business plan template masterplans 1

Business Name **replace “Business Name” with your intended business name**  Business Plan

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Business Name**replace “Business Name” with your intended business name** 

Business Plan

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Business Name

Contact: **your name**

Phone: (555) 777-7555

E-mail: [email protected]

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Business Name

Table of Contents

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Business Name

1.0 Executive Summary ........................................................................................ 7

*THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION* .................................................. 7What you write here must convey what your business intends to do, and how it

will be profitable. If you can’t convince a lender/investor here, you’ve lost them.

 ............................................................................................................................. 7 has the writers, editors and experience to make you get

noticed................................................................................................................. 7Financial Highlights .............................................................................................. 8


PROFITABILITY* ................................................................................................. 8

The worst thing you can do is put numbers up that don’t add up and don’t tie in

to the rest of your document................................................................................ 8 does the financials for you............................................. 8

1.2 Start-up Summary .......................................................................................... 9

*ARE YOU THINKING BIG? OR BEING REALISTIC* ........................................ 9

Don’t go nuts. Plan for steady growth and pad yourself for mistakes. Your

funding requires a frugal mind. ............................................................................ 9 helps you stay realistic................................................... 9

1.3 Mission ......................................................................................................... 10

1 5 C L i 10

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Business Name

3.2 Industry Analysis .......................................................................................... 13

3.3 Competitive Comparison ............................................................................. 14*DO YOU KNOW YOUR COMPETITION?* ...................................................... 14

Saying “I don’t have any competition, because my business is unique” is

usually the wrong answer.................................................................................. 14 will help define your competitors and the competitive

advantage you offer........................................................................................... 144.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary ..................................................... 15

4.1 Competitive Edge ........................................................................................ 15

4.2 Marketing Strategy ....................................................................................... 15

*WHAT’S YOUR STRATEGY?* ........................................................................ 16

Do you know, or do you think you know? With over 12,000 business plans

written, MasterPlans has the marketing strategy to fit your business model....16 has done it for entrepreneurs all over the globe, more

than 12,000 times.............................................................................................. 16

5.0 Management Summary ................................................................................ 17

5.1 Personnel Plan ............................................................................................ 17

6.0 Financial Indicators ...................................................................................... 18

*THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING* ................................................................... 18

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Business Name

Know what it takes to keep the engine running strong. Get the tools you need

to grow it............................................................................................................ builds your financials................................................... 21

6.5 Projected Balance Sheet............................................................................. 22

Appendix ............................................................................................................ 23

*SO YOU THINK YOU’RE ALL DONE?* ........................................................... 23

It takes the average entrepreneur 400 or more hours to complete a businessplan (according to the SBA). How did you do? Check out a number of sample

business plans at and see what it takes.

 ........................................................................................................................... 23 lets you be the expert you already are, without asking

you to be a star writer/editor/researcher/financial modeler as well. ................. 23

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Business Name

1.0 Executive SummaryBusiness Name, **insert Company structure (LLC, Inc., SP, etc.)** (also referred to as “the Company”) isa start-up business located in **insert city and state here** and selling **insert information about your intended product or service**. Business Name will distinguish itself from other businesses by keeping aclose eye on trends in the industry, and by maintaining an excellent customer service record.

The Company will operate within the **insert official industry name** industry. Add information aboutthe industry and your specific area of operations. Within a five-mile radius of the Company’s location,there are **insert number of residents, if available**, indicating a strong ability to continue purchasing


To increase awareness of its business, Business Name intends to launch a creative promotional campaign.Marketing channels will include use of a website, print media advertisements, hosting of a grand openingevent, word of mouth referrals, Internet advertising, and a Yellow Pages ad. Through these efforts, theCompany will establish its reputation as a trusted provider of **insert product/service**.

XXXXXXXX will own and operate the Company. **add a brief summary of your employment

 background, education, and any relevant experience**

To achieve the Company’s objectives, Business Name is seeking $000,000 in total funding through bank or Small Business Administration (SBA)-backed lending. The bank or SBA-backed loan will be repaidfrom the cash flow of the business within seven years, collateralized by the Company’s assets, and backed by the personal integrity, experience, and contractual guarantee of the Company’s owners. **if you arealso seeking outside investment or are adding direct owner investment, include that information here**

**THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTIONTHIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SECTION**What you write here must convey what your businessWhat you write here must convey what your business 

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Business Name

Financial Highlights


The worst thing you can do is put numbers up that don’tThe worst thing you can do is put numbers up that don’t  add up and don’t tie in to the rest of your document.add up and don’t tie in to the rest of your document. does the financials for you.does the financials for you.

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Business Name

1.2 Start-up SummaryThe following tables and graphs detail the funding the Company needs to bring its vision to reality. Start-up expenses include all the expenditures incurred in the “start-up period” – the development stage beforethe Company starts earning revenue. In other words, “start-up” precedes “Month 1” and “Year 1” of accompanying projections. The “cash required” element of the asset table represents the balance of cashat the beginning of Month 1 of the financial projections. Total start-up requirements, which can be fundedwith loans (liabilities) and/or investment, equal the sum of start-up expenses and assets.


**ARE YOU THINKING BIG? OR BEING REALISTICARE YOU THINKING BIG? OR BEING REALISTIC**Don’t go nuts. Plan for steady growth and pad yourself for Don’t go nuts. Plan for steady growth and pad yourself for  

mistakes. Your funding requires a frugal mind.mistakes. Your funding requires a frugal mind. helps you stay realistic.helps you stay realistic.

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Business Name

1.3 MissionThe Company’s mission statement is as follows:

“**insert your mission statement here**.”

1.4 Company OwnershipBusiness Name will be a **insert Company structure here** registered in the state of **insert state of registration**.

The Company will be jointly owned by **insert owner(s) and percentages**.

1.5 Company LocationBusiness Name will be located in **add location here**.

**THIS IS THE EASY PARTTHIS IS THE EASY PART**But… choosing a location matters for your incorporation,But… choosing a location matters for your incorporation, 

taxes, and demographics (if you service or sell locally).taxes, and demographics (if you service or sell locally). has the research.has the research.

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Business Name

2.0 Products and ServicesBusiness Name will be a locally-owned business located in will be headquartered in **add locationhere**. Add a paragraph about the products and/or services you will sell, with detailed information or descriptions if applicable.

**KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SELLINGKNOW WHAT YOU’RE SELLING** You may be able to speak about your product or service You may be able to speak about your product or service 

knowledgably and passionately, but can youknowledgably and passionately, but can you writewrite thethe same waysame way convincingly convincingly ?? are the expert business planare the expert business plan 

writers, editors, researchers and financial modelers.writers, editors, researchers and financial modelers.

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Business Name

3.0 Market Analysis SummaryThe Company’s location in **insert city** (**insert county**) places it in a thriving and diversemetropolitan area. The specific location will be chosen to maximize the store’s ability to tap into a steadystream of consumer traffic. The following table provides the most current U.S. Census data with regard tothe population growth of XXXXX County. **the latest county population data can be found**

County Population & Growth1

The following table provides pertinent figures for the population living within five miles of theCompany’s location. **add a table that provides the most recent demographic information for the areaimmediately surrounding your business**

Full Demographic Report


1.0 miles


3.0 miles


5.0 miles

2010 Total Population2015 Total Population

2010 - 2015 Annual Rate

2010 Households2010 Average Household Size

2010 Families

2010 Average Family Size

Median Household Income


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Business Name

$100,000 - $149,999$150,000 - $199,999

$200,000 + Average Household Income

2010 Population by Age

Total0 - 45 - 910 - 1415 - 19

20 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445 - 5455 - 6465 - 7475 - 8485+18+

2010 Population by Sex


2010 Population 25+ by Educational Attainment

TotalLess than 9th Grade

9th - 12th Grade, No DiplomaHigh School Graduate

Some College, No DegreeAssociate Degree

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Business Name

Number of people employed in this industry: 000,000Total annual sales in this industry: $000,000

 Average number of employees per establishment: 0 Average sales per establishment (unknown values are excluded from the average): $000,000 Market Analysis by State and Metropolitan AreaState/Metro No Bus. % Total Total




**add data about your specific state**add data about your specific metro area, if available

3.3 Competitive ComparisonBusiness Name has identified the following primary competitors. For a comprehensive analysis of theCompany’s competitive strengths, refer to 4.1 Competitive Edge.Competitor 1



Competitor 2



Competitor 3


For a comprehensive analysis of the Company’s competitive strengths, refer to 4.1 Competitive Edge.

**DO YOU KNOW YOUR COMPETITION?DO YOU KNOW YOUR COMPETITION?**Saying “I don’t have any competition because my businessSaying “I don’t have any competition because my business

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Business Name

4.0 Strategy and Implementation SummaryThe Company recognizes that building its brand is important to securing a strong standing. Therefore,Business Name will focus on building a brand that encompasses its quality and overall excellence. Toraise brand awareness among its intended audience, the Company will create an appealing logo that it willuse throughout its promotional strategy and in its various marketing materials. This will aid in brandreinforcement and adoption, and the enhanced growth of its name and positive reputation among itsintended target audience.

With its brand and guiding principles established, Business Name will send a clear message about what it

stands for, thereby building brand loyalty and encouraging the steady growth of its base of clientele.

Business Name intends to achieve the following objectives: 

o Establish a strong brand name and reputation in the industry

o Fuel growth through positive word of mouth referrals

In order to reach these operational goals, the Company will build on its strengths and advantages as

outlined in the following section.

4.1 Competitive EdgeThe Company intends to capitalize on its core strengths in order to establish itself as a leading **insert business type** in the area. These competitive advantages are outlined in greater detail below.

o Affordable prices

o Superior level of professionalismo Extensive marketing tactics will reach a large segment of customers

4 2 Marketing Strategy

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Business Name

to 68% today.3

• Yellow Pages: Business Name will purchase a large advertisement in the Yellow Pages, which briefly lists the Company’s various services, hours of operation, and location.

**WHAT’S YOUR STRATEGY?WHAT’S YOUR STRATEGY?**Do you know, or do you think you know? With over 12,000Do you know, or do you think you know? With over 12,000 

business plans written, MasterPlans has the marketingbusiness plans written, MasterPlans has the marketing strategy to fit your business model.strategy to fit your business model. has done it for has done it for  

entrepreneurs all over the globe, more than 12,000entrepreneurs all over the globe, more than 12,000 


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Business Name

5.0 Management Summary

**include detailed biographical information about each owner in this section**

5.1 Personnel Plan

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Business Name

6.0 Financial IndicatorsThe following table summarizes the Company’s projected financial performance with standardizedmeasurement indicators used to evaluate profitability, leverage, asset turnover, and liquidity. As with anylong-range projection, accuracy is based on reasonable estimates of return on investment and past performance. The Company believes the following numbers are attainable and reasonable. However,actual results will vary.

**THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNINGTHIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING** Your financials aren’t going to get any easier. Nearly all Your financials aren’t going to get any easier. Nearly all 

bank loans require a 3-year financial model. Equity, VCbank loans require a 3-year financial model. Equity, VC or Angel Investors may require 5-year or longer.or Angel Investors may require 5-year or longer. makes it easy, because wemakes it easy, because we do all of it for all of it for you.

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Business Name

6.1 Revenue ForecastThe following is a three-year revenue forecast. Direct costs include all costs which can be directly tied to

revenue and include “cost of goods.”

6.2 Break-even AnalysisThe following break-even analysis shows the revenue necessary to break even in the first year of operation. It equilibrates revenue and expenses. As shown below, the Company is expected to incur average monthly fixed costs of in Year 1. To cover fixed costs and variable costs, which rise and fall withrevenue, the Company must, on average, achieve revenue of per month to break even.

**BREAK-EVENBREAK-EVEN**This comes down to understanding the numbers in front of This comes down to understanding the numbers in front of  

you, and what it takes to meet and exceed your baseyou, and what it takes to meet and exceed your base 

costs. How soon do you break-even?costs. How soon do you break-even?

www MasterPlans comwww MasterPlans com will write a plan to take youwill write a plan to take you

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Business Name

6.3 Projected Profit and LossThe Company intends to deploy its funding to maximize growth and profitability. In the Profit and Loss

table below, gross margin equals sales minus direct costs. The “bottom line” or profit (as measured beforeand after interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) equals gross margin minus operating expenses.


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6.4 Projected Cash FlowThe following depictions of the Company’s projected cash flow show that the Company expects tomaintain sufficient cash balances over the three years of this plan. The “pro forma cash flow” table differsfrom the “pro forma profit and loss” (P&L) table. Pro forma cash flow is intended to represent the actual

flow of cash in and out of the Company. In comparison, the revenue and expense projections on the P&Ltable include “non-cash” items and exclude funding and investment illustrations.

**THE REASON YOU’RE BUSINESS EXISTSTHE REASON YOU’RE BUSINESS EXISTS**Know what it takes to keep the engine running strong. GetKnow what it takes to keep the engine running strong. Get 

the tools you need to grow it.the tools you need to grow it. buildsbuilds your your financials.financials.

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6.5 Projected Balance Sheet

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**SO YOU THINK YOU’RE ALL DONE?SO YOU THINK YOU’RE ALL DONE?**It takes the average entrepreneur 400 or more hours to complete a business planIt takes the average entrepreneur 400 or more hours to complete a business plan 

(according to the SBA). How did you do? Check out a number of sample(according to the SBA). How did you do? Check out a number of sample business plans at and see what it plans at and see what it takes. lets you be the expert you already are, withoutlets you be the expert you already are, without 

asking you to be a star writer/editor/researcher/financial modeler as well.asking you to be a star writer/editor/researcher/financial modeler as well.

Go to to learn more.

MasterPlans writes the business plan for you. You’ll work with a dedicated projectmanager directing a team of writers, editors, researchers and financial modelers on your businessplan.

Call to learn more about our affordable pricing: 1-877-453-2011

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