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  • 7/24/2019 Business Analysis_Food Warehousing


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    Business Analysis

    Case # 3: Food WareHousing


    Prepared by

    Kripangshu Mitra (14020848011)

    Mahima Khot(14020848013)

    SathishKumar K(14020848018)

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    Q1. Identify the current logistical challenges faced by Patties foods.


    Following are logistical challenges being faced by Patties foods:

    Constraints in productivity

    The production capacity of the factory is 2800 pallets per week, however the staging

    warehouse holds only 500 pallets at a given time. As the productivity is constrained by the

    storage of the facility,production capacity is underutilized, hence cost competitiveness in

    longer run cannot be achieved.


    Lack of storage facility (other than staging warehouse), Distribution network with 3 Logistics

    Service Providers (LSPs) at a distance of 4 hours from the facility shows the infrastructure

    has to be restructured to utilize the efficiency of Men, Machine & Methods to the maximum.

    This increases number of handlings

    Production to staging storage

    Staging to Temporary storage at Melbourne

    Temporary storage to Customer

    Which may increase the percentage of Damages to an extent.


    The distance between staging warehouse (in Bairnsdale) and the distribution warehouses

    (located in Metropolitan Melbourne) is about 4 hours, which hinders to optimize a solutionfor its reverse logistics. Also, it increases the cost of transportationmuch higher (reefer


    As the finished goods store, raw materials store & scrap control store are not at the same

    facility, there is a higher chance of increase in costs of manpower, machinery&information.

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    Capacity can be utilized to the maximum

    Cost competitiveness can be achieved by producing higher numbers.

    Reduced cost of Men, Machine & Methods with integrated warehousing at the facility

    Handling cost would be minimized

    Transition time and cost will be reduced

    Accuracy of inventory management is increased

    With COTS WMS implementation the company can have the following strengths,

    o Applications are provided at a reduced cost.

    o The application is more reliable when compared to custom built software because

    its reliability is proven through the use by other organizations.

    o COTS is more maintainable because the systems documentation is provided with

    the application.

    o The application is higher quality because competition improves the product


    o COTS is of higher complexity because specialists within the industry have

    developed the software.

    o The marketplace, not industry, drives the development of the application.

    o The delivery schedule is reduced because the basic schedule is operations.

    Q3. What are the key issues faced by the patties team in transitioning from the original

    arrangement to the new solution?


    Synchronization in Picking & shifting activities

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    As the company was operating under LSPs distribution network, it would be extremely

    difficult to bring the new distribution network as smoother as the existing once. This might

    disturb daily schedule of route trucks.

    Management of inbound

    With increased storage capacity, the productivity will be increased for cost effectiveness.

    Increase in productivity will cause increase in inbound activities such as procurement, dock

    management, receiving and put away. At the initial stages, managing inbound will be key

    concern for the company.

    Training & Communication

    Training manpower with the new system is an expensive process. And here it will be much

    more difficult as new methods will be applied on existing manpower to adopt. Probably,

    existing man power may not adopt to the new situation in fear of work pressure or due to lack

    of skills.

    On the other hand, poor communication may lead to higher employee turnover.

    Also there are other issues which can arise during transition, such as

    o Choosing right Picking method

    o Task management for WMS

    o Operations work flow with increased capacity and storage

    o Accuracy of physical inventory

    o Labor management

    o Data collection for forecasting and inventory control

    o Monitoring performance drivers

    o Employee morale may fall due to fear of work pressure

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    Key Issue

    Financing for this transition is very critical as the process is for duration of 3 years and there

    is no assurance on ROI at this stage. Also, the current peak season demand is less than th of

    the storage capacity. Sales Forecast has to be very accurate and promising to carry out this


    At this stage, most of the companies are in favor of Zero inventory & JIT methodologies.

    Hence this transition may be questioned by stakeholders for assured ROI.

    Q4. What are the areas of focus for the inventory controller as new procedures are



    Information to Purchasing, planning & Production:

    Inventory controller should focus on providing/obtaining right information from/to the key


    o Purchasing

    o Planning &

    o Production

    For example, implementation of technologies like barcode system (GS1) to pallets will help

    the inventory controller,

    o To provide real time information


    To maintain inventory as low as possible (optimum to meet out demand)

    o To have a paperless work

    Inventory controllers should also focus on the time the cold storages are opened for picking.

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    To achieve on time delivery, inventory controller should be equipped and trained with

    technologies like GPS & RFID. In this was he could be able to track the vehicle movement &

    control their movement through voice.

    Since the new ware house is north facing, penetration of sunlight will be high on the east side

    of the warehouse during first half of the day and west side of the ware house during second

    half of the day. Hence the pick-up should be scheduled accordingly to ensure that the cold

    storage should not be opened against sunlight.

    Key focus of the inventory controller should be,

    Evaluating Suppliers

    Inventory controller have the important responsibility of finding a supplier who will provide

    us with the goods needed to operate and be profitable. Maintaining a good working

    relationship with suppliers by communicating and dealing with concerns or problems, such

    as a delay in an order being processed. In addition, an inventory controller needs to be aware

    of other available suppliers in the area who may be willing to provide your business with

    materials at a better cost.


    Inventory controllers are responsible for managing inventory documentation. They must

    accurately record the quality, quantity, type, style, and any other characteristics of the

    inventory. These documents also help the company avoid shrinkage due to loss or theft.

    These documents can also be valuable information for marketing purposes and when

    determining strategies to effectively move inventory.


    The inventory controller must have a constant knowledge of what inventory is left and what

    is running low. In the event inventory is low, he or she must manage ordering more from the

    appropriate supplier and negotiate pricing and a timeline for delivery.

    Tracking Inventory & reverse logistics maintenance

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    The Inventory Controller should always focus on maintaining stock so that Over stocking

    and stock out are avoided. Since excess inventory leads to higher carrying costs and lower

    inventory results in opportunity loss. He should carefully ensure how reverse logistics is

    handled. This will help the company in

    o Saving cost out of scrap (if used)

    o Track defects in products through batch numbers and manufacturing dates.

    Q5. Discuss the target level of utilization in the new warehouse. What should that level be

    in your view? Explain the rationale behind your decision.


    Full Utilization

    Full utilization in the logistics industry is usually 86% of the capacity, which clearly states

    that 100% utilization is purely not a good practice for both real time and non - real time


    As per the case 85% utilization should be considered as full utilization which is almost 99%

    of global standards. Hence maintaining 85% as maximum for storage is a good practice.

    Though higher utilization of the warehouse space saves cost, the time delay due to picking

    and shipping due to lack of free space is a cost adding feature.Target level of utilization

    should be defined considering the fact that warehouse is a temporary storage place and the

    higher turnover of inventory going in and out will make the warehouse efficient.

    The parameters to be considered are:

    MetricBest inclass Median

    On-time Shipments 99.8% 98.50%

    Order picking accuracy 99.9% 99.50%

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    Average Warehouse Capacity Used 91.2% 84.90%

    Dock-to-Stock Cycle Time, in Hours

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    Plan: The objective of the process was to analyze the entire data for a suitable sample size

    and suggest practical ways of implementing the recommendations in phases before the start

    of the season.

    Do: A sample number of trucks has to be identified and capture time consumed at each

    levels of the processes(mentioned in table below). The collected data has to be analyzed on

    the basis of time taken in each stage of the logistics (in factory - Outbound), with the help of

    Pareto chart and other statistical tools.

    Check: The results were then analyzed. Charting data make it much easier to see trends and

    to convert the collect

    Act: After analyzing the data, the pain points causing maximum time delays has to be

    addressed for formulating a new SOP for truck movement inside the premises.

    Stages of Logistics (in factory-Outbound):

    o Documentation & Processing

    o Idle time before loading

    o Loading

    o Reefer audit

    o Idle time after loading

    o Check out & check in

    o Quantity check in & out

    o Clearance in & out

    o Weighing in & out

    o Reporting to SCM office

    o Wait time before & after quantity & weighing

    Some more techniques that can be used to maximize vehicle turn-around time:

    Self-loading by driver

    Operations should be carried out by dedicated and well-trained drivers under properly

    controlled conditions. Time can be saved per truck by avoiding waiting at loading points due

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    to unavailability of site personnel. Opening hours of the site can be extended. Drivers role

    needs to be enhanced and active involvement encouraged.

    Time slot booking

    It is a process in which hauliers are required to book in advance a time slot for loading,

    preferably by electronic means. It enables the loading site to evenly spread the arrival of

    trucks and to minimise waiting times for drivers at the loading site. 20 to 30 minutes time can

    be saved as loading can readily take place upon arrival of the truck. Also, workload is evenly

    spread for the loading site with no or few peak hours

    Tight-fit loading of packages

    This tight-fitting of the load on a vehicle will reduce the time required for securing.

    Speed of loading/unloading

    Data from different sites with different loading facilities show that the actual

    loading/unloading activities take up to 50% of the total time spent on site by a driver.

    Increasing the average loading/unloading speed will thus have a significant direct impact on

    reducing this time.

    Availability of auxiliary equipment

    It important that the driver turns up with the correct equipment in order not to loose time in

    obtaining the proper equipment.

    Q7. Given that operation has seven high racking within the freezer environment, what

    technological solutions might patties consider to aid the facility management?


    Barcode Systems: Every pallet that comes from the manufacturing unit will be labelled with

    the barcode having date of manufacturing and batch number. FIFO is followed using auto

    storage and retrieval (barcode scanned) so that the pallets from seven racks are stored,

    picked, loaded and shipped efficiently.

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    Barcode systems track all product locations, bin storage capacity levels and material FIFO

    layers. The system allows warehouse material handlers to sort & locate product. All material

    movements are received instantly at the time of scan and all data is redundantly backed up

    again when reader is back in the charger cradle.

    In many circumstances, RFID offers advantages over traditional barcodes. The big

    difference between the two is that barcodes are line-of-sight technology. That is, a scanner

    has to see the barcode to read it, which means people usually have to orient the barcode

    toward a scanner for it to be read.

    RFID offers a stabilized communication channel connecting Production Team, logistics

    managers, Inventory controllers & Truck Drivers. This process can help the company in

    following aspects:

    o Reduce cost of labor reading codes (batch number of Pallets) as the stocks to be

    dispatched in FIFO method.

    o Reduce occurrence of out of stock & over stocking situations

    o Reduces distribution costs

    o provides effective communication

    o Provides real time information

    o Efficient inventory control

    o Rapid replenishment of raw materials as well as rapid distribution of FG

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    RFID technology makes product inventory control and intelligent logistics technologies

    realizable. With the help of tags, the company may realize the real-time monitoring raw

    material, half-finished product, end-product, transportation, stock, delivery, putting on the

    shelf and sales even returning the goods. For instance, through RFID technology, the

    operator can immediately know the situation and do rapid replenishment, to reduce 10-30%

    safety stock and storage costs. It will make the whole logistics management transparent and

    efficient by increasing the automation and decreasing error rate. RFID technology is widely

    applicable to the storage shelves, transportation management, material tracking, delivery

    vehicles, supermarkets and other requiring non-contact data collection and exchange


    Hence best practices in the industry with effective tools in the following segments are

    mandatory for effective WMS.

    o Collaboration

    o Receiving

    o Inventory Layout

    o Picking Procedures

    o Loading & Shipping

    Other tools such as multi-purpose Fork Lifts, multi-level racks, Auto storage & Retrieval

    (using Barcode scanner) helps in effective management.

    Q8. Develop a warehouse layout document detailing the number and type of docks, racking

    requirement and layout and any other key elements of the new warehouse. Include in your

    design a future expansion plan to double the size of the warehouse you are currently

    designing. Explain the rationale for the choices you have made.

    Ans: Storage efficiency refers to the amount of space needed to store a single pallet.

    Whereas warehouses are measured in square feet, the amount of space a pallet consumes

    when stored using the full cubic height of the building is significantly less.

    As per the case the total storage area for warehouse is 5700 Sq m, and using standard

    Australian Pallet (45.9 X 45.9 ) then,

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    With 7 stage stacking, the total space required for storing 10,000 pallets would be 21,626

    ft (approx.).

    To Calculate the number of fork lifts needed, lets assume there are 10,000 pallets stored

    and multiply it with annual turns (12) = 120000 pallet moves per year. If number of

    weeks worked -52 weeks then, total moves per week is 2308.

    If total number of work days is 7 (Patties operates on 7 days a week ) then 330 moves per


    Assume there are two shifts per day, then moves per shift is 165.

    Per hour (8 hours shift) 21 moves.

    Inward move and outward move has to be considered, then the total number of moves per

    hour will be 42 moves.

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    To calculate number of fork lifts needed for the warehouse, the following table has to be


    Precisely, 11 Sit-down counterbalanced Truck or 8 Stand- up counter balanced (pacer) is

    optimum for the number of moves calculated.

    Assuming that there are few SKUs in the Warehouse are prioritised based on its demand

    in the market. Then the utilization of storage space for each SKU has to be

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    Layout Design:

    Increase in storage would help the company reduce cost of transportation and third party

    logistics distribution cost considerably.

    Also, for 10,000 pallets only 21700 Sq ft (approx) is needed, hence doubling the storage unit

    will have positive impact on WMS.

    Hence there should be two independent storage units

    Storage unit 1 with 12 docks

    Storage Unit 2 with 10 docs

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    Both the units should have docking under roof to avoid direct sunlight. Also there should be

    multi-move option for Fork Lifts to arrange pallets

    For FIFO stocking and dispatch

    Sorting & Storing as per SKUs

    Picking and staging


    Shipment from one unit to the other

    Shipment from any unit to waste management process unit

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    Under utilization of storage will result in high inventory costs.

    Q10. Consider the consolidation of three picking warehouses in Melbourne into a single

    facility. Discuss the basis of the inventory policy you would institute in this single facility.

    What information would you need to make a decision about the amount of space needed in

    this new facility?

    Ans: As the company have not followed any inventory policy for the distribution network

    from Melbourne to Customers, it is very essential to define and follow high-standard

    inventory policies.

    Inventory Management is to ensure that stock is available to meet the needs of the beneficiaries

    as and when required. Inventory represents a large cost to the humanitarian supply chain. This is

    made up of the cost of the inventory itself, plus the cost of transporting the goods, cost of

    managing the goods (labor, fumigation, repackaging, etc) and keeping the goods in warehouses.

    The inventory manager's job is to make inventory available at the lowest possible cost.In order to

    achieve this, the inventory manager must ensure a balance between supply and demand by

    establishing minimum holding stocks to cover lead-times. To achieve this, the inventory manager

    must constantly liaise with the programs to keep abreast of changing needs and priorities. The

    warehouse must always have sufficient stocks to cover the lead-time for replacement stocks to

    avoid stock-outs.

    Inventory Control has to be followed by maintaining

    Reorder level policy

    Reorder cycle policy

    Stock Control & Movements: Apart from maintaining and controlling stock in Warehouses ,

    stock in Transit has to be monitored and controlled. To have control on stock the followings has

    to be analyzed and understood

    Consumption trend

    Periodic Stock balances

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    Quantity, lead-time and availability of each item supplied

    Record of goods stored, non-stored, ordered, in transit from the supplier

    Best Practices:

    Tracking orders in transit

    Controlling stock movements

    Establishing minimum stock levels and monitoring

    Goods receipt quality inspections

    Physical stock control in the warehouse

    To facilitate and account for movement of stocks the following documents could be used:

    Delivery notes , goods received notes, stock card, bin card and Consignment notes.

    Information Technology & Tools:

    By implementing effective Ware House Management Tools, RFID, Barcode tracking,

    GPS Vehicle Tracking & ERP solutions robust inventory policies can be defined and


    Q11. Assume you are logistical consultant engaged to assist the group manager logistics in

    developing the business case for the new warehouse. Compile a list of questions for the

    GML that will assist in your task. (Tip: Consider issues such as land size, cost and access)

    Ans: Current Scenario:

    As a consultant, the following information are needed to develop the business case for the

    new ware house.

    Capacity utilization of existing warehouse (staging)

    Total cost of logistics (spent on LSP network)

    Anticipated Production forecast based on Sales forecast for the year

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    Anticipated savings by having new warehouse, in terms of





    Total available land space

    Total space planned for Warehouse, vehicle movement

    Number of Docks

    Number of Racks

    Number of Pathway, Parking area, maintenance station inside warehouse

    Pallets dimension, number of pallets

    Type of Fork Lifts, Number of Fork lifts, manpower needed to operate etc.,


    Cost for infrastructure, IT, new machinery, Man power & Vehicles

    Anticipated duration for ROI

    Training and implementation of procedures

    Training and implementation of IT solutions and tools if any

    Functionality & Access:

    Unit Load of the Warehouse

    Requisite storage capacity

    Choice of storage systems (Integration with handling systems)

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    Storage & Structural Module (for Fork lift movement and handling)

    Spaces for Receipts & Dispatch

    Warehouse external dimension

    Aisles orientation

    Materials flow Goods In & Out

    Loading & Unloading maneuvering area width

    Also the time of operation for stock loading and unloading has to be known to determine the

    manpower needed for the process.

    Q12. Construct a high level of business case and operational plan for the proposed solution.

    You may make any assumptions that are necessary. Document the assumptions made.


    Business Need & Current Situation:

    Currently business is in the process of expansion and diversification in its product range.

    But the storage space in its staging ware house and cost spent on LSPs are the only

    primary constraint for expansion of business. Hence there is a need for new warehouse at

    the facility which will enhance the production capacity as well as reduce the cost of


    Project Overview:

    GML and the management have decided to build a 7 level stacking warehouse in the



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    To have a single warehouse for storage in the facility (Cold Storage with 7 level stacking



    Having a warehouse at the facility,

    will reduce logistics cost

    will help increasing production capacity

    eliminate damages during transit

    Saves cost & Time

    Deliverables: Key deliverables of the project is to have provision for storing 10,000

    pallets in the facility.

    StakeHolders: Key StakeHolders of the project are the Management, GM Logistics, GM

    Marketing, Finance and administration team.

    Resources: Landspace, Machinery, Power, Water, Storage equipments, vehicles (reefer

    Vans), ForkLifts, Man Power, Information Technology, Communication Tools, WMS

    tools, Training & Development Documents, Raw material sourcing.

    Strategic Allignment: The project of building new warehouse in the facility has to befocused to get it alligned with company expansion strategy.

    Market Readiness: When the storage is increased to hold the capacity of 10,000

    pallets, Market should be ready to accept the new SKUs planned. There should be regular

    take off in primary as well as secondary sales.

    Alternatives: The contracts LSPs should not be terminated all at once, there should be

    atleast one LSP as partner for companys SCM.

    Since the investment is huge, company should have back up for regular cash in-flow for its

    operating expenditures (Financing)

    Company has planned for COTS, hence it can apply for subsidies and other benefits offered

    in the geography.

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    Business & Operational Impact:

    Capacity utilization (Production) will increase as there is immense space available to hold

    raw materials and finished goods at the facility itself.

    Distribution Network will be in companys control.

    Sales, purchase Forecasting can be most accurate with the help of WMS tools.

    Increase in capacity can offer the company to have cost competitiveness.

    Risk Assessment & Analysis: There is a high risk as the ROI cannot be realized in the due

    course, the chance of market acceptance of the product is also unpredictable at this stage. The

    distribution networks efficiency can cost the company a lot.

    Feasibility analysis: This project was an outcome of experiences accumulated for years.

    And it is highly feasible as the company is performing well during recent past. The proposal

    has quantifiable data for management to consider the project. Hence this project is viable.

    Implementation Strategy:

    It has to be implemented in different stages for difference segments for better

    outcome.Such as, the changes and improvisation in Processing Methods, Machinery

    operation & Information sharing should be communicated to manpower with the stress on

    benefits of the change.

    The management should perform a top down approach for implementing this change.

    Recommendations: The management should focus on doubling the warehouse storage in

    the near future. WMS tools should be considered and practiced by the employees for

    better outcome. Also other SCM enhancers like Barcode implementation, AS-AR, RFID,

    GPS tracking and best practices like Cross-Docking, Zero Inventory Models has to be

    considered for implementation in the future.


    Plant has options to increase the production immediately.

    Manpower is supportive to cope up with increased targets

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    Market is open to accept new SKUs

    Management has funds to invest in WMS

    Distribution network will be solely handled by the company.

    Sourcing is accessible for the company to meet increased production.

    Q13. Evaluate the viability of the proposed solution. Develop a financial model that could

    be used to underpin the business case.

    Ans: Sales Forecast: At present the average sales during Peak season is jus 2500 Pallets approx

    per week. With increased capacity for storage at 10,000 pallets and increased production

    capacity, the sale is expected to go high in the following years.

    Expenses budget: The estimated cost for increasing capacity is $22 million including the cost

    for total transition.

    Cash Flow Management: There should be a strong cash flow management to support this


    Income projections: Income is expected to be received by

    Saving cost of LSPs

    Saving additional expenses for Logistics

    Saving handling and movement costs

    Cost competitiveness

    Increased market reach

    Along with this, the Break even analysis has to be made for the entire investments as well as

    ROI for each segment.

    By these measures this project can be supported.

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    Q14. Develop alternative solutions to the challenges you identified in Question 1

    Ans: Constraints in productivity , Infrastructure and Distance Productivity can be

    increased without concerning about the storage since the products can be easily shifted to the

    market with the use of reefer vehicles & cross-docking wherever possible. Hence the

    company should focus on

    o Expanding its customers base,which will help in liquidating

    the stock immediately thus achieving Zero Inventory Model.

    o Investing on Reefer Vehicles than on storage units.

    o Also, the company should focus on evaluating and enhancing

    Suppliers & LSPs.

    o Product shelf-life will also be maintained to optimum.

    Information: As the company is already practicing S&OP , it should focus on implementing

    Tools and techniques to enhance supply chain. This can be achieved through providing

    RFID, GPS Tracking and mobile applications for the LSP manpower as well as for the


    Q15. Patties foods has been working with S&OP process over the past 12 months. Discuss

    the role of forecast accuracy in the validity of the S&OP output. Refer to the key factors

    that contribute to inventory accuracy or inaccuracy from the perspective of patties sales

    team, manufacturing logistics, retailers and consumers.

    Ans: The proper utilization of S&OP process will help the company in achieving higher

    percentage in,

    Customer Service Levels (on-Time and complete by customers requested date)

    Average cash conversion

    Average forecast accuracyAlso there are chances of inaccuracies in inventory due to S & OP process. The usual failures are

    due to the following reasons,

    The planning process is too long and too infrequent.

    Many S&OP processes are volume-based allocations rather than value-based plans

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    Increasing product proliferation and differentiation requires more dynamic product

    portfolio management.

    The development of multiple scenarios is often difficult

    Complex, multi-site and global companies struggle to co-ordinate timely S&OP across

    their businesses.

    Poor feed-back and monitoring of performance to plan.

    Key Sales and Operations Planning measures and commitments are not reflected in

    individual performance contracts

    Reluctance to commit to technology.

    The Sales and Operations Plan is sub-optimal and perhaps infeasible