by bohyun kim presented by: rithya lath responsive web design, discoverability, and mobile challenge

BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

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Page 1: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge



Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile


Page 2: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge


IntroductionWhat is Responsive Design (Improvements)?ImplementationAdvantages of Responsive Design?IssuesResources and Tools that solve these issuesConclusion

Page 3: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

Responsive Design

Support devices of the present / futureUsability

Page 4: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

The Motivation

Pixel perfect web designZoom, pinch, and pan for important

information.people want to be able to do almost

everything mobile that they do on a desktop computer.

Page 5: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

The Motivation

Mobile site on a sub-domain

Issues Maintainability Updating Content in multiple locations Web Crawlers Only shows “Important” information

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Responsive Design

Flexible Grids, Grid based layoutMedia Queries

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Starbucks Responsive Design

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Update only in one spotLess promotionFully featured contentIncrease usability (devices)Web crawlersWeb analytics

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Be aware!

More planning / timeContent Length / ClutterImagesTablesSlow performance is a common problem in

responsive websites!

Page 10: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

Solving the planning issue

Modernizr for detection on older browsers960 grid + media queriesContent Management Systems

Drupal Wordpress Joomla

Page 11: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

Why the 960 grid and not 980 or 100 grid?

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CNN 960 grid 16 columns

Page 13: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

Solving the Image Issue

Images become distorted with percentagesFixed images don’t scale well on smaller

windowsPicturefill method

Multiple images needed More semantics

Adaptive Images Library -Apache PHP

Page 14: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

Adaptive images

Add .htaccess and adaptive-images.php to your document-root folder.

Add one line of JavaScript into the <head> of your site.

Add your CSS Media Query values into $resolutions in the PHP file.

Page 15: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

How it Adaptive Images work

Cookie saves screen resBrowser encounters <img> and request to

serverHtaccess file is readRule sents to processing file..PHP uses the cookie and compares image to

resProcess creates a new version of the image

and sends back to client if image is not found..

Page 16: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge

Solving the Table Issue

Color code techniqueSticky Left Column techniqueDrop down menu for columns

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Speed up performance

Serve appropriate imagesUse Conditional LoadingMinify your external files (css, js, etc)Caching

- varnish

Use sprites when possible

Page 18: BY BOHYUN KIM PRESENTED BY: RITHYA LATH Responsive Web Design, Discoverability, and Mobile Challenge


Responsive design is having your site scale on various screen sizes by giving users a fully featured site and enjoyable experience just as the desktop version would.

Prepares content for present / future devices960 grid Your site is unique, so there is no one stop for a

solution. Use the various tools at your disposal. No perfect formula for responsive design.

Content is King. Develop for content, not devices!