business analyst training by elearningline

Business Analyst Training by eLearningLine +1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Business Analyst Training by eLearningLine

+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |

Page 2: Business Analyst Training by eLearningLine

Business Analysts are responsible for identifying needs for change, assessing the impact of the change, capturing and documenting requirements and then ensur-ing that those requirements are delivered though supporting the business from the implementation process. An analyst is responsible for requirements devel-opment and requirements management. Specifically, a Business Analyst elicits, analyzes, validates and documents business, organizational and/or operational requirements. Solutions are not programmed by the Business Analyst, but are driven solely by the requirements of the business. Solutions often include a sys-tems development factor, but may also consist of process improvement or orga-nizational change


+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |

Page 3: Business Analyst Training by eLearningLine

+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |


1. Understand and justify the role of the Business Analyst

2. Describe the Business Analyst’s relationships with other business and IT stakeholders

3. Understand the project lifecycle and the BA’s role within project (including how this is affect-

ed by approaches using Agile or traditional waterfall model)

4. Understand the importance of project definition and scope

5. Understand and use the basic principles and rules of Business Analysis

6. Understand and use basic process modelling techniques (BPMN)

7. Understand the different types of requirement and the need for requirements documenta-


8. Elicit and document functional and non-functional requirements

9. Understand and hands on experience the basic competencies required to work as a BA

10. Be aware about employers need when applying for Business Analysts job

11. Understand how to find best suited position of Business Analyst

Page 4: Business Analyst Training by eLearningLine

+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |

Key Features

1. 50+ Hrs of Training Program2. 22 PD Hours/CDU3. IIBA® Endorsed Program4. In Business Analyst Training in NJ we use best practices and guidelines provided by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®)5. Our business analyst course in NJ is customized to meet the Global IT needs of a Business Analyst professional.6. IIBA Certification Guidance7. 24/7 on demand Support8. Real time projects and Assignments9. Resume and Interview Tips

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+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |


The course is suitable for:

1. Students with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in any stream.2. Anyone interested in learning Business Analysis3. Executives and Managers4. IT/Business analysts5. Project team members6. People from other Industry want to get into IT7. Fresh Graduates who want to start their career in IT

The course is also suited to anyone embarking on a career within IT or project management who requires an understanding of the Business Analyst role and the need for robust requirements.

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+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |


I took BA trAInIng from eleArnInglIne. theIr course currIculum Is very structured And the they hAve the Best trAIner.she Is very good, she ex-plAIns everythIng very cleAr, she does not rush to just complete the course.I would recommed eleArnInglIne to All the people(students) who wAnts to leArn somethIng new or chAnge cAreer.

I reAlly enjoyed the clAss, It wAs An Awesome trAInIng wIth greAt mAterI-Als & teAcher.

Ighly InformAtIve trAInIng. Instructor sushmItA gIves exAmples of reAl-lIfe projects whIch helps us to understAnd the current mArket need. home work, hAnds-on exercIses In clAss helps to understAnd the concepts from




Page 7: Business Analyst Training by eLearningLine

+1 848 200 0448 | [email protected] |

Contact us

Princeton, NJ (Main Office):Princeton Forrestal Village116 Village Blvd, Suite 200Princeton, New Jersey, 08540

Iselin, NJ:33 Wood Avenue South,Suite 600, Iselin,New Jersey, 08830

Washington DC:1200 G Street, NW,Suite 800, Washington,District Of Columbia, 20005