randle Kohler-John Nyquist-

Marc Simone·

Susan Ulmer-

(313)882-8111 (h), {586 )469--0199 {h), (313)220·1028 ( c),

.(313)399-7409 (ci, (586 )978-8755 (313)886-4914 (h), (734)546·0900 (c), (248)705-2180 (c),

(313)886-6544 {h), (313)884-4726 {h),

[email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

gam~@hotmail .. mm


[email protected]

[email protected] cbrjsmarcsjmone@comcast net

[email protected]

Page 10: Bulletin 2014-11-23

BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please submit any infonnation to be published in the Sunday bulletin before 12:00 p.m. the preceding Tuesday. Thank you.

BE S!LEl!IJ, BE REVERENT; for this is the House of God. BEFORE the service, speak to the Lord: DURING the service; let the Lord speak to you: AFTER the service, speak to one another.

As you begin shopping for your Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts, please pick up a few extra items for our "regulars" and our Immanuel Lutheran "Giving Tree" families. It takes a lot of food to fill 40 food baskets! See the pantry list insert in the bulletin for suggested items. Hate carrying groceries? We'll have envelopes hanging on the Giving Tree. Every small donation helps. Make checks payable to FELC/Giving Tree and we'll do the shopping! Food is due by Sunday, December 14. Thanks for giving! The Board of Sodal Action






Cookies are needed by 3:00 p.m. on December 8th.

fl.ease drop off In the Luther Center kitchen and la~(.a_ny,

containers OJ'. tra}!SJnatyou would like.returned!!


Page 11: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Who: Middle a High School youth When: Dec.~

~ * s:oo"4}:oopm ~ Where: meet in the * Gathering Area

• • $ \ *


Join us as we visit local senior living facilities to share the joy oi the season ill song! Pina dinner at

~ 811.spm. Friends with signed permission forms are ~ ~ * welcome. Let Renata know ii you can come! * ~ ?!Ji**-~***-

Page 12: Bulletin 2014-11-23

On .5.J!_ndqv. November Z3r!I, after the 11 :00 service we will be starting the process. This is the day to move our

decorations from their storage places. Also on Sunday. Nqvember 30!'1. we will be bringing down all the

sanctuary decorations. Please stick around for a few minutes on these days to move a tree or to carry a couple of boxes.

The more hands · the faster it will go!

Individual trees located throughout the building will be available to decorate beginning on Monday. November 24th. Trees located in the

sanctuary will be available to decorate beginning Friday, December 5th

On Friday. De_cember Stb.our beautiful sanctuary will be adorned. Plan to come by at 6 o'clock (or whenever you can make it) and lend a hand.

last year First English had many trees decorated throughout our facility. How about adding ornaments to these? Keep checking the bulletin for a

list of the themed trees. Give Jacki Stein (586·961·6618) or

Kyle Clor (313-881 ·9703) a call with any thoughts or questions.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help!

Page 13: Bulletin 2014-11-23

T111Rrt'Y·P86'1''l'H ANN61AL


5UNDA'J, DECEMBER 7, 2014 7:00 P.M.

Pre Carol-a-long events start at 6:00 p.m. iH the Luther Center.

Activities include a light supper of sloppy joe 's. Dessert wilf be served after.

1av01it ti (}Allst HCtlfJ SOHffJ

81118 aAolr Spoelat M -.sle

"Haee11e-.1aA eActus" Slltfl-a·eo,.., v'lsr / I Ollt Snl'd4l

Page 14: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Valparaiso Llniversit_y Guild Christmas Tea

Monda!:), December I, 20 I+

Historic T rinit9 Lutheran Church

I 7+7 Gratiot Avenue

Detroit, M ichigan


The Lutheran Northwest High School Chamber Choir Directed b.Y Nick Kwapis

The da.Y begins at I 2.00 noon with

an advent service in the beautiful!!!

decorated $anctuar.Y and continues with tea

sandwiches and cookies being served in the

Huegli A ud itorium.

Homemade Chris tma$ cookies and

•reC,Yded"j ewelr.Y will be available for purchase.

for more inform<ltion call ; I ;-88 1-9 70;

.t\ go .. ,d,,ill offoi·.5 ;, •i! be collected t<> benefit higher C hristian education at

Page 15: Bulletin 2014-11-23


As you read this list from the Thankful Tree on the bulletin board by the stairwell, you may identify with some of the items (you may have even comributed one or more of them) also think of those that would apply to you too.

You may notice many people arc Thankful for the same things!

C.ood friends & familv EmilvD l.aurn For my life and all my friends & family For my parents with out them I wouldn't be Food here and my husband and 3 children Knowin• Jesus L• mv friend & savior Mv sister Softh;o lshc's lhc bestl MY friends O never really had them before) Mv friend• m1• mom and dad. mv brother Mv friends and family Mv brothers Even.'rhino Mv brother Natlmn Mai;-ic liaviug a family thnt 1~vcs 111e

Mvdaddv Love Dave, Sprou~ Pilo~ my friend• and faniily My family Md all Ute ~~s at FELC ~iv friends \Vho are ah,11vs the-re for me Mv ~l'Pnts and hO\Y thev orovide for me Bands Mv mom she like me a lot Mv liule ~nies To be alive & ho!lthy Land and education Mvfamih· God and all his blessi!U!s My friends & fami\L 1 he TV show ·CHUGGINOTON' Good fun Mv friends and familv For bein• born -Music Family Mornn1y Evemltin• Mx nice home and frunil~ Evcr~thinJ;i in the \\'Orkf The love of God Friends and family Friends Mv bia tlutf\' fuzzv don• Hunter For Christina Durant's excellent progrc:;s Holida)"', toys, electronics in her cb=o and suri:co Ice cream Life Animals Trains Tnvlor S\\if\ Mv loving and sue22rti!J& family & friends Good fun Havinl!. olav dates\\ ilh mv friends . That people can believe in Chri>1innily if ~\Vant to

- --· llave a Blessed Thanksgiving !

Page 16: Bulletin 2014-11-23

Join us November 26

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Worship at 7:00 PM

After-glow Reception Immediately following the

service we will be serving pie, beverage and Fellowship

in the Lounge.