by: beverlee harbour gopp, author choose gratitude not attitude even when sh*t hits the fan!

By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

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Page 1: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author

Choose Gratitude Not Attitude

Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Page 2: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

I am Coach Be, Motivational Coach and Creator of Walking in the NOW, a walk and talk program designed to tone up

and tune in.

Page 3: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

My goal is to show you how easy it is to find the gratitude in your life no matter what.

By focusing on and writing down gratitude statements this will give you the awareness to create a more positive outcome in your life as you start to focus on all that you have instead of all that you lack.

Page 4: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

How many actually practice daily gratitude now?

What does this phrase mean to you?

Page 5: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Writing out everything you are grateful for daily is very powerful.

When something negative happens, look for the positive or the silver lining.

Notice the lessons you are learning. What will you do differently next time? Who does this experience effect and how can

you show them compassion?

Page 6: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Please take a moment and write 3 reasons why you are grateful today.

Start each sentence with I am grateful and then complete that thought.

It might be who you are grateful for being.Who are you grateful for having in your life?What’s something you have done recently

that would give another person gratitude?

Page 7: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

They are YOU being in conscious control of your thoughts.

They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even

hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality.

Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.

Page 8: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Research has shown that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts a minute.

Research has also shown that for most people 80% of those thoughts are negative.

We have been taught to think that most of these 51,000 thoughts are “sub-conscious” thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level. Affirmations actually make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious.

Page 9: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts.

When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over.

It actually proves what your mother always warned: be careful of what you think because what you think is what you get. She was basically telling you that you create what you think about.

Page 10: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

When you’re not aware of your thoughts, they tend to be negative.

Not being aware of your thoughts tends to cause a nasty spiral downward.

Remember that 80% figure of negative thoughts? It gets worse.

Whatever you are thinking about, 90% gets carried over to the next day’s 51,000 thoughts.

So, if you’re thinking negative thoughts, you will cause yourself to think more negative thoughts.

Page 11: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Affirmations can change all of that! Affirmations make YOU conscious of your

thoughts. To affirm means to say something positively. It means to declare firmly and assert

something to be true. Affirmations are statements where you assert

that what you want to be true is true.

Page 12: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

I am the most powerful human in the world!I live in the universal flow of life!My life is wealth!My choice is priceless!My love of self is power!I am infinite!I am love!I am the most powerful human in the world!

Page 13: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Create awareness so that you can diminish the negative thoughts and create more fulfilling, positive and happy thoughts.

Page 14: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Do you want be in a fantastic mood every day? Do you want to have great relationships with

your spouse, significant other, children, etc.?Do you want to be successful at work - getting

along well with your boss and co-workers? Do you want abundance in your life? Do you want to be able to live fully knowing

that you are loved? Well, you can! You only have to change your mindset and step

into gratitude.

Page 15: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

The law of attraction is defined as, "That which is like unto itself is drawn."

That means what I project, I reflect. What I think about and speak about will

become my reality. The more I complain, the more I notice things

to complain about. The more I appreciate, the more I become

appreciative as the universal flow of energy resonates with this belief as awareness and experience becomes heightened.

Page 16: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Would you agree this is one of the first steps toward self-awareness?

Becoming conscious of what you are radiating and mirroring back?

Page 17: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

I was in the mortgage industry and at the end of 2007, the lender I worked for closed their doors without notice.

My six figure income disappeared and our credit card debt grew.

I looked for work, went on some really great interviews and even though I thought for sure I would get a call with a hire date, I never did.

I became depressed, I gained 20 pounds and I lived under the covers. I had no job, no identity and it felt like no one wanted me.

Page 18: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!
Page 19: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

I started walking out in nature, practicing meditation and learned to live in the now of the moment, not the fear of tomorrow.

I wrote ten reasons I was grateful every single day.

I became a motivational coach so that I could motivate and inspire others.

I learned to quiet the self-deprecating talk and I limited the negativity that surrounded me.

I stopped watching violent television.I stopped reading murder mysteries.

Page 20: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

I became joyful, happier and a much more positive person.

AND I lost 20 pounds!

Page 21: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

The change in me was so powerful that I started a gratitude blog and sent it out to all my old mortgage friends that were still struggling.

I learned to choose gratitude not attitude even when sh*t hit did the fan!

I have filled up on so much gratitude that I am able to step into my purpose with passion and love.

I am following my dream.

Page 22: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!
Page 23: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Each of you will receive a free half hour coaching session with me, to create action steps for your number one goal!

If you purchase my book today, YOU will get a free one hour coaching session to create action steps for your top three goals!

That's a free offer worth $125!!

Page 24: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

When you're in a bad mood you attract angry people.

When you're happy and joyful you attract other happy and joyful people.

If you are feeling fat, you cannot attract thin.When you are feeling alone and unloved you

will not attract a relationship. When you come from a place of lack, you will

not attract abundance.

Page 25: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Having an 'almost' traffic accident? Reactions can vary from choice swear words and

middle finger salutes to heart racing fear that stays with you for a while.

What if instead of getting angry at the other person we immediately thanked ourselves for the awareness of that merging bumper!

We didn't hit them, they didn't hit us. Why are we upset?

Perfect time to practice gratitude and forgiveness. After all, how many times do you think you've done the same thing to someone else?

Page 26: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Day 9, excerpt From, ChooseGratitude NotAttitude EvenWhen Sh*t Hitsthe Fan!

Page 27: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!
Page 28: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Turn to the person seated to your right and look right into their eyes and with a big huge smile and a whole lotta love say, "I am grateful you are here."

Turn to the person on your left and say, "I am grateful you are here."

Stand up, raise your right arm, bend at the elbow, pat yourself on the back and say, "I am grateful I am here."

Page 29: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Rosa Parks is the 42 year old woman in 1955 who wouldn't give up her seat to a white man.

Her white employer tried to rape her when she was only 18 and working as a domestic in his home?

Even before that day on the bus in December, Rosa Parks worked for the local chapter of the NAACP and investigated the case of Recy Taylor, a 24-year-old Alabama sharecropper who was kidnapped and raped by a group of white men in 1944.

She brought widespread attention to that and other cases of rape of black women in the south.

Page 30: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!
Page 31: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

I am grateful to learn that drinking excessively leaves me with no control or awareness.

I am grateful to see myself through the eyes of another. I am grateful to understand the difference between victim

and warrior. I am grateful to feel, know and wear my own power and

strength. I am grateful to have a voice and the freedom to use it. I am grateful to realize how much I wanted to be liked, loved

and accepted. I am grateful to tap into my intuition and my internal

compass and pay attention to negative influences BEFORE there is a result.

I am grateful to experience an awakening and shift the path I was taking.

I am grateful to discover how worthy I am. I am grateful to know that no one can take advantage of me

unless I allow it. 

Page 32: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!


Take one of those stories and write out the best lessons, discoveries, events, people you met, this led to that, benefits, empathy for another, ability to teach, blessings, encouragement, community, awareness... Whatever it is for you…

What can you have gratitude about as you look back with the wisdom of today?

Page 33: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!
Page 34: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

She was able to let go of the victim she had become and recognize her strength and voice.

I helped her discover the gratitude of the woman she became.

Page 35: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

As your awareness heightens, you discover your gratitude and your language patterns start to change.

You become more forgiving. Less judgmental. Your energy becomes more positive and that

is what you will attract, more positive experiences.

Page 36: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

The secret to success is gratitude! Having the awareness to appreciate ALL that

you have reflected back to yourself. Do you see the importance of this and how

writing down your gratitude every day will change your life?

You are affirming your conscious thought.

Page 37: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

For every event in your life, write down ten reasons you are grateful.

For every person that you love, write down ten reasons you are grateful for them.

For every situation that seemingly goes wrong, write down ten reasons you are grateful.

Page 38: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

How does gratitude turn into success?Awareness. Focus. Projection. Manifestation. What you project you reflect. So by projecting gratitude what will you

reflect back?

Page 39: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Turn to the person next to you, give them a high five and say, "I am grateful for you."

Turn to the other person sitting next to you, give them a high five and say, "I am grateful for you!"

Put your right arm straight up, bend your elbow, pat yourself on the back and say, "I am grateful for me!"

Page 40: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Day 24

Page 41: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Special offer for those of you here in the room today?

If you purchase my book, you will receive a free one hour of coaching.

This is worth $125!We will review your top three goals and

create action steps to successfully achieve them.

Page 42: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

What are you grateful for today?

Page 43: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!

Who would like to share the benefit they received today?

A new thought pattern? A different way of looking at something? Any aha moments?

Page 44: By: Beverlee Harbour Gopp, Author Choose Gratitude Not Attitude Even When Sh*t Hits the Fan!